Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1904, p. 5

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-------- ------------ en a child amberlain'y » child be- py cough never fails, ------------ r smart, hand Spring Shits ecidedly well and you can erm "Clothes Juality," . 'for ertainly con~Q lI the qualities ciated by dressers. The t' fabrics are: n single and e - breasted , with the 1arrow collar apels. 2 suits have sen out of the r's hands long th to lose bloom of ess, splendid 0 make your ion. ¢ , $16. Ss w Hats. Y 80. 10€CS ot a pair of . A. Slater 1ctus hoes -t- Proof Soles. ye Store ey pportunity K t when it comes OATS we lead rice, $6. price, $5... ale price, $2.50, \RGAINS Out Sale ston. | Stand). RAY 0 Sadr * Now. Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of iho Dnited States Navy, in a lotter from 3537 9% N. W., Washington, D. C,, says: : "Your Peruna has beea and is now used by so many of my friends and scquaintances as a sure cure for catarrh that I am convinced of its curative qualities and I unhesitatingly recom- mend it to all persons suffering from that complaint."--8, Nichelson. , The highest men fu our nation have giver Peruna a strong endorsement. Meni of sll elasses and stations aro equally represented. + ¢ 1f you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis, Address Dr, Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O, i. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL MARKETS. Feb. Ask. Canada Pacific Ry. . . 114% Moledo Ry * 20 Montreal St. Ry., New .. 200 lontreal St. Ry 208 oronto St. Ry. ... . 7% alifax St. Ry. « B7% Twin ity Transit . . B83 Commiereial 'Catile 1924 Montreal Telegraph 165 Momin'on Cotton Co 40 & 0. Nav. Co 81 ank of 'Moptreal 250 cicha 8 Bank 090 olgon Bank at 200 ominign Steel, Pref. 26 oil Sa Steel, : | pminion Coal, Pref. . . 108° 000 Dominion Corl i... 38 57% ptroit United .° ' a1 60% @ntreal Poyer v 7 7 ia Ry. - ntereotonial Coal 100 Oc lvie Milling Co, . 12% .. 116 TUnicn Bonk An meee 132 000 Cttawa Dank 211 000 _--- r-- RW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. & Union Pacific St. Yau Manhattan B. KR. 'transit Suger People's Gas . 5, Steel Steel, c . Southern Pde Western Union Atchison, Pref. . Louis & Nash Rock Island Pennsylvania. RR. Texas & Parific Atchison DIED AT OLD AGE. Mrs. Parsons Passed Away At Qutlet Recently. Qutlet, Feb. Mrs. Ann Parsons died on Januar) 30th, at the resi dence of her son, place. The deceased was born in county of Armagh, Ire., apd came to this country when but nine years of Her maiden name was Thomp son. At the age of sixteen she marri ed William Parsons, of Ottawa. They had nine children, three of whom sur vive, two sons and one daughter. Mrs. Parsons was a widow fifty-four vears. She was a very bright and at- tractive woman, very fond of children and had many warm friends among both old 'and young. She 'was ninety- tweé' vears 'of age and retained all her faculties to a remarkable degrec. F. ? "is drawing pressed hay to age. 0'Grad Athens; he = has disposed of a large quantity to Parish. Miss Ruth Adams, Ventor, has returned home after spending a week with Mrs. E. Vandet burg. Miss Maggie Patience, Dulce: maine ont a week with her friends here. ' and Mrs. James Greer visit- od Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Greer, Rock port, on Sunday and Monday. H. R. Vanderhurg of this place, and William dyn, are visiting friends al Rradle amt Ard, [5 Mountain Grove. x eee nd x "um rubber hot water bottles (buy no other), Drug Store. At Rockland, Gibson's Red Cross ' Ont., by 10 to 7. 7 _the little folks take colds and, coughs, don't them let them strain membranes of their Jungs, tender ------------------ Shiloh's Consumption Cure Tos Tonic $¢ will cure them quickly and et n their lungs: It is pleasant to take, |JESSE JOSEPH 4| close to' tlie million dollar mark, and rharer-fimily of relatives. Mr. Joseph's Mh Friends of 'J. R. Nelson, formerly Jqitivate secretary to Sir Thomas THE NOTED MONTREAL CAPI- TALIST IS DEAD. Million Dollar Estate--J. RB. Nel- son and Bride Of For North | Bay--The Happy Groom Was Bounced. * Montreal, Feb. 24.