(L prove profitable and thousands the mark- ANN, | B.E. Culture of Hard Wood "split to "if Kindli cover, , ent al acted, apparently, with good reason, {turn to the system of representation - | tain things are desirable or undesir- ! able in the ordinary practice on the dolph, sWpchildron, farm. In other words the experimental farm is doing the work which the average farmer cannot afford to do "{ because he has not the tinge for it and 2 : fs 5 RB lip H ! ---------------- 'THE COUNCILS IN EVIDEECE. The 'county council's act, passed at thie last session of :the legislature, will not come into force for another year, and only then on the concurrent vote of the people. A year ago it was n- that the counties forming it could re- which formerly prevailed, when the councils wera composed of the reeves and deputy-reeves. The proposal does not meet the de sires of many, and on Wednesday a huge deputation--composed of an hun- dred and filty men, and from twenty two councils--swarmed the parliament buildings in Toronto, and protested against it. They were not in favour of a return to the old conditions and for two reasons, (1), the county coun: and The old county council in Frontenac was not as expensive as the newer in- stitution in recent years. The annual cost of the commissioners, in commit- {ee meetings and regular sessions, has been increasing, and the circumstance is sufficient to make some electors en- quire into the cause. Perhaps the ex- travagent commissioners are out of office and of power; and if so the county will get the benefit. The premier, Hon. Mr. Ross, on 'Wednesday i that the amend: ed act, to which objection had been {aken, would not be enforced until provision had been made for a plebis- cite of the people as to whether they desired it. At present tha act reads that it can be put into effect in the vote of the councils. -------- COLLEGE AND THE MAN. A farmer in the east, Joseph Thomp- son, of Carleton Place, is not impress ed with the value of the experimental colleges and farms. He writes : "We have experi I farms, and their value can scarcely be over-estimated, put we would like to see the govern ment buy a poor farm, which is run out for want of labor, and the build ings-sadly in need of repair. Lot them put a mortgage on it for hall its value. Then let some expert, by good management, pay off the mortgage, principal and interest, pay for extra help, redeem the land, renew the build- ings, and at the same time provide a fair income for himself. We doubt his ability to do $0." : The - experimental farm cannot be likened to any other farm, It is as {its name implies, On it skilled men to to produce certain results, ard it is theirs to demonstrate the value of certain methods, seeds, soils, trees, and stocks, Everything the col- lege professor or farmer tries may not be successful, but he is reading all the while, and experimenting, and out of his experience he can say that cer- | not the. opportunity. It is not an argument against the '| the English government and full pav may be a difference on the one point. | property and by the labour en at 5 qu ative The eer wnt 1 Ses our oll ates Sling corm). as Bh. Thompson suggests': oveupies the | Abernethy's for bargains in foot: 8 if BR : { : L had a power | he never pos- ' S-- people are f "erat ton some porte WITH ANOTHER have a great farm, in size, in order to |~ : i M-- bé successful. The English farmers | TO REPORT ON THE NAVAL Jana 'the peasants of Prams utilize SITUATION. what they have of land to better ad- -- vantage, and an education in any | Qutrages Must Cease--Dominicans business is ive to' the highest Are to Be Called to Account in success. Emphatic Fashion For The British House of Commons has before it a bill which proposes to adopt the metric system of weights and measures. It had better be taught in: the schools. The Toronto city solicitor warns the pecple not to allow the Bell Tele- phone company to trespass upon their premises without a special agreement. Otherwise they may acquire an ease- ment. which cannot be destroyed. The officers who draw half pay from from the Canadian government, should not be exempt from taxation on their houses. Why should they? What argu- ment can be offered in its behalf ? The petition of the council on the street railway case has been read in the legislature. Now the bill will be the. committee, when the deputation' will appear. Meantime the street ragl- way men are looking over the field. Hamilton bas purchased American cement, for public works, at $1.65 a barrel. The lowest Canadian offer was $1.71 a barrel. The difference in the Hamilton tender was $1,800. It sug- gested the enquiry of one alderman. "What's the matter with the Cana- dian manufacturers ? 