© Shou uld be ommends .itself because of its purity and economy, and every one who tries it recommends £2 ~ LIPTON'S TEA {A COLD-BLOODED PROPOSITION the beverage Should Weak and Sickly Be Killed oR? or KE. Benjamin Andrews, of the Umiversity of Nebraska, made a surange propuecy in, the of a defence of methods of the Standard wil pany in crushing weak cowpe- titors. It was inspired by a discussion that has raged through the state on the advisability of accepring an ofier of aid to the university. trom J. b. Rockefeller. It is contended by those the offer that the university THIRTY MILLIONS The assets have increased to ~ SIX MILLIONS - Axd the surplus to considerably HALF A MILLION District Manager, Kingston, Ont This is a Genuine Sale ! Clearing Balance of Fall and Winter ~ SUITINGS AT GOST. Before buying elsewhere SEE OUR $16 Scotch Tweed Suitings. Our regular trimmings and workmao- manship guaranteed or mo sale. THIS IS FOR CASH ONLY A. C. Waggoner - SKATES Properly Ground with Special : Machine and Fitted to Boots. = Su bey 3 FOR SALE. J. RC. DOBBS & 00, 171 Wellington Street. CLIFF, EEE RE Soving Machines, Typowilrs 57 opposing hould be supported by taxation, and not by donations irom men, who might in time influence educational methods. The chancellor declared that the universities were depending too much on the rich for support. He de fended Mr. Rockefeller's business me thods, and declared that the Stand- ard Oil company imously strove to buy in its competitors rath- er than crush them. "Like mercifully ly wringing its neck" was to him. "'kxactly," he retorted. "Ihe is a one." Then he made t society would eventu- ally be the: judge of those who were to grow to manhood or wol 5 would determine whether the in- valid had chance emough to merit his battle for life. "Society as it becomes i will souffi out the y and deformed infants, ing at maturi- ves. As the cradle, so will it be with gE 1 i > 8 E 3 8 E SLE BoE i i £ i g iy. i ke il you have mentioned in his co ¥ les 1 do not endorse it. Mr. eller is but the head of a great corporation. It may not be fair to him personally to account for the acts of that corporation." LAWYER ROBBED OF $60,000. Theft in a London Hotel Pussies The Police. Scotland Yard can find no explana tion of the mysterious and sensation ance of £12,000 ($50,000) in of England notes from the Hotel Metropole last Friday owhitg. George Marshall, the solicitor of Duke of Newcastle, to whom the mo- ney god; came to London on Thursday with notes to the value o £18,000 (890,000). That night he left the wallet with the hotel cashier. The next morning he received the wallet from the er with the notes oll right. He locked the - wallet up and put it in his portmanteau, closed the without locking it and then went downstairs to be shaved. When he returned an hour later he found that the wallet had been cut open and£18,000 of the £18,000 gone. The sum of £6,000 ($30,000) in a separate Jove had apparently been over- 1 - Mr. Marshall stated that on the night of his arrival 4 well-dressed man brushed t him, saying 'Good evening." In the same morning he met the same man on the stairs. He sus- pects this man, but there is no clew to his identity. i A Trip To The West Indies. On Wednesday, February 17th, the 8 hip pany will des- patch from New York on a trip to the West Indies their fast sailing 3,000 ton steamship "Parina." The voyage, will take a month and the ports of call are the following West India Islands : St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, An- Demind Gordo $130. Tickets can be purchased at local ticket agencies. Kingston Rheumatism ' Ought to be called by its right name--Kidney Disease. Uric Acid gets in the blood, because the Kidneys are too weak to filter it ont. 'Blood purifiers" ~--"salts"'--only relieve tem- meys to do their work, and there ill be no more excruciating amatic pains. And until Rev. J. G. Greenhough, MA. of Leicester, Eng., has undertaken to write a history of the Baptists. you do cure the kidneys you will suffer with Rheumatism. GIN PILLS We have such implicit confidence In the remarkable virtues of GIN PILLS that we Suthorize druggists to the mney if they fail to cure. At alf 'druggists, Soc box, 6 boxes for $2.90 or direct from = | william Vanderbilt's Automobile BROADBRINS Letter From Greater New 7 York. GREAT SHOCKS FILLED THE PAST HAVE WEEK IN GOTHAM. Splurge Causes Excitement-- The Great Cotton Famine--An Honest Man is Dead. Letter Correspondence; No. 1,395). ew York, Feb. 12.