to add chic e waist you vould like to from 25c., 2 Mercerized ding many 33¢., 35c, ator r over if the nts the clip- . SON... iton. 4 For Toadies rionds To-day "Than Ever Before. r our sales were and we believe 1his all nearly double $1,200 bw Spring W In! lar prices : 33, $3.50 tton. and + avor each year as E STORE ond Floor. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1904. _7IST YEAR. NO. 43 gigs ee -- FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE ! : EVERYTH'NG REDUCED. A grand opportunity to save money; from 20 to 25 per cent. saved on each Durchase. SIDEBOARDS Choice } cut Oak, neatly carved, set with British Plate Mirrors. Former price. Sale price. $70 Sideboards, now at $59. $45 Sideboards, now at $36. $25 Sideboards, now at $22. COUCHES: Velour Couches, Oak Frame, Spring Edge. Former price. Sale price. $11 Couches, now at .. .. .. $7.50. $6.50 Couches, now at .. .. $5.50. Some good values at $4.50, $6.50, etc. ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House. Ladies' Filled Watches We have a few Ladies' '25 year " Hunting Filled Watches; with Guaranteed American Move- ments. We are able to sell these while they last at $10 each. SMITH BR.OS., Jewellers and Opticians, 350 King St. NEW GROCERY. HAVING HAD MY PREMISES thoroughly overhauled and enlarged 1 have opened it again as a grocery store and my old friends aad customers can depend on getting everything fresh and new in the grocery line at right prices. Full lines of Hay, Feed and Grains. A cordial invitation is extended to all my old patrons to renew their patron- age. Will also be glad to see many new faces. G. H. WILLIAMS, Corner Princess and University Ave. 'Phone 639. BUSINESS BROKER I CAN QUICKLY SELL, FOR CASH, without publicity, your Real Estate or Partnership; no matter where Business, located. Send me full particulars, pric es, etc. Address, Chas. E. Powell, 19 W. Mohowk St., Buffalo WANTED. ress A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. GOOD wages. Apply at 'ithe Hub, Market Street. ee ------------------------ GENERAL SERVANT, WITH REFER- ences. Apply Mrs, Peart Birley, 82 Albert Street. COOK AND in the evening, AN EXPERIENCED Housemaid. Apply at 182 Earl St ROOM 1st. HOUSE, Address MODERN, 7 TO 9 with stable. May " K." this office. DAILY MEMORANDA. Opera house announcements on page 4. Queen's Alma Mater Society meets, 7.30 p.m. . It is no use denouncing sin before you renounce it. = Wilbur Opera company, Grand opera house, 8 pum Rev. Dr. Milligan, Convocation Hall, Sunday. 3 p.m You cannot hide with polysvilables There will be ten hours and forty-eight minutes of sunlight to-morrow. A e¢ood many things are bad enough but the worst never really happens After marrying the man who courted her a girl is apt to find that he's other man. I love the gentle cow when boil Or fried or in a stew, He loves to chew the cud and if You could, now wouldn't you? poverty of thought February 20th in History--Duchess of Fife born. 1867; MNoltaire born, 1694: Cracow, Poles defeat Russians, 1831; British drive Boers across Tugela River, Joseph Jeflerson barn _ 3829; Jo- d 55. Are all the more enjoyable because of the richness of the service in which the China is an important feature 'We enhance the pleasure of "the table by providing exquisite CHINAWARE. You will be interested in our display. ~ROBERTSON BROS.. SESSA ETRIITOEAERESNS Whatsoever Fashion Demands In jewellery for men and women, is made a part of our stock as soon as manufactured. ' Our line of Pearl Pendants, Pearl and Dia- mond Stick Pins, also our stock of do not intend to buy. At ordinary prices they are good value, at Corner Princess & Wellington Sts. 'Phone 336. a Rings, with any gem you care to our figures they are genuine bare SINAC AHIR LDOTHER ee to our store to see, even il you JEWELLER, =" ask for, is worth a special = 0 guins, P. B.. cael Be PERSON TO ASSIST care of an invalid, and who _ is willing to make herself generally useful Apply 189 Johnston IN THE » TO LIVE ON Apply Dorland, GOOD GIRL, comfortable home. G Vangesen, phustown. THREE $12 PER month. Transportation paid. Ap- ply by telegraph or telephone to W J. Douglass, Hotel Strathcona, Brockville, Ont TO PURCHASE A DWELLING, WITH 7 rooms, moderna, in central loca- tion, from $1,500 to $2,000. Address "P', this office. eee eee. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- ters C wanted everywhere, No can- ng Good pay. Cooperative Co., NY. FIRST-CLASS SKIRT HAND, TO CL T Skirts and take full charge, also a w t Trimmer, one whe can drape waists. Address Mac:, 370 Lewis Street, Ottawa YOU CAN MAKE $2 A DAY REP- resenting us in your spare time Work will not interfere with your present position Free Outfis. The R..H. Co., 207 St James St., Mon- treal. MEN AND WOMEN, OF GOOD EDUCA- tion and ability, in unoccupied terri- tory, to enroll students at a mini- mum salary of $600 a year. Apply with references, Cafladian Correspon- dence College, Limited, Toronto. et -------------- ENTS, THROUGHOUT CANAPA The Accident and Sickness Policies of "THE ACCIDENT / ) GUARAN- TEE COMPANY OF the most liberal issued. GODDARD, Managing ple g. MONTRE AGE Direc p> + 3 SMALL PEARL CRESCENT Brooch, on Monday night. Will find- er kindly return to Whig Office A CONTAINING A night please ENVELOPE, perfumed heart, on Saturday on Princess street. Will finder return to this office. -- een AN A ROLL OF BILLS, ABOUT $22, LAST 7 evening, on King Street, between Princess and Brock streets Finder kindly leave at J. P. Forrest's, King street, and receive $5 reward. "FOR SALE. STOCK, Best location GROCERY BUSINESS Store and Dwelling. Reasonable terms. Whig Office. DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES, etc. in y part of the City or Coun- try: Me u's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock street. FOR SALE OR TO-LET. Address, W., | | A CIRCLE OF COLD For dainty fingers, fashioned daintily accordine to choice Remem- ber this OUR PRICES are the lowest in the city for reliable jewellery. ASHLEY, 175 Princess Street, (THE SUNNY SIDE Wood Burning Outfit We have them from §1 up. Aiso An Artistically Framed Picture Our Frames are MADE IN KING- STON and are guaranteed by the and set nakers. ART 870! KIRKPATRICK' rote. TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS ARE INVITED UP TO 5, 'Saturday, February 20th, for the several trades work required in the re- construction of three stone buildings on Brock Street, for 'the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu Plans and specifications office H. P. SMITH, Architect Anchor Building, Market Square. AUCTION SALE AT THE RESIDENCE OF JOIN Campbell, 246 Wellington street, north, THURSDAY, Feb. 5th. may be seen Viz. Bed Room Set, Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Wash Stands, Chamber Sets, Dressing Cases, Couch, Book Case Sideboard, Extension Ta- Fine Rug Parlor Suite, Curtains, Blinds, Carpets, Crockery Glassware, Kitchen Utensils, Fine Re- frigerator, Etét All almost new. Sale at 10:30 JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. ---- Dining Chairs ble, Wire Cot PERSONAL. DISEASED HAIR AND BALDNESS positively cured Send several fallen hairs, four cents postage. and receive Miscroscopic Diagnosis with booklet on care of hair and scalp The THAT MODERN DWELLING, AT 127 | Western Medicine Co., P.O, Box 353 Bagot street, near City Park. Con- Cincinnati, Ohio : veniences all first class. Pos ! May ist. Apply at Smith Bros. MEDICAL Ring oe | LADIES: WHEN IN NEED SEND FOR 45¢, . Crawford's, Cherries--3 cans 25c., regular price i free trial of our neverigiling remedy. Relief sure and quick. cai Co., Milwaukee, Wis, Paris Chemi- UNDAUNTED. Bergeron to Run Again in Montreal. LIKES ST. JAMES Mr. Monk Not a High Tariff Man Wants Revision and Increase, But Not a Dingley or McKin- ley Wall. Montreal, Feb. 20. Undaunted by his four consecutive defeats, J. G. H. Bergeron, the protectionist can didate in St. James division, an nounced to the Herald to-day that he intended te remain in politics," and if tendered the nomination would again be the protectionist candidate in St James at the approaching general elec- tions. He intimated that he would prefer to be 4 candidate in St. James where he has been twice defeated, rather than seek election in kis old constituency 'of Beauharnois, where he has also been twice defeated. F. D. Monk, the former conservative leader, is right out after his successor, Mr. Tarte, for the manner in which he carricd out 'the campaign in this dis- trict. When asked if the substitution of protection party for conservative party had benefitted the opposition candidate, Mr. Monk made the fol lowing, comment: "1 do not think that our friends who called themselves protectionists instead of frankly calling themselves conservatives in any way advanced the interests of our candi dates. The existence of parties is° neces: sary for the proper working of our po litical institutions, and is worth 4 great deal more than the tyranny of factions. lf a party needs an accept able programme, it has only to change its programme and render it acceptable to the wiches of the electorate. "The conservative party has al ways been in favor of a policy of na tional protection. I believe that the tariff should be revised from heginning to end, and that as a general rule the duties should be increased. On the other hond, I am not in favor of a tarifi that would expose us to the evils which at the present time are forcing the Americans to revise their own tariff, because they want to put an end to ths domination of certain trusts and monopolies that are seri ously threatening the welfare of the country." FROM PRISON TO MINISTER. London Talks Of Dr. Career. Feb. 20.