8 pel accordingly, troys all the agreeahls enter into a man or sp. It is almost a! hii. ty for anvone with a Vapepaia to Jook/ "Plea. = nd to wm . itoell ppeara and conver- epsia Taklutd thé 2 cure. Thev fare « over the world: no brought ' about 'and household" word in SD a world. at Stuart's rtain cure is that vi ure, There is nothing , cliring. Thev contain predients of the diges- ¢ stomach and simply work of the stomach, kened organ and > rest and recuperate, be more dimple or are bound to cure. » themselves. It is just ew stomach into rere possible--and let- go off on 8 vacation. needs. Nature will do of restoration, never sia Tablets, are .- for ih at be s.& box. means 1. dryooists. 10 90 ho nh ihe sitoply hag a fi are Sh it he on hak them not take chanc- customers by not al- and a supply of ia Tablets. 'Mackenize S OF THE Risch Piano, h Piano Co., Limited, est, Toronto, Canada. [| wish to_eXpress ny n of your, elf tone 18 fh 'every rom the sonqrous bass le. . I was struck by colour which cah hh Te players of my cdlibre, to be sonsigared uh sense. of, the tei to add my testimo ny men, Rich in tone, uch, firm mechanism, of & fine inhalants. all these. 7 me a and the aon production of such , L yours, ' ° MA KRNZIE. 300ks : King," by Mrs Lew Jesus Saw . and by Frederick Palm- by Frank Danby, * by Stanley J. ater," by Maritoa BET, - KINGSON-& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN Far Wen ax LAM Neavovs. tractiven hd ho oy the first-class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in Lyreight hours Ni York. Sailing ory Paitioky The A tropical islands, includ] SANTA CRUZ, ST, KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. The real reason for LUCIA, BARBADOES AND DEMER- fax Lomra. er ap oi the instant success g Ts, ! us Quebes Sreamaniy Cow 10 ins Gold Seal Lag is w 2 . . REI PIO GL Rp | | fact that it i diffrent 1 a] . BubSere "00, Agents. 39 Broadway. to others -- and the rk; + \ ol . 0 + # GILDERSLEBVE, Kingston, Ont. points of difference are ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. all good points, 'Liverpool and Loadonderry. 3 ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Id | Jan. 23rd ws oo Jam. 0K. Go S ea Niciliany 3 In only: st Cetin, $50 and upwards, according A Sold where gentiemen drink. 2nd' Cabin, Liverpool and London- derry, $87.50 and $40; London, $3.50 Branch line 1 Time Table Sebi, TRAINS WILL LEAVE uITY bor, FOOT OF JOHNSTON STREET, SUING, EAST. | GOING WEST. Prices, 25c., 50c., and $1.00. an - 4 Express. 1.10 pa. Ae 12 Lotal...7 00 ham. a Nos. 1, 2, 8 and & run daily. No. § daily, except Monday. Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 16 daily, except Suaday. aly tvept. Sunday. FAINT AND DizZY SPELLS. : City- Passenger Depot. PACIFIC RAILWAYS. COULD soon EAT. TRANS LEAVE KINGSTON : fon Ota. Mons, TWO BOXES JF RE TE aac gi tare Sun se res: NIILBURN'S ot Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, 5: ~Local for Sharbot Lake, HEART d NERVE an he ws C.P.R. east and west. | R10. act Mixed, for Rustrew apd in- PILLS terfhediste points. , Pgiire paving Rispito at 12:40 | Cured Sra. Edmond Brows, Taweed, Oat. m., A. Stans st S00 Bis whoa she had simest given up hepe pm.; Boston, 7 a m.; St. ! John, of ever gottiag well again, N.B., 11:35 a.m. SAE Full particulars at K. & P. and CP. | guo oo. "1 was 55 run dp R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. I was not able to do my work; Aon ee F..CONWAY, F.A.FOLGER, JR. of breath, bad a sour stomach every yt Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen, Supt. | and could scarcely eat. My heart | | tated, 1 had faint and dizzy pelle an THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW | ok, 3%, pero si, Ge me My : SHORT LINE FOR and Nerve Pills but I told him it was na Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all lo- | U88 that I had given up hope of ever being cured. He however persuaded me eal points. - Traid leaves Oity Hall De- to tal Shots and oor © Bag undead me wt at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent, the box I bey gan to-feel better. Two boxes }.'Q. Ry.; Kingston. made a new woman of me and I lave beer well and hive beén 'able to do my word ever since." ee 'BERMUDA ee | Miburn's Heart and Netwe Pills an THE Now FAR FAMED BERMUDAS. 