1 understand that cement could be made for 40c. a barrel." 4 OESER VATIONS. pba Or Anything Else. Montreal Herald. J a young man is in love he never stops to investigate the girl's cooking. Great Surprise. T to Mail. > tions are thicker than smow- flakes these days. A coroner has re- fused to hold an inquest. : Cure For Baldness. Toronto News. " $ Golf being recommended as a cure for rheumatism, we may soon expect to have rugby football prescribed for baldness. No Doubt Of It. Toronto Telegram. Next spring will get a bigger recep- tion from the G. T. R. and C. P. R. than all the rest of the country gave to the returning heroes from South Africa. To Hang For Triple Crime. Raleigh, N.C., Feb. 26.--Govetnor Aycock having declined to interfere, the execution of Jabel Register took lace to-day in the Columbus county jail at Whiteville, Register was con- vidted of a triple crime--murder, burg- lary and arson. On March 29th last, in company with his father, H. B. Reg- ister, he went to the home of Jesse Soles, a white man, und shot Soles and also a negro hy name of Jim Staley After killing the men the Reg- isters the house and burned it. The elder Register was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Fighting Typhoid. s Watertown, N.Y., 26.--The council last night provided for ways and means for fighting the typhoid fever epidemic here. The board of health will at once enter into a eontract with Dr. George A. Soper, New York, the sanitary oxpert, who assisted in stamping out the disease at Ithaca and Butler, Pa. He is expected to-, morrow, Three hundred and fifty cases have been reported. Women Judges In Norway. Christiania, Feb. 28.--Several wo- men have of late been installed as minor judges: the sovernment says it is willing to trv whether their bump of justice is well enouch developed to distinguish between subjective amd ob- ive aspects of cases. The minister of justice is afraid that woman as judges will too often follow their in- | dividual inclinations." Williamn Whitney's Will. New York, Feb, 26.--By the will of the late William C. Whitney Harry P, Whitney is made sole executor trustees. After legacies of $250, 000 cach to Adelaidesand Bertie Ran- and provision for an income | year for his daughter, Dorothy, bulk of the estate is left in trust. Big Shirt Sale. Men's coloréd shirts, new patterns, qualities--while they last 49%. each. Roney & Co. -------------- Think Of It. Good, juicy lemons, only 10c. g doz- Come quick. » called soft and stiff fronts. The regular $1 Attacks. on Americans. Washington, Feb. 26.--Admiral De- wey and staff and Frank B, Lomis, as- sistant secretary of state, are on their wav. to San Domingo. The admiral will look over the situation from a naval standpoint and Mr. Lomis will act as the diplomatic representative of the United States, but in an advising capacity only. The president is determined to bring the people of San Domi to speed realization of the fact that American interests must be protected. He has til all other means of compelling fes- pect for the American flag fails. But within the next fous davs, the San Dominicans, whether allied to Vasquez, Jiminez, Morales or any of the other would-be-leaders will be io account in an emphatic manner if any further attacks made on Americans, Alreadv American marines and blue- jackets are on the soil of the island ready for business. .But the adminis- tration will adopt no formal pro: gramme until after the return of Mr. Lomis. Upon his report and that of Admiral Dewey will depend the future course of the United States towards San Domingo. The Propositionhlor formal American intervention on Saturdav may be adopted but in any event stops will be taken to protect Ameri- can interests from the forces of the de facto government as well as "from attacks by any of the bands of in- surgents. HL tet ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Temperance Advocates Expect Too Much At Once. Toronto, Feb. 25.--Another night ses- sion of the Ontario legislature was held last evening. Samuel Clarke, West Northumberland, liberal, spoke on tem- perance legislation in continuing the budget debate. He said his own view was that the province was not ready for total prohibition. The plebiscite was too much mixed with politics to be a fair vote. If it had been fair it would have been so large that the government would have had to put the bill into action. The premier had fur- nished the country with: temperance legislation as fast and even faster than public opinicm called for it. He was not led by any party. The temperance cause had cut him out of supporters. The people could not be dictated to or forced. Not one step backward should be taken, but the ministers of the gospel were warped by enthusiasm end expected too much at once. Toronto, Feb. 26.