Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1904, p. 1

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head store 3 ircle, out of jue to great ing at s will s for { as0ns. price $2 50. good qual- eels, worth , the solid cather all ith rubber regular 5, price $5, any wha r this sale," £4, 71ST YEAR. NO. 15. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 190%. RS -- LAST EDITION, DAILY MEMORANDA. Pay water rate and save discount. JANUARY SALE | --OF Social function at Yacht Club house, EL ge 8 pm. | The longer a man lives the less advice he gives. Cupid is overworked, and it's a labor Big Reductions in all of love, at that. Fame is all right in its way; but for Expensive Furnituro. tune outweighs it. Love in a cottage is often a case of vivid imagination. Creditors of' G. M. Wilkinson & Son meet, 8 p.m, Wednesday. Don't forget to pay gas and electric light 'accounts and save discount. * January 19th in history: James Watt, engineer died, 1736; burial 'of Sir John Moore, at Corunna, 1809; gold stand; regular price $75, for $55. discovered in California, 1844: Coperni- Mahogany Dressers and Wash- : cu oge! 72; British defeat stand, (regular price, $35, for $25. Soeiait 880. ¥, UTD Bejuid re Sideboard, $65; for $50, "All other goods in proportion. "'Bolid Brass Beds; regular price $50, for $35. Mahogany Dressers and Wash ROBT. J. REID, Leading Funeral Director, 2 Doors Above the Opera House. * Ambulsnce Toleph one 577. Wood Burning Outfit We have them from $1 up. /™hiso An Artistically Framed Picture J Our Frames are MADE IN KING- STON and are guaranteed by the ADDS A SPICE It surely adds a spice to a good meal to have it served in good dishes. nates. These splendid Dinner Sets, at & $9, will enable you to have a KIRKPATRICK'S Aone: | 2c locking tare siwars - bh ~|..ROBERTSON BROS.. 3 . Special Values ! will offer our entire stock at the following reduced prices; . i 0 Purse Bags, Un- The pride of the modern home is the Bronacs, Pu Hep, Hand ' EB, ddinty modern bath' room, every home brellus and Canes, we will give a should have the comfort of a luxurious, cleanly bath room, which shall be sani- practical, beautiful and economi- cal. M you want lowest prices for best y , workmanship and material give us a call. |g Silver Plated Goods, 20 per cent. Watches and Diamonds, DAVID HALL, Sanitary Plumber, 1 For the balance of the month 'we On Cut Glass, China Clocks, discount of -25 per cent. On Sterling Silver and Solid Gold Goods, 10 per cent. On all Roll Plate Jewelery and TABLE WARE § ,, REMEMBER & First Quality Plate the month only, afterwards ag Knives, Spoons and Forks. We have ailine of these goods in the «French tray" Finish, called-the "Flor= al" patterns: Adk to see'it;. we have it. in fancy places © blee, and sleel there is nothing thet. is richer in appearance or goods resume their original prices. VEWELLER, & "Corner Princess apd Wellington | ~ Strects. = fs 5 § B. CREW 5,5 Sg "Store. closes at ¢ oelock, Sa. & ¢ ye at 9 o'clock, pa; 'Phone SMITH BR.OS., ah. A # Jewellers snd Opticians, 350 King St. Smoked Glasses ease the sun's bright glare. FARMERS, ATTENTION | HIDES TANNED Also all kinds of Skins with hair or fur on. Satisfaction guaranteed and goods returned promptly. W. B. Cunningham, *** *iron. ont. TAKE NOTIC E VOR TYE WITH THY LONeERY THAT ANY TAXES DUE TOW SEAUTIFUL MAIR IN = LV ship of Kingston not paid before Feb- PRGOFS OF INH I% ruary 1st, 1904, will be collected, with costy added. J. F. LEATHERLAND, Treasurer. 4 epee -------------- eee | Kingston Conservatory of Music Sl STERS INSTRUCTION IN PIANO, VIOLIN, HAIR GROWER Orchestra and Band Instruments, Sing- IMPORTANT NOTICE. ing, Theory including Harmony, Coun- tdrponnet, Composition, Instrumental, usical History and Acoustics Address 0. F: Telgmann, 222Johnston St. ---------------------------------------- ---------- WANTED. sm SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS WRITING beg to announce to the ladies of King- v ston and vicinity that they have made arrangements With the Mahood Drug Store, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Kingston, and will hold daily consulta- tions for two weeks commencing Mon- day, January 11th, regarding the treat- ment of hair and scalp. They respect- SECOND-HAND ROLL-TOP T Desk and Chair. Apply Mr. Ramagh, Iroquois Hotel. ---------------------------------- A SITUATION AS TYPEWRITER, speedy and competent; best of refer- © Apply through this office. ences. IT fully inyite everyone to call and consult WELLING, FOR MAY 1ST, WITH | with them. See