rege an Ee wing ins ngs and opens the t sare, It coun. to result in pneun- both adults and ge ize oc. ge stock re the late of cottons, ng at' the reely f t them at s is now a oo 12¢. h lish Cotton, light ble - and a great fa- children's under- 12}4¢, 18¢c., f20C, 's wear. etings twilled, * 30c., 25C, . 236 ps. v Bc,y 20C. ' 25¢. e time as long if urday f bargains which l t Ladies': Kid Strap Slippers. $3.50 d "and Blain, regular 2.50, now $2. + Lot Kid Strap Slippers,worth for $i. sits Ladies' Em) PoP all for $2. LA x 30. THE DAILY H 71ST YEAR. NO. 37. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 190%. FEBRUARY DAILY MEMORANDA. FURNITURE EVERYTH'NG REDUCED. A grand opportunity to from 20 to 25 per cent. saved on each Durchase. SIDEBOARDS Choice 1 cut Oak, neatly carved, set with British Plate Mirrors. JAPANESE MINISTER. He is Head of Embassy at Wash- BOTKIN CASE. The Woman May. Soon Be Uparn house announcements on p only had sense gh to keep his m uth shut. A boy's best friend is his mother, And a man's best frie nd is his v |sECOND TRIAL WILL BE HELD DURING $70 Sideboards, $25 Sideboards, COUCHES | Velour Couches, son who can't sing and will $11 Couches, now at... .. $6.50 Couches, now at .. Through Eating Poisoned man's Husband. KOGORO TAKAWIRA Washington, Feb. 13 3 ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House. Ambulance Telephone 577. Wood Burning Outfit We have them from $1 up. Also An Artistically Framed Picture Our Frames are MADE IN KING- the critical condition of aff : address delivered in New yn Thursday night at the n uet of the Silk Associs SPE P FESR II LIS STON and are guaranteed by the KIRKPATRICK $" 5c Ladies' Filled Watchesi|s have a few Ladies' Hunting Filled Watches; with Guaranteed American" Move- Destroyed By Mine. New York, Feb despatch just to hand says a Russian transport been destroyed by a Rus- sian mine and ninety-one of the crew killed at Port Ar- Delightful the more enjoyable hecause A exqu sito You will be interested in our dis hr cRUERTSN 5805. BROS. + +444 IIHF THEIR MEN TO REPLACE WOMEN, We are able to sell these while they last at $10 each. SMITH BR.OS., Jewellers and Opticians, Will Hire No More Female Steno- wi died soon in great ae Each of ake and are selling fWhoner clerics ul positions | by ie Ein placed | by young me when one leaves the boxWvas a friendly her position will by The Greatest of Entertainers GEORGE GROSSMITH 1 | oil 3: The Mode: rn Choir Mast 7 50 25 for men and women, dang ment the report ths the far east is now dismissed 'as most improbable due to the limited anhifieitions of wo men in railroad work and the impossi piity of advancing them to higher po mond Stick Pins, also our stocks of is worth a special ister, to our store to see, do not intend to buy. ---------- ADMIRAL URIU A CHRISTIAN. A* Graduath L Annapolis--His Wife of Vassar. dence as to the purchase of the candv the handwritine of Mrs. i our Eure they are genuine 'bar , the victor at Chemuipo is well hn wn to several naval offic P. B. CREWS, Corner Princess & Wellington Sts. Ly have oper it again as a Tr store equent advantaope to Iriends aad customers in the krocery Tine at right prises Full lines of Hay, SEEEICRCETIBIATISIIES KINGSTON 'COVERED DAVIDSON'S o Fi | 6h PROGRA MME Urin (nronounced Princess wi University La MOTHER HENDY'S OINTMENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. DRAGGED MANY MILES. WHAT ? To: Dining Car Hand Got Arm Caught :., moved to and from all pa Band In Attendance. "KINGSTON COVERED RIRK HOCKEY MATCH UPPER CANADA COLLEGE VS. BEECHGROVES. MONDAY. Feb. F. D. BRADLEY BUSINESS BROKER 1 CAN QUICKLY SELL, - seller's Terrible End A LAWYER ARRESTED. a ATE PROPRIATARY PILLS both legs frozen and In Parents Absence, And Die most Instantly )OD PLAIN. COOK ------ eet AN EXPERIENCED NI RSE a box of propriatary Methodist Colleges ned and treated him eee AN EXPERIENCED LAUNI smouth philosopher.) , from £1,500 io $2,000. that Premier Stourd R SALARY AND POSI- x ngin cering. , Telegrap shy, at h ome. Thom as A, Edison indorses n- sizes, egal Soadjuter to Bishop Doane Boots for Men. gola leather, at y2 per cent. reduction. FOR SALE OR TO-LET. EMPTY FORTS. psi, Garrisons Were Absent From Station. A BRITISH SHIP WAS FIRED ON BY RUSSIAN GUARDSHIP. Sorry That This Happened After The Permit Was Shown--Ja- pan is Likely to Be Soon in, Possession of Port Arthur. Lemdon. Feb, 13.