-- i TIT Fi mT AIT eef st highly rient form, [CUS sily ssimilated te ali filler, nd tum," a _ that joc i . BY EMPORIUM ing oe SFesees ®e ® 1 nN g bout our Stock fit has here the (OIO OOOO) = ls in its @@®®: ny pleas- = ® yur-- shee our eye DIOORO) ®3 "All The! sin Hapdware of variety here our getting just want. Neyer a it the quality ot e. From weil -utlery to perfect 1 Nails, you get-- ways. 3IRCH; PIPE. m St.. Toronto. 8 TO-LET. CAN MAKE MEN SOUND AND. STRONG. 3 W---- Detroit 8 ecialisl Discovers Something EB: fires New for the Cure of Men's Diseases in Their Own Howes. You Pay Only if Cured Expects No Money Unless He Cares Yous Method and Full Particulars Sent Free ~Write For It This Very Day WAEM, s WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS wo Jeb, Johaston FROM pn SRUARY 15TH, THAT DEs sirable residence," No. 189 Earl St, i 10 rooms, with all modern PR v nts, Apply to --D. J. pawson, 144 Barrie street. Apply at 233 eee ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE sirable Store, at present occupied by paylor & Hamilton, as Tinsmiths and Plumbers, un Wallington street, - with large workshop in the rear. Apply to Felix w. 115 Bagot St. ---- "MONEY AND BUSINESS. A Detroit specialist who has 14 certificates and GAFE SURE RELIABLE | [EROS [Ui Seehod Sf curing te dons Hneorporated 1683. Capital Pally Paid, $1000.00. | of men a their a hes hs British American Assurance Co. be 0g dash ithe wind of any. mac that he baa All Classes of Fire Insurance Written. GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM * Peephone $24. Market Square, sONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, st low rates of interest en city and farm property. Lowns anted ow city and Sounty debune res. Apply to BD. C. eGILL. inansger of Kroutenac Lean and In- vestment Soclety. Office = opposite the Post Office. LONDON+ AND GLORE Coulpany. Available In addition to LY ERPOOL, Fire Insurance $61,187,215 assole. which the policy holders have for security the uniimited labili oF all the stockholders. Farm an city insured at Wwest possible preperty rates 1lefore remewing old or givips new business get rates (rom § © NTRANGE & STRANGE Agents { | ARCHITECTS. = mNRY FP. SMITH, ARCHITECT, a Anchor Building, Markel DR. 8. GOLDBERG, Hguare, 'Phona 345, The Possessor of 14 Diplomas and Certificates Who Wants No Money That He Does Not Earn. POWFR & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- rock chants' Hank Building, corner wad Wellington streets. 'Phone 13 | 58h the method and the ability to do as he sa = . Goldberg, the discoverer, will send the STHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- | catiicly (reco all men who oh em fice sito of New Drill 1lall, mear core | and address. He wants to hear from men whe ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. have stricture that they have been unable to get cured, prostatic Joules sexual weakness, vari " 38 8 ACT . | cocele, ost manhood, poison, hydrocele, wu NE SWLANDS. A RCHITECT, (OF: | Caicittion of parts, impotence, etc. His wondesful a." Prin hood Bagot | =e not only cures the condition itself, but like. la. Entrance on Bagot street wise all the, vomplicatians, such as rheumatism, Telaphons AMR nd or ul ney trouble, heart disease, nervous A -------- PA Te doctor realizes that it is one thing to make KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE claims and another thing to back them up, so has made ita rule not to ask for money unless he Cures you, ai are © he feels sure KINGSTON, that you will ng) ; him a small fee. pay would seem, therefore, that it is to the best interests of every man who suffers in this way to write the TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO subject, inc diplomas und certificates, entirely free, Address kim s mnly Dr. S. Goldberg 28 Woodward Ave , Room W and it will all immediately be sent Unequalied facilities for wecuring post tions. Largest and best equipment in Canada. 831 Quees street, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Cenfederstion Life Bufiding, Toroate. ALMOST AFRAID TO GO TO SLEEP FOR FEAR SHE WOULD NOT WAKE UP. FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. ' SHORTNESS OF BREATH. FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS. Our February Sale Is a great boon to our customers by the many, bar- gains we are offering: Has a Very Try but Thanks to MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS nce, Handsome Bedroom Set, com- plete; only $10. * Special Spring and Mattrasses; only $2.50. 