ake a dose of PILLS you right." vhen you receive them? S often prevent a serious . A BOX." erica. In boxes, 25 cents, 99990008000 Better ® Quality ® ® (@ ® ® @® ® ® ® L ARE Basins, Etc, § ® s doalers. HES, @8@9 ©9946 > Correctly [TI Goods any Color. I! Dealers Seli Them! RE -------- D COTTON ocks in lots of 10 shares mmission only one-eighth nt margin and one-six- $1 per bale, commission icago, New York, Boston, r King and Young Streets, Queen 3 reer West. change Chambers, Brock S eeenccn as 1M Brock St. Emme IT'S ALE irest ost ble ge Market. Made from the best and Hops. ND, Agent. END America, ill be at 25th. . and the utiful hair, , Switches, Prof. Dor demonstra- in natural u are bald e by wear- hey are a n the head nd bedr no emonstrate > 25th. 35 ou have a plumbing job . We are specialists in ers and can t Things : Order rt notice, and for little We can also put your \pparatus in order if aything the matter with 3ROS .. == THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBR sme oe WARM, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS to let. Apply at 232 Johuston sirect. ! FitOM FEBRUARY 15TH, THAT DE- sirable residence, No. 159 Farl St, containing 10 rooms, with all modern improvements Apply to Db. J. 144 Barrie street. ON APRIL FIRST, 1004, THAT DE- . wirabie Store, at present occupied by 'Taylor & Hawilton, as Tinswiths and Plumbers, on Wellington street, with large workshop in the rear. Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot St ee eee A 18T/ OF MAY, THAT Brick Dwelling, 86 Union street, west, occupied by Mrs. Edward Low, with Modern Improvements, Gas, Hot Water and Buihg etc. * Address 430 Vuughan Terrace. / MONEY AND BUSINESS. SAFE. SURE RELIABLE Incorporated 1633. Cupital Pally Pald, $1,000,000. British American Assurance Co. All Qlasges of Fire Tosurunce Written. GODWIX'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM Tewwpoone 424, Market Square. Dawson, BY LOAN IN LARGE OR MONEY TO at low rates of interest op city and farm property. Loans Aran on city and county debens tures. Apuly to ®. C. MeGILL. and In- manager of Fron opposite tenac vestment Society. Office the Post Office. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fife lmsurance Company. Available assots, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders bave for security the unlimited' liability ol all the stockholders. property insured at lowest possitle Jefore remewing eld or giving Duw business get rates from STRANGE & STRANGE: Agents en i { 1 Brim:full of Heaith and Erergy. Life is worth living when one can awake after a good night's slecp-- ready for anything the day-may bring. Eye elear; tongue clean ; liver active; stomach right ; hand steady and every nerve: vibrating with that splendid sense of the power of perfect health. Too few enjoy this enviable morning awakening, but Abbeys Salt can always bs depended upon to restore the system to its natural con- dition and keep you in good sound health. A gentle laxative it helps ARCHITECTS. x nature to rid the system of poisonous EENRY FP. SMITH. ARCHITECT, impurities, stimulates the liver and ste, Anchor luilding, Market tones up the digestive organs. Square, 'Phone 245. a At ail Druggists 2sc. and €oc. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT. MER- chants' Rank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 313, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice mite of New Drill liall, near cor ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF pce. second floor over Mahood's drug otore, corner Printess and Bagot Streets. Entrance on Hagot street Talanhans aR -------------- TET KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE * KINGSTON, TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. $ fnequalled facilities for securing posi tions. Largest and best equipment in Canada 831 Quees street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Conledereston Life Bullding, Toronto Our February Sale Is a, great boon to our customers by the many bar- gains we are offering. Handsome Bedroom Set, com- plete; only $10. Special Spring and Mattrasses; only $2.50. 