She dhy' connill, at F its 'sension of an hour od more favorable consideration. x upon the lengt! oF Sag Ne, Rickie hy, de Nacing uncil | in. possess i Bn ol.a great deal' of ration Shick Tt wae pectin ry lor 3 allows men to Ab was t "spilled the fat in the fire" by forcing 3 Rikle to state the coi y's al aif in te, event o shail not, an the concession th, ¥ arias 'in the evening the following i letter from the city yin reply 10 & question asked by council 'Was read and referred to the board of A A resolution of ' uf i judg 1 i In my siding wt the Y.M.CA. js of to serve the y Portion ic Railway company, eee of , Mding or turnout, under the agreémaut, an a ong Xe be ex: tended. shout + KLy-t t, 50 a8 to give 4 ( ¢ distance of about 150 feet," big ------ .. 1 Cause Of The Trouble. lithe. whols' Trouble arose over an innocent: little resolution presented by Bp Alds. Bassam and Strainge moved | {i to tl a ment : tbe * entered into the corporation of the city en fo ae erin dha. cit ©0848 street between reity Avenue and Bagot street, similar to the agree. ment, pow in force for that portion of y Princess street between ot and ; BE ar 0d , | King streets, hearing date of Novem: "It will pay you to buy mow and | ber 10th, 1897, except that a specified Seid unti] | number of feet ust by dou lo Sragked . s | | each r until completion, an t any dxteq Farm op diy was in this matter. He was not in council ting any parti # | cular class, but the city as a whole. 1] The city had "been tly benefited OVE tly the out. and improved, " i Swart by. Me electri cars. If clty to progress and advance, it ro Sm A to-date SaEvice, 2nd this, could given a . snd t short switches. The shale belt Raa. should be double trae trouble with some. of . the 4 Wes, a swe. led head; they 4 Bingston being on. a par. with Toren! Rad Joieg for a pereaplaie, of. the. street car, earnings, t were not sufficient to pay the city a rakeofl. The ed out how Lary b will he i; snd "said that 'traeks 'were removed from Prin: otis strep, business would centralize 'on whatever test they wore relaid. Ae Mowat thought the wholoques: thon 'Ehould be discusses by a comimit- 'Yeo of the eoencil: Some of the resolutions offered were too ing, : could Hot support any of them. | Tour ation, he of een. _ [| tracking should be taken up by a $. | committee and discussed: foliy. As far convernad: he. wanted Flas he was age i jnderttood that he was Rong od other tion Ly threats or ion. The ¥ could cease op- ting its ears if it saw fit to do 80, hut he would not be held up by any Ahirdats' which that or 'any other com- pady wight wake. Cioempany's Request' Not Cleat: Ald. Meek, pointed out That just \ , ny, desired 1 ¥a8 not ans- wer to a question by council did not ten the very much. Per- sonally, Lie was favorable to extending ly the switch, but in at owhers as it cular point, he would merely read it : "Ghat the Y.M.C.A, igs eration. by a s the double track Princess street, conditi be Ald. McLeod claimed the reading a resolution which Be covering the point in dis. pute © "That the following be a com: mittee to confer oh the street rail- Wav company and property owners in: terested, with a view to having Prin: The mayor, Alds, son and McLeod." BY THE CITY COUN [SPORT REVIEW, : QUEEN'S IANGR N.C. (PLAY 0R MATCH. | Calidte Won By 9. To 1-Lqueen's h- . s Side. Seniors To Play St. George's x ¢ H. present, was nsk- In Toronto, Next Saturday--- H. i Abas from ns Wa hon Gypsy Girl Won Attostuwiat: heard ould . «| The intermediate match in the In-: : " OTA as Sho. Sam tercollegiate hockey series last night ; / gave facts touch. | between Queen's 11. 'and Koyal Biti- p ¢ of s on Could Not Be Held Up By The Nickle Said Gompany Was Only To'linprove the System, fo Give 'Service--No Action Taken, » public opinion upon the matter. The company, who was out of order at this parti in abeyance pending a consid and carried out and completed." paved 'and double tracked : Ald. Couper maintained that if the switch was switch; in |'steoet were already venienced, and these much right to protection as the street railway company. extended his customers and had urged oppose the surely the ratepay: were worthy of some to belt line, with In the of the . and jt is not much better in summer. the extension of the switch in He was opposed to extending the be granted. the ' merchants, on Princess sufficiently incon: ratepayers