inter Under- n for Spring ther a plenty hese goods at r way of dc- ep that they they are no take the hint m to keep the 10t need them Lined { Drawers ake. that any line. | acCil. phirts | Drawers bed or plain. L5c¢. and Drawers. SON... gston. pr E v Night of a genuine in the. store thy Dodd). eek. rgains in Men's Boots e Boots, leather lined eels, for .. .... .... $2 50. ox Calf Lace Boots, wa es, with rubber betwecn id inner soles, $3.50, | Boots, full broad toes, $1.50. fi all Boys' Boots from fi all Boys' Boots from unt off all Girl's Boots | Valises reduced. ETT. bers! C. e 'Leaf Rubber Store { DAILY 71ST YEAR. NO. 31, iis, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SA FEBRUARY FURNITURE - SALE ! EVERYTH'NG REDUCED. A grand opportunity to save mozrey; from 20 to 25 per cent. saved oh each Durchase, - SIDEBOARDS ' Choice } cut Oak, neatly carved, set with British Plate Mirrors. Former price. Sale price. $70 Sideboards, now at $59. $45 Sideboards, mow at $36, $25 Sideboards, now at $22. COUCHES Velour Couches, Oak Frame, Spring Edge. Former price. * Sale price. $131 Couches, now at .. .. .. $7.50, $6.50 Couches, now at ..,.. $5.50," Some good values at. $4.50, $6.50, 'ete. ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. THE CREAT SINCERY BN oy SEASON PITTSBURG ; ORCHESTRA Conducted by VICTOR RERHUERT. §3 MAGNIFICENT MUSICIANS. HERBERT WITHERS - POON, Soo Lasso. _ Under the auspices of the Ladics' Mu' 8ical' Club. Tuesday Evening, Feb. 9 OPERA HOUSE Prices, $1.50, $1, 73c., 50c. The subscribers list is now open. at Hanley's. Plan opens on Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, at 10 o'clock. To general public on Thursday. TABLE WARE First Quality Plate Knives, Spoons and Forks. We have a line of these gdods in the "French Gray' Finish, called the "Flor- al" patterns, Ask to mee ity we have it in fancy pieces also, and feel there is nothing ads that is richer in appearance or tier. SMITH BR.OS., Jewellers and Opticians, 350 King St. Smoked Glasses ease the sun's bright glare. ANNUAL MEETING HOUSE OF INDUSTRY THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Subscribers in; aid of the Funds the House. of f, Industry, Kil held. City * Counc MONDAY AFTERNOON, February 8th, at four. The Annual Reports. will be presented and Directors for the Year elected. The Public are asked to attend, and by their presence show interest in the work. , G. Y. CHOWN, Chairman. NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Shareholders of the Calvin Company, Limited, .will be held at the office of the Company, at Garden Island, on TUES- DAY, the Yth day of February, 1904, at one o'clock, a) SANDE ORD C. CALVIN, Secretary. A . WOOD WORKE RK. APPLY JAS. LA- wuiney, d%0 rrincess street FIRST CLASS WAITRESS, AT THE British 'Anierican Hotel BOYS AND GIRLS, AT S. OBERN- dorher s cigur tuctory, Ontario street i g-------------------- es AJ" ONCE, A GOOD PLAIN .COOK Apply to Mrs. James A. Minnes, 124 Hagot street. ------ i i---------------------------------- A FEW SMART GIRLS CAN GET steady work and good wages. Apply kingston Hosiery Lo. J YOUNG GIRL, TO DO LIGHT HOUSE work (good wages) Apply to Mrs J. 8. Hicks, 178 Alfred strect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TWO FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS, also first-class pantmaker Apply to A. C. Waggoner, Wellington strect A DWELLING, WITH central loca~ Address TO PURCHASE 7 rooms, modern, in tion, from $1,500 to $2,000. P", this oilhce. WE WANT A FEW PEOPLE IN EACH locality to work for us during spare time. Pleasant work. Liberdl pay. lmperial Company, London, Ontario. BY ONE-MAN LAST ADE O00 sr household necessi- selling our tics. Did you make as much ? dry our lines. ways selling. Write G. Marsh & Co., London, Ont. A YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT 15 OR 16 years old, to assist in light house work, and help take care of children Apply in the evening, to Mrs. Hew- gill, No. 199 University Avenue, City e-------- LADY OR GENTLEMAN; EACH COUN- ty: to manage local business for wholesale house; #20 paid weekly expense money advanced position )ermnanent; experience not esse ntial BE, 612 Monon Bldg. Chicago SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in each state lo travel for house es- tablished eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successiui and jro- fitable line. Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary of $24 and all travelling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week Ex- merience not essential. ~ Mention ref- and enclose self-addressed en- NATIONAL. erence velope Chicarn Caxton Bug. LOST. A RIGHT-HAND FUR-LINED GLOVE, On Tuesday evening, between Crum- ley's dry goods store and Mahood"s drue stpre. The finder will oblige hy returning te IE. Crumley, of Crum ley Nras'. d-v goods store The horn of platy is a good thing to blow in. DAILY MEMORANDA, "Opera house annovacemets on page 4. Summers' Stock Co., opera house, {to- night. Sun rises to-morrow at 7:10 am., aud sets at 5.19 p.m, Annual meeting Light, Heat and Pow- er Co., Monday evening. Occasionally a man's religion and all hia other property is in: his wife's name If women had a vote the confirmed bachelor candidate would be left at the If a man would use the experience, of others he would never acquire any of his own. The man who goes up against another man's game soon discovers that it isn't a game of chance. This date ig the Dickens born, 1812; world's history : British retired ac- cross Modder river, 1900 Aplght Dinners Are all the more enjoyable because of the richness of the service in which the China is an important feature. We enhance the pleasure of the table by providing exquisite CHIRAWAL B. You will be interested in our displ ay. ROBERTSON BROS.. Whatsoever Fashion Demands 5 In jewellery for men and waiicn, is made a part of our stock as soon as manufactured. Qur line of 'Pearl Pendants, Pearl and Dia- mond Stick Pins, also our stock of Rings, with any gem. you care to ask for, is worth a special visit to our store to see, even if do not intend to buy. At ordinary prices they are good value, at our figures they are genuine bar- gains. you eB. . CREWS, Corner --n & cin Sts. 'Phone 3386. ou SRFTIPSTWOE DERN RENOW BASKET BALL INTERCOLLEGIATE McGILL vs. QUEEN'S IN CITY Y.H.CA. GYMNASIUM SATURDAY, FEB. 6 AL 8:15 p.m. ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. The Greatest of Entertainers GEORGE GROSSMITH CITY HALL, KINGSTON, "evenc, Fob, 151h, EVENING, Entirely New Programmes. Things You Must Have Noticed. Haunted bry Dolly Gray How to Succeed How to Write a Modern Musical Comedy. How Little it Takes to Stop Our Street Cars The M n Choir Master, Etc. Prices--$1, 7 at Ugiow's, _ REMOVED I HAVE REMOVED MY FLOUR AND Feed Business to the Market Square, two doors from W. W. Gibson's Drug Store 1 desire to thank the Citizens of King- ston and the Farmers of the Surround- ing District for the very liberal patron- age extended to me for the past twenty vears cn Hrock Street, trusting for a continuance of the same on the Market Hutchison. Plan open D. ANNOUNCEMENT. We mave pleasure in announting that for the balance of this week we have secured the services of Miss Coff, who will demonstrate the merits of McLAR- EN'S JELLY POWDER. We invite the ladies to call and" sample the delicious and "NV vetizing dishes she prepares. F. VanbLuven, 246 W. St. "Phope 417. USURERS TRY BRIBERY. Said té "Have Offered N.Y. Asdist- ant District Attorney $25,000. New York, Feb. 6.--A report is cur rent that the usurers doing business { here have attempted to kxibe an as- | cistant district attorney with an offer of 825,000. Numerous conéérns are said to have contributed to the fund where- by it is sup} osed they hoped to have ia halt « | in the vigorous cam- paign n being waged hy the au | ihotities against the money lenders. Not only have severel eoniistions I been 1 but, it 3 eadersiood, | hundreds victims, taking advantage tof the situation, refuse to "settle, claiming they already have more than ! repaid the sums borrowed. 3 Tenry Elliott, a Los Angeles, Cal. paurer, is sting his wealthy "wife to , comgel her to support him, post. This 'date in history : Dickens hob, 1812; British retired across Modder riv- | er, 1900 TOKIO PRESS Rejoicing at Prospect of Ending of Suspence THE WAR FUNDS; md SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASED BY SUBSCRIPTION. Russia Not So Short Of Funds As Supposed--She May Attack China First--China Will Keep Strict Neutrality. . London, Feb, 6.