Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1904, p. 6

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, Whitefish e Pike, a all kinds of Salt Pian. © very scarce; scarce, but we E ption to Core the end of PECIAL OFFER 112i =i zx 2304 and 15, wo wi 1 send you 8 the ni A y ny 1908 number free. "Do i SILK COMPANY, Ltd. \ SN. i "Os Box 841, St. Johns, . The Brightest Thing in Stove Polish Is X=RAY ous twice Bu ae paste o laud polish-No weather strip to keep 004 the cold, Valises, Baskots, Roxes and from all parts of t low. Give us a tri « 128 Barrie. Y ++ YARKERITES ISOLATED. a Week Without Mails-- y # The Next 12th, Yarker, Feb. 19.--All villages on the line of the B. of Q railroad have been practically closed to the outside world, as far as mails are concerned, since last Saturday. Should another storm come before a thaw the roads and railroads will be in_a tenible shape. Rivers and crecks are about frozen solid. Business in the country in ": standstill. Farmers are tisd up; can't get out wood or logs, and in most every village there is xa scarcity of wood. John Irish is on the sick list, and is hardly expected to recover. A. A. Connolly has been operating his gasoline engine in con- nection with his agricultural works. Services weme held in the Church of England on Ash Wednesday. Roy Gowdy, a graduate of Kingston Pusi- ness College, has mecured a position in Montreal. He loft here Wednesday. now will have te be removed "frem many roofs before a thaw, or there wil be many a one go down. The coal supply is getting very low muny places, and it was well for us that we could get coal. Md Kil lorau died Monday at the ce of her daughter, Mrs. Alexander McCon- hell. Her remuwins were taken to her home near FErinsville, Very few schools in the country were open Mon- day and Tuesday owing to bad roads. Post office boxes will not be able to hold the mail matter when it does come. It hike heen decided to hold the next Mth of July celsbration in Yarker. It is over forty years since the 12th of July has been celebrated here, and some who were present at it, state 'that it was the" most suc- ceasfal ever held in the county. The hell ringers will be here next Tuesday might. Miss Alma Reid. our late principal in public school, was mar- ried last Monday. Yarkerites forward congratulations. Owing to the storm ino services were held in thé Methodist 'church last Sunday night. Al. Walker and wife have been visiting at Hay Bay. Toronto Street Market. Totonto, Feb. 22.--Wheat, white, sh., c. to 94jc.; wheat, red, bush., 93jc. to Me.; wheat, spring, bush., 88c. to 90c.; wheat, goose, bush., 80c. to 82c.; peas, bush., 65c. to 68c.; oats, bush, 36. to 37ic. : barley, bush., 47c. to 48c.; hay, timo- thy, per ton, 89 to 811; hav, clover, 60 to 88; straw, per ton, $9 to 810; seeds, alsike, bush., $1.50 to $5.- : 8, red clover, bush., $6 to $6.- §, timothy, 100 lbs., $2.25 to les, per bbl., $1.50 to $2.25; zs, $0.25 to $7.25; evos, new per doz., 40c.; butter, daity, 18c. 3 butter, creamery, 22c. to 26c.; chickens," per 'Ib., 13c. to 15c.; geese, per Ib, lle. to 13¢c.; ducks, per Ib., 42. to lo.; turkeys, per Ib.. 18c. to 20¢.; potatoes, per bag, 9c. to 81.05; cabbage, per doz., 60c. to 75c.; cauli- flower, per doz, $2 to $2.25. celery) per. doa., 45¢c. to S0c.; beef, hindquart- ers, $6 to 838; heef, forequarters, $4 to 86; beef, choice, carcase, $6.50 to $7; beef, medium, carcase, $5.50 to $0; lamb, vearling, $8.to 89; mutton, per ewt., to $7; veal, per cwt., 87 to laid, A Neuralgic Headache Is Usually Attended with blinding pain, but relief comes quickly when Nerviline is applied, for it is the strongest pain- reliover in the world. "I consider Ner- viline a most magical remedy for neu Talgia. I am subject to violent attacks" writes Mrs. E. . Harriss, of Balti more," but never worry if viline is dn the house. The prompt' relief that Nerviline brings makes it priceless to me. A few applications never vet' failed to kill the pain. I can also récommend Nerviline for stiffness in the" joints and rheumatism." Try Nerviline yourself, Price 25¢. ) ------ New Elevator For Fort William. Port. Arthur, Ont.," Feb. 22.