5 dangerously ite jear dedds of King- RET e in our White argely long be- could not buy at the prices we e you'll get one of ys up a lot of odds uld rather sacrifice y ones will get these Ay during Fet- an draw the people. give you more par- OE STORE on HAVE YOU SPARE 71ST YEAR. NO. 33. -- KINGSTON, ONTARIO! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1904. FEBRUARY - FURNITURE SALE | EVERYTHNG RECUCED. [+ A prand opportunity to" save Soney; from 20 to 25 per cent. | saved on each purch SIDEBOARDS Choice } cut Oak, neatly carved, set with British Plate Mirrors. Former: price. Sale price. $70 phoards, now ' at $59. $45 Sideboards, now at $36. $25 Sideboards, now at $22. "LL COUCHES ! ' Welour * Couches, -~ Oak Frame, Spring Edge. February 9th in history Dutch sur- Former price. / Sale price. | render New York to Bilis; gua; mar uch iners' compass invented, 302; ord +311 Co es, now at . - $7.50 Darnley murdered, 1567. $6.50" Couches, now at . .. $5.50. + A Ramble Through Scotland". by .Some good values at $4.50, | Rév. Neil ~~ Macphecson, to-night, $6.50, etc. ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors 'Above the Opera House. Ambulance Telephone 577, Ladies' Filled Watches We have a few Ladies' "25 Hunting Filled Watches; with Guaranteed American Move- ments. - We are able to sell these while they last at $10 'each. SMITH BR.OS.. Jewellers and Opticians, 350 King St. NOTICE REMOVAL I- WisH TO INFORM MY CUSTO- mers 4hat I have removed my Carriage Painting Shop. to 299 Queen Street, the building formerly occupied as the Bailey Brdom Factory, where I wilt be in a better condition to turn out the work more promptly. I have also large amd commodious space for. first class storage, making it the largest and best store- house betwél" Toronto and Montreal. Thanking you for.ydur past favors and hoping for a continuance ef the same, whi, 1 remain, W. G. FROST, year ". Coffee and Cocoa Are delicious ! Just try it ! C. H PICKERING, NO.1 PINE ST. 'PHONE 530. NEW GROGERY. HAVING HAD MY PREMISES thoroughly overhauled and enlarged 1 have opened. it again as a grocery store and my -old friends aad customers can depend on getting everything fresh and new in the grocery line at right prices. Full 'lines of Hay, Feed and Grains. A cordial invitation is extended to all my old patrons to renew their patron- age. Will also be glad to see many new faces. G. H. WILLIAMS. Corner Princess and University Ave. 'Phone 639. NOTICE. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 'THE (Limited) has been adjourn- Calvin Co. ed i THURSDAY, February 11th, at CALVIN, Secretary a3 (Signed), SANDFORD C. FIRST CLASS WAITRESS, A T British American Hotel. kami ------------ IMMEDIATE- INE SERVANT, GENERAL SE : 250 Allred ly Apply Mrs, -Sharpe, street. ---------- A PRIEST'S 1IOUSEKEE} ply immedietly to Mother Superior, House of Providence, Kingston ------------------------------ TO PURCHASE A DWELLING, WITH 7 rooms, modern, in central loca- tion, from $1,500 to $2,000. Address "P'% this office. SERVANT AP- nyo Mrs. Ueorge Robertson, cor- ner ~'Barl and Sydenham streets Goad, wages to a competent person. A GOOD GENERAL © et eee ete we BNART A FEW PEOPLE IN EACH to work for us during spare time: Pleasant work. Liberal pay. Imperial Company, London, Ontario. TIME ? IN: crease ur income by work ot night. ers are doing it. ur me every . day everywhere Vite G. Marshall & Co., teas, Loo- don, Ont. "SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in each state to travel for house es- tablished eleven years and with a large capital, to 'call upon merchants and agents for successful and Jpro- fitable line. Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary of $34 and _ all travelling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash eath week. Ex- perience not essential Mention ref- erence and enclose, self-addressed en- velope. NATIONAL, Caxton Bidg. Chicago. GOLD. WATCH, WITH CG ain and Fob attached, Saturday wight, or Sunday morning. Finder will be rewarded by returning to Whig Office. OX hzED BELT PIN, (L ABYS Ss A" sien i )., Saturday night at Y.M.C Sa Princess street, rn #3 Foul "anf Tniversity < Avende ay at Whig Office. 