Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1904, p. 7

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atties, a la Balti, ters, Rum Saree" % key, Cranberry Seuce Har: Lettuse oiled Rice Greca Peas a Pie, Whipped Cream colate Ice Cream a (irapey Cheese Cofice sell the fol- te ; htgowns Flannelette. ACI. SON... ton. E STORE LIST BS. ity to buy any- s positively have t over and you'll others have all KID SLIPPERS lar price $1.50, for $l. regular price 63c., fcr , $1.75, $1.50, 81.25, Quergaiters reduced 20 Stock Empress s, 10 per cent. off for a rdinary bargains io "and Dongola Boots. ls' Boots all reduced. « Za IN The Maidstay of A ge : age is weakened. Nourishing, easily-digested foods are required. That «s why Tillson's pan-dried =~ Oats is the best break- fast dish for age. The cooking turns the starch into easily-digested dextrin. It is rich in proteids, carbo- hydrates and fat. Tillson's Qats is a food, not a fad. Tillson's Pan - dried = THE DAILY Oats p-- ath | MADE iio MONEY AND BUSINESS. SAFE SURE RELIABLE ~ Incorporated 1833. Cupital Fully Paid, $1,000,000. British American Assurance Co. All Classes of Fire Insurance Written. GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM Market Square. wONEY TO "LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates of interest on Sy and farm property. Loans gran' on - city 'and county deben- tures. APDly Lo a C. USN, manager ntenac Lean and In- vestment' Soci Of etme Offs ety ce opposite "I VERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE I pany. Available In addition to 1 which the policy holders have for securi the unlimited liabilit, ol all the stockhelders. Farm and city rates lore renewing eld or giviug from new business et rates STRANGE & STRANGE Agents ARCHITECTS. GENRY P. Smith, ARCHITE( otc. Anchor uilding. Marke! 'Phone 2485. Square, 'OWER & SON, ARCHITECT, « chants' Bank Building, corner Hrock and Wellineton streets. Phone 312 ARTHUR BLLIS, ARCHITECT, . OF- fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor ner of Queen and Montreal Streets NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, «¥f- ce, second floor over Mahood's dius Princess and "Bag Bagot street ou a store, corner Streets. Entrance on Telephone SOR ---------- Te £ od Our Acetylene Generators Are approved by the Canadian Fire Underwriters Association. The Positive Generator for over two has been used in Churches, Stores, | years Hotels, Factories, Dwelling Houses and Summer Resorts, and in all cases have given the best of satisfaction. The Positive is easy to recharge, makes gus automatically, also economically, be- cause it takes all the gas out of the carbide and' wastes none. P. E. WARD & CO. 93 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. - SKATES Properly Ground with Special Machine and Fitted to Boots. Sewing Machines, Typewriters FOR SALE. J. RC. DOBBS & 40. 171 Wellington Street. LV KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE _ KINGSTON, _ TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Usequalied facilities for securing posi tions, Largest and best equipment in Canada 831 Queen street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 9 to-day. WAS IN A CRITICAL CONDITION. System was Run Down. FELT DROWSY AND MISERABLE. Burdock Blood Bitters BUILT UP THE SYSTEM AND ADDED TEN POUNDS IN WEIGHT. i Mr. Ed, J. Harris, Newbridge, Ont., was in poor health, but has now been restored to full health and vigor. Hereis Nhat he witles vs: Slant ing 1 was in a very eritical condition, my system was all run down. I felt ini miser- able, and thought I would sus die if I did not get something to build me up. After reading one of r almanacs I fogided to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and had taken two botties I had in perfect health, and I can certainly recommend Burdock Biood Bitters to build up the system." BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Is the best Spring medicine on the market You may need one this Spring, if so, get B.B.B. a EE NO SONGS FOR THE SOLDIERS. Issuing Of Rollicking Lyrics For Troops. London, Jan. Rollicking songs may be written for the soldier to sing at camp gatherings, and, melodies with a stately swing may be composed for him to sing as he marches, but the treasury has forbidden him an official song book. Col. Barrington Foot, the mandant of kneller hall, the fine mili tary musical school, where the hands are trained to play, thought it woulda be a good thing to have a standard book of soldiers' songs, somethin i ter the style of the "Soldatenliader- buch" of the German army. Oppose 29 com Capt. Basil Hood wrote a fine, rol licking song, entitled "On the High Road," and Hamish MacCunn set it to just the kind of music that would help a body of soldiers 'along oh the march. They could sing it with a swing, and there is