--The Canadian Elevator company will er ect a million and a half bushel eleva tor at Fort William this summer, Messrs, MacWilliams and Lane met the town council, and it was decided to give the companv exemption from general taxation for twenty vears, and also to wait upon the government and urge the dredging of Kaministi- quia harbor. Greatest Bargain In The City. Prevost of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, has decided for the next thirty days to sell all goods at first cost, consisting of ready-made clothing, gents' furnishings and eloth- ing made to order, to make room for his spring importations. His $15 suits and $3.50 pants made to order have no equal. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap, a powder. It will remove the grease with the great- est easo. 'The congregation of Trinity church, Brockville, have presented' the rect.r, the Rev F.Dealtry Woodcock, with a Rr PENI TE ore than tiredness, Hard a bring sharp, handsgine fur-lined overcoat. cthey bannot do nature's work ~ that'they want help to get well and strong again | GIN PILLS are the greatest help that sick kidacys can 'Rave. | They 'relléve thié pein, stresgtion the weak parts, and completaly cu a'l Kidney Troubles. They ace prepared solely . iy to cure the 'Kidney: They do thet coe y it pil { pout 2 ee : a lia CIN PILLS are Thats wi we aul ny dr ist t fund your money they fall. Egat tu * 7 Bax, 6 boxes for fa. 50 at your arugaite © dre 4 LAKE BAIKAL. A Times Correspondent Says It Will Be Impossible To Tran- sport Many Men Over It. In connection with the report that 600 Russian soldiers while warching across Lake Baikal were caught in a snowstorm and frozen to death, the following: from the London Times of February 3th, two days before the outbreak of the war, is of value as elucidating the facts concerning the weak linkin the Sinberian railway : So far as concerns communcations by land, the strangulation at Lake Baikal is a serious disadvantage for Russia. 'Lhe Times correspondent in Manchuria states that two steamers are now running atross the lake, the largest making seven voyaves, or fourteen crossings, in two days. He tells us that the railway round lake will not be completed until 1905, or a year later than Russian calculations had anticipated, and he adds that by the combined means of sledges end Steamers some 750 tons of stores can be conveyed across the lake in twenty - four hours. From this he concludes that eight trainloads can be taken across the lake every day, and that this figure represents the maximum capacity of the traffic on the line of communication 'at this important point. It is a liberal estimate, and it may be observed that it onlv applies to the next three months and is con- ditional upon the unlikely event of both sleigh and steam traffic continu- ing without interruption. This question requires a little ther elucidation. The break Trans-Siberian at Lake Baikal is the greatest blot in the Russian military position in the east. A railway is un- der construction around the southern shores of the lake, hut so far it has only reached Tonkhoi, whence it is two 'hours' journey to the eastern shore. The mailwav enterprise encount- ers many difficulties; it requires the piercing of nineteen tunnels through the spurs of the lofty mountains which fall abruptly to the shores _ of the lake, and Russian engineers have very little experience of making tun- pels and are not adepts in this branch of railway work. There are, besides, many broad and deep marshes to be spanned, and the plant required for this purpose will require many con- struction trains to be devoted to its transport if the work is to be carri- on concurrently with the supply and reinforcements of the army in the east. We learnt what it meant in the Sedan to continue work on a rail- wav and vet keep an armv of only 20,000 men at the front supplied. The Russian numbers are ten times greater ard the line of communications three times longer; the Russian difficultios are therefore greater, even though the Trans-Siberian is, on the whole, more solid than the Desert railwav of 1898, Lake Baikal is 400 miles in length and is usually frozen over for several months in the year, the first serious frost having occurred this vear on January 2nd. The ice generally in: creases to a thickness of three feet, and thourh a steam ice-breaker, the Ledokol, is able to break