db Gradually Awakens Te The Fact. ost fal in opefations has - oh CE 1 a tened and hurried {nh L hos. robbed upon and. dollar, ~ when he" Route nple_case of hemor or . ly cured at home with 5 Toy costing - but fifty 1X. ured pune fifty cent Box - ¢ Pile Poure of my Pandy ntention of buying a large: but was happily' surpriseq und that I was cured, ang six pyramids left out of the nly box. I have not had the of piles since 1 used thiy Fhish hag boca, about two vious. 'tp us! Tami I bad the worst Banaid ind protruding piles for over years, and no omné'Unows, ® se who have had the pil and mi - 1 \ Plies, » Poor man, but have ofien uld give 'a fortune, if T hag ured of the piles, and now | cured for fifty cents, | very ungrateful if I did not 1 and give you every privi. e my name and this letter, ow there are so many who did." J. A, Weismiller, 1100 rg Road, Washington, D.C, ramtid Drug Co., Marshall, oligh'; a little book on the pd ure Sul foes which they m ee to any ap. nd we advise all alors painful disease to write tg it. WA RE / lestructive. * Our motto is to attily, and pacify. Are not | We decorated récently renew- led, and the inmates . doubly Some of those where our sug- rere carried out are not equ city, even at greater expense. Talk," but we have the proof. Papery are arriving steadily, y or lige for '04 will surpass ous years. We 'solicit your hest r work and we will ou our motto, , Beautify and Pacify. Weese & Co., jecorators and photographers, ss street, agent for Mason & 108--The Leader. w Books : Of The King," by Mrs. Lew e, $1. oe Child Jesus Saw and abond," by Frederick Palm. 95 Cr Clover," by Frank Danhy, ig Night," by Stanley J. xh, $1.25. d and Master," by Marthou n, $1.95. ° ' "t Send AY or a Medical Battery hen you can get it at kc & Halliday's fey will mell it to you sap, and will re-charge it hetever required. J Mills e Leading Auctioneer. y reason 5 Ree b Ss 3 mend. SOP e000 0 000006000 -~ : " by's cemetery, Brewer's Mills. Al 'The Broken Down | _ pélow »Corbett's WHAT WHIG CORRSEPOND-: ' {ENTS TELL US. . VAN wae Pa Ths Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And Wha They are Doing. . RES Joyceville Jottings. Joyceville, Feb, 9--The Farmers' Tn- stitute held' meeti here on "I hurs- day of last week, The concert in aid of St. James' church on Friday, the 3th, was a Josided success. The fu- neral of the late FT. Naylon passed ihrough here en route to St. Bana: though the weather and roads were unfavorable, it was a lengthy cortege. Mines Being Operated. Slendower, Feb, 9.--T. J, Kelly is | seriously ill. D. McGowan, on the sick list, is recovering. Farmers will be glad when spring opens, there hav- ing been Such a siege of winter, and the roads having been in a very bad shape for travelling. Everybody ' is busy getting up summer wood. A fishing party intends starting out just as soon as weather moderates. The mines of th's place are running full blast, and there is plenty of room for more to be started, as this part of country is rich in mineral. Mr. and Mrs, Webster are visiting at L, J. Kelly's. Fred Hyland, Kingston, is at J. Wil.on's, Perth Road Rumblings. Perth Road, Feb, 9.--The farmers' convention was held in the town hall at Perth road, February 2nd. Not a very large crowd was in attendance owing to the inclemency of the wea- ther. However an enjoyable evening was spent at the oyster supper given by Warden Stoness to the members of the Farmers' Institute, thirty-eight be- ing in attendancé. Miss Clara Roberts, ill, is convalescent. Mrs. 0. Clough is still very ill. R. J, Mackay has pur- chased gu valuable 'horse. It still. snows and blows consequently the Sydenham high school-pupils from this vicinity have gonsiderable difficulty in getting home. = Visitors : Mee and Mrs. C. Freeman, Wilmur, at G. Ennis'; Miss Whalen, Inverary, at G. Olton's; A. MacFadden, and wife, at W. Ritchie's, Roads Almost Impassable. Bell Rock, Feb. 9.--The roads have been almost impassable in some places. The mail carrier could not get through to Moscow for two days last week, Thursday and Friday. W. Brooks is doing a good business this season with his feed mill. Nearly every one is busy getting out. cord: wood, fence poles or saw logs. Mrs. French has returned after spending a month with friends in Peterboro. Mrs. F. L. Amey has returned from Selby after 'a pleasant visit of two weeks W. F. Pomery and daughter, Grace, attended the funeral of the late R. J. McDowall, Kingston, last week. Visi- tors :* Mr. and oy Charles Amey, at J. York; John Powley, Gladwin, Mich., at D. L. Amey's. Bridge Completed. "Neil's "Corners, Feb, 10.