--The Times corres pendent at Tokio says : The situation is now regarded as hopeless, It is generally believed that the councils of elder statesmen had on the 3rd and 4th instant decided upon the {mal measures to be takem in the event of an unfavorable Russian reply. The Tokio press rejoices gt the prospect of the termination of the long suspense, and the, delay which has been opposed to Japan's interests. Voluntary sub scription to the war funds now ex ceed 2,000,000 yen. Little credence is placed in the persistent rumor that Russian troops are about" to 'proceed to Corea at the request of that state. The Russian fleet has returned to Port Arthur. The Times says editorially : There is reason to believe that all expeciation of a peaceful settlement of the Rus sian-Japanese dispute must be ahan- aoned. ' Russia Careful And Courteous. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says: He learns that Russia's reply is carefully and courteously worded. It embodies pro- posals representing the utmost that Russia can offer, but is hardly calcul ated to satisfy the demands contained in Japan's last note. The opinion pre- vails, however, that it will constitute the basis for a settlement. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Mail says: That the govern- ment is not so unfavorably situated financially, as has been said. The gold reserve is much larger than is suppos ed. The Times says : coRNpamun at Pekin All the telegrams from Japan indicate the imminence of war. Coal is being shipped in large quantities to Port Arthur. There is no question that the undue prolongation of nego- tigations has given Russia "opportuni ties of which she has not been rlow to take advantage. In' the event of war the attitude of the Chinese court is -problematical, * Fuchuanlif and the" chief eunuch - Lilienying, urged the enfpress' dowager to Jeave "Pekin, and 7o to Signanfu, but Prince Ching and the other ministers warn her of the foliy of such a step. Throughout any conflict, however, China will preserve strict neutrality. The northern fron- tive will be suarded by foreign drilled troops, numbering 20.000 effective men well disciplined, well-armed, and regu- larly paid. ---- May Attack China First. Hong Kong, Feb. 6.--Advices have been received here from Pekin to the effect that the Russian minister has informed the Chinese grand council lors, that in the event of war, Rus- sia may be compelled to seize Tien Tsin, and Pekin, and that if China fa- vors Japan, she should consider the situation thoroughly before declaring her intentions. In consequence of this, Chinese ministers fear that Russia will attack China first. Russian Pacific Squadron. The London Times Moscow corres pondent says: A Russian officer lately returned from the far cast, says the Russian Pacific squadron possesses at least two submarine torpedo boats. They were built, he says, on the Black Sea, carried east in sections, and fit- ted together at Port Arthur, where they are now My informant also states that the mouth of the Amur river is equipped with light craft each patrolling about one hundred versts, Tension Is Increased. London, Feb. 6.--Indications point to the fact that information received at the Japanese legation here from Tokio shows that Russia's reply in the estimation of the legation, decid- edly does" not meet Japan's wishes. The genera | tensicm in diplomatic quarters here to-day is unquestionably increased. Profit In Municipal Store. Kenosha, "Wis., Feb. 6."The first semi-annual report of the manager of the municipal grocery store operated by the City of Kenosha for the sup- "port of her dependants, has been filed, and shows the city has received a profit of more than $2,000. The report shows that during the six months ten families, with a total of forty-three persons, have received all their food supplies from the store, and for these supplies the city is charged with $448. The expenditure for the same purpose during the last vear before the open. ing of the store was $2,412. Eemarkable Piece Of Surgery. New York, Feb. 6.