--All the fact that Dr. Jame son is eslled to the premixuship of Cape Colony. The comment is that a more remarkable story than the re instatément in official and pullic life of Leander Starr Jameson, C.B., is seldom 1ead. The new premier is a Scotchman, and the son of an Edin burgh ad.ocate. He took his medical education and degrees at London Uni Jameson's I.qpdon, Britain is taliing over versity. He emigrated to South Afrita, and became a-sociated' with Cecil Rhodes in the latter's: develop ment policy. In 1801 he was made administrator of Rhodesia, a post he filled well until December, 1595, when he headed the unfortunate raid into the Transvaal. Being defeated at krugersdorf, and arrested, he was handed over to the imperial authori ties, taken to lLondcn for trial, ani sentenced to ten months' imprison ment, 111 health caused him to be reicased in. seven months. He return ed to South Afiica, and since the war has ben the chief leader bf the pro gressive party. in Cape Colony. The allinmse of Sir Gordon Sprigg with certain members of the Bond has weakened his political position, and recent defeat made his resignation in evitakle. Dr. Jamescn is Efty years oli NEGRO IS MAKING EFFORT. Some 2,000 Discuss Pest Methods For Race. Tuskagee, Ala., Feb. Booker T. Washington cailed to order the thir- teenth annual Tuskagee negro confor ence, in the presence of more than 2, 000 negro farmers in the Carolinas, Georgia, Floida, Mississippi, Louis jana and Alabama, Resolutions wore adopted declaring in favor of efforts to ' secure homes and land for the negro, the exercise of thrift, keeping out of debt, getting 1i1 of the log cabin idea, and building .of churches and schools. In connection with the educational interests a high standard of morality was urged. The resola ticns declare that the moral condition of the negro as a race in the south is improving and that there is no evi dence that education increased crime amcng the negro. They urge har mony and mutual confidence between the 1aces and that the whites put a premium on right conduct amonz the j lacks. The nsgro is urged to refrain from crime and to join with the whites in the maintenznce of law end order. 20. -------- Killed Wife And Self. Denver, Col., Feb. 20.--~Frank G. Senter, a railroad conductor aged six- ty-two years, killed his wife, aged for- ty and committed suicide at the wo- | man's home in this city. The couple had been separated for a year and the wife recently sued for a divoree. Senter called on her to plead for a | reconciliation and when she refused, he | thot her. ae stems v Thomas Duke, of Vancouver, was of the Orange grand lodge of B, C., BR S PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. The Deseronto car works have an order for flat and box cars for a Que- bec railway. . . Two 1talian fruit dealers W Scran- ton, I'a.; Lilled John Bethel, a travel Lr, in a quarrel over (hinge. The expansion of the system of | publi: school savings bank was dis cussed in the ddature on Friday. The state Premier Belfour's health way prevent lim appearing in the House of Commons this session. James Wi , aged eighty-seven vears, a farmer living near Granoe- ville, N.Y., was found frozen to death, The Runssian censorship on news and other telograms from abroad whih has existed for generations has beem abolished. R. H. Agur, manager of the Massey- Haris company, Wienipeg, is about JUSTICE H. RATHBONE, Founder eof the Knights of Pythias, which order celebrated its fortieth anni- versary on February 19th er ------------------------------------------------ to resign, and will leave for the south to recuperate failing health. Le Journal, the French morning con servative paver of Montreal, announc os the retirement of F: D. Monk, M.P., from the party leadership in Quebec. It is said that the lake was never frozen out to such a distance as this year. A small strip of water, a few miles wide, may exist between the two shores. At the meeting of the C.P.R. wreck inquest, held last night at Armprior, Ont., four witnesses were examined and the inquest was adjourned until March Sth. George B. Jennings, vresident of the Jennings Adjustable Shade company, was shot and killed in his office at No. 104 Liberty street, Brooklyn, N, Y., by Frank McNamara, superintend- ent of one of the depaptments of the Mlinote Watch Case company at Fl. gin, if that there is grave danger of an Anglo-French war. + wi + 4+ Thrilling Rumors. +> + - % + London, Feb. 20. (2:15 4 4 p.m.).