(CHANGE, Jan. Hist. ek - vive Puseniione 188 51 127 1 000 000 + Webster, recently ap- superintendent of training "in the North-West Industrial 8, daughter of R. B. Wel Overcoats are made with ul oad Concave should- up-to-date goods. ns in Scotch and Do- Tweeds; also Blue and collars, Land narrow 'who is in line for [from 6 to 11.1-83 per cent. | the kindnsss and solicitude shown by 'in Kingston, there were scores of tole | grams 1 The doctor | be a : home by Sunday next, if all goes well. {fully shat a narrow escape he had. of the ordinary cases of blood-poison: [ingen | seemed to become dead as the poison- | long as possible, and hence the | modern Be sary for him to lose his arm. 9 led Cinfectious disease wards of the 1 general hospital reveals a marked 29 bareness in the way of furnishings. 94 The governors have heen at such great 51 expense in the new nurses building and Bs br improvements that there is no 89 money on hand to fit up the infec 111 tious wards beyond the bare reqgui- Livingston's i 1 . tton presses reduce the until it weighs forty-five ok IA MAN KILLED L' ISLE BRIDGE, -- A Negro Charged With Bigamy-- - Board of Trace Building Will Contain a Business Men's Club. Montreal, Jan. 21.--An accident oc- curred at Chateauguav. and Northern railway bridge, at Bout De I'Isle yes- terday n, by which Ulric Le- francois, twenty-three vears of ase, 585 St, Urbain street, was killed and his brother Martiall Lefranecois. thir ty-three years of age, 257 Rivard ah dd hs DAILY WHIG. y ., PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. 8.8. Lake Champlain from St. John, N.B., arrived ot Liverpool to- day. A force of German marines is on its way to South Africa to suppress the Hereros. Lord Dundonald has accepted the position as honorary colonel of the 21st Highlanders, Hamilton. Peter Forrester, former commander, Knights Templars, New York, state, is missing with $20,500 trust fund, "Kid" West, and May impson, have been committed at Elmira, in the Chinese smuggling case. William i is. froed 3 H carry the product of 40.000 acres of nv- when the United States amounted: to 612,000,000 per cent. of Britain's wheat were drawn .from thai source. when the wheat crop of the tates was 18,000,000 bushels in ten years before; only a little per cent. of Britain's wheat im- were drawn from the United tas. | Meantime Canada's contribution to tain's total imports had incremsed TALK WITE DR. ANGLIN. His Niness Appears To Him Like a Dream 'Dr. Anglin, when seen in his cosy ¢ 1 th eral hospital last a dup' Gratis for 5 people duri his ous ili Se "of BO ONL. e and Mrs. lin were overwhelmed at ifs ex Wnty Bid ould Nardly express thir thanks in words. Besides the anxity «and letters from all over the to be able to yo He is looking well, and sitting up ev- ery day. The hand which twelve days ago was in such a terrible state, ix now rap getting back to its pew mal condition, and yesterday cacsnd less pain than since the doctor was stricken down. Dr. Anglin realizes states that the case was ono: of the worst on record, and unlike most i#, fo pus formed, as is usu- ally the case, and hence there was no relief from that source, for the tisoes ing developed. As to further pmputa- tion, he determined to delay that us Hn tors fought the poison with all known i methods. a surgeon, Dr. Anglin could realize what would become of neces. Still, he would have been to the front cs a professor of Queen's Medical' College, where he lectures on clinizal surgery; and also strong as a 'consulting phys. icion and in ginoral practise. How. ever, he is happy over the fortunate outcome, and does not expect that his operating. hand will be at all affected by the loss of the middle finger. His whole iliness has seemed to Lim just like a dream. ! f it had been absolutely General Eospital In Need. A walk through the newly-rémodel- sites. For instance, on the top storey of the, Nickle wing, which is to he used for diphtheria there is a cement floor, very cold for