--Having a sore tongue, Joseph Lafkey conghed Pr. Graham, who, with a pair pincers, pulled a tobacco pipe stem an inch long and threecighths of sn inch thick from the lower part of his tongue, City Engineer Graydon has received instructions to inspect the churches of London, Ont., with reference to their safety in the event of fire. Valentinas--lace, comic and special novelties, at McDermott Bros. students \ Prine ceton col ing on exam- inations, and Wo #0Wh men have heen arrested 'in with the mat- ter. It is that the two men several had secured oopies of freshmen examination n paps om the allice where they were: to five freshmen. rr Sod hen the matter to the 0! committee, )\ by" a decoy arrested, approhend=d the five students "recommenced their expulsion. TESTED CURTAINS S BY FIRE. Buffalo Authorities Try Experi- ment. in Five Theaters. Buffalo, Feb. . order of the mayor and the fire commissioners the ashestos curtain five of Ruffalo's theatres were t ly fire. Firemen armed with aléohal Jamps and ready {fo meet anv HL visited the leading theatres. lamps were lighted and the os held close to the asbestos aine. All of them stood 'the ot. Several of the theatres have been i' to meet the requirements of ¥ ity ordinances. WATCH. ii Canal--Will Be Let e. Washington, Feb. 8.--The navy de no trouble from C olunibians who near Cape Tibur- kept under close as they refrain \ or approaching F will not be inter- fered with. But naval officers will take care to aca it the Colombians with the American programme. seem tm-------- AFTER REVOLVER BATTLE, -- Caught in Attempt To Hold Up a Wealthy Man. New York, Feb. G.~-Aiter a revolver battle with three policemen and two private detectives William Delaney | better known hy the name "Monk" Eastman, leader of an east side gang, and a companion, Christopher Wallace were arrai in court, having béen apprehended, it 9 said, in an attempt to hold up a wealthy man whom the detectives were wing, but to whose assistance they came when he was attacked. DEAD FROM BULLET WOUND. mm James K. - ShEMSE Fatally Shot on. They will watch and so from making the canal zone young lawyer a term as as who had Tut eu sistant commonweliths OTeY died from the effects of a bullet wound in flicted at midnight by W. E. Owensboro, Ky. The trouble arose, it is said over a suspicion which Neal entertained as to Shrader"s relations with Mes. Neal. The shooting occurred in the cafe of the Capitol hotel. MANY DIE OF POISONING. From Drinking Brandy Made In Lead-Lined Stills. Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 6.--An epidemic of lead poisoning has brok en out in the villaves of Obrezsa. Ma- raga, and Glunboka in Krasso Szer- ney county, as the result of drinking brandv made in lead-lined stills, Over one-hundred persons were poisoned, and a number of them are dead, The distillers claim that lead-lined stills give a higher des of alcohol than other kinds of stills, NOT IN THE FIELD. Governor Herrick Makes a Most Significant Declaration. Columbus, Ohio, Feb, 6.--~"Governor Herrick," said Col. W. P. Orr, of Pi qua, "is Ohio going to demand your acceptance of second place.on the na tional ticket this year 7" Gov. Herrick's reply was quick ani decisive : I think not; 'Ohio knows that I am not ambitions bevond serv ing my state. | sincerely trust that I may not be embarrassed by my friends." : Neal, of Latest Thing In Sects. Rochester, N.Y., Feb. ¢.-T. FE. Nicho's ha= started gg new religigus sect here. calls it "The ChAIRY Brethren." ° He has thirty members He rays: "We don't believe Adam men. We have thrown of the churches and take Bible. We do not be- lieve there is a hell. The true God would no more prepare a hell than le world make an devil The only devil a man sees i+ when he looks into - a mirror. The cnly devil is in us." An Artistic Burglar. Vietoria, B.C, Feb. 6.--~Paul New men, an American, was arrested on suspicion by Chief Langley, and con- fessed at the polices station that he had committed burglaries in several British Columbia towns since he camo across the line. In his possession was found a full kit of burglars tools of the most modern pattern and a large quantity of stoln , And Be Waked Up. Belleville Intillegencer, A man who name is Mr. Gotobed resides in Kensas. He d remove to Kingston, Ont. was the first out the God the God of the ee eerp-- Nothing Finer Offered. Than the pure beeswax candles for church purposes, all sizes, at Jc, per pound, at, Mullen's. Licut. John Graham; R.CM.R., did at Winnipeg. Man He served with 1he first contingent in South Africa, and' received a commission for services there, He was sty years old, WORID JEW. EVENTS OF DAY |; GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From Over--Little of Everything y Read and Remembered, Mrs. Mary Geoff, Auburn, NY. war roasted alive in a fire at her howe, while alone in the building. St. Loui, Mo, beading house keepers are .ovnM a trust to mam tain stilt rates dming the world's fair. William K. Vanderbilt, Jr, is to build an