UALLY DO THE WORK, 2 Is Worthless Uy. sted--Sorme Stomachg ve Help. into the stomach wh; ure of the food or hich the stomach, is not di. sé than 'no food at oj statement as far ag it reat many dyspeptics go _ with their reasoning ith themselves that | omachs do not do the em, they must be piven other words they must would be just as sensi. ness man who is unabis own work to cut dowy 0 his own capacity a an to starve himself to mach. The sensible busi. g loys help and ~oes fr. | business, Likewise the eptic will employ help ch and give his body shment. ; spepsia Tablets actually assighed to them. They and over-burdened stop. reat portion of digestivg component parts are id. those of the digestive retions of the stomach ly take up the grind and work just the same as 4 healthy stomach would ount Stuart's Dyspepsia erfectly natural in their ects. They do not cause 1 or violent disturbance h or bowels. They them. the food and suboly the all the nourishment eon. t is eaten: and carry out s for the suftenance and »f the body. more sensible is this me. t employed by many suf. weak stomachs. By this dy and brain get all the ous food they need and roperly nourished and carry on his work and juties. He could not nos. yroper working condition imself or employing some insufficient food that does enough nutriment for a y. © A strong man doing must be properly fed and to the brain as well as spepsia Tablets, by re tomach of its work, en scuperate and regain its h and strength. Nature vorn and wasted tissues heals and knits the bone limb, which is of course ring the process .of re pspsia Tablets are sold bv at 50c. a box and they afbicle that the druecist to sell something in the 's "just as good." Their rerit and success and the nand for them has glaced } the reach of every' one. YAR E / ructive. Our motto is to ily, and pacify Are not s decorated recently remew- |, and the inmates doubly ne of those where our sug- carried out are not equal- y, even at greater expense. k,"" but we have the proof apers are arriving steadily, ur line for '04 will surpass J years. We solicit a r best work and we wil our motto," Beautify and Pacifv. Weese & Co. yrators and photographers, street, agent for Mason & --The Leader. Ish right 1% sap Editions Smart. thby. )ppenheim. id Melville. Henry Savage. forrison. Green. iberton. Marsh. 1 Adelar. te. NISBET, srner Book Store. 2'Il want to try it you've had a look SELLS ITSELF. BOUT OUR PEA COAL. SWIFT & C0. Telephone 135. PPV PP POOP OPI0EG9POOOPY 3 #HAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ; "ENTS TELL US. The Tidings Frdm Various Points In Easters Ontario--What ©, Peoples Are Doing And What They are Doing. ~ Attended The Supper. Lake Opinicon, Feb. 22.--Melvin Hughson is drawing logs to Sand} Lake mill. A few young folks attended the oyster suppec at C. Caird's, Jones alls, and report an enjoyable even- ing. - Alexander Darling, Jr., spent Sunday at home, Visitors: 8. Linkla- ter, at. H. Johnson's; 8. Baxter, at J. Linklater's; W. Kerr, at S. Hugh- son's. : Purchased A Windmill. Pleasant Valley, Feb, 24.--The recent thaw has proved a boon to farmers, as the water has risen in the wells and cistern. The chimney of Mr. Barr's house burned out z 'short time ago, and but for assistance being at hand the house would have been burned. Little Miss Tassia Barr had her fingers frost bitten while runnigg to a neigh- bor's for help. Sherman Brown has purchased a wind mill to be erected on his barn for the purpose of grinding feed. Visitors: Mrs. J. Kerr, at T. Kerr's; Mr. and Mrs. S. Sigsworth, at H. Clow's; Miss L. M. Barr, a few days at her father's; Miss Molly Clow, the guest of Miss Lorena Sigsworth. ------ Removing To The City. Point Road, Feb. 24 --The recent rain gnd fine weather have so decreas- ed the snow as to make sleighing and bush 'work pleasant. The concert given by St. Mark's Sunday school last week was a grand success. W. Ruttan acted as chairman and proved himself the right man in the right place. Af- ter the concert, the benches were re- moved and the young people tripped the light fantastic. with volunteer music until an early hour. P. Ken nedy, of the Carthage, N.Y., paper mills, is spending a few weeks as the guest of his brother. F. Briggs and E. Ferney spent a few days renewing acquaintances in Battersea. Mr. and Mrs. J. Doyle have rented their farm and' taken up