--Jesse Joseph, for many years one of Montreal's most famous capitalists, died suddenly to-day, at- the advanced age of eigh- ty-four vears. Some vears past he was president of both the Montreal Gas company and the Montreal Street Railway company, of which concerns he was rerarded as the father. 'The deceased leaves an estate valued at as he never married, the estate, com- prised flargely of stocks, bonds and real estate, will be divided between a residence on Sherbrooke street, ad- joining MeéGill University grounds was one of the picture places of the city Shauchnessy. and now suverintendent of the C.P.R., at North Bav. assem- bled iti' Windsor Station last nioht Land gave him and his bride, Miss Ger ttille? Carter, daushter of 8. J. Car ter, a 'Tousing send-off on their-wed dingijourney. The marriace took nlace etday and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson t1gst nicht bv the Rutland for brk. The groom was hounced by his. friends before the train nulled out and the. hapnv couple left amid the songs and well wishes of the large and jollv eoathering. The C.P.R. steamship Athenian. ar rived at Vancouver from the Orient. has.-on board nine car loads of silk valued at $958,000, and the Emnress of India, due in a few davs from Yo |'lkohama, has on board £1,750.000 in Jananese sold. Sir Charles has secured steamship accommodation for Encland for: earlv in March. He leaves Winni peg on Saturday for the east. TROUBLE IS BREWING. Turner Master Tinsmiths Refuse to Accede to Union Demands. The local union ' of tinsmiths has asked the master tinsmiths to sien an agreement that the latter consider most unfair. The agreement provides { that when union tinsmiths are work ing on a contract and a non-union man, no matter in what capacity, is put to work on the building. the un- ion tinsmiths will be justified in quit ting the job, and remaining away from it until Buch time as the non union man is withdrawn. Meanwhile, the master tinsmiths will not be al- Jowed to touch the unfinished job, not bein~ permitted to put apnrentic es to work on it, nor to handle it themselves. The 'master tinsmiths ar cue that conditions might arise where 70 70 rs ---------- 74b~ 734+ ee -Entertained In Pittsburg. "= W. 1. Parsons of this | the | on Tuesday night | . 1, at h 14% Lachute defeated Rockland, at hockey HULL. Prestyrerians Applied. great loss would ensue under the torms of such an agreement, and have therefore, refused to sign it. Thev, however, submitted a modification of the, agreement to the union men. who have: rejected it, saving they would stand or 'fall by the terms of the agreement drawn un. i | A verv. pleasant and instructive ev- { ening was spent at the home of Pet- | or Wilmot. township of Pittsbur~ { Jondh, Feb. 22nd, when a number of | voung people of Collins Bav and Cat | araqui drove down to partake of the | hospitality of Mr. and Mrs Wilmot. | The ro being in such a state after it thaw, the party late ching their destination, but those who went found themselves well repaid for venturing out on such =» oht. The party listened to ayr-able ad ware dress by Lieut. Charles Grass, son of William Everett Grass, Front Road, who has recently returned from Chat ham and Guelph, where.he has been | engaged: in the beetroot sugar indus try. The licutenant ° spoke at some lenoth on the great industre of sugar beet raising, which is absorbing the | attention of the Western Ontario far mers. During his remarks he spoke of his visit to the Guelph Mricultural { College, where he conducted observa tions and experiments for the com | panv of which he is a shareholder. Af | ter the address the vounes people as | sembled in the parlor. and encaoed in | dancine till an early hour, when the { party left for home, votine Mr. and Mrs. Wilnfot a charming host and hos tess. | ---- { A Golden Opportunity. Said an alderman this afternoon "A golden opportunity will be -afford- od members of the Property Owners' | Association to show their earnest de sire to have the city acquire the plant of the Light, Heat and Power. com | pany, by volunteering to turn out and man the polls as scrutineers