'fut 'they make fine bonnets. DAILY MEMORANDA. Lecture, Zion church, 8 pan." © Opera house announcements of page 4 At. James® young men's club meets, 8 3) fe house, A'bigamist is a man®who has wives than brains. Tea at Mrs. McCann's, Wednesday afternoon. social climber believes that all's that ends swell. 4 is generally the ~orchestra, Grand opera more Queen street, T wel A debt oi gratitude hardest kind to collect. spoet who says he makes mut be a-tuneful liar. Fine feathers may not make fine birds, money It 'is better to be carried away by en- thusiasm than by a patrol wagon Also charming songs, by Mrs. Jean An- drews and Mr. Arthur WAR BEGUN. Likely Blow Has Already Been Struck. PRECEDENT REQUIRED. A Faint Hope In Paris That War Might Be' Averted--Attempts At Intervention; Japan Says, ~ Are Hopeless. London, Feb. 9.--War in the far east has definitely begun. Japan regarded Delightful Dinners Are all the more enjoyable because of the richness of the service im which: the China is an important feature. We enhance the pleasure of 'the table by providing exquisite CHINAWARE. You will be interested in our display. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. SIEEEIRTINITEONOIOE Re Whatsoever x Fashion De ands In jewellery for men and women, is made a part of our stock as so0n as manufactured. Our line of Pearl-Péndants, Pearl and Dia- mond Stick Pins, also our stock of Rings, with any gem you care to ask' for, is worth a special visit {tot witiF Wore. to we, even. i you donot intend to. buy. At. 4 Briges thoy are - good "vajus, at our figures they are gonuipe bar ghins, P. B. CREWS, JEWELLER, Corner Princess & Wellington Sts. Phone 336, SssasresrrsaiegTasTeee Only a Few Days Left Of The GREAT SALE In which to get in; on what will go down in History as the Greatest Tailor ing Offer ever made in the City of King- ks $12.45 A Suit Made to Choices of 28 pieces English, Irish and Measure for Canadian Tweeds, 'French and English Fine Worsted, also Blues and' Blacks. Remember the time is rapidly drawing to a close and you will surely regret having missed this Glorious Chance. HOWLAND BROS Leading 'Tailors and Haberdashers, corner King and Princess streets. The Greatest of Entertainers GEORGE GROSSMITH CITY HALL, KINGSTON, "oii. Fob. 151, EVENIEG, Things New Programmes. Haunted By How to How ¥ntirely You Must Have Noticed Doily Gray How to Succeed. Write a Modern Musical Comedy. Little it Takes to Stop Our Street Cars The Modern Choir Magter., Ete Prices--8$1, 76. B0c., 26c. Plan open at Uglow's, Wednesday. "KINGSTON COVERED RINK' HOCKEY MATCH St. George A vs. Regiopolis WEDNESDAY, Feb. 10 Admission, 16g, Personnel Made Public. Feb. 9.--The "mew army coun'il under the reform scheme has heen apronted. The memberehis in cludes Arnold Forster, secretary of state for war; Timt. Gen. Sie Susie Lyttleton, first military 'member; M, London, 'wat the withdrawal of all 'her diplomatic representatives from Russia, of which ! she notified St. Pétersburg, Friday ev- ening, as being equivalent to a form al declaration of war. She then wait ed forty-eight hours before making a hostile move, She considered this a decent interval, all that courtesy and precedent required. Then, on Sunday evening, she sent her warships to sea with orders to attack the Russian flag wherever found. It is believed at the Japanese legation here that the first blow has already been struck. Although there is no definite inform: ation on the, subject. It was reported, to-day, and one or two other points, that a faint hope remained that war might be averted, and it was asserted that M. Delegsse, the French foreign min ter, with the moral support of two or three of the powers, was making a last strenuous effort, both at Se. Petersburg and Tokio. to save the situation. The Japanese authorities have openly declared that an attempt at intervention would be blr dopeless a state of war already exist ing. She will probably regularize the situation by sending a notification to the powers that a state of war