date, single or you'll find it . Suits, compare ! is be I-Wool Teed , brown, dark ~ Suit, blie.oe g swell, made Fancy 'Wors- style as high- | i \eWS ercoats, made to sell at nd $10. Y G0. | Hall. . 'NEWS 2, ov Clothing and Gents' lar, and as it ig not k will be sold at® } @ rICeS Vhole Stock." many lines will be Dollar. 3 ur LOSS. ng, Feb. 11 ind prices. Old Stand. On bers! Leaf Rubber Stor L. COAL FOR-- GRATE: - night, Try it ALSH - irrack Street. VE YOUR SALE arantee you satis- We don't brag, » work. Nothing your best interest The Auctioneer. - ee | : i. bi Sir William Whiteway, a former ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE- agtecable Jegncion of the recent war in aL aunty} school beardr rte | Premier: of 'Newfoundland, hax n= sirable Store, at present 2 Pie eodevanl was u serious schisw in aking low salaries i "| augurated a Strong movement in fav i Taylor & Jisuilion. aa the ranks 'of the Ditch Reformed le RAY shay are 1o Elune. | GY oi confederation with Canada. His | 1 tivard ; church. Soon after the declaration of iy ting, Saturday af . large w « bily to Felix Shaw, 118 Bagot St. | Peace the synod passed mre eta p----_-- MAY, THAT a, Son va secet. a ra. Edwar: w, odern BOT: oa Boi Water and Bath, etc. Address 430 Jaughay "Terrace. ; a resoluti who stirtendered before For a orig time these us they were called, strength felt in the Community, "Transvaal--What Wil] Be Done, London, Feb. S.--Among other: dig. virtually excommunicating those bur. : ore the war Was over or served as national sCouts. non-guerillas, accepted the ban, but gradually began to make their 4 J JAY -- News of ths District on Both 'Sides of the Tine. The mew pipe organ for the Metho- dist. churel,Swith's Falls, will bo 1 stalled during the next three weeks. Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel GQ. Fraser, Sich s, Falls, late of Carleton: Flace. TES Wo Nearold % inald Russel, 'last wok. sony, Sagina The dearth of school TAM WHITEWAY! da--Pro-British Feeling Wins. teadheis in : ternocn, Mis. MeGannon, Brocki le, iSes better had the misfortune to break her leg below the knee. She was attended by a doctor and removed to her héde. The council of the counties. of Leeds ani Grenville passed 4 resolution ask- ing the Ontario legishatute to repeal the act constituting county councils, on the people attribute the lack they demand a change of some kind Until recent years Newfoundland sen WFOUNDLA'D 4 INAUGURATED BY Sip WiLL. ATE t--t-- A StrongsMovement Afoot For Its Confederation With Cana- campaign prom results thar any Previous effort to bring the | At Chetewuguay island into the Dominion, Newfound- land 'is mot . prosperous, Naturally of prob perity to the island's isolation kbd timent was not favorable to politi- | | BeaTd the patriot "The dust of patriots 3 Who, If they lived, would ery again, 'You're welcome as the flowers in May To Queenston Heights and Chateauguay'." - | As { went up fhe frontier way say, In October last the church council of tn aerducing ie i ul Tepresents cal With Canada. To Amen rr ave i She Erindg_ district, in which both I Ay §e John's church, Smith's] the fsigndes ¢onfederation meant ab-' No allen heel wal cer geilie : ts ¢ strongly represented Falls, k bi sorption, | from 'this fate their green and grassy dindems: men Passed resolutions te the effect that | Jobn Poros Hn To weet indépendence shrank.' - They ages ue sedi ety ur wile every member of the congregation | rude Wood, daug hier of Mere. --E es closer commercial relations | Their names shall never pass away 4 should enjoy all the privileges of the Wood, New Boyne. Rev. W. H. Styles | With Canada or the United States, | From Queenston * Hefghts and ~ Chatean- church; in other words, it refused to | officiated. Toe Th a thinking that this expedient would Juarln obey the decision of the svnod and Sister St. Jean d'Avila, a musi: | place them on the high road to Pros- | As I stood on the frontier way invited non-guerillas to attend the teacher in the Pembroke convent, took | Perity and preseive their identity. | I heard the dauntiess le say, ms, st low rates of interest thurch. Thereupon the oxtreme gueril- { suddenly ill while giving a music les | In negotiating commercial treaties, tha Pastis people tie. 8 and farm property. las withdrew from the church and |scn to a pupil. She died next moin- | Newfoundland has not been success. | Shall traitors our proud ensign drag ? er 'on cif 3 ony Satien- challenged the church council to jus- Jing. 