upon the occasion of submitting the by law to the. property owners for their appro | val. They should volmteer to do this | work-gjthout,a fee, thus doing the Ch turn and saving the trea | surer the expenditure of a sum of | money for the services of scrutineers." { { i A Church Pie Social. A' pie social was held last night in | the Brock street Methodist Sunday {school hall by the ladigs of the church apd owas quite a es At eight | o'clock gp coneert was given, those tak | t being Miss Grace Clark, Miss ing Pp, Ethef Fdwards, Nis Munro, Mis Mon 1a Miss Spooner, and Messrs. sg hd Mulloy. Rev.' Mr. Crummy Be | $as chairman. After the concert the 1 pia ¢ tack was made. The proceeds | arb for the church repair fund. { three Preshvterians {applied for the treasurership of Queen's University. The appointment § made surely shows that the statement | of Queen's being denominational is far | wide of the mark, What denomination al college would give a man of an other religion an important position ? It scems that tnt Forced To Capitulate. After a hard strue-le of several | days' duration, City Clerk Shannon | capitulated this mornine to. the vie- torious gripe. He was obliged to {leave his office at an early hour and | return to his home. pL EEE INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Local Notés And Also Things in General. Rock candy for cough remedies. Gib- son's Red Cress Drug Store. Miss Frankie Hartman has returned to the city. after spending a month's vacation at Sharpton. John Chapman, an old and respect- ed resident of Seeley's Ba died Tues- day, after a Tong and painful illness. At the Boston Kennel Show Father" 0'Gorman, Gananoque, won two firsts with the Irish terrier, Celtic Badger. Mayor Bell left for Hamilton at noon, and will, thesefore, be 'unable to attend the city council meeting this | evening. : i Crossing between the city and is- lands is very rough. Drivers are. fdgre- ed to proceed carefully to avoid i. | ing the dogs of their horses. | "The appointment is a worthy tri bute "to a brave and efficint soldier" | is the Belleville, Intelligencer's cowpli- ments to Capt. Carruthers. Don't forget Quecn's Glee Club con cert, Convocation hall, Friday oven: | ing, February 26th. Reserved seat plan at Uglow's book store. At a largely attended meeting reformers of 'St. Lawrence. Ward, W. Dunican and J. M. Mowat were .re- elected chairmen of Nos. 3 and 6 sub { divisions respectively. The St. Andrew's Highland Cadets | wi'l drill in the armouries on Satur- | day evening at seven o'clock, instead of Friday. as they are otherwise (n- gaged on the latter evening R. H. Bennett, of Fall River, Mass, who has been visi is uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr Carnovsky, Princess street, for past month, has returned home:7While here he as sisted the Brockgstreet Methodist choir." The water proof horse blanket re | ported yesterday by Simmons Bros. | as having been stolen from their horse on Brock street, was picked uo by al farmer and handed to a hotel keener | to look up an owner. It was ul'er- wards tirned over to the police, who | restored il to its owners, TWO OLD KINGSTON MEN. of | Implicated In The Toronto Muni- cipal Scandals. In. connection with the Toronto | municipal seandals now' being logally ! investigated, the names of two former | Kingston men are noticed. One of these is "Ginger" Rolinson, who used to play on the old Park Nine baseball team gbout eighteen years ago. In his evidence he said he had lived in. To ronto fifteen years and had done much work in municipal elections, but mo- { destly disclaimed any right to a re- putaticn as being a power in the dis trict, This year there was not as much work to be done owing to there being no mayoralty contest, but they: were ready to do as much work as they could get. Two dollars a day was what they expected for a day's pay, and as much more as they could get. This year his candidates were Messrs. Richardson, McMurrich, and Ramsden He had gone to Magu out who his candidates He got $12 from Richardson ard cach from the other two. "What are your party politics, Mr, Robinson ?"" "T am a