mot Ee you should i made throughout the contest. All the Beochgrovet forwards had the better of opponents. Referees Elliott found it to rule players off only six times, the Detain, being four times and the cadets ie. first goal was scored by Derry after . ten minutes' play. Herbert shot the last 5 enh Ih Yh x a ly. the who! now &nd | 10h of - the rink. Hall time score mtil {wen ; Beechgroves, 4; R.M.C., 0. Jn the first fifteen minutes of the re- Derry and Herbert Clarke raising Beechgroves' en came a long lift Budden, the puck deop: mi the cadets thes snip ng 4 1 on . made the score 7 - "before naa iy cats i 4+ 1 groves thus . have a lead of seven goals for the re- turn match next Friday night. Co Bourg will likely be thsir next vie "Goals d--For Beechgroves, Her- bert Clarke, 4; Derry, 2; Potter, |; 4 Williams, 1. For R.M.C,, Budden, 1. ves--Goal, Macdonnell; point Harold Clarke; cover-point, Vanhorn; cehtres, Potter, Herbert Clarke; wings, Derry, Williams. RM.C. 11.--Géa!l, Smith; point, Har rington;' cover-point, H. Budd: cen- well, Coristine; wings, Hale, : 18 pay you to uy KINGSTON BRANCH Clarence Chambers, Clarence St Won By The Orientals. © Oppoetie elith Ameriosa Hota. The ¥.M.C:A. indoor baseball team Phone 09 Car mrp fell 'behitd another match in the race for 'the championship of the local league, by 'losing * last night to the Orientals. The score was fifty to sev- efitéen in favor of the eerie men from the east. This was to be exvected, when the Orientals put forward a team of 'old baseball players. Y.M.C.ASC;, J. Bews; p.. Moncrief; 1b., Kine: 2b., Gaudreau; 3b. Mercer; 8.8, G. Bews; LL, Amiel; rl, War wick; o.f., Assalstine. Orientals.-- C., Moore; p., McCam- ; db., Muckler; 2b., B. Derry: 3b., J. Perry: LE, Appleton; cd., McCartney; rf., G. Derry. "J. J. McKENNA, Central Ontario Curling: Won. Lost. -" 2 1 2 1 1 1 ° 2 "Two Curling Matches. Two nore matches were played off yesterday | in' the local "championship curling 'weriés, resulting in Victories for rinks skipped by 8. R. Bailey and W. B. Dalton, who each ran up big scores, as will Be seen by the following list : Rink No. IJ. W, Albree, S. Kirk- pautisk, L. W. Gill, 8. R. Bailey, skip + Lieut. Clairmont, Lieut. Panet, Capt. Grant, 'Col. Drury, skip.--7. Rink No. 2-R. J. Hooper, A. Mo Lean, E. 0. Siiler, W. B. Dalton, skip 1 F. A. Hatch, F. Conway, A. Neo Naughton, Ji Slater, skip.--7. line we sell at 26c. is ; value in the city, ne wR & ro 3 Slebrated "Goodall" of 1 {Goodall" of Lon: don, Eng. ner Foi ask | f 40c. for this excellent quali- ty. 4 - Bow 5 A Busky Septette. The ~ Avenmore' septette challenge any = boarding house hockey team im the city to combat ~ia the Kingston skating tink, for a prize rancing from 1 & har of Soap to a barrel of flour, the .. Stomach Troubles. disordered stomach may cause no i b When e stomach 1 fts functions the the liver and Ar Te wal oa Pryday wil be the' shine 81 met' test a inst he age qualification of 00 Perth on Monday cent intermediates defeated the Gran | ites, reilly 8 od... The O.H.A. executive is stil afler "Reddy" McMillen, and Belleville ma have Jou more of last year's trouble to face. ' Brockville and Smith's Falls' senior teams will meet in Brockville to-mor: row sip will likely depend upon the re oud kept. 1 Ho Queen's-'Varsity motch on Friday intercollegiate championship, down, sa: Seal. will be 5. tongh propos 3 will be a toug! tion. + *Chaneer" Elliot! the Peterboro-Picten match in Pefer boro to-night. No less than three sets of teams seek his wervices for Friday night. The jen't in it with "Chaucer," who will arrange his engagements. . " nan {last hight * they 'were second raters. out the grounds. Chamberlain's Stomach and] lieved by arity. Port Hope has given notice of a pro- Junjors. © f. night the Cres- ight, and the group chamgion- t. ' Announcement of his father's danger i illness, Pr. Mebhowall out of t. He was ready to prepare for when a telegram came. ma The Presbyterians should eapture the hands the Belleville Intelligencer. owever, are not sanguine. 