hamberlain's s plan, loos- 1d opens the £ . It coun- ult in pneu- adults and | ze §oc. ---- ~ i ned ve al. v ce room for ve and are " the goods w a chance our goods \re for SON... STORE LIST 8. ly to buy any- positively have over and you'll thers have ail D SLIPPERS r price 81.50, for I gular price 63c!, fcr $1.75, 81.50, 81.25, vergaiters reduced 20 puing § Stock Empress per cent. off for = nary bargains in nd Dongola Boot. Boots all reduced. IS . NO. 17. ¥ KINGSTON, . ree ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1904, "JANUARY SALE ee QF eee URNITURE | Big Reductions in all . Expensive Furniture. > "saa Brass Beds; regular price $50, for $35. "Mahogany Dressers and Wash- stahd; regular price $75, for $55. r ogany Dressers and Wash- stand regular price, $35, for $25. _ Sideboard, $65; for $50. "All other goods in proportion. ROBT. J. REID, + 'Leading Funeral Director, "® Doors Above the Opera House. Ambulance Teleph one 577. 3 'A NT 1mruRTANT NOTICE, SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS beg to- announce. to- thé ladies of King- ston and vicinity that they have made arraggements - with the Mahood Drug Store, corngrr Princess and Bagot streets, Kingkton, amd: will hold daily consulta- fons. lor two weeks, commencing Mdh- ay, ny 11th, regarding the tromt- Rp AT a 4 An ip. They: res éryone to call and consult! Jong. beautiful iit of the tse o eo Seven Sutherland .. Sisters ' Hair 'Grower and Scalp Cleaner, Seven ' Sutherland Sisters, sole manu- {attirers and proprietors Canadian Yonge St., Head parlors, 256 oF. -H. Hatley, foreign menage, ~~ TABLE WA ARE First Quality Plate Knives, Spoons and Forks. We have a tine of these goods in the "French Gray™ Finish, called the "'Flor- al" patterns. Ask to see it; we have it in fancy pieces also, and ' feel 'there is nothing made that 'is richér in appearance or better. SMITH BR.OS.. Jewellers and Opticians, 350 King St. Smoked Glasses ease the sun's bright glare. NEW GROCERY. HAVING HAIN MY PREMISES thoroughly overhauled and enlarged 1 have openetl it again as a grocery store and my old friends and customers can depend on getting everything fresh and new in the grocery line at right prices ull Jines-'of Hay, Feed and Grains cordial' invitation is extended to all my old patrons to remew their patron- glad many ape. Will also be to see | new faces G. H. WILLIAMS. Corner Princéss and University Ave... "Phone 639 Kingston Conservatory of Music INSTRUCTION IN PIANO, VIOLIN, Orchestra and Band Instruments, Sing- ing, Theory including Harmony, Coun- terpoint, Composition, Instrumentation Musical History and Aceustics Telgmann, 222Johaston St. WANTED. TYPEWRITER, best of refer- this office A SITUATION AS - speedy -and competent; ences. Apply through DWELLING, FOR MAY 1ST, WITH 7 rooms, from $12, to $15. per month, Address 51 Brock street. WI WANT A FEW PEOPLE IN EACH locality to work for us during spare time. Pleasant work. Liberal pay. Imperial Company, London, Ontario. AGENTS AVERAGE $600 A DAY the year round selling our goods. 'AlWays in use. = Houschold Sosesst, o du * ho fads or luxuries. Se, ne TG Marnall & Co. London, ont. BARNA BETTER SALARY AND POSI- tion. ' Study Electricity, Mechanical Engineering, Telegraphy, at home, by correspondence. Thousands success- ful. homas A. Edison indorses !n- stitute Book, 'Can 1 Become an Klectrieal Engineer 2" mailed free Electrical Engineer Institute, York. 4 v New LOST. A THOROUGH BRED SCOTCH COL- lie Dog. Marks: dark back, white neck ' and breast, and strip in face Finder please leave at American -ho- tel and be rewarded. Toronto. DAILY MEMORANDA. Indigestion levels all ranks. Pay water rate and save discount. There is no sanctity without sense The best way to get even is to forget. Opera house announcements on page 4. Indoor baseball match, armouries, 8 pam > : To err is human, and to lie about it natural. > Fire and light committees pects, 4 pa, Friday. "The Price of Flonor,"" Grand opera house, 8 p.m, Next to cash a his confidence. Postponed annual Horticultural society, p.m. A good general purpose horse will be man's best asset is meeting, Kingston City buildings, 8 goid-at Murray's auction room -on-Sa~ turday, at 11 a.m. it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved; better for the florist, theatre, the messenger boy, the jeweler and sometimes the lawyer. January 21st in history: Hallam, historian, died, 1859; Stonewall .Jack- son born, 1821; King Lewis, X\1., of France, guillotined, 179 second Now Af- appointed Zealand contingent sailed for South rica, 