-A Times despatch from Wei Hai-Wei says that the Bri tish steamer Fu Ping (Capt. Gray) with Chinese refugees from Port Ar thur, has arrived thers with'a report of the Japanes thur last Menday night which adds to the known fact that' the garrisons at attack oR Port Ar the forts were absent from theie sta tions and retaliation upon the Jap anese flect was impossible, "Thy Ku Ping, which was flying the Dri ish flag and which had a Russian permit pass o a Russian guard ship. As she moved out of the harbor, the guard. ship fired three shells at close range, wounding five of the Chinsese aboard the Fu Ping Ihe ~steamer's captain boarded the guardship, and, vhowing Lis permit to leave, the Russians said they were very sorry ior what had happened, and allowed the captain to I, after signing a promise not to proc divu what had « d. The cap tain says the Russian fleet appeared to be completely demoralized Opinion in well informed ciretes here that Port Arthur will be the cen tre of the next vigorous movement of the Japanese forces and the British government has informaticn which leads it to belive that Japan is like lv to be in possession of Port Arthur fobin now. In the best informed Jap anese circles here it is privately thought that the war will be over by July. Those British officers who were cognizant of ths extraordinary thor oughness with which Japen prepared for war are inclined to share the Jap anese view regarding the duration of the struggle. Nothing more has been heard regarding the Russian Baltic fleet and in view of the difficulties and wa involved 3 any such move it is en route for Baren Hayashi, the Japanese min denving the possibility' of members of the crow of the Russian cruiser Palla: da being poisoned by the fumes from shells loaded with melinite, He says that the Japanese torpedoes are Eng lish made, and are loaded with gun cotton, A despatch from Rome announces that Mr Moyer, the American ambass ador, has beeh Summoned to Berlin by the kaiser to take part in a conference with other ambassadors, with the ob. ject of securing uniformity of action en the part of the powers as regards the war A Russian Times says frank noes, that Russia has been play ing with Japan throughout the nego tions. The object of all the dip dly declares, was 10 secure some right or advantage. It is not worth while to conduct negotiations for the purpose of losing rights or permitting cnsseli to be put at'a diendvantage, Russia, in begirning the nego iatic ns which must lead to the { her rights and to the advant apan could have only one in ble object to goin time and to and fleet in readiae "TWAS A CANADIAN. Who Laid The Foundations of the Japanese Fleet London Feb, 13. --Cassier's Maga i y foundations of the Jap 1 vere laid by the Canadian Vi Sir Archibald Lucius Dou B., during his jdission Sir Archibald Lucius selected in IS proceed to wander of the naval station to ruct the Japanese navy. He served ax director of the Imperial Japanese t Yodd th r Japan, and rvices {roan the alwmiralty while for two vears of the Em vroval of his Naval Colle and rece dine that avnointment, d « has seen much ser as mideldpman and lieutenant in the operations in the operations in the Congo and Gambia rivers during the commission of the Arrocant, on that coast, and cow manded a minhoat in the great inkes during the