'Lhe attending physician pro. | ful. Twice the island Government was |, Shell we submit In fear abd frown : Me rea ban aad ie | tify its! decision. Recently a great | nounced it a case of heart failure. on the yerge of effecting a recipro- | If they should hve the.graut oid flag has Meeting was held at Ermelo, which |. Dermot fan bh, dork of | the | city treaty With the United States | .ierd a asus i pall It dots LF : was attended by the Rev. Mr. Bos- | division court at neroft died on | and each time the Imperial Govern- | Rous Queenston Helghts and (hateauguay. - man, the moderator 'of the Reformed Frilay, aged seventy years. Deceased | ment declined to ratify the treaty | " ~The Khan, church, who said that th: only obsta- | was for many years reeve of Dungan That Newfoundland at heart is | - ---------------------- "Fano an : 'The plain of enlarging St. Andrew's As American Exohauge Glves Some Ta, od at tow possible | then rescinded. He argued that the | chu~h, Renfrew, has been under con- | Bond-Blaine treaty at a time when | « fermaties About the Keservation. ates. pion [nauing old or #ivine cases of those who had merely sur- | side. wion for some time and last the island was B, the depths of ad- The establishment "of a great re- STRANGE & GTEANGE Auootr rendered and of the national scouts, | ween ihe collecting committee started | Versity. The people of Newfoundland servation on the Canadian side of were entirely different. With the form- | the subscristions and already $8,500 | are not satisfied with present condi- | (po Niagara River is a remarkable: H ARCHITEOTS. er, he said, the church had no auar- [has been collected. The $10,000 aim tions, but they are hostile to the instance of the crdation of such a | : Fel. but. the scouts could only be re. fed at will easily be reached: idea of annexation with the United public domain practically without HENRY P. SMITH, " ARCHITECT, | ceived after public confession. This the | The lijerels of North Lanark have | States, _ The island will never Pass | cost to the public. Queen Victoria Seuare, Aichor. "Bullding, / Markel | scouts absolutely refused to make [cle-ted theso officers : Honorary pre-| {rom British sovereignty unless it is | park as the reservation is called, quare, ne M8.) and then it was suggested that pei. | ident, James Gillisa, Carleton Rlace; Hun Away Ov Stupid diplomacy. 'embraces a strip of land extonding N, vate confession would suffice. resident, David indlay, Carleton ntiment of New- the entire '1d h of the river from MOWER on Milo: Sprad Ss In the end a number of committees Place: vice-presidents, W. Gardner, Me- | foundland has been more than once | Jake Erie hah Ontario, a dise sad Wellington at hone 813 | were appointed and it js still uncer. | Donald's Corners: Dr. Lynch, Almonte, | Put to the test, and it has always ARTBUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- Ace ae of 2 wad Boairial near Sor whether the churgh of their own. ---- FASHION'S FORM. . --ip--y | AD Attractive Walking Suite For A Lady, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF ER ai : : Taluphtne, AR + ko Genuine - Carter's - Little Liver Pills. ip dembar Signatuim of This is a very good model for a walking suit. It is rather elaborate- ly made, but is not difficult to make, and is quite a dressy suit when fnish. ed. It is of a mixed gray and blue cloth. The strapping is®of navy blue broadcloth. The vest, which is laid in folds, is of the same. The squares are of navy blue velvet cdged around with a narrow black and white silk braid. The buttons are of silver. The skirt is seven gored, with a full flare at the feet, and a strap of cloth down