5 Piece Parlor Suites, in Ma- hogany. Fancy Parlor Tables; in Oak and Mahogany; only $1.75. Jardiniere Stands, only 25c. These are a few of the many bargains we are closing out.. JAMES REID, UNDERTAKERS, ETC. J04 Ambulance "Phone 147. Ne Feet and Ankles Swollen Could Not Sleep at Night. Backache and Kidaey Trouble the Cause. Doan's Kidney Pills Cared After Other Remedies Had Failed. These Wonderful Kidney Pills will Care the Most Obstinate Cases of Kidney Trouble If Only Given a Fale Trial and Used According to Directions. ~ 'Read what Mrs. Geo. H. Alward, Whites Point, N.B., has to say about them: 'This is to certify that I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for pain in the back and kidney trouble and I do most gratefully recommend them to any person suffering inthis way. 1 was so bad with kidney trouble that I could not get around the house: 'My feet and ankles were so swollen and painful that I could get no rest day or night. I tried several remedies but could get no relief whatever until a friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I soon perceived a decided change for the better and had only taken two boxes when I was able to do my house- work again, and three boxes e a com- plete cure." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cts. per box, or 3 for $1.25, all dealers or THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO. TORONTO, ONT. LACTATED FOO THE ONLY PCRFECT FOOD FOR INFANTS. When babiés cannot be fed from the breast or are only partially fed on breast milk, Lactated Food will build them up and keep them well and st Lactated Food is 'a preventive of constipation, hoea and intestinal disorders. 3 babies' live dia Its er ------------------------------ - Our Acetyl Are approved by the Canadian Fire Underwriters Association. The Positive Generator for over two years has been used in Churches, Stores, Hotels, Factories, Dwelling Houses and Summer Iesorts, and in all cases have given the best of satisfaction, The Positive in easy Lo recharge. makes gus automatically, also economically, he- cause it takes all the gas out of the carbide and wastes none: P.E. WARD & CO. 93 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. Wo Sell The Finest Rolls, Buns, Sally Luns, Tarts and Pastry. 0 ----ALSO-- Toronto Bread, Pollitt's Bread, Veale's Bread. A J. REES', Princess St ne Generators ; "HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY ___ Misses' Dongola Boots, Button and Laced, heel, or spring Heel; heavy or light sole. All solid. | Good value at $1.25. psn 'Cut Price §()c, H. Jennings, King. STAMPS MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, Self-inkers, Linen Markers, Dates, 3 Stencils, Bank and Ticket | of ter visiting her sister, Mrs William OUR NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In . Eastern Oatario--What People Are Doing And What They are Doing vy Glendower Glimpses. Glendower, Feb. 16. are kept busy shovelling now end break ing roads. PT. J. Kelly still keeps very low. Target shooting seems to be the order of the day. Arch. McGowan, De sert Lake, is at A. Leeman's Arch Timmermen has returned from vi iting fricnds pear Verona. J. Timmerman is engaged in making .axe handles, Farmers Factory Changes Hands. Dufferin, Fob, 20.--A number from this locality attended the sale at Doyle's. Owing . to so many severe storms the roads gre in a very bad condition. Mrs. J. Henderson. has re turned to Brockville after - visiting at her father's, S. Donaldson, Our cheese factory has changed hands, its former proprietor having sold gut to Messrs Cowan and Shortall, His Farewell Sermon. Collins Bay, Feb, 18.--Rev. Mr. Mc Kee will preach his farewell sermon on Sundav evening. Mr. Smylie, Califor nia, paid a visit to his old friend, J J: Tassie, on Mondav. Miss Florence Loyst left on Saturday for home af B. Miller. was the Miss Bella Hood, Catara--ui, guest of Miss Edith Howard on Wed nesday, Mr. and Mrs, William Britt returned home from Adolvhustown on Saturday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Gallagher ' Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Feb, 20.