4 is the reféree for prime minister of Canada have to secure a private sccretary to - General Sport. Napanee curlers are here to-day to ay' Kingston a league match. The teams are playing in Brockville this afternoon. The sheriff has squatted in the Am- ericen e Baseball park, New York. He has a judgment for $256.76, which he is very anxious to collect for Jacob Rudolphy, a surveyer, who laid The big baseball leagues are urging the adoption of the thrée-ball rule as au sort of com, in the foul-strike controversy. ident Hart favors a restriction on the pitchers rather than the foul-strike rule. D. 8. Dwyer, Port Huron, Mich, has notified the secretary of the King- ston Tee Trotting Association that he will bring down two horses to attend the meet here next week. These will make five horses all told that have entered from Port Huron. ' "Dooney" Hardy, the Toronto southpaw twirler, who finished 'last season with Buffalo, is nogotiating with Atlanta, Ga., of the Southern baseball league. Buffalo has more itehers thats, ihe club can use, and anager Stallings has consented to allow Hardy io 'go fo Atlanta. KINGSTON FAIR ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting Held Last Night --Small Attendance. The postponed annual mecting of the Re aot cYoRing: In the Hy. RosMingts ¢ e « ngs, president, - ¢ ¢ y was experienced in z up a auorum, =o as to comply with requirements of the law. After the porsiiilities of the telephone had been exhausted, an emissary was sent forth from the meeting and returned with two friends, thus forming a quorum. Those present were: Mayor Bel', Al derman Kpapp, G. W. Bell, J. Daly, D. F, Armstrong, W. Pringle, J. Coxe, D. Reeves, J. M. Shaw, H. J. Wilkinson and E. C. Dean. The min- utes of ths last annual meeting were read 'and confirmed, after which the treasurer read the financial statement, showing receipts of about $5,000, with a very small deficit remaining. On motion of D. Reeves, u-resolu tion of thanks was presented those of ficets and directors who had worked in the interests of the fair. Alderman Knapp asked if a vote of censure. would not be in order for those directors who had worked ageinst the interests of the-axhibition, These officers were elected: Hon. Presidents, Hon. William Harty, H. A. Gel in, M.P., BE. J. B. Pense, M.P.P., and J. 8. Gallagher, M.P.P.; presi dent, Mayor Pell; vice presidents, Al dermen Mcleod, Knapp, Kent; direc tors, G. W. Bell, Di F. Armstrong, J. Nicolle, J. Daly, G. Mille, D. Reaves, A. Abernethy, H. J. Wilkinson, J. M. Shaw: advi'ory board, R. H. Fair, R. J. Spoor, W. J. Franklin, MH. Ran' in, Warden Coxe, W. Fillar, W. Pringle. Secretary Shaw presented 'his re «i-nation, but decided to held office until such time as his successor could be appointed at a subsequent meet- ing. The treasurer intimated that as soon as the tity auditors has examin- ed and reported upon his books, he would alo tender his resignation. Mayor Bell also refused to act for a second term, but said ho would hold office unt'l another president could be elected. veh . pr------------ A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itehing, blind, bléeding and protrud- ing piles. "No cure, Do 'pay. AN drug. gists are authorized by the pianufuc turers of Pago 'Ointment 16 refund. the money where it fails to cure Any ease of piles, no matter of how lon ptend- ing. Cures ordinary cases in' #ix days; the worst cases in 'fourteen days. Oue application: gives ease and rest. Re lieves itching instantly. This is a new discovery 'and it is the osly pile comedy sold ona Jusitine guarantee, po cure, no pay. Price §0c. ben If yout druggist hasnt it in stock send '50¢c. (Canadian stamps accepted) to 'the Paris Medicine Cot, St." Louis, Wo., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine, the celebrated cold cure. The Gymnasium At Queen's. We have a nice stock of the above shoes in black, blue and white, Prices from 50c. up to 9c.' The Lockett Shoe Store. Palpitation of the heart, nervous- ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands nd foot, pain in the back and other forms of 'weakneds are ro Carter's Iron Pills, made nerves and Cp ---- John Mcintyre - to Trace man---~Attempting Souree of Typhoid Fever--To Look Into Cases of Improper Plumbing. 