residence in the city. We Ayers Hair Vigor Gray hair adds 20 years to the age. Restore the color; keep young. Make your hair grow long and heavy. Sila: ALLAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. Joba. From Halifax Laurentian, Feb. 13th; Feb. 15th Ionian, Feb. 22nd Sicilian, Feb. 27th; Feb. 20th Bavarian, Mar. 5th; Mar. Tth. Reduced Winter Rates of Passage First Cabin--Bavarian and -Ionian, $60 and upwards : Laurentian and Sicilian, $50 and upwards. Second. Ci Liverpool and London- derry and Ionian, $40: Laurentian and Sicilian, $37.50 : London, $3.50 extra. Third Class--$25 'and $26: Liverpool, Derry. Belfast, Glasgow, doa. Thro tickets to South Africa. W YORK TO GLASGOW Numidian, Thursday, March 3rd, 2° a.m. Corinthian, Thursday, Mar. 17th, 11 a.m. 1st Cabin, $45; 2nd Cabin, $35; 3rd Class, $26. J..P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passeuger Depot. J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence street. Watch your expenses--the out- go is olten more atl fault than tha income Watch your coal. bin need re-filling too frequently Our coal LASTS It's ALL COAL~--gives more heat than common coal. It's _ neither the stone-hcavy sort nor the puff-and-it's-gone va- riety. 4 It's as fine as any coal mined and _il's kept tor cleaner and drier than ordinary coal. You need it, And our wood is good Our fuel 'is the fuel you should use Order some. R. CRAWFORD Dealer in good fuel, Kingston Foot of Queen Street. "Phone VY. SU SE Does your TENDERS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed Fens ders for Indian Supplies," will be re- ceived at this office up to noon on Thursday. 31st March, 1904, for ihe delivery of Indian supplies during the fis cal vear ending 30th June. 1% o at i points in . Manitoba and the ripus North-west Territories Forms of tender containing full partic- uplars may be had hy applying to the undersigned. or to the Indian Commis sioner, at Winnipeg. The lowest or any tender not necessarily, acteptod McLEAN A Secretary Department of Indian fairs Ottawa. 18th: February. 1904 : N.B.--Newspapers inserting this ad- vértisethent * without authority of the regret Mr. Doyle's loss, as he was one of the leading farmers in our section Northbrook Nectar. Northbrook, Feb. 24.--Mrs. Philip Peterson, very ill, is convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Forbes spent Sunday at S. Sedore's. Misses Daisy Shier and Myrtle Vanness spent Sunday at Parks. Miss Reid was the guest of Miss Katie Abbott on' Saturdav. Geo. Peterson left on 'Tuesday for Aus tin, Pa. Miss Hazel Godirey, Kala dar, has been visiting her grandmoth- er, Mrs. Peterson, this week. Mr. Alexander and his men are going to complete the contract the Wise broth- ers had taken but were unable to fin ish, owing to the condition of the roads. The people of this congrega tion have decided to have the énnual tea on the evening of March Sth. Bangard's Biography. Bongard's, Feb. 24.--J. Almore Gor danier, fruit dealer of Morven, was in this vivinity last week, C. W. Wright and son, Conway, are at J. D. Bon gard's. Miss E. L. Cormack has been visiting Mre. Arthur' Purvis in Cressy. Mrs. D. T. McCérmack has' returned efter a week's visit with' friends in Ficton. S. Palen and mother were guests: at J. Pierce's on Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Tobey has returned. from Port Milford. Mrs. D. °T. McCormack en tertained company one evening recent- ly: Vi-itors: Mr, and . Mrs. Blake Harrison at R. Harrison's; Mr. Gold smith, Belleville, at James Bradley's; J. C. Bongard at Cherry Valley; Miss Chelmers at her home in Adolphus town: Miss Flla Bradley in Bell ville and Trenton. Bloomfield Abbreviations. Bloomfield, Feb, 24.--The C.0.R. had a hard time to get through the first of the week. The roads are in a bad condition, - owing to the great depth of snow. Clarence Mallory was in Toronto last week, the R. T. of T. ¢onvention. Many are sick with colds and grippe. The farm stock and implements of the late Wil frid Burr were sold by public auction on Tuesday. Fdgar Mastin is moving his effects to his new home in the vil- lage. Assessments have been raised on property all over the township. John Monroe lost a mare by its dying sud- denly last wepk. Ed. Noah, . strick- en with paralysis recently, is doing well. The Friends' held their quarter lv meeting on Saturday and Sundav David Burlingham is busy -etting timber for a new barn. Very little wood is being cut owing to the great depth of snow. Milton Christy was at home a few davs from Kingston. A BR. Savior and A. Weeks are in Mont real this week. Newburgh News. Newburgh, Feb. 24.