strong liberal and a strong conservative." "Because. you work for hoth sides?" "1 have reasons, 1 was brought. up 4 conservative, and have worked for them." "And you will do so 7' Robinson--*'No, because I claim now to be a liberal since Mr. Rogers' elec: fion. The first liberal vote I cast was for Mr. Lount." James McLaughlin, another implicat od, is known to many in this city. Woman ! buildings this afternoon several citizens discussed--card play ing among women. One of them re called -the time twenty years ago, whén manv women in Brockville actu ally bet their hats and garments when Oh! Woman ! In the city their "pin money" had all pone in their . gambling speculations over cards. Finally the husbands of the women had to step in and call a halt to the proceedings: of their "better halves." Spepking of selling their gar ments, an Irish eitizen told how he had seen a man sell his wife at the three crossroads. The discussion con cluded when one of -the group asked: "Can you tell me how long aro it is that men in Kingston sold them- selves *"' A New Cooking Range. Fdward A. Averst, Toronto, is here to see if capital can be raised in King ston for the purpose of establishing a manufacturing place for a cooking range, the patent for which he holds The stove wits viewed by a great many persons who were much impressed with it. Its merit is the rapidity with which it cooks. Instead of the heat being carried over and chind the oven; as is the case in the present-day stoves, it is carried directly underneath the oven, and the supply is more uniform. By actual time, biscuits were cooked in two and a half nrinutes, An Aged Farmer Dead. 1 here died in Alliston on February 17th, Charles Lee, aged ninety-three vears. He was born in Erhesttown township and was an old resident of Kingston township, having lived there for sixty years. He was councilman and justice of the peace for many vears. The deceased bought two farms from the late Sir John A. Macdonald. In politics he was a conservative and in religion a Methodist. A Carolina Tragedy. Asheville, N.C., Feb. 24.--A messace from Cali Creek, Maciscn county, tells of a tragedy which occurred there last ni;ht. A vorng man . named Hensley eloped with the davghter of Tom Kess. Kess sent word to the yoing folks to 'return to bis home, and (n thi ir return last evening, drew his ristol and shot, fatally wounding, his daughter. The young bridegroom then wrenched the ristol from Kess' hand and shot his father-in-law dead. ---------- A Disastrous Collision. w York, Feb. 24.-~A refir-end col lision: occurred at 10:15 o'clock last night on the Elevated System and the Brooklyn Rapid Tyahsit company . af the end of Fulton street, New York, in which it is Helieved twenty persons were injured mare or less. Four- are Prices, 28¢c., 50c., and $1.00. 8 -------- | Fresh dates and figs at Ferguson's. Lnown to be hurt severely, mr = | the late Augustus Sunday, February 21st, in the nerson | of John Gibson. j experienced all the bhardship# and wor | | redeem the old homestead. on which end found | he wera to be, {1 $5 | CHAPLAIN DEAD HE WAS HIGHLY REGARDED IN KINGSTON. Rev. T. W. Barry Passed Away _at Fortress Munroe, Virginia I Flour and Feed --Flour, bakers' --He Was @ Canadian, Bosn [fone $2.00 to $2.70 a cwt.; farmers' flour, $2.35 to $2.30 a cwt.; Hunguri- at Kemptville, Ont, Ex aldermen W. G/ Craig received a message' at non, (n Weinwday, in nown ing the death of Rev. T. W, Barry, a hail in of ths United States army, at lortress Yomos, i ginia. Deccased was well luywa here zni hihly regarded, He was married to the yoin rest daughter of itibavdeau, Cn tario street, £he surii ed with thee scny rnd. ony davchier. During the Ify time of hii fatherinlaw, Mr, Barry was a Ge nt vi itor here, He was at ony Wme a corate at St Mark's, Fanificld, under Archdeaccn Parn:ll. Chaplain Barry was born September 08th, 1852, went to Kemptvile gram war scheol at ten years of age, enter ed collyge at flier and was govein cneral's prizemen in clasios 156 0-71. In "71 h» entered the Thos pial Sewiniry. at Nashotah, Wis.. graduating I".D- in 'T4, and was at ene made deaccn in