--The budget de- bate in the legislature was concluded, last evening, the government having a majority of three on an amendment objecting to the payment of salaries to officers of the "Soo" companiss. The attorney-general stated that the government was to a certain extent- concerned in the *Soo' re-organiza- tion proposals, and might lay a pro- position before the house. The Biggest Surprise Yet during our great sale. Now we offer you the best bargains in men's colored shirts, The regular $1 quali- ties, soft and stiff fronts, latest pat terns, while they last, only 49¢. each. No more than 2 shirts to each custo- mer. Roney & Co. As An Act of Humanity I ask ou to tell me a friend who neads help. That is all--just the cost of a penny. Tell me to-day the mame of one. some sic) Tell Me The Book To Send Then 1 will do this:--I will arrange with a druggist near him so that he may take six bottles Dr, Shoop's HKe- storative. He may take it a month to prove what it can do. If it succeeds the cost is $5.50. If it fails, 1 will pay the druggist myself. And the sick one's mere word shail decide it. It is but a trifle I ask of you--just a minute's time--a penny postal. And 1 ask, it to aid a sick friend. It is a remarkable thing that I do in feturn--something that no other physi- cian ever offered. And I do it for a stranger. Won't you do that little--and to-day-- if I will do the rest ? You ask what good it will do. That month's test will tell. It is true that my Restorative may fail. There is' sometimes a cause--like cancer-- which medicine cannot ¢ure. But the very fact of my offer must prove that failures are rare, for if they were com- mon the offer would ruin we. In the past twelve years 1 'have sup- plied my Restorative to hundreds of thousands on just those terms, and 39 out of 40 have paid gladly, because they got well. I have found that the cured ones are fair--and not a penny is wanted from the rest. > sick one who neglects such an offer is unkind to himself, for success means health, and 39 out of each 40 secure it. Failure means nothing lost. My boundless faith in this remedy is born of a lifetime's experience. I have tested it in hundreds of the most diffi- cult cases that physicians ever meet. 1 have watched it suc when the best of other failed I know what it will do. 4 My success comes fro strengthening the inside nerves. I bring back the nerve power which alone operates all the vital organs. I don't doctor the organs, best results of that method temporary. I give those weak organs strength to do their duty bv restoring the only power that makes thém act. There is no other way. You cannot restore a weak engine by doctoring the machine You must give it more steam --and inside nerve power is the steam of the body Tell me a friend who needs this help. The test will harm no one under anv treatments the only for are condition. And it may bd that the sick one can otherwisq never get 1. Simply te 1 on D; in which book you Baok 2 en want and ad- Bont are often cur- no desire to use drastic measures up. thas 4 increase a Yemangutie A his ly gashed while sleigh-rid-: ing, he bad stitches were put in the wound. > ) Mrs. a arine Charin ped in Na- panee on seventy- six years. Her funeral occurred at Og emie " HDonald, we Gananoq instant death, on Mon- rowly escaped day, a chunk of ice falling on him a roof. > jana Nalon, wife of 'Colin Gray, Gananoque, died on last, aged twenty-three, leaving ule circle of mourning friends. Miss Elanche Cliffe, Gananoque, has ft for Watertown, N.Y., where she has secured a position as nurse-in- treining in the city hospital. D. A. Nestitt, B.A., principal . at Newburg, was compelled to drop out of school for some time last w owing to a severe bleeding cf the nose. Mrs. Prudence Reddick, Belleville, died Wednesday from an attack of dropsy. Deceased was eighty years of age, and was born in Prince Edward county. A. P. Smith, manager of the Mar- mora branch of the Sovereign Bank, been transferred to Markham. Be- fore leaving Marmora, he received an address and presentation. At the residence of Rev. A. Doxsee, Belleville, a quiet wedding took place Wednesday. The groom was Thomas A. Bright, and the bride Miss Pearl McMaster, both of Brighton. A Girl's Suspicious Death. Tilsonburg, Ont., Feb. 26. hel Stillwell, a girl between eight "and twenty years old died near Eden, on Monday, under circumstances that have aroused suspicions of many in the neighborhood. She had been work- ing 'for a farmer in Dersham, and on Thursday last came to the hotel at Kden showing signs . of illness, and having in her possession a bottle sun posed to contain alcoholic liquor. She was taken to the home of her sister, near Eden, and a physician called to attend