H i money, -- their figures the estimate cor- tainly looks more than conservative, to doubly 'prove their they £ show that they have only their passenger ® g¥ 'on moving the pop ulation five times, while the Avr > Qanada and the" ed ly times . The fare to Kivaston i schedul- saving of m i E fee i £2 its . to his very door, iY; aud lost. The equipment I . he most modern type and 1 ructed in the most thor. made Whig active con- as soon the frost is amend -- = Cure A Cold In One Day. ° ative: B nine Tab- lets. Al THE EDITOR ---- Got a Food Lesson Never To Be Forgotten. The financial editor. of a Cleveland has written dn' interesting ar- cle describing his experimce with food. He says. : "1 suffered from nervous trouble for H woke, quite as good as the cake. Games | years, at first confined to muscular were an. iniareting ad- | twitching, but grew worse and invo- dress given by tt, an instruc- | Lontary contractions of the muscles tor on the government farms | by indescribable severe for the "North West indians, on his { pains 'were the penalty of over-exer- 4 work among the red men. t tion, . catching cold,. or. just bad guests received invitations, were | weather, even when the greatest care i hited with boys' | was exercised. {ldlpess, and with the claver | "Thy sciatic nerve and the nerves®of way. which they played host. the back became so sensitive I could sbi only remove' my underclothing with the greatest care and sometimes loft it 'on at night rather than suffer the tortare. of remoting it and putting on a night shirf. "1 was glmost a nervous wreck and was treated by numerous physicians without any improvement, in fact matters went on from bad to worse each attack becoming more severe and mote lasting until 1 down con pletely last winter. Foe at a etrotch I suffered so tertibly and continuously that I got no natural I became practically helpless, | could "mot walk and ut ose time thought I had lott the use of one oi s. my doctors got we down to skim milk, but that Sey do so they ut me on Grape-Nuts ai meal times had Postum Cereal and both agreed with We from the staré int the most " of i Fa SEE pe wonde: manner. ori soon sit ap and my im proveinent bas poem id, 'I'vio Tong- er he pains whith "at tides were * almost wu le and I get Fok sound, restful Sleep better than bave for years. t of all T have recovered the use of my log and pros Queen's, was ically theic junior | seven. eA nthe round, by {| the latter drubbed Varsity here. It { dchonind Corn J. ori used | Butternut which cause (3 : tt Se - The Cadets Again Victorious. RMC. 1 again won from Queen's Il last hy in aptarmidinte series e 0 te y Léague, by 10 to 1. At hall time the score was 4 to 1, The tear played by 19 to 2, a Very good margin to be sure, Queen's * TI--Goal, Wadill; point, to at, hn; forwards, : Flas 2 wings, g Curtin, McKia- non, | 3 RM.C. l, - Goldie; point, Har ; CO Constantiae; for- tington; oint, 5 ps Gill, Hale, Powell. jg a Soe *Varsity Beat McGill. At Montreal , last night, Toronto Varsity defeated McGill by 5 to 0 in a senior Intercollegiate hockey match. The result was a great surprise, as it was fully expected that McGill wauld Varsity on its own ice, sinde it had done the same to Queen's after much as if Varsity would intercollegiate championship. Po prevent this, Queen's will have fo beat Varsitv in Toronto next Friday night. Failure to do this will land the Hogtown university team on top, Inter-College Basket Ball. The basketbal! match this evening between Queen's . and MeGill is the firdt intercollegiate match over played -- « by these Hereafter it will be an annual affair. The teams will be : McGill-McK. and Ross, home; Higgins, centre; - ly and Oliver, de ence. Queen's-- McFadyen and Consitt, de- (captain), forw: Hockey. St. George's eémpect to trounce Queen's in Toromto to-night. The Montreal hockey ladics will play at Ottawa one day next week. Gitlesg is, of Queen's, refereed the "Yiseaity-Nevill match in Montreal last nl t. * J.T. 