automobile. track of his own at his residence, Doepdale; L.1. It will be at least. a hall mile. Alphonzo Calkins is under arrest at Fulton, N.Y., charged with criminally assaulting the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Willet, * To avoid a church wedding, whith they dt M. R. Cre En and Mollis Clark, Baltimore, eloped "and were married unconventionally. John Sandrani, steerage passenger on the steamer Cedric, com- mitted suicide bv . on the way | from New York to Queenstown. Several women Luggars have been arrested at New, York for hiting bab: ies and cruelly pinching thom to make them excite sympathy by theic wails, On the charge that he compelled his daughter, fifteen years old, to steal from her emy lovers, Ei'hard Adams, Newark, N.J., has ben held for grand jury. George Bishop, prominent in Boston society, married Carolina Ida Belle Alden, a Newton roc iety beauty, on his deathbed in the city hospital. He cied of pneumonia two hour: later. The will of the late Hugh Stowell Scott, better known as Henrv Seton Merriman, the novelist, shows that he left an estate of $250,000, The docu- ment has just been filed for probate. Frank W. Sandford, head of 'The "Holy Ghost and Us Shiloh, Maine, was nl the supreme court slaughter. He starved his young son. From the fact that the severe win- ter has made ice available near the main line, the New York Central rail- road company has cancelled its con: tract ot Cope Vincent for 1,200 car. loads of 5 Hal da "Phe Canadian' als have announced that the company has been condemned by a British indoe in Hone Kone to pay to the Chinese: povernment £96,000, for "run: ning down a Chinese gunboat with one of its steamships, the Empress of Ja pan. A REMARKABLE GATHERING Of Rival Factions to Offset Cham- berlain's Policy. London, Feb, 6.---There was an in teresting social and poittical gather ing Inst night at the residence of Bar- on Wimborne to mark the coalition of the unionist and liberal free trade to combat - Mr. Chamberlain's fiscal proposals, The conjunctions of party opponimts was even less remarkable then the meeting on common ground of rival liberals, such as Lord Rose héry, Sir William Vernon Harcourt, tha Duke of Devonshire and Sir Henry Campbell-Bennerman. Among the conservatives presint were Lord Hugh Cecil, son of the late Marquis of Salisbury; C. T.° Ritchie, formerly chancellor of the exchequer, and Winston Churchill. The dinner was given for the leaders and the ladies and their families, which was follow: «d by the recoption at which there were 1.500 guests. THE "S00" INDUSTRIES. A------, Criminal Prosecutions May Yet Be Instituted. Philadelphia, Feb. 6.--Interesting de velopments in connection . with the Consolidated Lake Superior jo pany are expected within a few days. Fackenthal, receiver of the a ea. perties, spent a few hours in Toronto this week, where he held a8 consulta tion with C. P. Worthington, of Sanit Ste. Marie, general auditor of the company. It is said Mr. Worthingten's visit to Toronto is for the purpose of consulting attorneys as to certain por- tions of the accounts which require explanation. Unless light eon. be thrown upon certain aspects of the affair, litigation, which may involve some of the promoters, is among the possitilities and criminal prosecution 15 by no means improbable. Died Kneeling In Prayer. Pottsville, Pa., Feb. fA. --Having dis- robed to go to bed, Mrs. Joseph Sch- wartz, of this place, aged sixty-eight years, ill forward upon the floor, as she was about to kneel in" Frayer. When the family reached her side, moment later they found her oie She leaves a husband and several children. Water Famine At Smith's Falls. Smith's Falls, Ont., Feb. 6. There is almost a water famine hore. The gevere front has geached some pf the wafer mains, coma parts of the town dreentirely efit off from the wa ter supply. The system is owned and operated by the town. At the Kingston rink this morning, } another Flanagan cup match was Pinyed, Bt. Georges I, defeated' Bt, Georges A. hy 6 to 1. When the milkmen sive a ball they probably all wear pumps, : Bt, Lnwrmte svat Ses RE COLLECTOR om OVERRULED. Too h on "woos rie om Ottawa, Feb, customs has received a copy rwing by the United oa A appraisers in the di ts by a Chicago company, t the assessment of duty by the rte of customs at Chicago, on an tka cf tableached wood: , from * 'the province \ The collector assessed the duty at cnidourth of § cent per nd the importation as Rhcrsical who pulp, blached, but the importers con tended that the ocllector had made a mistake, and that the article in ques: tin was unb chemical wood! pulp, dutiable at one-sixth of a cent for round, The appraising board overruled 'the decisi nm of the Chimgo collector, They confirmed, however, the imposi- tion of a countervai ing duty of twenty five cents addi.icnal per cord, by reason of the fact that the "pro. vive of Quebec levies export duty on puliwood at thy mme rate. REV. ELWOOD FOUND' urLTy, Minister Who Preached Let Off With Caution, Wilmington, Del., Feb. 6.