patients in the winter. To make the place comfort. able, and perhaps a little more at- tractive, it is thought that many peo- ple would be glad to donate some floor rugs or other useful things in the way of furnishings, of which they might have some partially worn and willing to hand over to the institution, The superintendent, Miss' Flaws, would he happy to hear from any persons whe may desice to help the hospital | in that way. Statute Labor Revived. People. going tothe ferry office this afternoon thought. that statute labor had been revived in Kingston, when they saw Peter Devlin shovelling the crossing leading from his hotel to the K. & P. railway walk. This crossine was piled high with snow, and had not been touched in the "march past' of the corporation brigade. It is announced that the Sovereign bank has bought out the private Lank nr business of A, W. Carseallen & Co., Marmora. ' The adiowrned annual meeting of the Horticultural society will be held to-night in the city buildings, The big Master mine, in the Rainy River district, has closed down." F. NM. Clarke, Belleville, was in the city to-day on business. G. A. Bennett, Belleville, was a city visitor to-day. \ Potatoes and print butter, 20c. Crawford's, Great January Clearing Sale the purchase of a School Suit or two, will do well to fasten their eyes on this ad. and take advant- |! age of this special offer.. thirty-three, was We would like to have you call 1 and see what thirty per cent off regular price means. Please Note--At regular price our goods are always the best value in the city. Fleurent Dit, St his usual health and as he v ject to attacks of heart di quest ceased was unmarried, ind of quiet habits. erecting the railing on the foot walk kets under an iron support of the foot walk, near where thev were work- ing, gave way, and both men fell to the ice, a distance of tweotv feet. One of the iron rails struck Ulric Lefran- cois on the head, fracturing his skull, He died altiost instantly. His broth- or was unconscious. when picked up. The physicians have hope of his re- covery. Ernest Marshall, a negro, has been arrested in this city. on a charge of biganiy. it being claimed he married a woman whom he knew to be already married. The woman Marshall marri- ed was a Mrs. Lafrance, a white wo- man, and after livine with Marshall for a time, after being married at Rouse's Point, N.Y.. returned to live with 'her husband, Marshall thereupon threatened her with prosecution for bigamy, and her answer was his ar- rest. It is claimed knowledoe of the previons marriage on Marshall's part constitutes bicamy. ix-President Hodeson, of the Board of Trade, and a number of 'other busi- ness. men, are interested in a vroject to convert the ton floor of the west wing of the hoard of trade buildine into a business men's club. There is only*one down town organization of the kind now, and it has a large wait- ing list. L. H. Kaufman, a traveller for a tobacco firm in Philadelphia, commit- ted suicide in the Windsor hotel yes- terday. Kaufman, who is about forty- five years of ace, was found dead in his room. A towel fastened around his neck indicated that the mad had strangled himseli. T.uke Robinson has resioned as sup- erintendenty of the Montreal Street railway company. Joseph Ermandez, a third vear mod: ical student at McGill University, died vesterdav at the general hospital from typhoid fever, He had just returned from a visit to his parents in Jamai- ca, West Indies. MEN ARE UNDER RUINS. mpfr An Exploding ' Pipe Wrecks a Mill. Johnstown, Va., Jan. 21. -An mense steam pipe directly over engine in, the boiler room of No. mill of 'the Cambria Steel company ex- ploded this mowing, bringing down the whole section of roof running from the pudding mill to the finishing shed of the mill. The woodwork at once took fire from the furnaces. Two or three men are under the de- im- the 2 bris and it is net believed that they can be rescued. Fifteen men have hen taken out and sent to the hos pital or are lying on improvised cots in offices nearby. Several are in a cri tical condition. Added to the fire and explosion dis- aster, a large water pipe burst and flooded the ground about the scene of the accident. One man, caught in the debris, was in plain sight but could not be rescued, owing to the intensity of the heat. The accident occurred be- tween turns and a great many men were seated in the mill. HELD WIFE IN FLAMES, . Man's Attempt To Murder Cost His Own Life. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 21.--At- tempted murder and actual suicide were facts revealed by a fire at No. 120 Margaret street, where lived Au- gust Steinert and his wife, Pauline, two of the city's poor. The woman, who i$ seriously, if not fatally burn ed, says her husband saturated the kitchen and her clothes with kero- #ane, set fire to the house, threw her on the floor, where he held her in the flames. She declares he was insane. Steinert's hody protected that of 'the woman and she was burned but little externally. When he rolled away in his pain she crawled to a kitchen door and staggered, screaming, into the oven air. Steinert was burned to death. A BURLINGTON FIRE Causes a Great Damage. lurlingtcn, Ont, Jan. 21.--A di trous fire occurred at Burlington junc tion, last vight, when a store occu- tisd' by Lorimer and . Thomson, a grain warehouse, containing ahout },- 000 bushel: of grain, occupied bv Kes & Co., and a frame dwelling, occupied by Mr. Purdy; weve destroy- Deal of ed. The Canadian Exvress and Free man post office were in the store, Mr, l orimer being rostmaster and express agent. The bil 'iags were all owned hy Freeman Bros. Loss, 87,900; part ly covered by insurance. AN HOTEL EMPLOYEE Found Dead In Bed--Heart Dis- ease. Plentagenet, Ont., Jan, 21.--Joseph Amour, vardman 'at "readwell, aged about found dead in hod his morning. He retived last night in wa sly ¢ no In was considered necwsarv, De sober, Yechenes hotel. Mr. Scott On Hand. Arab. hadi Agi aR its + wan hadly--injo oth men - 8 . .- . were egployed by the Dominion | New York Central cfiicials are aim- Bride "company. and were encased in | in2 at a 120 mile an hour clip, to of the bridge, when one of the brad. k Street, Kingston. TON & BR a. Ottawa, Jan. 21.--~Darey Scott filed An appearance to-day in the suit for libel brought asainst him by Hon. F. R. Latchiord. He will fight the ease 40 the end; 4 ------------------ Judge Price held d ion court at Odessa to-day. ts equal speed made at Prossen, Germ- any, a short time ago. C. KF. Stout, a prosperous ticket broket in.a fashionable hotel by dav, has been found to be a general receiv- er of stolen property at night. Perrins, limited, an English com- pany, hes issued a writ against the Algoma Tool Works company for pos- session of certain patents ap metallic tubes. The London Daily Chronicle, which now sells for a penny, two cents, will be reduced soon to a halfpenny and will bé the fourth one-cent morning newspaper in London, J. Nettlefold, who will be ousted from the position of treasurer of the Midlands Liberal-Unionist Associa- tion, says colonial cupboard love is an insecure foundation for the Empire. Hall Caine; the novelist and drama: tist, has probably planned his last romance. He is 'completely broken down in health, and in such physical condition that death may' come at any moment, Leroy' Baylor, charged with the mur- der' of Oscar Hendrickson, colored, during a quarrel over a girl several years ago, died in Salem, Mass., ol consumption, just as he had complet- ed a confession. H. F, Grierson, formerly of Chica- go, HL, and Rochester, N.Y., who was commander of Grierson's Horse in South Africa during 1881, was mar- ried. Wednesday in London to Mrs. Fitzgerald Creagh, widow of Major- General Creagh. AT ZION CHURCH. Most Successful Evangelistic Meet- ings Being Held. A very happy. series of meetings have been carried cn in Zion church during this week, led by the pastor and the