exists as was the case between the United States and Spain The feature of the situation that is attracting=most attention in diploma- tic circles is the apparent drifting apart of Russia and France in the present crisis. It is noticed that Rus- sian interests at Tokio, upon the withdrawal of the British movement were not entrusted tg the French, but to the Austrian legalion, whereas Ja- panese interests at St. Petersburg, were left in the handé of the British ambassador. The Chefoo correspondent | Daily Mail, cibles, ese. transporis are; + various ports in in Coes from Masam- pho and Fusan on the South, to Ku na, Mokpho, and Chemulpo, on the west. Seoul is to be occupied, and the landing ds being covered by a tor- s pedo division. The main body of 'the Japanese fleet will 'sail in the direc- tion of Port Arthur. The Paris. "correspondent of the Daily Mail 'says: France has agreed with othe powers to land troops in China, dkectly hostilities begin, in or- er to insufé neutrality of the middle kingdom, : In a déspatch from Tien Tsin, a cor respondent says: A Russian force is re- ported at Kalgan (in, Pechili province ten miles north-west of Pekin, and near the great wall) and that prepar ations are being made for the flight of the Chinese court, and the removal of the imperial treasury, ds it is feared that Russia will descend upon Pekin. "Russia is negotiating with 'a syn- dicate of French, Belgian 'and Dutch bankers," cables the Brussels corres pondent of Standard," for a loan of £200,000,000." Baron Hayashi, the Japanese minis- ter, has informed the Associated Press that military steps contemplated by Japan for the preservation of its in- terests in the far east already have commenced. The minister was careful to point out, however, that this does not mean actual hostilities, but stra- tegic action through putting Japanese troops into Corea and Manchuria. This, he states is now in progress, Baron Hayashi calculates that forces adequate to any emergency will have been full disembarked within two or three days. He regards the breaking off of negotiations ds tantamount to war, and does not look for any form- al declaration. The minister reiterates the statement that the Russian reply was not delivered, and declares his belief to be that it never was sent. A special despatch from Berlin says: from Paris, A strong fleet of Japanese warships is reported to be on its way to Che mulpo, Corea. The report" that sever al Russian merchant ships have been captured by Japanese: warships has reached the Japanese legation here. The report is discredited at the lega tion, and it lacks confirmation. Alarming Report Not Confirmed. Paris, Feb. 9.--The papers here pub- lish "on high authority," the report (the first circulated in Berlin) that Japanese warships have captured some kuin merchant ships in Chinese Seok biseport lacks confirmation circles here, in official as well as in Berlin. Three Russian Ships Captured Berlin, Feb. 9.---The German foreign office has been advised that a portion of the Japanese squadron sailed from Sascho yesterday. Its destination is unknown, but it is supposed to be Chemulpo, Corea. The conservative Deutsche Tage Zeitung affirms u divlomatie authority that three Rus- sian ships have been captured by the Japanese. 'The correspondent of the Associnted Press finds no official eon- firmation of the statement. JAPAN'S WAIT: ALL THAT COURTESY AND. mam") Arthur, and that three were damaged. The Ja- panese ce the fist success of the war escaped undamaged. Admiral Adexiefi's official report of the atts By the Japanese is as fol- lows: most respectively inform your may tha at or about mid- night ¥ Sth, nine Japanese its made a sudden attack by of mines upon the Russian gin the outer , nds of the -- roads at Russian Lalle ar were Fvieh od" Ay pn is 'being made to as cortai "character of the damage. Detail following for your majes- ty. 3 2 Martial Law Proclaimed. Port y Feb. 9.