1900; Lord Kitchener governor-general Soudan, 1899. ADDS A SPICE It surely adds a spice to a good meal to have it served in good dishes. These splendid Dinner Sets, at $9, will enable you to have a nice looking table always. ..ROBERTSON Umass Bronzes, Purses, Hand Bags, Um- breilas and Canes, we will give a For the balance of the month we will ofier our entire stock at the following reduced prices; distount. of 25 per cent. @ On Cut Glass, China Clocks, Oni Sterling Silver and - Solid . On all Roll. Plate Jewelery. and " Silyer Plated Goods, 20 Rings, Watches and Dia 10 per cent. REMEMBER This sale is for the balance of the month only, afterwards all goods resume their original prices. cent. monds, 'P. B. CREWS, JEWELLER, Corner Princess and Wellington Streets, Store closes at 6 o'clock: Sa- turdays at 9 o'clock, p.m.; "Phone 836. HOGKEY MATCH INTERCOLLEGIATE VARSITY vs, QUEEN'S FRIDAY, Jan. 22 Game called at 8:15. Reserved seats, 5 c. Genaral admission, $ 'WOOER OF TWENTY YEARS. Awarded $3,000 Damages Against Former Suitor. Jan. 21.--An opinion circuit court sus long-standing Elizal ago ing Lancaster, Pa., has been filed in the taining a verdict in a breach of promise suit. Rauck some months i suit against Preston E. Brackbill, a well-to-do farmer, for damage had courted her for over twen and on the day set for the worked in the harvest field, then did not have time to get mar ried. The jury awarded her 23000 damages, and this verdict was sus tained by the court. wedding saying h- * Drew' Pension For 68 Years. London, - Jan. 21.--Severel at the Guildhall, who have been in the service of the corporation for between forty and fifty years, are retiri pensions. Pensioners are proverbially long-lived. "It is on record at the Guildhall that a certain coal meter lived for sixty-eight years after being superannuated; and that another pen sioner possessed such weniderful eve sicht at the age cf -vighty-six (hit he | took lessons in painting, and became an artist of no little local fame. officials g on Brave, But Not At Altar. Londen, Jan. 2l.--Lord Fincastle, wha holds the Victoria eross, was mar- | ried this week." He displayed great { nervousness at the altar and had to be prompted by the bride during ths ceremony. . me------------ = APPLY 10 ALL The Bill Mr. Preston Will Bring [in A CONVENTION TO CONSIDER THE PROPOSED LEGISLATION. To Have The Late Election Frauds Investigated By The County Judge--There May Be a Double-Barrelled Inquiry. Toronto, Jan. 21.--Mr. Preston will introduce a bill during the session making the filing of declarations by candidates for municipal honors with- in twenty-four hours applicable to every nominee. It now applies only to nominess in cities of over 30,000. "If it's a good thing for cities, it's a good thing all round," Preston says. The executive of the Ontariolbranch of the Dominion Alliance has decided to call a convention to consider tem perance legislation proposed hy the government as soon as it is brought down. I. B. Lucas and T. H. Preston con- tinued the debate in the legislature yesterday. W. H. Hoyle moving the Mr. adjournment, Lucas called atten- tion to the R. poor service, and Mr. Preston dealt with the relations between Mr. Whitney and Mr. Gamey. A canvass of the aldermen has de veloped the fact that the city coun cil, on Monday, will pass Controller Spence's resolution, presented yester day, to have the municipal election frauds investigated by the county judge, assisted by eminent counsel. S. H. Blake, K.C., will be asked by the mayor to represent the city. Crown Attorney Curry has decided that Magistrate Denison has jurisdic tion to conduct an investigation int, the alleged irregularities of the elec tion under the municipal act and 85 will advise the magistrate, consequent ly it is about assured that a doubl¢ barrelled inquiry will be instituted be fore many days are over. Thirteen il legal votes have been unearthed as the result of the police investigation into the voting of sub-division three of the Third Ward, Bay street fire hall, while the names are on the list of eight persons who cannot be found at the addresses; giver. «A warrant has been issued in behalf of «the; Employers' : Liability Corpora- tion; againgt, «Alfred He Bilis, lately in the 'employ ¢f the Mannfacturers' Life Insurance company. chareinoe him with having stolen £3,000. Ellis originally came from Orangeville, and he is al- leged to have stolen the monev while in charge of one of the company's branch offices in. China. ' The congregation of Knox church, at the annual meeting last night, de- cided, by a vote of ninetv-seven to forty-four, again to apply to the presbytery fqr permission to scl! the present church building at not less than $200,000 and to purchase a site uptown. KILLED IN FAMILY FEUD. Victim Had Tried .To Brother Of Slayer. Murder Odessa, Jan. 21.