had ag Ald. Sears, who said he did business 'hat an agreemen rt tween . the Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataragui Eee Railway come Joy Al Al but the interest of citizens must looked to. at the satye time. The cars he, main h tor in Lx il must carefully consider ar it sions to the 'company. He would willing to appoint 'a committee confer with the company as to terms | with & view to_sxtendi It was condition, as city to remove the mow; these streets | can be with as safe as any others if | k the: proper ears is exercised; the ve in a very congested portion of Prin. cess street, front of his store could not complain any disadvantage. ,» with. a double track in He got along lirst rate with the double track. ald Abbott pointed out that the tracks, or switches, must be somewhere, and if it was in the best interests of the city that the ex. tension should be granted, the cours cil should so act. He favored the ad- option of Ald. Meek's motion. d. Carvon said that the double tracking franchise was worth some thing to the company, and therefore worth something to tho city. company council it would be paying the city If the was dealing with Ottawa present switch | $2,800 a year. The council was not go- Ted nsion granted, Perel ech ing to allow the company to steal a this t is entered into and | block' now and aeain and have the the 'extension becomes part and par | double tracking privilege for nothing. cel of the new ment." i { He was willing to deal with the com. In support of his amendment, Ald, | Pany fairly and squarely on a busi Bassam said he bad been worried con. [ness basis. : as ideline "just what his Ald. Hoag took (he ground that double tracking the block in question wottld interfere with business. If the company was to get any further pri. vileges, the city should receive some. thine "in return. d. Bassam maintained that there was no bétter fosder to Princess street business places than electric cars, and quoted instances proving this asser. tion. He showed that the tions; of the city hy the extension war avstem, Ald. Behan told. of alons in council resolutién to charge the company $100 a mile for tracking privileges, was unable of véselution. The afford to he distated to By the outlying por- had _ been improved of the electric rail- having stood when he mo > but adoption conneil "eould not to secure the com- pany, if it submitted now there was ro knowing. bow often the attack wanld be repeated. He was ready, to deal wilh the company in all fairness, be fac- the how could goin "granting Eire. ne to a a great hs g, Up the city, hut the -awitch. the city's fault if the streets Cars rin are in a dangerous it vis the duty of the com- Sah ith one-ball of the show. . In summer tima it is the same thing, the council being Found to keep. the roadbed in conditi-n; the compeny _ should been made do this work. A track is not a disadvantage | but. a bensfit; some compensation, ho would be will. | ing to allow the company to deutle | track. Ald. Meek's resolution he con sidered a good omy; the matter ought if the city, could sboure EEE Sileh ¢ Jr 8 réguest meant an exirg tlay. of $750, co he. part of the com- ickets tempting to gain he. learned, was. quite will: ing to_do®its portion 'of paving Prin. ens street, but it was the property extension of, the switch were unwilling to co h ahead with this improvement, spepker had a resolution to offer, but The switch question ial committee as to mg and paving of the terms and tions upon which, the work may ivilege of also had Behan, Meek, Car! the property owners and merchants on that block would suffer great loss. The city's fin. ances would not permit of paving at present. Many of merchants on the street hinx to use his influence to double tracking; orn on the street considération. Ald. Strainge 'was 'airecable double tracking the exception of Princess street, winter time the condition of Pri Street in dangerous 'and disgraceful, oy eke y R streets in © abou ' Cities, showing i r was wider than in_ the cities ig comply EF au "sf pany, No road in as "ea y as the Kingston Smpaty Under the present agyeciment the com had to i a mile erica sold pave stréots, and had agreed to spend ,000 last year to have this work done, Dut. Broperty owners would not consent. As segards the need of = the the speaker mentioned the fact that last Satur day the cars lost ninety minutes in six