--In consequence of the a "by the Japanese torpe. do boa rtd lav has been pro claimed here, = ussians Killed. From itan Steck Exchange Lon Feb. ©. Baron Hayashi has rmed that the Japane se fleet 2 to the Yellow Sea and that thefWapehvse intind to use tor pedoss the fullest extent. The legation not yet heard of any landing anese It is Treported that Japan has bought' the Chilian warsldps Capitan Prat, Buco; and Almirante Condell, 4h will start for Negasaki at once. © teh from the east savs eleven warshizs and one Russign 'Swarshic have been sunk in the a on Port Arthur. + J Escaped Safely. Port s Feb. 9 The war he gan at © ht, the Japanese taking the offensive atiacl i ing with torpedoes, crippling | of Russia's shirs and cscay img thed. From Russia. jurg, Feb. 9.-It is" re | seven Russians were Lill wounded in the naval The Jupunese loss is le tremendous fe Wrecked By Great Con- _. Bagration. Baltin y. Md., Feb. 8.--Baltimore is. stag) tonight, under a fire loss ia one has the temerity to put, i BS. The important com- mercial "i8 a mass of blackened ruins, wilt of a conflagration which ithout even a mionientary delay, 145 a.m. yesterday until t o'olitk this afternoon when the A the flames were under fire aged nearly thiety- = Lof almost o-n 3 overcast with gloom. The only in the burned istricts are those ot '@imovldering ruins, The only lights in that section which escaped" destruction are from cornet gas lamps. The stores are closed on nearly every street. The darkened avenues are full of jostl'ng people talking of ome subject. Appar ently there is but one cause for glad ness, and that is that there are no homeless, for the residence part of the yr escaped. t 2 p.m, the Associated Press sent out a bulletin saying the flames would be held in check at the Union docks and prevented "from leaving Jones' Falls and placing the city east of there in jeopardy. At three 'clock the bulletin ' was confirmed. A score of times insidious flames of fire were found lapping the sides of lumber piles on the east bank of the falls. In some imstances the timber was tossed in the falls, Similar heroic measures stayed the fire. Throughout the terrible -comtest, which firemen and the fire waged for supremacy, humanity was handicapped by a "gale, which carried burning brends to remote sections, But for the work of volunteers in extinguis shing these embers it is almost certein the burncd area would have been much greater. As it is about seventy-five blocks, or 140. acres, are gone. 'The burned district within the territory is bounded on the 'west hy Liberty street, on the north by Lexington, on the east Ly Jones' Falls, on the south by Basin, : Within "this district were the biz structures on Fayette, Gay, Lombard, Charles; Balderson, Ellicott, Ho'lings- worth and Cheapside "street. Passing along the hasin southeast, the follow- ing large docks were destroyed :. Me- Clures, Pattersons, Smith, Frederick Long and Union. Small thorough'ares that do not extend as far north as Lexington street and which were in the paths of the flames are Com merce, Frederick and Mill street. The district thus swept by fire comprised nearly 2.500 buildings. Insurance compenies have opened temporary oices in the Lexingtcn ho tel, but their representatives decline to estimate the loss, The answer of cme in typical of all, "It's too big. We have not figures to describe it. Make it above $100,000,000, the best we can do." The same indeciefen was true in re- gard to estimates concern'ng insure gente. The city was early placed un- der martial law to prevent looting. Gen. Corbin will take command of ths militia now. here and the regulars or dered out. The strugele, to-day, has been with one «nd of confoiog the fire to the west end of Jones Falls. No one dares guess the result bad the flames jump-- ed the stream. That the fire was check- ed was the result of ite meetine the concentrated labors of nearly "100 fire companies, sided by the powerful tug, the Cataract. A densrwite ov ori n end of the Temiskaming & Northen in MN nviyn First Score For Japan. St. Petersburg, Feb. 9.