club last riht. A former Kingstonian iz the as his iho result is a formidable neral of the late sister's place in ton, iiinder $ ro Telegraph : wrence, United States, Lady t Rochester, Niagars, taract, Cntatio, Pay State. How many of these can old mariners remember ? years, died to-d Brock street. He eral weeks, is at home with measly disease. + There has been. a new. nurses' rein. ing school System. introduced. i fon Jas . . aimn, Miss McMillan, the superintendent, for} qusis hotel here, merly of this city, and it is thought | manager of the it would be workable at the Kings Catharines. His ton General Hospital. First of all, any | this week. young lady over a certain age may | Miss Stratton, q ang an examination, similar to college' appcinted months are spent in the training od in St. Mary's where lectures are delivered, the students do. next six years ago to-day months are spent at practical work in the hosjital in whi h the nurses was sung in St. would be quartered during that period, | Tuesday for the The following six months, the nurses training is given, and are secured. The fees paid make ths school at 'wa, are in the ¢ least geli- supporting, end probally yield a smell revenue, The system i, were better resulls | accompanic pital, or in fact any other hospital, does not give the best results, for ths rearon that the nurses after a hard! * day's lator among sick not in fit condition to listen to lee: tures' at nicht, oF to study either. | is a lot of hook work and prac tical work in the medical line to he studied, and. in the short time at the nurse's disposal it cannot be dome in any but an imperfect manner. There fore. to divide the course into two distinet parte, cn> for study and the other for nursing, seems to be a wise Jurdiniers Stands, 20 styles, all re ie etre an wo Jurdiniere "Stands for fava Mandgany: © Gus a ry oP The committee city covn-il day afterncon to ant congerning these will lan. Some day the systen. be possible until it lt troduced nto the General Hospital -- i. brought here, number of hands ly pey roll. K situa'ed for the prise. GIRLS VERSUS MATRONS. Curling Match Yesterday, The Former Winning. The girls of the curling club are walking about with their heads very much in the air to-day, for four : of their representatives won by the hand some score of ten to six, from four representatives of the married members of the club in the match on Tuesday afternoon. The teams were : Married Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Garrett, A resident of been sdrprised a which contents diminished durin, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Dawson, skip. t po) itn Ling o Dalton, Miss | his doz . sill, iss Nan Skinner, Miss ers. The management of Properties | Lorraine Lesslio, skip. and Estates undertaken, attending to | "The prizes, given by Mrs, Mane, Repairs, Insurance, Assessments, and Collection of Rents. Ray Investments In Real Estate or Mortgage Effected. Interest Collected. Eo Money to Loan were sxcoedingly pretty, and consisted of Scotch pebble "stance," combined with a Scotch broom and o pice of heather and were given the winners by Col. Drury. - wi -- Felix Shaw's handsome trophy was | presented by himself to the lucky win- ner, Miss Lorraine Lesslie, in a charm- ing apd felicitous little speech. The prize, a pretty silver medal, is much valued by the winner. To Mr. Bailey fell the honour of bestowing the club Take Laxative ngglure is on eac Bag 1888, sl Brock tween Mrs. Almon, and Mrs. Dawson. After the match proper yesterday, a scratch match between the men and ladies was played the following com- posing the rinks. ! Ladies--Miss - Bea Tandy, Miss Let tice Tandy, Miss Marion Redden and Miss Mabel Dalton, skip. Min---Mr. Kidd, Mr. donald, Col. Drury, Felix Shaw, skip. Very delicious rofreshments were served during the afternoon, and the affair altogether was voted ome of the oy pleasantest of its 'kind, ever held ire. Dawson won Miss Waldron's prize this monin;, from Mrs. Almon efter an exciting match, by , score of cizht to five. Oranges, 5c. Ferguson's. Those who delicate chi under the plies those the h lack Scott's labor in the city, will retire contract and jobbing work and ch. out in the manufacturine line. will be i ed and bovs ie , labor substituted for the priced skilled labor em- easily di form. i 1 . that is ing good RPO emis ville were in attendance ing for the repose of the