their long, beautiful wy rooms, from, $13, to $15 per |hair, the result of the use of the Seven month. Address 51 Brock street. Sutherfand Sisters Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner. t seven Sutherland Sisters, sole manu- facturers and proprietors. Canadian WE WANT A FEW PEOPLE IN EACH Head parlors, 256 Yonge St., Toronto ality to work for us during, spare 8 4 Liberal pay. me any. London, Ontario. | ¥- H. Bailey, foreign manager. AGHNTS AVERAGE $6.00 A DAY KINGSTON COVERED RINK the year round selling our goods. Always in use. Household neceasi- ties, not fads or luxuries. No dull season. Write G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. HOCKEY MATCH 0. H. A. Junior Series R.M.C. IT vs. QUEEN'S III WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20. Game called 8:15 Admission 1c. HARRY MINER'S THEATRE, EARN A BETTER SALARY AND POSI- tion." Study Electricity, Mechanical Engineering. Telegraphy, at home, by correspondence. Thousands success ful. Thomas A. Edison indorses In- | stitute Book, 'Can 1 Become an mailed free. Electrical Engineer 2" r toctrical Engineer Institute, New ork, - ~ | Used By Jews Of Ghetto, Is "Made His Fortune In Canada. Burning. Londen, Jan. 19.--The missicnary at New York, Jan. 19.~Harry Miner's {he Marthorough street police court Peoples" theatre, on the Bowery is burning. There was no one in the thea has reecived a letter from D. 0'Con tre but a watchman so far as known, nor, who twenty "years ago was a t London waif, and has now made a | and he is believed to have escaped fortune in Canada, saving his happi v,the piace hed heen given over ness would he complete if he were able | to the Jews of thé east side Ghet to find his mother. as a play house. P------ . Josinh Hoopes, the eminent botan- | A mild case of smallpo¥ has devel ist and writer on horticulture, died | oped in a nurse recently arrived at on Friday. at West Chester, Pa. | Mimico asylum, which is now guaran The school caretakers are doing fire | tind. It ix Delieved she contracted the drill to-day all right. i | | | | disease at howe. 3 For Ald to the Ottawa University GENEROSITY IS BEING SHOWN TOWARDS IN- STITUTION. C..A. E. Harris' New Appointment --Record Chinese Immigration --~General Capital Tidings. Ottawa, Jan. 19.--The Ottawa Uni: versity authorities havo issued their pamphlet in appeal to the public for aid in the re-construction of the build ings recently destroyed by fire. The pamphlet gives a complete history of the fire snd the circumstences sur rounding it, and says that the future of the university depends largely on what its friends can do for it within a reasonable time. It points out that the university was built up for more than fifty years by saciitice and un- tiring energy until it Jas reached go foremost stand as an iastitution to draw: eloser the bounds of fraternal fecl- ing between the French and English speaking of the dominicn. The pamphlet also sets forth that the archbishop of Ottawa and chancel lor of thd university has generously undertaken to contribute the sum of 840,000 towards the erection of a theological department. The Canadian province of the Oblate Order has agreed to subscribe £10,000, and it is expected that the province oi the Unit ed States will subscribe a like sum, Definite plans of rebuilding have not yet been formed, but it is generally ad mitted that two or three or more sep- arate buildings should take the place of the ruined structure. > K. ilarrise, the well-known local musician has been made organiz ing director of the conservatory of music whith is to be established = im mediately in connection with McGill University, real. The returns ath rede and com- merce de tment show th during the month of Docomber hinese were admitted to Canada ns compared with 250 in the same month in 1902. This great rush was due to it being the last month that Chinese were able to come into Canada under the $100 surtax. The governments of Ontario and the Dominion have come, to an under standing in regard to the regulations to 'be enforced for the protection of ish in Ontario. It is now probable that the dominion will shortly issue new regulations limiting the number and lixing the legal size and weight of fish to be taken by sportsmen, and extending the close season for #hose fish that seem to require it. It ie also understood that the netting of black bass will in future be strictly prohib- ited, and that for three or lour years the exportation of black bass or trout from the province will be prohibited. A telegram from Vancouver anhoun ces the death on Sunday night, of Mr. Milne, collector of customs at Vie toria, B.C. There is talk of a commission being appointed to investigate the Mani toba and North-West fisheries, Representations will shortly be made to the government asking for a new customs house for Ottawa. The thermometer registered twenty- eight degrees below hete this morning; forty-three was registered at Pem broke. A LONG COURTSHIP. And Resulted In Breach Of Promise Suit. New York, Jan. 19.