Chiago cathe dra!, by Pistog Whitehouse. He came to the Cipsese of Untario, was or di inod prit and (fier a year took charge (f Trind'y church, Gouverneur, N.Y. Tn 1870, he was apjointed rec tor of St. Parls church, Leavin vorth, Ken. cleating this church of a Vir debt in five years. {un 1583 Mr. Larry accepted the army thay lainey at Fort Leavenasorth. He was well adsanced in the Mascni: or: der, and was always greatly interest ed in athluis "He was gy manly when," says cn Ww ho lnew bin will at "Leavenworth, "more admired end respected, the hetter known. A genial gentl men, refnxd antl cultured, odu cated hi _hly, stron, sympathetic, liiPhearted,. a de'i hif I "neighbor, end sincere hind, As a clergymen he partook of ths spi it of his Blessed Master, mal iny of religion, not 'a vhapsody of words' Lut a matter of every day life, a go d religion to live by, a better cn» w hon the (nl sum won: comes." eee RESIDENT DEAD. Was Highly Respected By All Who Kmpew Him. One of Amherst Island's most high- ly respected farmers passed away, on The deceased was born in County Down, Ireland, in 1539, coming.' to this country with hie parents in 1853. The family sett] od on Amherst Island, where thev have resided ever since. The decvased ries of the carly settler, helping to resided, from the 'maiden forest. 'he cause of death was heart' disease, from which he had suffered for some time. ln religion he was a Roman Catholic. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, two sons, James,and Charles; and four daughters, Annie, Rode, Mrs. W. J. Fleming, and Mrs. J. A, Mec Muller, all of Aftherst Island: pi seem m-- Death Of Patrick O'Rielly. Patrick O'Rilly dird 'at his home on Broek stréet early Thursday mort ing, siter an illmsgs of two months' | durati n. Decensed was born in Kil | care, Ireland, sixty-six years ago, end when youn: ame tg Canada, settling in Kingston. He was a shovmaket by trade ¢nl [hr many years was in the Iillon & Sens. Surviving service of are his wife, four daughters ¢nd two sent. Two ° daughters are man id Mes. Poucherty, in Rothestor, N.Y. onl enothar in Denver, Col. Misses Nelli> end Johenny are at home His scns are James, in Buffalo, N.Y., end George, in Bay City, Mich. Deceased was a member of St, Mary's cathedral congregation " ep ---- Don't Peel Potatoes. New York Pre "It i most ossential,"' says Dr. Jos eth E. Winters, professor of diseases { of children in the Cornell Medical Col lege "that potatoes, however served, should be cooked in their jackets for the reason that the outer rind. just dressed hogs, 36 to 80.50. Kingston, Feb. 23,~There are very marked advances in the flour, feed and wheat 'markets. It is expected that this milder weather will cause a drop in the price of eges. an patent, $2.90 to 83 a owt. Oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.60 to $4.70 a ewi; cornmeal, $1.40 to $1.60 a owt. bran, $21 to $22 a ton; shorts, $22 to $2 a ton; straw, $3 to $1 a ton; hay, $6 to $8 a tony pressed hay, ¥8 to $10 a ton. Grain.~Wheat, Manitoba, No. 1, $1.08 a bushel; white winter and Can adign spring, $1 a bushel; local soft wheat, S0¢, to 8be, a bushel; buck: wheat, 45¢. a bushel; peas, 5¢. a bushel; barley, 48c. a bushel; oats, 320. a bushel; rye, 80c. a bushel. Meat~Boef, de. to Gc. a Ib; lamb, 8c. to %. a lb; mutton, 6& to Te, a 1b.; pork by the quarter, Se. to%. a 1h; live hogs, $4.50 to $1.75 a owt; Fruit--Apples, 80c. to 81 a bag; le- mons, 2c. a dozen; bananas, 0c. a dozen; oranges, 13¢, to 50¢, a dozen; cranberries, 100, to 12§e. quart; Mala ga grapes, 20c. a Ib: Vogetables--Potatoes, 90o. a bag; turnips and carrots, 40c. to B80c. a bag; o. ions, 81.50 a bushel; cabbage, Be. a head; celery, Be. a bunch. Poultry--Chickens, 850c. to 90c, . a pair; fowl, 60c..to T0c. a pair: ducks, 78c. to $1.25 a pair; geese, 12§e. a 1b; turkeve. 3c. a Ib, Fish--White fish, salmon trout amd fice), 121c. a Ih; mackerel, 150. a b.: haddock, finnen haddie, cod, shad and bullheads, 10e. a Ib. pike, 8c. a Ih. blae fish, lle. a Ib: lobsters, 30c, a lb. emelts, 100. 