season's > NIGHT sha RE "Only 2 Ipull on | cludes. 1 Toremto, Feb, 3.--Friunds of Rev. 7 Death Rate in 1803 Much the Sane "As in 1802---Ross Will Re-orga- . Wilkie, formerly of Indore, India, m the Presbyterien foreign mis- tee has several pines re reappoint to a station, have A ined to take it up on to provide means for him work in India. Dr. Wilkie, remembered after a séore of in India, returned to To- , when charges concern 3 duet were i i: ih Er ~ he i : To Get Other Power It is' losrned that the street railway t K Hs Its stated that hy the Rington railway will be under new system. Brockville, Ont., Feb. 3---Mr. and Richard Amold, of Athens, twa "the oldest and most respected resi: dents of Leeds, county, have just cele- the sixtieth ecnniversary of ir marriage. London Life Assurance company ; nt in favor action arising agent, J. to King next running i i B i i I i a not blame employees for doing labor union man ft : uch higher prices on all lines of the curtailing of production sa sign that they had manufactured We're able to supply the demand. The closing of numerous 'tothe impossibility of obtaining raw SCOTCH SHAWLS--At reduced prices, Heavy quality Shoulder Shawls and Wi . Fringed onds, well adapted for winter use.. Now dong offered at clearing prices. Jegulal $1.60, for $1.25; ue lar $1.90, for $1.48; regular $2.50, for Ba regular $2.75, for $2.20; regular 80, for $2.50. BLACK SILKS--Remnants of Reliable Silks, such as Peau de Sole, Nerot, Silk Satin, ete, Lengths suitable for Blouses and Skirts, now being offered at special reductions. LADIES' CASHMERE STOCKINGS Double Heels and Ankles; very elastic, on ana warm. 3 pairs for $1; 2 pairs for §1. BOYS" HEAVY KICKER STOCK- INGS--Excelient for wear. Strong yarn, porfect color; all sizes, at 35c., 40c¢ 40¢., 60c, I ------ OVERSTOCKINGS--No trouble to nd off. Very warm, close fitting, with and without heels, 85c., d0c., 48¢., d0c. a pair. VESTS-.Buttoned ves. Extra in ot shrink. at 50c. each. WHITE WOOL FLANNEL---Pure Wool, t ; best English makes, . 30c., 40c., 50e., 60¢., Toc. way . NAVY BLUE, ALL WOOL FLANNEL ~Perfoct dye and finish, twil and plain, at 30c., 8pc., 40¢c. yard. en-- GREY FLANNELS--Dark and light shades: some extra values, at 18e., 2vc., 2Ve., Joe, Bde. > ENGLISH = PLANNELETTES-Somue special offer in deh qualitics, at ALDRON - Toe, 19je., 180, 18¢. yard. . Aeulosis, 2,072 | Cornwall are tisd' in group 1, Perth deprived of his station ; re-hearing he was excnerated, applications for re-appoint ave always been denied. The vement re secure a new eld fae ma prominint lay- nd elon pond it. During the past year, according to the returns received by the provincial board of health, the total number of deaths in the Jroviom from all ccuses was 25,267, making the rate 12.6 per thousand, whi'h is about the same fate as in 1902, when 25,208 deaths were recorded. Last year's deaths included the following . from ccntpgious diseases ©: Small-pox, twen- one; searlet fever, 529; diphtheria, 478; measles, fifty-three; whooping cough, forty-eijht; typhoid fever, 20%; tuber. i Fort £3 iv At a meeting of th OHA. sub- commiltec, the final, and semi-f nal games in the senior series were arranged, Morrishurg, Prescott and has won group 2, and the Toronto Marlboros have won group 3. The draw has been made as follows : Semi- finals, Perth, at winner No. 1, Febru- ary 10th, Winner No. | at Perth, Feb- ruary 12th. Fina's, Marlboros at win ners akeve, February 16th, winners above at Marlboros, : The Mail and Empice today de clares that as soon as the prosent wes: sion of the Ontario lepi-lature is con- cluded, Premior Ross will proceed, to re-orgenize his government. Everyone of his colleagues will place his resig- nation in Mr. Ross' hands, and then the premier will ask the lieutenant governor for diwolution, giving a re- constituted ministry as a