--~The Herald has the following special from London What compensation can be made to a woman who, after being engaged for a quarter of a century, is finally jilted by the man who had won her maiden affections ? A jury the other day as sessed it at £550 (83,250). Miss Eliza Dawes, of Manchester, sued William Brown for breach of promise. She is now forty-six ahd he is fifty-two. She was a girl of eighteen when Brown won her heart and two years later they became engaged. Brown promis ing to wed her as soon as his mother died--an event which was shortly ex pected--but Mrs. Drown persisted in living on until two years ago. "Then the marriage was set for March, 1902 To Brown, howe , the' idea of mar riage seems to have lost its charm, for suddenly he sailed for America and there became engaged to a young wo man. So the first and faithful be trothed believed it her duty to insti tute proceedings against the fickle Brown, especially as she had during the twenty-six years refused four other offers of marriage. JOSEPH HOWE MEMORIAL. Hebert And McCarthy Submitted Models. 'an. 19.~Modelh for Ioreph Howe to ovine govern ment next srtunn on the i00th an piversary of !i Lith, hate Leen sub- mi'ted to the oh nt comwi by Hamilton McCarthy and I. Lert, the Canadian artists B wo Hear handsome works, mounted on trls and are excellent representations f the great Nova Scotian statesman, poet and orator, who, fifty vears ago, syvmided the note of imperialism in anada. The committee has not yet jade a decision. -------------- They are the advance agints for grippe, chills and severe pains in the why the r found the price of Canadian flour too high is that they have been accustom: soft grades of wheat from the 4244405440400 JAPS AND OUR FLOUR. Do Not Know The Superiority Of Opera house announcements on page 4. | MAKE APPEAL Its Quality. Montreal, Jan. 19.--'"The reason Japanese government has ed to get flour manufactured from, the Ameri- can companies, and do not understand the great difiererice in the grade of Canadian wheat," was the reply made to the statement of the Japancse gov- ernment representative by Thomas Meighan, president of the Lake of the Woods Milling company. "And not knowing the difference in grades, the Japanese," Mr. Meighan, '"'are unwilling to pay the difference in price, On quality, the Canadian flour is just as cheap as the American, but the better the quality the higher the price." "Mr. Blake's Health. > + Hon. Edward Blake has + retirned to. his London + residence, says an English + paper. Writing to a col- + league, Mr. i Blake says: + «1 am certainly improved «+ in health, thiough still very + far from well, and unable + to do hard work. I am trying to get feady for the session, and trust to be en- + abled to take my part, but + I have to be very watchful 4 for the: coming year, if I 4 am to avoid another break- 4 down." Mr. Blake is sev- 4 enty years of age. 3 +444 40t: eomtt-------- HANNA'S ATTITUDE | To Roosevelt Will Be Known Soon. Washington, Jan. 19. Definite as- shrances were given yesterday by Sena- dor Hanna to personal friends that within a few days his attitude rela tive to President Roosevelt's nomina tion, would he definitely known. From the same source comes a report that Hanna and the trust bureau now are turning towards some other candidate, who will be pitted against the presi dent, Hanna being de termined that the fight can bo made more effective in that manner. a-------------- Fifth Son On Same Date. louisville, Ky., Jan. 19.---A fifth con was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. William Leroy. Their other chil dren were born ag follows : January 15th, 1900, George M. Leroy; January 15th, 1901, P. Ashton Leroy; January 15th, 1902, Peter Leroy; January 15th, 1903, Alexander Goldsborough Leroy. The Leroys live in Owen county, Mrs. Leroy was a Blue Grass belle, being a member of the noted Hardin family. Her: husband is a stockbreed: Contrast For Paper. Toronto, Jan. 19.