juired to tury Oxford Radi-_ iis system of t of an ever. aratus. The uneven, un- 1 of dust and ly-tempered, r heating as rfectheating ast from the al to all parts, . The place f the heating rs to imitate f ground, is eam Boilers oklets about whole story.. IPHOPHONE *Yoita of funny stories. END NO MONEY, just yin 1 address plain. y written, and wr vill il you id, 14 large, bes y Pictures, 1 inches, 1 pycts Whisper, " Rock of Ages. y 10 sell at 2x Certificate worth Soc. free to Every Picture is Lardsom«ly chaser. " shed in 12 different colors and cold Jess , with spring © © metal amriifylng horn; all record--Hiawnths, Dixie Girl. At t, Sally fn Or Alley, My Wild | me, ete, ete. Understand, ths one, with which vou ean . any 00 Talking Mach ji; FORONTO. © have a plumbing job We are specialists in and can Things rder notice, and for little can also put your aratus in order if hing the matter with ROS .. J KINGSTON, ONTARIO, M AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1904. 2 Seeing Is Believing This saying is espec- : ally true of this Men's Heavy Silk and § Wool Fleece-Lined, allm sizes, usually cold from [§ $1 to $1.75. At This Sale Toe |] re [ef]; x Ladies' Filled Watches We have a few Ladies' "25 year " Hunting Filled Watches; with Guaranteed American Move- ments. We are able to scll these while they last at "$10 each. © SMITH BROS. Jewellers and Opticlans, 350 King St. NOTICE. REGIMENTAL ders by Lt.-Colonel E. Kent, 14th Regiment, Rifles. Kingston, Feb., 1904. The Bugle Band the Regiment will rade at the Armouries, Ont., of ING NEXT, 23rd inst. at 8 o'clock, for purpose of organization. All wishing to join must be present. By order, J. L. H. BOGART, Capt. and Adjutant. WARNING TO THE PUBLIC. We beg to infor thé public that Mr. B. Barney is the only Coal dealér that ke we are supplying with coal. We also beg to advise that we have a full supply of all the different sizes the best ~ SCRANTON COAL. - The Rathbun Company. BUSINESS BROKER 1 CAN QUICKLY SELL, FOR CASH, Real no matter where without publicity, Business, Estate or Partnership; your locatéd. Send me full particulars, pric- ¢s, etc. Address, Chas. 1. Powell, 19 W. Mohowk 5 Buffalo, N.Y: RAL SERVANT. A 00R,G wages. Apply at J he Hub, Market Street. 4 GENERAL SERVANT, WITH ences. Apply Mrs. Peart Birley, Alpert Street. EXPERIENCED COOK Housemaid. at 132 Earl S AN TO ASSIST an invalid, and to make herself Apply 189 Johnston. oe aa a eee IN who PERSON care of willing useful A TO PURCHASE 7 rooms, modern, gentral 7 in tion, from $1,500 to $3,000. «<P, this oflice. MEN AND WOMEN, tion and ability, tory. mun salary of $600 a year with references, dence College, Limited, Toronto. KE NTS, THROUGHOUT + THE TEE COMPANY OF CANADA," the most liberal issued. Write GODDARD, Managing Director, ple Building. MONTREAL. LOST. R.M.C. GOLD BELT BUCKLE, ON Sunday Finder please return te Whig Office AN ENVELOPE, CONTAINING A perfumed heart, on Saturday night, on Princess street. return to this office. LADY'S GOLD WATCH, A F ' Case. with initials M.A.C. engraved |... dave, western end of the Great Ode n-Lu sion on. the Erie ant. Huron division on the case, on Sunday afternoon, on ? cien cut of the Southern Pacific rail | of the Pere Marquette at Port Lamb- Arch, Union, or Division streets Re- " - voad. 'The explosion was caused by al i,n came vesterday. A double header Xo or 0 ato ns whee or | 360,000 Fire At Tromton. | cali ien laiwen no iiht mine | social right irom Sasha, combed Scat eee | "T'reRtON, Feb. 22.--About ens o'clock | Most of the dead and injured are I he comon ofa Tari which FOR SALE. Saturday morning fire wag discovered | Greek laborers. . was standing on the main Jine behind in the large nw Sold Sosage ars Everything within a radius of bali a a curve, The engineers and firemen RET » the Apple & Produce | mile was wreckid. The town of Ter- | & : ' ge /SINESS -- STOCK, [house owned by A ¢ r X irakes utehe GROCERY, BUSINESS eat STOUR. Cold Storage and Férwarding com- | race, fifteen mies to the north, was fumed ie Wan Prank J the b terns. Address, W., | pany, limited, of which Eben James is | saben as though by en earthquake, 3 3 Reasonable pany, 2 gh Bb % qua. caboose, was instantly Killed. Whig Office. manager, and the entire place, to | window panes at Colon, fifteen miles a vm---------- - - Emenee. wet | rely with all its most valuable ma | away, were shattered, and the sound . DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES. [Bu oo. Ti" Miotal Joss, This building | wes heard in this city, eighty-one Was Badly Hurt. ete., in any part of the City or Coun- Agency, try: McCann's Heal Estate 51 Brock street. Bagot street. near City Park. ~veniences all May Ist. 850 King St OR- R. fommanding P.W.0. 