through the ice of moderate thickness, heavy frost is linble to cause the steam traffic to be suspended. During the months of February, March and April the traffic is almost exclusivelv by sledge. It is at this moment that the circulation on the Russian roads in the east reaches its maximum, and so lone as Baikal re-' mains hard frozen it is rather an ad- vantare than a reverse, But the lake is gubject to severe storms. and if th®%e occur before the ice has become firmly set it becomes hummocky and the trafic by means of sledges is of- ten delaved. In earlv spring and in autumn the greatest difficulties arise, since the ice is too weak to bear sledges and vet strong enough to im- pede navigation except by specially- constructed craft. With the meltine of the ice the Rissians are thrown back upon their steamers, and when this moment arrives the French general staff calculates that only two train- loads can be despatched each way in twenty-four hours. The calculation of the Japanese staff is that six trains a day can be sent fur- in the east every twenty-four hours under wholly favorable circumstances, but they believe that four traine a day are more likely to represent the fact. The report that dynamite has heen discovered in the masonry of the bridges on the "line and that other preparafions have been made to des troy the railway mav be true or false. In anv case the insecurity of the rail wav j8 plain, and the necessity for breaking it up must have long ago occurred to the Japanese staff. ---- Schoolboy On Dogs. Philadelphia Telegraph The following is sent to us by a teacher in one of our public schools as a composition submitted by a small school boy on the subject of "Dogs "A dog is an animal which has four feet. Two of them are in the front of him and two in the back. They are most always tame and kind, but if you tease one he will bite and a dog bite is poison like a snake. Dogs can live in any kind of country cold or hot, and they will eat anything even some eat slop in the alleys, They are a very smart thing and are teached to do much, some jump through holes in wood, and some do funny things. Dogs sleep much more in the dav time than he does in the night as they have to keep watch as night and net go to sleep then. Most dogs have got hair, but some dogs have longer hair than other ones, they have all color hairs to and do not like to be clean. Dogs live to be older than a cat does, but do not get gray when théy do so, but die different. Most dogs die from being shot by police- men or smell gas and then choke. They are named by people after them." Abernethy's Shoe Sale. We are still giving the public bar- gains in 'all kinds of footwear, trunks, and valises. Come and see, and you will be well satisfied. Abernethy's. y Three applications Salve will cure of?i Peck's Corn or soft corns. WEAKEST LINK: BREAK IN SIBERIAN LINE AT Frock For a Little Girl From 6 to 2 14 Years. When a little girl is from 10 to 14 years she is at the most difficult age to dress tastefully, the idea being not to have her frocks too young or to old for her. The above illustration shows a good design to follow in making a little girl's frock. There is a becoming little fulness at the neck and waist, and the reveres give the necessary broad shoulder effect. The skirt is a pretty pattern, having = front gore to which is attached the double Florence skirt. This little frock can be made either of a woollen or wash fabric the trimming of lace, em- broidery, 'or any other style of trim- ming. cates capital of province, 5 city 'of the first class. Chou.--Indicates city of the second class. wih small post town as Ychang- i, And the termination of geographical terms : Kiang, Ho, Ychuan, meana stream, river, Hai.--Sea, sometimes lake. Shan.--Mountain. Kuan.--Camp, strong, fortified place. Kuan-Hai-Kuan.--The fortificd camp where the mountains and the sea meet, aptly illustrates these three terms. Ling.--Pass over a mountain. Ycheng-Chen-Holo.--Town, large vill- Ychu.--All € age, At the beginning of geographical names the following prefixes may gen erally be translated : i: Ya.--Great, large. Siao.--Small, little, Pci.--North. : Nan.--South. Nei.--Black. Huang. -- Yellow. i est. East. He ~--Upper, Hio.--Lower. In Corea the termination Po, or pho.