0 cts. box, or 3 for $1.25, all dealars or Tih cable communication aad_sauadis | THE 7, MILBURN GO. Lim ited, --jer scenery and 100 es of od TORONTO, ONT, i > ": is ri EU -- EE Auerican iat unrivalled in tral ney, "if St "22 Te North American Through tickets to So NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. ' Siberi ursday, Jan, 2lst, 13 bars, Ihe, Jan, Ba Lvs Life Assurance Co. 2 HANLEY. iy # "Sst OF CANADA, i Breit Depot. J e Announce to its thousands of polity-holders in Eastern On- tario, that the year 1903 was the most successful in the history of the Company. The new business in force amounts to considerably over THIRTY MILLIONS The assets have increased to nearly SIX MILLIONS Ard the surplus to considerably over HALF A MILLION These unequaled results are the best guarantee of the future re- turn to policy-holders, District Manage: Ww. J. F ' i Noirs out. "a e -- The faithiul guardian of houses hold comfort is Crawford's coal. Our coal is reliable--and ef- i a 8 ficient. It's worth more than common coal because it's perfectly clean-- . it's clear coal. It's the best--and it costs no more than ordinary coal You need it--it will insure you perfect comiort, llay.; Well de- ; Het romtly, : Ask for Ljon Brand Wood, too, if you want it. The s bali of SoNvse. Seedless Orang és. Let us supply you. _ Th , h be R.CRAWFORD ey. ale Lie oes Dealer in good fuel, Kingston : Foot of Queen Street. 'Phone 9. A. J. REES', Princess St. { KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE . KINGSTON, | TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE emt, MY and ORGANS ! ! Unequalied nd or seduring post octave, high top, in gose con- | tioms. ition: cost $110. Will sell | Largest and best equipment ia Canada. 831 Quess street, For $30 Cash. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Fas o Organ; Waifiut Case; good | Cuntederadion Life Buildisg, Toroato. - Now $40. | The Brightest Thing in Stove Polish Is and see our other bargains in X=RAY sone Hand Pianos and Organs. | Goes twice ss far 8s paste or liquid [ polist-- No McDOWALLS STRACHAN HARDWARE - W. F._DEVER & & 60. ESENG AND SEPAIRING. 159 Wellington Street, Kingston made Sr BOIALAS M0. 5. Bushetis Malat én 4nd & member of térnity: All law suits are mo condiderable examination Pata important. best to remark that | #1 As the burmerous pape have drafted in this ease was passed by the then of Canada, creating a styled the, Kingston Gas issue of the 4th inst. 1 perpetual franchise. Cn and McTavieh. The Genuine has been well know. cine, but also one that is childretr. host of imitations, breath, you cannot imitations. John Pollard, Echo writes ; '1 was troubled co hoarse that™l could and had a nasty hacking recommend it.' the advertired price, 25c. Power augsron. That the Company Will Win It's Appeal Fee re RAusotnh For so Holding. |.Ju ngston," Feb. 8.(Ty the Editor) : | Onde. more . upon ---- of thy Lime- | the stone city, I find the Mistailt town convulted over the Hi now before the privy counéil, - issue of the 4th inst., is to be found § an interesting review of the subject i2 Heart Palpitated. |i ©. interesting both to the legal on lay mind, and I find "this one alter nid, to be es franchise we mean an exclusive to transact some rticular business ty in a given locality for a stated time. points within the four corners. of the chise, and if they did not I | contract, but this is the particular | OF impliedly sign a Yusing the | clause abaut which * all 'the other | they have it now will | clauses. revolve, til the #th of To ve you a few facts trusting to the | 1 is Whe most fdle thing in the act | world to a t patligment altdtupt. to Shumptnte. any corporation Light ¢om- pany, and conferring upon that com- for for the o pany a statutory franchise for the n, based upon wach in-| in the agreement which goes t ech en and that of an entirely | that it. wax the intention or "ih that the privy | standing of the oSoifau that ol hn ae past year are not before me memory. In March, 1845 an which threaten to 'reath the} prove serious; when awakened vby chil- to show that mg. intention was ' dren with eroupy coughs, gasping for to bear in mind t the intention | size, 25c aor to trust tg] always governs), fo give only the but- ---- tons and the ring. Seized Munitions Of Was. I could not get rid of. One bottle Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine cured. me, and I can heartily | @usdem generis fo. this case, no obe [1 will continue the review. T ath as ested in the itpate simply as Bn - She Sogat "fia. he question now. before the po in the empire is hep the city is liable to pay tighty thousand dollars, the ] at' which. 'the' franchise was valued by | the bosrd of arbitrators. 1 thin! that most of the readers of the W are more or less familiar with nets of dhe case, and certainly Sania fof few of the many points involved sould be stated in an ordinary newspaper on A appeal 10 the court. of article. 