10 18c. a lb; tom: cod, Ge. a Jb.; fresh ciscves, Be, a lb; Seattle salmon, 25¢. a Ib; salt cod fish, 7¢. to '1c. a Ih; kippered her ving, 0c. a dozen; halibut, 20¢, a Ib; oysters, 40c., B0c. and G0c. quart. Hides--"These prices are givem by John MeKay, Brock street: Beef, hides, je. to 64c. a Ib; kips, No. 1, Ge. a lb.: dekin skins, No. 1, 80c. to 60c.; veal, skink, 70c, to 90c. lamb, skins, 00c.; tallow rendered, 4c. a 1b.; tallow, rough, 2¢. a Ib. Butter. Wholesale--~Creamery, 23c. a lb.; far mers' prints, 19¢. to 2c, a lb; in rolls, 16¢c. a lb. Retail Creamery, 20. to 28e. a Ib; farmers' prints, 20e. to 22¢c. a Ib; in rolls, 18¢. a Ib. Eggs. Wholesale--Fresh, 25¢. to 30c, a doz. Retail Fresh, 30c. tp 36c. a dozen; packed, 200. to -30c. a dozen. Cattle Markets. Toron'o Junction, Feb, 22.-(Spe- dial) Thero was a good , market 'at the Union Stock wards today, buying being excepticnally brisk, In all 26 cars wore receisod, containing 482 catth ard 7 sheep. Eewrything was Lefore noon, Wiliam Levack bought 300 butchers' and exporiers, For ex porters Le paid $1.35 to $1.90 per ent. butchers, $3.85 to $4.50; "rough to rommon butchers, 83 to $3.65; ex- port bulls, 83.50 to $4. Brown ~and Soll Lought the greater part of the vemod sder ut abogs the same prices; a mimber of other buyers secured sie} ouantitiee, Halligan and Lun ons boughtoa lad cf export steers, 1,100 pounds , each, at $1.95. The average ouslity of butchers' cattle was fairly good. Fast tutinlo, Feb, ceipt, 3,500 head. Active, steady to stiony;' clo ing. easier; y ime sleet, £5 to $5.25; vhipping, sf 50 to 84.85; ut hore, $1 to $4.75; heifecs, £3.95 to 0 Cattle---Re £1.50; conx, $2.75 to #4: hells, 82.7 fo £1.95; stockers and - feeders, £3.25 to $1; sto k-heifers, £2.50 to 83; fresh (ows, steady, springers, slow; good to le hoice, $12 to 860; medium to good, $30 to $10, coniron, $18 to 88 Vealy tresriots, - 325 head. Twenty: per cont. higher, 36.50 to 8.50, Hogs Recei te, 10,100 head. Active, and £5.50 to under the thin skim, is the richekt in | constitute a chief supply potash, gnc . of these salts to, the body. This por tion is sacrificed in peeling. "As far n¢ practicable vegetal los should be steamed instead of boiled, a# boiling dissolves the potash salts "Fruits should be daten raw. When cooked the chemical union of salts and vegetable ac ids is destroyed." Sporting Notes. The final Queen's inter-year hockey match was plaved between "05 and "06 at the Kingzton rink this afternoon, and was won bv '08; score 2 to 1. R. Mills was referee On Friday nicht the final match for the Flanagan cup will dake place he tween St. Georee's B and Reaiopolis, Thig afternoon Queen's Hockey Club received a telegram from Brockville, asking then to play there on Friday ofice had 'to be. refused. ome ---- Was Misrepresented. The Toronto World to-day contains en alleged interview with Mr. Pense, in which he is quoted as sayin things which, in a telegram to the Whig, he disclaims, saying that the interview is "an entire misrepresentation of nis statement." He says he has not taken any side (the interview put him as on posed to the company), but hax sin ply done his duty to all parties as be came him as s member of the legisla ture. night. The en ---------------- Local Nursing. At the monthly meeting of the exe cutive of the local Victorian Order of Nurses, Miss Baker reported that dur ing the month just closed she had at tended twenty cases, making 142 vis- itd, Of the patients six were Roman Catholics, five Anglicans, four Pres byterian, three Methodist and two Salvation Army. In fees $10 was col- lected. { Bankrupt Stock. The bankrupt stock of the estate of G. M. Wilkinson, G erock- ery, groceries am | liayors, will 'be op- en te the public, Saturday, Feb, 27th. 10c to 15c. Ligher, heavy £5.00. mised, $5.75; to 80.80; Yorkers 85.70 to 80.ib: pigs, 86.40 to 85.50; rough C450 to 85; stage, $3.23 to 81. Sheep and lambe Rood tw, My <00 head. Active; lambs, 15 and sheer, 200. hizher; others steady; limbs, $5 to $0.85; yearl ngs, $5.26 to 85.70; wethers, 84.75 10 85; ewes, {sis to 21.00; sheep, wised, $3 te £4.50. 3 Now York, Feb, 22.