5 Piece Parlor Suites, in Ma- Shs wiites} Mrs. Wm. Bingley, Grand Tracadie, P.E.L, She has been restored to perfect health. 'About seven months ago hogany. Fancy Parlor Tables, in Oak and Mahogany; only $1.75. Jardiniere Stands, only 25¢. These are a few of the -many bargains we are closing out. JAMES REID, UNDERTAKERS, ETC. J. 10] Ambalance "Phone 147. A Splendid Investment. Montreal, February '24th 1004 Ww. J. Fair, Esa. District anager Noith American Life Assurance Co Kingston, Ont Pear Sir i-- to express my thanks for lermit me your Company's cheque receipt fOr premium inst., $50.50, in full fits on my policy yr $147.30, and due on the 20t settlement of pro the 20 year Endow- My policy is on ment Plan, 15 years Tontine, and allow. ing at least $18 a year for carrying the Fisk, the lowest rate usually cnarged Ly Fraternal Societies. 1 am getting in return by including the above sel tjoment, $468, with =a guar gatee * $1,000 with profits, provid- ing 1 survive a period of five years CJdoBREE- accepted Option No. 1. cord have received 15 Years Tisk OF my life for $1 000 and a handsome amount in excess of what 1 paid the Company dering the last 15 vears. e results are, in ny opinion, very i " trong a actory indeed, and 1 s recommend the North American Life to intending insurers. a Thanking you for your prompt and coffrteous treatment, I remain, Very truly yours, 4 (Signed) DR A: DUVAL 488 A" St. Denis St Montreal, P.Q LS ei SLAUGHTER OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS One Evans Upright Piano, second hand in good condition for $100, cash. ; A beautiful Upright Parlor Grand Wagner, good as new. Original price, 400, will sell for $200 > ire stock of second hand Organs is going fast. Come and get one at any prige, (row $25 up for first class {nstru- 4.000 copies of sheet 'music Fb) cent a sheet. 5 McDOWALL'S MUSIC * STORE, 471 Princess Street. I was badly run dowa in health and be- tame very weak. I was troubled with uttering of the heart and shortness of oreath. When lying down at night I was almost afraid to go to sleep for fear I would never wake up. When I arose in the morning I would feel a little better, but as soon as I started to work my heart would start fluttering, my head would be- come dizzy, faint weak spells would come over me and it seemed as if black objects were floating before' my eyes. 1 was grow- ing worse every day until 1 got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve . the box was half gone I could feel that they had done me good and by the time it was finished I was in excellect health and would advise all sufferers from heart and serve troubles to try them." Price 50 cts. per box, or 3 for $1.15, all dealers, or THB T. MILBURN CO., Limited, LB TORONTO, ONT. HOME o ) NEEDLE WORK whole years of by re Arn mail the Oot. 1903 number free. not delay. Send at once. Address LO. Box 341, St. Johuos, ¥'. "GEO. CLIFF Real Estate, Insurance STAMPS AND MARKERS. and Mining Broken, 95 CLARENCE STREET, + OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. RUBBER ST AMPS OF ALL KINDS, Seli-Inkers Linen Markers, Dates. Seals, Stencils Bank and Ticket SPECIAL OFFER Xgl 1904 and 1905, we will send you CORTICELL SILK COMPANY 14d ---------------------------------------------------- AT LEGISLATURE pr GLANCE AT MEN WHO MAKE LAWS. -------- A Stranger's Visit to The Ontario Agricultural Buildings--Very . Skick And Span. The love of law and order is col- sidered by many authorities to be the most important clement in Bri- tish character. and that on which all the other national virtues rest. It is 'not without some awe that one enters for the first time a House of Parliament, the very nursery and source of the organic life of a nation, The glamor of life in its aspect of greatest complexity appeals to one, and when you climb to dizzy heights in a vast chamber and gaze down on the duly chosen representatives of 2,- 182,947 people, more or less, your heart is apt to thump with the exer- tion if not with excitement, Spick and Span Chamber, The gorgeousness of the chamber in Queen's Park, which seems gaudy and even crude when empty, is soften- ed and subdued to a rich beauty by the sombre masses "in the crowded seats. Here and there little patches those who have had dealings with oi Wright color seemed to have | him. A Canadian chief was looking dropped from the painting ceiling® |-idly on while-some Englishunen w o where frocks and blouses mingled hard at work » improving prog N with more substantial tailoring. Al |'newly acquired! from the dushy tr ter ten years' wear the chamber still bears the spick-and-span appearance appropriate to the new young. coun- try whose law-givers it shelters, The mace gleams as it lies on the table, its big head pillowed castwardly on a comfortable cushion The figures on the clock shine chronically. A glass of water brought by a page on a silver salver to a thirsty orator has an unusual sparkle, which the orator perhaps hopes to imbibe. There is a massive loftiness about the legislative buildings which might inspire the casual visitor with ideas of elevated purpose and solid endeav- or to be discovered in the utterances of the people's representatives, but visitors are rare who will admit any discovery of this nature. . Indeed, there are to be found those who are misguided enough to contrast the pettiness of the proceedings with the nobility of the frame. What Time Will De. There are four galleries around the Chamber. On the mnorth, facing the Speaker, is the Speaker's gallery. On the east the visitors' and on the west the ladies' gallery afford a steep and straitened. vantage for the general public. On the south sit, like the assessors in the Egyptian Hall of Judgment, the gentlemen of the press. Whichever gallery you sit in you will find the listening quite as bad as the speaking. * On the principle that faculties develop with exercise, a reasonably deaf man might attain to moderately acute powers of hearing by attending the Housed and making it a point to catch every syllapler' It is said that gentlemen ef the press who have been engaged in legislative work for any time acquire a prehen- sile or flexible power of the outer ear, so that they can direct it as de- sired in the heat of debate. There is much dispute among members and tho public generally as to whether ; any reportorial ear has ever been really seen to twitch. The Speaker is quite a stately fig- ure as_he moves in wearing a three corneréd black hat and attended by the 'Seargeant-at-Arm with the mace and a sword. The Speaker reads prayers for nearly four minutes every day, and does it worthily, Every- body sits down then, and has a stool to put his feet om when the House settles to business. A message from the Lieutenant-Governor, who stands for the Crown, brings everybody to their feet once in a while, and there is great outer respect for dighitigs Look Busy Anyway. The Legislators occupy their desks in pairs, like political twins, and the flash and rustle of snowy paper give an appearance of constant activity. Frequently one of the meinbers, bus- jed with correspondence; flings a let- ter with bird-like flight through the air, and before it falls one of .the alert little page-boys, in the neatest of courtly costume, rushes silently forward to carry it to the mailing- box. The talking as a general rule is rather dreary to an outsider. It wanders monotonously along umtil suddenly all the big men on one side of the House begin to hammer on their desk-lids by way of applause The hammering is generally confined to one side of the House at a time, but alternates with the speakers, and in cases of disordely retort and hot words the hammering is echoed from side to side with the alacrity of party loyalty. But there is more order here than in the Pritish House of Commons, where the members are huddled together. Ample space tends the unseemly if not .its suppiession. Keen-Eye in the width of view. Spéaker will er has a keen eye. tradition, for table and names of the it becomes clear to you mark are And why mot, two million into fi Sunday World. superstitions, Office Stamps . John Offord, Whix Oflice. ete., NKepairs prompt Homesick to-night! My hea wek, EE St ie, Tw ne vhliage store 4 IRVINGS ART. there were paris where might have gpoken with more effect, (Continued from page 6.) Sir Heriry The old-timer cod-gsh Is Bear the doop, as some say, may possibly be true, | 1 hear the village loker: « yhut that he has his part down to a 1 hear. the anawe: lig roar scifre ho one can think of denying . He's cracked those boary-headed Joke® | who bas heard this inimitablo present | § These tWelity Feais or "nore, Yet 1 ood jaugh at them again Until my sides were sore, Before that