'Sutherland "will - referée - the Ficots Hocithuts match at Brock- vide on N 4 1 Anios group, O.H.A. tie, ladies' hockey team of Prescott and 'the hankers of that town met in a Hiendly match last night. incordine has fropbrd out of the 0,H.A., on account of practical isola- tion through the smow blockade. Now it's, Manitoba's hockey sup- porters who are calling out for the introduction of the Ontario rule which Ee Buns: whew barged Roy D. ley; Ww. was from refarecig. OH. A. | matches, has one to Pitt , and will officiate 1 some of the Deane Garden con- tests, According to the following notice which appeared in an sbure pa- per hockey is plaved in that place on Sunday : "There will be an interest- ing hockey match at the Winnika rink to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon. Game begins at 2.30. Admission 10 cents." The Hamilton ladies' ¢ team defeated the Alexandras, the Toronto ladies' team, at Victoria rink, To ronto, by a score of 8 to 1. At half time the score was 1 to 0 in favor of the Hamiltonians. The visitors had a splendid combination and their de fence could lift wonderfully. Richardson, Queen's fast wing play er, was unable to accompany the team to Toronto to-day. He is suffer- ing from a light touch of grippe. and is being taken care of for the Varsi- tv match next week. His absence to- night will very materially weaken Queen's in their exhibition match with St. George's. v General Sport. The boxing game has been shut off in Detroit by the authoritjes. The Lindsay Curling Club has a kind landlord, and pays only $80 a vear for itg housing and accommoda- tion. The only remaining match in i Central Ontario Curling League takes tlie on Tuesday here Cetworn Brock- ville and Rockwood. "The first of the Queen's inter-faculty ewrfing matches took place last night between Divinity and Science. The Di- vinity team won hy 14 to 10. : ;, Toronto won the povernor-gencral's curling prive, delcating . Collingwood in the fal by ten ts. -Colling- wand ete the runners-up Yast year to The Rideau Canoe Club, of Ottawa, purpose erecting a ¢lub house. on the Rideau. near Ottawa, the coming sea son. The building 'will cost in the neivhborhood of $8,000. The frit mateh in the mew local Indoor Bagehall Leagne was played at the armouries last might between St. Jomes' and St. Andrew's teams. The Ss. Aa result was: St. James' 38, drew's 37, The Mildest And Surest Relief. F tipated bowels and piles is "Hamilton's Pills of Masdrake and geipiog pain and act promptly. Well. known | all doctors. Use only ; Dee Hamilton's Pills. Price 2%. y ' # acdonnell fence; Aiken, cemtre; Dunlop, Warren, | ards, t. rge's cathedral, the Pishop of Ontario wil preach at the morning Zion rads serial church, twelfth 1 ersary, Rev, J. H, Milne, M.A. cne 'of Ottawa's leading preachers, at both services. Special music; a rare treat anticipated. D. XN. the be to: fase ll poah y . Alex. Laird will preach in the evening. Communion po dministéréd at the close of morning service, sors tus atonal church, Soret ohnston. i treets--Rev. D. M Soiandi. a 8 1 am. and 7 p.m. Sabbath school and Bible clags af 3 p.m. Seats are free x hurch, 95 Johnston street. --Rev. D. Laing' pastor. 11 a. m., "What of the New Testament De- iaes 7' 7 p.m., "Christ's Power'to ive Sin, and the Fvidence of Be- Evervbody welcome. Cooke's church, Presbyteriait~Rev, Alex. Laird, B.A., minister. Sunday services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday #ehool 'and Bible class, 3'p.m. Strang- ors 'Welcome. Sunday, February 7th, morning - service, Rev. Alex. Laird; evening service, Rev. D. N. Mordor. almers Presbyterian church, corn er Barrie and Earl streets, Rev, M: Macgillivray, pastor. Services, 1F a. ur, "The World's Uplift; Changing the Sword and the Spear"; 7 pm. "Is This an Ape of Doubt?" Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. Strang- ers alwavs welcome. Brock Street Mcthodist church, Rev. Eber Crummy, B.A, B.Sc, pastor. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Pastor will preach at both services. Sunday school, 245 p.m. Pastor's Bible class, 4:15 p.m. Christian Fa- deavor, Monday, at 8 p.m. Union fellowship meeting avd lovefeast, Wed. nesday at 8 p.m. Calvary Congregational Church, cor- ner Charles and Bagot streets, Rev. G. A. Lowes. pastor.