reason therefor. The next Ontario provincial elections, according to the Mail aad Empire, will take place in May or June. i Fred. McDougall, solicitér of the Ontario treasury, who is charred with embezzlement was up again before Judge Winchester, but remanded "wntil May 18th. Dr. A. J. Johnston, testi- fied that McDougall was ill, and had lost his memory, and that it was un- safe to bring him to court. In the curling for the governor-gen- eral's trophy, at the Queen City rink, the score was Toronto Granites. J. D, Shields, skip. 31. C. Boeckh, skip, 19, total, 50. Wingham, C. N. Griffin, Bip, 8; B. Vannorman, skip, 14; total The Canadian Shire Horse Breeders' Association, at the annual meeting to-day, elected W. E. Wellington, Tor- onto, president. Chief Justice Meredith dismissed the procéedines to stop the winding up of the Dominion Oil company, Chat- ham Ont., and will now proceed. The Bank .of Commerce has issued a write acainst Captain J, Lorne Cos- by, for 8766, on account of a promis- sory note, dated December 26th, 1902, The charges of conspiracy in connec: tion with the recent municipal elec tion against George Maguire, denuty returning officer in ward 3. poll 3. and W. T. Loudon, his poll-clerk, be- gan this morning. before the police magistrate. 1. C. Robinette, K.C.. ap- peared for the defence, and entered a plea of "not miilty." The discrenancy in the poll book and the ballot box were recorded, and then the charee of personation was taken ur. Twelve per- sons testified that thev had not vot- ed, thouoh marked an the poll hook a8 having done so. Maguire and I.ou- don were committed for trial, FOR IMPERIAL DEFENCE. The Admission of Sir Frederick Borden An Important Step. London, Feb. 3.--Hon Mr. Asquith, rincipal speaker at the meeting of he council of the British Empire Leagué last night, moved a resolution which was unanimously adopted, ex- pressing satisfacticn at the step to ward imperial * military co-operation by tho admission of Sir Frederick Bor- din to the deliberations of the com- mittee on imperial defgnce; that the congratulations of the council be of fered. to the Canadian government up on the inclusion of one of its minist- ers in the imperial committee, (ni that the council "appreciates this great advance towards imperial union." WISHES NAME WITHDRAWN. Rev. A, Gandier Would Not Ac- cept The Professorship. Halifax, N.8., Feb, 3.---A meeting of the Presbyterian college board was held yesterday to con ifer nomination: to the vacant professorship in Fins Hill college. letter was reed from Rev. A. Ga r, Torcn'o, ons of the ! nominees, stating that the claims up ion him of St. James' 8Bquare church {and the west generally were such that i he wished his name to be withdrawn. Rev. Morton, Rev. E. D. Millar, and Rev. J. W. Falconer are o'hsr nominees, Action "next meeting. | Scottish Riters In Session. Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 3.-The twen- there is the largest class of candi ty-fourth anniversary of the Ancient and Accepted Secottith Rite in the { Valloy of Hamilton, onened vesterday with a large attendance, the visitors | including a number from Cleveland 1 and Detroit, az well as from various parts of Canada. For the work of the fourth degree which began vesterday to the fourteenth degree, ~inclusive, dates in the history of the rite. + was deferred tl The injured: Me. and Mrs. Neil A. Campbell, slightly (they were married in Halifax in the early morning and 'were on their bridal tour); Miss Ethel Bently, otganist of the Truro Metho- dist church, leg injured; Janes Hudd, hody injured; €. W, Marsh, Toronto, a | fruit merchant, injured about the hicad: an ¥ er, probably fatally injured; Mr. Hhlsted, cut about the head; Mrs. Morrison ond child, bound for British Columbia, slightly injured; A. B. in, express méssen- , Bt. John, injured; "Joseph