soul of and the young ladies board just as late Archlichop Cleary, who diced five spend at lectures and the next in the a laree conorepation. hospital again. Thus a more thorough was drared in mournine. C. B, Godwin ant {of the public works department, Otta- ant communications securing for Kingston of two import- munvfactories. The 'deem it advisable to keep information lets. All druggists refund the if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig- pleasure of , "Sunnyside," en- tertained the married people's euchre "and bi; memory of the mature! B- Richardson left today on the 4 9 : train for Merrickville. His cann t travel back with allem- OO fen iu dying. . v. Father Spratt is fast improv- in? in health at Hamilton, Bermuda. Sir Richard Cartwright, in the city during the past few days cn business, retizned to Ottawa to-day. and Mrs. H. Beckingham, Brock- at the fu- John Ryder. Miss Sylvia Crowley is taking her the Portsmouth Set- , Be Cin: Gore: arate school during the latter's ill- np. Dolphin, | "SE. Nolo Cori 5 can, Bagot streef, a: Heney Gildsrsloeve, Caw | left cm Saturday for a visit to her | sister, Mrs. Neil Macdonald, Brooklyn, Patrick O'Rielly, aged sixty-six 4 at kis residince, as been ill for sev- J. P. Hoppos,-of- the C.P.R. office, gripe. He says he would rather take lightning than the Alexender Seale, a well-known Pitts- hurg farmer, is dangerously ill end his recovery. is doubtiul. equdition last night. e was in a low formerly of the Iro is now sottled as Central Hotel, S family will join him graduate nurse of the a8 a murse-in-training by pass Kingston General Hospital, has been superyisor tion, but probably not quite department of the Deaf and Dumb In- 80 Shacting A feo of $50 or $100 is stitute, Belleville. required the course. The first six | A solemn requiem mass was celebrat- | of the nursing cathedral this morn- the A solemn requiem anniversarv mass Mary's cathedral on renose of the soul of the late Mrs. James Swift. There was The cathedral ity looting over the government dredge fir Richard. Thy d hy Capt. D. Ma- vogue in the Kingston General Hos- | thewson,"\Who commands the dredge. OPENING NEGOTIATIONS patients are In Hope That Kingston May Get Industries. on industtics of the was held Tues- take up two import- relative to the committee industries as quiet as can be learnd whe- ther or not they can be secured for Kingston, Cne of the two, if it can be will employ a large , with a heavy week- ingston is admirably nods of the onter- LOCKED THE BIN, But Only After There Was Much Loss. King street west has t the rapid manner in of his coal bin have g the winter. He was also surprised at the maoner in which behaved on different occa- sions, but not until vesterday ing did he ascertain the reasons for morn the conditions of affairs. Those who were carrying off his coal left a trail of it in the snow; their nichtly visits caused the dog to bark. The coal bin is now safely locked. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Bromo Quinine Tab- money h' box. 26e. On Real Estate. prizes on the winning rink, and here A Good Combination, $ 2 ---- again the words of presentation were Can you think of a hettes <ombisn. a vee ; most y. The contest for Miss | tion than "Clark's Pork znd Beans N Ethel Waldron's prize, a' very beautiful | Sold plain or with chili or tomato Be J. S. R.. McCA N, cut glass box, with silver top, is he | sauce. Sc. and 10. tins. Ww. Clark, manufacturer, Montreal. and 30c. a dozen' at Have you ever tried Scott's Emulsion for a thin, weak child, one backward in growth and slow in development? have know the seeing their ild gmow stron, and become well-develo ntle but effective influence of Scott's Emulsion. For the weak growth of the bones, Scott's Emulsion sup- powerful tonics, osphites. For the r healthy flesh ulsion provides the nourishing cod liver oil in an ted and 3 ny child that needs more and better nourishment --effective nourishment--will go it in Scott's Emulsion. is no other remedy or food that combines so much palatable in maintain- health and right live very | growth in children. Fresh, tasty tarts. 