selfsame window, thes, / 1 used to grand and feed ' My bor even 01 candy wealth, candy Was my creed, And I 1 bad a copper, O, Then I was rich indeed, 1 sit In awe upon a hox, My hands upon my. kices, And hegr the farmers as they talk of edition and vag 8 Of hotges, plows. the weather, And topics such as these, ap THI all at once a vison bright Stands in the opm door, Her face is sweet, her feet are bare, Her Nitle frock is tore: My boyhood's darling' Ah, my heart, i'll see that fage no more. nent INDIAN HEAD WORK. -- How a Canadian Chief Gave an English | ple hardly, perhaps, gives the Jew man an Olject Lesson. | his deser Irving does not present Numerous instatices * of the 'Ted { him as bein whe lly bad- bad indeed, nero but with enough goodness leit in him man's quickness of wit are related by "Why don't you work?" asked the supervisor of the chi "Why you mo Work yoursell?" was the rejoiner. "I work head work," replied the white man, touching his forchead. "But come here and kill this calf fon | "> a master as a dram me and I'll give you a quarter. . The Indian stood still for a mom- ent, apparently deep in thought, and then he went off to kill the calf, presently asked the supervisor, seeing the man stand with folded arms over the unskinned, undressed carcass. "You say you give mo a quarter to kill calf," was the reply. dead, me want quarter." The white man smiled and handed the Indian an extra coin to go on with the work. "How is it,' asked the Englishman 'one day after a series of such one- sided dealings, "that you se often "Why don't you fish your jovr" | # Call ers the fate of his hated victim, is al most a volume in itsell. He takes his time, speaks with remarkable deliber ation, but with a that carries conviction and makes the audience hang upon his words. With all his his cruel vindictiveness ten'o, the part is so against An well rendered hardly help but feel that in the read ing oi the drama the general impres- sion lit upon the minds of most peo to take quietly the decision of court against him, without any fur ther threats against Antonio, and the whole, tendency hers, and as he stag ers from the court-room, broken in cart antl' fortunes, is one of pity for the wretched old man rather than walice for his sins. Tt is, perhaps, this power to turn the tide of public feel mg towards, rather than against; the Jew, in spite of his decidedly despie- able charac a Trving such The final scene in which Portio ani Nerissa take their husbands to task for having parted with their rings is one of inimitable humor. Thi audi ence has, of course, béen previously Jet into the secret, and to behold these two falsely ncousedt gentlemen of Venice striving to defend themselves against the wily gecusations of their wives, vainly endeavoring to render a | satisfactory explanation of the reason they gave the rings away and the per sons to whom they were given, main taining it was to two youths rather than to two voung women as their wives stoutly affirmed, makes the house roar with ladghter. And when get the better of me?' "I work head work," solemnly re plied the man of the woods. A white trader once succeeded in selling a large quantity of gunpowd- er to one of this tribe on the as- surance that it was a new kimd that the white man used for seed, and if sown in espec prepared loam would yield an amazing crop. Away went the Indian to sow his powder, and in his hope of making money from his fellows was careful not to mention his enterprise When, ad last, he realized how he had been duped, he held his tongue for a year or more until the trickster had com= pletely forgotten the occurrence, of the planted powder. ly. Right," "said the Indian slowly him." Le Though there has been an increas ing consumption of spirits people of Canada during We years, 1874. Then he went to his hoaxer"s stor® | prowses and bought goods on credit, amount- | ing to a little more than the price He had the reputation of a good payer, and his scheme worked easily. When settling | penalty of day came, the creditor called prompt= | yalected *'Right, but my powder not yet ! sprouted: "Me pay you when me reap : a -------- Drinking in Canada. by the last five | the total consumption in 1008 | was barely a third of what it was in | ed It is interesting to look back the same rings, which they gave away V gre returned the astonishment depicted on the faces of the two voung fellows makes a merriment