20th pa~ EVEN- the of GOOD REFER- 32 AND Apply in the evening, St THE is generally A DWELLING, WITH loca Address OF GOOD EDUCA- in unoccupied terri- to enroll students at a mini Apply Canadian Correspon- CANADA. Accident and SicKness Policies of ACCIDENT AND GUARAN- ure Tem- Will finder please HUNTING "FOR SALE OR TOET. THAT MODERN DWELLING, AT 137 on- first class. Possession Apply at Smith Bros., DAILY MEMORANDA. ------ Opéra house announcements on page 4. Be good and you'll be happy--and probably poor. Lady Sarah Sladen at Salvation Army barracks. 8 p.m. : Culpability is atout Some MEN POSSESS. In a successful matrimonial firm the husband isn't a "full"' partner. A woman never tires of shopping long as her hair stays in curl. One way to make light of your trou- bles is to burn your unreceipted bills. Prof. Dorenwend at British American hotel on Thursday, with superior hair qoods. Truth is constantly getting in the way of some people. That is probably why it is crushed to carth so often. February 22nd in history : George Washington born, 1732: ~ Astor died, 1890; United States troops defeat Mexicans at Buena Vista, 1847; British make fourth advance across the Tugela river, 1900. - the only ability Delightful - Dinne Are all the more enjoyable because of the richness of the service in which the China is an important feature, We enhance the pleasure of the table by providing exquisite CHINAWARE. You will be interested in our display: ..ROBERTSON BROS. AT0IESOITESECLNATSEnNY m B Whatsoever Fashion Demands" of Pearl Pendants, Pearl and Dia- mond Stick Pins, also our stock of In jewellery for men and women, is made a part of our stock as soon as manufactured. Our line Rings, with any gem you care to ask for, is worth a special visit to our store to see, even if you do not intend to buy. At ordinary prices they are good value, at our figures they are genuine bar- gains. P. B. CREWS, JEWELLER, Corner Princes®& Wellington Sts: 'Phone 336. =" SRTRRGEWIIR TROIS ed A. D. WEEKS-DEAD. Canadian Salvation Army - Dele- gates for London Conference. Toronto, Feb. 22--A. D. Weeks, grand treasurer of the "Sons of Tem perance, Ontario, and well known in temperance work throughout the pro- vince, died at his son's home here, last night. He will be buried at Ux bridge, where ho formefly resided, Nr. Weeks was a member of the sessional staff, and was preparing -to go there on the opening of the house next month. The Marlboros, O.H.A. champions, left last night for Ottawa, where they will play for the Stanley Cup to-mor- row might. Nine players were in the party as follows : Geroux, Charlton, Wright, Phillips, Birmingl McLar- en. Karles, Winchester and Reid. Pre gident R. J. Burns, vice presidents, Dr. Mallory and George Vivian. Secre tary Treasurer C Waghorne, and Trainer "Billvy Smith, accompanied the team, as did a number of sup- porters. Quite a crowd was on hand to cheer the boys as the train drew out. 2 Mise Fvangeline Booth, ¢ er of the Salvation Army, says that a number of army delegates from Ca nada will attend the second creat in ternational conference of the army in London, next August. The nroceedines of the congress will comprise discus sion of new plans of work. General Booth expects to make fifty-seven ad dresses. The Canadian contingent will hold a great muster at Montreal, pre- vious to their departure. mmission FLOUR PLANT CLOSED. For Lack Of Fuel, Caused By Blockaded Railways. Wihnipeg, Feb. 22.--The flour of the Ogilvie Milling company is idle, and thy oat mill runniig cnly half time, as a result of the fuel scarcity, eaused by the snow blockade along the railways. The snow blockade has nterrupted railway traflie generally, during the past week. Several towns in West Manitoba, and Southwest As sinihoia having bern cut off for nearly plent was just completed 124 feet long by ninety-four feet wide, four storeys 1 every detail. Tt contained about on fruit and machinery is estimate at about $€0,000, last fall. It was high and was complete in 30,- 000 barrels of apoles. The total loss 1 | ments of a dozen freight cars and two partially covered by PUT 10 BLUSH By Way Women - Stuffed Ballot Boxes. REVELATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH DENVER ELECTION FRAUDS. Shafroth Congressional Contest Shows Irregularities That Put to Blush Mere Men Vote Man- ipulators--The Work of Women. Washington, Feb, 22.