4 a The inaugural 'meeting of the local board of health was held in the may- or's office Monday afternoon, those attending being: John Melntyre, Ald- erman' Meek, W. Simmons, J. D. Thompson, Medical Health Officer Fee, and Sanitary Inspector Gordon. Un motion . of Alderman Meek and W. J. Sinimons, John McIntyre was unani elected chairman. Te 'taking his seat, the newly el- sett chairman asked the members to ease consider his speech of thanks delivered, so as to expedite business. . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed. * A communication from a Montreal manufacturing firm, offered to supply a quick and effective patented fumiga- tor.--Fyled for reference. Three accounts for small amounts were presented and passed. The medical health office reported that during December there were fyled with him reports of eleven cases of diphtheria and four of typhoid fever. It was pointed out that two deaths --students of Queen's--had occurred during the monthly which led Mr. Thompson to ask concerning the sani- tary condition of the university buildings. <* ¢ 3 In reply Chaieman McIntyre entered into a lengthy explanation of the re- sult of his investigation. in an at- tempt to trace the origin of the last case reported. The attending physician was unable to give it. The chairman interviewed Principal Gordon. who said the medical professors had met and discussed the question and re- ported that the university buildings were perfectly sanitary; the college authoritits were completely satisfied on that point. He next had the medi- cal health officer examine, the board- ing house in which the young man had resided and everything was found clean, neat, well ventilated, and the sanitation in 'every particular per- fectly satisfactory. Meanwhile he had ordered bacteriological examinations wade of samples of milk supplied the boarding house - by the two vendors. The speaker read the results of these. Both samples showed lack of cleanli- ness, one being particularly bad, em- itting a foul, stable odor, while bac- teria, but not of a typhus type, were present in excessively large numbers. The other sample was not so bad, but was far below the standard. Mr. Me- Intyre was forced to conclude that the disease could not be traced, but in this respect he hoped members of the medical profession would eive the board every assistance possible. Alderman Meck pointed out that both samples of milk came from the county and he asked what action the board eould take. Mr. Thompson replied that the board could prevent it beine brought into the city and sold. It 'was decided tp sénd strongly worded letters to \ vendors. point- ing out' that thHe"milk they were 'de- livering showed evidences 'of lack ~ of cleanliness. Further examinations will be made, and if the milk does not make a better showing, the vendors will lose their licenses. .. A discussion arose as to plumbing in the old arts buildin of Queen's University, and at the suopestion of Alderman Mock, it was decided to have the medical health officer and sanitary inspector wait on Principal Gordon, and suceest that an examin- ation be made; Alderman Meek want- ed an expert plumber accompany the officials, but the board ruled other- wise, C. N. Veale, secretarv of the local union of plumbers, wrote the board complaining of the existence of un- sanitary plumbing in two hotels and a King street factory. egarding the last named, Mr. Sim- s said the defect was being recti- fied. The sanitary inspector and medical health officer had both visited the fac: tory and reported that the plumbing could not be completed until a' new roof had been placed on a portion of the building. As far as the work had proceeded, however, it was first class. The two officials of the board were ordered to inspect the two hotels complained of and report the result of their observations. The board decided to meet at. the call of the president, when there s business for the members to consider. Mr. Thompson brought up the ques- tion of securing 'a suitable place to be used as a contagious discase hos- pital, pointing out the meed of such a place. The chairman promised to do all he could towards the securing of sucha building. The line outside of which ice for domestic purposes may he cut was ad: opted, havine been leid out by the sanitary 'inspector and miedical health