--In the village of Vladimirski, in the government' of Ti Hlis, there has for some years past been bitter. enmity between- tha elder daughters of two familics of the name Skayefi. One day last week Dsina Skayefi, observing her enemy, lena Skayell, start on an errand to the next village, scized a dagger and rushed across to her neighbor's dwel- ling, with the intention of murdering her brother, a boy of 11. The first blow, aimed at the boy's heart only penetrated his right The victim's sister, Alexandra, thirteen, rushed to his rescue, clung in a desperate embrace to would-be murderess. In cents Alexandra entreated "her to spare her only brother (two other brothers had fallen in the family ven- detta), but Dsina was as obdurate as she was bloodthirsty. In the struggle between the two girls Dsina let fall her dagger. Instantly releasing her hold, Alexandra = seized it and drove it up to the'hilt in Dsi- ne's side. I latter tottered a few paces and én fell back dead. Alexandra, with the dagger in her hand, at onee proceeded to report the tragedy to the village elder, hv whom she was congratulated on her effec tive defence of her brother! + arm. aged and the piteous ac HE LOST HIS LIFE. Mackenzie Was at Bloemfontein, S.A. St. Thomas, Ont., Jan. 21.--Mayor Maxwell has received a cablegram stating that H. R. McKenzie, of this city, lost his life in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Mr. McKenzie, twenty years of age, a son of D. McKenzie of Jackson strect, on March 7th, 190], left for South Africa to join the con- stabulary. About six months ago he resigned and had since been giving hypnotic exhibitions. # Held Up By Robbers. San Francisco, Jan. 21.--~The Suan St. Catharines « t is baie an old fichi ned snow storm with hirh Warden Of Lanark. Perth, Cnt, Jan. 21.--At the meeting of the county council, + commenced here vesterday. . J Rowers, Perth. was: elected a I the county of Lanark for 1904. first | i rn A fireman was 'badly burned at the ! fire at St, Cunegonde church at Mon treal on Tuesday sfierncon. our all steel filled corset, at 50 ! a New York Dress Reform. wind from the southeast. The street j car service .is badly blocked and Lusi ness generally demoralized." The report of ithe health officer for P'the county of London for 1902 has inst been. issued. Tt shows that Lon | of the healthiest of the | don is one | great cities of the world. Think of it--a bulb syringe for 5c. "sells , Gibson's Red Cross drug store them No trouble keeping the hoys off the street coruers these evenings. + they sot limited, on the .Southern Pacific railway, was held up last night by a | gang of masked robbers between Pas- eb Robies and San Ardo. What booty got is as yet unknown. Injured Or Killed. | Mation, Indl, Jan. 21.--Three per sons were killed, two fatally injured, and eight dangerously injured in "a gas explosion in the Sitz hotel, three miles south of here, this morning. Batter in' prints, 20c. Crawford's. "1 Annapolis. ent PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Six smallpox cases are reported at Zephyr; Ont. N.8., liberals nominated F. B. Wade for the Commons, A wew armoury is to be built im- mediately at St. Catharines, Ont. Victoria county conservatives nomi nated Col. Sam. Hughes for the Com: ons. The Asiatic labor bill second reading before legislative eouncil. The polie commissioners of St Catharines have refused tobacco lic censcs to dealers. © A-Dominion Loan of four million Pounds falls due in London on May It will be renewed. i bye-election" at Gateshead, Eng- land, resulted in the return of the lib eral free trade candidate. There are twenty-tix patients in the gederal hospital at St. Catharines, sulle ing with typhoid fover, passed ita the Transvaal 23 ' P4444 4400049 Col. Sam Gets It. ¢444 Lindsay, Ont., Jan. 21.