heartiness in the words. Mr. MacCunn gave the wil: tary authorities the copyright for usc in the proposed soldiers' song Look. and a number of suitable songs, old and new, were looked up in readines for the collection, a copy of which, u was hoped, would soon be prescaud 1) each soldier. But the treasury shook its head, nr fusing to sanction the expenditur: oi a few pence on each soldier. and 1h projéct has fallet through. Stomach Troubles. A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble. When the stomach fails to perform fits functions the bowels become deranged, the liver and kidneys congested, causing numerous di the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more to be dreaded. The important thing is to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition, and for this pur- pose no better preparation can be used than Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all drug gists. ------ ---- He who hesitates is sometimes lost, and sometimes found out. Matches made in heaven are not to be made light of. 3 Deo you f It do Lon Bo of filtering the impurities fi eel constantivtired =o that everything is done with an indication that the K u are GIN PILLS restore {he Kidneys to thelr normal five _you back your old time ot - will help you. They heal! dizfon and he be ip an From all Druggists, ng. per bex, 6 boxes for $2.90 or direct from THE BOLE DRUG CO., WINNIPEG. Man. Your money back Gin Pills do not eure. BROADBRIN'S Letter From Greater New York. FLYING AIRSHIP IS NOW AN ACCOMPLISHED FACT, Glance Over 'Improvement in Ways Of Locomotion--New Mayor Firmly in His Seat--Trouble in Albany. Special Correspondence; Letter No. 1,392, New York, Jan. 22.--It is not many years ago since a neighbor wishing to compliment his friend, took his son between his knees, patted him on the head and said, "Ah, my boy, I hope you will be as good a man as your father." That word "vood" has a broad significance, it may mean piously good according to the church canons, or to be a good mechanici- an, or good for nothing. The boy of fifteen who does not know more ab- out the general welfare of the world than his father did at sixty. if they can find no other use for him, they had better turn him over to the Brit- ish covernment, which can send him to South Africa, and enlist him to attend to, is every man's interest now; we are not content to attemd to what concerns ourselves, but want to know what is going on in all parts of the world would naturally think, with. a city ripped up as we are, that we would have all. we could possibly think of, to get things arranged for a decent and orderly appearance amd it ought to be a matter of intimate concern what the cost is going to be, for it touches our temderest point, the pocket, yet, the first thing we turn to in the r is to learn what is ng to be final issue between we and Japan... One day you hear that there will certainly be a fight. The next day all parties scem to be move conciliatory. As some_enlighten- ment as to how this vexed question may be settled, we' learn that Japan has purchased from ' Chili two- steel cruisers, from another party, seventy thousand stands of the most improv: ed arms, several hundred tons of beef, and a mumber of shiploads of grain, a most complete preparation for peace. Ome wise in government se crets beyond his generation, deplores the possibility of war, and fears that England may be drawn into the strife, Germany is not behind in warlike: pre- parations, and if there is not a gen eral national family row, it will be little less than a miracle. One gratifying item in the newspa- pers this week is that the flying air- ship is an accomplished fact, and that the great 'French acronaut, who made his success at the French exhibition. is going~to the St. Louis exposition to give uy demonstration of his r.achine. There mow appears to be little doubt that a machine will be perfected hy the di ofy of some new prinviple, which will make the navigation of the r FUSAN HARBOR, KORBA, : Fusan is one of the most important harbors of the Hermit iingdom " and in the event of war would probably be an objective oint for the forces of both Russia and Japan. ¢ populate those desert wastes, that have been depopulated by Boers in hand a newspaper for which 1 paid five cents, and it is filed with infor- wnation. which circles th SURLY years have sce 1 x Mun- go Park's "Travels in Africa," and was filled with wonder at his des- eription of Timbuctoo. Mungo Park was not much . in advance of Marko Polo, who had given a description of those lands hundreds of years before; even as late a traveler as Stanley called it the Dark Continent, but, thanks to Ba:th, Livingstone and oth- ers, we now know Africa from Cape Town to Lake Nyanza. The continent is no longer dark; light has broken through the seemingly imperturbable