-- Service at 11 ij a.m., closing with the Lords Supper. Evangelistic service at 7 p.m. L. G. if Lockett will preach and pastor con- duct "the after meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Lowes will be "At Home," 143 Pine street, Mondav evening. to talk with any desiring to be saved. "The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son, cleangeth us from all sin." Queen Street Methodist church, Feb. 7th.--Union fellowship meetings at 10 am. Rev. J. Cooper Antliff, M.A. D.D., will preach at 11 am., and 7 pan. Lord's Supper and reception of new members after morning sermon. | Sunday school at 2:45 p.m. Epworth Leagua of Christian Endeavor on Monday at 8 p.m Union lovefeast at Brock street church on Wednesday at 8 p.m. All welcome. Morning, '"'Near- er My God to Thee," Mr. Dillabough and choir. Even'ng, anthem, "Cross- img the Bar." Solo, "One Sweetly Solémn Thought," (Ambrose), Mr. Manhard. Sydenham street Methodist church, Feb. 7th.--Rev. Dr. Philp, M.A, D.D., pastor Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m . W. T. G. Brown will preach at both services. Sacrament of Lord's Supper in connection with morning 0... « school and Bible: ee a dar class "on Monday at 3; Epworth League on Monday at 8; Mrs. Pike's class Tuesday at 8. Un- ion love feast in Brock street Metho- dist church on Wednesday at 8. Even. ing 'service . at outer station at 7 o'clock; E. Davis will preach. Morning anthem, "Calvary" (Rodney), Mx. Andrews and choir; eveni anthem, "Hark, Hark, My Lord" (H. K. Skel- ley), Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Craig and choir; solo during the offertoire by Mrs. Andrews. ¢ Bonny Scotland." "A Ramble Through Scotland" hy Rev. Neil Macpherson, M.A., B.D., of Hamilton, who has become famous as a lecturer, reflecting great credit on Queen's and our city. The lecture ix illustrated with fine limelight views from personal travel. Charming Scotch songs, by Arthur Craig and Mrs. Jean Andrews, our peerless Scotch singer. All for 25¢c., in Zion church, Tuesday, Feb. 9th, 8 p.m. Coughs And Colds. Are often overlooked. A rontinu- ance for any length of time causes ir ritation of the Lungs or some chronic Throat Disease. Brown's Bronchial Troches are offered, with the fallest confidence in their efficacy, giving al. most invariably sure and immediate relief. ~ 25¢. a "ox. Two inches of snow fell during the night. NOW IS THE TIME. a ' pL 4 Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil now. Not next week or next month, but now. You need it to put fat on your bones and strength in yo body to stand the cold and trying weather of the next few months. Nine-tenths of the popula- tion would be 'benefited 'by aking Scotts Emulsion regu- larly three times a day for a month or more every fall to fortify and strengthen the System against the 'cold and constant that occur Srough the winter. "The berniefit is particularly marked with young, delicate children. No food that they can take begins Scott's Emulsion. "Pare cod liver oil is scarce butt you get Scott's Emul- sion you'll be sure to < i only the purest and best OCAL TOPICS iscusseD BY THE PORTS: MOUTH PHILOSOPHER. Success of The Corner Grocery Stores--Two Church Steeples Out of PlumbsA Council Did vided Against Itself. stores in in the residential parts have taken hy from them. The smaller ean be run r and some goods can accordingly sold" cheaper. An enormous amount of business which formerly went down town has been direc into other Shauiels. The failure "of a large grocery house re- cently is accountable to a large ex- tent to the cormer grocery, which simply sapped it. WA Have you ever noticed two Kings- ton church steeples that are out of me if any inspection is ever made of the old steeples and towers in King- ston. The beams in them are bound tosrot in time. Are they ever renew- ed? It would be wise for the city council, since it is having, an inspec- tion made of public buildings, to have steeples and towers looked alter as well. Another guestion--Have you noticed that in some churches in the city, the | electric light is far better than _inj others ? On several Su nights, the light in a certain church was excel lent, while in another it was simply wretched. A Presbyterian church becante so disgusted with the electric light supplied that it spent $125 to improve the gas jets, and now uses gas instead, the result belug 200 per cent better. ~The electric light used to be so dim that the people could go to sleep and the minister couldn't détect them. Though the cars didn't run on Sunday, or the stores weren't open, yet the church light was no bet ter than om an ordinary week night. vided into two parties, Once upon a time, eventually gain the control. Well, one party nominated one of its own num- ber for the wardenship. What did the other party do but also nominate one of their opponents' number, the weak- est man in the council. Do you think he would vote against himself for such a coveted honor ? Well not' much ! He voted "number on», and stuck to the party that nominated him. Of course that party won out, by stealing a clever march on their opponents. It is amusing to hear women discuss- ing these "Five o'clock teas" and "At Homes," which they attend, and if some of the hostesses heard the re marks passed upon the events, they certainly would not be flattered. The criticisms are not passed directly up- on the hostesses, but upon the quan- tity of "food" that is<supplied. Some people imagine they should be given enough at one of these "teas" to plumb? Tt has oft-times occurred to} to the chair of honor. I have nore | ference to the present Frontenac coun- | cil, but to the body many years ago. | that council was { evenly divided, twelve and twelve, and |, Tt Sas 4 - the question was which party would | The City Of The King," by Mrs. Lew RHEUMATIS URED. | WILL REFUND YOUR Mongy IF IT FAILS TO OURE. 1 the Arms, . Side, tie redst and Rheuma! welling or Soreness of any part of the y ne do haute. rt oo nite ch : t effects a and permanent cure of All forms of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbagy, or pain In the back, tameness; Stiff and Swcllen Joints, and all n hips and loins. This oes not nit the disease to sleep, but drives it from the system. It heniralizes the acid and makes good. rich, red blood. Get a Lc bottle of this remedy, and It you are not perfecMy satisfied - results I will refund your Munyon. + iQ eet itt a Sm... --.. Every effort js being made to n.aki peace. Pesce at home, the greates: blessing of earth. 3 Things That let. Decorate your walls with those peaceful colorings, up to-date designs, found in 'the largest variety, in the Weese Wall Paper line. 2nd. Procure Pictures, Photos and Frames, for wall hangings, to ensure Peace get these at Weeso's. 8rd. To cempieta this Peace and have perfect harmony, purchase a Ma- son & Risch, . the highest grade Piano, their Durability, gives Peace, and Brethren, did it ever strike you that | [ Coh "UR Ho Thuy we will give you where a council, which elects its own | warden or reeve or presidents, is di- | the weakest | member in the number may 'be elacted | Peaceful figures that will surprise you D. A. Weese & Co., | 121 Princess Street. New Books : Wallace, $1. "What The Child Jesus Saw and Heard." "The Vagabond," by Frederick Palm- er, $1.25. "Pigs In Clover," by Frank Dany. $1.25 "The Long Night," Weyman, $1.25. by Stanley J. "Her Lord and Master," Morton, $1.25. F. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. * by Martkon equal their regular evening meal, and if they don't get it, they come away say that A fx have het. hoard 30 cream given. In future, hostesses should prepare Yeasts of larger pro- portions, Let the ice cream be served on a soup plate, the cake on a plat. ter and the 'coffee in a dipper. The old advice given to young wives is to feed "the brutes." Well, let the hos- tesses "feed" the women. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doi Joeph Quigley, local customs land- ing waiter, has heen retired. W. J. Keeley. Sr., took part in a concert at Cushendall last night. Mrs. (Major) Van Luven, Kingston, is the guest of her parent, P. E. R. Miller, Switzerville. John Darragh, a former Kingstoni- an, visiting his brother, George Dar- ragh, Victoria Terrace, for the past two weeks, returned to his home in Revelstoke, B.C., vesterday. Mr. Dar- ragh is now a wealthy citizen of that place. James Carswell, the ten-year-old son of Mr. Carswell, assistant district superintendent of the Metropolitan Metropolitan Steck ~ Exchange : Under the Laws of Maddschasetts | -and.So's:. QIS- : 3 would have needed a good go of i spectacles. to see the tiny bitof ice | ; » FULLY PAID, KINGSTON BRANCH Clarence Chambers, Glarsnce St. Opposite British American Hotel. Phone 400 J: J. McKENNA, Manager. Bonds, Stocks, Graln and Provisions boaght on oargin or for cash. Lion's Navel Orances Ask for Lion Brand Seedless Oranges. They are the best ! Life Insurance company. is seriously ill at his home on Wellington street of meningitis. The lad has been con- | fined to bed for two weeks. turned from Snow Road, where, on | Wedngsdav evening, he installed the | officers of Cornucopia lodge, No. 299 LO.O.F. A banquet was afterwards | held and a pleasant evenine svent. | Mr. Thompson will pav an official vis. it to Lagsdowne lodge next Tuesday | night, A 1 0000000000000000000000¢ : § : Em ---------- | Four Popular Lectures. By Prof. N. F. Dupuis, M.A. of Queen's, on "Modern Views of Astron- | omy," with good lantern illastrations In Convocation hall, Monday. "yes. | day, Wednesday, Thursday (Feb. Sth- | 12th), at 8 pm. Tickets, for fall | course, open to public, at 5c. and | obtained from rept or a Rev. J, W, Boyd, or at door, figs, -- 3 Smallpox At Tween. here is another case of sm lipo i Tweed. About three weeks a ®] young man named Green married intn a house where there had been small- pox and although the quarantine had been raised for some time and every- thing was supposed to be all right, the groom contracted smallpox and is now down with the disease. 4 ---- Never Too Late. For bargains at Abhernethy's, br the eather JOU come, the better ei you have. Call and see the i at Abernethy's. Sagaian. ------ ! Fasened of vanilla, Jar tiles 10c; Snowflake baking a Ra fehly ig Fo I. Taylor Drug Cop, e Bay of int i in 4 -- h the oo e railway train 4id ow hail on Friday, being A a ---- Aldermen, stop the leaks § EES A. J. REES', Princess St, P. M. Thompson, D.D.G.M., has re- | 2000000000000 * 9 wn = _ wn Scranton Coal Routs Cold ! J 5 od 2 Iman go = Telephone 135. 0000009000000 0000009 G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Office, 61 Clarence street, = 'Phone 8598 Evening address. 33 Sydenhasi Su M° Promote Peace 3 "seemed The Victorian you've all of you know what many of cont Nurses'. Home ? are interdyted 'enon provided you don aims ? ow man know 2 it, go eve) ing fifty cents tow work, which that of Bi Palka, is sick poor in Ki The ocretory " read a report at the Ta. wh nurse had paid 1,8 1903. - Think of th eight hundred, and tai principal ignorance and unc) hard lot of a nus And then listen to further, and, ntle, wise ost but ei voice, "extol on that Miss 'Baker js two women, and d solute satisfaction, other like her," o tor declared, and ood nurse will ap ut besides laudati icians, Miss clothing, old linen, ditions of things tc + as she would like 1 and women should privileged to aid Mi bors day by day. The secretary ma tion, to the effect t the canvassing for an's monetary scal one, and she never asking from a ma would be perfectly instance, she - woul with a response to request for a dol would expect and g the men are collect 'men, the women ¢ bundles for the Vi in no kindlier, mo needed work, coulc ployed. . * What with large grate fires, and a vidual touch about come, Mrs. Harr large tea at "The C mesday, for her gue: kirk, N.Y, wag . qui smaller affair. After Tandy and her ati visitor, people cross tea-room, where Mr son, and Mrs. Roge of the tea-table, th like a refi springtime garden, "red tulips. The warn on the table cam silver lamps. Ices we the dining-room, Mrs. ' Norman ' Fras found Miss Lettice T own reception. Amo saw to the dispensii Frances Tand were Miss Miss Beatrice The wor caused by of Carpet Rugs are' They are healthy. with bord neatly m have any are cheap material | Wilton ] close bac 4 new desig regular p Axmins! x9 fit, t piece, ha shades, w tre desig cial at Tapestr how chea viceable | stylish, q finished w sizes 2)x! ¢ for 87.75, for 811.5 Balmors strong a exact cop ¢ offered at White C ers, heav) make, at 4 Black wrists an heavy ma) pair. Swede L toned, gr 40¢c. pair. Colored tors, tans 'buttons, »