--~The Ontario gov- ernment has passed an order-in-coun- cil awarding the contract for paper for the next five years to the Rior- dan firm, of Merritton. The price is said to be much below what the rov ernment has paid previously. The con- tract, it is understood, is worth in the neighborhood of £10,000 .to 212, 000 per year. The competition this year was decidedly keen, ---- Rancher Dropped Dead. St. Thomas, Ont., Jan. 19.--William R. Stewart, an extensive rancher of Alberta fell dead in the C.P.R. city ticket office, in this city, yesterday af ternoon. Mr. Stewart, accompanied bv his wife, and six-year-old bov. was on the way from visiting rela- tives at Ridgetown to visit friendls at Galt and Guelph. Heart failure was the cause of death. Se-- Electrocuted By a Saucepan. Parie, Jan. 19.--M. Fay, the engi neer of the High Tension Electric Pow er company, of Thiers, was killed yes terday hy coming in contact with an electrified saucepan. The engineer was investigating a deviation of current, when he touched the saucepan with his foot. He stumbled forward, and, ut tering several unintelligible words, fell to. the ground Three doctors at tempted to restore animation, but without avail: 1t was found that the saucepan lay upon a live wire, and that a current = of 10,000 volts had pa-sed through M. Fay's body. Sold Carpet Tacks For Pills. Belleville, Ont., Jan. 19.--A patent medicine pedlar, who was around here some time ago, is discovered to have worked a fraud. He went from house to house offering 'for sale alleged beef and iron pills offering twenty-five cent boxes for fiftcen cents. He made a few sales, and cne of the boxes when opened, was discovered to contain six carpet tacks and a piece of chalk. How many have been victimized it is hard to say ees Major Maud Divorced. London, Jan. 19.-sJustice Jeune, in the high court of justice has granted Major Walter Desaumarcz Maud adi vorce from his wife on the ground that her marriage to Daniel R. Han na, of Cleveland, Ohio, was bigamous. The Mauds were married at New York, April 19th, 1897. While Mand was fighting in South Africa his wife obtained a divorce from him in Am- erica, and on February 19th, 1900, married Mr. Hanna. et. The annual fir ial "statement of the provinee of Dritish Columbia was submitted to the legislature on Mon day afternoon. The estimated expen- diture is 232.412.2954 and the' total re ceipts are estimated dt $2,552,076. The head. Gibson's Rel Cross grippe tab lets cure grippe and colds, Taylor's lettuce cream if applied af- | ; ter washing will soften the hands ! | wonderfully. H, B, Taylor Drug Co, supplementary estimated expenditure is SIR5.413. Englich Horse and Cattle Tonic. The 2c. package is 2 for 25c. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, ed Despatches From Near And Distant Places, - EVENTS OF DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST FOS- SIELE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The number of Jews in the world is estimated at over 11,000,000. W. E. Maybury, farmer, near Lis- towel, lost his way and was found frozen to "death. ; Licut. Kolshak has failed to find any trace of the Russian Arctic explor- er Baron Toll. The contract for the new water works at Levis, Que., costing $287,000 has been signed. This is the birthday of James Watt, who invented the steam engine. He was born in 1736. Three men were arrested at Chicago charged with robbing victims of the Iroquois theatre fire. The governor-gencral, Sir. Willrid Laurier and R: L. Borden spoke at the Canadian Club banquet, in Otta- wa. A man named Ziese, a veteran of the Cuban war, has been found with his throat cut in a barn at Roberts dale, Ind. Henry Morgan, formetly of Mon treal, was fatally burned by carbolic acid, in the laboratory of a Seattle drug shop. R. B. Bennett announces that he cannot be the conservative candidate for Calgary, NW.T., on account of business reasons. The New York Herald savs there is growing feeling among republicans in that city in favor of Senator Hanna as presidential candidate. In an official protest, General Reyes declares that the United States' ac- tion regarding Panama is tantamount to war upon his country. J. P. Morgan has taken a suite of rooms in Montreal, which he will oc- cupy about February lst. It is said the object of his visit will be pleasure. The reischstag will be asked to authorize re-inforcements for German South Africa, where the rebellious na- tives are meeting with much success. Thirty men are at work upon the steamer Chicora in the government dry dock. Two new cylinders for the hig boat are now being made in Tor cighty-one years at oneitime largely also a prominent