gloom of her tremendous forests; the elophant, the girafie and the hippopot- amus have no longer a quiet home in the Dark Continent, they are forced to retreat before the advance of the new civilization, and it will not be mhny years before these animals will become extinct as has the buffalo on the plains of North America. It is only a few decades since the buffalo, numbering thousands, found ample feed upon these mighty plains where the pioneer of to-day raises his roof and makes his home; the bufialo has vanished at the advance of the pio- neer. Un another page of this news- paper 1 find myself reading of the her- mit kingdoms of Corea, China and Ja- pan. Within the memory of living men the kingdoms 1 have named were shut out from the world's civilization ; no outside barbarian was permitted to put a foot upon their sacred soil, their civilization appearing to them to be the most advanced, and their accomplishments all that was worthy of being known; they wanted no inter course with other nations for it brought nothing but degradation. A hundred vears have not passed since the scales have fallen from their eyes and now, in the year of grace 1904, we find Japan, whose history was a sealed book until 1840, facing the Russian Bear upon the battlefield, aud daring him power by land or sea. Although the population of Rus- sia exceeds one hundred millions, and, from the mountains of Circassia and along the banks of the river Don she draws those fighting battalions which have filled her armies for vears, and whose normal oceupation is war and slauchter, who are, as nitiless as the evelone, as merciless as the destroy- juno 'angel of pestilence. The new light which is breaking on the world illuminates all the dark laces which for untold ages have held the mighty secrets which are now Leing unveiled : The spirit of unrest is everywhere about us; men who have inherited vast fortume, cann be tempted to stay at home and enjoy them; thev must climb mighty moun- tains merely for the pleasure of say ing "I have done it"; they must bore search of the earth's buried treasures. New discoveries are sought and to-day we find steam, which we once eonced ed to be the greatest wonder of won- drous. revelations, superseded hy that mysterious power--electrieity- that reaches to the sky, and penetrates the carth: which every human being born, since God said "let there be light," has felt, and knows that it exists, and yet no mortal eye has ever seen it since creation's dawn. (One singular feature which pervades the world to-day, is "the fact that what used to be one man's business, and which he found very diffidult fo the late unpleasantness. 1 hold in my | v h | provement in locomotion. thousands of feet under the earth in. "air as easy as to travel by automo bile upon the land. Just look back and see how gradual has becn the im The cold stage coach {hat ran from New York to Philadelphia, in twenty hours was christenpd™ "The "Lightning Line," Lint all such travel as that h-oame a very slow' coach whem Stevemson puf his hand upon the throttle-valve and sent his machine over two iron rails at the terrific pace of twenty miles an hour In that day who could have dreanwd it would be three times twenty mile pn hour in our own generation that the steamer which then crossed the ocean to Europe was finally wld as a cattle carrier, and supersedoa by the magnificent creations tha: now cross that stormy sea aga: wind and wave in less than six days. Our new mayor has got firmly in his scat, and to all intents and purposes is receiving the respect from both par ties to which his entitles him The Human Dread of Heart Failure. Symptoms of Which Cause Con- stant Alarm Soon Disappear With The Use of Or. Chase's ~ Nerve Food The heart is looked upon as the very source and fountain of life, and the slightest defect in the workings of this organ is suflicient to keep ome in constant dread of sudden and unex pected death. Shortness of breath on slight exer tion, irregular beating, palpitation and Wnt action of 'the ny © are among the symptomis which cause un easiness, and these indications of di sease soon disappear when Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is used. With a liberal supply of rich, red, life-sustaining blood the heart~plods on with ceascless energy, forcing the blood through the body and patiently renewing its own waste, but just as soon as the blood gets thin, weak or watery, the symptoms of heart weak- ness appear and hold the victim in constant terror Because of its extraordinary blood- building qualities, Food thoroughly removes these symp- toms and not only ensures regular and healthful heart action, but at the same time restong strength and vig- or to the whole system. Mrs. Thomas Hall, * 3 Sixth stroet Kingston, Ont.. and whose husband is employed in the Losomotive works states' "1 have suffered a great deal with dizziness. These spells come over me quite frequently and I think the trouble arose from . After a course of treatment Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. T have been entirely freed from this distressing symptom, and I feel better and stromger than 1 have for vears. 