Frawley, St. John, broken; Con- ductor R. D. Duncan, head cut; W. H. Hilehey, Stewiacke, cut about face; two Italians, names unknown, one with broken rib, other bad scalp wound; Theodore Abplaby, news agent, cut on head and shoulder; Peter Kel ly, brakesman, cut about face, leg in- jured; George Rossett, St. John, trav- ellor for Manchester Allison, ribs brok- en; John Redford, Halifax, traveller, head cut; James 8. McDonald, Hali- fax Herald, reporter, head and shoul- ders cut; Mrs. Picke, Jeddor, on way to mest husband in Vancouver, injur- ed about legs. The accident was due to a broken' rail. Several cars were thrown down an embankment. Conductor Donkin, who i4 among the dead, was one of the oldest men on the eastern division of the road. The other six reported dead were all passengers. Several were injured. . Other injured are: Musjuoidioit Hutley, traveller for a perfumery com- pany, London, Eng., ent about face; Conduetor Duncan may rot recover. Car porter J, B. Simmons had mira- culous escape, Forty persons were on the train. 3 -- A DIVISION EXPECTED. May Take Place To-Night In- Ths Yegislature. Torcnlo, Feb. 2.--William Rickard (Weat»Durnham) concluded his speech in' the legiclature yestereday, and was followed by Dr. Beattie Nesii:. (orth Toronto) and Dr. George A. Routledge (East Middlesex). R. R. Gamey (Mani- toulin). moved the adjournment and will have the floor this afternoon when the house opens. There are two more liberal speakers to be heard upon the debate, W. J. McCart (Stormont) ani George P. Graham (Brockville). The; other conservative speakers will be G. N. Kidd (Carleton) and W. J. Han- na (West Lambten). A session is ex- pected to-night and a division is just possil le, though scarcely probable be- fore to-morrow afternoon. At th» latest it is hoped for before six o'- clock to-morrow. At the opening of the house Col. James Munro was introduced by Hon. Richard Harcourt and Hon. John Dryden, and took hi: seat as the re- resentative 'for North Oxford. Me. unro has' becn allotted one of tha liberal overflow seats on the opposi- tion side of the house, WARLIKE MOVEMENTS. Troops Depart For Unknown Des- tination--Completed Charts. Port Arthur, Feb. 3.--Important na- val and military movements have been effected here in response to the Jap- anese war measures. The Russian squadron, heretofore inside the harbor, consisting of seven battleships, has joined the outside fleet, consisting of nine battleships. They have complet- ed Japanese charts of the Corean coast. About 9,000 troops have departed for an unknown destination, leaving 10,000 men at Port Arthur. The au- thorities declare the naval and mili- tary disposition should be regarded as precautionary, not offensive. LONDON AWAKENED. Blue Book Gives Correct Appre- ciation pf Canada's Attitude. Londen; Feb. 3.--The Alaska houn- dary correspondence just issued as a parliamentary bluebook, is being pub- lished in rome of the evening papers under such. headlines as "Curious Re- velations," from whih it wonld seem that Fnglishmen appreciate for the first time the strength of Can- ada's anger; firstly, at the packed character of the American side of the tribunal, and, secondly, at Lord Lans- downe's action in the hastening of the confirmaficn of the treaty at Wash- ington, without awaiting the consider- ing of Canada's detailed reason for objecting to the tribunal. THRASHED HIM SOUNDLY. -- Insulter of Dean Find Gets a Gcod Dru.' ing. Sendwich, Ont. 3--Rev. DN. H. Hind, rector «f St. John's church, administered a sornd beating to an insolent passenger on en electric car, last night. Dean Hind is a short, cor- pulent gentleman, and was a trained athlete in his younger days. The man addressed him as "fatty," and follow- ed up the remark with others of a more insulting nature in thy presence of lady passengers. Ths reverend gentleman's advice to the man was unheeded, whereupen the dean pro- ceeded to thrash the fellow soundly. Have Taken Possession of Rail- St. Petersburg, Feb. 3.