--A special from the 4 4 Paris Figaro, says that + 4 the kaiser has offered un- + 4 reserved support to the 4 czar. + + Another special says + >» + + + + SANITARY BARBER SHOPS. How Mr. To Joynt Proposes Fight Diseases. Toronto, Fel Mr. Joynt's bill to amend the medical health act, just introduced in the legislature, relates wholly to, barber shops. It prohibits and regulates the admission to barber shops of persons suffering from dir ease, provides for the regular and of ficient cleansing "of shops and instrn ments, the duct of barbers in re gard to personal cleanliness and the sanitary condition of the premisesand prohibits the employment of anyone as a barber while sufiering from any in or communicablo 0) fectious, contag disease, Jt Death Of Dr. Anderson. Smith's Falls, Feb, 20.--Dr. W. J Anderson, of this town, died Thurs day afternoon, aiter a lingerin- ill ness. Dr. Anderson was born in the County Antrim, Ireland, in 1839, and te Rev, J, Anderson, and eloguent Pros took a prominent , and was in poli- being the conserv for the Dominion North Leeds and is a son of the la M.A.. a prominent hyterian divine. He part in public pirs tics a conservatis ative candidat house in 187%, for Grenville. Sprinter Outruns A Mare. Pari¢, Feb On the Boul:vard Macdonald, a remarkable speed com- petition took rlace between the sprin- J) ter Roberts af the trotting mare Newcla, the property of M. Ghes quieres. The distance was 100 ypetres (325 feet)., and Roberts wom, his time beiny 11 35 ends. Newella d previously trotted the kilometre (1,093 vards) in 1 minute 28 seconds. re -- Murdered And Hid. Winnipeg, Fel ~A story comes from Prince Albert that a voung hall- breed, in the employ of the Hudson Bay Co., Roderick Thomas, was done to death on Lac La Hatchet in the northern wilds, and his body hidden from view for «ix weeks, Mounted Po- lice from Prince Albert are setting out on the treil. The supposed mmr derer is an Indian "0 * Advance In Flour. Montreal, Feb. 20.--The two leading Canadian flonr milling companies with headquarters in this eity, which have lately made several advances in the price of flour, announce a further advance of fifteen - cents a barrel, prices now ranging from $4.95 to 85.45 Jorn grand master at the meeting at Ladner to-day, per barrel. BE ALTERED. The Policies of Various of the Powers. BUBBLE BURST SUPERSTITION AS TO THE POWER OF RUSSIA, The Efforts Of Russia To Offset Disasters--The Victims Of The Czar's Displeasure--Commercial Relations With Germany By The Russians. : London, Feb. 20.~{The reports Hrom Russian and German sources showing intense feeling against the British in Russia, apparently aa pronounced as the pro-Japancse feeling in London, are beginning to fix attention upon the possible efiects of the war upon inter national relations in Europe. The Morning Post declares that Japan's action already in a fortnight has al tered the political conditions of thi world. It must compel several of the reat powers to reconsider and, * por hie relinquish policies, and may well result in a rearrangement of interna: tional groups. The great change con- sists in pricking the Russian bubble. Lhe superstition that possessed the people regarding Russia has been dis sipated. Advices from St. Petersburg, chiefly mailed, indicate that the government is aroused to strenuous energy for the purpose of offsetting the initial dis asters and securing ultimate success. A large part of its efforts are par: ently directed to making more efficient the Siberian railway for the forward ing of men, guns and equipments, oul if renorts from Russian sources are ro: liable, the cost of making the ill-fated railway effective fy enough to bank: rupt. a moderately prosperons country. Work on the warships building at Rus sian dock yards is said rvs hum ming « with feverish haste. Other re ports declare that the czar is bitterls incensed because he was supplied with wrong information concerning the at titude and preparedness of Japan. The victims of his