Fenian invasion of 1866, He was 'captain of the Seraph durin the naval and military operations in the Sondan in 1884, rr which he re Kh dive's bronze star. and subsequent Iv the Edinburgh, under the late Sir George Tryon The admiral born in Quebee on February th, and was the son of the late Dr. Georoe Mellis Douolas ction physician of that rort, He entered the roval navy as a cadet on ination of CovernorGeneral Sir BE. W. Head, in April, 15 The temperence supporters in the township of Sault Ste, Marie, ncind ing village of Steelton, have var ried gx local option prohibiting by daw by a majority of one h inidred. th Henry Cunningham, piano taner from Chickering's. Orders roceived at McAuley's book store, Princess street. is quoted hy tha Daily Mail as SUNK JAPANESE SHIP A Report To Hand By Way Of. Yokahama. Yokohama, Feb. 13.1 is reported here that the Russian warship Girone. boi, Rossia, Burik and Bogatyr sunk the Japanse merchant steamer Akour Nari off Hokkaido on Febru Ih -- The Story Denied. St. Petersburg, Feb, 13.~The report that Japanese troops had landed at Port Arthur, with the loss of two re giments, © is denied authoritatively. Rothing is known here officially ve gaiding the movements of the Vliadi- voitock squadron, but the reports that it had senk Japanese transports off Wonsan aml destioyed Hakodate, are genorally disc redited, it being pointed out that it is impossible for. the savadion to have bee in the two plates almost simultancous sly. Great Land Battle. Che Foo, Feb. ~That 5 great land battle is ly fought, to-day, on the hanks of the Yalu, is the be- lief of those who have been in con stant receipt of dispatches from Coren "Wore than 9,000 Russian troops have bern sent Mukdomn, towards the Yala, while the Japan se have been rushing troops aggrogating 80,000 from four _ ports towards Wiju. Returning § Confidence St. Pet rebury, Feb. ~The firs} feclng of depression is Ramat and entire confidence is expressed in the ultimate success of the Russian army. A cistingui-hed Russion said the slight reverses sustained at the outset have had a good effect, The Russians no longer despise the enemy. "That was. n mistake which we made, The Japanese certainly are excellent fighters, who will be treated with the respect they deserve." ~ Russian Ship Blown Up. St. Petorsburg, Feb. 13.~A report haw been received from Viceroy Alexioff waving that the Russian torpedo boat transport Yeniw ih has been blown up af the result of accidentally suiling a mine at Port Arthur. The. Yemisvih and Capt. Stepanoffy three officers and pincly-one men were lost. The 'Yeniscih was probably | laden with torpedoos ond mines, whish che wan, jlaniing around « Port Arthur against the next attack of the Japan ese fleet; if so, the explosion must have been tersile. The Yenisoih was a vessel of 2,500 tons; 300 feet long, with high freoboard, two funnels and two masty, Shoe has porta int in hen lony over-hanging counter, through} which to lower wises. Russia has two other vessels of this type, to carry torpedoes from stations to war ships. The Yenineth was armed with pondint of the at the war has broken out the Novos Verymea throws off the mask and admits, with cynical natic nogotiations, the paper ean antage of that time to get now sixty-four years by the an as ved the Egyptian medal and the five three inch rapid fire ond ex three-pound rapid fire gums, She made 19.6 knots on her speed tifal. Far Reaching Results. Londen, Féb. 13.