~Denver, Colo, is the only large city in the United States where all women over twenty one years can vote for representatives in congress. It was the representative for the Denver district, John F. Shaf roth, who arose in his seat in repre. sentative hall last Monday, and made the startling announfement that he was satisfied frauds had been perpetrated at the Denver polls last election' day, of which hy was unwit- tingly a bencficiary, consequen ly he voluntarily relinquished his seat. Mr. Shafroth didn't tell the house, but the testimony before the committee that was investigating the case shows--holy horrors--that women had their hands in the frands. 1t shows that. they were gross repeaters, and wote buyers, and that they padded the polling lists and stufied th: ballot boxes. The frauds were not in the interest of Shairoth directly, but for the purpose of select: ing the democratic ticket, and he with the others profited by the illegal me thods. "Now," said a Colorado woman voter, "I hope the country won't get a wrong idea. It is only in the "red4 light' precincts that the women are ac cused of frauds. The women in these precincts are rounded up just like no account. men. 1 just know all about it. The only one of them, who admit ted she voted twice was Kate Finne gan. They don't have to round up the good women of Denver fo go to the polls. They go. Why, in one of the silk stocking precincts 572 women and 235 men registered and 571 of the wo- men voted last election day." Nevertheless, there are some painful exhibits in Shafroth's 'cake. They tell of things that you wouldd't dream anybody but mean, horrid men would do. But harken to what exhibit sixty four, offered by the contestant, tells. The. exhibit is an affidavit by Mrs. Beatrice Muhleman, formerly a clerk in the legislature. She avers that she, in company with Miss Alma Beeswick and a man named Granger, procured 125 of the official ballots of to hotel, where they engaged a room, which was paid for by Miss Beswick. They pulled down the blinds and then proceeded to "prepare", the bollots. Miss Beswick took two of thé and wroté the word "republican" on the vacant spece at the head of the ticket, indicating a straight ticket. She also wrote one ballot for each of the minor parties having candidates. The others were fillld in with the word "democratic," indicating that the ticket was straight Mrs. Muhleman different styles she even went a aid that thoy used handwriting, an to write two of so far as ballots with her lft hand, in order to disguise the writing. The . ballots were 'then numbered and compared with the poll lists, gnd made ready to dump into the ballot box. She told of the method employed to get women repeaters, and of Miss Beswick's plan to create a disturbance at the poli on the morning of election day, so that the republican watchers would be driven away and an opportunity given to stufi the ballot box with 'the fraudulent ballots that they had pre pared. There were other exhibits equally as interesting as Mrs, Muhle men's affidavit It is currently gossiped that' had Shafroth not made the play he did he would have been unseated within n few days on general principles, because h , and a, republican | was claiming seat. Anyhow he made g fine grandstand play A movement has been: started to have the investigate "the fion of Senator Teller, of Colorado, owing to the revelations made: in con nection with the unseating of repre sentative Shafroth. Teller is brought into the matter by the fact that the thirteen members of the legislature from Arapahoe county, in whose dis trict 5,200 ballots were stufied, ac cording to the testimony of an expert, voted for him. He won out by enly cne vote after a prolenged contest. » is a demo senate cloe DYNAMITE'S HAVOC. Carload Exploded, and Twenty- Five Men Killed. of railroad property destroyed by an explosion of a carload of dynamite at Jackson, a tclograph station cn the mil s from the scene. tion thirty feet in depth and frag cngines were thrown incredible dis 1 of district F. They took the ballots Ogden, Utah, Feb. 22.--Twenty-five persons wer billed, fifteen injured, INSTANTLY KILLED. several fatally, apd a great amount The ground upon which the trains were standing was torn up for over a thousand feet, leaving a great excava- eg NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World, Cn or about March 15th a prohili {i-n conven jon for Cntdlio will be held in Toronto. - * Edmontén cot] bo- acoepted plans of W. G. Tre , prowotor, of Montes], for proposed clctric street railway. Mis. Sarah C Tighe, known to all Mormcns as "Se Sarah," is dead at Plymouth, Utah, at the age of ninety eight. 