-- 4 Col. Sam Hughes has been 4 notified from Ottawa, of PE. appointment as chief of railway intelligence giving 3 him a position on the mili- + itary headquarters' staff. # Tie appointment comes % from Lord Dundonald. + A carter in Mont#l™ on Monday was fned #60 and costs or six months in jail for ill-treating his horse Mrs. Arthur Oswald was arrested on a charge of murdering her eight year old son at her home in Oakland, NJ, William A. Bell, at one time dit of police of St. Catharines, 'died at 'Buf fulo on Tuesday. He sixty-five years old. Labor 1ijts are occurring daily in Kan:as City between union and apn inion men. The railway hidge work. ers are on strike. The imperial labor organization at Manchester is opposed to taxation on was food until the empire is able to pro duce all that it needs. There are three candidates for the Montreal mayoralty--Ald. Laporte, Mayor Cochrane and U. H. Dandur and, a brother of the senator. + + +4 Peace Assured. "+ + + <4 St. Petersburg, Jan. 21. % ¥ °° --A dispatch from Vladivos- + tock, ya: 'The news i& 4 recei ved" Baye' from Japan + + . qe the fears of 4 $ war. eace apparently is 4, assured for a long time to 4 4 come." > " + nae sae esac aan as seed The Berlin correspondent of the Lon- don Stahdard says negotiations be tween Canada ond Germany are not likely to be concluded until Britain's fiscal ficht is over. Father McCarthy, of St. Bonifaée, Man., asserts that the Wolseley expe dition of 1870 would have been anni hilated by Louis Riel, but for Bishop Tache's interferences; in other words, that the bishop saved Lord Wolseley to do great service for the empire. The reoubli:an party in New York state will nominate Senator Hanna pe their candidate for the presidency. He will carry the state by the largest majority, in the history of the party in the state: The New York Herald says he is the only man that will save 'the party from ruin in the state ---------- Dowie Off For Australia. Chicago, Ill, Jan. 21.--A telegram received at Zion (ity, to-day, annovn ced the departure of Dr. Dowie, for Australia. In a farewell message to his host the eneral overseer," ad vers to carry out up by him before , and urged them to moniskted his full the! plans drawn leaving Zion (it increased acti in behalf of the Zion organi ation. It is understood here that in Aus tralia Dowie will conduct a serizs of meetings, wided Ly kis wife ana son Antipodes the three nd: Africa and will Zurich, Switzerland, On leaving th will viit India nally anive at where a gen conference of 'the Christi'n church nn Europe will be held. The return to Zion City is scheduled for the latter part of June. Wedding Of Miss Havemeyet. New 21.~A notable wed that of Miss Marth, York, Jar ine wr, daughtd of William F. r, to William IR Willeox. mony was perforrial Fifth ! hi Re pastor of the Un venue Presbyterian George Alexander versity Place Preshy oh ited, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Abbott E, Kittredge. pas tor of the Madicon avenue Reformed church. The bride was gowned in white satin, trinmed with point lace and caught orange blossoms. David Bennett Sinpscn acted as host man. in the church. terian church, Ingendiary, Fires. 8t. Catharines, Ont., Jan. 21.---Two incendiary f took place in this city last night. About tem o'clock a barn near the Whitman and Barnes' manu- facturing works. owned by Edward Steele, was burned and at two o'clock { of small-pox have | Red Water Lake, thi# mofning, buildings used come time ago as a basket factory were destroyed. Loss in each case small, Smallpox In Lumber Camp. - North Bay, Ont., Jan. 21.--Six cases 4 Woodstock, Ont., (AME 10° LIFE After Apparently Having Been Dead. STRANGE TALE OF A MAN WHO WENT TO HEAVEN, The Resurrected Tells Of His * Bliss--" Dead " Twelve Hours ~It Seemed Like 1,000 Years-- The Man Now Dead. Hanisburg, Ili, Jan. 21.--The days of miracles are not passed, according to those familiar with the death and return to life of Ulysses 8. Roberts, a cigarmakér and musician. He had been afflicted with consumption for nearly a year. Two weeks ago his con: dition became worse, and a few days later he called his wife and two chil dren to his bedside, and, kissing them good bye, told them of the fastap- proaching end. In the prescnce of the family, his pastor, Rev. A. 8S. Maxey of the First Methodist Episcopal church, of this city; Attorney R. Marsh, his family physician end a number of relatives, he died. An undertaker was called. Twelve hours had clapsed since the spirit had left the body, when suddenly the fig: ure lying on the cot smiled and open ed its eyes. Mr. Roberts then spoke and asked them how long he had been gone, and, when told, he said "That's strange; it seems to me 1 have been gone 1,000 vears. | have been in Heaven and 1 have been hap py." He told of his meeting his father, who had long preceded him and other relatives and friends. Many questions were asked by the pastor, Rev. A. 8. Maxey, concerning heaven, end, deseription given by him was wonder ful, "But," said he, "I have just seven days to remain on earth when I will leave you until we meet up yonder." When asked by Rev, Maxey as to how Jesus appeared he said he was al most always happy, except at times when he behold this earth steeped in sin. Roberts expressed a desire to return 'to heaven, and "true to his pre diction, on the seventh day, and at the very hour named, he again died. ACCUSED OF SWINDLES. Princes' Lost $150,000. Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 21.--Prince Charles of Lodz and Corswaremy, a member of the most ancient of the no ble families of Belgium, has been ar- rested, charged with several swindles, and is now lodged in prison at St. Giles, twenty miles from Ghent. The alleged swindles foot up 8150, 000. They are supposed to have been prompted by need of money, as the prince has been in financial "difficul- ties He wes charged with a similar of- fence a year ago, but a plea of insan- set up in his case, and 'he was acquitted. Four vears ago Prince ried in Paris Maria Hel. ena de Tarya. of Lisbon, Portugal, but the marriage was afterward an- nulled. The prince He was born in Paris, hoae in Belgium, at Niele ity was Charles mar- Viscotntess is forty-four years old but makes his Chateau de TONGUES AND EYES TORN OUT Severe Punishment Inflicted On Convicted Robbers. London, Jan. 21.-Wiiting from Peskawar, Reuter's correspondent RuVe that alout thies months ago = the house 'of a person of yositicn in Ka hul was hroken into and 5,000 ru; were stol'n. The mceney was alter rd found buried in the house of a certain member of the Ood Khels, who settled in Kabul during the reign of tle late Ameer. 8 All the Ood Khels were imprisoned, end some were found guilty. The Amier ordered their tongues and ayes to ke torn out, and this sentence was immediately cari d out. The Ameer, adds the is at present studving the Russian langvage. His instructors are two Rus i'n orderlics, who do not know Persian, but have a slight knowledge of Urdu correspondent, GIANT TO WED GIANTESS. After Legacy Left For Some Pig Couple. ' Paris, Jan. 21.--Baptiste Hugo, a giant, arrived in Havre yesterday af- ter spending a year touring the Unit ed States. He is seven and a bali feet in height and his chest measures. ment ix seventy five inches. His thumb completely covers a silver dollar, and a hal-dollar can pass through one «f his rings. M. Hugo in ghout to marry a giant Miss Agnes Yves, aged twenty giv vears, whose gequaintance he made in America. He then intends competing for the legacy left by 4 former inhaly ons, itant of Kouen, which, according to his- will, is td be g iven to g giant cou ple. Gamey In North Oxfo: Jan 2] nounced that R. BR. Game will take part in the bye election campaign now in progress in North Oxford. Mr. Camey will make his first been distovered at fifty-nine miles from | this town in A. R. McDonell's lumber camp, The disease is of a mild & end is supposed to have been br in by 'workmen on the New Ontario | | railway, coming from Cape Breton, speech in the riding, to-night, at Embro, the home of Lieut.-Col, Mun: ro. and a strong reform centre in the "solid liberal township of West Zorra. Fresh seidlitz powders, Gibson's Rell ! Cross drug store, Jo: -- oH No Chance Of Canal Across Can- | Vietims Said to. Have. TWO HORSES LOST. Broke Through The h The Tes ghal Were Drowned. Lachine, Que., Jan. 21.--J. C Dee- ary, Dorval, coal and weod merchant, lost a team " horses, ' this moming, worth $100. The horses, which were standing in the yard, preparatory 'to being hariiossed, wandered down to the St. Lawrence river and started off at a brisk pace down the ice toward Lachine wharf, The jee at this point gave wav and Loth' animals- fell into the river. The oulv harness on both horses was their collars, which . were strapped together by the pole piece. These broke as the animals plunged into the ice waters, gud they became separated. One swam outside of the guard pier, where he strupeled for half an hour, and was lost sicht of. The other animal swam up and down along the edge of the jee for an hour, just ont of reach of the men who were endeavoring to throw a noose over his head. Finally the horse was pulled out, but all efforts at resuscitation were fruitless, JILTED GIRL ASKS DAMAGES. -- Writ Against Soldier Who Desert. ed Sweetheart. London, Jan. 21.