officer. Death Of Mrs. John Jewell. The death occurred at Harriston, .Ont., on Monday, of Christina Brash, wife of John Jewell, both formerly of Kingston. Mrs. Jewell was ill for a week of 'pneumonia. She was the daughter of the late Robert Brash, of Portsmouth, and a sister of Mrs. Thomas Hewett, Mrs. Hoppins, Kings- ton: Robert Brash, Pittsburg; Mrs. Reid, Rarre, Vi; and Mrs. Moody, To- ronito. Her husband was formerly of the brewery firm of Downing, Wales & Jewell, of this city. | Jewell intended to remove to Kings: | ton next May to reside. Queen's Philosophical Sogiety. Prof. John Marshall gave an inter- estng paper on. Matthew Arnold," before Queen's Philosophical Society last eveniny. The attendance cf stu- dents was large. The discussion was garti isated in by Prof. Dyde, the sogiety's critic, and Messrs, N. F, I'lack, and J. M, Dufi, M.A t Monkey Drand soap makes copper like gold, tin Tike silver, crockery like marble, and windows like crystal, > 3 > --p Movements of The People--What Mr. and Mrs. They Are Saying And Doing. John 'B. Meclver is confined to his home with giippe. Miss" Lilly Pugh has: been appoint- ed organist of St. Mark's church, Bar- riefieltf. "Capt. Andrew Dunlop left yesterday for Hamilton to spend a few days whih iriends. John L. Pope returned on Monday from Montreal, where he spent five weeks very. joyously. ¥ G. F. Joy is a speaker at an Angli- can Sunday . schol conference ia Brockville on Thursday. rs. wJenuie LaKush,: Union street, has gone to Mcntreal, where she has accepted a positicn as matron in an orphan asylum. , Capt. W. Bracé Carruthers; sumuion- ed {0 Ottawa to confer with the heads of the militia department on matters pertaining to the good and weliare of the Canadian militia, has retuned. he manv fdends of Archie Aber fethy. will learn with regret of his serious illuess. He is at present ing Toronto, where tomorrow he will undergo an operation for Bright's Ciscase. : } Wiliam E. Hart, a former . mayor and alderman and for vears a promi- nent democrat and honored citizen of Watertown, N.Y., died on Saturday. He was born in Picton in 1846. De ceased wes an uncle of W. D. Hart, manager of the Standard bank, King- ston. The Dean of Ontario and Mrs. Bux- ton Smith were guests at the head master's lodge at St. Alban's, Brock- \ill:, from Saturday to Monday. The, dean was present at the chapel ser Vi es on Sunday and preached an ex- ¢e'l:nt sermon to thei vs in the af Bad te ncon. ¢ Death Of Irs. St. Germain's Father. A bri! ol ituary notice from the Os- hawa KR foroer, of the Sth inst.. refers to the d ath of the father of Mrs. A. H. St. Gouin, of Bedford Park, North Toronto.. At the time of his death, Mrs. St. Germain was on a visit at the "Old Howestead." with her father and mother, and while she was conversing with her father he suddenly passed away. The naper said: "@. Wheeler, who died on the lst inst.. was one of the oldest residents of Oshawa, (nt.. having resided in the town for over forty-five years, He was of a rotirine disposition and respected bv all who knew him. Death was due to heart failure." ---- Physicians Should Assist. John Melntyre, chairman of the board of health, has asked members of the medial profession to assist the board in every instance in trdeing the orizin of contagious diseases: the chairman holds that responsibility to do 86 rests as much with the medical wen as with the board. Very few of the reports submitted by physicians attempt to trace the source of dis éave. This information physicians can more easily obtain at the time than the bca:d can at a later date. A Disinfectant Wanted. "My! What a musty smell," re marked Alderman Meck as he entered the mayor's office in the eity build ings yesterday to attend a meeting of the board of health. "That musty smell has nrevailed here for the past few vears," was Chairman MecIntvre's rejoinder, "and it is likely to remain until vou crits can elect a mayor of your own." Offered A Position. Mis Kate Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, Union street west, a graduate of the Waltham, Mass., General Hospital, and at present practi ing her profession. there, has been offered a position as head nurse in a Chiago . hospital, where Miss McMillan, formerly of the Kingston General Hospital, is superintendent cf nurses, Firemen At Work. A few minutes before six o'clock last evening, the firemen were called to the house on Wellington street occu- pied by Miss Smith. Fire from the furnace had ignited the kitchen floor, part of which had to beichopped away before the blaze would be extinguished. The damage was very slight. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- Jets. All druggists refund the meney ifit fails to cure. E. W. Groves sig- pature is on each box. Looking For Ancestors. Julia A. Mever, 3633 Page Boule: vard, St. Lots, Mo., is anxious to get word of her ancestors. some by the name of Walker, and others, by name Sonte, who settled round King- ston and Belleville. How lron-ox 'Tablets Cured a Welland Man's Sluggish Liver. F y 2, 1903. Ze 23 B 8 3 8 £5 £ g g& Bg 2 i ete fase £28 gE EFER: EgFee ons LHL i ; i 4 3 : Fifty Iron-ox Tablets, in an attractive alumizum pocket case, 25 cents ald 8 ists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt a The Iron-ox Remedy ., Lime DAY'S EPISODES] LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest to The People. Aldermen, stop the leaks 1¥ Read the social news on page six. One tramp was given shelter in the police cells last night. There was a clean page on the po- lice court docket this morning. Real estate agents note a good ad- vance in the value of property. . It was not W. I. Nickles horse that ran away on Saturday, but Mr. Al- bree's, + Jolin Gleeson began cutting. ice this morning to fill his two large ice houses. Horhound candy for colds, the qld- fashioned kind. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Why did the hotel register? Be- cause, it having been so ruled, it was bound to. : Market Clerk McCammon this momn- ing began collecting the annual li- cense fee from Jocal butchers. . Green Bros., butchers, have begun cutting, ice at the Grove Ion, to fill their ice-house in Williamsville. Did you ever try. an unbleached tooth brush, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store sells them, The arms and stores of the 14th Regiment wore inspected yesterday by Lieut.-Col, Hemming, acting D.0.C. Tonight Cataraqui lodge, 1.0.0.F., is initiate enough candidates to make this old lodge the leader in Can- ada. Never in the history of the Grand Trunk has so much freight passed over the road as during the past few weeks. He Kissed her once. Next day she was As cold to him as ice. Whew | was she mad ? Of course, hecause He had not kissed her twice. Gananoque factories are running on short 'allowance as the long cold spell has decreased the supply of water. If the weather continues steams may have to Le nsed. For any cese of nervousness, sleep lessuess, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little™ Nerve Pills. Relief is sore. The only nerve medicine for .the price in market. The members of the Army Service Corps, assisted by members of the R. C.F.A. and 14th Regiment, hed a fine rehearsal last night of the choruses to be rendered at the Army Service Corps concert Thursday. night. To-day the task of preparing the track in {be fair grounds for the forthcoming winter horse races was begun.. There are five feet of snow covering the track in places, while the average depth is about four feet. The tnow is three feet deep at the main ate. The Richelien & Ontario Navigation company will have a handsome exhibit in the transportation buildine in the St.' Louis world's fair. It will include a model of the steamer Kingston and several oil paintings representing scenes along the route traversed by the companv's steamers. CITY PROPERTY. City Will Not Remove Snow From Fair Grounds Track. The eity property committe met vestorday afternoon, with Chairman McFarlane, and Aldermen Sears, Hoar. Strainge, Kine and Sands an attendance, In connection with the communica- tion of the Kingston Ice Racing As- sociation, asking that the fair erounds track be placed in condition at once, a deputation consisting of J. Morean Shaw and Dr. Morgan was present. They pointed out that there were be- tween three and five feet of smow up- on the track. It would cost the as- sociation $80 to remove it. Ald. Kine held that the