--The village has been unusually gav in the social line A jolly party on 'the 12th inst. elaim ed Mrs. E. W. Stickney as hostess. The guests of honor being Mrs. 1. Percival of Merrickville and Miss Man ning of Toronto. The following" exen ing Mre. BE. J. Madden was "At Home' at the tea hour to a number of her lady friends. Mrs. Beaman alto entertained a few friends at tea. The genial postmaster, R. B. Hope, is suffering from a severe attack of la gripoe. John Shorey who Has been ail ing for some time was able ta take a short drive on Sunday last. Miss Al ma Brisco is visitine friends in Napa nee. GG. B. Thomson of the Thomson Paper company spent a fow days id Toronto last week. Miss (lara Shorey is visiting friends in Napanee. Mrs. H. Percival returned to her home on Navanee, Fridav last. Mise Hoover, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. B. Thomson. Miss = L. A. Kparn spent k at Mise L. Madden's. John last 8 d . Benn and his sister, Miss Vera, of Richmond township. spent Sundav Jast at their grandfather's, John Shorey. Cushendall 'Callers. Cushendall, Feb, 23. ~The roads are very heavy on account of the recent thaw. The stage could not get' through on Monday. Much sympathy is extend ed to Mr. and Mrs. John Dufiey in the lose of thei infant child which occurred last week. Mise G. Patter: The Medicine that a Million Women is a delegate to | his home next week. Mrs, G. Peck is convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomp- son, Willetshelme, visited at Mrs, Hy- Jand's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Anderson, entertained a number of their friends one evening last week. A number from here attended the fun- eral of the late John Potter, King- ston, on Thursday last. Alex. 0'Con nor, Kingston, is visiting at A. Mar: tins. Mr. and Mre, Henry Greatrix have mioved to Pine Hill cheese fac- tory, where Mr. Greatrix and ' Mr. Froizzsll will make cheese the coming season. Miss Minnie Ward has re turned from. visitine in Collinge Bav. Mr. and Mrs. «J. Hamilton, Kingston. are visiting at Mrs. Hamilton's. R. Hamilton lost a valuable horse last week. Visitors: J. Walker, Kingston, at Mrs. Ward's; J. Percell, Dufferin, at | Mr. Woods' Jr.; R. Simpson, Howe Is- | land, at James Martin's: James Mar tin and Henry Little, Kingston, re. cently visited at James Martin's. Miss Etta Eaton, Seelcv's Bay, is visiting at Mrs. Ward's. Cole Lake Incidents. (cl: Lake, Feb. 24.--A gad and sudden death occurred in the neigh borhood, Thursday morning, when Bridget Fitzgerald, aged fifty-two years, widow of Joseph Coulter, pass- ed away after a week's illness of pneu moria, leaving three sons and a mother to mourn her loss. She was a loting mother, and her death was greatly regretted by all-who knew her, The funeral took place Saturday morning to the Roman Catholic chureh, Bedford, where a solemn re. quiem mass wad sung, after which the hs were interred in the vault. Miss Jennie Martin is recovering from appendicitis. Henry Dixon, Verona, is moving, on G. Ww. Killen's farm, form ely occupied by George Hattew ick Richard Killen has returned after vi-it ing friends at Ompah. A young girl has come to stay at the home of Richard Hamilton. A quiet and pretty wedding took place at the residence of George Butterill, when his daughter, Alberta, was united in mariage to Harvey Austin, Lansdowne. The bride was ably assisted by the groom's sis Miss Maggie, while the dutiss, of man were ably performed by the pide's brother, Robert. The bride was beautifully attired in a cream suit of ladies' cloth, very stylishly made. She looked extra handsome. The bridesmaid was also attired in cream. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Richards, Verons, and alter the ceremony, a sumptuous din ner was served. The happy couple left amid showers of rice, on a trip, ac companixd by the bridesmaid and best man. The bride's travelling suit was of brown cheviot cloth and white hat The bridesmaid wore a suit of steel gray and white hat. They received a number of beaufiful presents. Visi tors : Mrs. Jackson, Maberly, and Mrs. Spooner, Perth, at Mr. Martin's; Dempster Lyons, Ardoch, at . G. W Killin's. * ter La Grippe Coming Again. The doctors helisve another epide mic of grippe is here, and already many are suffering. The medical men are not afraid of grippe since Ca tarrhozone was introduced, and claim that no one will ever catch this dis ease who inhales the fragrant healing vapor of Catarrhozone a few times deily. Catarrhozone kills the gcinpe germ and prevents it spreading through the system. "Last winter 1 had an attack of grippe," writes C. P. Mackinnon, «f Bt. Johns. 1 bought Catarrhozone and got relief in chort time. 1 found Catarrhozone bet ter than anything clse and was cured by using it." Catarrhozone prevents and cures grippe; colds and catarrh. Two mo treatment, 81; trial sive, be. ee -- Diphip corsets worth $1 for 'Ge. New York Drees Reform. It is expected that Mr. be the government nominee for speak er of Commons. court will For Stomach Troubles. "| have taken a great many dificr ent medi ines for. stoma h trouble and constipation," says Mrs. 8. Geiger of Dunkerton, lowa, "but never had from any as from as good results son. Sunbury. recently visited at Mrs QS. Woods'. Eddie Ellerbeck ix slowlv recovering, and intends returning to Department will not be paid. Chamber]: in's Stomach and Tiver has Cured the llis of (din ©, ikhaals getable Compou Tablats." For sale by all druggists. d reas proved He sluggish, tired feeling disappeared, and I became strong and well, » health Roast Beef. re for Mwedleworkors, practical 1n | has bien united in marriage to Mis + ver il. cnrehilly edited en aiwsy® up | Palmer, Tweed, Rev: C. DeMill offici odie. It will Kusp yun posted on the latest | (ing Simon Ball has purchased the For 1 full year one of the 2 io C wo for dress docora- (ating. OM a pi tion of ell kinds of fut e- {farm adjoining hiv own. Thomas Popular Magazines: pi rasioen, N dno { Campbell, Calgary, has bought the Jur 1, July and Octal a other farm, known as the Copeland i 3 > : Hm zo farm, from Justis Sweetnam. Me Corticelli Home Needlework al of. Campbell intends moving on it in - aa MY 1 A quarterly magazine, devoled to Embroidery, Lacs Making, Drasn Colt y ADrtty Col aac. F RB E to any lady who theelil Home Ni April, 1004 -- SPECIAL OFFE nd whols yoams of 1904 by return mel! the not celoy, St. 'Gornwall-Canal. NOTICE as HEREBY GIVEN THAT | 4 } wil dra: g Corn- | y Canal the Ta a Hl og $664. | Father Bouchard, a well-known Jow- and will not he readmitted junto it be- | wit priest, ws fore the Brst of May next, | shoe W. A. STEWART, | imc Superintendent of operation. On a snap - division Newspapers - iisarting. this advertise | House of Commons the government: i OR ; cout authors Jari ho . ment Nil not be i A fiom the departs | had a majority of only fourteen. THE CANADA METAL co. STI bear healthy children? good constitution ! 5 Vegetable Com it gives tone and strength to the parts, curing all displacements and inflammation. . let her write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, whose advice is given free to all expectant or would-be mothers. The medicine that instantly asserts ifs curative powers in the ills of women is g Read These Two Remarkable Cures. married life 1 was very delicate in health. appetite was increasing, the headaches gradually deo- did reraedy, and yours, Mes. ANNA PorTs, 610 Park Ave,, Hot Springs, Ark." food than Clark's W. CLARK, Miva. MONTREAL nd fl Shs. Addresy Fo 841, BL. Johns, ¥. Qu Lawrence Canals. Bo hal 5 othr who. is Weak find sick with some female trouble. How ankious women ought to be to give their children the blessing of a Many women long for a child to bless their home, but because of some ebility or displacement of the female organs, they ave barren. » Preparation ffr healthy maternity is accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's und more successfully than by any other medicine, because Actual sterility in woman is very rare. If any woman thinks she is sterile, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. * Daay ir Fixauaw:~1 ¥is ¥ . two premature children, Lydia BE. Pinkham 's ¥ ; roa und both my husband and 1 felt very badly as we oa Athy ite within tn. ) Dear Mra. Prvémas: jy During the atly Jot of my two mise nxions to have children. A neighbor who had been | using Tydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ad- Jo a a Aus the ride visad me to try it, and I decided to