many student members of the congregation. Although only meant at first for undecided adherents, and larger scholars of the Sunday school, the numker of stydents and citizens attending has enlarged their sphore-- the building having been last night fled to overflowing. Messrs. Strachan, Smith and liudsay, stu dents of Queen's, pave brief and heart-searching addresses on "The Way to Christ," wkile J. Robinson, a stu dent evangelist, at present in charge of Tivingston Avenue: Presbyterian Mission, with tellin effect, led the service of song. To night Messrs. Rob- inscn and Malloy, are expected to lend, and sing with others, when still larger results are looked for. 'The gospel in duet and solo, as presented by Mrs. J. N. Dales, Misses Munroe and Purdy, of Queen's; E. Godwin, M. Truesdell, E. Cooke, ete., have had much 10 do with the spiritual effect of these meetings. The special servizes were to have ended iast night, but the students and young people urged that they should be cohtinned, and the officers heartily assented, and now stil greater blssings are assured, as the spirit of God has been tolithing many wl with not a few yielding o His saving influence. UNACCOUNTABLE SUICIDE. A Quiet St. Catharines Man Takes His Life. St. Catharines, Ont., Charles Young, married, fifty years, and residing on Welland avenué, committed sdicide last night by taking carbolic acid. No reason can be given for the act. Mr. Young had been in the employ of Carlisle Bros. & Co. for a quarter of a century, and was always looked upon as a steady, reliable man. Jan. 21- aged about OOM PAUL. He Is Going Downward In Health, Birmingham. Eng., Jan. 21.---The Post to-day, quotes a friend of Com Paul Kruger as stating that the health of the former president of the Transvaal, shows signs of progressive decline. Married On Wednesday. In Cooke's Presbyterian church «wvining Rev. Aledander Laird umited in marriage Alired Thomas, contrac tor. Brooklyn, N.Y., and Miss Flarence LaRush, daughter of Mrs. Jennie La- Rush, Union street west. Aiter the ceremony a bridal dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother This morning Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left for a honéymoon tour, after which they will take up residemce in Brook- yn. last Montreal Admitted. New York, Jan. mittee of the Fastern league has Se- lected Montreal as the cighth city of |» the circuit for the eoming season, the | 1 complete circuit being Buffalo, Provi- dence, Jersey City, Newark, Baltimore, | ¢ Toronto, Rochester and Montreal. Charles Atherton, of last year's Buf falo team, will manage the Montreal | team. Melzor Avery, Sharbot that the great amount of snow winter is intorfering to some extent with the work in thé woods, tigiber cutting. A great deal of trouble is experienced in keeping the roads open, snoq ploughs being kept constantly at Work. The late Colin Campbell, Iroquois, in his will directed that £2,000 be vaid the province, if the succession duties |o this | € on his estate did not reach amount, The household of John Patterson. near. Brougham, narrowly escaped death hy asphyxiation from coal gas. One dozen cakes castile soap 2c. Says Prospects Of Peace Are Fa- Gazette this afternoon opinion on the far eastern crisis, say ing : are at this rast." In Colombia, Say Advices From 21. ~The circuit com- | received from Bogota indicate, accord: ing to a Herald despatch from Pana general ronto, was elected Lake, says |W. Nicoll and J. elected vico-presidents. that Gen. Sir Harry Maclean, eolonel- in-command of the bodyguard of, the Sultan of Maroceo, has been eaptmred by rebels a' a journey from Fez. that | tune "to dislocate his left shoulder. Dr. Ryan, while attempting to adjust the dislocation, was to dislocate his thumb. girl often overlooks a THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. STREET CAR CO. WILL UNDERGO EXAMINA- TION RE FRAUDS nett Judgment Against Wallace In Atlas Loan Matters--Judgment Against Quance--Other Cases Adjourned. Torontz, Can. 21.