trips. Mr, Nickle also quoted the increase in valuation of property along the line of the tracks, and menticned Ald. Couper among the © { number. Ald. Couper emphatically pro: tested that Mr. Nickles figures Were wrong as regards his assessment. It ---- the interests of the citizens that the company be given an answer to-night. If not, forty-two men in his employment and thirty-two in Clarke's malt house, not to speak of the cereal works, would be out of 'em- ployment. Outsiders, Mr. Nickle sai 1, could get every consideration from the, council, but citizens who invested their money "here could not. Ald. Carson, in reply, said he hop- ed the Ontario electric railway com- pany would tome to Kingston, and if it did, it would not ask for use of the streets free, Mr. Nickle did not tell the council what companies paid elsewhere for tracking privileges. In Ottawa the company pays £400 a mile for single and $800 for double tracks, ------ Forced The Company's Hand, Ald. Kent asked Mr. Nickle how the action of the council would affect his employees or those of other compan- ies he had mentioned. Mr. Nickle did' not want to give the reason until 'cotugil had taken action, but Ald: Kent 'pressed his question, Whereupon Mr. Nickle read the notice which' appears in another column, of the discontinuance of the service after Monday next, Ald. Mowat.~--"I'll vote against the company." 2 5 "So will 1," said Ald. Carson, and other aldermen, Ald. Kent suspected the motives of the company, which made a serious mistake in trying to held up the city Thy council would deal fairly with the company under ordinary condi- tions, but when the company attempt- ed to take the council by the throat, they would not 'tolerate it. For ons he would vote against the company's request, Ald. Bassani's améndment was put aud lost, wheretipon Ald. Meek pres. ented his resolution, but said that in view of the change of feeling around the board he would not press it, so he refrained from putting it before the house, Ald. McLeod's resolution was then put an lost. Ald. McLeod presented another re- solution, providing for a conferénce with the company, but at the re quest of Ald. Behan d others it was withdrawn. Ald. Behan said there was little use in presenting such a re. solution until the company had with- drawn its threat. Mr. Nickle did not want the coun- cil to construe anything he had said into a threat. The company had ask- ed for the extension thirteen. weeks ago, and thought it time this had an answer. The company was simply de- sirous, of so improving the service as to make it a paving concern in win. ter as well as in sammer. The com: | pany. pays out $16,000 in wages and should merit some consideration. Ald. Carson asked if the company had the power to take its cars oft whenever . it so desited; he under' stood that the company must oper.' ate its cars every day between cer. tain hours, John Melntyre, actine city solici- tor, said he was Unable to reply off hand, he would firét have to read the agreement, The eotneil thereapon adjourned, the matter standing exactly wher it was efore couneil met; { | A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. « Itohing, blind, bleeding and protrud. ie piles. No cure, no y. An drug- | 'gists are authorized by the manufac- | turers of Pazo Ointment to refund the | money where it fails to cure any case + of piles, no matter of-how long stand | ing. Curés ordinary cases in six da | the worst cases in fourteen days. { wpplication gives ease and rest. Ro lieves itching instantly. This is a new discovery and jt is the only pile | tmedy wo 'on a tive guarantee, | ao cure, no pay. § e Il your druggist Basn't it in stock !'send B0¢, (Canadian stamps accepted) {to the Paris Medicine Lo., St. Louis, Wa. manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine, the celebrated cold cure. Bigger 'And Bettér Than Ever. The bargains that we are offering in boots, shoes, trunks and valises are bigger than ever, at Abernetiiy's stock that an 8 % same at the request of the city ¢n: that. the: company changed its asked for the' exten: with for ing. od n had frequently asked to have mn switch run into . his 'strict, and Mr, Car t | tary College 1. was a poor exhi and scarcely equal to an ordinary jun- ior contest. It resembled the old shin- ny game in which every player tried to get the puck, and incidentally got more in the way of