Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1904, p. 5

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ouse. h! Cash! 4000000000000 00040400000000¢ © < $ & aC. . le Leaf 'Rubber e Store I'S ALE ast ® ' t le arket. de from the best | Hops. Dd), Agent. UNT ck of ® ld urnishings ). at a low rate on o continue in the he stock must be he cheapest goods 01d Stand. ton -- -- NO MAN OR WOMAN CAN HAVE DYSPEPSIA "BERMUDA ..|,.. cos oor. ws Awerican Squsdfen, is uari attractiveness, reached hy the clas on steaniers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA forty-eight hours f . Sailing © every THURSDAY. tropical islands, includ SANT CRUZI. 8ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. DARBADOES AND DEMER- Quebes Steamship Company, sailing from New York about every 10 days: For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing: apply to A. EMILIUS OUTER- BRIDGE & CO. Agents, 89 Broadway, New York; J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston, Oat. ARTHUR AHERN, tary, Quebec. ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. Joh. From Halifax, Laurentian, Feb. 18th; Febrs 15th. Ionian Feb. 22nd. Sicilign, Feb. 27th; Feb. 29th. Ma 3 Mar. 7th. Bye an, r. Gth; Reduced Winter Rates of Passage First Cabin--Bavarian and Jonian, $60 and upwards ; urentian and Sicilian, $50 and upwards, Second Cabin-Liverp and London- derry and -lonian, 0; Laurentian and Sicilian, $87.50; ndon, $2.50 extra. Third Class--$38 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Londou. Through tickets to" South Africa. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Numidian, Thursday, March 8rd, I> a.m. Corinthian, Thursday, Mar. 17th, 11 a.m. 20d Cabin, $85; 38rd 1st Cabin, $45; =Class, $26. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J. FP. GILDEK- VE, Clarence street. TO-LET. ; WARM, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS to let. Apply st 288 Johaston street. \ DWELLINGS, FROM MAY 1ST, ALSO stores, offices and stomge. McCann's Real Estate office, 51 Brock: steel. ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE- sirable Sto Taylor & ton, "as mn and Plumbers, ob Wellington street, with large workshop in She rear. Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot St. ------ BY THE 18ST OF MAY, THAT Drick Dwelling, 86 Union street, west, occupied by Mrs. Edward Low, with Modern Improvements, Gas, Hot Water and Bath, etc... Address 430 Vaughan Terrace. TT EE TE EI Have You Wood 2 and Coal to Buen § Here are the two most economical fuel investments we know of : Hard Coal! Hard Wood ! Whether it's Wood or Coal we deliver, we employ careful teamsters, who know their business too well do it in an untidy way. No extra eharge for the cleanliness--But it's worth something to BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Foo. of West St. inn? Lion's Navel Oranges Ask for Lion Brand Seedless Oranges. They are the best! ae es A. J. REES', Princess St. The value of coal depends large- ly on its condition. Our coal is free from dirt or slate, properly prepared and screened dry. Dust and dirt stick to wet coal ~that"s why we protest our coal from snow and rain Clean coal means neat handling --and MORE HEAT. More heat, more value for your money--and better service. That's what wesuffer you. Our coal and woed Will give you perfect satisfaction. Send your next order here. R. CRAWFORD Dealer in good fuel, Kingston Foot of Queen Street. 'Phone 9. ARTI, "SLAVCHTER OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS | tion and a ness barometer, # and Pophlar--A Certain, Cure ; ik Reach of All ¢ There is nothing that will put you to the front so rapidly in the business or social world as a cheerful disposi- pleasant appearance. Oth- er things being equal people will go out of their way to eive the fellow a lift who always wears a cheerful coun- tenance, The man or woman with a cranky disposition and a sour face will ulways meet with an indifferent if not a chilly reception. 'l he commercial traveller, who is the recoonized busi appreciates better than any one the value of this. rule and governs his actions accordingly. uyspepsia destroys all the agreeable qualities that enter into a man or woman's make-up. It is almost a hu- man impossibility for anyone with a severe case of dyspepsia to look plea- sant. The continuous, miserable, cast- down feeling is bound to make itself shown in the appearance and conver- sation. . Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the sufferer's certain cure. [bhev, are so recognized all over the world. The cures they have brought about and the happiness they have caused and the suffering they have relieved has made their name a household word in all the English-speaking world. The reason that Stuart's Dvspensia: Tablets are a certain cure is that they are a natural cure. There is nothing to prevent them curing. Thev contain the essential ingredients of the diges- tive fluids of the stomach and simply do the identical work of the stomach, relieving that weakened organ and permitting it to rest and recuperate. Could anything be more simple or patural ? They are bound to cure. They cannot help themselves. It is just like putting a new stomach into a man--if that were possible--and let- ting the old one go off on a vacation. Rest is what it needs. Nature will do her. own work of restoration, never fear. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for at. present occupied bY sale by all druggists at 50c. a box. AN druggists © means "all "druggists. They have become so necessarv to the people that the druggist simply has to keep them anv way. There are oth- er remedies that he can make much more money on if he could sell them but he can't. He will not take chanc- es on losing his customers 'by not al- ways having on hand a supply of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Our February Sale Is a great boon to our customers by the many bar- gains we are offering. Handsome Bedroom Set, com- plete; only $10. Special Spring and Mattrasses; only $2.50. 5 Piece Parlor Suites, in Ma- hogany. Fancy Parlor Tables, in Oak and Mahogany; only $1.75. Jardiniers Stands, only 25c. These are a few of the bargains we are closing out. many One Evans Upright Piane, second hand in good condition for $100, cash . A beautiful Upright Parlor Grand | Wagner, good as new. Original price, $400, will sell for $200 Our stock of secofid 'hand Organs is | going. fast. Come and get oné at any price, from $25 up for first class instru- ments. 1,000 copies of shoet music dt a cent n sheet, MeDOWALUS | MUSIC STORE, 4 St 71 Princess Street. satis- [ET NE WAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantes you factosy results. We don't brag, but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed; but your best interest W.J. MURRAY, The Auctionzer. JAMES REID, UNDERTAKERS, ETC. For Ambulance "Phone 147. JotAmbugtee 'Phone 197. | The Brightest Thing In Stove Polish Is X-RAY Goes twice se far as paste or liquid j poliss--No drying up--Lasts longer--At |.- STRACHAN'S HARDWARE -- | Don't forget weathor strip to keep owt the cold. Stock and Bord Wellington jos Wate for or Daly Fake Late K. FP. RICE, MANAGER F. DEVER & 60 NOVEL DEFENCE OF THREE LACHINE SALOON Keepens. They Claim That So-Called In- dians to Whom They Sold Liquor, Are Not Iadians--In- surance Appointiyents, Montréal, Feb. 12.-Three Lachine saloonkeepers appeared in the police court to-day on a charge of selling liquor to Indians, who live on the re serve across the St. Lawrence from that town at Cadghnawags. The de fence put up by the Hdgisr dealers is rather a novel one. wv claim that the Jui, so-called, are not in real ity Indians any lo , but that t are Canadians Yvithia the lbs the law and as such' are entitled to the privileges of other people. They claim the prosecution will have to prove that the residents of Caughna- waga are Indians. . M, Lambert, manager of the Na- tional Insurance company of Ireland, has been named to sueceed FE, ° P, Heaton as manager for 'Canada of the Guardian Assurance company. Bertram Hards, of the London office; has been named assistant manager. Mr. Lame bert was first connected with the At. las' and National before their sever ance, and was for a time manager of the branch office in Winnipeg. > It ia stated, on good authority, that the financial arrangement of the Com mercial Cable involves the creation of four new shares for every outstanding share two of which will be preferred shares bearing four per cent. interest and two common shares in