~Indicates that the place is a port or harbor on navigation wa- ters--for instance: Yongampho.--The hartor. near mouth of Yalu river. asampho.--The disputed naval base on the southern shore of the peni a. nsu- Do.--As termination indicates that place is a prov ince, and means, therefore, "the district of," or that it is the capital of such rovince. Han.--River. Li . Kidney Disease May Last For Years Causing Much Pain and Suffering or It May Suddenly Prove Fatal. able symptoms of ic If you would preve ease, rheumatism, Iney disease. nt Bright's djs stone in the hlad r \ H you choose J ¥ Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pil's the treatment will' not long be pursued before you will find |; yourself greatly benefited, The grand reputation which this i great kidney medicine has made for itself is due to no small dxtent to the wonderful Promptness with which brings reli-f and cure from backache. Backache, lumbago, rheumatism, |, aching sides and limbs result from voisens in the blood, which are entice ly eliminated by 'the use of br. Chase's Kidney-Liver [ijls. It seems rather unwise to experi ment with untried remedies, when vou |, can rely absolutely on this famous 1 preseripticn of the great receipt hook author. Mrs. W. Francie, 204 Colhorn> street. Kingsten, Ont., states: "1 ws in a very bad spate with kidney disease its worst form. I felt miserable most of the time, suffered from pains. in the legs and as 1 saw that I was gradually faring in health. and be coming thioner afil weaker I wor ied a great deal about the future. I had tried a great mony kidney medicines but did not obtain much benefic A friend of mine asked why I did not try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I did so end can truly say that they have entirelv cured me. I would not think of being without this remedy in the house now, as we consider it a splendid family medi ne." Dr. Chase's Kidnoy-Liver Fills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a hox, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co. Toronto. To protect you against imi- tations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt xe | it |¢ to the sufferer |; t 1 ¢ h « a © hb Oi w ¥ i A, 1... DOLEDRUS CJ, Wits, max 18¢., at Wade's. book author, are cn every box of his remedizs. and that consideraticn had induced A GLOSSARY him to settle there, a Cne day two brothers named Mor Of Native Terms Used In The gan came to Gordon's cottage at Far East. richtiall and sought his hospitality. Fu.--To the . name of 4 city, indi- | It was the custom in the bush country cessary for mining and reducing the ---- ore were unique, as no similar forma Pains in the small of the back tion or quality or ore had been dis scalding, burning éations a covered elsewhere, Original methods passing water, qnd gradual loss of § VoF® therefore devised for working the flesh and weight "3 the unmistake- | M05" der, end other dreadfully painful de the greht dxpenditures of the com velopments of kidney "disease, you | PODY- ; must act promptly. y SE -------------- About 239 acres thereof were sold .the spared from the desecration according to which the venant Tara bv St, monly known in Irland as "rathe," legends. the Canada, from when a bov, participating in the bat- tle of Windmill father of survive him. who feel receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are made for the blood, nerves and com- SPAY, FEBRUARY 23. : A GOLD MOUNT. $22,000,000 ALREADY TAKEN FROM MOUNT MORGAN. 'And Plenty More To Be Had-- Composed Entirely of Gold Ore--Sold by a Poor Herder for $5 an Acre--Fortunes Made By It. Lendon, Feb. 23.--A Londen news- japer avnounced the other day that the usual monthly dividend of $145, 000 had been paid on the stock of the Mount Morgan Mining company. Thus far the lucky sharchoiders in this com- pany have received more than $22,900, 000 in dividends. The richest gold deposits were found at the top of the mountain, gnd vn til the top had. been quarried away the dividends amounted to more than £500,000 4 month. Tha sensational returns ceased several years ago, anil since then the company has been pay- ing regularly $145,000 5, month, and seems likely to continue to do so for many years, for the entire mounteiy as far as can be ascertained, ecnsists