--The Seoul Fusen railway Es been oeccupizd by Japenese troops, according to a dis- patch from Vladivostok, which adds hat ths Japancse have taken field guns to Seoul for protection of the legati-n, and.that barracks for the accommodaticn of cavalry, -------- A deal is about completed whereby the Grand Unicn Clothing business will be taken over by James Jchn- ston, formerly a shoo merchant here. A league indoor basehall match was played at the armouries last night between No. 1 and No. 2 teams of the R.C.F.A. Noo 2 won by 25 to 16. ---- Tho best pics at Ferguson's--<lem sn. orange and apply There was no blowing, the party drove around the Plans Received in Detroit--To Cost JAPANESE ARE AGGRESSIVE. the -new turbine way, And Building Barracks. consist of the stockholders of the old Georrian Rav and new capitalists. made bv the they me Builder pany, Newcastle-on-the-Tyne, Fngland. 240 feet keel and forty-one feet beam. The carrving capacity for each be 242, passencers and 1,000 tons = of package freicht on twelve feot draft. The contract knots an hour. coast between Toronto and Port Ar- thur, making the round trip in eicht days and to carry, aside from the pas- sengers, packa~e freight up and flour NEWS OF WORLD | TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR | QUARTERS OF EARTH. 3 S---- Matters That Interest Everybody © Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Bead and Remembered by the Public. Sudbury won from North Bay .last might in an intermediate 0. H. A. match, by nine to seven. A shooting afiray at Llue Sea Lake, near Ottawa, involved five men," one was shot perhaps fatally. ex-Alderman vertiard Uoznaughtin a prominent lIrichmon died atMou- treal today, aged sixty-five. y Montreal harbour commissioners will add a fbftyton floating crane to the port equipment, at a cost of $60,000, "Joe Gans, light-weight champion, and Mike Ward, Sarnia, are to meet in the robed arena at Detroit to night. . : dead. ns he was told that his sweet heart had gone for a drive with anoth- er man. The German Bundesrath has extend: ed until December 31st, 1905, the ex clusion of Canada from most favored nation treatment. The returns of G. T. R. trafic carn ings, for last nine days of Januarv. show decrease of $221,732, due to the bad climatic conditions. Medie Bourgeois, an oiler at the coke ovens of Dominion 'Steel com- pany, was whirled to death on the fly wheel of a coal crusher. Archbishop Farley, New York, has gone to Rome to ask Pope Pius to modify his decree against employment of women in Catholic choirs. The Cunard Steamship company confirms a report that it is making arrangements for an extended service between America and Mediterranean ris. Alex. MeLauohlin, a traveller from Hamilton, fell while boarding the train at Barrie, was drageed by the wheels for half a mile, and suffered only a sprained ankle. George A. Rose, cashier of the Pro- duce Exchange Bank, Cleveland, O., who embezzled $187,000 of the bank funds, was to-day: sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. Col. J. Lyon Bigger, in command of the Army Service Corps, is organizing a new corps for the district of St. John, N.B. Major Massie, Frederic- ton, will be given command. Miss . Louise Pettes, daughter of James C. Pettes, West Brome, Que., was found drowned in a bath tub. She had evidently been overcome by a fainting spell. The Yokohama Trading Gazette said vesterdav that most of the Osaka cotton mills will be compelled to close down because of the stoppage of the cotton sup The live stock show at Ottawa. will be held in March on original dates, March Sth to 11th, despite the col- lapse of the new building. Temporary quarters will be fixed up at Lans- downe Park. Jack London, an American corres- pondent, has been arrested and im- prisoned at Shiminozeski, according to an American despatch from Tokio. He is charged with photographing Ja- panese fortifications. The police of Grand- Rapids, Mich.. have Martin 'Rogers, aged thirty-five, in jail, and are looking up a charge on which to hold him. He married Florence Manwaring, fifteen years ago. in Windsor. The couple ran away t.