--Roads are in perfect condition. I. Timmons is drawing hay from his farm in Bell- EE ------------------------© Nervous System Diten Found in Persons Who are Apparently in Good Health-- Extraordinary Effects of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food cn-- It is not always the pale and blood- less who suffer from nervous éxhaus- tion, and when a person of apparent good health finds himseli almost help- Jess he gets little sympathy from physician or friends and not infre- quently his ills are attributed to the imagination. A tendency to put off the duties of the day, indisposition for exertion or concentration of the mind, depressed spirits, wakefulness at night, indiges- tion, h¥adache, feelings of fatigue and lassitude, dizziness, specks before the eyes, noises in the ears and {rregulari- ties and derangements of the sexual organs are among the most common symptoms. of nervous exhaustion and prostration. 4 Nervous diseases are slow in coming on and patience is necessary iii their treatment. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is absolutely certain to be of benefit to anyone suffering from exhausted nerves, for it supplies the very elements of na- ture which go to create new nerve cells and instill new vigor and energy into the nervous system. Mrs. I. Whalen, 60 Patrick street, Kingston, Ont., and whose husband is an engineer, states : "As a remedy for nérvous sick, headache and indigestion | arising from exhausted nerves, I con consider Dr. Chase's Nerve Food an ex- | cellent treatment. I have used this | treatment myself for the above ail- ments and judging from the benéfits OUR NEIGHBORS ing to sit and nervous I ha rock t6 his home in Enterprise. ( O'Neil had the material all drawn for his new house, which wil be erected in early spring. We are glad to hear of the convalescence of the Misses Car roll, who have ben seriously ill with grippe. The party at Mr. Campbell's was a decided pleasure to those who attended. The trustees of separate school No. 11 are to be congratulated is securing the services of Miss M. ing rapid strides to the front. E. F. this section. Purchased Machinery. Bongard's, Feb. Adolphustown, has purchased the ma- Harrison for manufacturing stock for apple barrels. Miss E. L. McCormack was the guest of Mrs, G. €. Kyle, Pic- ton, over Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Scobey is visiting at Port Milford and Wau: poos. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison and Mrs. J. D. Bongard were guests of Mrs. Archie Kerr recently, Miss L. Chalmers was unable to resume her duties of teaching last week on ac count of an attack of grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kingsley, Toronto, are visiting at Thomas Bongard"s. W. D. Roblin was at R. Harrison's on Mon day. Owing to the condition of the road our daily mail is. not doing very good service. J. C. Bongard vis ited 'Sunday at B. Bongard's, Adol phustown. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harri son spent a day at S. A. Sobey's. Miss Sarah Bradley was in town over Sunday. Miss G. Williams gpent a few days visiting Miss B. Harrison. The Late Daniel Byrnes. Enterprise, Feb. 11.--It is with feel upon to record the death of David Lee, third son of James Byrnes, Enterprise, who died at his father's illness of eight days. He had heen en goed in Rathbun's lumber camp at cold, which terminated in that dread full promise of youth, being in his eighteenth year. The deceased was a amiable disposition, which endeared to him a host of friends. He bore his sufferings patiently and fortified by the last rites of th: holy. Cathelic church he looked calmly and confident- ly upon death. On Monday, 1st inet, his remains, followed by a large con course of friends and companions, were which I have derived from it I can recommend this remedy very highly | for any one affected as I was." | Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c. a box, | gix boxes for $2.50, at all dealers or | Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. To | protect you against imitations the | ,pottrait' end signature of Dr. Chase, the famous receipt book au- | thor, are on every box. . The Highest Cash Prices, Paid for Second Hand Goods, Cloth- | ing, Boots, Shoes, Furniture, Stoves, etc. | We have on hand a, large stock of | warious kinds of , New Clothing, | Gents Furnishing, Jewelry, Boots, and | Bhoes, M ! Instruments. Also Nand Stoves aad Furniture. We are selling at reduced a we - clear off the order to a oe I. ZACKS | door | 271-278 Princess strset, the second doot f i ent. taken to Centreville, where a solemn requiem mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Hartington, after which his re mains were placed in the vanlt to | await interment. Besides his parents, | | Nicholas; thence they leave for their | future home in Florida. Miss Crowe, | Deseronto, is at Mise Cummings, and four brothers and one sister are left to mourn his loss. Hockey At Wellington. Wellington, Feb. 11.