10c.. and 20¢ BOTT & BOWE. Toa Oe he 8, - a dozen, at. Ferguson's, Hg Ao Sa 8S. J, Chapledy," oe th -------- i. CONTRACTS FOR THE AdY- LUM NURSES' HOME. The Finishing of The Interior Woodwork Will Be Done By Asylum Labor--New Boiler To -- Be Set Up. . : The réport of the commissioner of' | publi: works for 1903 contains this re- i port of Chis Architect Heakes, re | gard ng Kingston activities undér tha | department : I "ihe work on the cottage for oon- | valoscents and nurses' home, at Rock- | wood Asylum for (he Insane, with the | exception of the slating snd galvaniz- ied iron work, the heating, plumbing and clsetric wiring, has been done by men chiployed by the department un- der 5 foreman, the materials being purchased by tender. The building is comt letcd with the exception of the finishing of the interior woodwork which will be done by asylum labor. "Hot water heatinz . and plum} ing plants have been put in by Elliott Bros. The building has been wired for electric light, the work being done by Breck & Halliday. The slating and galvanized iron work was dune by El- liott Bros. Tenders being duly called for, the lowest was accepted in every case. "lhe lavatory of the north cottage (a building erected over sixty years ago), which had become decayed and n danger of falling, has been pulled down and rebuilt by men employed by the department, the contract for plumbing being executed by McKelvey & Birch. "The peinting of the outside work of the main building was com- pleted by W. J. Savage, under con- tract. The contract for the 100-horse- power boiler was given to Selby & Youlden, who were unable to procure materials to finish the boiler in time to have it placed in position before the cold weather set in. The old boil- er has heen put in coudition and re- ported fit for another season's work, so that the institution did not suffer { from the delay. The new boiler will be set in place as soon as the steam heating is shut down. "The cottages for tuberculosis pa- tients have been enlarged and repair- ed. The roof of the main boiler house has been repaired and recovered with | galvanized iron, the work being done. under contract -by J. Pollis. Repairs have been made to the buildings gen- erally" wood- TWO HELD OVER. Information Desired On Account For Cab Hire. A conference took place Tuesday af teinoon between reprezentatives of the county council and a sub-committee of the civie finance committee, relative to the payment of a number of accounts contracted by the county but for which the city is liablé for part payment. '1 hese accounts are not covered by the agreement existing between the county end city as to the adjustment of court house and jail expenses. Those present were Warden Stonness, County Councillors Franklin, Pillar, Sproule, County Clerk Edwards, A! dermen Meek, Mowat, McLeod, 'and City Treasuror Jdrelinds A number of the. accounts in question were accepted by the city, and this corporation wili pay its share. One was for improve- ments nade to the court housa grounds. Satisfactory explanations were also. given as to coal accounts, which seemed excessive, but which were shown to be correct and reasonable. However, several were held over for fiture consideration. One of these was for the services for an architect for looking over the county buildings, The city holds that as the city employs a capable engineer, his services should be utilized for this purpose. Another ac- count was for £70 cab hire, contracted by the sherifi's office. Information on this was desired. The outcome of the conference was an understanding that each council Le asked to appoint a committee, these to meet and deaw 'up a special agreo ment whereby sll accounts not" already covered hy the agreement in force, shall be dealt with in a manner satis- factory to both parties. Began With Advertising. Philadelphia Record. prominent merchant says that twenty years ago he had been selling goods on commission for three years and thus learned the business. Then he started for himsell' in a warehouse which cost 83 5 week. "From the first day," he says, "I spent more nioney for newspaper pub- licity than for any other feature of the modest establishment, and it was through this that I built up my splen did retail trade." Displayed True Spirit. Belleville Intelligencer. e have heard many appreciative comments on the fact that good old Monsignor Farrelly praved earnestly for the voung Cook lad and his fam ilv, oa Sunday last, it being also re called that, when the late pone lay- a-dvine. Rev, Dr. Crpthers offered up a petition for his stricken neople. Both the monsignor and the doctor displayed the true spirit of the Mas- ter. The Funeral This