Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1904, p. 2

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4 and report: (1) As to the was discussed, colt with later by the : Shannon called the roll "answered to their Farlane,. : ney, Sands, Scars, Strainge, Toye. \% minutes, as printed, were ad- ghted 'on motion of Alds. Behan and cLeod * ] Communications Considered. \ Lieut.-Ool. ¥. Strange, for the Lake Yacht Racing Association and King- ston Yacht Club, asking that the council grant $100 towards a reratta to be held here in August.Referred to 3 committe. ' J: Mrs. Eliza Munroe, asking for re bate' of taxes~--Relerred to finance committee, A.C. McMahon, asking for remissi- on of taxes on shoe stock contained in a Princess street store in 1809; the stock was in the store for only a few months and applicant would be willing to pay for that time.~Referred to fin- IY > ~ ance tee. Li, Clerk of the court of revision, ad- vi council that that body recom- a refund of $2 of taxes over- lpaid by A. C. McMahon, -- Referred to finance committee. : | City Clerk Shannon, asking that matter of fixing the exemption on the Montreal Transportation company's be referred to the city soli- _.. Reductions. ur onn_make, oS, Anholuter _diger. city - assessor to determine which of the 'a: property is : tin com; our dualities ire | exempt and which should be taxed. Have a ap y ~--Relerred to assessor and solicitor, ave 8 Special. at. 39,: hich 18 | nk. afiony of Ald. Behan. 3 Macdonnell & Farrell, on behall of ¥ M.C. As; asking for remission of tax- e% on the property of that association. Referred to the ce committee, reducing + Parlor roduc al our Pastor Suites Finance Committee Report. Carpet this | Ald. Belian presented the report of ng Cian't e ny © hy the finance committee, recommending ao our ayment of these accounts: Labor pay oop hem, fit, ending January 12th, $206.90; ona, ook oken stone, $100; extra advances on br 7 all = " ete, all going In the | Pow : Tl dry help + at, fires, $4 Light, Heat. and er Co., $2,226.81; Imperial Laun- Co., 53c,; Newa and Times, vertising, 872.35; T. McAuley, station a7; Bell Telephone Co., telo- $25; Dr. Fee, expenses to con: .60; nomination and pol- $407; F. A. Bibby, horse hire, $3; W, S. Grant, cleaning registry of- fico, thirteen weeks, $13; Macdonnell & Farrell, re Macpherson vs. City, $606.- 80: mmounts remitted by court of re- vision, $487.77; Union of Canadian Municipalities, subseription, $18; Vic- toria Industrial School, maintenance W. Shanessy, $6.20; St. John's Indus- trial. School, maintenance W. Purtell, $26; Coroner's inquest, Thomas |Cot- rell, $6. "Your committee ber to report that tenders for 'the wity's account have been ived from the Bank of British North Amorica and the Bank of Mont. real. They recommend : That the ten- der of the Bank of 'British North Am- rica be accepted. On: the communica tion of George Thompson, asking for an' extension of time for the return of tho rolls for the year 1902; no action. On the communication of J. Roes Robertson, asking for a grant for the hospital for sick children, Toronto, no action. On the communication of J. McKay, dr.; asking for a remission of taxes on account of vacancy. that £4.09 be remitted, being one-third of the taxes, except local improvement . suit, oug.| Trier an ways low, Me. #1 an taxes; for the period of ane ws io 3 'We supply Sgures for all kinds of Electrical work in and owt- wide' of "thy tity! Our work ds $y Ea p vacancy. On the communication of J. Breck & H day, W. Edwards, County Clerk, that $100 Practical Bloctricians, $51. | be paid the County of Frontenac, he- ¥ ing. the costs taxed against the city on the application of the city for a rohearing by the railway 'committee of the privy council of the ai ica- tion for the construction of a subway at the outer Grand Trunk Railwav i | station, That the policies of insurance iF: | affecting city property renewed temporarily while a' sub-committee is reporting upon the the risks and the cost of carrving them so that the premiums fall due each year be one-third of the whole amount." Adopted on motion of Alds. Meek and Mowat. -- Other Reports Presented. Ald. Mock presented the report of the water . works committee, refom- '| mending that it would be necessary to rebuild the coal shed on the city wharf. The present building is in a serious condition. It is proposed to re- place it with a larger building, one it] sixty by €ixty feet, in order to pro- vids additional storage. Some of the material in the old building may be