each seam. A pretty hat to be worn with a suit of this descrip. tion would be a close-fitting turban with a deep point in front of heavy blue, with a plume on the loft side thading from dark to pale blue, -- THE ESTIMATES. Items Of Special Interest To * Kingston. The estimates for the province for 1904 contain these items of special i local interest : : De=Waows School of Mining, Kingston, main- ry Cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS and all THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence E. New Germany, N.8., writes: -- I had a cold which rt 'me with a very Bad 60 I was afraid I was going Into consumption. T was advised to try |, DR. W00! NORWAY P".£ SYRUP. Kingston Dairy school, $13,250. an I had little f: ih. heford. 1.tnd increase of 87,400, for enlargement, to Snkes nn dell TA 4 well a8 | meet absolute demand for accommodu- tion of students. ay Vy cough has completely, disap- Asylum, Kingston, for permanent "APRICK as CENTS work, 811,490, being chiefly for com. pleting Nurses" Home, $3,300; boiler, | 21,800; cold storage, $1,000; furniture, BANANA rnd 81:60; wharf and ladders, $550; babes ] ns . and fixtures, 3565. Colonization roads : Arden and Bar Pricas' - I ------------. x " j concession, Loughboro, $200 Mate As Ww 3 watchan, £400; Mountain Grove swamp, ry $250; Perth road, $200; Sharbot Lake Tw - 5 {and Crow Lake, $300. " The' Eowas!, { The sessional indemnity will be the irame as last vear's, £1,000 per mem- It | ber. A call - SE bit solicited. Alumni Conference Opens. tenance, $23,500 ; equipment, $7,500 ; tame figures as last year. Asylum, of $6, Kingston, $87,866, an increase 206. The increases on salaries are : Assistant physician, 8100: second as sistant, 850; attendants $1,153; gard ener, 825; seamstress, 826; © portress, $24; domestics, $400. The other 'in creases are on fue], meat, flour, groc cries, vegetables, bedding and = furni --~ Harlowe, 8200; Battersea and Bass lake, 8200; Clarendon and Sharkot | Lal e, $200; Clarendon and Mississippi, £300; - Lanatk and Darling, 8300; third ; , Queen's theclogisal alumni confer ' tnce o end this afternoon at four § Cra . fi rd & Walsh ,o'cdock wh n Revs. Dr. E. D ac- ) Pa) * Qlisren. Dr. W. D. Armstrong and "Leading Tai'ors, Princess & Bagot Sts, {Cha ls Dalv, B.A, were to discuss 'Po lems in Pastoral Work." This { evening. Prof. Dupuis begins his series of lectures" on 'Modern Views of As- h fioromy." For the members of con- foremer, lunch is 'to be served in the SINGING, PIANO, VIOLIN cle to Peace was the resolution of the council, which was an insult to the sity | Patriotic ouérillas, The resolution was tain whether peace will be restored, or non-guerillas wil] start a soundly British is shown by comparatively slight resentment that Tollowed the disallowance of the ron, and Faraday apd had been war. den of the county, He was a liberal. conguered. It has calmly withstood Pr. Scott, Lanark; wcretary, Dr. : hy w the disallowance of commercial treat. Kirkland, Almonte: treasurer, A. R. McIntyre, Middley le Chairmen were also ointed for the several muni i ona com d Krench cn- Sr -- fashmenta on what it believes to be President Sees Miss Brewer Wed. ts heaven-born rights. The French Washington, D.C... Feb. 8.--Kt noon | Shoke question ie Standing * mhenace to-day. in St." John's church, took bi NAPPY relations existing be- place the wedding of Miss vElizabeth | Veen Newfoundland and the Mother Brewer, datighter of Justice Brewer. of the supreme court of th: United States. and Wellington Wells. Boston. Perscns of prominence in the official end social life thronged the church, amcng those prekcnt being the presi- Sues involved: 'The British Govern- up with energy and Persistence, prob- ably because the issue promised no dent and Mrs. Roosevelt, the various 4 members of the supreme court. sina- yorious Bo uhlictiche with foreign tors, diplomats and - others. Bishop . 