--The week just ended has been one of continual elec trie shock. The cotton market, Tuesday, d to pl ise fortunes for She hixioks ee led into ing large 8, but, be- fore the week was ended they found themselves almost literally stranded, and realized most bitterly that cotton was no longer king. One 'day it was 'THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13. Gi tocrat; and in another a democrat of wealth, but he seemed y to God's almoner; he associated. with the wealthiest in the land, but he recog- nized that those who had never known fortune's smiles were his fellow men; he fulfilled the old adage: "If you see some poor fellow drép by the way,. : Don't give him a treat. nor ask him to Don't' uve him alone by himself to make shift, But stretch out your hand, man, and give him a lft." William C. Whitney reached out his hand to the poor men and lifted him up. He found him straightforward, and honest, and a stoker om a loco- motive; his good conduct had gained him /a 'conductorship on one of Mr. Whitney's railroads. In the mgke-up of men that win the great prizes of life, we find energy, honesty and am- Lition; it was these qualities that Mr. Whitey found in him; it required money to be a director of any of these railroads, and Mr. Vreeland had none; Mr. Whitney supplied it and) made him president of the street rail- road ition in New York. This was but one of the many acts which marked him as a foremost citizen of his times. Many of his farreachifig charities will never be known except to God, the recipient, and himself. He was a broad-guaged man, whom the city can but poorly afford to spare. It was not merely as a railroad man up higher than Babel's towers, the next, the speculators were struggling Si and a speculator that he was known. Named to succeed John W. tional Live Stock Association. FRANK J. HAGEN BARTH, OF IDAHO. as president of the Na- ringer At present he is general manager of sve Wood Live Stock company, and is well known in the west. in the slough of despond, where there was weeping, and wailing, and gnash- ing of teeth, 1 was reminded of that old song "Hope told a flattering tale, much longer "han my arm." 'they for- got the old philosopher's caution "Never put your arm out further than you can bring it back." If New York was peralyzed with the different changes in the cotton market, Man- chester, the great weaving depot of Lagland, suliered- worse; - her looms 'were stopped on account 'of not being able to secure the raw material; thou- sands of spinners and weavers wander- ed the streets with starvation staring them in the face; and they then re- alized more fully their entire depend ence on the United States for their supply of cotton, which was to them their very life-blood. There have come to the surface wild dreams of some place which shall give a supply of this important article. Perhaps on the banks of the Ganges, or on the recently acquired acres in South Africa between the Orange Free State and Cape Town. Every spot on the globe, where cotton could possibly be grown was looked to with hope, but failed in realization. No substitute has been found for the fine-fibered Sea Island cotton, so beautifully - delicate, that y's shawl 3 a piece the size of a lad might be put into an ordinary thimble. A speculator is here now, who means to make Corea, from whom he has received concessions, a rival of the 'United States, in the raising of cotton. Here, and in England, he proposes to raise several millions, to transport negro cotton farmers from the southern states, furnish them with fortable homes in Corca and give them land and tools to work . with, where millions of acres are ready for the plow. " Amo the startling revelations of the wi was the performance of Wil- liam K. Vanderbilt, Jr., who in his fnvarite autumabile, smashed all the world reco: or , by goi at the rate of 100 Ege, ae E thes exceeding the flight of the carrier- pigeon, whose power and speed has pever been tested or kmown. This am- bitious