4 Shemsi Pasha, in 'command of the Turks at Diak Ovi, has been supersed- ed, owing to the siltan's discleasure at his unduly severe treatment of the Albanizn. At a conven fiddlosex liber: «n Sat , J. M. McEvoy; bartister, Londen, Ont. was cowina- ted ns the candidate for the lonia ion house. . 'The provost of Trisity College has received a letter from J. P. Whitney, M.P.P., enclosing & 'check for £5,000, of Fast being a donation 10 Trinity College {rom Mr. and Mrs. EB. C. Whitney, Ot- tawa. 2 : The 1i-erpeol Mercury (liberal) thinks "the United States would put a duty on Cenadian wheat shippdd to Fnolind fiom Yankee ports if a pre ference were gran to colovisl bread- stafis by Great Britain. v SAMUEL W. RENNYPACK Governor of Pen ania, who is to deliver the oration the "University Day" exercises of She University of Pennsylvania, on ¥ vy 22nd. -- FUGITIVE D.R.O. ai Has Never Left Toronto--Knows rn Eta Toronto, Feb uel Thomp- son, the "Fugitive" geturning ofheer, has never been out © city. He de- clares that he knows fothing of acok edness beyond the heoth in whith he waked and while admitiing that » i nt eesined. spot ow Hrd ol on to stuff the ballot box. Thompson ad: mits that he stuffed the ballot box, on behalf of Controller Richardson, Steve Burns, and 8. Alfred Jens, but declares it was not because of any un derstanding, but because the last two had been kind to him, end the first had employed him to 'do his cam paign work, The «i ie investization was not re sumed this morning pending the argh. ment of the motion' in the suit bronght by ki hard Lene to prohibit further proceedings. Thomas 'I homyson, brother gfrSart, pleaded not guilty in the police court, in answer to the charge of perjury, arising out of the evidence given by him on Saturday. The case was re manded a week. -- CONFESSED TO FRAUD. a Masqueraded Under Another Name For Years. Kansas City, Mo. Feb: 22.--A 1 markable imposture has been re ronlod by the recent discovery at Floyd, Ia of George W. Murphy, of Company ! Sth Wisconsin volunteers. For cight vears George Phillips, now serving a life sentence in the Kansas state pent tentiary for mur represented hina self to be the Wisconsin veteran, Mur phy. In 1506 Phillips convinced the authorities of the Leavenworth (Kan) coldiers' home that he was entitled 10 admission to the home, nnd he was on rolled as George W. Murphy. One year later a veteran named Com mings was murdered near the howe, and Phillips, alios Murphy, was tried for the crime, convicted and sentenced to prison for life He managed tq! Grand Army men interested in his case, and Gov. Bailey and the Kansis board, of pardons were expected to lease him. Sympathy for the convict spread beyond the Kansas bordor, aud various G.A.R. posts espoused his cause, was disastrous, as it This publicity discovery of the tru resulted in the George W, Murphy. Phillips, in pris on, has made a confession that he is not a civil war veteram, but served thirteen years in the regular army. -------------------- In a Freight Crash On The Pere Marquette, Feb, 22.-A colli Chatham, Oni, Winnipeg, Feb 2-1. R. Canchan, » C.P.R. brakemin, twenty-seven, was fun over in at a good rate - | engine running it was not in consideration of any deal. the yards early this morning by stepping in front of a yard ol Both legs were badly mangled A JOLLY TN When the Night Attack Was Made ON THE SHIPS. thos p---- THE RUSSIANS WERE HONOR- ING A LADY. It "is Stated That The Russian Army in Far East Does Not Exceed 70,000-Foverish Con- dition Over the Despatch of Troops and Materials--The Kaiser's Offérs. : (Continued from page 3). London, Feb, 22-The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Yelegraph men: tions a report that, despite official as- surance that everything is quiet, an outpost engagement has occurred on the Yalu river, resulting in the Rpm sian advance guards being driven back. The losses are estimated at 2, 500, It is not clear whether this figure moans those who fell on the Yalu or the entire Russia losses since the com. mencement of the war. There have been for days ugly rumors of Russian mishaps on land, There are also rum- ors of the czar's extreme displeasure at the incidents of the night torpedo attack on the ships at Port Arthur! It appears that the czar has ordered a full. enguiry. It is believed in St, Pet: ersburg that on the night in auestion, the entive dtafl officers were celebrating the birthday of Madame Stark, wife of Admiral Stark. The Times Tokio correspondent savs that, at moon, on Sundav, a direct messace from Emperor William to