his own comrades than "his opponents. The first "half particularly was a 'sad mix-up, the Cadets developing the only pas- sable -attempt at combinatigh. "The lifting by the defence players or both . | sides Was good so far as distance was + | concerned, bit Poot when aim was tonkidered. There is evéry chance "of iong, straight' lifts finding their way to. the nets, and it is irritating to spéctators to see defence players, ; {| i ectors son's electric road would | when therg is plenty of time, send the | night, spent upwards and the fesling of the vietor ed Ridews be asking for the same privileges as pion tery feet off the net. - Wan "the switch extended: ad to | the eal road was now doing. The After worrying the puck about the be guided by the feel of his consti | OPposition to the company's request | jee for twenty minutes, the tangle {uents. Ice feeling of come to | Ws nothing but a piece of spite. The | was finally unravelled by the Cadets him, from citizens residing near the | Company would stand or fall by its who took advantage of a poor piece depot, in Portsmouth and at oWee application. It was costing less to-day | of judgment by Queen's defence, ¢ ta of the city, that the. sto! page to remove snow than vears ago be | which sent the puck to a military of 'the cats wo i a serious Phage fore He Service was put in. If the f a short' distance in front of the venience to them, and he had %o Y/M.C.A. switch was changed it would goal. Hale was that cadet, and he i | doubt it would. If his voting no would be placed in front of Mr. Sarsolrs lost no time in putting the rubber ain an ion of opinion of the | Place of business, there wal Ro Other [into Queen's net. R.M.C. 1., Queen's 0, | mn, expe 20 thy, tn, he place for 1f. The street railway com: | Ager oven minutes further play, Dun- would do so; he would like to test pany was the one willing to lop scored, and half time ended: RM. i \ C . 2; Queen's, 0 Just after the first goal was scored, Craig; who played point for Queen's was struck under the eye with a stick. The wound which resulted, forced him to retire. Baker took his place. IL was in the second half that Ca: dets put Queen's completely out of business, by adding' seven more goals, Of these, Constantine, Dunlor and Gill each scored two and Hale one, Curtin. scored the only goal Queen's got, near the close of the contest. R. .C. thus practically win the group championship, though another match has to be played on Friday next. Their opponents in the finals will like: ly be McMaster, of Toronto. Referee Elliott proved, himself to be as good a referee of shinny as hockev. He had occasion to send auite a dele. gation from both teams to the fence for violatiohs. The match was wit- nessed by 300 spectators. Queen's I1.--Goal. Madill: point, Craig; cover-point. Malcolm; centres, B. Sutherland, Gillespie; wings, Cur- tin. Sargent. R.M.C.--Goal, Goldie; point, Har- rington; cover-point, Constantine; cen- tres, Dunlop, Gill; wings, Hale, Po- well. Referee--E. 8. Elliott. Hockey. Macdonnell of Queen's, and Molson of McGill, both play point, and are the tallest hockeyists in Canada. This season's 0.H.A. match, both east and west, have drawn unprece- dentedly large crowds of spectators. The. postponed match between Otia wa and Quebec, will be played in Ot- tawa on March 5th. Cobourg juniors defeated Port Hope on the latter's ice last night by 5 to 1, and will meet the Kingston Beech- groves. in the second round of the 0. . A. series. The O.H.A. executive has changed the dates of the Beechgrove-Cobourg matches. Beechgroves play in Coboure on Friday, and Cobourg in Kingston next Monday. Each of the senior college teams have won a match and lost one. If Queen's can defeat *Varsity in Toron- pular winter outdoor sport at. Otta- gress. The same is true of the Cana- dian snowshoes in a lesser degree, but the Falls to play a game with the Ni agara Stars, but 'on aetivinigal, the rink were obliged to play a essi- onal, team from Niagara Falls, Ont.. Murdock protested, but to ne avail: It is impossible for the O0.HA. to have the "junior match here" on Friday night, as the Kingston rink js taken for the R.ALC. I.