--Abel Charlton and Miss Graham, both of this con munity, were recently united in matr mony. Alvin Avery has purchased the farm owned by his brother. Mr. Hal liday sold his stock and implements, ell, former cheesemaker, was through on business Jerome He bhicon was visiting his mother. Joseph Warren has moved onto his farm Melzar Avery, M.P., Addington, paid Miss Franklin us. a flving visit. M. was visiting friends at Athens: "Mr end Mrs. Kirkwood were calling on friends here. Died At The Hospital. Althorpe, Feb. 19.--Tafly parties are the order of the day. One was given by W. A. Norris last week, which' was a success; also one at Wilton Crozie tonight. Little Percy Dowdall, very ill, has completely recovered. 1¢"is our unpleasant duty to report the death of Daniel McCarthy, which took place in St. Vincent. de Paul hospital, Brockville, Monday, February Sth, where he went about 4 menth ago for treatment. Deceased spent all his life here, where he had a wide circle of fri-nds, who deeply deplore his u timely death. He was aged fifty eight. The remains were sent to Doug las for interment. Horses Ran Away. Violet, Feb. 22.--Charles Austin Rob inson--- + .1.; -has been appointed com: missioner" of the high court of jusiie for. Ontario. Miss L. Davey, Wilton, is taking French lessons from M. 8. Robertson, B.A. Mrs. John Valentine was the guest of Mrs. Reuben Snider last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Robertson had a serious rua away the fore part of last week in Napanee. The horsés were frightend at a train and became unamangeal: le, throwing Mrs. Robertson against the buttment of the stone bridge. he horses continued up Main street nd collided with a load of saw logs, where they were caught. Mrs. Robert son has not been well since. Kaladar Communications. Feb. 19.--Quite a are encaged drawing wood the Rathbun com pany the _ heavy snow storms the section foreman, Mr. Flem had to engage extfa hands to the track in good order. Mr Mav and Edward Morton, evangelists from Bancroft are visiting the lat ter's father and mother; Mrs. J. Mor ton. They are also conducting a few Kaladar, number of teams to the station for Owing to ing, keep meetings in the school house. ( B. Scoutin had the misfortune to lose his horse one dav last week. Mrs. TL Allport is spending a few davs at her father's, C. Pickering. Shire, Northbrook, agent. for Standard M dicine passed through vesterday on business, y George Co., Are Removing To Lindsay. Sharbot Lake, Feb. 19.--Rew. W Brown, Sydenham, exchanged pulpits with Rev. KB Lawson, on February 14th. Mrs. E. Watkins received a tele gram, stating that her mother, Mrk Hyland, Kingston, is very sick. N Babcock and family have moved . to Lindsay., They are leaving manv friends, who wish them well in their new home. Harold Thompson, confin 'od to his room all winter with rheu matism, is improving slowly. Marion Burleigh, very sick, is reported a littl better. Mrs. N. Drader, Sydenham, is with her daughter, Mrs. J. Geraldi. JJ Percy, Verona, spent Sunday with W Burleigh. Miss Flossie Gilbert is 'an Ottawa. There is a great deal of sicl ness in our midst just now Maberly Matters. Maberly, Feb. 16.-1t is extremely cold to-day and business in town i nearly at pn standstill. We learn that our popular stage driver from Pratt's WITH LOCAL API'LICATIONS, . as cannot reach (ie seat of the disease. Catarrh ix a Liood or consii- tutional disease, and in order to cure it you muss take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is liken internally, snd acts directly on the blood and mucous surinces. liall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by | one of the best physicians in this coun- try for years and is a regular pre- scription. It is composed of the hest tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. 