of gold bearing ore of uniform rich- ness, Mount Morgan, in the southeastéin part of Queensland, Australia, is pro- bably the most marvellous gcld mine ever opened. There is pathetic as well as romantic' interest in its history. Years ago the mountain was owned bv a poor herder named Gordon, who eked out a precarious existence by keeping a few score of cattle. He had fenced in the mountain and , strip of the plain around it, established his re- sidence there and fulfilled all "the con- ditions necessary to make the property his homestead. The few people who came to his lit tle cottage wondered that he had chosen ¢o uninviting a spot, for the pasturing was poor and little of soil was adapted to cultivation. He said, however, that he had plenty of water to make all travellers as comfortable as possible, and Gordon welcomed the strangers end set out his best for their entertainment. They were experienced prospectors and were looking for gold indications. As they were chiefly interested in min- ing, Gordon told them about his mountain. He said that he had obser ved curious green and blue stains all over it, 'and he would not be surpris ed if it contained copper. He excited the curiosity of the Mor- gan brothers, who next morning ex amined the -movntain. A shower dur- ing the night had wetted the rocks and one of the brothers observed in- dications of gold that fairly startled him. They said nothing, but pocketéd few specimens of the rock and went on thir way. They had discovered the richest known spot on the globe. A few weeks later the Morgan bro. thers again appeared and offercd , to buy the land from Gordon at 25° an acre. He thought it was a good offer and decided to sell. At that time the Morgans had no idea of the enormous value of the mountain, though they were confident that it would 'Pay handsomely to work it. Gordon drove his cattle away to gn- other frechold, and » few years ago it was reported that he had died in pov- erty. He lived long enough to know the value of the prize that had slipped his hands. % A battery was needed to treat the rock, but the Morgans did not have money enough to buy the necessary plant. They, therefore, offered a half interest in the property to a resident of Rockhampton for 810,000, tha money to be invested in machinery. He said it was too great a risk for one man to take, but he found three other men to go in with him, each in vesting $2,500. There were thus six men in the enterprise, the Morgan bro- thers owning half of the property. "ive years later each of the six men was_a millionaire. The stock is now more widely distributed, though it is in comparatively fow hands. The n ina has made 4 fortune for every one con- cerned in it. } It was found that the methods ne store a At the foot of the mountain there is ow a thriving mining town, and the vhole district has heen transformed by Réscuing Tara's Hill. *Liord Dudley, viceroy of wereasing his popularity b subscription for the istoric hill of Ireland, is Vv starting lo purchase of the Fara in county Meath, 'her day Lv pullic auction for 817, 00, and it is hoped that by purchas- ns the enti hill that it may be 6 of being wilt over. Leaving aide the popular legend ark of the eco was conevaled in the hil of Patrick, it is a fact that his hill was the ancient lace of the kings of Ireland. It was ikewice the cite of their palaces and ombs, dating as such from five cen wis before the birth of Christ The Il is covered with earthworks, com crowning nl beneath these are believed to Le ins of palaces, temples and fortress. s referred to by so 'many Irish poets s "Tara's ancint halls." Columns ould be written akout Tara and its It is doubtful if one spot in EmeraM Isle is so dear to the eart cf the Irish patriots. John Hanna, Augusta, died from Id age on Sunday last. He came to the north of Ireland, Point. He was the thirteen children and his ridow, six sons. and four daughters Women with pale, weak and colorless faces, discouraced, will plexion. .Do you 'When your health goes the'least bit wrong, a wireless message t to your brain. -- says something like this: "You are not.quite weli-take a dose of BEECHAM'S PILLS at once and it will put you right." You should do so. BEECHAM'S PILLS oiten illness, and so prove themselves "WORTH