the na: ture of a bonus. A voting trust will be formed to ensure thé continuamce of the management in the hands of tha Mackay family. pin pio A Popular Hostlery. The Manor Hotel, opposite the C. P.R. depot, Winnipeg, is possibly one of the best known hostelries in Ameri- ca. It is the preufier $1 a day house on this side of the Atlantic, and am- ong its patrons are men in every walk of life. The professional man, the Jawmak- er, the politician, and the honest sons of toil all congrégate under Mine Host MeKenty's roof. EK, McKenty, the pro prietor., was formerly a merchant in the village of Bath, Ont. He acquired the Manor Hotel by purchase, It faces the station on Main street, and the annex at the rear faces on King street the length fron one street: to other being 330 feet. The property is valued at $250,000, and clears $1,000 a week clear profit. It is one of the best money-making hotels for ity size in the world, and it is all due to the fact that it is conducted on proper up.to- date lines. Mr. Dolan, the popular and competent book-keeper, assists the proprietor in the manarement. Mr. McKenty is always about himself looking after the comfort of his guests and extending the glad hand to out-goers ghd incomers. He knows his business thoroughly, and the tra- velling public have every confidence in his integrity. He believes in using printer's ink in business, and has al- ways used it quite freely with good results. . Beauty Recipe, Said her husband one day i tell me my Kate, What makes you so' young and so hand- some of late ? For a long while--a month or six weeks, 1 should say---- " Will you every day "I believe," she said, smiling, ** to tell you the Fruth, I've discovered the fount of perpetual vouth. : In the vale of the soul, like a well- spring, 'tis set And contains equal parts of 'Be patient," * Don't-fret !' Money For Whiskey Men. London, Feb. 12.--Austro-Hungary has been a long time taxing Canadian whiskey as if it were cognac. Lord Strathcona drew the government's at- tention to this and tests were made, tesulting in the Austrian government still claiming that it was cognac. A subsequent test was asked for. The government admitted being wrong, and will remit the excess dutv on for- mer shipments of Canadian whiskey. Japanese In The City. T. King, Montreal, and C. Lee, To- ronto, two Japanese, were in the city o-day. Their mission was not made known. In the afternoon they left for Montreal. They seemed pleased with the information of the war gleaned from the Whig's bulletin board. ------ Big Batch Of Liquor Cases. Belleville, Feb. 12.--Some fiftv resi- dents of Rawdon township have been summoned for alleged violation of the local option law in force there by drinking liguor at a temperance hotel at Spring Brook. Police Magistrate Flint will hold court at Stirling. en-------- Left For Kingston. Word was received to-day that Nor- man Robinson, Dominion Express mes- senger, had left: Moossiaw on Wednes- day for Kingston, to attend his' bro- {her's funeral. He is not expected to arrive until Saturday night. ------ Rhubarb And Radishes. x Cauliflower, oyster plant, pie plent, artichokes, tomatoes, mushrooms, green onions, lettuce, leeks, savoys, parsley and Boston head lettuce at Carnovsky's. ---- Canadian Girl Burned. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 12.--Miss Jessie Averill was burned to death yesterday in a three-storey apartment house. Miss Averill was a milliner, and her parents live nesr Ottawa, Ont. -- ---- Guyshorough By-Election. Ottawa, Feb. 12.---The writ for the bye-election in Guysbo:ro was issued last evening. The dates of nomination are March 9th, and polling, March 16th. ee Saturday Orange Sale. Sweet sonora oranges, regular. 20c. size for 18e. or two dozen for a quar: ter. Small oranges, three dozen for a quarter at Carnovsky's. -- Self-praise seldom gets a man a You've grown younger and handsomer THR DAILY WMIG. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 12. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Public Be, Says a Street Railway Director. Kingston,« Feb. Me--(To the Edi. tor : By chance on the market square thisemoming, 1 overheard a conversa: tion between 'a member of the street railway company and a leading citi: ren, with to the stoppage of street cars. 1 was astounded av some of the statements offered by the street railway director. He said thet had the cars been running during the past week or ten days it would have fost the ¢ y or $700 to them , operation. The company, he said was pot conducting a charitable institution for the benefit of the pul lie. "We don't care for the people; we don't make any moabty out of the citi. 2éns. We make our money out of strangers who visit the city during the summer months," were some of his statements, in some such words. It is just as well for the citizens to know the feeling of the company on this most important question. Such knowledge may be worth monev to the eity.--ONE OF THE WALKERS.- ---- Who Can Answer This ? Kingston, Feb. 12.--(To the Edit or) : Being fiancially interested in the question of the aty's ghsorption of the plant of the Light, Heat and Power company, I would jike to pre sent a question for some other inter vated person to answer: hold a bond of ths Kingston Light, Heat and Power company, for $1,000. It bears interest at five per cent. and has thirteen years yet to rin. Who is to assume this Liability 7 I do not want the cash value of the Lond until its full time has expired. Will the company have to apply the amount of the ward, $170,373 Jo wards carrying the company's bonded liabi ity of £100,000, and: finally have to finance so as to take up the bonds as they expire or will the city have to assume the liability, representing five per cent. interest on $100,000 for the unexpired term the bonds were is sued for * --BONDHOLDER. a---- A Lady Desires Advice. Kingston, Feb. 12.(To ithe Editor): Kindly allow me to you for a word of advice regarding an accident that happened ta me a few days ago on Princess 'street. Do you think I can claim damages from the city. as the walks were all humps and hol: lows, and covered with ice. I can as- sure you 1 was walking very careful ly, but without warning down I went on my side. 1 was much stunned. 5 man came and helped me up and kind ly asked me if I was hurt. He was a stranger in town, and advised me to take the car and not attempt the dangerous sidewalks, but I told him the cars didn't run now. "Oh!" he replied, "I did vead that the city council quarrelled with the car com- pany about a dog," but 1 told him I thought it was a switch, and he laughed, and sdid they should get the switch on their backs and 1 ag- ree with him. Will you kindly give me your opinion soon, for my ribs are very sore and | am afraid they are fractured. 1 shall not forget vou when ny ship comes home --Yours very truly, A CITY SISTER WITH A SORE RIB. ------------ PERSONAL MENTION. ---- Movements of The .People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss Eva Cook, 'Kingston, is visit ing friends in Belleville. Alderman Angrove, ill for the past two weeks, was able to be around to day. AMerman Toye has been appointed secretary of the Kingston Reform As +o lation. Rev. Dr. Antliff preachers in Wall Street Methodist church, Brockville, on Sunday. . Samuel Cassidy _ of the has been appointed caterer House of Commons. Rev. W. H. Milue, Ottawa, the guest of Mr..and Mrs, C. PT. Dickson, Alfred street, returned home today. Frederick Thomas, Toronto, gene ral secretary of the Bt. Andrew's Brotherhood, is the guest of Canon Starr, Stanley Rees, visiting his: parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Rees, Earl street, retusnod to his home in Syracuse, N Y., to day. Jolm A. McDonald, a reporter , for the Toronto World, is in the city feek ing more information with regard to the street rai way difficulty, Rev. N. M. Leckie, Hamilton, is in the «ily. He came down: for. the double purpose of attending Queen's Bijou Cale, of the alumni conference and visiting fiiends. : Mis NN. McCambnidge, of King street, was 'At Home™ to her fiends Thursday evening, in homor of her fiend, Miss Clare Wheleny of Toron 0. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Angrove reach- ol the city today from England, where they were matried about a month ago. They will take up resi dence in Kingston. Rev. Mansell, . Brockville, proaches a missionary sermon . in Quéen Street Methodist church on February 2¢th, Rev, Dr. Carman preaches the evening sermon. Captain Fdwanl Booth has heen el ected pilot of the Grand Council of Masters, and Mates' Agsociation. James pik and Captain George Craw ford are on the executive committee, The remains of the late W. P. sMe- Mullen, who wet death in the C.P.R. accident at Sand Point, are being held for the coroner's inguedt, Friends here are anxiously awail the arriv- al of the body. -------------- A Coming Vocalist, Miss Gertrude Baker Adams, Otta- wa, daughter of James , a for: mer Kingstonisn, made her vrofessi- onal debut on Wednesday night. The Journal savs: Her voice a pure flexi ble soprano of delightful quality, showed the result of edreful training. and with the further Sariots study so necessary to uny S0CORES. promising enough to ultimately place her high in the ranks of our Canadian singers. She was henrd in a variety of selec tions, including the aris 'from "Robert Je Diable" {Meverbeer), "Angels Ever Bright and Fair." an Orditi waltz waltz song: "A May Morning," and a group of short songs, v least job. lope syrup and butter, Crawford's, "He stuck 'to the throttle and saved bIED A MER JOSEPH JACKSON GAVE HIS LIFE FOR OTHERS. The - Engineer Stuck - To His Throttle--Officials Of C. P. R. Present at His, And John Toole's Funeral. Ottawa, Feb. 12.--The funerals of John O'Toole, baceageman. and Jos: eph Jackson, engineer, killed in the C.P.R. Sand Point wreck, took place to-day, and were largely attended. OF ficials of the C.P.R. were present, and the company also sent wreaths. Mr, Jackson's funeral was expecially laree the public sympathy being increased by the fact that he died a hero's death, it being plainly evident that he could have jumped and saved his life, other lives. Mr. Toole's obhsequies were conduct. ed by Rev. Father Whelan, of St. Pat- rick's ¢hurch, and Mr. Jackson's hv Rev. W. R. Read, of St. Luke's 'church. -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, -- Local Notes And Also Things ia General. a J. Haines, Belleville, is seriously mn. Just to the taste, maple syrup and butter. Crawford's, A mild spell cannot come any too ROOD, Butter rolls or ford's. Tartes, assorted layer cakes, fresh pastries at Ferguson's. R. G. Murphy and 'D. Derbyshire, Brockvi le, are in the city. Crothers' home-made is the best bread that can be made. Just to the taste, maple syrup and butter. Crawford's. Quinn & Dennee #.ll hay, straw and grain at reasonable prices. Col, Drury, may be sent to Japan | as 'a Canadian military attache! The moving = pictures matinee on and dience: It wil keep you warm, not too warm, but just right, maple syrup. Ceawlord, , ext to belag a literary person most any woman would rather have her son lead the singing in church. Just to the taste, maple syrup and butter. Crawford's. Tho funeral of the late Nelson Rob inson has been postponed until Mon: day afternoon, when his brother, Nor man, will have arrived from Calgary, NW.T, Hickory nuts are just what they're cracked. Crawford's, A line of boys' three-piece suits, siz es 298 to 34, will be put on sale to- morrow morning, at our thirty days' surprise sale, for $2.50. These roods are well made and trimmed, and are usually sold at #4 and $4.50. Roney & Co. Maple syrup and butter. Crawford's. The civic fire and | ght conunittes met in secret wession vesterday and Ciscussed the subject of the neatly tion of the plant of the Light, Heat & Power company. The members did pot have any informaticn to give to the press ° our HIGH NOON. Originally It Was 3 o'Clock In the I Aftermoon, The word "nbon" is originally de- rived from the Latin nona bora. the ninth hour of the Romans, the 3 o'clock of today, but no clew is given as to when or why the change took place which made "noon" mean midday, or 12 o'clock. This will be discovered if we-go back to early times, for then great deference was paid to Saturday afternoon as a preparation for. the Sabbath, when work was eased all over the land. In 968 King Edgar his ecclesiastical laws laid it dows that "Sabbath shall be observed from Saturday 'noon' till light appears on Monday morning.' Johnson, commenting upon this, says "noon" is 8 o'clock, and remained so till the reformation. How, then, came it to mean 12 o'clock? In this way: Monks, by their rules, were not to dine till they bad sung thelr "nones." or noontide service. When midday, 