: v , No. 1 ;, on Monday nicht, C the island to the a dangerous for travel bv the weather, #6 the loyal islanders it necessary to remain at alone were not disap- he Jarge number of local them : Froh order who assembled shared in the re- 7 beautiful with ite decorations. About seventy-five argund the banqueting table no time in investigating the { the many dishes provided by Marshall. . John Gaskin presided over the , and on his right was supported Mavor Bell, Alderman Anorove, ili Cullen, district deputy grand of the Orange Order; and on by Edward Bennett: J. Berry, 0. Brickman, Belleville, grand : Fit if £ i = cities, ote. a When the fragrant weed was requis. itioned, the sccond part of the pro- game was begun bv the chairman, ho gave a brief history of the siege of of Derry and founding of the order » of the /Prentice Bove. The speaker h iit ' upon a visit to London- also derry, with Lodoe. He expressed re gret that the half million Orangemen for $9. of Ontario did' not stand united on an (oe 327:] all 'public' questions, so: as to oblain portionataly. | that representation and recognition . | of rights properly due them. "The King' was received with the | National Anthem. "The Grand Master | and Grand Lodwe" brought forth hao- {ov replies from Grand Master Berry nd Grand Secretary Brickman. The assuring inform- ation that the present would be the banner year for: the association, as its ranks were prowing rapidly. and the finances correspondingly increas- Stands, 20 styles, all re i J tere Stands, for $8.26 | ing. : I Sardimate Miangn® To] "At this stage the regrets of E. J.B. $2.00 Jardin Stands Pense, M.P.P., were presented; Mr. E 3 fers for! Pense had been obliged 'to return to Dn Ca a Sahon jor ".. Toronto to attend to levislative du- ties, and had jound it impoasible to ' gure. a substitute to re a els 'piesent him at the banaguet, as the Axministers, Balmer | half dozen or more asked all had orior , tr 5 r He was with the ban- y i in spirit, however. all ro "The Mavor and Corporation" brought felicitous responses from Mayor Bell and Alderman Angrove. (H1] The mayor = reviewed the noble work W4% | being accomplished by the lodeo whose guest he was, and wished it every success. Alderman Angrove said | tho happiest moment of his life was BE | when he hed been elected grand mas- . ter of the 'Prentice Boys, one of the Be | best fraternal institutions in Canada. ¢ * | He congratulated Derry Lodge upon the excellent banguet orovided. The toast "Our Guests" brought re- 1 plied from Messrs. Lutz, Oso: Sterne, 4 reputation of its p | years by proving ofie of the leasant- est and most successful of t ry very- . 'Last Evening a Success. ' The Fo-mo-tis-imo of 1904, held at {he Whig hall last night, sustained tle or in other delightful dances given of late thing combined to make the converia. a success, and the laughing nature of its origin was instrumental in bring ing together numbers who ere not usually secn at danced. The presence of many of the older set ensured the wearing of some costumes which had wpparently done service years ago in a | recom, ani the younger people followed closely in their makeup. The gathering was a thoroughly represen: tative one, and as the ball had «ll the charm of a private dance, with the freedom that is "associated with a hard-tinies vonversat, the guests en. joyed themselves thoroughly. Attend. ing the dance, partly through curios: ity, they were rewarded by spending u delightful evening, to which was added the novelty of every man wearing his old clothes in public. No matter how many dances are pis- ¢n early in the season, the winter goiety is never complete until the Fo- mo-iis-imo is nothing but a memory. 'The members of the various commit- fees, whose efforts were instruments! in making the conversat an undoubted success, were : S. Swith, F. Hamilton, E. Spencer, A. Kennedy, R. Payntes, J. Williams, W. Hazlett, 8S. Hamilton, 8. Porter, I'. M. Thompson, A. Blome- ley, J. H. W. Derry, George Comper and 8. F. Reid. The floor was in its usual excellent condition, and a splendid programme baying been prepared, dancing oegan about nine o'clock, being led off with a wellperformed grand march, after which the Boot was well filled with dancers until 2 a.mn., when, with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and the national anthem, the hard-times con- versat of 1904 was at an end. Every person being masked, until midnight, ond in hard-times costume, caused a great deal of amusement. Refresh ments, such as ice cream and lemon- ade, were served in abundance through- out the whole night in a small 'room adjoining the dancing hall. and prov- «d a decided novelty as well as a boon to the over-heated dancers. The decorations of the ball room, though otigitial and simple in chara:- ter, were extremely. well carried 'out and made a pretty setting for the dancers, At midnight the dancing was discontinued and everyone repaired to the dining room below, where supper was served, which is a feature in con: nection with this particular dance. iveryone must bring their own sup- r, and it is brought in everyones dea of what hard times would sug: gest, some in boxes, baskets, valises, rails, coal scuttles, red handkerchiefs. 