- gether, There was a rumor that the office of black rod in the Dominion house of commons will be abolished, the duties being incorporated with those of the sergeant-at-arms. Several of the min- isters are known to be favorable of this proposal. Thomas T. James. former postmas- ter general of the United States under President Garfield, was married to-dav in Shakespeare church at Stratford- on-Avon, his bride being Edith, the daughter of Alderman Colbourne, of Stratford-on-Avon. a The . shah has called an imperial council at Teheran on February 9th. All the governors of the provinces and the. heir to the throne will be present. The object of the meeting is to con- sider Persian affairs. This is an un- precedented action in Persian annals. The Svict of St. Petersbure. quotes the Siberian Gazette at the Ivannov- ska mines as stating that an aval anche has enoulfed the workmen's dwellinos near there. Twelve nersons were killed. This is the fourth time such an accident has occurred at that place, Mayor Mansfield, Oswego, N.Y., is being sued for breach of promise by Miss Margaret Sweeney. Brooklyn, the amount beinc 815,000. Mr. Mans. field, who married Miss Marv Morri- sev. Osweeo, in 1900, savs the suit is instituted for the purpose of getting money from him. Pierrepont Morgan, the noted New York financior and party, in Montreal to take in the winter sports, were treated to a Canadian winter day which may discourage them from future vicits. With the thermometer ten helow zero and a strong wind city. Driving against the wind proved more than the party cared for, and the day's outing was cut short. NEW LINE OF STEAMERS. $250,000 Each. Mich., Feb. 3.--Plans for steamers to be operated on the great lakes and St. Lawrence river between Toronto and Port Arthur, have been received here, Detroit, The boats, accordine to present plans, are to be onerated bv a company, to Navigation company i The plans were Walker shipvard com- They call for boats S50 feet over all, is to speed will be sixteen Plans of the new company is to lown. The estimated cost of each of tienry Schmidt, New York, dropped J y :. Colds are quickly cured by Chamberlain's 7 Cough Remedy. It acts on sature's plan, loos- secretions, effecting a permanent eure, © It coun- teracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneu- monia. It is pleasant to take, both adults and «children like it. Price 25c.; large size oc. E This Is An Occasion of Pronounced Money-Saving And For This Reason As every mau and woman in Kingston knows. NOW that cotton has gone up fully twenty-five per cent, during the months of December and jJan- uary and raw cotton is now higher than at any time since the American war in 1862, some foresaw the rise,others did not We were one of those who did, and during September last made contracts for cot= ton to be delivered in January at the prices then rul- ing, The result is we have a large quantity to of. fer our customers and the general public at prices same as last spring, and as long as our stock holds out you can buy cottons cheaper than you will again for the next two or three years THAT IS A CERTAINTY FINE WHITE GOTTONS, sc, jc, 8c., 1o0c, 12%c., same makes and prices as last year. | vLonspaLE CAMBRICS, 10c, 12%c., two very special makes. PURE BLEACHED SHEETINGS, Twilled or plain, all widths, 25¢c. a yard and up, 7 PILLOW COTTONS, plain or circu lar, all widths. TICKINGS, 10c., 12%c.; 15¢c., 18c., 20c¢,, 25¢.. Each of these makes you will find at prices of last year. GREY COTTONS, special values, at 4c., 5¢., 7c, 8c., 10c Present Stock Lasts. We candidly tell you that to-day we tried to secare a further lot of two makes that have be selling freely and found the mill prices to be hy 4 $6.50, ete. w 2 ' These Prices Only Hold Good As Long As per yard higher 'than what we were selling them or. ..JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... 