-Queen's return match. All Friday nights belong to the Intercollegiate League. Dri. Clarke has asked. the 0. H.A. to change the match till Mon: day night, and send the Beechgroves to Cobourg on Friday night. Févds county leapue had a dispute, which they referred for settlement to Secretary W. A, Hewitt of the 0. H. A. Newhorp' beat Athens 2:to 1. Ath- ens scored a goal according to the num. pire, which the referee would not al- low. Seeretary Hewitt decided that the 'goal should: be allowed. as the umpire's decision is final. This' ties "Athens and Newbbro in the race. At Smith's Falls last night, Perth won 'the senior match with Smith's Falls by 5 to 3. and are thus chani- pions of 0. H. A. district 'No. 2. Brockville is sore over the result, as Perth have won by an extra match ordered. by the O. H. A. executive. It seems that Smith's Falls won a match in Perth by 4 to 3, scoring' when the lights were bad. Perth pro- tested and match was ordered replay- ed. Now Perth wins. As the fav for the 'group ; championship is so close, and a Brockville team js evident- lv 'as "good as Perth, it would be a wise thing for the O0.H.A. to order these twq teams to' play home .and home watehes this week and settle the dispute fairly. General Sport. ' The Anjerican Tearue may try the two coathers plan. 3 Dariel, 2,00, the pacing ucen, is on the snow path at Rochester. Dash racing 'will probably be given a, thorgugh trial at the Brighton Beach grand circuit meetin, Three of Toronto's baseball plavérs, Massey, Downey and Miller, have sign- ed contracts with the coast outlaws. The California baseball league can- not begin to harbor all the plavers who tell managers that unless their salaries are raised they will jump to the 'cutlaws. Eight clubs are left to ficht cut the Ontario Tankard competition. They are : Detroit, St. Mary's, Galt, Fer- gus, Toronto, Caledonians, Peterboro, Thistles, Dundas and Collingwood. More stuff is being printed in the Space-to-spare newspapers about - the pugilistic contest between Young Young Corbett and Britt than about the war between Japan and Russia. The cat show in Toronto last week attracted large crowds. Several cats changed hands at $50 Toronto should next have a hoe show at which all its citizens could take t The matched ice race between Gypsy Girl, of Toronto, and Looking Glass, of Uxbridge, at Ottawa, on Monday | ¢ afternoon, was won by Gypsy Girl who took three straights. The sum of $1,000 was involved as a stake. Look- ing Glass was 3 to 2 favorite, and speculation was brisk at those rates. In a Graeco-Roman wgestling match at London, Eng., for the champion: ship of the world, a purse of $10,000 and a side bet of $500, George Hack. enschmidt, "the Russian lion?' 'won the first fall within one minute from Amamed Madrali, the Turk, Madrali's arm was broken 'by the fall 'and Hac- kenschmidt was declared the wimer of the bout. Skieing continues to be a very po- wa. The object of the skie is twofold, first to keep the wearer from sinking into the snow, and secondly to main- tain an advantageous rate of pro- for speed the latter are snails com- to on the 12th, they will win the In- tercolleriate championship. | "Chaucer" Elliott in his official re- | port of the Belleville-Picton match. | states that the score was 20 to 8 and | not 19 to 9, as sent out in the mod- | est despatches from Belleville. | Neither Queen's II. nor R.M.C. T. | are nearly equal to last year's teams. | 17 | | | | | can sometimes | natural step | #reat lenoth of the skie as well as 'the slipperiness of its under surface al- ways adds i as pared to the former. A cood skie run- ner can Cover on an average about four miles an hoiir, while an expert make eicht. To the made by 'the Toot, the inches, sometimes feet, and the skie is never lifted from the part. to those of better men; quick responding touch, firm mechanis . are the requisites of a fine Pianaforte, You have secured' all 'these. F. NIS | ---------- In Store For Those Who Doypy - When. 50 redd.- that o-sulieger. , fg maby years standing. h ey pletely restored to heal by ess Smith's Cure-all; you are inclined no. belief init whatever. Feason! tor this is that so much is claimeq for the Cure-all it is hepassible for any. one to believe it; if the advertiser Cone fined his claims to the curing of ois disease, as do the proprietors of Pyramid: Pile Cure, ders woyly have much more faith in published aq. 