young aristocrat, now the king of automobilists, has not glory enough, but seeks also to cleave the air, and is t _ to induce Santos- Dumont to build him a flying machine with which to revel among the stars, and perhaps pay a visit to the moon, Venus is our nearestineighbor, amd should be much like us, as the time of her rotation in her orbit is 224 days, while ours is 365. Perhaps he may be able to tell us about the canals on Mars, and, now that our legislature and executive differ on the ap] ria- tion for the improvement of the Erie canal, they might use the money mot sppropeinted, or his investigation of canals on Mars, and if his dis coveries do not make a lumatic of him, it will be the tallest feather that ever ornamented the cap of a Vander bilt. It was like an electric shock to New York City when the word came that William C. Whitney was dead. THE BOLE DRUG CO., WINNIPEG, man up it hard to bear, He was eminently a William C. Whitney was secretary of our navy at the most critical time 'in our history. While he occupied this office, the time came w wooden | ships could no longet be trusted for the national defence; the discoveries in electricity and other powers map- ped out the way for the greyhounds of steel, which, in defiance of wind and wave, cleave the ocean at a speed of twenty-five miles an hour. No such radical cha in a great power had ever taken place before. All De to the memory of our noble secretary who has been called from our midst to receive his reward. He needs no eulogist to record his imperial. ser- vice to the world, for om the stome beneath which he sleeps the epitaph shall be, "Here lies an honest man." | BROADBRIM. Catching Cold. Allow yourself to "run down' and you catch cold from the first germ that comes your way. Wade's , oe Tonic Pills make you cold proof hy giving you rich healthy blood. the ind that kills all disease germs. In Joxes, 26c., at Wade's. Money back i not satisfactory. Aldermen, stop the leaks ! fits | il {ECONOMICAL HOUSEAEEPERS USE WalterBakers Cocoa and Chocolate Because they yield THE MOST and BEST FOR THE MONEY The Finest Cocoa in the World 40 Hi Awards in re ut in Europe Our Choice Recipe Book, sent free, will teil you how to make Fudge and a great variety of dainty dishes from our Cocos and Chocolate. ADDRESS OUR BRANCH HOUSE Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. 12 and 14 St. John Street MONIREAL, P. Q.r CHURCH WORK. LAUNCHED A NEW RELIG- I0US CRUSADE. The Canadian Pew Endowed In a Berlin Church--The Founder is Still Living--Agreed On a Basis. Rev. G. H. Davis, Woodstock, has accepted g call to the First Baptist church, Lobo. ev. H. H. Pereira, M.A., Vicar of Croydon, has been appomted bishop sutiragan, of Croydon. The United States Methodist Ipis- copal church has 18,208 ordained pteachers and 3,029,560 members. Individual communion cups Eave been introduced into several of the Congregational churches in London. A_need is expressed in the Church of kagland for a suitable form of hymns and prayers at the burial of children. Rev. J. LU. Farthmg, New St Paul's, Woodstock, has been appoint ed a canon of London cathedral by Bishop Baldwin, . It is proposed to divide the kpisco- pal diocese of Nova Scotia Lape bre ton and Prince kdwafd Island would go to form a new diocese. 'the joint committee represending the two Methodist Connexions in Irclanda has agreed on a basis of union which is to be recommended to the two con- ferences. To Archdeacon Sandiord, one of the best known *+ the clergy of the west of England, has been entrusted the work of editing the Archbishop Temple. The unanimous call of St. Paul's church, Nelson, B.C., to Rev. J.T. Ferguson, M.A., of Cupar Fife, Scot land, has been sustained by the Pres- bytery of Kootenay. Rev. J. A. Morrison, formerly of Ta- ronto, but now of St. John, N.B., has received a call to the First Presby terian church, at Chicago. 