figure matters for many years, died yester- day. Samuel Thompson, deputy returning ofiver in subdivision 9, of the fourth ward, Toronto, was arrested, charged with fraudulently voting for control- lera. A serutiny of the ballots has begun. East Simcoe liberals nominated George Chew, Midland, for the com mons, at a convention held at Orillia, Ont. He asked a little time for con sideration. Mr. Chew was the candi date at last dominion election, and was defeated by W. H. Bennett, MP, by a majority of thirty-nine, Dr. Charles A. Biiggs, of New York, who was tried for heresy by the Pros byterians and afterwards joined Protestant Episcopal church, has caused # sensation in denying the validity of Anglican or ders, and uttering other doctrines in; compatible with church. Bishop Potter is to hold an investigation. ep m---- : TRYING TO TRACE.IT. re Sensational Arrest 18 Looked For At Any Time. Winnipeg, Jan. 19.-Important de velopments are expected in Caleary during the next day or two in connec- jon with the package containing $10,. 000, in Bank of Hamilton bills, lost wix weeks ago in transit between Win nipeg and the coast. For over a week John G. Callahan, a Pinkerton man from St. Paul, and R. G. Chamberlain, 'a Dominion Be been in Calgary quietly working on the case. These men, it is believed have ahout concluded the preliminary investigation and a sensational an nouncement is looked for now. Both detectives have been in con stant contact with the mail clerks running between Calgary and Moose jaw, and also to the coast. The de tectives have sought the co-operation of the mounted police, and the latter are ready to proceed with any arrest when the proper time comes. ------ Health Means Success. Impossible for a man or womap to be a business success without health, A strong body and an active mind go together. Wade's Tron Tonic Pills give both. Try them. In boxes, 25e., at Wade's. Money back if not satisfac tory. ------------ William Permingham of Ottawa, ron of © Mrs. Bermingham, Bagot street, Kingston, has been awarded the ten- der for the extension of the crib work | at the lower entrance of the "Soo" { canal. We may expect a fine summer with | : 3 all the microbes frozen up this win ter. Fresh menthol cough drops. Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Shivery, shakery it was cold, last night § WORLD NEWS, Oar BALE, of Meceiakville, aged engaged in the lumber business mand in municipal the | ernment a scratch cabinet. New York, by the faith of the cret. Service man from Ottawa, have LIVED TO BE 112. Indiana, Pa., Jan. 19.--Mrs. Leah Keith, Indiana county's oldest resi: dent, died at her home near Gries more at the age of 31% Although she had lived in this county Hor eighty years she was never in the county seat and never saw & railroad train until about four years avo, when the Pennsvivania railroad projected a branch into the territory 'adjacent to her home. In her younger days she was a great lover of music and was quite an artist in the buckwheat songs then prevail ing. Modern tuncs and hymns never appealed to her. In later vears, when on numerous oocasions she fell into swoons, noth: ing was 80 potent a restorative as to have some of the older neighbors come in and sing the buckwheat songs of long ago. AN HOTEL PROPRIETOR -- E Tipsy Man At JYaffray, B.C. Fernie, B.C., Jan. 19.--At Jafiray, a small lumber town. thirty-two miles west of here, on Saturday night, John Mefice a voung lumber jack, was in- stantly killed hy being bored throush the body with two shots from a six: teen calibre shot gun at close rane, in the hands of Louis Gillier. nroprie- tor of the Jaffray Hotel. McGee and two companions had been around the hotel all evening. and had taken con- siderable at the bar. Just belore' re tiring McGee acted in a familiar man- towards Mrs, Gillier, whereupon . Gillier fired two shots at him, McGee died immediately. Gillier was arrested and broucht to Fernie last night. Me- Gee comes from Nova Scotia. NAPOLEON'S WELCOME. Shoots Bonaparte's Grandson Gets Ova- tion From Parisians. Paris, Jan. 19.--Prince Louis Na poleon, who is a general in the Rus sian army, has been accorded a leave ol absence by the czar sufficiently Jong to enable him to regulate the al fairs of the late Princess Mathilde. He was greeted on his arrival in Paris with cheers and cries ofy**Vive le Gen- eral Bonaparte 1" and 'welcomed hy the leading members of "the Bonapart- .. He drove at ones to rojoin his mother, Princess Clothilde, who lives habitually in Paria. 