her, who thought he detected symptoms . of poisoning. After the young lady died another physician made a post-mortem examination and reported that death was due to natur- al causes, but not a few in the neigh- borhood think that in view of all the circumstances, a coroner's inquest should have been held. a ---------------- What Is Desired. It is possible that the Ontario Elec- tric Railway company, which contem- plates building and operating a line from Toronto to Ottawa, will ap- proach the city council and ask for permission to run its cars down Brock street. The companv expects to soon begin building operations at Trenton. The road will be pushed east and west from that point, following. as far as practicable, the line of the public highway. ------ Freight Being Diverted. C.P.R. freight for Manitoba and the North-West, which should be handled by the Grand Trunk, by way of North Bav, is now being transferred to the C.P.R. by the K. & P. railroad, via Sharbot Lake and Renfrew. This con- dition of affairs, of course, is only temporary. and is occasioned by the snow blockade on the G.T.R. lines. As soon as normal conditions return, this freight traffic will follow the usual channel. -------------- Another Old Steamboat. Capt. John Breden says that among the earlier steamboats mentioned he failed to see any account of the John Counter, which, in her day, was con- sidered a large fine craft. About fifty years ago he took a trip on the John Counter up the Bay of Quinte. He never learned where the steamer went to in the latter years of her existentd, but thinks she was purchased by Unit- ed States parties and taken from these waters. ---- Robes Were Returned. A" township of Kingston farmer stopping at a Princess street hotel, re- ported 'to the police Thursday night that two robes had been stolen from his sleigh. The articles were returned this qmorning by another farmer, who said he was not aware of their pres ence in his sligh until he reached home Thursday night. It is supposed the yardman made a mistake put the robes in the wrong sleigh. reign Died /Of Apoplexy. A Detroit, Mich., despatch says: Rev. Mr. Sanderson 8 "dead at Coral, Mich., of apoplexy, at the age of sev- enty-three years. He was one of the pioneer preachers of Canada, having for forty vears occupied pulpits in the vicinity of Kingston, Ont. Ten years ago he was placed on the superannu- ated list, since which time his home had been with a son, on a farm near Coral. ; Had A Fine Time. A merry scene was presented at Rockwood last right the occasion be- ing the second carnivel of the sea son, conducted in behalf of the ice makers. The attendance was very large, and some were worn. Music: was furnished by the Rockwood band. The evening was happily spent by all present. ---- World's Fair Literature. The Grand Trunk railway system have been distributing for the last six months a vast amount of literature issued by the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position. This includes not only . de- scriptive matter of the World's Fair, but lists of hotels, boarding-houses, ete, On A Business Trip. Edward 'MeKenty, Winnipeg, former,y of Bath, is in the city on a business trip. He is now conducting a hotel in the prairie province capital, and is prospering. Business in Winnipeg, he says, is booming. The Victorian government will sub- mit to a oso. Wn the question of teaching scripture in the state schools. Call at AbetSiethy's if you want foot- Mild cases, mot chronic, | od with one Or two hotties, At druggists, wear cheap, ; and beautiful costumes | The Day of Judgment For a suit of clothes is the first day a man puts it on and meets his friends. Ta Critical eyes will examine the cut, the fit, the fabric, and the appropriatness of the suit to the man wearing it. : Our suits always pass muster--they're right--perfect in every detail--and expert judges pronounce them so. They have the hang and dash that stamps them the moment the eye rests upon them, as : Smart Suits Built generously, built with snap and gin- ger Such suits should interest you. $7.50, $8, $10, $12, $13.50, $15 and $16. vA generous assortment to select from. .| The sort of suits that interest men who are look- ing for good suits at moderate prices. 'Bring Your Suit Troubles Here For we are here to show as well as to sell, and as willing to do the one as the other. THE H. D.