~The Teleeraph, which lately gave conspicuousness to & rumor of Germany's intention to block the Baltic if Great Britain be- came involved in the war, now eives promine nee to a statement, purporting to have come from its St. Petersburg correspondent, to the effect that if the fortune of war foes against Russia a diversion likely to lead to far-reach ine results is conlidently expected from Germany. The paver says: "Al ready proposals are affirmed to have been made by the chief of that state, which if accepted, will considerably complicate matters, The German gov ernment is especially bitter with Eng- land, and will support Russia diplo- matically in any action tending to bring the question of the evacuation of We-Hai-Wei before The Havue tric bunal. Germany's fixed resolution is to avail herself of the present crisis to win back Russian friendship and oust France from favor, but the proposals which have emanated from Berlin are definite and concrete, and if accented, are likely to interest Europe move keenly than the war." To Observe Neutrality. Nerlin, Feb, 13.~The imperial chan: cellor, Count Von Buelow. to-de= is sued a proclamation, directing Gers man subjects to observe in all their relation the strictest neutralite The officers of the crown are chareed to soe that -mentzality is enforced. Still At Kronstadt. Conenhapen, Feb, 13,5The Russian fleet ix roported to be still at Kron adt, where the ice breaker Ermae is keoping the channel open. The reports that the fleet had heen seen at Kat tegal were erroneous, . Detained British Ship. London, Feb. 13.~The owners of the British steamer collier Foxton Hall hate been advised that the vessel has ween detained by the Russian authori ties at Port Arthur. Russian soldiers have been placed on board the vessel and her Pritis h captain and crew have "boen sent to Cheloo from whence, it is reported, that several other neutral vessels are detained at Port Arthur ---------- A. A. Fi her, Brockville, was chosen lieutenant-colonel of the 41st batta- lion, succeeding Licut.-Col Sparham, retired, Capt. John Power was ap: peinted major. Lord Dundonald is urging the min ister of militia to send a Canadian artillery officer fo study the military operations in the far east. Frank S Newton, twenty vears em ployed of the Diamond Match com: pany, Akron, 0.,- has been grrested, charged with embezzlement. Martin DBurtsch, fugitive from Switz erland, hag been arrested at Philaddd this, charged with embezzlement. "Not giilty" 'was the decision of jury in caso of Mra. Lorenz accused at Washington of postal frauds. TO-LET. Clergy street, near Brock, containing thirteen dollars a month. Apply 249 Brock street. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. ont. Feb. 13. (1030 amit trong a westerly winds, Teilings Some very dainty effects have just arrived § and are worthy of your g OOOO ONOL00 Freneb Spot Very new, all colors and black. JHutomobile Crepe De Chene In assorted colors. Individual Veils OOOCOCCO0QOO000000000000000000! Also some very new things in Inspection invited at Steacy's| OGOOOOO0O0OTCO0O0000000000 OOOO OVOVOOOO00O0D RA a Paseronits oi Fi Jos. Mr. and Mi Deseronto; Ith. - Mr. and Mrs. ROBINSON-Relaon. G. Robinson, killed BR ck. Funeral hom his mother's residence, Moth Felruary 15th, at 2.80 Friendg and Sequailansm | are , aged 59 "the ni infant daughter: nd ge Crosse & Blackwell's Marmalade, 1 1b 3 nis. Crosse & Blackwell's Marmalade, 7 Ib. y ta. , 1 1b. Glass Jars, Maconochies Marmalade, 1 1b. Glass o 3 Bishop's Orangeate, Jas. a § Co. LADIES: WHEN IN NEED SEND FOR free trial of our nevertalling remedy, Relief sure and gue, . NEW THEATRICAL Em $e To Embrace Thirty Towns And Feb. 13.--At a moot ine olf theatrical a circuit was formed embracing thirty towns and cities between Tor: onto and Montreal, and eighteen be Torouto and Sarnia. Thomas Deseronto, was chosen as manager, and secretary. It is the ine a lino of the best pos pular and middle priced at rastiong. ---- . Rob! Manitoba, has left Winnipeg for home in Belleville, 'Cnt., for gx rest. Nngl le syrup. Crawford's. Pure Castile, sea 10e. and 8c. bar Almond (Roger Gallet's), - s., 0c. 20¢. and 286 Have you used Yettuee for chapped hands ? § FROM MAY FIRST, BRICK HOUSE, seven rooms, bath room, ete. Rent