--The mayor, ' in his me:sage to council next Monday, intends to ask that the investigation into the elect'on frauds should also Le cirected to the action of the street railway compeny. Tt is charged that the company subscribed $3,000 to as- 'sist the ¢lxction of Ki hardson "and Loudon to the board of 'ontrol The mastor-in-ordinary, to-day, or dered judgment to be entered against A. E. Wallace, in favor of the liqui- dator of the Atlas Loan company, for x350.000 balance due on shares held in Wallace's name in the company. Wal- lace sail he bought the stock as part of his contract of partnership with Ames & Co.," but the ljuidators' counsel advised that he thought an action against fmes and company for spe ific performance would fail, Wal | lace not having fulfilled all the gondi- tions. Judgment was given against J. C. Quance for $13,000. The latter is in Chicago. The cases of Sarah Brainard and Caroline Price were adjourned till 28th, at St. Thomas, and that of H. S. Crossely til February 9th here. BLAMES ROSS. The Latest Complaint of The On- tario Opposition. Toronto, * Jan. 21. -- Two _more speeches in the legislature's debate on the address in reply to the speech from the throne were finished vester- day. Mr. Lucas, who commenced his speech on Tuesday, continued for ab- out an hour and a half. He criticized the government for not prevailing up- on the railways of Western Ontario to keep their tracks clear during snow- storms, ang also complained of the irregularity of the service at all times. These were matters which should oceupy the government's at- tention rather than such trivialities as their supporters had been using in their speeches since the opening of the present session. Mr. Preston, who followed in a re- markably logical address, twitted the opposition on having to find campaign material in the railway service, a mat- ter wholly within the jurisdiction of the Dominion government. He wok it as an indication that there was noth- ing 'of which: fo complain in provinci al administration. Mr. Preston also scored a strong point when he said that if Mr. Gamey was really bribed it would have been his first duty to inform his leader. In the great brib- ery case of 1834, the members who were approached handed the money to the speaker at once. Mr. Hoyle mov- ed the adjournment of the debate. Hon. Mr. Davis will probably foliow, and after him will come Mr. Downey. The year's financial transactions by the Ontario government.will be shown to have heen most satisfactory, when the public accounts are firesented in a few weeks. A preliminary 'statement, prepared yesterday, shows a surplus for the year of over half a million, with three million dollars in the bank at present, and a total surplus ¢f a half million nore. The statement in detail shows that the total receipts hy the province of Ontario during 1903 were $5,469,208 - total expenditures, §1.800,932, leaving a surplus for the year's transactions of 8578316. On December 31st, 1902, there was in the bank to the credit of the province, $1,415,510. A vear later, on December 1903, this had in- creased to $1,993,827. Since then the revenues received brought the money in the bank of Januarv 20th, 1904, vp to a total of $3,094,193, A glance at the assets and liabii showed a surplus on December 3 1903, of $2,552,527. Counting the in- crease in the cash received since the close of last vear, the total surplus of assets over liabilities at the nresent time is in the neighborhood of 3. 500,060. X MULLAH'S FORCES SURPRISED Men Killed, Camels And Sheep Captured. Aden, Arabia, Jen. 21.--Adviees from Somaliland say that Kennas; Somali, mounted infantry, surprised a body of the Mulleh's forces on Janu arv 17th in the vicinity of Elinada, killing fifty spear men, and capturing 3,000 camels, and thousands of shop. WESTMINSTER GAZETTE. vorable. 21.--The Westminster voices general London, Jan. "We believe the chances of peace moment more favorabl than they have been for some wecks WAR FEELING DYING. Bogata. New York, Jan. 21.