30Y. ¥ Which ceded Canada to , the Islands of Miquelon and St. Pierre Were retain- ed by France and to the French were Conceded fishing rights on a specified Stretch of Newfoundland shore, , The contested point is whether those rights are concurrent or exclusive, whether the French along should be permitted to fish along the shore al- lotted to them, or whether thev Henry Yates Satterlee officiated. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Karrick. Following the church ceremony thére was a wedding break- fast for fifty guests at the home of Justice Brewer, Massachusetts sve nue, ------ Motor Boat Exposition. New York, Feb. 8.--The rapidity | should emjoy those rights in common with which the motor boat has sprung | With British subjects, Ditish diplo- into vogue among those who can af- | Tags admit that this French shore ford to indulge in the sport is illug-| GUeltion can be éasily adjusted. Now trated by the wide interest | that the relations batween. Britain manifested in the exhibition of auto-| and' France are on an unussally mobile boats opened in this city to- day. The exhibition is the first of its kind to be held in this country, but notwithstanding this fact there is a large and varied assortment of craft friendly footing ft is not improbable that the French shore question will Soon be settled. Settlement of the French shore question is undoubtedly a preliminary the ment has never taken the question | CANADA'S NIAGARA PARK, tance of about thirty miles, and complements the original reserva- tion on the American side established by the State of New York, Queen Victoria Park was establish. ed by the Provincial Government of Ontario, and the mgthod by which it was accomplisfed, practically without cost to the public, is in- teresting. It appears that the lands were paid for by the issue of deben- tures secured by the property and revenues of the park. The revenue for improvement and maintenance | and for meeting the interest and sinking fund requirements was then assured by granting certain fran- chises and priviloges within the park. One of these franchises was for an electric railway = running twelve miles, enabling tourist to visit every place oi interest at a small | cost. For this franchise 5 revenue of $10,000 a year is received. Another franchise for restaurant privileges, taking visitors under tho fall by elevator. and for taking | hotographs brings a like sum Most important, however, are the three concessions granted to power companies to take water from the river above the falls for tho genera- tion of electricity. It was 4 fortu nate afterthought that led the come missioners to add the sites thus utis lized to the park holdings. 'Thus the greatest clectrical development in the, world is to pe carried out under requirements that call for the ap- proval of every detail by the com- teem te ees le tem A CUP ( id Left over from the We can fit you In zero W The ggtreme cold often a serious enemy to the we: ill-nourished and even the od and strong "CHILLS, COLDS and are engendered at such times, in mo- of weakness and undue fatighe. {ft THE BEST SAFE GUARD \) when you féel chilly and run down is HOT BOVRIL = which warms the blood, renews the strength and gives vigor and tone to the entire system. : THAN TO ATTEND "J sumrerianpef 0DDS & ENDS $ Of Shoes out nicely at a big saving th + RT combat its attacks. La have to E: Big January Red Letter 3 mission--the work cgpecially design- on display. Altogether therg, are thir.| condition -to bringing Newfoundland | 4 in a way to do the least violence teen hundred exhibitors, which may be | to the Dominion, No Dominion | 1, (he environmoensg! the great cat~ taken as an indication that the manu- | Government would be anxious to deal aract, all construdTion on the surface 2 facturers expect the automobilists to | With Such an embarrassing issue, Sir artistically harmonized with- the sur | § rush {5 'the 'water branch of the sport James Winter, who wan one of the | roundings. For these thres fran » during the coming summer. British Commissioners at the Anglo- | pisos the present rental is $60,000 a American conference, held at Quebec, y : while a royalty 'on every horse ® Hearst's Residence Involved. and later at