displeasure include Count Lamsdorff, the foreign minister, the ambassador at London and Wash ington, the minister at Tokio, Gen Kroupatkin, and Prince Khilkolf, win ister of railways. There does not seem to be any di: miinution of discontent among the peasantry or of activity amongst the revolutionary workers. It is reported that these are being ri ly. repressed. It is stated that the central revolu- tionary committee in Switzerland has everything prepared for a revolution: avy' outbreak in Russia, and that the nows of a decisive Russian defeat will be the signal for a general upheaval The Times' Berlin special. says : The effects of the war are already notice able in Russia's commercial relations with Germany. It is reported from Konigsberg® that importing from Ruy sia to Germany has come to 4 stend still. The corn merchants are unable to obtain the execution of their orders, the Russians having diverted all the rolling stock on the state railways to the government. The German eapors trade is al affected. The Alsatian textile industry records an apprecial'e fall in exports to Russia and Lapa Russian firms have not renewed their usual orders. 20 Urging Calmness. Petersburg, Feb, 20.--<The Vied- mosti says that, judging by St. Pet- ersburg, it fears there are much nerv. and instability among the general public, when it should like to greater calmpess and optimism which would prevent the public losing head over small Yeverses when much greater ones may well be expect ed. The concentration of a sufficient numbier of troops, the paper adds, cannot bo expected to take place in three months, for it takes that time for a railway carriage to go to the far and back, Meanwhile, we must patient. Never before have there existed in the world worse con ditions for the mobilization dnd vro- vigioning of an army from so distant a base, The paver defends Viceroy Alexiofl against the attacks made un- on him and concludes: "Victory ulti- mately is assured to us and the rest' i the hands of God." St OUSNesY its east be om An Autograph Letter. Paris, Feb. 20.--The Figaro vubligh- es a telegram from a personage who is, it ix stated, owing to his position in the Russian official world, particu- larly well informed, to the effect that an aidedecamp of the German em: peror visited the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg with an autograph letter relating to the war, and dealing prin- cipally with the attitude of Great Iritain: ° News has been 'received here that a Javanese expeditionary force of * 60, 000 men has been concentrated on the island of Formosa for the purpose of invading the French possessions in the east should France interfere in the conflict between Japan and Russias. Squadron Expected. London, Feb. 50.~A despatch to the Morning Post from Chefoo says that an American squadron is expected to arrive there rthortly. The despatch adds, that there is a possibility of trouble with Germany, which elaims most exclusive rights in the pro- vince 'of Shantung. Jt is stated that the Americans intend to land marines at Cheloo. Sir Mortimer: Durand, recently ap- pointed British minister to Washing ton, is likely tq be transferred soon to St. Petersburg, in succession to Sir Charles Beott. ANTI-AMERICAN FEELING. ---- Is Growing Stronger -- United States May Be Involved. St. Petersburg, Feb, 20.-With re ference to the sensati: stories of a disaster to Russian troops at Lake Baikal {one report -u):ug that three regiments were drowned while at- tempting to cross the ice-covered it is axpluiied that the Trans fie Sar org Lot Baikal Station luring the night by an avalanche © of bicep 2 fell from a neighboring mountain. t A trdin having troops on board dashed into the obstruction and the locomotive was derailed, One soldier was killed, five were severely and fourteen were slightly hurt. Tral- fic was said to be resumed the follow: ing day. Further advices from Port Arthur today say that all the women and children and most of the male civili- ans have left that place, and practi cally only the garrison remains. - Anti-American feeling' here is prowing intensely, and although it is said at the American embassy that nothing is known about it, the auth. orities took special precautions dur ing last week's public demonstrations to safeguard the emhatsy from insult or attack. The animus arainst Ene land is far less bitter than acainst America, as the Enclish wore acknow- ledged enemies, while the Americans were supposed to be friends. x A dispatch from Port Arthur to dav savs the firat land encounter oo- curred vestordav. A wicket of Cossacks attacked a small detachment of Jap- anese troops on Korean territory. The Cossacks captured - some Jabanese on whom they found maps and pa pers. | + New York, Feb. 20.