* Fair and colder, Thursday. | COMMERCIAL MATTERS, A record ' maple is ised from Vermont. have placed tatives of J an order with a Des Moines, la, p ing com for ' 2,000 'barrels of mess pork, at $16 a barrel. sugar output 's. India agent reports there have no further rains, but wheat is iD) ng. favorably. The Indian harvest is only about thirty days away. The hop market continues to present appearance. It is said there is slow 3 a of hops -and that the small remaining stocks are under the control strong holders. o rR of the Canadian Copper mining compeny have nade arrange. ments to use the Mond smelter pending reconstruction of their works destroved fire at a loss of $150,000. Canadian Engineering company has purchased for a price in the neigh- borhood L000, the plant, build- ings and' land owned hy the James Cooper Manufatturing company at Rock- Mexico, t tect its iron and steel ------ oi ate a du', of $10 per ton on steel rails on April 1st, and du- pected. will cut off trade in American products. mr -------------- 's Glee, Mandolin and Guitar Club's annual concert will be held in Convocation hall Friday evening, Feb. roary 26th. Reserved seat plan at Aglow's book store. : ng an article for general use it is advisable to look for quality. Cheap goods, they may at first appeal to you by being run. Buy the best :-- 'Bed Spreads, made of extra cotton, extra large size, nénj- ont ends, Marseilles pattern, in $1.50, present price only RE i _ | Fine English Cotton, 36 inches wide. soft, stremg finich, at only 10c. yard. Heavy Quality Sheeting, free from starch or dressing, evenly woven,worth 33¢. yard, for'25e. yard. English Pillow Case Cotton, best fin wh, crisp, strong s#lread, guaranteed to wear and wash well, all widths, 3% 10, 42, 44, 46, 48, 54 inches, at 20¢.. 22., Ue.; 26¢., 2c, yard. w, large sizes, regular value for $1.90, regular value $3.50 tor Unbleached Groy Cottons, 36 inches wide, some excellent offerings at old prices, viz., 6¢., Tc, 8c., 10c. yard Fable Napkin Bargain 2 doen Trish Table Napkins (large dinner sizes), heavy quality, double ask pure linen, handsome patterns. Some of these napkins have a slight i n, which can scarcely he detected. We secured the lot at a heavy ¢, and now offer them to our customers at greatly reduced prices : TOWELS AND SHEETS White Bath Towels, hemstitched. of extra hegpvy quality, white csoft, non-irritating, wear guar 'on linen ground. , neatly hemstitched ;-- took oll the. ize 24x45, regular 50c., for 10c. PRL ah © Size 26x48, ular 65¢c., for 0c. had (only 300) and ars ---- at the absurdly lo Bath Sheets, 2} yards long by 1] $s" - yards wide, extra strong and servic: : able, only $1.25 each. Fy . ine 5 'WALDRON | levislature held a very | dav 'T BE TAXED. Sen, | County Council Deputation Waits on Ontario Government--Be- tween Three and Four Hun- dred Frozen Water Services. Toronto, Feb.- 24.--Before" the speci- al committee of the legislature on the assessment bill this morning, G. H. Watson, K.C., appeared for the Mas- sey Music Hall trust, stated that the hall was.operated for the public good without profit and should be exempt. The committee refused to consider the case, deeming it a question for the municipality. The exemption on the houses and lands of British naval and military officers living in 'this country' | was abolished; the bill proposed to continue the old exemption up to $3,- The private bills committee of the session this morning, members bein» delaved by the storm. Toronto's bill, to ~ive the city authority to direct that fac- tories, laundries, etc.. mav not be er- ected in certain localities was discuss- ed, but no action taken. A deputation of 200 representing county councils, waited on the Cn- tario government to-dav ip reference to the act vassed last session. oiving local municipalities an ontion to re- vert to the old svstem of constituting county councils. M. T. Buchanen for Oxford, H. F. Holland. Northumber- land, Ald. Duncan, Lambton, Warden Bruce, Simeoe? Lieut.