Washington, was at the power to be developed will yield a Mount Vernon. N.Y.. Feb, 8 --Th> time Premier of Newfoundland, and total revenue when all the works are question of whether W. R. Hearst. at ' Strang advocate of confederation. | in Tull operation of about $200,000 present an aspirant for the democra- fe approached Sir Wilfrid Laurier apnually. THe establishment of this ® tic nomination for president of the and his collcagues. in an informal great park on our northern border, ® United States. is a resident of Now| "°°: but he received no encourage- | w,vs The Befiulo Courier, is a mats Sale. York or California, is one of the in-| eo": The Franch shore question Was tor of no small importance to the ® to you teresting points involved in am ac the Stumbling block them as it is to- | people of the United States, who ® . tion which came up for trial to-day day. True, the people; of Nowfound- | jointly with the Canadions are ine before Justie Wilmot M. Smith in Jand are not unanimos in their de- terested in the preservation of one :S the supreme court in White Plains, mand fe nion oy Canada. but of the most marvelous works of na- : The suit is an action brought to re- movement as was maafisted jo £le ture a ® aver damages for injures cauned Mrs. Brunswick and Nova Se th, y N Nova Scutin Railways. Werner, of Mount Vernon, by a New s>eotla to con Naw federation and which Avas sueces fully York Journal waggon running into overcoma. If Great Britain and Ca. her in 1897, nada do not do thefip utmost to as- -- -- sist the presont yn ovement in fav avor Events On February Sth. of confederation they will lose an 1612--Samuel Butler, witty English | oPPOrtunity which may hot soon pro- poet, born. 1811--E, D. Morgan, mer- sent itself agnin, says a writer in ¢hant and a war governor of New | Toronto Sundav World. York, born. 1819-1. J. McCormick, S------ of reaping' machine fame, born. 1820 William T. Sherman, general, born. 1828--Julbs Verne, French writer of peculiar fanciful works, born. 1844-- Richard W. Gilder, author and editor of the Century, born. Bank Dep alte 14 Fteckings, Down in the wick thero is known to: th which has pr venience vo a « tors and the Dunsmuir Offers To Sell. ly justifies its Victoria, B.C., Feb, 8.--James Duns This is wh muir, the mulli-willionaire, the owner | Stocking roou of the Fsquimalt and Nanaimo rail- | ie who cairy their money in safer way, offers the line and its land grant | receptacles thon pocket books or of nearly two million dcres to the | chatelaines. 'Ii room is not weed Bank of New Bruns- 4 room which is not general public, but Ved itself & great con "lain elass of deposi- usetidness of which ful cxastence, is kuown as the and is used by lad- | Extensive railway construction is | planned in Nova Scotia during the next few years. Projects are pow | formed for the building of over 700 | miles of railways in differcnt cections of the province, and when these lines t shall have been completed nearly ev ery part of Nova Scotia will be with. in easy reach of railway communica~ | tion. To aid in building these lines, most of Which are branches, the Qo- minion Goverment has appropriated aggregating $2,137,000, which sum will be supplemented by equal subsidies to be voted by the Provincial Government, These rail- ways do not includes the South Shore line from Halifax to Yarmouth, 217 miles long, which is now In course subsidies Fur Coats and Cloth Women's JACKETS This time the prices on ail remaining Winter Garments will be. gut 50 | deep. there will bo no chance for further reductions, * I the signs read ! aright the. great majority of our present holdin in Women's Cloth and | and. Fur-lined Capes will leave the store in short or- British Columbia government for three and one balf million dollars. The government will likely aceept if other 1a'lway negotiations pending can be withdrawn, Steals $6,000 In Jewels. East Orange, N.J., Feb. 8 The house of James B, Dill, lawyer, was robbed of jewels valued at £6,000, while a dinner party was in progress. The intruder was discovered bv a maid who informed Mr. Dill. Securing a re- volver, Mr. Dill pursued the man and fired one shot, which he thinks took effect. ---------- Budapest, Feb. 8.