utilized, 'but some new timber, about sevonty-five pieces, should be ordered during the winter season. Jt was, therefore, recommended that the sup- erintendent- prooure prices, and that the comniittee be authorized to pur- | chase the timber on the most accept- able terms. --Adopted on motion of . {'Alde. Mook and Mowat. % | Ald. Toye "presented the report of $ | the fire and. light committee already | published. --~Adonted on - motion of Alds. Toye and Mowat. It wae moved bv Alde. Mowat and Sands; "that: "Whereas! the medical faculty of Queen's . University has made & proposal to the provincial board of health, whereby the patholo- gical and bacteriological laboratories | should be made in classification of xamination of couneil of endorses the pro- it to the favor- of the govern: t: was moved by -Alds. Meck and Hong, 'That the city. engineer, city conuiigei and chief' of fire bri- o inspect, as soon as possible, all churches, schools, halls, theatres and other places in the city where the people congregate persons they will hold or seat; (2) the. size and Joeation of entrances and exits; (3) The ease or convenience with which the buildings can be emp- tied in case of fire; (4) The presence of 'outside platforms ar fire (5) The changes or additions which order that the buildings aforesaid may meet the rea- sonable demands of a civic ordin- amos." Adupled after a brief discus- sion. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. J. P. Tossell, Bay City, Mich., is in 'the city to attend the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs, R., J. Chown. Ex-Chief Horsey is quite ill at his home on Johnston street. His son Rev. H. I. Horsey, Ottawa, is home. Mrs. C. Neal, Wilmington, Del., has arrived in the city to attend the fu- neral obsequics of her late sister, Mrs, R. J. Chown. In the absence 'of D. M. McIntyre, city solictior, John McIntyre, K.C., is acting in his brother's stead. He attended last night's meeting of the city council in his official capacity. Capt. John Murphy, Thorptown, well known among among lake mariners, having sailed the lakes for years, is dead. He was about sixty-five years of age and leaves a widow. Joseph Johnston, the well known Grand Trunk conductor, died at Tor- onto on Monday, after a ten days' illness of pneumonia. During the sum- mer Mr. Johnston was in the through run from Montreal to Toronto, but during the winter had charge of the Toronto local. He was one of the most trusted employees of the com- pany. ------ A Guaranteed Cure For Piles, Itching, blind, bleeding and protrud- ing piles. No cure, no pay. All drug- gists are authorized by the manufae- turers of Pazo Ointment to refund the money where it fails to cure any case of piles, no metter of how long stand- ing. : Cures ordinary cases in six days; the worst cases in fourteen days. One application gives ease and rest. Re lioves ilching instantly. This is a new discovery and it is the only pile semedy sold . on a positive guarantee, no oure, no pay. Drice 50e. 1f your druggist hasn't it in stock send 50c. (Canadian stamps accepted) to the Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinize, the celebrated cold cure. en ---------- A Very Good Scheme. Aldermen Meck has drawn attention of the directors of the House of In- dustry to the fact that municipalities must provide houses of tection for the poor: and indigent. He thinks it would be n good scheme to confer with the municipalities of Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington, with a view to interesting ahem in the loeal home, so that it may be enlarged and made sufficient for the needs of all four municipalities, the same sharing in the cost of the institution. ---------- Had An Enquiry. Dr. Mundell was at Parham on Mon- day night, investigating the cause of death of John Carroll, laborer, found dead on Sunday night with bruises upon his person. The coroner found that Carroll had been drinking and had fallen and injured himself, and hence he decided that his death was due to natural causes and an inquest was unnecessary. Carroll was about fifty years of age. He leaves a wife and family either in Kingston or in the United States. e-------- Must | Pay Five Per Cent. The city treasurer has been author ized by council, to borrow sufficient money to carry on the city business until such time as the taxes are paid in. Last year the city paid four and one-hall per cent. interest on such bor- rowed money, but this year the rate advanced hall a cent--two tenders be- ing received at five per cont, -------- To Prevent The Grip. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause.. To get. the genuine, call [or the full name. 250. THE WAY OUT, What To Do. When Food Don't Agree. When food don't agree sensible. folks make a change. Where all others fail Grape-Nuts, be ing predigested and all nourishment, succeeds, usually from the first trial, A lady of Washington says: "My baby nineteen months old had never seen a well day in her life. She had suffered from indigestion from the time of her birth and it scemed im- hossible to find any food to agree with 4:4 She could keep almost nothing on her stomach and her bowels were in such a constipated condition she sufiered a great deal. : "Jt was then. that I tried Grape Nuts for her, steeping - it thoroughly and straining it, putting a small por: tion in each iE and it worked like & charm. She began to improve immediately and gained half a pound the first week. "Baby got her indigestion from me for my digestive organs have always been weak. 1 rely on' Grape-Nuts for most of my food for there are times when I can eat nothing else at all-but Grape-Nuts. 1 am steadily improving and: know it will entirely cure me in time. 1 mover have 'that tired feeling' anymore. 1 cat Grapo-Nuts and 1 feel its effects in improved mental strength very forcibly." Name given by Pos tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look in each package for a copy of the famous little book, "The Road tg, FIRST MATCH TOR ROCK: WOOD TROPHY Won By Rabe Oe Pleased nto as Hockey Referee -- Limestones Waiting For The Honor Badges. It looks ms though the Kingston curlers had got back their old-time ability te play the game, considering the victories they have won so far this season. Yesterday afternoon the + Coldest Of Winter. The coldest snap so far this wi was experi d early on Tuesday morning when, in the city, the ther- mometer crawled down . to twenty-five: degrees below Zero. Sunday was cold en , but Monday and ay were quite " bey- ond anything." Since Christmas, there have been probably more extremely cold days, with the ther- mometer "below zero, in any of the past fifty years. These cold spells seem to come at equi- distant intervals and re- main for periods of three or four days. Next sum- mer when the thermometer is sixty degrees above zero, the people will imagine they are sweltering after living through 'these chilly spells of weather. THEIXI4I L890 4800444 PEFPFFTILFIFFAPIIF INIA 49 5 ESE 4S the Rockwood trophy was played on the Rockwood rink, and Kingston won by 43 to 27. The teams and scores were : Kingston,No. 1.--E. Lyons, Col. Drury, Capt. Lesslie, A. Strachan, skip--20. Rockwood, No. 1.--W. R. Dick, W. Fenwick, J. Dennison, W. Potter, skip --15. Kingston, No. 2.--T, Slater, Prof. Watson, S. R. Bailey, W. B."Dalton, skip--23. | Rockwood, No. 2.--W. Shen, T. Me- Cammon, J. Davidson, W. Carr, skip --12, first of the series for To Race In Fair Grounhs. At a meeting of the Kingston Ice Trotting Association last night, a committee was appointed to secure the fair grounds in which to hold the forthcoming weet, It was felt that betidr results could be obtained on a regulation track. Members of the as- co intion volunteered their services to men the gates and both sell. and col Jeet tickets. The secretary was au- thorized to advertise for tenders for privileges. -- Hockey. The Renfrew team defeated Almonte Ly 12 to 2. ; A hockey match in New York broke up in a row and some of the players were badly hurt. In the Pittsburg, Pa., league on Fri- day night the Victorias won from P. AC. by 5 to 1. The Pittsburg, Pa., league stands {hus : Victorias, .833; 'Bankers, 66; Keystones, .333; P.A.C., 166. The eastern off-side rule is not pop- clar in Toronto. Nor is it in any other place excepting Mcntreal and Quebec. Mail-Empire : Gilbert, of Varsity, is the best player in 'Toronto. He has improved fifty per cent. in his shoot- ing. x league match between Arnprior and Pembroke resulted in a decided victory for Amprior by a score of 7 to 1. The Becchgroves will go to Perth to-morrow to play an exhibition match 'with the junior team of that place. The largest hockey gate ever collect- od in Toronto was that of the Marl horo-St. George match on Saturday night. The receipts were £1,100. The first championship match in Brandon,, Man., was won by the home team defeating Rat Portage by 4 to 1. Hall a doltar is the lowest ad- mission fee for games in Branden. Toronto Globe : *"Chancer'" Elliott made a perfect referee. He kept the players well in hand, and speedily nip- ped