the Empress of Japan was received plac ing the German naval hospitals at Yokohama and Kiao Chau at the dis- posal of the Japanese wounded. The action of the emperor is much appre. ciated in Japan. : The Times' Tokio special sav: The Valdivostock squadron seems to have loft port acain. The ships are appar: ently seeking to sever the Javanese éables, The indications are that the Russians beyond the Yalu river do not intend to make an immediate offen. sive move into Korea, but wrefer ad- wine scouting precautions. Viscount Yoskiawa has accented the vortfolio of home aairs which ha# been vacant for "some time. The emperor has in- structed Count Inouye to discharge the, duties of his adviser, thus giving him direct acoess to the sovereigm. ------ To Cope With Discontent, - St. Petershurg, Fob. 92.The offici- the internal condition which is causing the government ane xiety. It is stated that theoczar has summoned the provincial governors to St. Petersburg, to devise strong meas sures for coping' with the manifesta tions of discontent. There ix feverish activity in all departments, byt there is no master mind at present to con. duet affairs, The despatch of troops to the far cast in by the transportation: of medical ap- pliances and war material. There are alarming reports of the embezzlement laree sums of money allotted for the victualling of Port Arthur and for providing the troops: with ammunition and materials, An imperial decree appoints Duke Michael, president of a commis gion to arrange for the construction of cruisers, submarine torpedo boats and other naval . vessels for the con: traction of which public subscriptions of Grand have heen started A Small Force. Koh, The St 29 Par, ha definite information that the R xn army in the far onset does not exceed 70,000, Feverish efforts are be ing mads to draft heavy reinforee ments to the front hut even the war wtograph letter to him the Cross Society and was identical with a lotter sent to the Empress of Jap Irritation ie St. Petershur; an in against what is British newspapers, Nations Must Help China. Washington correspondent of the Her ald, "because . of Chinese squadron is harbor, it is direction of American naval activity demands the Russian cruiser's with drawal will have to be supported the powers, she cantot do so herself." ------------ Struck By A Train. Yorkton, Man vid and James ing from Salt Coats, their home abou four miles east of and David was instently killed James was #o is not expected to recover, Queen's Gle Club concert, eveliing, February 26th, in insurance. tances, recovery. ¥] al. and little hopes ore held owt for his tion hall. : al classes are discussing reports of of Russia being complicated, Petersburg correspondent of the Temps claim. to office does not expect to ret them there before three months The Matin publishes o despatch from &1. Petorsbure which savs the kaiser's the ezar offered services of the German Red sald to he erowing considered false news published in the the report that a going to drive the Russian cruiser Manjur out of the i understood this may may have something, to do with the in the far east. It is believed here by some, that the action of China, if she by most of whom have war. ships at Shanghai. Tt is claimed that other nations are bound to help Chi na maintain ler neutrality if she nds Feb. 22,~While Da: Underwood were driv: Rokeby Station, I they were struck by the Yorkton train end badly. injured that he en ---- Hear J. W. Hincheliffe, baritons, at Friday Cenvorn- By order of the p THE MANDJUR. a Russian Gunboat Ordered To Leave Shanghai. . Shanghai, Feb. 22.--Last evening the Shanghai Taotai, acting on tations of the one muly demanded that the + Mandjur leave Shanghai wi twenty-four hours. The Russian const replied that he was unable to without instructions from the minis at Pekin, which he was requesting' telegraph. He was reminded that WMandjur was here in virtue of an ar rangement government, that the Xa be consid« | ered a non-combatant, and stationary during the war, said he was not aware that ths government had modi: fied its decision. On ths other hand the Japanese maintain of the Russian warship in a noutral port is prejedicial to the re-establish. ment ef the regular merchent ser Yive, The Russisn consul is arranging to send to Odesiy the refugees from Che mulpo and Port Arthur, -- Chiha's Neutrality Temporary. New York, Feb. 22.The Chinese minister here, says a cable to the World, from Berlin, with an oitenta tion that has been entirely foreign to him, has proclaimed that U a's nen: trality is only temporary, that