1t was all spread out before the owner cn the table, making one of the mow pleasant features of the whole evea- ing. Dancing was again resumed, an, as usual, there was no thinning out of the danve, everyone lingering as long as possible, loath to leave so bright end "happy. a scene. Visitors were present from Gananoque, Lansdowne! Watertown nnd Winnipeg: The jmo granune was the work of the Whigs job room, atd was much admired. "Thi wording was printed on bronze, on the inside folder. On the outside was an original cut of two "hard-times" tramps. One, pointing to the an- pouncement of the conversat ou a bul- letin board exclaims : "Behold in me a martyr to my love for things of quality." . SUGGESTIONS UNHEEDED. City Asked County to Conform to Up-To-Date Procedure. Some time ago the city council sent a communication to the county coun- cil suggesting to that body that a Amherst Island; and Armstrong. Mountain Grove. "The Orange Grand lodge and Grand Master' broucht forth splendid addresses from Edward Bennett, W. Cullen and R. Elliott. "Sister Lodges," was received with pithy addresses from Messrs, Graham, Orr and Mulligan, masters of local No commission charged to purchas- 'ars; The managenient of Properties atid Estates undertaken, attending to Insurance, Assessments, and | ooo 0 Jodges. "Old Bovs of Derry . : Lodge," brought Isaac Kelly and Ro- . bert J. Wright to their feet, each de- | Investments _ | livering suitable nd interesting ad- ++] dresses. Mavor Bell did fill honor to "The Ladies!' and W. Marshall res. ponded té 'Our Host." "The Presa" brourht forth replies from two press representatives present. During the evening songs were rendered by Charles Har- vay, illiam Murrav and Samuel Harkness. R. R. P. Harvey presided at the piano in his customary clever manner. . The committee who had charee of arrancements and carried details into effect so well was composed of Sands, W. Dean, J. Berrv W. ward, E. C. Dean. The hananet was one of the most : Real Estate or Mortgage, Trterests Csllected ~ Money to Loan J: S. R. McCANN, "81 Broek street « - Eat. 1888. cantivating ing their pleasure at beings present, A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. piles: No cure, no pay. All ing. | instantly. new discovery and it is remedy sold on a itive guarantee no, cure, 'no pay. if your send 50c. (Canadian stamps accept os the Paris Medicine 'the celubrated cold cure. Quinine, " The civic committee 'was called to meet at four o'cloc marrow night. . eern's Eh on examinations begi on March 22nd. John Ed- successful 'and pleasant éver manaved in the city. It night, il | terminated shortly after two o'clock Tuesdav mornine, All present exnress- Itching, blind, bleeding and protrud- drug: are authorized by the manufac turers of Pazo Ointment to refund the money whore it fails to cure any case tter of how long stand- of piles bo ma Tr oO w long staf the worst cases in fourteen days. One application gives ease and rest. Re lieves ii This is a the only pil oc hasn oc! : yn ed) | students were going Co., St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo on industries this afternoon. Notices wero sent out to-day calling the council to meet to conference between representatives of the two municipalities should be held with reference to the expansion of the local House of Industry, so that it { might be available for use of county | residents. The county council, how ! over, srems ~ to have overlooked the comumunication, as it was not ac" knowledged, and as far as the city council can learn, action was not tak- en on the suggestion. The city also suggested that the county council should, as far as possible, solicit ten- | ders for all repairs and supplies a "portion of the cost of which the city ' had to bear, but this, also was not | acknowledged by the county council lors. Another supgestion' was to the effect