--At the outbreak oF the Boer war a member of the Syd ney police force went to South Africa with an Australian contingent. lwav- ing behind hip, a girl to whom he had promised marriage. While in South Africa he married, and then visited Sydney, accompanied by his wife, Liv ing there ostentatiously at" a first. clags hotel. The jilted girl, on hearing of this, entered an action against him for hreach of promise, claiming £5000 damages. The man, however, took passage for London, stating that it was his intention to return to Johan nesburg. The writ is now on its way to London, and if on its arrival the faithless one should have left for South Africa, it will have to take an other voyage. PROMPTLY TABLED: ada Now. Detroit, Jan. 21.--The project of a new deep water canal across Cauada, connecting Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie, and doing away with the neces sity of vessels navigating Detroit riv- er, is not taken seriously by vessel owners on the lakes, although it is said by th: promoters to have at- tracted London and Paris capitalistn, That the canal will cut off six hours from the trip between the upper and lower lakes does not impress the own: ers, as it would tend to dengithon, th the season er bv rates: The canal toll vik would be an eloment to--onsider. The matter, when brought up at the 'Lake Carriers" convention here last week, was promptly tabled. ADMIT PANAMA. Senator Morgan Would Annex the New Republic. Washington, Jan. 21.--Senator Mor- gan introduced a bill providing for the annexation of Panama to the Un- ited States, "the rights and property of Pé#nama resting in the United States, without reserve." The bill appropriates £10,000,000 as gompensation to Panama far its ces sion: places $15,000,000 at the dispos- al of the president for the compensa tion of Colombia and avovronriates $40,000,000 for the purchase of the property of the new Panama canal company in Colombia, including the Panama canal. Dental Corps For Militia. Ottawa, Jan. 21-It is intended shortly to incorporate with the Army Medical Corps a dental corps to look after the tecth of the militia and a unit will probably be at each camp, It is also learned that several Deh es of the medical corps are to be amal gamated and placed under the control of the director-general, while there will be a medical officer for each mili tary district. Lord Dundonald is also eredited with a plan to provide for each man in camp taking o daily tub. Ba Insane From Cigarette Habit. Chicago, Jan. 21.--Miss Fannie Me- Nab, said to be a victim of the ci- gareite habit, has been adjudged in: zane before Judge Carter, She is thirty three years old, and evidence was introduced to show that she had smoked a package of cigarettes every day for years. Rifle Inventor Dead. made his name famous. At that time it was the lightest and most effec. tive small arm. The Austrian infantry are still armed with it. A Deputy Arrested. Torcnto, Jan. 21.--A summons was issued today charging George Ma guire, deputy ret raing officer at poll ing staticn No. 3, Third ward, with breach of the hihi act. Four- teen personntions have'l been discovered in his booth, NOTICE. = |} 18 HEREDY GIVEN THAT THE purtnersiip heret, olore subsisting between us e un us iaringers, warders. and & pal of ga City of Rimeston: has been Hiieol ed mutual consent. AH debts owin, the sid Partnership 'are to be Taig to, ington, James Swift & Co., at Ki 4 sald, and ali claims . the said | 'urtnership are to ted to! said James Swift & Co, by whom: the) aalne *ill be settled oad uted at. Kingston, this 204 % January, 1964 s h day =f JAMES SWIFT, FF. LESSLIE JAMES SWIFT Jr. : To-LET. WA WE Ll-pURN Sp on Jet, Apply 235° Jonmaten moos -- Fresh to strong winds: snow setting Jasin during Friday. OOOO 0 0000000000 A LAWSON--Entered into rest: Princoss » of our Special Blend Tea. in price. the People's Popular Tea ; = Z pound packages only. Jas. Redden & Co. Wood Burning Outfit We have them from $1 up. Also An Artistically Framed Picture Our Framed are MADE IN KING- STON and are guaranteed by the nakefs, ' KIRKPATRICK'S Uniform by an old Prussian officer' how ' Vienna, Jan. 21.--Von Mannlicher, he the rifle inventor, is dend. Mannlicher | '™* invented .in August, 1892, the rifle that | '®" the Toronto, Ont.. Jan. 21, (10: north east in FRIDAY AND Balance or Furs HALF PRICE Friday and Saturday. § : Comforters - Friday and Saturday. Flannelette Blankets $125, FOR $1. Cos meni il] N DRE-MA CELTS home, 499 streets Aiire, Mie ligan, widow of the late Robert Laws seventy-tyo years and Bing It is so good and so It has been vo Have you tried it? Put up in Price, 35c. 'atis, Jan, Jrovgt Emperop * sed tli ty changes of anon Jun Cerroan army. T haye cost taih offiess