'The perfect combina the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for téstimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO... Frans, 'oledo, tion of Sold by Druggists, prica 7 Setibment had the misiortune to get one of 'his horses drowned. Mr. and Noith Sherbrooke 'have returned home. The roads between and Zealand must be in a state of | blockade, as we See no person from that -conntry Row. There will be a serics of entertainments town hall here beginning on Saturday evening, February th, dhere will be a varid programme. A. Ho Elliott is improving his store by giving it a new coat of paint. Matthew Me N. T. Kingsley, Greenbush, has Charles is smiling; it's a boy. { leased his farm and will remove to Picton. Ameliashurg, Feb. 13 There is snow everywhere above the tops of the fen vs. A heavy crust also makes turning out almost impossible, and many horses have had their legs cut by it Mr. Taylor, brother of our miller, was hore from Manitoba for a visit Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson is convalescing Mrs. Roblin is visiting friends in Bélle ville. The Swiss bell ringers paid ow village a visit, under the auspices the Workmen; proceeds, $31. A num ber of men are at work getting ow wood for the Highland cheese factory akes W. Roblin has rehased two thor ough bred Ayrshire cattle Special services have been postponed on ac count of the extreme weather. "There was no service on any of our appoint ments last Sunday. A number drove up from here toa social in Adam's school house on Valentine's ev - A Little Girl's Brae. Deed. Pleasant Valley, Feb, 20 Barr came near losing his house by fire_on Tuesday; had it not been for tha timely arrival of the neighbors, the fire would not have been' controll ed. However, the roof was considerably. A painful incident ocour- ed in connection with the fire. While Mr. Parr's family were all engaged getting water and doing everything in their power to help extinguish the flames, Tassia, a little girl nine-years old, said: "Papa, do you think we can save the house ¥'" He replied, "I am afraid we cannot, unless we help." Whereupon she ran to Mr, lerbeck's, a distance of one fourth mile, in zero weather, with the roads and lines full &f snow, ahd a cutting north-east wind blowing" She reached Mr. Fllerbeck's and told her message. Her hunds were found to he badly frozen, hut thanks to Mr. end Mr« Ellerbeck's treatment she is now gain ing nicely, Visitors : Thomas Cowdy, Thomas H. Watson, James and Miss M. Curl! Verona; George Barr, at Yarker. George Tuttle's Hill Items. Tuttle's Hill, Feb. 19.--tn Friday evening a number of our young peo ple drove to Mowat's Hill, to the home of Mrs, Compton, where a very enjoyable evening was passed. 'I ho evening's amusement took the form of euchre and dancing. The refreshments wert especially appreciated by those who had driven from gq distance, How ard Gray has returned from visiting his mother in Brockville, Captain Bol severe attack of grippe. We are all pleased to see Mrs. F. Irwin arovni again. Manucl Gallagher is engaged Ww putting some repairs in the Im perial laundry. The friends of A. Potv who was a residint of Miss Tow of his lather, this place for g number of years. C. McAdoo has been Ee n days in Kingston: Joseph Morton-has ordered a new straw blower for hi threshing machine, A. Kemp is getting away on Monday morning--James Mc better be imagined than described thy grief of his poor father and when they beheld their beloved son » the illness of Fath to la grippe. A very Ottawa, own er O'Rourke, « bridesmaid, while homas, assisted him v théy repaired t the, bride, where a sump sister, acted as the tuons wedding breakfast was served Mr. and Mp. Highan will take uj their home in Purges, followed by the best wishes of a host of friends. 1 H. Sylvah paid his friends here a flv ing visit last Tuesday. Rev. A. C Rvan hae expressed his desire of leat ine for the North-West soon. Mrs Shields and Miss through her: Ripley is Tess Dwyer passe an scing. con Unanswerable. "Dat men is ¢ lus lookin' foh work.' what he says po, J» dat goes shovel in July Janyary.""' roun' en' lately. in her vightyssecond Three. sons and three daughters vive, one son, John, being customs oi ficer at Prescott. Patrick McCrea county registrar, Prescott, is a bro ther. > . February 14th was the fiftieth anni versary of the marriage of Mr. an Mrs. James Jackson, Pieton, friends took the opvortunity of pr senting them, on Monday, with Year ode Stans, .. Repairs prompt. Joha otord, g Office. Whi he. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. . beautiful painting, bendsomely frame Mrs. John MofroWw, visiting friends ol Mabetly | | i given in the | | | Deep Snow Im The Country. an the neighborhood known as Willow: i damaged | ton and family have recovered from a { ter deeply regret to hear of the death | mother, who has been dead so long. He passed | *'¥ Monday. Mise Effie Ye," spid Erastus Pinkley, "'dat's but he's one o' deshere wif a snow a pitchfork in Mrs. John Murphy. died at Prescott | Furi and al UARY 28. i ---- DISTRICT NEWS. SPICE OF THZ ARTICLES IN VICINITY NEWSPAPERS. The News Put Into Condensed Shape -- The Episodes That Create Talk .in The : And Hereahouts, The residence of R. W. Landon, just opposite. Melcombe post office, was burnt last week, On Wednesday Albert. Cowan, Leeds, sold to Mr. Joy, Wolfe Island, a two vear-old colt for) 8150. The date for the Deseronto horticu!: {tural show this year will be Wednesday, August 3lst, A 110 pound sturgeon was near Point Traverse, Prince county, a short time ago. An effort is being made to establish a women's court of the Independent | Order of Foresters in Lanark. | Kenneth Latimer leaves Gananogue | Lon Monday for Denver, Coll, where a lucrative position awaits him. ¥ Neamt Gilbert has bwen installed into the offices vacated hy the death | of the late W. H. R. Allison, Pictoa, A new cheese factory is to be opened farmers living west of Gananoque, | | caught Edward by rank Miss Lizzie Gracey, Gananoque, Las left for Nelson, B.C., where she will | occupy the position of head nurse in ! the hospital. William White, contractor, has bought 229 acres of timber land. Bh zabethtown, late Thomas Atcheson. lin ill. health for years, died on Tues | day. The deceased was for a time em { ployed as purser on the steamer Alex | andria | A vractical joke over the sale of a watch between H. 1, Boldrick, a Ban {eroft lawyer, and J. Dobenskv, has nded in the police court. Judgment reserved. 2 { The Picton commissioners have deem ed it advisable to discontinue strect | lighting and to shut down the incan | | descent plant at 12 pone until a fue ther coal supply is received. | MUST NOT MARRY | | Without 'Approval Of Bank | Officials. Chicago, Feb. 23. There was posted in the Corn Exchange National Bank | a notice which reads in substance as | follows { "Employees of this bank receiving a | salary of less than $1,000 a year must | not marry without first consulting {the bank officials and obtaining | their approval." Country [* on the property of the William Welsh, Picton, who has heen With ordinary soap a woman has to work so hard and so long on wash day sh his no time for preparing any of the family meals. Wash day is a trial, and the "good wife faces cach, with a sigh of ir. Sunlight Soap makes all the difference in the world, No ; no boilingeleus than half the labor with much better results, m all through their wash by twelve o'clock when they wash with Sun 'Soap the Sun- light way, = It makes child's play of work, : * ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR. ) Suniight Soap washes the clothes white and won't injure the hands. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, peasesses im that are Carling's : purest and 'most pared malt, al and less \ That is why {tia se by family physicians for g up their patients. No ale Is equal fo Carling's for medi inal purposes. # a 9 ASK for Carling's Ale --accapt no other, because NO other Is quite 80 goods. + Carling's | AAA APN on | Officers of the bank state that the | action was not taken ' to discourage | matrimony under proper circlunstanc: | Vice President D. A. Moulton said: "We issued that order because we hefieved it was nonsense for a man to | attempt to take care of a wile and | family with an annual income below £1,000, We start vouns men in as gn sengers at a small salary and increase they show aptness and ability Sor Most of them rise rapid Iv, and are paid accordingly be folly for anv fo marry before thes are able to support a asife, We should feel nartly responsible. for any misery which might follow H we it as Le ourselves out. lo for lumber to build a nw | approved of such a course, Larn tor W. Vanhomn at 1 . NeAdes &; Mrs. Hamilton, at J. Mor Found. Her Lost Son. Syrainge, N.Y., Feb. 23. Joseph F, A Sad Home-Coining. Alt 1oit L renton, Ont 3 cighteen 3 : care ago, locating in Rochester, N. Westport, Feb. 15. ~Wood is com Y. Fis mother and her family re ing in more plentifully: now. Casper | paved later to Syracuse, Four years Speagle, who wos well supplied with | goo Joeerh cased writing and ne fuel, was kind enough to help others | trace could be scenred of him, * The who needed Mrs. McFadden, Ba | other is now teioiced to find that a tavia, is the guest of her brother, | ono search which she had instituted Herbert Derbyshire. One of the oldest | ung ymny prayers she had offered that residents of this township passed he misht see him again had heey ye warded Repeatedly, Mrs Carthy, who had been ill only one | jude nowlication to. pe liew and nostai month. Deceased had enjoyed good | guthoriti @ in various cities to locate health till. he was stricken down | her son. snd yesterday she received a | with paralysis of the brain, He was [worauled note. rostmarked nt Roches aged seventy or vears. His funeral | ¢.p, ving, "lI am well and working to St. Edward's church on Wednes dav Mrs Alkn plans to see day was very large The remains of+y en at the varfliest possible mo Fred. Garrett reached. here on Mon | day evening by BB. & W. train: It can - -- Killed By Bolo Rush Fel Lieut i the constabulary have rsh © an Man la, a bolo away: a couple of days before Year's, and the remains have y | fanatic while patrolling the cast const ever since reaching their destination. | of the Leland of Samar. Private Salo Much sympathy has been expressed for | 100 of the Fourteenth Cavalry, sta the bereaved friends. Special services tioned at. Jobo, has nlro been killed were held in Fdward's church on | bY bolomen Ash Wednesday iy Rev. Father Gray, | Bwallowed Her False' Teeth. Feb. 23.--Mrs. Mary \ York, photty wedding k place in St. Ed | pool of No. 65 Bridge street, Brook ward's church Tuesday morning at | |, woke from a dream that she . *cloe her i innie Eg do R. y 1 . ten o'clock, : Mien Minaje Egan | had swallowed her false teeth Her Was mart to Francis Hig an Ihe dream. had been a reality, She was bride was handsomely attired in pearl | (10 "i (he Brooklyn hospital, where grey and wore a white hat, looking | \" rot will be made to recover the charming and heppy. Miss Nellie, her | op . ) | Found lron-ox Tablets Best of Any for Indi- f] gestion. 1 ave 2 2, 1903, ve a t man kinds of for indi ] I have found yours the best I | ever used. wh ROBERTS. Toronto, Ont. Fifty Tron-ox Tablets, in an attractive | aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at rug: gists, or sent, postpaid, on recei i Remedy Cov Lime | price. The Iron-ox . fea, Walkerville, Ont, It would | Alien had | McRae and | 0 Van CREAT CLEAR Footwear, Trunks, and Valis © eS, ---------------- Abernethy's. Coats! Coats! We're having lots of fun with, thy balance of Winter Conte~not making much money just at present, but mak: ing a good name for the store. There cones n time in éveyy season when i% pays to sell at a loss, What we're do- ing now in precisely 'af a sensible merchant should d prices down in order to crowd goods out i= 85.00 Coats {oF co ive suis vein 5.53.48 A 86.00 Coats for rain min 3308 87.00 Coats for ...... ween wn 87.50 Coats for ioe svn RR a nn wd I -------- e & Co., ™imeiiiny, Spenc what you want, Nevera dot anodt the quality of any articl From well tem 'Cutlery to p Screws and. N the best alway ne cs KELVEY & BI 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kings Mc