any attempts at rough play. The Kingston official kept the game going all the time, and, there were few de- lays. The 0. H. A. intermediate contest at Picton on Monday nicht, between Belleville and Picton was decidedly ex- citing. At full time the score was a tie, three to three, and extra periods had to be played, Belleville finally winning by four to three. The Stanley cup seems to he due to cause a lot of trouble in the hockey world in 'the near futire unless soma radical action is taken with regard to the regulation of challenges, which will now be many on account of the in- creasing number of leagues. The hockey tournament for the cham- plonship of Europe.was fixed for this month at Davos Platz in Switzerland. Entries were expected from London, 8t. Moritz, Davos Platz, Prague and Harlem. In England they play five a gide, but this tournament was an nounced to he between teams of nine men a side. The O.H.A. senior match at Brock- ville last night between Perth and the home team was won by Brockville, after three exira periods of time, the soore resulting 6 to 4. At half time, the score was a tie, 1 to 1. Three minutes before time Perth was ahead by 3 to }, but Brockville tied before time was up. In the first extra period each team scored one. In the second, no goals were scored, but in the third Brockville got two. J. T. Sutherland was referee. General Sport. On January 28rd, two ice racing as- socintions, the Central Cemada and the Ottawa, will comrence a week's racing. With these two meetings going on at the one, time, Ottawans are liable to have a surfeit of the sport. A movement to organize a national boxing association to classify weights, ete., which was started by Charles E. Davies, of New Orleans, and T. 8. An- drews, of Milwaukee, two weeks ago, of the university gpd services of the a a ee Wellville." . is meeting with great success: di is Ll will 7th. 2 Already a bascball war is on. Fol- lowing + the announcement that the' American league will attempt to place a team in Providence, one of the cities now ocoupied by a team from the Eastern league, #eomes the announce ment' made by President Powers, of the latter organization, that he' will fight their attempt. / The Lim¢stone rugby players have not yet received their junior cham- pionship badges which they would be thankful to get before Lent begins. The secretary af the O.R.F.U. might place the order at some dressmaking tablishment in Torento and have a few exira frills and a tiny picce of lace attached to cach badge. . Indiola Arnold, an Ottawa girl, who plays the Fairy Queen in the "Wizard of 02," now in Torcnto, was married in Providence, R.L, the first of - the month to "Kid" McCoy, the pugilist. The news of the marriage has just leaked out, and it has caused a mild sensation. Miss Arnold leaves the com- pany at the «nd of the week' to jo'n hér husband in New York. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, a Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Read the social news on page six. Was your water tap frozen this morning ? 'This is great curling weather, says W. B. Dalion. If it's made by Drug Co. it's good. Beef extracts for hot beef tea. Gib: son's Red Cross drug store. Our customers say Quirn & Denee s coal is the best. Give it a trial. Snow shovels, strong and cheap, at Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson's. The old fashioned winter is with us once again and still some people are not. satisfied. Corsets ol every description at 25c., 10c., 50c., and up. New York Dress Reform. With ice in the bay sixteen inches thick, ico cream should be plentiful at 5c. a plate next summer, The deep snow--deep for this part of the world-- prevents : the present cold snap from doing damage. Tooth 'paste in tubes only 20c. Gib- son's Red Cross diug store. lirnie Bissett is leaving Brockville. Too bad; three-qudrters of the life of that 'burg will be taken away. How can Brockville exist ? Miss Goff will demonstrate Me- Laren's jelly powder and extract till Wednesday, inclusive, at Mullen's, corn- er Johnston and Division streets. "Snowflake" baking powder, not ex- pensive, but pure and wholesome, 25c. Ib. H. B. Tayler Drug Co. No 'matter how the wind doth blow And fill our beings with regret, The bulletins will always show That somewhere it is colder yet. The General Hospital staff is some- what handicapped - at present, owing to the illness of half a dozen nurses. Fortunately, no, epidemic has yet ar- rived. * Last year's assessment, levied: by the, city commissioner, has been ac: cepted hy the city council as a basis of levying taxes for the current year's revenue. We sigh for things that mother cooked, And yet, there is no doubt, They must have been the very ones That father kicked about. The question of discussing a better system of fire protection -in halls and other public buildings will be taken up at. a special meeting of the civic fin ance committee. Never dissatisfied if you buy rubber goods from us. Why ? Because we sell only the best and we guarantee what we sell. Try a Regal hot water bottle. H. B. Taylor Drug Co. The fire and Jight committee ar- ranged to give City Solicitor McIntyre a letter of credit for $2,000 upon his trip to London. Hon. Charles Russell has been handling the city's case so far. The firemen of No. 1 station were notified last night that it seemed as though the Ontario bank building was in danger of taking fire. There was a smell of something burning, but the firemen, after investigating, found nothing amiss, The Red Book continues to increase in size and improve in quality. In the February number, now on the news stands, fourteen clever stories well il- lustrated, and seventeen photoerdphic portrait studies of various types of beauty offer entertainment, heralded by a cover of striking beauty. the H. B. Taylor A Reform Accepted. Alderman Mesk is responsible for a very sensible reform in the matter of calling civic committee meetings. He presented a resolution at the council meeting last night providing for the holding of all committee meetings on or before the Wednesday preceding council meetings, so that reports may be obtained in time to be printed and distributed. The resolution also pro- vided for the calling of all meetings by postal notice, instead of by band delivered notices, in force since time immemorial. Council gladly accepted both suggestions. Will Not Accept La Salle. At last night's meeting of the city council Alderman Knapp presented a petition' from K. MW. Campbell and a majority of property owners of fred street, asking council to select a new name for that thoroughfare; La Sal'e avenue, it. was held, was not ac: ceptable. The matter was referred to the board of works. Catching Cold. Allow yourself to "run down' and you catch cold from the first germ that comes your way, Wade's Tron Tonic Pills make you cold proof hy giving you rich healthy blood, the kind shat kills all disease germs. Tn boxes, 25c., at Wade's, Money batk if not satisfactory. Placed The Order Here, The Crawford Towing company, of Wiarton, Ont., has placed an order with the Kingston Foundry company for a steel framé for a ninety-foot tug. The frame will cost £5,000, and work upon it will be started at once. o Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money ifit fails to cure. BE. W. Groves sig- nature is on each box. 250, Is that the meeting will «bef for Pittsburg, February 6th and BY THE WILL OF THE LATE MISS DUNCAN. Kingstonians Get Various Be- quests--The Bulk of The Es- tate Goes to Mrs. Fred Lewis, Well Known Here. Mrs. 'Fred. Lewis, Montreal, is an heiress to several millions left by Mrs. Duncah, who recently died in Montreal. The lady is the wife of Fred. Lewis, a wholesale hardware merch. ant in Montreal, and gormerly of Kingston. Mr. Lewis is a fon of LCap- tain Lewis and lived on J Karl street, opposite Chalmers church. Besides this lady, Miss Duncan, who lived in King- ston, near the corner of Karl street and University avenue, left $10,000 to her cousin, Mrs. Joseph Stewart, who unfortunately died some weeks ago, leaving one son, who will inherit the amount. Mr. Stewart is employed in the wholesale house of Macueo & Minnes. Mrs. Stewart was a daughter of the late William Patterson of Pitts- burg township, an uncle of Miss Dun- can, Other bequests were: To William Patterson, Toronto, and his wile ten thousand dollars, five thousand dollars to cach. To Jessie Duncan Patterson, daugh- ter of Mrs, Richard Patterson, Pitts- burg township, the piano in the bil- liard room and one thousand dollars. 'o Mrs. Annie Dunlop (Mrs. Gard- ner), one thousand dollars and the blue furnitune in the billiard room. 'o: Miss Leemon, formerly my com- panion, two thousand dollars To Mrs, Michael Leonard Btarion Patterson), ten thousand dolla¥s. To Percy and Lily Gibson, five hun- dred dollars, to be divided between them. Miss 'Eleanor Perkins, five thousand dollars. Ann McMahon, (Mrs. John Nelson), ten thousand dollars. To Helen MacMahon, five thousand dollars. 