--Mail advices ma, that the general war feeling in Co umbia is dying out, and there is a desire to allow the Panama juestion to cease without war. ------ At the annual meeting of the Cara- lian Artillery Association held in To Lient.-Col. Hurdman, Ottawa, president and Lieut.-Col. Davidson, Guelph, Arnoldi, Ottawa, were nd Major E. An unconfirmed report is eurreni spot about a day's Fre. Hanley, while putting on his vercoat yesterdav, had the imisfor- unfortunate enoush In ber search for the ideal men a lot of "real Civon's Red Cross drug store. ones, extension roles, $3.75, for 83. choice for 81. $2, now '$1.55. (In 1 1b. and 2 lb. cans). The King of Good Coffees ; Sanborn £8 init ua i Special Sal o-Morrow vg, 3 1 AND BALANCE OF WEEK 20 PER CENT. OFF Wool Blankets, ty Men's Wool | \\ Underwear, Men's Fleece-Lined Underwear, Boys' Underwear. We are obliged to make room for new goods about to arrive and are forced to dispose of the balance of the goods mentioned above, so you have now a chance to secure genuine reductions, as all our goods are marked in plain figures. All Sales of Above Goods: Are for CASH ONLY. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... semen THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE OUR BARGAIN LIST This is the Time to Buy Shoes. Very seldom one gets the opportunity to buy any- thing but old stock atsuch bargains. We positively have no very old stock to offer. Read this list over and you'll probably decide you cannot afford to let others have all the good things. ge EMPRESS SHOES Ladies" Fine Kid Lace Boots, rubber heels, £3, for $2.40. - ' Ladies' Dongola Kid, kid Lips, a 4 good walking boot, $3.50, for $2.75. LADIES' KID SLIPPERS One table regular price $1:50, for <I. Felt Slippers, regular phick 65¢ Jor Oc. with " : - x 2s Bell's Patent Leather Lace Boots, Felt Slippers, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, very stylish, $1, for $2.50. now $1. 5 . 0 Dorot Dodd Eaglish Soft Finish Leggings and Overgaiters redu ed 2 Calf Walking Poot, full military heels, { Per cent. Stock Empress $3.75, for e 300 pairs New Spri I Fo rie cent. off for =o Dorothy Dodd Kid Beots, kid tips, | Boots for Ladies, : 3 ~ | few days. » S .Somnie . extraordinary: bargains in Gents' Pox Calf and Dongola Boots. Oxford Shoes, one table mixed kinds, Oxford Shoes; one lot regular price 5 5 Poys' and Girls' Boots all rodyeed. F. G. LOCKETT. DISCOUNT ALL THI We will give twe: count off everythis "209% Suits, Boys' Clothes, Gloves, Collars, Braces, Our goods are r figures, so yoy ca: you save. 80e. BUYS $ JENK Fresh Frozen .Haddock, €c., €c., 1 Cod, 6c. and 10c. pu Halibut, 20e. per 1b, Salmon, 20¢. and 25 Smelts, 8c., 10c:, 1! Flounders, 8c. per 1 Tomcodg, 7c. per Iv Bluefish, 12j}c. per li Sea Herrihgs, 30c Whitefish, ge. and 1 Salmon. Trout, 124c. Pike, 8c. per 1b, 3 Pifkerel; 10c. per ib, Smoked Ciscoes, 12jc. per IL Boneless. Finnan Had Bloaters, 20¢., 30c., Kippers, 20c., 40c. | Bulk Oysters, 40c., 63 Brock St. Second Hand 5 octave, high to ditions; cost $110. V For $30 'Domition Organ; W as new; cost $120 Now ! Come and see our: Second Hand Pianos McDOW TABLE First Quali Knives, Spoons We have a line of tt "French Gray"' Finish, al' patterns Ask to see it; we pieces also, and feel wade that is richer better. SMITH Ek Jewellers and Opticiar Smoked Glasses ease re ~ WANTE DWELLING, FOR M 7 rooms, from $ Address 5] month. WE WANT A FEW PF joocality to work fo. time. Pleasant wo: Imperial Company, i ---------------------- AGENTS AVERAGE the year round Always in use. ¥ ties, not fads or lu season. Write G. Eondon, Ont. EARN A BETTER SAl " tion: Study Electr Engineering, Telegen ndcnce. Nr Thomas A. Eq stitute Book, "{ Electrical Engineer ~ Fleetrical Engince * York. To-LE' WELL-FURN Apply a WARM, to let. street See Them Ss Those folks whom meeting lately with smile have been to § sale and were tickled gaini, Come to-morr