12 o'clock, began to be the time of eating and drinking the monks, who were also the masters of language in the dark ages, anticipated both their devotions and their meals by singing "nones" immediately after the 12 o'clock service. Thus the "noon" of old was merged into the "noon" of today, and for a time distinction was made between the two by calling 13 o'clock noon and 8 o'clock "bigh noon," as it appears in "The Shepherd's Al manack." Animal Barometers. The tortoise is not an animal one would naturally fix upon as likely to be afraid of rain, but it is sibgularly so. Twenty-four hours or more before rain falls the Galapagos tortoise makes for some convenient shelter. On & bright clear morning, when not a cloud prints, 20c. Craw |' Saturday should attract a large a; § 1 package of Best Corn Starch. 13¢., 20¢:, 28. A v Sloshée Vie: . Daisy Tea Kettles, 20e. . bottle of Vaseline. Vietor; Flour ifters, 15c. 3 Wax Candles. Stove pen 100. 3 papers Best Pins. Tron Handles, 100. 10¢. tin Taleum Powder, 1 good Dressing Comb. 1 dozen Best Flat Shoe Laces. 144 White Agate Buttons. ° 1 Good Chamois Skin. 1 pack of Playing Cards. 5 Large Juicy Oranges. 4 Large Juicy Lemons. 2 Big. Scribblers. 8 China Nesy Eggs. 1 quire Note Paper. 3 cakes Castile Soap. Niokel Stove Irons, 85. ~~ ¢ Mrs. Potts' Sad Jrons, § pieces, 85c. Porridge Plates, white, fo. each. English Tronsteme China Cups, only ator 0s" 0S a 3 Glass Water Sets, complete, nickel server, pitcher and 6 glasses, reguldse 81, for 69. en Wicker Clothes Baskets, 386. and 45es 3 Hanging Lamps at a big bargain, 956 per cent. off. CANDY COUNTER lio s-- WOOD'S FAIR a ® ae i TO-MORR Lots of BIG SNAPS in every Don't miss to-morrow's offerings. Ah SPECIAL. FOR MEN ONE LOT of Men's $500 Patent Colts, Viel : Kid, Box Calf, ec. The best ma America, including "Just "Wright Small sizes. a © AE83 See Window. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BR 9 nin ~ dh cab mn ! Were to raise his hammer and cry "How ; Much Am 1 Offered »* we firmly believe your * bid in many cases would exceed our present marked prices on following lines. | Man's Coon Skin Fur Coat, sige; - About 2 doten Dark Neck Pure, 45 50x50, regular value 850, auction ham- Ruffs; $1.50 to' mar price $35. 5 Metis Coon Bkin Fur Coats, sizes 42. 44, 46, 45, 50, value $60, now $38. | Natural Wombat and 1 Russian Calf Fur Coat, value $28, now $14.50, 40, at wholesald figures. ~ ' } Brown Dyed Wombat Fur Coat, Women's and Misses' Black and Grax j value $25, now 816.50. Cloth Ulsters, Jackets and Capes 1 Black Curly, rubber lined, usually | reduced to exact wholesale 'cost styled the Storm King, 818, now $12. | New Dress Goods, Prints, 6 Grey Lamb Wedges, $2.50, for | Bhirtings, Cottons and' Bm The space J Wl $1.75. ling 'in on 'us. Sestpiel : I Misses' Grey Tam, 85 for $3.50. Pp our furs we want, and wi at 4 Grey Lamb Collars, $4.50, for | once. : . : Le 3 $246. Every article Tn this list will te sold 6 Extra Superior Grey Lamb Col- | as shanply as i by an auctioneer. lars, 87.50, for 85.50 each. Come and make us a bid. is to be seen, the denizens of a tortoise farm on the African coast may be seen sometimes heading for the nearest over- down during the day, and, as a rule, it comes down in torrents. The sign nev-/ er fails, This presensation, to coin 8 the feline with the canine is invariable the deponent saith not), uttering: cu ous notes. Other birds, ipeluding familiar robin, it is said, give gz Just too sweet for anything, maple syrup. Crawfords Maple svrup. (trawford's. The milkman believes that to the One dozen cakes Virgin Castile Soap 2 86¢c, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Blores pure all things sire pure. hanging rocks, When that happens, the | proprietor knows that rain will come | evidence of an impending change in | "on Pebimary Oth, at the residence Crumley Bros'. | Farewell Fur Sale, CANNEL COAL YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night, Try it. - P. WALSH - 85-57 Barrack Street. KINGSTON BRANCH Clarence Chambers, Clarence St. of the bride's father, Picton, Miss Alice Rorke, was married te John Christie. The guests were limited to a To all steel filled corset, at 50s, our worth 760. New York Dress Reform.

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