1 will begin my review hy ve- marking that there are two kinds of franchises in the law, a franchise by the good-will, and a statutory fren: chise. The franchise in this case is a the sum yy - the rs which period of fifty vears as stated in your n 1886 the legislature of this province aa act incorporating a corporation sty the tario courts, the Kingston Electiic Light company, | tion" to' the #fiéct t a compeny entirely separate and dis- tinet from the gas company mentioned, and gave this company a the 31st of | cit 1 1 Octolier, 1830, the two compahes last | Carpekos abd above mentioned, were amalgamated | should under the ndme and style of "Ths expressi Kingston Light, Heat and Power com- to pany," atd by an act of the Ontario th er) ne : . Quleoms. of house, March 4th, 1891, this new and amalgamated company were given charter and a statutory franchise for the period of Juenty years, expiring | avowed advochte of mun icipl own t i in May, A.D. 1911 s this franchise ership in all matters of that is now in dispute, gnd was valued | and evén over: many phases f : at eighty thousand dollars by the | not 'included under the head buses 1 arbitrators, Judges Price, - McDougal of the city was to expire, as my mem- ory serves me, on January lst, 1597. The company asked to have the coh- he renewed and were met with this ndposition on, the part of, the eity Yes, we will renew the contract with § this qualification, namely, that upon the expiration of a new contract , for five years we have the privilege of tak. ing over, or expropriating, as the legal phrase goes, the entire works, plant, appliances and property of the said Light, Heat and Powe company." Jt anv was Just ere, 1 think in the month of July, 1896, that the néw contract was thousand dollar "anes of franchise Some Good Reading, entéred into, to take effect on the 1st take a business woll their hands which To nati of January following that is the suh- was a highly vemsisetative one; cay in the eld of feticn ject-matter of all the difficulty. and come hack the litigation. This agreement is But I wil ig Where lengthy document, and is patterned in will ie uitho pe hat, the pany People who read * many of its features after other agrde: ments of the same nature in other cities in Canada end England, You Cannot Rely When Threatenel With Bromohitis, | tion clients, | Wpon certain words Asthma, Prevmonia or Serious and terms being out. Lung Troubles Be Sure To Get DR CHASE'S Syrup of Linseed It remained for Dr. Chase t6 so i give all iy to he editor; combing turpentine, linseed and half; a {but only in 'give him my ale ais doten- other ingredients as 6 not on- | Ting and sleeve buttons, but the] ly make a wonderfully successful edi watch 1 intended. to give to one of] i" fragrant so pledsay to the taste as to be sotight for The sale of Dr. Chase's 8 of {and lexicon sense of that. term v in- Linseed dnd Turpentine is Hots than { cludes the watch as well .as. the ring siandine three times that of many similar fete. {and the putionfs and before the court | of Be dies. The result of this success ix gu {Gan cut down the arg nw lery so as tarrhozone the m to have it he ring and | ; ry" writes When attacked by coughs and colds | the buttons, they must find. . some Hatorvile. "2 ahd | special provisions somewhere in the | {ime." For a sure ow tarrhozone. Bay, Ont. 'last winter ginning to settle on my lutigs. I was speak, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and | application which 'has been followed Turpentine is sold by all dealers' at by the other comrts, in other words a bottle, family size (three times as large), S0c. Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. To protect you against - the portrait and signature of SH? 18 doo, at Bio by's . Write for onr Daily Market Lett r. K. F. RICE, f MANAGER thor, are on every bottle, imitations réported in the books and r re gone over thet with much care, in rod rein i. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book au-| terest and labor. Of course this is not » old tion | taking your ht Jan above | expired franchise, and nothwithetand- s the "ak contained in the 4th, 1941, and thi the ae Agreed valao of a ced not. Price Fide: ifgnd award in. die his protest 10 | arbitral by stating that in word * Jdtem of the ov as of the Whig Then, a veined | rk s Sppeal was on be. Jan nt, 3 the h , who 0 and fir rh cempany his province, a Torohto,whith affirmed the judgment of the pany then oy = fact, Jashim appeal to the Tr kind of a fran-hise, and it might be upon is "the works, plant, pany i hy appliances s da i and of the said down to the agreement with od in a np statutory right of be suppos on like this agreement there. are many down lary vv big liti tion J in ony Spaper ari n other tions which I have pons rv % I