--FErnest Hubbs | visited friends and relatives at Sal mon point. Miss Ethel Hermon is the guest of Mrs. J. E. Clark this week. The hockey match between W. P. Niled Pea-Bugs and G. A. Williams' Beef: Eaters came off on Burlingham and Murphy's rink 'on Friday evening last, victory in favor of the Bugs. 8 to 0 For Stomach Troubles. 4] Have taken a great many diffor- | ent medicines for stomach trouble and | constipation," says Mrs. 8. Geiger, of Dumkerton, Towa, "but never had as d results from any as from Chami- feria fis Stomsch "and "Liver Tab- | ! liad mt the Whig counter. lets." For sale by all druggists, gredamaking, but could not do my work for pain and nerv 11 and sew seemed to drive me nearly crazy, 1 was so unstrung seem able to get any help from doctors or medicine. ly dared to go out in the street, for fear I would nog | get home safely. It would make me scream to see a car coming even, and I was 80 terribly fun down I did not k "A friend suggested I take Lydia EB, Compound, and on her advice I bought a bottle. . bought more and kept on taking it, and when I had taken eight ties 1 was entirely cured. Talon has returned from Yarker. The bridge over the Whitman Creek is finished. It was a longfelt want in [ment of tin. Mr. Williams, managing ! lettering .done, by ings of profound regret we are called | residence on January 28th, after an | rkin, where he contracted a heavy | | load from here attended the Amherst ed disease, pneumonia. 'Danie,' as he | was commonly called, 'was just in the | | Wolfe Island orchestra. On Monday young man of fine character and ! 7% rd Me i about, and quickly orking Women How distressing to see a woman struggli rm her household duties when her head are aching! She is so tired she can movement causes pain, the ori to some derangement of the fen irregular, when backaches hardly-drag 2. nervous-it-seems-as-though-you= derangement is fastening itself by Many is Almost livelihood, dr p back and When the monthly periods are painful or ? and headaches drive out all ambition, when ¢ l=cane P" gensation attacks you, when you are * would-fly," it is certain that some female dg upon yout. Do not let the dis¢éase make headway; write your Pd to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for her free advice, and n at once 7 the use of the medicine that has restored a million women to 4 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. : it absolutely cured me. Three re Profit by the Experience of the Women Whose Letters Follow : *"DeAr Mns. Primi: -- Your medicine has | 96th St., New York, N. Y. done so much for me I want to tell everyone how ni far hisbaad as Sok a hie Inst illness, I el m and hurt myse! It the strain, then I woul! from sodething give way inside. Afterwards I found it was my womb, and Jeng - 1d He 1 suffered the most dreadful agonies from falling of the womb. I be ousness. - what would happen. Pinkham's Vegetable It did me so m see his majesty's mail pass through our town en route for Picton by horse sleigh. Two engines with about fifty men, went over the road on Wed nesday, clearing the track of ice. Twenty-seven below zero on Tuesday morning. A¥nold Fraleigh was driven to Bdlleville en route to Lindsay, where he and Miss Henderson, former- ly of Picton, will be married on > | It remind one of the days of "78, to Cox, an Ottawa Normal graduate, { Wednesday. - Messrs, McDonald 'and and the school in ccusequence is mak i Conger, West Point, were in town on Tuesday. The Wellington Packing com pany are not very busily enraged now owing to' the delay of their consign the Wellington branch of the Stand | ard bank is not fo be removed as {| was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Richard 10.--C. F. Allison, | Garratt of Belleville, where the. guests | of her sister, Mrs. Stephen Leavin's chinery from Messrs. * Boneard and fon Tuesday. A Fine Island Ball. Wolfe Island, Feb. 10.--The grandest event since the dancing season com- meneed was the twelfth annual ball which was held hy the members of the Wolfe . Island C.M.B.A. in their new and enlarged hall. One hundred and thirty tickets were sold, thus making | the largest crowd that éver attended this grand event. Many attended from the city and other nearby towns and villages. Music was supplied bv Cros by and Thornton's orchestra. The sup per was praised on all sides for its excellence. The manner in which the dining hall was decorated reflected ere dit to the committee, who were all attired in white, presenting a neat appearance, - while waiting on. the | guests. The dancing hall down stairs | was very pleasing to the eye; the de- | corating could not be surpassed. The i one of our leading merchants with the evergreens was also greatly admired. Next comes the question: Who was the Belle? This was very hard to decide, as taken al- together, there never was a nicer lot of young ladies in a dancing hall. There were three who were entirely deserving