1 can heartily recommend Pr. Chase's Nerve Food, as it has un doubtedly heen a great boom to me." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c. a box. wiz boxes for #2.50, at all dealers or Fdmanson. Bates 8 Co., Toronto. To portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. portra t and sipnatire of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book auth- or, are on the box. WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28. . The great plums are all distributed, so that trouble is over. It is evidmt that he is going to be a very honest and » very busy man, bluin, democri- ti. and unassuming. ast week he wade a tour of inspection of the old city hall, and came back perfectly sat- isfied with -the appearance of things under the old administration. He gave the public to understand that n) ra dical improvements -or alterations would be attempted at that. in. the ear. fates: e. be provided for its public servants one which will be worthy of the greai- est metropolis on the Amdrican con: tinent. J he vems to be trouble in Al bey; questions are pending which in- vole the outlay of many millions of dollars The enlargement of the Erie canal is "the nigger in the wood Dr. 'Chase's Nerve ! ed pile,t and who shall get the graft is | another vexed question. | BROADBRIM, | STILL ACTIVE AS GONDOLIER. { Old Employee Continues Plying ---- BOVR Fortifies Against No possibility of Carling's Ale ever being tainted by an unclean keg. thousands of dollars, is equipped with the most modern machinery, and operated by experts. i : chemically purified before being re-used. because no other is quite so good." Carling's The Ale that's Always Pure which will be indeed a city hall wal 4 Carling's keg- cleaning plant has cost Every keg is thoroughly cleansed and used or Ask for Carling's Ale--accept no offer, o. The Ideal After-Dinner Cigar - "Top off" the best meal of the o® I ha he G3 & Emporium CARPET SWEEPERS His Trade. | © Venice, Jan. 23.--~1he Venetian gon- | | dolier who was in the pernjanent ew ploy John Ruskin between the | years 1578 and I8s8, during which period the great knglish critic spent many wonths in the Italian Adrian ol city, is still alive at the age of seven- ty years. His name is Veter Mazzino, and he is as strong and healthy as a young | man, his ruddy countenance aceenin | ated by a small white mustache and two little bright eves, like a rabbit's, He still dresses in the picturesque cos- tume of a Venetian gondolier, and | continues to ply his trade on the Riva | Degli Schiavoni. | He remembers his English patron | very well, and has a large number of | autograph letters reccived from sd mo#tly at Christmas time. | case ens | | | | HAD TO RETURN TOOTH. | Theatre Bought It, But Got It | | Back. | Bergen, Norway, Jan. 23. ~The | ve. ere e onomy w hi-h had to be ex | er. ised by the management of the No:wegian theatre in Vergen in 1849 is illustrated by a story told by Wil liam Aicher in the current number of the Fortnightly Review. | An actress had been engaged for,the part of 'second old woman,' when it Puas discovered that her elocutionary powers were impaired by the fact that she had lost one of her front teeth, She was impoverished, and the man- ent came to the rescue and bore of the necedsary dentis agem the expense try. When she retired, however, after two easons vhe had to leave the tooth behind her, the example of the den tist's art Leng the property of the theatre. Almost Every Woman. 1s! inclined to habitual constipation and should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which cleanse the system and regulate the stomach and bowels. For wild and sure reliel use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25 cents. ------ There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are troiibled with nervous weakness, nicht sweats, ete., should try them. Wivo--1 like to ' see a woman who can rise superior to dress. Warg-- Well, anv woman in a delicate gown is head and shoulders above it. Nell--What sort of a voice has she ? ,A good one for $2.50. A better one for. $2.75. : The best one for $3. x CLOTHES WRINGERS From $2.50 to $3.50. Have your Christmas and New Year's Dinner cooked oft a " HAPPY HOME" Range, the largest and most economical range on the market, ELLIOTT BROS... 77 Princess Street, Telephone, 36. ©He London City and Hiidland Bank wed, Koop yourself well h and dally use EPPS Belle--Well, it not what it is crack- ed up to be -

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