120-172 Princess St., Kingston. oe The Last Week --of the-- Discount Sale LOCKETT SHOE STORE. As 50 much of January was too cold and stormy for many to get out who wished to take advantage of our DISCOUNT SALE. We shall continue it just ONE WEEK - MORE. It will positively CLOSE SAT- URDAY NIGHT, Feb. 6th. t 1 4 polies court session | this moraing. . thernew steamers is $250,000, F. G. LOCKETT. 71ST YEAR. S------re. FEBRUAR FURNITURE ® EVERYTH'NG REDU A grand opportunity money; from 20 to 2 saved on each Iurchase SIDE Ale Choice 1 cut Oak, nea set with British Plate | Former price, $70 Sideboards, now $45. Sideboards," now $25 Sideboards, now COUCHE Velour Couches, Oa Spring Edge. Former price. $11 Couches, now at .. $6.50 Couches, now at Some good "values ROBT. J. FR 222 Princess Str: 2 Doors Above the Opera Ho Ambulance Telephone 477, BANKRUPT Of Groceries, Wine: and Crockery, Be , Estate of G. 'M. & Son., 180 Well )gston, Ont. Sve Bey s TENDERS ADDRE dersigned. will be receive February the 17th for the the stock 'in trade, of the consisting of : Groceries, ... . Crotkery, ..... -n-.. & Wines and liquors, .... Fixtures, ..... .... FO Total ....... ... . . The whole will be sold ev arately., . Tenders' will also be récei same date for the purche of the Valuable Business V uuted on Wellington street ¢ Princess and Montreal street Full particulars may be « copy of Inventory of stock by applying to the undersi Highest or any tender nt accepted. ¢ H. HOWARD, Assim Kingstc THE CREAT CONCERT OF THE SPLENDID PITTSBURG ORCH Condiicted by VICTOR BE ' B3 'MAGRIFICENT MU HERBERT , WITHERS -POUN, . the auspices of the he 8 . 'OPERA HOU Prices, $1.50, $1, 75c, 5 + Thé 'subscribers list. is' n Hanley's. Plan opens or Feb. '8rd, at 10 o'clock. public on Thursday. ANNOUNCEME We mave pleasure in ann for the balance of this we secur the services of Mi will "demonstrate the merit: EN'S JELLY POWDER ladiés to call and sample and appetizing dishes she p' A . VanlL 246 Princess St. 'Ph WANTED. A WOOD WORKER. APPI turney, - 890 Princess sti ee ee nie FIRST CLASS WAITRE British American Hotel. ees ------------------ / AT ONCE, EXPERIENCE] ply to Mrs. James A. Bagot street YOUNG GIRL, TO DO Li wut (good wages). A J. 8. Hicks, 178 Alfred DWELLING, FOR MAY 7 arooms, from $13, Address 51 Bre WEL WANT A FEW PEOPI locality to work for us time, Pleasant work. Imperial Company, Lon A GENERAL SERVANT ing or ironing. Must Apply in the evening bert Howard, corner K tre streets. $1,850 MADE BY ONE year salling our hous ties. Did you make a our lines. "Always sell Murshall & Co., Londo YOUNG MEN, TO SHOW ticle from house to h » self). 90,000 sold in Millions will he sold necessity; re-sells to Our men make $3 to Costs 7c¢.; sells for 25¢ t. 10 cents. Domest (Desk 26), Minneapol JRAL INDUSTRIOU:! BE state to travel tablished eleven years large capital, to call uj and agents for success fitablé line. Permanen! Weekly cash salary of travelling expenses an advanced in cash each perience not afsential 'erence and enclose sell wvelope. NATIONAL, ( Chicago + LOST. A LADY'S ELGIN GOLD tween Windsor Hotel @ Steacy's. Suitable rew turn to Dr. Chown's I) A BLACK carnival, tween Rink finder picase telephone 521 FOX COLL on Wednesde d Brock ave nt 1 ee A RIGHT-DAND FUR-LI op Tussiay evening. | Joy's dry goods store drug store. The finder - yveturning to E. Crum ley Bros', dry goods s |