Morning. Ths funeral of the late John Ryder teo place this morning from the home of hi: son-inlaw, at the Royal Military Co'lepe. It was largely at tended, testifying to thy esteem in which the dsceased was held. Service was ocnjucted at St. Mary's cathedral by Rev. Fr. Salmon. Has Awarded Contracts. Henry © P.. Swith, architect, has awarded the folowing contracts for work 1evi ed in converting g portion of ths oll Hotel Dieu property cn Brock street into dwelling houses : Masonry, A. McCartnay; carpentering, Hunter & Harold; painting, A. Pelen- ger; plumbing, heating, ete, Elliott Bros. The Verdict Of Public Opinion. Ts with the best article every time: That's why Putnam's Corn Extractor has boen in the lead for the last half century, It cures dorms painlessly in twenty-four hours and never fails. Use only Putnan's for cprns and warts. v Tt is not true that the Russian bear is still hibernating. It is not true 1 Hughes planned the J campaign. It is not true that J. P. Whitney intends to branch out as a cabinet It is not true that Japan's alarm clock failed to awake her in time off Pay 'Arthur. a £ t is not true that Hugh Nickle said the street cars will resume running on Mondey next. Baillie written a sonnet' entitled "When The Ice is on The Pavement." It fs not true that the president of the Jocal lodoe, International Leaoue of Liars, is about to be superannuat- ed It is not true that Mayor Bell is having the happiest time of his life presiding over the city council meet- ings. It is not true that Alderman Tove said the fire and licht committee dis- cussed a light question, in secret ses- sion, It is not" true .that City Solicitor Mcintyre is bringing home a late edi- tion of "Burke's Peerage' with his name in the index. It is not true that the city will have to pay $335,000 for the plant of the Light, Heat and Power company, as M. S. Burnette states. It is not true that the street rail- way company, on and after April 15th, will institute a two cent fare to induce former patrons of the cars to break off the walking habit. It is not true that the board of works department will undertgke to keep pranolithic , walks clear &f all enow, save the half inch which Act- ine City' Solicior. Melntvre deems re- quisite for the safety of pedestrians. LOOKED OVER STEAMER. And Some Changes Were Decided Upon. Reeve Fawcett and Clerk Dawson, of Wolfe Island municipality, visited To- ronto on Tuesday to inspeet the steamboat in course of 'construction by the Bertram company for the island council under the by-law passed by the people. Some changes have to be made in the specifications," including the substitution of the good old kind for bucketing paddles, Cn the journey up the delegaticn had the expert ad- vice of Capt. Thomas Donnelly, In- spector Davis and Sendford Calvin, and their mind was well-matured and copper-fastencd, so thgt a fine pro duct in the way of an up-to-date and able-bodied boat will be the result. Pills And Piles. +A prolific cause of piles is the use of catharties and pills of a drastic, vio- fent nature. J Followed by a reaclion on accornt of the resinous, drying properties they contain. There are other causes, but no mat- ter what\the cause or what the kind of piles, D*. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid can be relied upon to cure--to stay cured. It's an internal remedy that re- moves the causes of itching, blind, bleeding or suppurating' pilés, A 'guarentee goes with cach pack- age vontaining a month's treatment. Tt can be 'obtain:d for $1 at W. H, Medlay's. A Week Of Repertoire. Mittenthal Brothers' most pretcn tious amusement venture, the famous Aubrey Stock company will be at the Grand Opera House for the week com- mencing February 120th. Jess M. Fry- singef, the business manager, in the city, promises a round of notable scenic' productions by a capable com- pany of players. Ladies 15¢. tickets, limited to 200, good for Monday night. "Devil's Island" will be the opening bill. An Extended Popularity. Brown's Bronchial Troches have been before the public many years. They are pronounced universally superior to all other articles used for similar purposes. For relieving coughs, eclds and throat diséases they have been proved reli- able. Sold only in boxes. Price 25c. The subject of instituting an insur- ance: bran'h in connection with = the "Prentice: Poys' Asroriation, modelled after the Oddfellows' Relief tion, is