that the city auditor should be present when all accounts between the city and county arc being checked { over, This sugrestion does not scem | to have borne fruit, [Queen's Best Days To Come. At the fourth ammual banquet . oi Queen's University Alumni of Western Cntario at St. Thomas last Friday Principal Gordon was the chief speaker. Me said that the loyal: ty and devetion of the students of Queen's was not equalled by thowe of any other university. "It was one of the best assets of the university Queen's had become more * and move undenominational, It was doing « large amovht of work for the country, tuk- ing a place which could wmbv be com- pared to that of the Provincial ini- versity. Queen's had sent forth half as many graduates as the Provincial University, and had furnished twenty per cent, of the teachers of high schools and collegiate institutes e | 863 students registered last year, which included various dencinmations. It was the university of Mastern On- tario, and an increasing number i down west year after best These officers were elected : Honorary president, Rev. D. M. Gor Steatford; J. H. ard Dr. Jennié Drennan, St. Thouns | *Secretary-treasurer, Thomas Alexan der, London. n Scott, Rodneyt Rev. Dr. McLeod, At wood; R f. Anglin, Essex; A. D Griffith, Chat Woodstock: Dr. Bray ol over six feet. throughBut the province. There were of | constipation, a trouble of about from' the year. The prineipal concluded with the prophecy that the days of Queen's were vat to come. don; president, Rev. J. G. Stuart, k B.A., London. Vicepresidents, Rev: D. R. Deo mond, St. Thomas; George Malsolny Marshall, Windwor, Executive committee, R. Leos, St. Thomas; Dr. Ferguson, London; E. C. Edivards, London; Dr. Harvey, Wyom- | trv it to-nivht, and do not allow anv dealer to sell vou "something inst as cood."" You will.do.well to write Pv- . | ramid Drug Co.. Marshall, Mich., for book on the causes and cure of piles, which is sent free for the ing: Dr. Newall, Watford; Rev. .J. F. Homi, H. Mills, Waterfosih Rev, Forms to be Used in Purchas- ) ing All Supplies. The civic committee on water works held a regular meeting yesterday af- terncon, with Chairman Meek presid- inz, and there being in attendance Alds. Toye. Mowat, Sands and An- grove. After the minutes had heen read and confirmed, Superintendent Hewitt re- ported that recently - twelve service pipes had frozen and were still closed. Six of these consumers had been given temporary relief, but the others were without water, save what they could obtain from h ts and neighbor- ing services. Some of the services were on Queen street, where an old main lies, and where the services are not laid as deep as in places where new mains run. All the mains and hydrants are open. The superintendent said t was not anv use fighting the frost, as the services mioht only freeze, up again. In laces the frost has penetrated the ground to a depth . vost submitted an account for 81.60 for services of a plumber end helper, who were engaged in at- tempting to thaw g, frozen water ser- vice in his store, On motion of Ald. Mowat the account was referred to the superintendent and city solicitor; if the solicitor holds that the devart- ment is liable, the account will be paid. Chairman Meek presented the new blanks on which dealers will be asked to submit tenders for supplies, and which will be used . in ordering all supplies, so th#t when thev are re-' turned they will be available for checking purposes, savin overlapping and possible mistakes from occurring. It was decided 'to solicit renders at once and have them in by the 29th inst, so that accounts iav beein on March 1st. Tenders for iron pine will not Le asked for at once, as there is a possibility that at a later date better prices may be obtained. What May Be Done. The by-law which the fire and light committee will submit at to-morrow night's special meeting of the city council will not be the one which re- ceived its first reading at last Friday night's special meetine. That measure has been changed somewhat by A. B. Avlesworth, and the amended by-law can be presented to council either as on amendment of the original and thus receive a second readine, or can be put in as a new measure and be given a first © and second reading. 