which the house thoroughly enjoys. Eventually satis | factory explanations gre rendered and { the curtain falls on two happy couples | entering their palace home, whose lofty minarets ate gilded by the radi ance of the Venetian moon. AEH. THE ROAD TO HEALTH. { Lies Through Rich, Red Blood and Strong Nerves, Debility 'is a word that fairly ex- ation of Shakespeare's Jew. Every 8 look, every gesture, every raising oil $ of diseased kidneys. These organs. the shaggy evebrows, every foehld mute | 4 once disensed give out to all parts of teding to himseli, is full of significance tho body a deadly slow acting poison. every subdued remark, 8s he pound S The face loses Its color, the eye ita power of utterance 3 sotdidness, his meas -seliishness, | ¢ y that he yet wins a certain amount of | 4 svinpathy for 'himself as being Ah I'S most despised and abused person in 2 nears. Jyeasresfieting iin the whole Venice, '9 ¢ ole of Venice, and cna 'can 4 mence taking Bu=Ju, 4 b 4 1 the | 4 4 o b : 3 $0 cents per box. b excellent offer will spend many an hour year with pleasure and profit. = Any presenting check or receipted bill purchases made between present a Saturday Night, March to $5, will receive <1 For 1 full year FREE Popular Mag Corticelli Home A qunriasly magazine, devoted to En Work, Knitting, Crocheting, and all N New Idea Woman Published once a month, The April or Easter number prom ises to be special per on "Briel Business Talks For Women," on how aly, cerning. the care of pass books, cheques, ote. The many ailments under one name. Poor blood, weak nerves, ime ph : : , | paired digestion, loss of flesh. No en- orge, no ambition, listless and indif- ferent. This condition is perhaps the overwork, or the result of health, You must reeain { your health or sucennb entirely, There «in just one absolutely sure way to do take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, se. pills will bring. you new life, | fill every vein with rich, red blood, | restore elasticity to the step, the glow of health to the wan cheek; they will inspire you with new energy and sup: ply the vital force of mind antl body, There is not a corner of the tiviliz world where Dr. Williams' Pink Fille have not brought health and | hope and happiness to some weak, de- his i to neatness, and the absorption of Such a small matter as a member wearing bis hat is barely noticeable But the permit no member to stand up with his hat on, whereby it may be perceived that the Speak- They call the British legislators have sat on benches for centuries, and a bench is a very good thing to work As you look along very elect diily noted, that men of not the least remarkable. when you boil down ve score?=Toronto Superstitions die hard. Among old fashioned cattiemen in Virginia goats are held to be a preventive of dis Jt is over the annual returns of the De partment of Iniand Revenue and ob serve the cgmparative consumption per head af spirits, beer, and wines, | year by yéar. The record begins | with 1869, and is as follows: Spirits, Beer. Wine. gals. gals. gals 1869...c0000000 1.124 2.290 0115 1874 emma 1.904 8.012 0.288 1.1381 2.209 0.104 0.998 2.924 0.1 17 } 0.776 8.263 0.097 0.742 8.723 0.089 ...0.661 3.093.-0.088 0.701 4.398 0.083% a.7%7 0100! 5103 © ovo 4.712 0,096 | While this record shows a decrease | in the consumption per head of | spirits, it shows an increase in the ' consumption of beer; the latter show- ing being largely due, mo doubt, to | the introduction of Jager and other | beers of light alcoholic strength. 1 connection with the above figures, it is to be noted that in Great Pritain the consuraption of spirits is 1.02 gallons pex head per annum, and af beer 31.3 gallons per head; in Ger] many it is 1 89 gallons of spirits und 26 gallons of beer; in France, 1.9% gallons of spirits and 5.8 of heer, besides 24.25 gallons of wine. The United States is -credited with =a consumption of spirits amounting to 0.86 of a gallon per head, and of beer amounting to 12.6 gallons per head. On the whole, these figures al~ ford- Just ground for the conclusion that Canadians are a sober people. desks and the chairs whereon the | --Manitoba Free Press. legislators sit the treasury and the ! opposition benches, so strong is A Superiative. A gentleman at Listowel tells this story: 9 Several men merits of the were discussing the great men the world | bilitated despairing person. H yon not used the ills yoursell, will tell solemn vou have ask your neighbors and they these statements are vou truth, Charles Saulnier, Corberrie, N. S.. save: 1 was very much run down and so weak I could hardly work, It seemed as though my blood was little better than water. 