under discussion. I ---- Associa- SURPRISE YOU? Paralysis Caused By Coffee, Alone. Coffee alone frequently causes para- lysis as a young woman of Mount Vernon, Ill., proves : "A few years ago my mother safler- ed a severe attack of paralysis on the left side. She was for several weeks helpless and almost speechless. We did not know at that time: exactly what caused the attack but we did know she had always been a coffee drinker and, that after the attack, leaving off coffee entirely and using Postum in- stead she rapidly gained in flesh and general healthiulness and it was not lonz - before all traces of paralysis passed away and she is acain strong and healthy. "There appears to be no doubt that this was a case of 'coffee paralvsis,' cured by leaving off coffee and using Postum in its place. "I also was a coffee drinker subject to headache and a general tired, worn out feeling most of the time until Pos- tum came to my notice. Quitting the coffee and drinking Postum ban ished the troubles in a short time and now unless I return to coffee I never suffer the headaches and my general health' is excellent. . "At first we didn't like Postum be- cause we did not make it right, but now-L make it just according to direc- tions, boiling it full 15 minutes, and in this way it gives satisfaction al- wavs and is praised bv evervone who tries it."" Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Paralysis sometimes comes from de- ficient blood and lack of nervous force. Coffee directly attacks the heart and. nerves. Taking awav the cause tum) at work, effects the cure. Ten days' trial of Postum in nlace coffee works wonders in some cases and helos all. Look in each packare for the fam- otis little book, "The Road to "'Well- ville," that Col. Samuel ; It is not true that Chief of Police | (coffee) and putting the rebuilder (Pos- [DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THNGS IN GENERAL: ° : 5 | Occurrences in the City and Vicinity--Other Briel Items of Interest to the People. Big shipnient of good, cheap lemons, first arrived at Ferguson's. Wilham dwaifie, piano tuner, orders received at McAuley's or 153 Syden- ham street. ¥ A regular meeting of the city pro- perty committee was summoned for this afiernoon. February 27th will be the annivéer- sary of the vittory over Gen. Cronje's forces at Paardeberg. Northérn Spies and Russets, solid, sweet, tasty, at Ferguson's. Everybody come to this big sale 'of thoes, trunks aid valises, every pair a bargain at Abernethy's. i § Judging from press teports;.it&ould appear that the Japs are Russian things in the far cast. According to local tailors who have discussed the question, the Corset for men has come to stay. Lryoke ? It would help some if the war cor: respcmdents would decide to abstain from lying during Lent. Henry Cunningham, from Chickering's. Orders received at McAuley's book store, Princess street. . Chairmen Knapp has called 4 meet: ing of the board of works for to-mor- row afternoon at three o'clock. ' Work like magic, Gibson's Red Cross Grippe Tablets, 10c. a box. The Kingston Canton (Limestone Ensampnunt) goes to Napanee this evening to revite the canton in that own. 'There are no diphtheria cases in the general hospital. Both that illness and scarlit fever have not been at ali preval nt this winter. The K. & P. early train was late in arriving this moming owing to difli- culty experi nced in making headway <n account of ice-covered rails. Come to the "Old' Maids' Conven- tion"' in Cooke's church hall to-mor row evening at eight o'clock !' Admis sion 15¢.; children 10c. Fun for every- { body. Though the acquisition of the plant of the Light, Heat and Power com- pany is a heavy question for the city council, the company con'inues to make light of the subject. Monday night Alderman Behen and Dr. Ryem addressed a meeting at Brewer's Mills in behalf of the C.M.RB. A. The membership of the council there was greatly enlarged as a con- sequence. 2 'The Master Mechanic's Pure Tar soap heals and softens the skin while promptly cleansing it of grease, oil, rust, etc. Invaluable for mechanics, farmers; sportsmen. Free sample on re- ceipt of 2c. for postage. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mirs., Montreal. The executive committee of the Real Estate Owners' Association is consid- eriny the advisability of calling a | public meeting to discuss the electri: questi n. They want-to demon- strate to the property owners that 'it will be advantageous for the city to own the lightisg plant. . JUDGE DEACON piano tuner Has Retired After Long Efficient" . Service. Pembroke Standard. Last week Senior Judge John Dea- con received notice from the depart' ment of justi e, Ottawa, that he had been retired under the statute with full salary. It is befitting that a more than mere passing note should be made of the retirement from office of cn» who so long and so ably fill- ed the Liyhest judicial position in this county. Judze John Deacon was born in the township of North Burgess, Lanark county, Jgnuary Ist, 1823, and is therefore now in his cighty-second year. He is still hale 'and hearty, and slows an exceptienal degree of vigor and clasti ity, to'h of mind and body. | Whil» but young his family moved in ito the town of Perth, where he at- | tended schocl and afterwards studied {law with Daniel McMartin for seven | years. He was made an atforney in | Augtist, 1844, snd in November, 13458, {he was called to the bar and practis led his profession in Perth for twenty- !two years. In August, 1866, he was | appointed the first county judge of the county ¢f Renfrew, his commission tal ing effect from October 10th of that year, so that for over thirty-seven years his" honor has occupied the bench of the county. That he has served this county well and truly in the high position he was called to I'll no one will diny. He was noted for | the careful, methodical and even pre { cise manner in which he discharged the { duties cf his office and his decisions were very rarely upset on appeal. Who his successor wi'l be has not {yet been made knowm. It has been rumored for some time past that our townsmen, John J. O'Meara, would ke appointed to the position, some newspapers gong so far as to say that "he carried the promise of the appointment in his waist-coat® poc- Le'," but the fact remnins th&t he has not yet been apnointed the bar- rier in the way being that certain par ties wont Mr. Angln, of Toronto, ap- pointed to the bench and it is hinted that he will be satisfied with the (oanty judgeship of Renfrew. | The Tone Of Voice. Youths' Companion. It is ngt so much what you say As the manner in which you say it; It is not so much the language you ure As the tones im which you convey it. " Come here !""* I sharply said And the baby cowered and wept ' "" Come here!" 1 coocd and he looked and smiled, 3 And straight to my lap he crept. The words may be mild and fair, And the tones may pierce like a dart; The 'words may be soft as a summer's { air }' And the tones may break the heart. i 5 . For the words but come from the mind, ! And grow by study and art; But the tones leap forth from the inner- sell And réveal the state of the heart. Whether you know it or not. Whether vou mean it or care. Gentleness, kindness. love and hate, Envy and anger are there. Then would you quarrels avoid, And in peace and love reioice. Keep anger not only out of your words, But kecp it out of your voice. i Fresh from New York, Huyler's can- dies. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, ke eg mas Food Eaten Js Worthless' Uy. less Digested--Some Stomach Must Have Help, Food taken into 'the stomach which, from the nature of the food : condition of the stomach, is™wot gj. gested, is worse than' io food at a) This is a true statement as far a. it goes and a great many dyspeptic oily this far with their reasoning. They argue with themselves that he cause their stomachs do not do the' work given them, they must be oi less work; in other words they be starved, 1t would be just as ble for a business man who is wu abl ps inhle to do all his own work to cut dowg his business to his own capacity a it is for a man to starve himsoli tg! relieve his stomach. The sensible |g. ness man ¢mploys help and ~oes for. ward with his business. Likowise 1} sensible dyspeptic will employ help for his stomach and give his body proper nourishment. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets actually do the work assigned to them. They relieve weak and over-burdened sig. achs of a - great portion of digestive action. Their component parts are ig. entical with those of the digestiv, fluids and secretions of the stomach and they simply take up the grind and carry on the work just the same as 4 good, strong, healthy stomach woulg do it. On this account Stuart's Dvspepsiy Tablets are perfectly natural in they action and effects. They do not cause anv unnatural or violent disturbances in the stomach or bowels. They them- selves digest the food and supnly the system with all the nourishment con. tained in what is eaten and carry out Nature's plans for the sustenance and maintenance of the body. How much more sensible is this me- thod than that employed by many suf- ferers from weak stomachs. By this means the body and brain get all the good, nutritious food they need and the 'man is properly nourished and equipped to carry on his work and perform his duties. He could not nos- sibly be in proper working condition by starving himself or employing some new fangled, insufficient food that does not contain enough nutriment for a year-old baby. A strong man doing strong work must be properly fed and this applies to the brain as well as the body. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, by re lieving the stomach of its work, en ables it to recuperate and regain its normal health and strength. repairs the worn and wasted tissues just as she heals and knits the bone of a broken limb, which is of course not used during the process of re pair. Stuart's Dyspspsia Tablets are sold bv all druggists at 50c. a box and they arc the one article that the druscist does not try to sell somethine in the place of that's "just as good." Their ou must *Cngj. Nature unqualified merit and success and the universal demand for them has nlaced them within the reach of every one A Soap worthy lore good of Babymtheref enough for any skin, Pure, Fragrant, Cleansing Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs. MONTREAL. Wo other soap has all ita qualities. 310 10c. each. Sis.. Hopkin's Own Book. Just Fun, "That's All" The Foplish Book. 4 Puck's Library, "Quatks." Judge's Library, etc. F. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. Mason & Risch Piano. Weose & Co.. 121 'Princess St ; Agents. \ -- BETTER THAN EVER wads Mines Moat, Pork RATEB , or Choose. All Ea Sn ONE W! In effect March 1st to | Inclusive. Binge, Minh. aorell ae Misoals, nge, Colt ver, Davin, Copy bute , Wash, Melon, BC Ror. 1. Co: Ore., Vancouver, B.C tand. Ors C., Tacoma, Wa B.C. San Francleco , Cal......oueven For farther particulars apply te J. rp. HA % Ciry ---------------------------------------- KINGSON & PEMBROKE PACIFIC RAIL) TRAINS LEAVE KI 12:40 p.m.--Express, for treal, Quebee, St. John, Boston, Toronto, Chicago frew, Sault, Ste. Marie ¥aul, Winnipeg, Vanco Portland, and San Franci 5:30 p.m.--Local for £ connecting with C.P.R. es 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for R terinediate points. Passengers leaving Kin p.m., arrive in Ottawa Yeterboro, 510 p.m. p.m.; Boston, 7:30 a.m N.B,, 11:35 am. Full particulars at K. & Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F.A.FOI 2 Gen. Pass. Agt. f THE BAY OF QUINTE SHORT LINE Tweed, Napanee, Dese local points. Train leave pot at 4 pm. F. CO B.Q. Ry. Kingston. eee RMI .. BL THE NOW FAR FAME with cable communicatic winter temperature of 63 tiful scenery and 100 roads, hea: hriers of tl Alberican Squadron, is u attractiveness, reached b fron steamers TRINIDAL hours Ir forty-eight 3 ey very T™HUl vical islands, incl CRUZB, 37. KITTS, MA LUCIA, BARBADOES ARA, also afford beaut esting tours, all reached the Quebec Steamship C from New York about For descriptive pamphle sailing apply to A. 3 BRIDGE & CO. Agay New York; J. P. 1A! GILDERSLEEVE, KIN ARTHUR AHERN, S WLAN * Liverpool and Le ROYAL MAIL STEAM St. Jobn. Lavrcatian, Feb. 13th; Jonian, Sicilian, Feb. 37th: Bavarian, Mar. oth: Reduced Winter Rat First Cabin--Bavaria and upwards : Lauren $50 and upwards, .. Second Cabin-T iver a7 50: Lone Class--3$25 an Derry, Bellast, Glasgo! '5 Through tickets to § NEW YORK TO Numidian, Thursday. MN Corinthian, Thursday. ] 1st Cabin, $485; 2nd Jlass. $26. Clase $ HANLEY, As Passenger Deopbt. SLEEVE, Clarence st Erm -------- Sicilian, Watch your exj go is often more tha intone Watch your, co need re-filling hy coal LAST COAL--gives me common coal It's neither t sort nor the pufl- ricty It's as fine as and it's kept het drier than ordinal You need it And our wood fuel is the fuel y Order sqme R. CRA BIS queen 5 MUSICAL 1 Evans Uprigh oe a condition fc A beautiful Up Wagner, good 8s J $400, will sell for § Our stock of seco Come fast. E0iee, from $25 up too copies, of 8 a sheet. . vs M:LOWAL