of the hoaor, but no defin- ite announcement was made. On Fri day of last week quite a large van Island ball 'and reported a very lea- sant time. Music was supplied by the next at nine o'clock a villace ~entle- man will take unto himself a fair lady. Miss Hattie McLaren, one of Marysville popular voung ladies, was | appointed stepographer with the elec trical company that is about to run a line between Toronto .and King ston. William Briceland has a severe attack of pneumonia; two doctors were constantly by his side attending him to ve. J. Leakey is im- provi nicely after a severe attack of Ha grivpe. On Mondav next Miss Eve- Ivn Stelev leaves for New York, ac- companied by her sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Miss Mamie Modier, Watertown, is |v siting her' parénts. Greatest Bargain In The City. Prevost of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, has decided for the next thirty dave fo sell all goods at first cost, consisting of ready-made elothine. gents' furnishings and cloth- ing made to order, to make Yoom for Lis sprine importations. His $15 suits md £3.50 pants made to order have' no equal. Ladies--Special bargaine in corsets! Have a look at our stock. New York Drees Reform. Coprers for small change may be , Could Not Lie On Her Left Side. WAS TROUBLED WITH PAIN IN HER HEART FOR SIX YEARS. Expected Her Friends Would Find Her Dead. rs. C. Bondreau, Campbellton, N.B., was completely eured by MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. aes. She tells of her experience in the follow ng letter: "I 'was troubled with a pain in my heart and weakness for six years. Most of the time I could" not lie on my left side. 1 consulted a doctor but got no re- iet and was completely discouraged. 1 did not think I would live long and - sd my friends would find me apes friend brought me 8 box of Milbura's Heart and Nerve Pills and I took them to please her, not thinking they would do me any good. [I had mot balf the box when I commenced to feel myself getting better and by the time I had taken two boxes I was completely cured and can re- commend them to all sufferers from behrt troubie." Price so cts. per box or 3 for $1.35, all s Or THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, TORONTO, ONT. "Whenever I hear of & woman your medicine has xelved mé 80 women. Women n not get so would take your advice and medicine." Mas. Bunrma ] " DEAR Mus, Prexuay : -- I cannob , when Lydia E. Pinkkam's Vi i ing from the {lls peculiar to ihe ses, extreme lassitude bham's V, aa Sr am's Vegetable Compound, I began to ¥~ | days returning, became and I did 80t |tnan | had ever been able to 0 to perfect health. It is indeed a boon to redtored heartily tecommend it. Yours very Louisville, Ky." ~ Niece of the late General SEES FASHION'S FORM: A .Tretty Frock For a Little A She gluiel iy | ii hi a ss S AA NILEYIE 1 1 as sia = ives' the now' very popwlar long-shoulder effect, which is most becoming to is pretty made of white' drilling * br double warp, which comes at 134c.and . 2 5 ered infront in whité working cotton, De. KOR MEDICINE CO. PO. Baawen 2341. MONTH and the bands coming down the sides TE oe are brisrstitched, in Wire Door Mat Some Specials a $6. 14x24 - $95 The Late Mrs. Dunn, Erinsville. evening, 3rd of February, thes passed away, at the age of eighty-twe Mrs Inn, one of 'our oldest and most re spected residents. a ne tive of Tipperary, Ircland, where she he next year they tame Canada and settled [in Napunse, where thoy lived ten years. In 1861 moved on a farm in 8 remainder of their days. Three years ago y odd very suddenly with heart failure, while Fines then Mrs heen failing 1 health, such wonderful vitality - that she wavs attended (0 her own affairs un- {il about four weeks ago, when way taken down by =n severe attdek of (pneumonia. Pr, Father Carey were tho got relief alier though very wen she possessed 'wonderful wind until thesvery last when was suddenly called away; dinte caure of hve death being heart foriture, "Quite a large number of friends nttended her funeral, although weather was very Deconsed lenves to oné child, Mrs. Thomms Garrett eight grandchildren, have heen living with her for tite. Besides her owt reletives ' she will 'be greatly missed by the fridndls «he has made #i settled here. The remsins. wore placed in the vault at Erinsville, after mass was colebrated by Rev. Father Ca They are indestructible and. ed for any and every place w keep ice and sn : weather, and when the muddy: season - appreciate still more a mat of this desc KELVEY and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. Burrows snd Rev. k in Bodily strength, mourn her lose, oe Do 4 8 moment v with success and with hopest confidence. 90. 18 x 31 1.50 in all New York stocks in lots commission five-point margin, cotton on marshal} ob Wi duce invited. X