-Col. J. E. Fare- well, Ontario. Warden Bovee. Carle- tom, Clerk: McNeely, Victoria, and Warden Kenneck, Wentworth, spoke. Premier Ross replied that the act would be amended, so that the new nrovision would come into force only on a majority vote of electors. There are between three and four hundred frozen walter services in. the city. The encineers staff bein~ unable to cope with the work, it has heen de- cided to nse the electric method of thawing the nives, which lead from the mains to the houses. The case of Price and the city of Hamilton, to set aside 'the agreement between the city and the Bell Tele- phone company, is being heard at Os- goode ~ Hall, to-day. Judge Britton, who is hearing the case, explained that he is a shareholder in the com- pany, but counsel for the parties ae- reed that this would not interfere with his judgment. J. W. Neshitt arguing the case attacked the Hamilton pa- pers and the council. POKER THROUGH BODY. Waterloo (Iowa) Boy Meets With Peculiar Accident. Waterloo, Towa, Feb. 24.--As a re- sult of a most peculiar accident, Al- bert Jones, a nine-year-old boy of this city. is lying verv low at his home. Jones was skatin~, and while going at a fast rate fell and struck the protruding end of a poker stick- ine up in the ice. The poker entered the bodv at the front of the thigh and passed up through a part of the stomach. al- most to the surface of the skin in the fore part of the lower stomach. The lad after falling was unable to wet- up, and others, seeing his plioht, finally came to his aid' and he was extracted from the position and taken home. While seriously - hurt, it is thought he may recover, as no vital parts were severed. THREATENS DRUGGIST"S LIFE Dr. Herman Must Pay $1,000 on Pain of Death. New York, Feb. M.=Dr. Israel "Her- | man, a druggist, of Brooklyn. has re- ported to the police that his life has been threatened by Italian blackmail- ers. Several dave aco Dr. Herman re- ceived the following letter written in Italian : "For the last time that we tell vou both to bring the 81,000 at the point mentioned, and remember that vou made us pass one night in the cold, that we had to wait for vou people, but don't think that you have some- thing to do with people just like vourself. If vou don't come on Tues- thé first of the month, the same place, same street and don't forget the sienal; if you don't do as we sav. you will lose your life." SEWED BUTTON ON FINGER. Girl Operator Injured In Peculiar Manner. . Portland, Ind, Feb. 24.--~While oper- ating a button-attaching machine at a local shirt factory" Miss Nora Teeter had hee: thumb éaught in the machine and a steel button was tightly riveted into her thumb, the staple binding the two parts of the button heing foro! cleanly through the member. The but- ton was removed with a pair of pinch ore, ------------------------------------------ Largest Woman In Indiana. Watash, Iud., Feb. 24.-'Thé¢ largest woman in Indiana is said to live cne wile west of Miani. She is Mrs. Susie Fuel, and her wei ht is 184 pounds. Mrs, Fuell is the wife of J. P. Full, and is forty-seven years cll. She has several children who are grown, and despite her' large proportions handles herself with ease. When she was mar ried she weighed 300 pounds, und since then she has been steadily grow- ing heavier. Poisoned By Tack In Shoe. Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 21.--iohn Gray is now at the Erlanger hosyital, lying at the point of death as the re- stlt of the scratching of a tack, Some days ago Mr. Gray. while trying to extract a smell tack from his shes, accidentally scratchdd Fis fuger. Later symptoms of 11 od voioniny set in and he was removed to the hospital. No hope is entertained for his rccov- ery. Boy Dies. Of Leprosy. London, Feb. 24.--At Upwey, Dorset, a boy has just died of leprosy. He was the son of a man who, several years , was a warder in a Singa- pore prison, where lepers were confined and it is supposed that he contracted the foul disease through that medium. {The boy had been living in strict se- clusion at Upwey for some time, Can Go To The Fromt With Ja- > pan's Army. : I J Ottawa, Feb. MM _-Oriawa city has invited the Bell Telephon: company to name its very best terms for an -ex- clusive franchise. This action is taken' before debmit deciding on the eral offers 4 Liat. Meredith, formerly of Torem- to, has Been appointed to command the Ottawa Fnginser Corps. He takes the rank of ME It is said that Japan has reccnsid- ered her refusal to accept servizes of Cenadian nurses, and (nul Nosse, who rejected applicants a few weeks Kaiser's Health. London, Feb. 24.