have expressed the character, --~ would reverse the findi findings Ea hat w perty will include the item of the vo ing oll the rumors, nd the Semel forth, apigion that omplanT} hoi aa 8 i 1g 1 desing no manner d of pri- in "the utter of. fran- pvc but on the fontrry, I am an | that Saw, This A on the part o for isd company 8 tion of contract on the mistake or: inadvertence. pu ! ten pei ile the y- claim they never dreamed hat the city ax- pected them to Shige away 'an eighty -- or a horse rade, Of course, if the word ond property of 'the sai company,' there never could have been a law would own way, for fin? sometimes happens that clients and especially corpora This case so far hds been disposed 8 in the courts upon that doctrinh in be law known "as "jusdeds generis." This is law Latin, which freely trams. lated means, "of the wame ocular knd" 1 would Hke to make this plain to the untrained mind, but it is High ward and claim" that 1 did not ititend mote pag in my will I bave or term 'jewellery,' the natural the, int (In precisely the same manner: the | ae "4 reed to apply the doctrine of of the courts has given a rule for its asoew oxen for: here have bon many priaina 0 have filed a bill, e | company of decision of the court of phonies for that then the what we call ah the Jawa' relirmn, pived, bu to the include the Tene ite, This unanimity Lh EE stated, did that it certainly requ i ES he is not Sha word on 1! Privy com one way or other. issue 'of the els 2a sated : on is (and oy Jot clause han us not w statutory one.. which is the strongest | hs courts. 50 Mae hay ment that to pay for, but £ i F i i int 7 is if unless { ed that contract forwa a ar, ne nw 2 om i thi t the rules of arammar; of the ebm) A of words, with Dn, that there is or against the pity. groom will a new arbitration on account of the | depreciation ot the plant he parties come 16- an the wat. it the decision favor of the city, 1 will quietly, to myself, that | the first train, as hav a soo ng a | out of town to go to, for I well ke that my excellent friend ex Ma Thompson will make this hot to hold your humble serv Why, jhe ery wet ob. the, lariat company, not proceeded in addition thw to We have now come in the course of | its Iatter stages ended Tine which | bitrators awarded our review to the initial stage of this | I would have long the o which important litigation. For some time i 1 0 soliton prior to the year 1806 the Kingston | w, Light, Heat and Power conpany had been lighting the streets of the city. This contract to so light the streets ten fr t the Bon 911 or Ta ale -- am comp 1 afl per cent, anchise. woul Soman in tenderness, is Clara . it John A. donald was wont to say, there is gud Hecho s er | vo tR on & law sult, an election | 0° 5 Shorty," i franchise, bad been . written in the Bex 2D Me of Did clause, "works, plant, appliances and For "soft youhg men of twen ngerous to jump be dp reputation alre . i 4 t On Imitations, |i, termi, er, coma | many an ober hand. ot dis far north oy ty, throug Te ye No Nort February «in "Interne tion Made Attractive," Veagh shows how the condi easy {ithgati red She the Wrinkle," in wil a. hened by mining in contact with strénuots th thi hi iri, w i only b gv in excdeding' the American gel for 1 Roe, a Mion efor he fener hes ce of Cotton," John Chatl- Canaditm,; ton. member of the somewhat dificult so to do. Suppose ts writes advosating the ests that I hal on my person A° watch t of mercial and T ine worth $200, a ring "worth 890, and | {ine trier Fon he - § {love hutioh® wofth $75, Stateh. P 8. Reinnch Now, I make a will directing that[ihe "ReNl Conditions in. the' all my Jewel be given 3 the edi-| Fires Btate." For generations or tha. § value of afte tor of the , BOL Bpecilying any tine as _p remedial agent in all afibe- particular items of jewellery. After tions of the bronchial tubes and lungs $Y. decease hy Selativer come for- ink rerhia will such ust ugh eure | Haytien, by all made use of comprehensive word hl Bi anes three Ontario courts have so, far cut afitition of ition Hayy, Pb war Be od with a very.bad cold, which was be- Sow he i Hg (the 2 for. Ses. Hhuisieg, the Dominican strongest w os only the works, plant and ap- voli Plata yestar , wer ving i liances of the company, and} landed there from EE ge) Kehile those three a ata have] 7°" IFor Stomach Troubles. eadl court has the doctrine in o a different way. diferem fudg: i have taken. a great abi ments and writtéh opitifons are dueisines, for adn 5. dis and so ol the Jadagmst] Td dC Complete of weather, nd appreciate fal hve Ines RA of © : : Rtg i 3 Ci A cg Royal Navy te con vi 4 ray year, FY Hain 8 Velotir i 4 HAN Wdéks, 1h Oak. :