citv should not take the responsibility of remov- ing the snow. He made this motion: That the Ice Racing Association be granted the use of the ground and bear the cost of putting the track in ghape. This motion was carried. It was also decided that ten per cent. of the pross receints . should be charced for the grounds. The request of the Bank of Pritish North America that certain repairs be made to the portion of the city build- ings it occuvies. was left in abeyance. No definite action was taken revard- ine the engineer's report on the city hall and council chamber. Cataraqui Bridge Company. | The annual meeting of the Catar- | agui Bridge company was held in the | sacretary's office on Monday afternoon with a faicly representaiive gather ing. The same board of directors was re-elected, and Judge Price was re tuned as president. J. E. Clark was appointed auditor. The directors con- temglate Javing out 'a considerable sum in repais to the swing, dam- | aged. last autumn by the government | drestlge, deepening the channel, which affected the crib work of the bridge. Recently a dividend of one and one: half per cent. was declared on capital stock, payable. on February lst. The company's afieits are prosperous. Quality Counts. In El-6d especially, nothing shows ore quickly than impoverished blood, pimoleg, boils, skin eruptions of all 1inds shorld blood. Wade's ron Tonic the Elood. In boxes, 25 cents, at Wade's. Money back if not satisfac- tory. 2 -------- Not Sufficiently Stamped. At the Kingston post-office there are about. three dozen invitations in en- velopes ' which are not sufficiently stamped. Thése invitations are for a dance this week, but will not reach their destination, unless the senders "cough up" the extra one cent stamp required for each envelope. FE. At The Grantl To-Night. be treated through the | Lils cure | those diseases hy driving them. out of | ; » x a ' . People Fooled Once Are Slow t. . Respond When Real Danger _ Comes. a We have all read in oun salioél } ers the story of the Fd ud sheep who thought to have fun. wish the servants ded out wolf 1 wolf | The servants rushed to Mis as. sistance to find it was a se alarm and when the wolf really came, they, would not respond to the call of the hoy and the flock was destroyed. It is the fashion nowadays among certain proprietors of patent medicine that "will cure every disease on earth" to try to frighten every one .into believing that he is afflicted with some dangerous- malady, by reciting thousands of symptoms and indica- tions of disease. People see so much of this that when they really become s, afilicted they will pay no attention to remedies of merit that they really stand in great need of. The proprietors of Stuart's Catarh "Tablets do not cla m that their reme. dv will eure anvthing but eatarrh and they oive the American people credit for having sense enough to tell 7 therselves when they . are sufierin from that disease. If you have catarrh you know it and want to be cured and that's all there is to ft." ° Staunart's Catarrh Tablets are with- out doubt the most effective cure for catarth. You mav look the country over and vou will find no one who will dispute that statement. Thev have cured so manv sufferers of this bdious and danaerous disease and. have done so much good throuchout 'the land that their name has become a house- hold word. They thoroushly renovate and cleanse the entire system of all catarrhal poisons and impurities and by thus striking at the root of the disease effect cures that are completa pnd permanent. ¥ Stuart's' Catarrh Tablets. are for sale by all drupdists at 50c. a box. You cannot afford to tamper with this treacherous. disease when a sure cure is within such eas reach. Sir, Alex. Mackenzie Writes of the Mason & Risch Piano The Mason & Risch Piano Co., Limited, 33 King St., West, Toronto, Canada. GENTLEMEN ,~1 wish to express my highest appreciation of your. Mason & Risch Pianos. Their tone is in every respect admirable from the sonorous bass to the highest treble. I was struck by the amount of 'true colour which can be produced even by players of my calibre, who cannot claim to be considered pi- anists in the real sense of the term, but I am willing to add my testimony to those of better men; Rich in tone, quick responding touch, firm mechanism, are the requisites of a fine pianoforte You have secured 'ail these. 