--The Manchester Despatch ain ag refers to the health of Kaiser William, cof Ger- many, to-day, and says it was stated, at a most dis- tinguished house in thee West End, that the worst news may te heard any day. The paper adds : ' Sincere hope is expressed everywhere that the rumors on the subject will prove errompeous, but unhappily there is little ground for the hope." $3F 4444404004004 4400 is now said to be quietly notifying the ladies that 5 renewal of the applica- tions will be favorably reccived. One Ottawa lady is known to be an aprli- cant. Lord Dundonald has worked out a scheme for the better education and qualificaticn of mi.itia officers. All aspirants for promotion will be divi- ded into five classes. Each class will be carriad on throughout the year, divided into four courses of twelve Kexcept for 'special arms). Each course, will begin and end on a defi- 'so that candidates for promotion wil know exactly when the course takes place in tha class . which concerns appointment of lieutenant, the second for promaticn to captain, the third for promotion to mmijor, the fourth for promoticn of lisutensnt-colcn:l, commanding, and the fith for pro- motion to staff and higher command. When an officer wishes to aualify for the command of his regiment he will go, not to ena of the smaller sche ol of instruction, but to the central camp of. instructicn. He he will be put through a tactical traiving and given constant practice in the actual handling of bodiss of troops under service conditicns, Whea, aiter hold inz the command of his reaigent, he wishes to qual fy for the staff, he will go once more to the central camp and pass thr a hizher tactical train- ing in he wil handle mixed Lodizs of troops, amd work out tac t cal schemes over afl sorts of grounds. Lord Dundonald also is de- sirous of increasing the ray of pri- yates who are called out for twelve days' traizing each year. He thinks that they should get at least seventy- five cents a day, ard that the pay shovld increase in proporticn to. the length of efficient service. Ghosts In Pesthouse. Coatsville, Pa., Feb. 24. Fallowfield townsBip resi- dents are up in arms all be- cause a number of people in that neighborhood de- clare that a light nightly shines in the window at the deserted pesthouse, and that, consequently, they be- lieve there are smallpox victims' ghosts about the place. Freesat ebttiete FEIETEIEIFP E445 ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Mr. Dryden's Contribution To Budget 'Débate. Toronto, Feb. 24--In the legislature yesterday Hon. J. Dryden, in his 'con tribution to the budget debate, said there "were in the older sections of {n- tario a very large number of farms denuded of their timber, and while the lands were not of a very great valu: for agricultural purposes, they would be better under timber than under érop. A great many letters had been received at the department. from farm ers asking that something be done. Pe proposed to start a plantation nursery in connection with the Ontario Agri cultural College at Guelph,. where seed for woods particularly adaptable to the severe sections of Ontario would be tested and instructions given re specting the planting of such fle proposed to plant the seed end grow the trees for two years,when they can be secured by farmers at a nomi nal cost. Falls From Loop Into Cage. Paris, Feb. 24.--A "looping the loop" in Masserini's cir cus, Tunis, had an accident whith nearly cost him his life. When hali man who was track, and the performer was shot before Mme. Masserini, who tames the animals, entered = the cage and drove off the beast, a $60,000 To Charity. Vienna, Feb. 21.--A nineteen-year-old Hungerian nobleman, named Dungers- sky, lost $60,000 at baccarat to De puty George Saczellary. Dungerssky's family refused to pay on the ground that the elderly deputy should not t have played for money with 5 boy who {is deficient in intellect, but pad the whole amount to charitable institu- tions, Boy Escapes Electrocution. London, Feb. 24. --A chain on a cart over the London county council tram lines at New Crossgate, and one end fell into the culvert whence the elec- trio current is obtained. There was a loud explosion. A boy in the cart re- leased his hold of the chain, as it fell and thus narrowly escaped a fatal shod! SEPP 444494 44083908 n te date, pullished long beiocechand, | them. The first class wil he for the! trees, | way rovnd the loop the cycle left the | into a cage of lions. A lioness sprang | upon him and