1f this is done, the original will be al- lowed to remain in ahevance. Rheumatism. If you have this dread disease and have failed to obtain relief, why not try Hall's Rheumatic Cure, the great blood purifier. Tt has cured when every- ing else has fdiled. Sale to take, quick to cure, most highly endursed, sheapest to . Ten days' irchtment price 60c., at Wade's. , To Examine Rowley. Application is being made at Oos- goode Hall for a writ of habeas cor- pus to again take George 8. Rowley, the late manager of the Atlas Loan company, frém Kmgston to St. Tho mas, for examination in the winding- up proceedings of the defunct com- pany. -------- To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lots. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- nature is on each box. 20e. An expert declares that the typhoid epidemic at Watertown, N.Y., is dus to the use of the sewage polluted water of the Black river. The Summers Stock company is a' Oswego, N.Y., this week. EE SLEEP IS PRICELESS But It Can Be Obtained by Simple Methods. Are you a hard worker? Are you overcome with fatigue .at the end of each day's labor, and instead of \re- tiring to bed with a feeling of safis- faction at the prospect of a night's repose, do you wait the hour of bed- time with dread and shrinking. It is your unhappy lot to be awak- ened every night, just after you have dropped off to sleep," by an intense, uncontrollable itching of the rectum ? Do vou then endeavor to relieve the sensation by scratching so desperate- ly that the skin becomes raw and la- certated, and you finally sink into the sleep of exhaustion ? If so, you do not need to be told that vou are afllicted with itching piles. You have probably tried every remedy vou could hear of, with but temporary relief, if any, and have con cluded there was nothing left for you but to drag out a miserable existence. A$ a drowning man grasps at a straw so should you eagerly devour the words of 'W. 0. Milbury, 70 Pearl St., Reading, Mass. "I: am pleased to state that I hought one fifty-cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure at the drug store, and used about one-half of it, and it not only fit- teen vears standing. I have tried al- most evervthine without any lasting benefit, but I can honestly and truth. fully state that Pyramid Pile Cure has entirely cured me, as I have had no return of that terrible itchine, which used to keep me awake by the hour, nicht after night. If the old trouble should ever return I will know just what to do, but I puess it won't for it is now six or seven months since I first used this wonderful remedy." We vouch for the authenticity of this testimonial, and as Mr. Milbury found relief and a cure, so you mav also. Do not delay. but buy a box and «| their little A. MeAulay, Mitchell, asking. cured me of itching piles, but also of INCIDENTS Ss oF THE DAY. Local Notes, and Also Things in General Seamless hot-water bottles, Wade's. A couple more days like yesterday and the country roads will be closed for repairs. The man that eats an egg at break- fast now feels like cackling. Forty cents a dozen ! . William Swaine, piano tuner, orders received at McAuley"s or 153 Syden- ham street. Some pictures we see on bill fenaes nowadays are awfully lightly clothed for this weather. The Whig's newsiness and fairness has won it many friends and our cir- culation was never higher. The small boy who ¢@n pase through a room without knocking something over will never amount {o much. J. J. Hibbard, an old lake captain, says it will not surprise him if naviga- tion does not open before June Ist. Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Orders received at McAuloy's book store, Princess street. The Transportation comnrission will meet in Kingston early in March, and will afterwards go to Peterboro, Mea: ford and Collingwood. Cataraqui lodge, No. 10 1.0.0.F., is. having another red-letter day, on March 1st, when another twenty five or more candidates will be initiated- The younger members of this prosper ous lodge have eliarge of the proceed ings. Morchants are wondering how they are to clean their sidewalks of ice, since ho instrument of steel is: to be used on pavements. The civic authori- ties say that by the careless use of axes and iron bars, the granolithic walks have been seriousl-- chinved. February has not yet broken re cords in the way of cold weather. In 1875 there were seventeen, consecutive days in which the temperature"never went above zero, and in 1899 there were five consecutive such days. Thanks to the frequent breaks, this month cannot yet boast of more than four consecutive days. Cosftable Russell, Delta, who follow- ed the younz horse thieves to Nap: nee, writes to fay that in Frontenac county and the police staff of Kings ton, he has always found willing co adjutors in the work of administra tion of the criminal' law, but he can- not pay the same compliment to the authorities at Napance. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying ant Doing. M. R. Davis, hull inspector, is in To- ronto. Principal Gordon returned from the west to-day. City Solicitor McIntyre will likely reach Kingston next Monday. J. Snyder, of the Dominion Police force, Ottawa; is in the city visiting friends. Cole Hamly, Belleville, has been ap pointed Grand Trunk railroad agent at Napanee, Hector Charlesworth recently left the Toronto News to join the staff of the Mail. and Empire. Joseph Hawley, Toronto, is in city to attend the funeral of sister, the late Mrs. Cunningham. J. A. Goodearle, assistant general manager of the Thousand Island Steamboat company, is in New York. H. W. Snelling, local manager of the Bell Telephone company, was out to- dav after a ten days' siece of prippe. George Frederic Handel, a profound end original musical composer, was boin at Halle, Saxony, on February 23rd, 1685. Rev, W. C. White, of China, is a member 'of the Kickers' Union. He was much surprised to learn that all but three members of the union had kf the city end are now widely scat- tered. Drury Congregational College, Springficld, Mo., has tendered the pre- the his sidency of that institution to Rev. Josaph H. George, president of the Chicago Theologizal Seminary. Rev. Dr. George is a Canadian. Rev. Robert Herkison has resigned the pastorate of Stewarton Preshy tetian church, Ottawa. Mr.- Herbison says it is not his intention .to accept enother charge for a year or so. ba the méantime he will travel and study in Scotland end Germany. He ic a Queen's graduate and regarded as an ably preacher, . To Have Special Meeting. At yesterday's private session of the fire and light committee, A. B Ayles- worth's report upcn points of the agreement between the city and Light, Heat and Power company, submitted to him for expressions of opinion, was presented and dealt" with. It was de ciled that portions oi the roport would not be made public, as to do so would be showing the company the city's hand too clearly. Porticns of the report will be picked out and con verted inio a special 1eport to be submitted to coun il at a special meeting to be held tomorrow wight. ee ee Should Work Both Ways: A hing street merchant-not one of the victims arraigned before the pa lice magistrate this moming--pro- pounded this problem after he had learned of the magistrate's decision : "If it is wrong for a merchant to clear his gramolithic sidewalk with an ira loment that does not injure the pavement, . is it 1izht for tne corpora- tion employees to use picks and sho- vels on these walks, "as 1 saw some of these men dong con Princess streel recat' an et eet Citizens Are Careless. Monday the board of works depart- ment put to work all the men avail able opening up gutters to carry off water created - by rapidly melting snow. In many iastances merchants end citizens in clearing their sidewalks of snow and ive, dumped the scrap- ings into the gutters, thus undoing ths good work accomplished by the board of works, and necessitating in- creased expenditure of city money by such lack of judgment or carelessniss. ---- G. B. McKay Banqueted. George B. McKay, teller in the Bank of Toronto, Toronto, leaving in a few days to assume the position of teller in the Brockville branch of the bank, was tendered a farewell rcp. tion by a number . of friends on' Sa- turday night at the King Edward. Mr. McKay is a son of John McKay, Sydenham street. FURS ! at prices A Ladies' Fur Coats No. 6,047; Ladies' Eton Coats, made of a a glossy Astrachan Skins; Satin ned, at regular value, $30. Sale price, .. .. .. .. $10.50 6,000; Astrachan Coat, 26 in. long; deep Storm Collar, and full Revers, Regular Yalde, 330 = Hale $22.50. price, .. .. Astrachan Coats, 28 in. No. 6,052; long, Medium Curl, Deep Collar, and full Revers. Regular $25 00 value, $33, for .. . Astrachan long. Well lined. and Revers, value, $35, for .. 111; long, Revers $35, No No. 6056; Coats, 36 in. Very Deep Collar Regular $27 50 "oa by Seal Coats, 24 in. deep collar and values, £25.00 No. Electric richly lined, Regular for .. .. .. No. 565; Electric Seal Coats, 24 in. long: extra quality and beautifully finished. Regular value, $32.50 $45, for, .. . 