'These Montreal charities, societies and institutions are remembered : To the Protestant Insane Asylum, Verdun, five thousand dollars. To the Beys' Home, two thousand dollars. To the Restoration Fund of Christ Shuireh Cathedral, two thousand dol- ars, "To the Mount Royal Cemetery, for the perpetual care of the lot and monument, five hundred dollars. Fo the Harvev Institute, five thous- and dollars. To the Ladies' Benevolent Institu- tion, two thousand dollars. To the Montreal General Hospital, ten thousand dollars. To the Protestant House of Industry and Refuge, one thousand dollars. The Mission Fund of the Diocese of Montreal, five thousand dollars. The Church Home, two thousand dollars. Protestant Orphan Asylum, five thousand dollars. The rest of my property to Maud Helen Booth, Mrs. Lewis, who is to give away to my other relations such of the china, etc., as she may think I would like them to have, and some of the pictures to the Art Gallery, in- cluding: the old man in library, and the Smith Hull in dining-room. 1 name as my exécutor Samuel H. Ewing. to whom I give two thousand dollars. The estate of the late Miss Duncan is valued at between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000. -------------- Influence Of Color. Colors not only influence cattle, but human beings also. On this point some curious experiments were report ed from Italy as to the effect of colors on the nerves of the sick and insane. In the hospital for insane at Alles sandria special rooms are arranged with red or blue paint on' the walls. A violent patient is brought suddenly into a bhie.xoom. and. leit ta the ef fects of thay color on his nerves. (ne maniac washcured in an hour; another was at peace in his mind after pass- ing a day in a reem all violet. The red room is used for the commonest form of dementia (melancholy), usual ly accompanied by a refusal to take food. After three hours in the red room a patient afllisted in this way began to be cheerful and asked for food. Friends Claimed The Body. Friends of the late Charles Baker, who committed suicide in Kingston penitentiary on Saturday night last, reached the city at noon to-day, from Hamilton, to claim the remains, and at midnight will return to Hamilton with them. The young man was well connected and much regret is felt at Hamilton over his untimely end. ------------ Line Of Succession, The chief of police has received from the sons of the late John Creighton, a fine framed portrait of their father, to be hung in the police court cham- ber, as showing the succession of po- lice magistrates from Dr. Robinson down. The chain of succession, is now complete, down to the late Lieut, Col. 'Daff. $5 Shoes For $3.50. We are offering some real good pa- tent leather lace boots to men, regu- lar £3 for $3.50, latest style. .A. Aber- nethy. The Mail says the "Grit stronghold of North Oxford is to be stormed," and the machine has sent Birmingham and his gang {o do the job. We'll have the comfort that every dav brings us nearer to summer. A . Hair Vigor A splendid dressing for the hair, keeping it soft and glossy. revents splitting at the It | ends, cures dandruff. Lard: \ | WHAT CHANCE DO YOU STAND: It fou Are Afficted With Foul, Offensive, Disgusting Catarrh Your Progress Will Be Slow. ? 'Catarrh is a terrible handicap in the business and - social 2 2 he ex. treme offensive mature of the "diseqse the foul and sickening breath; the Wy erlasting hawking and spitting, (he fetid discharge at the nose. the watery eyes and catarrhal deafoess all com. bine to make the unfortunate wvictin one of the most avoided and deep sil of mankind. : any first-class, competsnt men h lost good positions on acconnt of their unbearable presence due tc catarr The catarrh victim is tabooed socially and his appearance is secretly dreaded, What makes the matter worse is that he does not know himself how off.n. sive he is as his sense of smell, ang frequently taste, is destroyed. Louy- ing out of consideration the suffering, annoyance and danger of the disease, no man can Afford, from a business or social standpoint, to have catarrh for one minute if he can possibly avoid it Stuart's Catarrh Tablets have done more to stamp out this disease than any known remedy, They striky at the root of the malady and on plete. ly expel it from the system. Catarrh is a deep-seated disease and will pot yield to local 'applications, such as sprays, ointments, inhalations, etc. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets cleanse tie system and renovate it tloroughiy of all impurities. Under their influenca all catarrhal poisons are carried off and the blood becomes pure, the eves bright, the breath sweet, discharges coase, the head clears up, the sense of smell and taste are restored and tla sufferer becomes sound and well ang fit to associate with his fellow-man Stuart's Catarrh Tablets" are for sale by all druggists at 50 cents a box, The druggist no more . thinks of Jot: ting along without Stuart's Tablots than he would without his proccrip. tion case. The demand for them is +o universal and their popularity is «o great and they have curéd 30° any thousand people that he would not he considered an up-to-date druggist if he did not keep them and his customers would lose confidence in him, gnd go to some other store to buy théir other drugs as well as their Stuart's (a tarrh Tablets. Sir. Alex. Mackenzie Writes of the Mason & Risch Piano The Mason & Risch Piano Co., Limitod, 82 King St., West, Toronto, Canada, CENTLEMEN,--I wish to express iny highest appreciation of your Mason & Risch Pianos. Their tone is in overy respect admirable from the sonorous buss to the highest treble. I was struck by the amount of true colour which can be produced even by players of my calibre, who cannot claim to: be considered pi- anists in the real sense of the term, but I am willing to add my testimony to those of better men; Rich in tone, quick responding touch, firm mechanism, are the requisites of a fine pianoforte You have secured all these. Allow me to congratulate you and the Dominion of Canada on the production of such fine pianofortes, Very faithfully yours, A. C. MACKENZIE Fountain Pens THE UNIVERSITY, with gold nib, warranted to work perfectly, $1 THE TRIUMPH, a larger pen, holds more ink, $2. CARTER'S FOUNTAIN PEN, Ink, etc. FE. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. The Brightest Thing 'in: Stove . Polish Is X-RAY Goos twice as far as paste of liquid "polish-- No drying up=Lasts longer--At ~~ STRAGHAN'S HARDWARE - Don't Torget weather strip tokeep ont the cold 000000000000 : Swift's $ Scranton Coal ® : HARD, DRY, BRIGHT, And a heaping measure always. JANES SWIFT % 20. $ Telephone 13%. 000000000000 ' pi G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF-MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE aud FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Office; 61 Clarence streét. " 'Phone La Evening address. 88 Sydembam 8%. PPP9999900990690090600 In effect O TRAINS WILL LEAV FOOT OF JOHNS? A. GOING EAST. | ( Nos. 1, 3, 8 and 4 nt daily, except Monday. 13, 13 and 16 daily, J. P. HA Cy 1 inns id Kingston & Pembro Pacific Ral) TRAINS LEAVE 12:40 p.m.--Express Quabee, St. Joh Toronto, Chics raw, Sault Ste. Mari pt) Winnipeg, Vancouver, & aad San Francisco. 5:80 p.m.--Local for connecting with C.P.R. 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for termediate points. Passengers leaving K ,m., arrive in Ottav | ¥eterboro, 5:10 p.m; p-m.; Boston, 7:30 @ ND, 11:85 a.m. Full particulars at K R. Ticket Office, Ontari PP. CONWAY, F:A.F Gen. Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUINTE SHORT LIN Tweed, Napanee, Dese "ol points. Train leav wt at 4 pm. F. ( i. Q. Ry., Kingston. -------------------- BERM THG NOW FAR FAM with cable communicat winter temperatures of American Squadron, is attractiveness, reached on steamers TRINIDA Wm forty-eight hours Sailing every TH wopical islands, in gRUZi, ST. KITTS, M LUCIA, BARBARDOE:! ee) also afford beau! tours, all reached the Quebes Steamship wom New York about Por descriptive pamphl sailing apply to A.'E RIDUE & CO., Agen ew York; J. P. HAD GILDERSLEEVE, Kin ARTHUR AHERN, ¢ ALLAN Liverpool and Londo) ROYAL MAIL S Prom St. Jolin.' lsttian, Jan. 16th, . . Masilian, Jan. 23rd, .. Marisiag, Jan. 30th. .. REDUCED WINT! ist Cabin, $50 and uj te steamer. 9nd Cabin, Liverpo derry, $37.50 and $40; extra, 8rd Class, $25 and Derry. Delfast, Gle Through tickets to Sou NEW YORK TO Siberian, Thursday, Ja in; $35; 3rd Class, 33¢ J. P. HANLBY, Age Depot. 5 Clarence st; IT'S MONE IN YOUR POCKET To buy your coal Hete's why : Qur ¢oal 1s all co It's free from clin rubbish It's just the warn best coal that ever your cellar And we'll supply same price you've other kind. We'll fill your b hottest coal that ev --and we'll do it g Jy. and ncatly. We'll give 3 best coal and the you can get anyw! price. You'll never need than you will tl works. Order some to-day. R. CRAW Dealer jn good f Foot of Quecn Stree LET ME HAVE And I will guaran factoey results. W bit "perform the Wc sacrificed, but yow studied. : W.J, MURRAY, Th

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