--~The population of Brasso and Kezdi Vasarhely were pan- ic-stricken by earth shocks Satuvrday morning. Three vioknt shocks were followed by four slighter shocks. No serious damage was done. Talk About Cheap Gas. Don't wade gas cooking meats. "Clark's readv-to-serve" specialties in tins are delicious and perfectly cook- ed. W. Clark, Mfr., Montreal. > Henry Cunningham, from Chickering's. Orders received at - 5 we have never scen no heard tell every day, but vw and then it hap- pens that a lady approaches the re ceiving teller's box und agmounces that she wishes to put some moriey in the bank nu the teller waits for the money ti lady displays some slight embarrassment apd explain | that she ¢an't gvt at it right there in the long room whire there are a lot of people. This is where the stocking room comes in handy and wfter spending a few moments in it the depositor r¢ turns triumphantly, with the roll of bills in her Mand. } room js not in such demand as is the case in sown larger. cities, but | is nevertheless quits frequently found | convenient. --St. John Sum, ---- i A Jot Black Sparvew. ~ 1 Alvin Stewart of Linton writes The | Globe: I noticed in YOur paper some time ago an account had ol a robin which appeared somewhere in hortheen Ontario, but I think I have a some- what greater curiosity this that. Wo have a jet black sparrow at. our place. I think they are quite rare, | of one before. It is a little larger | than the Common it aot | McAuley's book store, Princess street. | Our customers bay Quins & Denes's J. WYATT TRENDELL, MUSIC ACHES | ower at one o'clock each day, "0 Welllogton Street © = Kingstoy' Marmalade oranges. Carmeviky's. coal is the best. Give it a trial, f . r SPATTOW,. but not | leds destructive. At a one | would Milas was gb) ind or | Swamp robin' but it has fio rea fea | thers under its wings, and it baw the | at Ferguson's. sparrow. same chirp as the | a -- . ed roads for whick a subsidy Has been granted is the railway from Halifax to the Strait of Canso, run- ning through a rich timber and gold- bearing country. This with the South of construction by Mackenzie & | J. Warm. servicenble Cloth Coats, £1.75, $4, $4.50, 45, 86, $6.50, $7.50. Mann, and which will be completed | 39, $10.50, worth 'almost double the money. ? next gutumn The most important of the project. Warm Cloth Raglan Ulsters at clearing sale prices. 5 Fur Coats for men and women, at any reasonable offer, Fur Collars, Boas, Caps, at one-third less than regular value. Shore line will form a trunk line 250 Spring Dress Materials, Suits, Prints, Cottons, piling in on us. Room miles in length long the Atlantic | we want, and room we must have--so above winter garments must go, Coast from Yarmouth to Canso, | even at a sacrifice and will be ene of the most import- ant railway enterprises in Fastern Canada, as it will place Eastern Nova Scotia in almost direct com- munication with Boston and New York, and will open up a fertile and rich mining country. All of the Nova Scotia projects will be under taken by private corporations, the only Government owned line in that province being the Intercolonial Rail- way." I -------------------- = A Hint to the Brethren. A country paper tells of two little boys who asked their mother if they might play store in the dining room, "Yes," she replied, "if you don't make much noise." '"Wa'll be quiet about ft, mom," sald one. "We'll be storeksopus that don't advertise.' Eoude cologne (crystal) 15¢. bottle. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Tho new choir will take charge at St. Andrew's on Sunday next. Delicious apple and berry turnovers 4 Seville oranges at Carmoviky's, CRUMLEY BROS, White potatoes, in the house. Craw- fod for Lilly White. If you want a Hat, Skirt, Dress, Jacket or Fur of any kind, our prices | will tempt you. be 7 Princess Street, Kingston TT derlotn, oTraan, "" The meat saw it all and its eeth, because they Fround § were no Lilly