do wo, I soon felt that | happy as I do, you must have a host of friends, bless you for the light, health and ha) Compound has brought 'to my home. Mrs, Man P. Waanny, Flat 31, The Norman, Sec. Northsliore Oratorical Society. «4 and finally disappeared, and my general heal im. I felt ns if new blood coursed through my veins, Within a year after, I beoame the mother of a strong, Wy child, the joy of out home. You certainly have a splenh- wish every mother knew of it. Sincerely ve thelr absolute thine Pr vetla, 1. Pinkham Medi Co. $5000 FT Tin fe eh x cine 3 FASHION"S FORM, A Little Child's Apron That Fvery mother knows the comfort of $ | having aprons for little children. Not only do they save the wear and tear ®) on the frock beneath, but at a min '| ute's notice, by removing the apron {they can be called from the play- f ren and dlways look presentable, | This design illustrates a pattern for ja very practical little apron. | It is very casily made and also com | frtable for the child, as the loose | ¢ plaits in front prevent any binding or |, of the frock, Crossbarred eo | dimity, plaid muslin, gingham, or | heavy aprons of colored chambray are | 2 | ll good for children's aprons. Good § i my i i Died At Cole Lake, Cole Lake, Fob. 24.-A sad death | occurred early on Thursday morning when Mrs, Joseph Coulter passed t away at the age of fifty-two years. | Death was due to pneumonia, after } only a few days of illness, Shoe was | highly respected ns shown by the | large turnout of vehicles at her funer | al. She was buried on Saturday, Nth | inst., in the Roman Catholie enine | tory. Redford, where a solemn requica = THE WOMAN | mass was sung. She leaves three sons, | threo: brothers and an aged mother to | mourn her loss. Miss Deniie Martin is | slowly recovering from a sevare at | tack of appendicitis. G. W. Killine is | hauling ico for his cheese 'factory. | i -------------- Purchased New Farms. Vennachar, Feb, 23---John Grant to $5. will receive fall. We are pleased to soe Mr. White, driver, on duty attack of Work, oir popular singe ane siubacri ption to Cor ain after havin an etoro the end of | oF ope : | Sme-------- Published once a month. If you will ond ns | Greatest Bargain In The City. dollar bill for the | o S +k 1908, we will pend you | Prevost of the New York Clothing Do | Store, Brock street, has i or | | the next thirty days to sell all goods oorning the care of pass baoks, cheques, LS | at first cost, consisting of b sell evident, because in these strenuous { clothing. gents' furnishings and eloth- | ing made to order, to make room for | his spring importations. His $15 suits |; | and £3.50 pants made to order have 'ian ; | anc --_-- pa "An American Woman's Impression of Pi | no . i i ------ | House Burned To The Ground. | Sand Hill, Feb. 24.--On Wednesday | of last week the house of George Lew. | fa, Sr., was burned to the ground, it li is quite a Joss ax nothing wa saved. Miss Maggie Cox has returned home after spending a few weeks with gazine en your library table, and ab [har sister, Mew. George Lewis, Jr, Miss Mabel Cates, spent Sunday at CRUMI . EY lJ. Gray's. Mr. and Mes. W. McMun , -- ; $ { spent Sunday at John Soles Agents for New Idea Paper Pattorns, 10 ------------ gazine, 500. & year. Etry t. 1008 number free. PANY, 124d. Other important contributions will be : "Spring Gowns," by Nancy Hull "A Word For the Easter Bride,' Lover's ¥-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other pow- | ders, as it is both soap and. disinfect: killed at St. Mary's by an electrie Collage, Mon in the British | treal. In Broken Lots, Cheap, at ; SUTHERLAND'S SHOE ST( i hd This advertisement and takes advantage of our most excellent offer will spend many an hour the coming year with pleasure and profit. Any customer presenting check or receipted bill showing cash purchases made between present date Saturday Night, March 12th, am {nitting, Crocheting, and all Needle Arts, New Idea Woman's Magazine The April or Easter nuwober prom ises fo be special per on "Briel Business Talks For Women," on h woman to be informed how she-may transact her own business "fhe Frinth Woman and. Howe." with drawings "The Sweet Pea, and Suggestions For Its Plas «Paytho Physical Culture," hy Adde Marie » b \ 1, Don't fail to begin a year's sibcrip thom 2] wheels of the household pinchinery will run more ea ide by its