--~Gen. Joseph Wheeler, discussing the Janandse war. last night, before the members of "A" Squadron in their armory, said it was not improbable that the United States might become involved in the strugele. He said: "The treation bes tween Franco and Russia, and between Fooland and Japan. mav at anv time bring about complications which will force our own nation into the dis pute. Our own treatv with Korea is, also an element to be considered." Anti-British Feeling. London, Feb. 20.~Russian. desvatoh- es record the rapid ervowth of antic British feeling, one savin man Fae lish bovs have been withdrawn from the Russian schools owine to insults, and there is evidenod in public in Kiel that the position of the Brit. ish residents would be verv dancer ous should Great Britain become in- volved in the Russo-Japanese issue. JAFFRAY SELECTED . , FE ; As Chairman of The Railway Com. mission. Toronto, Ont., Feb. 20.~Robart Jaffray was chosen | chairmen of the Temiskaming railway commission, at a meeting of the commissioners, held here: to-day. It being nocessary to have a Toronto man, the choie was limited to Messrs, Edward Gurney snd Robert Jaffray and the former declined the office. Enquiry Begun. Quiebes, Feb, 20.--Col, Vidal, deputy adjutant-genersl, Ottrwa; Lieut. Col. Rov, D.O.C., Mcentreal and Mal. Laf forty, D.8.A., Montreal, have arrived in torn to hold a miitary eijuiry regarding certain charges hy the commandant of the 9th Regiment, isnt. Col. Evanturel, against ome of his officers. The enquiry was to com- mence yesterday, but at the request of the accused officer, the encuiry was ad ourned until t!is morning. Six Men Slot In a Reid St. Louis, Mo., Feb, 20.~In an el fort to close up a pool room that has operated for a lon» time in the out- skirts of Madison, Hs, across the riv or from 8¢t. Louis, three constables, augmented hv a posse of citizens, and bearing warrants for the arrest of six mon. precinitated a riot, vesterdav, which resulted in the shooting of six men. One mav die, ---------------- Sent Up For Trial. Peterboro, Feb. 20.<Amtaleone De paolo, the ltalifn, who in a drunken fight with his brother, Guiseppe, ab- out two weeks ago, nearly killed the latter, has been comnsitted for trial on a charge of attempted murder, The brother in now thought to be out of danger. Elected By Acclamation. Perce, Que., Feb. 20;--Hon. odolphe Lemieux, solicitor-general, was to re-elected by acclamation for (he cofin- ty of Gaspe. John Cook, well-known resident of Lansdowne, is dead, at the age of seventy eight. He was a stock-breeder and won for himsell a wide reputa- tion. He leaves a widow, six sons and one daughter. MISS ELLEDA PERLEY A.0. CM, ALT.C.M. Soprano Soloist, a Church; recent Vocal Teacher of the On tario Ladies' College, will give instruc. tion in Voice Culture For terme apply between (he hours of 11 and 4 (any day except W ¥ at 117 Bagot street. ¥ O%i. W. BOGART, Cap United States May Be Involved. | 8" i. 'and Adjdtant. | Toron Ea Sunday, present in national ideas Dress fore. . tarngon. a to attend. For Joent : Sardines in Glass. Fried Sardines. Mustard Sardines. Herring Milts. Kinpeced ' Anchovies in: Oil. mon, Lobsters, We are _preparsd (puts or calls) at' roo subject to change. ness. 15ec. Com box. * Shanta & 150. i The H. B. § we Silksand | Trimmings, § Will be on a more ex- tensive scale tha Suggestions PARKER & CO. "Yn large boxes, 25e.. if taken for d to will prevent many. ew York City attending the In: Convention on Dress Makers, where she is getting all the uewest 3 Fe 'DIED. | OUEMINAUANCIs, Kinean m her Ite, ontroul street, at 3:80 aRuvige at 2 % Herrings. errings in Tomato Sauce. Herrings in Shrimp Sauce. Herrings in Mustard Shrimps, Clams,' CALL OPTIONS to deal in above transactions in options are cond Be n ever be- mr oman at & The following are the quotations from London, Eng. for one, two, and thres months i= Tomi. Tomid Tomid Mar. sc. Aplac Rays Atchison, 0. 3 3 a Baltimore & Ohio 2 hy 4, 0 Canadian Pacific 3 3 + St. Paul, 04 *B & vk Denver, common 13 24 . a Erie, common, ... 1 2 2% Louisville & Nash 24 a § Missouri TT. 1 1 1 Norfolk & Western 2 2 2 Optario Wi 1 1 1 Reading $50 shares 1 1 3 Southern common 1 3 3 Southern Pacific 2 8 Southern Pref. ... 4 2 U.S. 8. ordin No 2 a8 U.S, Bleed, > v 3 2 80 Union ach "0 Wabash, pref, .. «. 2 23 i Ee