no one, oven ths astutest di lomats, can tell what change a day will bring forth in China's attitude. Says the Chinese winister in a public interview : Tt should never bo forgotten that the war will be fought out in Manchuria en Chinese territory and that the ex- citement of the Chinese people will in crease as the war progresses. Natural: Jy, therefore, the Chinese government may be dxpected on any ond day to decide that its continued neutrality is neither possible nor decieabls, Thirty thousand well drilled Chinwe are stationed n the province at Chili, ready at a moment's notice from Pe kin to enter © Manchuria. Our nation admires the Japanese, and sympathizes decidedly with their efforts." r What is Expected. London, Feb, 22~The Japanese minister here, Baron Hayashi, not credit the report that 2,500 Russian: have been killed in an outpost ment at the Yaju River. Heo says is no Japanese force in that v ty large enough to inflict a loss, io only naval engagement Baron Hay: ashi expects in the near future is a possitle gttack cn the Japanese fleet by the powerful Russian torpedo flotil: la at Port Arthur ond hitherto wn used. On the Japanese tide, except gouible actions against the R /aldivostock squadron, , minister does not look for develop: ments at present, believing t miral Toso will be satidied to 1 the disabled Russien squndeof « soners at Port Arthur, The m Ee Ton advices of \ him to belive the Japanese troops may now wait possibly two or three months, before undertaking aggressive operations in Manchuria. Hanged Japanese. St. Potershurg, Feb, 22.--A despatch from Halifax, dated February 20th, says the railroad is in working order and the Japanese who atompled to blow up the bridge over the Sungari riper have been hanged. Bands of ban dite have been observed under Jap: anese loadershin and are being pur nod sii Ay Dueranto, gn Webrys Rouselle, a son. = FL MARRIED, sued. Almost all the civilian' inhakit- 1D--~ALCOMBRACK--At ants of Harbin have left and the re REIL--ALLS 15th, Kdwin mainder of the population is quiet. 5 Richmond, to Miss Alma Cruelty To Refugees. DIED! Tokio, Feb. 2--Popular indignation | HA W-At Sultan, Ont., Febraury 20th is aroused as the facts of the ill- Grace MeMillun, beloved wife © Angus Shaw, ix treatment of the Japanese in Manchu- rin, and_ the refugees now at Che Foo become known. These refugees declare that the Russian authorities compelled them to go to Port Arthur in order to intentionally expose them to dan- ger. The Chinese in the Laio Tune Veninwula are showing demonstrative friendship for thy Japanese, Presented To Mikado. London, Feb. 22.-A despatch sent yesterday from Tokio, to the Daily Fxvress says that at Chioda Castle, the mikado received Captain Yanamo to. one of the officers of the squadron which' sank the Russian warships Va- raiz and Koreitz at Chemulpo. He brought the laos of the Russian shivs and presented then to the mikado. -------------- Would Mediate. | Paris, Feb, 22.-The Petit Parisian's London correspondent says that dur ing an interview preceding the depar- ture from London for St. Petersburg yesterday of Count Benckendorfl, the Russian ambassador, Lord Lansdowne, Pe nsdon ie. "on Mo .ansdowne, RYDER~AL the Royal on February 21st, 1904, aged pevinty yours. Funeral fro aw, at the R.M.C, on Wednesday marnibg, acqusintances respectiully fitted, REKD--In 1904, Geo nineteen Funeral priv Wednosd, Suggestions For Joent : Bardinettes. Boneless Sardines. Truffled Sardines. Sardines in Glass. Fried Sardines. Mustard Sardines. © © Herring Milts. - Kip) pered H : . Herrings in Ti Bi Herings tn Shinn Swe New York, Feb, 22.~"Althouwgh no 7 7 3 t ons in authority here will spy that the Beitioh joni raat, intimated the Asiatic cruiser wouadron is being to him that King Edward was willing 1 An in mobilized at Shanghai," says. -the fo offer his mediation in the war in | Salon, Lobsters; Shrimps, the far east if the ezar thought hs could accept it. Jas. Redden Like French Canadians. "London, Feb, 22.~The Times, 'refer ring to the conciliatory work of the , | progressive party in Cape Colony, sags the Dutch am now uble to play the same equal' part freely and loyal: Iv taken in the great dominion by the French-Canadians in Cuebee, ' mie mee ---- Soft, delizate hands are kept adit Ly Cimon's Hed Cross borated ont: meal cream. Perry 8. Weath, secretary of the U. 8. Republicen National Commit. tee, hus resigned. REFORM _ MEETING Will meet on TUESDAY, at 8 pm. in the Relorm as, Clolden Lion Hlock, to elect sub-division chairmen, under the new constitution. R. H. TOYE, Secretary,