--Rev. Ro- bert A. Elwood, pastor of Pres byterian church, was tried the Newcastle Presbytery on growing out of the sermon entit "Should the murderer of Helen Bish: op be lynched 1' White, the negro murderer of Miss Bishop, was burned | three of the six specifications present. ed against him. A committee of five was appointed | to fix punishment and after some liberation the committee recom careful in the future. The preshytery accepted the recommendation: ------------ LEAP YEAR RIGHTS, Girls Clamor For Them In Min. Ninny Pb Minn lis, nn. os girls of Minnesota find dhl sh i year privileges are not. should be and have ealled on What, tay nor Van Sant through a letter. writ ten by one of their rn aie. ed as a committee of one asking that the governor proclaim their leap year rights so that the young men of the state may be brought to a realiza: ton of their duties during leap year. The young women would have it, the governor anys, that the young men must aceept if the ladies propose to them. The governor is sonsisering the matter. A ITY OF EIGE ---- London, Feb. 6.--1u the ultimate di- vision in the of STG. Ih Mr. Robson's dress, the governmint bad a . of eighty -- thé vote being I and 278 against the amendment, a ine tal of 476. There are 670 members in the house. The normal majority of the ministry is 120. th The Mystery Solved. MacLeod, RYT. Teh 6.~The mys: tery surrounding the disappearance of D. Mcintyre, of Vernon, B.C, who was last seen on December , J was clegrod up yosterday, whed the: body of the missing man was found re on the pasture ground of the moun: tain police. There were no sighs of foul play, Melntyre was well known as a buyer of grain. ' To Spend Vacation Here. Berlin, Ont., Feb. 6.--Fred. Hull and Joseph Rellinger, each about fifteen, the former from Galt, were thia morning sentenced by ' Police Magis trate Weir, to five years each in the Kingston penitentiary, for burglary of Simon . Yost's store, in this town, some time ago. These had sere. ed time in the Reformatory and Rel linger was merely at large, subject to good hohaviour, The Commons Speakership, Ottawa, Fob, 8-It is not likely that the speaker of the House of Commons will be designated anti¥ the last mite, though it remains pr able that Mr. Pelourt, Ottaws, pro) get the post. In the meantime, the executive duties of the speakership are performed by. Mr. Brodeur. I am all in a quiver said the jelly. Things certainly are prettv well mix ¢d said the mustard. Oh, I don't know raid the black tes. Since we bad a trunk from Crawford's our teas are better. Eggeactly said the omelst The C.P.R. is building a qnarter of a million dollars' worth «of rollin stock in the shops at Montraal. Th order calls for five diners. Aft2 mn stan ard sleepers, and © twenty-five touriyt sleepers, The meat saw it all and ground ita teeth, because they were no Lily White potatoes in the house. Craw- fo d for Lilly White, NOTICE - REMOVAL | I WISI TO INFORM uy mers that I have removed my Fainting building formerly occupied 'the. Bailey Brdodm Factory, 'where I bein a better condition to turn out the work more promptly. 1 have alve large and commodious space for first class storage, making it the largest and best stores house betwen Toronto and Montreal, Thagking you for your past favors and: hoping for a continuance of the same, 1 remain, . 6.~The depabtinent of} ow wood | © at. the stake, was found guilty on'| that Elwood be cautioned to be more | d p 10 209 Queen. Street, the | Thomas rat | Dats ai Pittsburg township, caged: | four years. : ™e funeral will leave je w rence . 30 Charles Kingston, : : i RR Friends and That's the point. Begin with a cup, or two of them, PURE it imparts, You will feel the ter for it all Hay, and too. Try it and see. | "W. G, FROST.