1his church has a notable record. At a meeting of the board of the Methodist church an invitation was extended to the Rev. Mr. Sykes, past or of St. James church, Montreal, to become pastor of the Smith's Falls church. Rev. J. Flanagan has raised £2, 000 of the £3,600 required for purchas- ing. the freehold oi the St. Ueorge's Hall, Southwark, the headquarters of the Primitive Methodist South-east London mission. : The selection of Prebendary Bev- an, rector of the Chelsea, for the archdeaconry of Middlesex, England is meeting with strong opposition, on the ground that Mr. Bevan is suffici- ently provided for already. The Presbyterian Church Missionary officials in the United States are much interested in events in Corea. They have 312 churches, with 6,391 com- municants: and 6,000 Sunday school pupils in the Hermit Nation. Rev. John F. Damon is dead in Seattle of pneumonia. He was known all over the Pacific north-west as the "marrying parson," having married 2,985 couples. It is said that he held the record in the United States. Simultaneously with the publication of the new Hymn Tuné Book of the British Wesleyan church, a special Australian edition, containing over forty additional hymns, chosen by the hie of the late Australian committee, will also be printed. Centennial Methodist church, Vie- toria, B.C., has a young men's club that has rooms fitted, up for reading, games, etc. It is aiming at providing a means of social enjoyment among voung men who are without friends in the city." The board of Trinity College, Dub- lin, has offered the heads of the Rom- an Catholic church pemmission to ap- point a suitable person to look after the religious training of Roman Cath- olic students in the university, but the offer has been sternly refused. In the last three years more than 2,000 have been added to the South- ern Baptist mission churches in Braz- il. JHe Baptists of Germany have in- creased from 15,362 to 31,710 during the last twenty-five. years. There are about "thirty Baptist churches in Ita- y. The Baptist churches of New York city and vicinity have a permanent ordination council. This council holds the conviction that candidates for the ministry should be examined upon their knowledge of the English Bible, as well as upon their Christian ex- perience, call to the ministry, and views of Christian truth. Rev. Louis H. Jordan, formerly of St. James Square, Toronto, sent to the Rev. Dr. Dickie, of the new Ameri- can Church in Berlin, a Christmas gift of $1,000 to be applied to endow "The Canadian Pew' for the use of students or visitors from the Domin- ion. Mr. Jordan desired in this way to establish a memorial of his moth- er. Benjamin Fay Mills has launched a new religious crusade, with social and economic bearings, in San Diego and Los Angeles. His gospel, he says, is "a restatement of the fundamental truth that unselfishness is the solu- tion of every individual and social problem'; it is "Christian in the true sense, and teaches that the life we be- lieve Jesus to have liyed is the life. men ought to live, and it recognizes the same gospel at the heart of every great relirion." Not many people are probably aware of the fact that the founder of the En~lish Ragged School Union is still alive. Samuel" Robert Starey is eighty-three years old, but can still take a keen interest in the progress of the work in which he was a prime mover so many vears ago. He has re- cently written a letter to the children who are helping the Ragged School Union, and in it he says : "My work on earth is almost done--vours is just beginning. pe I would commend to vou the loving care of other child- ren less favored than vourselves--the oor. the crippled, the blind, the rac hatever vou do for them in the true spirit of Christ, you do for Him, 'Voluntary' Christian work should be the very best work done on earth. May vours be ever such." The One Draw Back. Hamilton Herald. J. Plerpont Morgan appears to be guite fond of Montreal. If it were not for Montreal's awful pavement he might buy the place. SRN LNA Sunlight Soap contains no free or. surplus alkali to eat the face off linoleums, destroy the fabric or injure the pattern. Sunlight Soap is made of pure vegetable oils and fats™ perfectly blended with pure soda. Professor W. Hodgson Ellis, Official. Analyst to the Dominion Government, after thoroughly analyzing the chemical properties of SUNLIGHT SOAP states that 'it contains that high percentage of oil or fat necessary to a good laundry soap and no unsaponified fat, no free alkali nor loading mixture, no adulteration whatever." It will wash clothes white, and is economical in the laundry. Sunlight Soap, when used according to directions, will do It needs less labor and twice as much as common soap. brings brighter wash days. -------- BUY THE OCTAGON BAR. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA 101 i We trust Seeds, al EIR EE! Ladies and Girls, You Can Earn This Handsome Fur Scarf best in Canada, Every packag: ated in x2 colors and pos hy 61 of the rarest, prettiest t varieties in every imaginable color. ackages are positively the largest, the best and the most beautiful ever sold for 1oc. SEND NO MONEY imply write us that you would like and most fr: Our Sweet Pea P: to earn this tpaid, the so large kages of Sweet A at a hth Sot. one of which is to be given away free with every package. When sold, retura the money and we will immediately send you absolutely free this HANDSOME FUR SCARF Over 4o inches long, Sy atest tipi. It a fully equal in appearance test styl t ful in a to any $10.00 Fur Scarf, 7 HELEN RAYMOND, the Searf and am much delight ingsuch » beautiful fur for so little work. The . Scarf would cost $4.00 in our store." MRS. GRARAM, South New #0 thank you for my beautiful Far of whas I expected, Ihave been find that I could not get one lke it for than $3.00. Ladies and Girls don't miss this Handsowe Pus Sou fot eal a ur Scarf and we will mail 5 u Pea inches wide, made fram selected six fine full black iails, tbe N.B., writes: "I received ted with it, I had na iden of gui, same kind of chance to get & 8 to_have our Seeds THE » DEPT. vis TORONTO EXTRA con. MANTLE NEWS Prices are mercilessly slaughtered during the stock-_ reducing Sale which precedes Annual Inventory. Shrewd economical shoppers know this and each ycar more take advantage of the undoubted money-saving opportunities. : greatest Mantle advantage of which means dollars :-- Spence & Co., Without ex geration the following is one of the argains we have ever offered, to take a saving of many valuable $5.00 Coats for ................. $3.49. 0.00CORMBIOF uo vrvvi rive. 200 CORIS fOr ....o cirri 2.80 Coats for ..:....00.0000: 0 These Coats excel in style, fit and workmanship. Sizes, 30 to 40. 3.99. 4.98. 5.285. The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. FUSE WIRE Diphip corsets worth $1 for 6bc. New York Dress Reform. We are the only Canadian Manufacturers: efficiencey guaranteed. THE CANADA METAL CO., William St., Toronto. Highest | TERETE 71ST YEAR ® This saying fw ally true of this {| NDER\ : Darg nA \ x Men's 'Heav & Wool Fleece-I @ sizes, usually = $1 to $1.75. X At This Salo is JENK Ladies' Fille We have a few year ' Hunting F with Guaranteed A ments. We are ab while they last at © $10 e: SMITH 1} Jewellers and Opticiai NEW GR HAVING HAD thoroughly ~ overhauled have opened it again ; and my old friends a depend on getting eve new in the grocery li Full lines of Hay, Fee cordial invitation is any old' patrons to re age. Will also be Eg new faces. G. H. W Princess and University MOTHER HENDY'S ALL HEALING PRICE, 25 WILL, CURE Buran Cuts, t Rheum, Children' Hi ; -§8kb-BY DR "WHAT? B The City Parcel 1 ters at 149 Syden orders by 'Phone pre Parcels, Trunks, Vali ete., moved to and fr city Charges low. 'Phone 269. Residenc "> F. D. BF BUSINESS I CAN QUICKLY without publicity, W state or Partnershi located, Send me It es, etc. Address, C W. Mohowk St., Buf eee $20 RE LOST ONE HUNI Jarge bills on Satus ruary 13th, from Cl Post Office, along above reward will b to the owner throug ------ es A GOOD GENERA ply to Mrs. Sm -------------------- AN EXPERIENCE] to Mrs. F. W eee AN EXPERIENCE] ply at General and 8. -- ements STEAM LAUNCH State particular H., care Whig TO PURCHASE A 7 rooms, mode tion, from $1.50 "pP, this oflice -------------------- > = LADY'S GOLD W Chain and Fo night, or Sund will be rewan Whig Office FOR SALE THAT MODERN Bagot street. n veniences all May Ist. Api 350 King St TO FROM MAY FIlI Clergy strect, seven rooms, 1 thirteen dollars Rrock street. A CHIN May Be Built i iff's Londen, Ont. ton. Ohio., man a china factory the city will ind ernment' to In china manufac! cent. apninst al ing of the manu the city council, to offer the cou cmption from t ask thes govern: tarifi on chinaw tent proposed. Save from on your boys' ndvi,