'Allow me to congratulate you and the Dominion of Canada on the production of such fine pianofortes, Very faithfully yours, A. C. MACKENZIE February Magazines Pearson's, Ainslie, Argosey, Popular Magazine, Munsey, Wide World, Harper's Bazar. Smart Set, Delineator, Designer. F. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. 3444994809992 $ Swift's Scranton Coal Let Us Win You Over With a Trial Order. JANES SWIFT & 0 i. Telephone = : 9000000000900 0000 | A 2 LET ME HAVE YOUR SLE !{ "And I will guarantes you satis- factoey results. We don't bragy but perform the work. Nothing Sacrificed," but your best interest Wa. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. ELOGUTION AND. ORATORY. TELGMANN, B.E., ALIDA V.: teacher of Elocution, [Physical Cultsrd and Dramatic Art; "Graduate t the Na delphi. 222 Johnston street. ~~ G. A. BATEMAN One of the very greatest of modern novels is Thomas Hardy's "Tess of the D'Urbervilles." * Although its and shades of Englith' viral life, and it is the keenest analyses of character rice. fia, Walkerville, Ont. ists. Liver Tablets. For sale by all drug) specially for: the blocd, complexion. The hardest cough .is loosened with "Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup, 20c. made by any living writer of fiction. {Tt will be well put on at the Grhnd.! theme is 'tragic, it embodies the lights ! | ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE I*SURAVCE | BROKER. Ofies. 61 Clarence #trest, 'Phens 39% Evening address, 85 Syflechaxs Ak G00 0000000600000000¢ INTELL Branch Line Tin In effect Oct ¢ TRAINS WILL LEAVE Cl FOOT OF JOHNSTON GOI! No. 5) 3} GOING EAST. L 7 3 "151 Nos, 1, 8, 8 and 4 run d daily, except Monday. Ni 13, 15 and 16 daily, excep J. P. HANL Oity Pass ett Kingston & Pembroke Pacific Railwa TRANS LEAVE Ki 12:40 p.m.--Express;, for tread, Quebec, St.. John, N joster |, Toronto, Chicago, rew, t3ault Ste. Marie, Duly Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seat and San Francisco. 5:80 p.m.--Local for Si connecting with C.P.R. cas 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for Rex termediate points. Passcagers leaving Kings .m., arrive in Ottawa eterboro, 5:10 am.; To .m.; Uoston, 7:80 a.m. JB, 11:85 a.m, Tull particulars at K. & R. Ticket Office, Ontario S F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLC Gen. Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUINTE B? SHORT LINE Fi Tweed, Napanee, Deseron! eal points. Train leaves | wot at' ¢ p.m. F. CON 1. Q. Ry., Kingston. +» BERMU TG NOW FAR FAMED with cable communication 'sinter temperature of 65 ul scenery and 100 m roads, headquarters of Lhe American Squadron, is pag .atiractiveness, reached by iron steamers SIINIDAL ¢ im forty-eight hours ¥ Sailing every -: THUR! wopical islands, incluc CRUZI, ST. KITTS, MAJ LUCIA, BARBARDOES. / ARA, also afford beautiful jmg tours, all reached by the Quebees Steamship Cor from New York about e For descriptive pamphlets sailing apply to A, EMI] BRIDGE & CO., Agents, New York; J. P..HANLE GILDERSLERVE, Kingst ARTHUR AHERN, Sec Liverpool and Londoride ROYAL MAIL STE From St. John. Jomian, Jan. 16th, .. .. Sicilian, Jan. 23rd, «: « Parisian, Jan. 30th. ., . REDUCED WINTER 1st Cabin, $50 and upwi to sleamer. 2nd Cabin, Liverpool derry, $37.50 and $40; extra. 8rd Class, $25 and | Derry; : Belfast, Uk Through tickets to South NEW YORK TO GL Siberian, Thursday, Jen. 1st Cabin, $45 and upw in, $35; 8rd: Class, $26. J, P. HANLEY, Agent, Jassan Depot. . EVE, Clarence wstroe! Coal Facts and Figures When you buy coal ¢ you buy coal that's A You DON'T buy # grit or rubbish of an) Our coal is good co with.. Then it's care 7 ed and kept dry. "w Our coal will radia cent. 'more heat than full of clinkers. And OUR coal cos than the OTHER kin Then think of the ¢ we give you--prompt deliverv., We'll fill your or day and just the wa st filled. Whether it's coal, aindlings you need, ¥ ord to buy anywhe bere. A trial order will cf Give us that. order R. CRAWI Dealer in good ful Poot of Queen Street. JOHN H. The Leading Auct