1 tried several me- but I got nothine to helo me began taking dr, Williams' It was simply astonishing these pills beoan to help much new life and vigér they put into me. I am & cook by profeasion, and the fact that I was able to eook for fifteen men last win- the best proof that the pills sorind as ever 1 dicines, until 1 Pink Pills how quickly me and how ter is have made me as was." There is no mystery 'about the pow: er of Dr. Williams Pink Pills to put yv life and strength into vou. Thev make new blood, and that is eure all blood diseases, like liver dnd kid tually they Garmin, indigestion nv troubles, and the special ailments of women Througirthe blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills feed ahd steady the nerves, strike NECVOUSN ESE, danee, " All these diseas- had blood dnd disor cs wring from dered nerves, and they enved positively and permanently by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills modicine dealers at Hi 2.50, or by mail from Dr Medicine Co., Brockville boxes Williams Ont ee -- The Verdict Of Public Opinion. has been. in the lead century. lt cures corns twenty-four hours and only Putnam's for corns and warts. ee A. Ib. Pratt, assistant manager « the Northern Collingwood, the same posit signed. 1 needle at in any case Ae fly leworkers, prectical 1a the orderly rows in the darkening | has produced, each saying that his to-date. It will keep you on the latest | afternoon, before the electric lights | hero was the greatest, As the tem- ideas for cxabrolciery Soul Jage FoF ney necdic: begin to glow and the blinds are peraments of the men differed, thy work. Iw handsome colored | drawn, out of the spacious indis- | argued for warr rs, statesmen and pints and Issued quarteriy, In | tinctness there begin to appear fam- | poets. One claimed the laurel for january, Apri er. Price Sic a A . in the | Shak h year, 1c the copy. Begin your subscription iliar faces, faces you have seen in akespeare. with thie January 194 number. papers, met on the strects, caught "My friend, William Shakespear? -- | i glimpses of in railway carriages, | was the greatest man that ever A Pretly Collar dnd our Fall 2 E E | steamers. hotels, dispersedly borme | lived," he declared with emphasis. - Winter Lashes Bookie about on haunted corners of mem- "Your friend?' veplied another. teenth indy who setids oho sutRCHPLIOD tad of ory. With a chart of the House, a | "Why, he's been dead more than =» April, 1A . little 'map of the seats 4nd the big hundred years.' & the galleries) with th was the reply, "how 0 "Well, well," v.' But two nations, the Japanese and the South Seca Islanders, do not use the kiss ps o form of expression. Don't fall and break your neck on the icy walks when you can buy rub- bers cheap, at Abernethy's big thirty Nestlé's Fo day shoo sale. As soon as the hot weather sets in sass. In Linco sickness atnong the troops will create serious difficulty for AEEMING, WILKS & OO. HowTREAL. headaches and backaches cure St, neuralpin, sciatica have all been Sold by all a box or six 1s with the best article every time. That's why Putnam's Corn Extractor ) for the last half painlessly in never fails. Use Navigation company at and W. Ascott, who held on, at Sarnia, have re self-evident, because in these strenuous days i woman to be informed how she may transact Other important contributions will be: "The French Woman and Home," with isinn. "An" American Woman's Im "The Sweet Pea, and Suggestions "Spring Gowns," by Nancy Hull. "Pgycho--Physical Culture," 'A Word For the Easter Bride, Don't fail to begin n year's subscrintion with, wheels of the household machinery will Fun mores gazine on your library table, and ahide by its i 4 * CRUMLEY Agents for New Idea Paper Patterns, Ve. each; gazine, Ble. a year. . Look To Your Fe You cannot expect to avoid contracting colds during this weather unless you. take the precaution to have your. et 5 properly clothed. RUBBER SHOES and BOOTS arg the surest, safest and most economical "way of keep oneself in good health. Wear the kind we' and you'll be satisfied. fis ec ppm ASK FOR LABATES The Purest "and Most Agreeable of JAS. McPAR) T STOCKS, GRAIN