tore his shoulder hadly slibned while the vehicle was "passing | tice on Tuesday and Friday nights, moar 2 'WORLD TIDINGS (OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. ei. wv. | Dempatebes apd Cullings Telling Fire in Copper Cliff nickle mines, did $150,000 Brantford Board of Trade ¢lxcted W. F. Cockshutt president. Quebec Hockey Club is willing 10 contest for the Stanley eup. Two lives were lost by explosion of tive, near Kane, Pa. The firm of Franklin company, bank- ers, Berlin, made an assignment to- y. The United States senate ratified the Pansuy canal treaty by a vote of 66 to 14. New York's police force hag. had its first shake-uu under the McClellan re- ime. i - The Brickfordshantz furniture fac- tory, Rochester, N.Y., was burnt; loss » . % a A new Romen Cathglic church is to be erected in Windsor at , cost. of £30,000. Mrs. Ryan, widow of the late Hugh Ryan, contractor, Toronto, is dead at Cairo, Egypt. , A treaty of arbitration between France and the United States will be signed shortly. J. Bruce Ismay, Griscom as president shipping trust. Aln:r Humphrey, Troy, Wentworth county, was killed by a load of wood upsetting upon nim. Col. Watson, who is looking after Britain's exhibit at St. Louis, will | stay there till the fair is «nded. { Alls the evidence so far in the mur- | der trial at Brantford, Ont., is same i as that produced at the inquest. | The U.S. supreme court decides that anyone travelling on 4 pass, stands on | same footing as ths man who pays { fare. New York firemen fought a hlazéd in i a six-storey block, in constant fear of | three big gas tanks in a block, ex- ploding. Pinder twine bounty is to be seven ! ty-five cents per 222 pounds. Twenty- | five claims for lead bounties have been made. David Wells, alias Frank Sykes, alias Seath, has becn arrested, charged with burgliries fn York county, including the theft cf a telephone. A despatch to the Chicago Tribune ! from Elepaso, Texas, says the Wells { Fargo Express company was robbed of $90,000 two weeks ago at Irapuato, succeeds © Clement of the Morgan Mex. In an automobile smash, cn the road to the pyramids, Egypt, Prince Ibrahim, the sultan's nephew, and two women, were badly hurt. and the chauffeur and an Arab k lled. "Coming Storm," by J. W. Beatty, and "The Day is Dome," by FM. Béll-Smith. were chosen from the On tario of Artists' exhibition for purchase by the Ontario govern ment. Fire at Brockrort, N.Y., this-morn- ing did about $110,000 damage in the heart of the business district. The M. S. Phelps Piano Case . Manufacturing company and Moore Subscription Ag ency buildings were burned. Col. Leutwein, governor of German Southwest. Africa, cables that a num- ber of Ovambas, under Capt. Nachalv. attacked the police post at Amatoni on February 2nd and were repulsed with a loss of sixty men killed. Soe FORESEES CLASH. Powers Are Extending Toward Holy Land. London, Feb. 24.--The exvansion of Furopeen countries is drifting toward Palestina, and it is there that the fn'1 clash ~f interests will nceur. Such at lost is the opimicn-cf Dr. M. Gaster who read , paper on "The Po'itical Aspect of the Future of Palestine" to an oatheriny of the Cen- tral>Asatis Socitv yesterday. Austria, he seid, was gradually creepint down 'the Novi Bazar, and was; buildine railvaye to connect with Sal nica, whil> Russia would never give up hor dream of orcupyinr Con stantino;lo as a steppinz-sten2 to India. Dr. Gaster foresaw a po:<ihle aly: tion of the diffiecrlty in the Zionist movement. If the . Jews colonized Pelstine they world. make of it streny buffer nation, and would show favor to nono. LEAMINGTON FIRE. Disastrous Blaze Burns Big Brick Block. Leamington, Ont., Feb. the most disastrous. fires tory of Leamingtcn, occurred early this morninz, in which the new, large | brick block, owned by William Nec Sween, was burn:d to the ground. The fire is supposed to have started in Norman & Dawscn's dry-go®ds store. The block was occupied 'by Cuellin & Bancroft, furniture - store; Norman & Dawscn, drygoods; Mrs. Maycoek, fur store, and on the second 'floor by ths Leamington Business College, end the inland revenue and custom offices. Total loss is estima: ted 'about $35,000. 24 --~0One of in the his Mormons Buy 16,000 Acres. Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 24.