A CUINEA A BOX." Sold by all Druggists in Canada snd U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents, They Are About Your Health. attend to these messages when you receive them? prevent a serious ® Lower ® Prices © ® @® @ ® ® Ww @® ® @® @ ~~ Pa oe P0099 ©999000900 ©99 (nem) | sm) For sale by all first-class doalers. : LIKEWISE EDDY'S MATCHES. oor Better ® Quality '® USE FIBRE WARE > Can be had in @ Tubs, Pails, Wash Basins, Etc, S @® ® @9 ® 09 VORVIND IO E@O ©®99s00 tis Impossible to Correctly . (TIT I LLL IITITTTT TTT] 1 1 The Popularity They D Easy to Use! | I I | 1 ec : | 2 3 4 DIAMOND DYES ye Wool, Silk and Cotton Goods any Color. Perfoct Results! Al Dealers Seli Them! of We exccute fer buying or teenth 85 per hundred and Montreal. PETERBORO : 134- and upwards upon a five: commission ; mati STOCKS, CRAIN AND COTTON orders in all New York stocks in lots of 10 shares point margin, commission only one-eighth grain on three-point margin and one-six- cotton on margin of $1 per bale, commission bales. Direct wires to Chicago, New York, Boston, Correspondence invited. selling ; . McMillan & McGuire S. E. Corner King and Young Streets, 68 Queen Street West. 136 Hunter St. KINGSTON : Exchange Chambers, 114 Brock St. Telephone 339. lant i] RRR I PTET wil a = e---- = Ta ASK F JAS. McPAR OR LABATT'S ALE The Purest and Most Agreeable Beverage on the Market. Not Carbonated--Made from the best of Malt and Hops. LAND, Agent. LADIES --Ifayou a hair. GENTLEMEN WHO or partially so u can They are protection and catarrh trace cf arti Prof. Do the merits of de tom thy head wy wend his Wigs. PR OF. The Greatest Hair Goods Artist in America, of Toronto, is Coming to Kingston. British American Hotel on THURSDAY, Feb. 25th. Younger appearance lent to the face b do not fail to see the grand assortment Bangs, Pompadours, Wavy Fronts and W enwend will show. Consultations entirely free and demonstra-: tions given regarding these ing Dorenwend's Wigs and Tou y are perfectly fitted to the head and be: no will take measurements Don't forget the day and date, THURSDAY, Feb. 25th. DORENWEND Will be at ppreciate the added Sharm and the y having beautiful hair, of samples, Switches, igs, which Prof. Dore beautiful conceptions in natural ARE BALD » even though you are bald regain your former appearance by wear- pees. atch any shade of hair. They are a and a cure for chronic cold in the head and demonstrate - ELLIOTT Telephone, 35. Gelephone 35 When you have a plumbing job to be done. We are specialists in such matters and can Put Things in Order On short notice, and for little money. We can also put your heating apparatus in order if there is anything the matter with <a it. BROS .. 77 Princess Street. . ! WARM, WELL-FUD to let. Apply sirect. FitOM FEBRUARY sirable residence, containing 10 roo improvements Dawson, 144 Barn ON APRIL FIRST, . wirabie Store, at Taylor & Hawi and Plumbers, or with large work: Apply to Felix SI BY HE 1ST Brick Dwelling, west, occupied by with Modern Imp Water and Bath Vuughan Terrace. MONEY AND SAFE. . SURE Incorporated 1833. Cupit British Americar All Olasses of Fire | GODWIN'S INSUR/ Tewpoone 424, U MONEY TO LOAD smn] sums, atl op city and far vestment the Post Office. eee LIVERPOOL, LON Fite [ assots, $61,187. which the policy security the ual all the stockhold preperty insured rates Jefore rem business NUE & 8T ARCHI" gat mmm P SMI Anchor 'Phone Dew STRA \ Square, WER & SON, A TE Rank Bu Ilineton & RTIHIUR ELLIS, A fice sito of New ner of Queen and WM. NEWLANDS, fce. second floor etore, corner | Streets. Entranc Talanhans aR KINGSTON BUS| " KING! TORONTO BUSI TORO nequalled facilitle tions. Largest and best © 841 Quees street, SEND FOR | Confgderegion Life rp -------- = Our Febr Is a, great customers by gains we are 0 Handsome Bec plete; only $10. Special Spring only $2.50. 5 Piece Parlor hogany. Fancy Parlor 1 Mahogany; only Jardiniere Sta: These are a fe bargains we are JAMES UNDERTA: J04 Ambulance ') Our Acetyle Are approved b) Underwritet The Posiilve Ge Summer Ilesorts, ¢ given the best of The Positive is e rus automatically, cause it takes al carbide and wastes P.E. WA 93 Princess Si ~ We Sil Rolls, Buns Tarts a Toronto Bre Pollitt A. J. REES

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