--~Beeves Recéiptn 21 steers, steady 0 a vhade low | er: bulls and fat cows, Se. to 100. off; medium and common COWS, steady | all sold; native steers, $4 to 805.20; {hile $2.75 to-3%85; cows, $1.70 to £3.80; cables, steady, Calves Receipts, G18; veals," ' fully Be. higher; barn: vard, do., 26, higher; all sold; veals, £4.50 to £0.35; little calves, £3.50 to 21: barnyard calves, 25 to 83. 75: city dressed veals, firm, Rie. to 13je. per lb; country dressed, Te. to 12¢. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 9,73; good sheep, strong; others, steady; lambs, steady to a fraction higher, 83.50 to £4.55; choice 26.90. culis, $5.50, but slow; sheep, ¥5; lambs. to Hogw-- Receipts, 12,782; market, 15¢. to * 25¢. higher; Pennsylvania and state hogs auoted at $5.60 to ) a, Feb, 22. -Cattlo----Receipts, 26,000; steady; good to prime steers, £5 to 86; poor to medium, $3.50 to 24.80; stockers and f ™, 24.15; cows $1.60 to $4: heifers, £1.75; canners, 31,75 to £2.60; bulls, $2 to. #4; calves, £1.50 to 87. Hogs--Re- ceipts to-day, 45,000; to-morrow, 25, 000: 10¢, to. 15e. higher; mixed and putchers', $5.15 to $5.62)c.; choice, heavy, $5.55 to $5.75; ¢ heavy, $5.25 to $5.65; light, $1.90 to $5.25; bulk of sales, £5.30 to $5.50. Shoop Receipts, 230,000; steady to strong: lambs steady to weak; gi to choice wethers, 1.25 to $4.60; {air to choice mixed, $3.50 to $4.25; west- ern sheep, $4.10 to £5.15: native lambs, $5.50 to 36; wewtern lambs, $5.25 to £6.15. rm---------- Aldormen, stop the leaks 1 For Stomach Troubles. "] have taken a great many differ ent medicines for stomach trouble and constipation." says Mrs, 8. Geiger, of Dunkerton, Towa, "But never had as good results from anv as from Cham- rough, | "NOTICE. Ontario at its 'prosent Amend th incorporate the Company, Chapter 91-50, Victoria, 1 and amending Acts, 1. Amending the agreement striking ont clause of section 2. Providing that in case said hh) of on the part of the co out the provisions of ¢ tion 10 of the sald agreouent the sa company shall farfeit and § petitioners the sum of $100 every day during which such tinues made by the company in' earrying o any other of the provisions of the agreoment a Judge of the High Court upon the application of your petitioners may make an order AXing a penal to} be payable hy us ba od damuges for such sult for every dav during which such default continues. 4. Providing that in gpase pany shall at any time for a period of the said clause (€) High Court may upon vour petitioners make an order ing that at the end of six won the date of such order said company to use sald city shell cease that vour petitioners ation of the said period olant and property of a the application decl ers and vriviloges and shall perforin terms_of the said agree hy or under the sald Act shal the Hi JOHN MeINTYRE, Actine Dited at Kingston, 19th day of 14 ary. A.D. 1904. ABSOLUTE tipners by action in Justice Carter's Must Bear Signature of The Best Extract of the Best Beef Sold by all jobbing and also retail drug NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will be niade to ths Lom islature sion for an Act to the Act to Kingston Street Railway by ; datalit i pany tn carrying fia pov Pog Jay to your or day for fault cons 3. Providing that upon default being the com< five davs fail to operaté its cars contin wously in accordance with the provisions ar ut a valuation to be determined bY ih bitration as provided hy section of the id merecment. 5. roviding. that at the expi- ration of the said petiod of six months your petitioners all have and may exercise the same rights, pow- be subject to the same dut and obli- eations as upon the expiring of 0 franchise of the said company under the il be recover able with full costs of acuien IY You pots City Solicitor. a rie SECURITY. Little Liver Pills. vi id 1 ut of of 'orms of tender ulars may be had by un or to sioner, wt Winnipeg, tender not CURE SICK HEADACHE. Noe i w r wi Hii, Cn orl HE A , and w ne! : H it before the first ot May ment. o ; + ment without authority ment will not be paid The beer that people. It's just! as good as it looks. berluin's Stomach and 1 Aver Tablets." For sale by all Wl

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