--~An official | Gen C. W. H. Doug Major. Gen. Herbert I'lomer, and Yai "Gent. . tie | 2 James M. Murray. Ontario redl wav, Hew up the store house and seriondly injured three men, one of whom mav not recover. a io Soe sats thot She | Dr. Jillison pot two years at Syd the Rugsian squadron in theouter | i ney. N.8., for false pretences, andes ! caping from custodyy TRANSFERRED Marine: Department Now Controls hs Shipples. THAT ENQUIRY. THE REPORT TO BE READY FOR PARLIAMENT. Canadian Goods Under False Names--An Emigrant Hospital --The Latest Tidings From the Capital. Ottawa," Feb. 9.-It is leaned that in the course of the next fow days certain works im connection with na: vigation. will be transferred from the public works departmint to the mar ine department. These works, Juopuly spealing, beling to tha marine partment. for instance, the dredging There is, of the ship channel in the St. Law- rence, which is now under the public en ---------------------------- REV. RA. ELWOOD, Of Wilmington, Del.. before the New Castle presbytery, as a result of his subject sermon last une, on . *' Should the Mutderer Helen Bi Pp Be Lynched ?' It al that e sermon was roe in sothe measure for the burning of 'Whe 'negro, rt Shetige White, at the stake. works, In future it will be taken over by Hon. Mr. Prefontgine and poh ienl ed to the maring department. Thiv will include 'the works at Sorel At gn if a ment as to d will be all hand ment. The boards of the harbor commis gioners at Montreal and Quebec will also be placed under the marine doe partment. The pilots are now under the marine department, and when gl the works are transferred the depart ment will have entire charge of all the ceils to navigation and the entire works on the St. Lawrence route. The fact that two departments have been to some extent clashing in re gard to the works mentioned will now be avoided, and to this éextunt the puklic interests will be all the better served by the new order of things. There is talk about transferving the cancls to the marine, Lut nothing has yet been done, A meeting of the commission which was appointed to enquire nto hydraulic wining leases, eto. in the Yukon will be held in Ottawa, during the second week of March. Judge Britton was here Saturday ¢nl made this arrangement with Commis sioner Bell, The report will he ready for presentation to parliament, From Jamaica vomes word that Cen dian butter is heing sold there as Danish; Canedian hams, as English Canadion bent wood chairs as Aus trian, and Canadian carringes as Am- erizan. "Made in Conada" is now quite a common badge in our exports, but where it is not used foreign products often profit hy the quality of Cang- dian goods Dr. P. H. Bryce, of the Indian and interior departments, is gcing to Que- bee to arrange for a hospital for dis cased emigrants. Immigrants who are suffering from infectious diseases and who under the act are not permitted to land in Canada will be sent to this hospital. . Splendid Ceremony At Windsor. > London, Feb. 9. An isteresting state ceremonial took place, to-day, when 4 chapter of the Order of the Garter was held at Windsor by order of the king, It was the first ceremony of the kind since 1555, when the Ems peror Napoleon, then on a visit to he Fngih court, was admitted to membership in the order by Queen Vittoria At today's function the knights as. sembad in Be throne room, all wearing the full uniform of the order. At the concligen of the 'chapter the bing end queen entertpined at a state bamnwet in St. George's hall. Many of those presnt will remain at Wind sor for the royal wedi big of Princess Alice, of Albany, and Prince Alexan- der, of Teck. : Dinner to Ex-Secretary Root. New York, Feb. 9.~The New York University law school gives a dinner to Elihu Root, ex'seeretary of bie at the Savoy Hotel tonight, and elabo- rate arrangements have ben perfected for the function. Mr. Root was gra duated from the law school in 1867, and has been one of the mort loyal alumni. Invitations to the dinner have been accepted hy many men promin- ent in public life. Toronto, Feb. 9.