'timonials. "Those familiar with his great remedy know that te timoniyly as to its merit may be relied upon ir. plicitely, aiso that the cures brought about by its use are little short ; of marvellous. The genuingss of the testimonial here given is vouched for and is but one of thousands received: "I wish to. write you and tell you what your Pyramid Pile 'Cure ha. done for me. I hav@ been - troubléd with [piles for' the past five years 'and used every remedy that «was fecommendag to me. : While some would ive me ro. lief for. a. while. thoy never have cured, 1 was so bad this summer | could not get up or down without pain; could not atiend te my household dy. ties. Finally I got a 50c. 'box wf volr Pyramid Pile Cure at the druggist'y and it is now two 'months since 1 useq the last of the box, and have had ng trouble since. I can say it is really and truly 'a good remedy. : "I am so thankful T tried it as 1 know it has cured me, and if at any time 1 should have any such troubls again I would use it at once. Since I am cured I have recommended it 14 my friends, whom 1 know to be afflict. ed as I was, and I know they vil) use it to. I am so thankful I ever learned of your cute." Mrs, F. Hutt, 460 2nd street. Grand Rapids, Mich. Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by dmg gists for fifty cents a package, or wil] mailed to any address upon receipt of price by Pyramid Drug Go.,- Mar- shall, Mich. rite this firm for th. ir book describing the cause ard cure of piles. i y Sir. Alex.- Mackenzie Writes of the Mason & Risch Piano The Mason & Risch Piano Co. 4. Limited, 83 King St., West, Toronto, Lapada. GENTLEMEN,--I wish to express my highest appreciation of your Mason & Risch Pianos, respect admirable from the sonorous Lass to the highest treble. the amount of true colour which can be to $100 each. | produced even by players of who cannot claim to be considered pi- anists in Their tone js in very I was stick by calibre, the real sense of the term, ub. I am willing to add my testimony Rich in to Allow me ©: congratulate you .and the Dominion of Canada on the production of such fine pidnofortes, Very faithfully your A. C. MACKE February Magazines Pearson's, Ainslie, Argosey, = Popular Magazine Munsey, Wide World, Harper's Bazar, Smart Set, Delineator, Designer. A NEW LIVERY The Corner Book. » . a iverv We 'he Cadets had the fastest interme- |'snow, the runner is enabled in this ion AS goed avery horse diate team in Ontario last winter. | way to make rapid nro-ress without Everything up-to-date, Spegial turnouts The wresent team cannot compare | much exertion. The skies mastly used for weddings. Prompt seryice Rea- i i i C, § sonable rates. with it. Sik 3 a anada are mle ol soft maple A E H $10 Wellington Stroct, Queen's were invited by the t. | from six to seven feet long. . ARDING, "Phone £36. George's club to play them in Toron- | to next 'Saturday nicht. The invita- | tion has been accepted. The contest will materially aid Queen's 'in their | match' with Varsity on the 12th, as | it will give them a practice on the | Mutual street rink which is a very dificult ice for a visiting team. | Buffalo Courier : The University of Ruffalo hockev team was given a ra | ther nastv deal at Niacara Falls, N, | Y., last night. The U. .of B. went to | EE -------- WELL POSTED. | | F A California . Doctor With 40 | Years' Experience, | "In my forty years' experieice as a | + teacher and practitioner along hygie- bic lines," says n Los Angeles physi- | cian: "l have never found a food to compare with Grape-Nuts for the hene- it of the general health of all classes ( I ol" peogte. | have recothmended Grape- | C Nuts for a number of years to pati- ents with the greatest success and | every vear's éXperience makes me more | t enthusiastic regardine its use. le "I'make it a rule to always recom- mend Grape-Nuts and Postum Food Cofice in place of col when giving my patients instructions "as to diet, for I know both Grape Nuts and Pos tum can be digested by anyone, "As for mysell, when engaged in much 'mental work my diet twice a day consists of Grape-Nuts and rich cream. I find it just the thing to | build np gray matter and keep the brain in good working order. "In addition to its wonderful effects | as a brain and nerve food Grape-Nuts always keeps the digestive orcens in perfect, healthy tone. I carry it with | me when I travel, otherwise I am al- | most, certain to have trouble with mv | ® Stomach." Nama riven by. Postum | Co., Battle Creck, Mich. ! Strong endorsements like the above | | | mn | | | h from nhvsicians all over the country | lets, have