-BIBBY GO. Cash and One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. LABATT'S ALE The Purest and Most Agreeable 4 Beverage on the Market. ASK FOR ana ENE of Malt and Hops. JAS. McPARL AND, Agent. @ medy know to science will vely cure lost manhood is ** INE, the warvellous German Kemedy discovered by Dr. Jules Kobr. It is controlied in this country by the Dr, Kohr Medicine Company, a concern which has the highest standing in the medical world. This treatment has cured thousands of men, Jeune and old, when the best known remedies have failed f you are suffering from diseases of the generative organs such aslost manhood, exhausting drains, nervous debility, the results of abuse, this remedy can and will cure you to stay cured. The headache, pimples, varicocele, in the back and failing memory, disappear completel: In the worst cases in from one t3 two weck's treatment. '@ make the honest offet of acureor return your money. Thousands of testimonials, Corres pondence treated strictly confidential. FIVE day's treatment sent free with a ow rales for health, diet and advice. Our greatest successes have been those who have failed with other treatments, 'I his femedy is regularly used in the French and German armies, and the soldiers in these count are models of strength and vitality," Write fof sample sent securely sealed in plain wrapper, Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer L. 2341, Montreal. OVERALL SALE Special For SATURDAY 3 At Jas. Johnston's (Grand Union Co's. Old Stand.) FRE 25 Pairs Blue Dennim Overalls, all sizes, sold here at 'goc., 'special Saturday......c.ofuriinncn-. dic. 3c. Bi 50 White Drill Overalls, all sizes (with bibs), just the thing for painters, plasterers and masons, sold here at 30c ' 50c.,, special Saturday..............i0000enn here at 50c., special Saturday................ 30c. Jas. Johnston. (Grand Union Co's. Old Stand). Gen. Dick May Succeed Hanna. " Woman Guilty Of Manslaughter: ! Columbus, O., Feb. 26.--The repub- | New York, Feb. 26.--Mrs. Delia Lu lican legislative caucus nominated | po, who pleaded guilty to manslaugh- Gen. Charles Dick to succeed Senator | ter in the first degree, for shooting Hanna, by acclamation. her husband, was~sentenced | to eigh- teen years in the state's prison for women at Auburn. 25 Pairs Striped Cottonade Overalls, all sizes, sold here at $1.25, special Saturday,............. 20 White Drill Jackets or Smocks,sizes 36 to 40, sold Every student should take a Blaud's iron pill after: each meal. 'The genu- ine" 100 for. 20c, Gibson's Red Cross | Roney & Co's. sale is a humucr, Drug Store, : ; No fake, Bargying that are real, ATE WARM, WELL-FURNIS to let. Apply = street. FROM FEBRUARY 15T si nce, NO. ta 10 rooms, ¥ rov ts. Appl Dawson, 144 Darrie st ON APRIL, SIRST, 190 sirable « lor & i with large work: Anply to Felix Shaw, Our Februa Is a great bo customers by the gains we are offeri Handsome Bedroon plete; only $10. Special Spring and only $2.50. 5 Piece Parlor Sui hogany. Fancy Parlor Tables Mahogany; only $1.7 Jardiniere Stands, These are a few of bargains we are closi JAMES | UNDERTAKERS 404 Ambulaace Phone NOTIC NOTICE IS HEREBY an application will be ms islature of Ontario ag it sion for an Act to Aw incorporate the Kingston Company, Chapter 91-56, and amending Acts. 1. Amending the sald striking out clause (b) 2. Providing that in on the part of the comp out the provisions of cla tion 16 of the said agre company shall forfeit an petitioners the sum of § every day during which s tinues. 3. Providing that um made by the company ir any other of the provisi agreement a Judge of tl urog the application of may make an-order fixin be payable by the compe ed damages for such def day during which such dv 4. Providing that in pany shall at any tine | five days fail to operate tinuously in accordance visions of the said clause the High Court may up of your petitioners make ing that at "end "of 3 the date of such order 1 said company to use th said city shall cease ane that your petitioners me ation of the said period plant and property of th at a va:uation to be de bitration as provided b) the said aercement 5. Providing that piration of the sa six months your © have and may exer rights, powers anfl priv perform and be. subjec duties and pbligations » piring of the franchise ol vanv under the terms of ment 6. Providing that any bv or under the said At coverable with full cost vour petitioners hy acti Court of Justice JOHN XN Actin at Kingston 108 A.D. 1904 Dated ary, (is TL J a = $ _Jresl From lhe sea and lake us daily. Your favoril found hére in excellent selection of fish are: Se Cod, Haddock, Trout, Lake Herrings, Boneless Haddie, Kip Bloaters, and all kinds Oysters are very scarc have them. DOMINION F 63 Brock St. WARNING TO TI ' - We bez to informn the B. Barney is the only we are supplying with ¢ We also beg to advis fall supply of afl the the best SCRANTON The Rathbun ------------------------ Established 1890. W. F. DEVE Stock and Bon 915 Wellington Sti Write for our Daily K. F. RICE, ¥ FOR SALE OF THAT MODERN DW Bagot street, near veniences all first May 1st. Apply | 850 King St, *