--A deal has been closed whereby the stale land board sells 16,000 acres of land in the Big Horn country to Apostle Woodrufi and a syndicate of Mor- { mons. The Mormons purpose "to start big irrigation projects and to settle the land with at least 20.000 Mor- mons. The colony already numbers ab- out 8,000 settlers. Curling Iron Blinds. i Fowler, Ind. Feb. 24.--Miss Agnes MeGiffin of this city received a pain- ful injury in a peculiar manner. She | was curling her hair and while look- ing into a mirror she let the hot curl- ing iron slip, and in falling it struck {her in the éve. The physicians say the sight will be lost. 14th Bugle Band. The bugle band of the 14th P.W.0. Rifles was re-organized last evening. Seventeen buglers were present, and joined. The band will meet Tor prac. SPECIAL SALE --te OF ---- Table ' Linens To-Morrow. - We have' seéiired a very speeial LINEN BARGAIN and will offer i the lot To-Morrow. 3 0 Yards Pure Bleached Table Linens New designs, full 72 inches wide and extra good value,, regularly at $1 a yard. Our Special Price To-Morrow, Z5c. Yard. Yards Unbleached Table Linen Extra good make, heavy and pure, all good patterns, width 64 and 66 inches. This quality is never sold at less than 75c. regularly. Our Special Price To-Morrow, 19 50c. Yard. All Sales for CASH ONLY. Sale Opens at 9:30. «JOHN LAIDLAW & SON... 170-172 Princess St., Kingston. Empress hoe s For Toadies Have More Friends To-day Than: Ever Before. Last year our sales were very large, and we believe this year we shall nearly double taem, OVER $1,200 Worth New Spring Stack Now In ! Popular prices : $2.50, $3, $3.50 Lace, Button and Low Shoes. - MADE iN Canaval - It spz2aks well for a shee to grow in favor each year as Empress Shoes have dane, «." . THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Trunks and Valises on Second Floor. The Purest and Most Agreeable Beverage on the Market. Not Carbonated--Made from the best : of Malt and Hops. Bandmaster Carey is in charge, McPARLAND, Agent. « 9. 71ST YEAR. NC ------ oN 4 FEBRUARY URNITURE = SA EVERYTH'NG REDUCED A' grand opportunity tc money; from 20 to 25 pe saved on each Durchase. . SIDEBOARDS Choice 1 cut Oak, neatly' set with British Plate Min Former price. 8, $70 Sideboards, now a! $45 Sideboards, now a $25 Sideboards, now ai COUCHES Velour Couches, 'Oak Spring Edge. . Former price. ~ Ss $11 Couches, now at .. ... $6.50 Couches, now at .. . Some good values at $6.50, ete. J. RE 222 Princess Street, 2 Doors Above the Opera House, Ambulance Telephone 577, ROBT. Ladies' Filled W We have a few Ladi year "' Hunting Filled with Guaranteed America ments. We are able to s while they last at $10 each SMITH BR Jewellers and Opticians, 35 REFORM MEET Reformers of Nos. 11, 12, J FRONTENAC WARD, and of 4, ONTARIO WARD, will me Reform Rox GOLDEN LION BLOCK, FRIDAY AT 8 Reformers of Nes. 15. 16, ] 19, 'RIDEAU WARD and of 9, and 10, CATARAQUI W t same meet 'a 'SATURDAY at The under Order of business : subsdivision . chairmen, constitution. ' By order of the president, "BUSINESS BRO I CAN QUICKLY SELL, without publicity, your Bu Estate or Partnership; no » located. Send me full parti es, etc. Address, Chas. E W. Mohowk St., Buffalo ON . A CHAMBER ] ply at Iroquois Hotel. ee eee BOY, TO WORK IN 1 A Apply at the Hub, Mark NURS SXPERIE ED NURS AN J. BE. Cunninghi street. emer COMPETENT COOK, wi A ences. Apply to 109 near the park. EXPERIENCED ¥ Must have references. Miss Hora, 45 King su AX ONCE, GENERAL family of two; no chil Mrs. Hugh Macpherson ston Street. AT RCHASE A DWEL TO modern, in tion, from $1,500 to $3, p'*, this office. VE YOU SPARE HA Ee your income I: night. Others are do ds are used every da Write G: Marshall & C don, Ont. JRE ND WOMEN, OF Gt MEN A and ability, in un tory. to enroll student mum salary of $600 a with references, Canadi dence College, Limited, etree IN OF ABILITY AND ME to sell Mining perty developed and richest in Arizona. 1 make big money. An portunity for the righ a8 wit reference d, Lancaster, P¢ LOST. A PAINTERS Las: esday aftern > dios to Whig Office. CHAIN BELT, WIT A Buckles, on Tuesday ¢ ward for its return to -------- TO-LET. THE 18ST OF BY Brick Dwelling. 86. Lo si: Fast, occupied by Mrs with Modern Improves Water and Bath, ete. Vaughan Terrace. Died At Hal Helifax. N.8.. Feb. 2 M. Townsend, Amherst, erncon. He was a son 0 Lon Townsend, and bro Townsend of this city. eet The Winnipeg school cided to adopt manual