'Prince Louis Napoleon is residuary legatee of Prin cows Mathilde. A HOT FIGHT. Union And Non-Union Men Use Revolvers. Kansas City, Mo., Jan, 10.-Filty non-union bridge workers employed on the Union Pacific railroad company's new bridge across the Kansas river, and about a hundred members of the od in & pitched battle at the new fiion Pacific bridge in Kansas Clty, to-day. Thirty revolver shots were fired, and hundreds of bricks were thrown, and several men injured, two severely. B. 1B. Powers was shot through the thigh, and T. P. Ayers re- ceived a deep scalp wound, and was otherwise bruised. MORLEY HEARD FROM. Calls Balfour Government Scratch Cabinet. London, Jan. 19.--John Morley was presented with the freedom of Ar broath, in recognition of his public services and his dedicating to the community his 'Life of Gladstone." In a 'speech he called the Balfour gov The crew was afloat on a raft. The slower in crease of trade, he said, was due to the larger volamesosThe great froe port of London drew like a-loadstone the wealth and ' produce from every part of the world. That was the im perialism he swore by. Retaliation was not possible. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. 0f Passengers On' a Papnsylvania "Train. Corry, Pa., Jan. 19.--~A wreck oe curred at Prospect, on the Chautauoua division -. of - the -. Pennsylvania road, this morning, and the passengers mir aculously escaped death. The train was ditched by a broken rail. It was the Pitteburg night express, which left Buffalo last night. All trains are running vie Erie, and the Lake Shore as the tracks are blocked. READY TO DO IT. To Renounce His Throne--Name Successor. Vienna, Jan. 19.~King Peter, of Servin, according to a report from Gettingjo, Montenegro, published by the Netese Weiner Journal is prepared voluntarily to renounce the throne and to allow the powers to nominate his successor, : . i --------_-- Passed An Ordinance. Chicago, 111, Jan. 19.~After a seven hours' stormy session the city council, at 3:20 o'clock, this morning, by a vote of 47 to 8, passed the new play house ordinance with amendments so stringent that if enforced, they will mean a revolution in theatre building and operation in Chicago. A Threatening Letter. Winnipeg, Jan. Sharpe has received a threatening letter from a sympathizer of segregated vice. The letter advises 'him 16 leave town at once or ths writer, whe is unknown, will force him to do ses | Made At Toronto Exhibition. One lot of J. DD. King's men's French ! enamel boots, made at Toronto exhi- Struetural Tron Workers' union, on Tm Toronto, Ont, Jan. 19, (10°80 a.m tasterly winds; fair; aEedually v sdnontla, y mi . Some Dress Goods, Trimmings, Linings, Table Linens, Towellings, Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Cloakings, Prints, Muslins, Flannelettes, White Cottons, Grey Cottons, ete. Remnants in all depart- ments. 5 Buy early. The first choosing gets you the bes BORN. -------------------------- PATTERSON ER, torso. a G2 cute, N, ¥. 2 iN * 2 FERUUSON-HU YOK i, ll 6th Edna Huycke, tor of K. Huyehs o the tow ip of 1 to Vor] oN : {ownuhip of Hillier, 'Prince award, ---------------- CHOWN~At _ 980 Job sir i " ih Sunday, January 7th Bary fe Ry wn loved wife of Robert Tuneral private, No flowers, General Hospital, on HANN--At the Gerald Down January 19th, 1004, Hann, a seventy-oight years, Funeral will take piace' from 140 York street, at 2:80 pn. Wednesday, to Cataraqui cemetery. O'GRADY=On the 15th inst. at the rostdence of her son-in-law, ©. A. Nevielle, 384 St, Antoine St, Montre- al, Catherine Campbell, relict of the Into Michael O'Grady. Funeral took place on Monday, /18tk inat., from the above a St. Anthony's Church, where a Solemn Requiem mass was held, thence to Cote do Neiges Cemetery. Our Special Blend We never tire singing the praises of our Special Blend Tea. It is so good and so reasonable in price. It has been well named the People's Popular Tea. Have you tried it? Put up in pound packages only. : Price, 35c. Jas. Redden & Co. Never Warranted. Paris, Jan. 19. statement by the Japances Paris this morning the Between Russia and Japan » n Corea respect were never | tical as to warrant = mediat either France or England. { Hot Water Bo Are a most convenient and useful thing to have this cold weather in case of chills, cold or grippe, buy 2 " Regal," We guarantee 4 them. : on b Chamois Vests, $1.50; .fia- est quality. p The H. B. Taylor Drug 4 Princess Bircet. Jone 30, ) 1 bitjon. Extra quality, worth $5, now | #350, at Sutherland's sale,

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