stamped Grape-Nuts scientific food in the. world. There's a reason. Look in each package for the fam- | ous little book, "The Road to Well- the 'most | If i taking cals. Of The General Hospital--Matron G. Y. Robertson, Robertson, 'Rev, "S, Welch, Dr. Massie, nity duties to commence February Sth. the death, of her brother, J. B. Mclver, on Friday afternoon, Feb. 5th, o'clock, and to invite any friends of Mrs. Nickle, Sr., ¢ollecting the necessary nishing the nlirses' and F. Welch. | germs, | Whigs managing editor, Mr. Elliott, s, nature is on each box. | for 816, started ville." rush. ---- BOARD OF GOVERNORS Appointed. The February meeting of board of | pu governors of the General Hospital was held Monday afternoon. Present, Chown, vice-chairman; B. Ww. W. F. Nickle, ' T. Mek; Tighe, Dr. A. P. 'hown, James . A. Minnes, Dr, Duff, R. J. Carson, Archdeacon Carey, F. Dr. Kilborn, and rol. Marshall. Mrs. Norman formerly of the Mater: Hospital, Montreal; was ap- winted matron of the hospital, her A vote of condolence was passed by board to Mrs. Mackie on the It was' decided to have the opening of the lower flats of the Nickle wing at 4 he hospital, who are interested ome 'and inspect the rooms. A vote of thanks was passer to and. Mrs. Nash for funds for fur- dining room. The visiting governors for the nonth are Messrs, B. Ww. Robertson to -------- Troubles Of An Editor. Some people think that an editor is ven fire-proof. Perhaps he is, but he's ot proof against the grippe, whose | like the claws of mosquitoes, | ave no respect for anv man. The to-day, imprisoned at his home, nd his jailer is Mr. Grippe. ---- To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- All druggists refynd the money it fails to cure. B. W, J Suit sale of $18, 820, $22, and $25 § Scranton $ Coal i : P FARMERS, ATTENTION | HIDES TANNED Alse all kinds of Skins with hair or r om. Satisfaction guarantecd, and woods returned promptly. W.H Cunningham, = ¥enieal deen -------- ret ere < ere $9990 9sv Swift's $ Routs Cold ! JAMES SWIFT & 00, Telephone 138, Sore 0000 900000 "G.A. BATEMAN A yesterday with go Livingstcn's, | doubt the statement and, ip fact a: aver. hy Brdnch Line NS WiLL LBAY OF JOHNS 'GOING EAST. | ) 2.98 x.m. 8.150 a.m. 10 18 pm. "Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 1 Qauily; except Monliay. 12, 15 aad 10 daily, « . J.P. Bi Cy KINGSON & PEMBRG PACIFIC RA ck TRAINS LEAVE 13:40. pitn~Txpres "treal, Quebec, St. Jol Bostel , Toronto, Chics frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Winnipeg, Vancouver, | and San Francisco. :80 p.m.--Local for aL with O.P.R, 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for termediate points. Passongers leaving K arrive in Ottay 'eterbore, 6:10 p.m; ;- 'Beston, » 41:85 a.m. Tull ticulars at K R. Ticket Ofce, Ontari ¥. CONWAY, F. AF Gen. Pass. Agt. THE BAY OF QUINTE SHORT LIN Pweed, Napanee, Dase sal 'points. Train leav Wt at ¢ pm. F.C 3. Q. Ry., Kingston. St------------------_ ud a .. BERM . THG NOW FAR FAM with 'table communicat American Squadron, is dttractivencss, reached | nu steamers TRINIDA forty-eight hour, Ballin o*v Son A felande, ! RUZ, ST KITTS, M, LUCIA, BARBADOES A, also afford beaut fe tours, all reached the Quebes Steamship | from New York about For descriptive pamphle sailing apply to A. KE BRIDGE & CO.; Agent New York; J. P. HAN GILDERSLEEVE, Kip ARTHUR AHERN, § ALLAN Liverpool and Londo: ROYAL MAIL s Prom St. Joba? ~¥ 7 Jomnian, Jan. 16th, .. . Rieilian, Jpn. 23d. ay isi an. #5 us REDUCED WINTY 1st Cabin, $50 and uj a" abil, Liverpo derry, $37.50 and $40; tra. "3rd. Class, 835 and Belfast, NEW YORK TOS Siberian, Thursday.. Ja: Cabin, $45 and o $33; 8rd Class, $2¢ . $33; oe HANLEY, 3 Servant Fire js an unusua vapt--when Crawio: rate. ar coul is differe DINARY coal--gives "th ALL COAL It's from: e¢linkers, sand, wmiscellanedus rubbist It's reiadis. Our fire that doesn't nee 1¢'s: heat Lis jean Ours is the jdeal coa We GUARANTEK be "Al" in pvery wi manner. You need a few t. bin right now. - Order some! 'We right off quick--earel + just as you want it Coal, wood lor ki give you absolutely and the best service, R. CRAW Realer .in . good f Foot of Queen Rtrey TT. NOTIC IE ANNUAL MEE Bnarenoliors of the x Railway Com fon ot Dieciors aad tion © ! d N AY, the tenth office t, at ne 0 tock transfer bo York on Saturday =.The New 'clock, Pp tha" reopened on THY TUALY,; « Kingstod,'