--The "of house yesterday afternoon | ten minutes. § 31 insiimions Ep ot provides or t trustees tions. system - trustees are appointed by quarterly board, and not by the cotgregation. The amendment validates conveyances to trustees so appointed. . Hon. Mr. Davis informed U fel £ that about 80,000 applicat had been made by volunteors under the act to grants. There had been 10,352 ap- pleations granted. Hop. Mr. Davis informed J. 8S. Duff that Mr. Taylor, recently a clerk in the evown lands department, had not been in the employ of the department since his suspension, His resirnation had _ been received and accepted. Mr. Dull wished to know the date: of the resignation and Mr. Davis promised to "ive it later, Whitney's motion for a return Baik the names of all persons at Sault Ste. Marie, or elsewhere, who were paid their wages by the govern- ment, was allowed to stand, Hon. 3 Gibson stating that he was not yet prepared to supply the imlormation. Mr, Whitney. said he assumed, in the absence of specific knowledge on the subject, that the government had not yet paid those men. The the authority of the government, had paid them, ° and tly. the transaction did not appear in the fim- ancial 'statement this year, He would like to know information desired; | the names, am ounts and the nature of each claim. was no objection to the return. ft could, he" thought, be made put and brought down at a very early date: if mot in a dav or two, at the end of the Lak perhaps. « Matheson. asked: thet liver his budiret' specch. Cause of Atlas Loan Disaster-- Fifty-Seven 'Liable. i Toronto, Feb. 9.~The masterin-or- ondén, said that it liquidator to detér- should be' taken rested with the wine what action § against the directofs for in United States stocks which was re- sponsitle for the disaster to the com- pany. NEW METHOD OF SMUGGLING{ Jewelry Worth $2,000 Sent In Railway Guide. New York, Feb. Berlendlary Nivel at $2,000, which was concealed in cunningly constructed hiding place in a railway guide went by mail from Ger many {Pan address in Denver, was received hy eustoms officers here to- a, hs sending of a railway guide through the mails from G: to Denver aroused the cariosity of the deputy collector. and he opened the package, as he has the right to do. He found that a about an inch square and deep had bern ent in the leaves of the middle of the hook. Within this were carefully packed turquoise ring and two mond set pins. MAN IMPALED ON A PENCIL. Printer"s Bad Accident--Saved By Surgeons. London, Feb, 9--While attending to his machines a printer's assistant slip: ped and, falling backward, impaled himee f on a pencil which was in the pocket of a tout hanging on a wall. At the King's College how ital two in he of a cedar pencil were found projecting between lis 1#m. On ite removal the pencil was found to have pencirated three and a ball inches »: to his lungs. The pencil was quite in tact, not 'evn the point being bro'en. The patitnt is recovering ray idly John D. Rocksfeller is making de finite preparations to retire from the care of business and wil resign al most immediately from a score other directorships which be holds, and Lis son, John, P. Rockefeller, Jr., will be substituted in his place. Frank, son of G, B. The Toronto civic iimsstigation to the election | tt this morning Foal 3 a . her inmyviry thes 3 LX enable the ot Morgan to: conclude. in in the bande polie, by whom whe in cow ing the death of James K ohn, twenty-three years of wells tae ca loon] old sou; of » how sobm the return would be made. There three points of! Hon. Mr. Gibson replied that there SPECULATING IN U. S. STOCKS 1 Fa i nh speculating mi elev at Indian N. | W.T., and hered to death, The | boy was w, ing the machinery at | the time hin coat emught. 1 Powie Healy, twenty-one years old, | charged ith 3 Fi Ao te Feb, 9.~Gustay i i i Si I i defendants, , Peter em his ie vay: Von Bing, at the opening al, and offered to become ness for the state. The states torey refused the offer, '""Healer" Spreads Smallpox. | London, Feb. 9.~Nine cases small-pox were. discovered in EEE A seti ous While skating Mrs. (Dr) E. A. Me Gannon. Brockville, fell with the re- | salt that he right leg was broken between' the knee dnd "ankle; nr . A Graham, of the Montreal § : anh J. Tarte, of La fri EE