889; Electric Seal Coats. with Al- aska Sable Collar and Revers, very choice. Régular, value, $50, OF vol de $40.00 940; Electric Scal, Russian Blouse, with rich Sable Coon , Collar and Revers. . Regular value, Sr Tor Nomular value: $32 50 No 24 in. collar, 37.50 995; Russian Lamb Coats, lone, Finely finished, deo) and Revers. Regular value, $45, for .. .. .. .. «4 Coon Coats, and etc, reserve. Highost Cash Prices Paid for POLICE COURT TIDINGS. Merchants Arraigned For Viola- tion of By-Law. At the police court this morning a dozen or fifteen - merchants were ar- raigned hefore the magistrate charged with a breach of the by-law pertaining to the care of granolithic walks. These merchants had taken advantage of the soft weather to remove snow and ice from the walks fronting their places of business, most of them us- ing a flat-chisel-like implement, made expressly for the purpose, to lift the ice from its bed, 'without any injury to the walks. Acting City Solicitor McIntyre in formed the , court that convictions would not he asked for, but those ar- raigned and other citizens should Be made aware that they should not use metal implements in removing ice from the walks. In his opinion it was a hardship under which the merchants rested by reason of the by-law in ques- tion. He thought the by-law ought to be ntedified, and would suggest to council that such be done. The magistrate thought that the merchants "stood between the devil and the deep sea," inasmuch as ono by-law compelled thom to clean their walks while another said they must not, use iron implements to do so, though it was impossible to clean the walk without such. He dismissed th» defendants. A member of the R.C.F.A, was at raigned for using blasphemous - lan- guage on the streets. The trouble arose over the soldier trying to perform his duty as a citizen, by removing ice from the walk fronting his place of re- sidence. He was using an ircn imple ment made for the purpose, but put it away when warned to do so "in a bullying mamner" by a policeman. He sccured anothér implement and again 'attacked the walk, whem an- other policeman put a stop to him. Then he decided. to allow the "d--"" stuff to remain, and because he go ex- pressed himself, was arraigned for us- ing profane language. A fine of $2 and costs was imposed. George Kelly got gloriously "full" last evening, fell on an icy walk and cut his chin so badly that 5 physiéian was obliged to put six stitches in the wound. He pleaded guilty to a charge of drunkeifiess: and was "hit Pr $3 end costs, 4 The Evils Of Consumption Are Well known and the next best thing is to know a reliable cure. Mre." W. Eddles, of Stony Mountain, Man., says © "Dr. Hamilton's Pills are just the thing, They go right to work at once. I nse only Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Price, 25c. per box. " The Wilbur Opera company i® olay- ing in Belleville. IMPORTANT SALE OF FURS ! After the biggest season's busi. ness in 25 years' experience, we have 0) decided to sell the balance of oyr fine stock of reliable, well made Fy; fortunate eel .more than repaid for having thus far endured the winter's blasts without them. Ladies' Fur Jackets, Coats and Fur-Lined Capes are all advertised by numbers ; something which we think will be appreciated by ail. prospective purchasers. All Salss Wl Ba For Gash Oaly (Cut Out This List ; It Will Never Appear in This Paper Again). RS so low that all who are 'enough to purchase wi] No. 821 Russian Lamb Coats, 28 i, lopg: very fine, high collar, und large revers Regular value, $50 00 $65, for .. 983; Russian Lamb Coats, 28 i' beautiful gur long (ome only). A Regu- $48 50 ment, richly lined. lar value, $60, .for No. 970; Persian Lamb Coat, 36 in bust: latest style, beautifully made, egular price, $115 $90 0 \ , 0 bust; or «ww SR Persian Lamb Coat, 24 pn. 242; long, 8% in. bust; good R for... $100 value at $123, No. No. No. 971; Persian Lamb Coat, 28 in. long; Heep collar and revers, also cuffs, made of nice glossy skins; cheap at $130, for $115 TRY Ladies' Fur-Li S ies' Fur-Lined Capes No. 655; Fur Lined Cape; plain black Cloth covering; 'Thibet collar and fronts. Regular price $13, fOF we do vo of oe wo 00 wo oe on $8.50 No. 656; Same as above, 84 in but with Brocade covering. Regular price, $13.50, for Lined long, $9.50 Cape, richly trimmed with yi nihet, fine Brocade covering. Regular price rene. Resular © 'price $21.50 No. 2,838: ble Collar some, and No. 2,304: Fur Fur Lined Cape; Alaska Sa- and fronts; very hand- J, dareain $32 50 at $40, for .. Alaska Sable, Mink and Stone Martin Stoles, Ruffs and Muffs ; also Men's Fur.-Lined Coats, will be sold without GEORGE MILLS & CO, Manufacturing Furriers, 106-108 Princess St. Raw Furs. , Comic Periodicals |0c. each, Sis. Hopkin's Own Book. Just Fun, "That's AlL" The.Foolish Book. Puck's Library, '"Quacks." Judge's Library, etc. F. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. Weese & Co.. 121 Prineess St, Agents. Wood ~: Coal The central Wood and Coal Yard Is located at 236 Earl Street. All kinds of good hard wood, cut and split to suit, dry kindiing, always under cover. Prompt delivery. Flats cight. N but the pure Coal--no mixtures. ¢ B. BARNEY > ANEW LIVERY always a.) good livery. We bave mew rigs and new horses; Everything up-to-date. Special tamou for weddings. Prompt service. a sonahla rates. A. E. HARDING, £10. Wellington, f Stroct. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from the ia- jury. All danger of this may be oided, however, hy promptly apply- ing Chamberlain's Pais Balm. It is an antiseptic and unequalled as a quick healing liniment for cuts, bruises and burns: For sale by all druggists. G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, © LIFE asd FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Office, 61 Clarence street. 'Phone Weaning address. 48 Sydenham Si. "Sicilian, $37.50 ONE WA COLONIST FA . "In effect March 1st to Apri Inclusive. Bilge, Moth:........c..n..s. 00s Anaconda, Mont., Kalispell, Mou la, Moat, Jbincok, Mo tah, ¢ olorado Fpring=, Cole, Po aver. Uolo.. Puebely, "Salt Lake, Utah....... RAND TRONK = Nelson, B ©., Spokane, Wash, Re "Res, B. C. floras BCE. Portland, Ore, Vancouver, B. 0, Ses Yicuria, B |, Tacoma, Wash., ¥ San Franeleco, Cal... ...ivvaviiannns For further particalars apply to J. P. HANLEY City Passe KINGSON & PEMBROKE &C PACIFIC RAILWAYS TRANS LEAVE KING 12:40 p.m.--¥xpress, for Otts treal, Quebec, St. John, N.H. Boston, Toronto, Chicago, De frew,| Sault Ste. Marie, Dy Paul, Anipeg, Vancouver, Portland, and Sun Francisco. 5:80 p.m.--Local for Sharb connecting with C.P.R. east ai 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for Renfres termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston .m., arrive in Ottawa at § *eterboro, 510 p.m; p:mn.; Boston, N.B., 11:35 am. Full particulars at K.' & P. a Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F.A.FOLGER Gen. Pass. Agt. G THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, local points. Train leaves Cit) pot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY B. Q. Ry., Kingston. .« BERMUD THE NOW FAR FAMED BEI with cable communication ant winter temperature of 65 degre tiful scenery and 100 miles roads, headquarters of the Brit American Squadron, is unrivall attractiveness, reathed 'by the iron steamers TRINIDAD or PF in forty-eight hours from Ne Sailing every THURSDAY tropical islands, including CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINI LUCIA, BARBADOES AND ARA, also afford beautilul a esting tours, all reached by ste: the Quebec Steamship Compan from New York about every For descriptive pamphlets and sailing apply to A. EMILUS BRIDGE & CO., Agents, 39 B New York: . P. HANLEY « GILDERSLEEVE, KINGSTON ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary ALLAN LI Liverpool and Londond ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. Johan. Frou Laurentian, Feb. 18th; F Ionian, ¥ Sicilian, Feb. 237th; ¥ Bavarian, Mar. Oth: : Reduced Winter Rates of P First Cabin--Bavarian and Io and upwards : Laurentian and $50 and upwards. Second Cabin--Liverpool and derry and Tonian, $40: Laure : London. $3.5 Third Class--$25 and $26: 1] Derry. Belfast, Glasgow, Londc Through tickets to South AD NEW YORK TO "GLASG! Numidian, Thursday. March 8rd, Corinthian, Thursday. Mar. 17th 1st Cabin, $46; 2nd Cabin, Class. $26. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T Passenger TDapot. gir PP. SLEEVE, Clarence street. AWFUL COAL APPETITE Our fuel satisfies ** that hi feeling "in" furpace and -stov: We sell coal " ms is coal." Our coal burns freely, ste: evenly, It's brim full of hi And so is our wood. We know our fuel is strict linble--entirely satisfactory. ple who buy here come agair again Isn't that proof eno Let ms supply your fuel w YOU will be pleased with fuel, our service and our pr they're all most favorable. Place your order to-day R. CRAWFOI Dealer in good fuel, Kin, Foot of Queen Street. 'Pho EIR, 7 SLAUGHTER OF MUSIGAL INSTRUM One Evans Upright Piano, sec in good eandition for $100, cas A beautitul Upright Parlo Wagner, good as new. Origi $400, will sell for $200 Our stock of second hand ( going fast. Come and get on price, from $256 up for first cla ments. . 1.000 copiés of sheet music a sheet, McTOWALL'S. MUSIC - an Princess Stree