EPISODES 1ES AND THN GENERAL. 8 ---- in the ~ City anq . -Other Briet I. it 4o_the People. t 18 in the midst of a akg Company Id ye purifier for 25¢. on Gj S$ rummage counter, iingham, piano tuner g's... Orders received g k store, Princess a wre superstituous about e perfectly satisfied with veather put up this vg e sheriff of London rs th a prisoner named 1, who will spend the s in the big institution ters Bay. : a rhigh water" year ji ing in the prediction of lots. The great fall of o swell the streams ang the lakes which can dis. plus: through no outlet + St. Lawren e, gineer"s telephone was eCeIvIing requests from their sidéwalks drained the applicants were ad 1e draining themselves, n was quite simple. The igade was busy attend al street corners d Wine. The large hot on's' Red: Cross Drug Pearl Chant, Lyn, and Dack, Glen Buell, were Vednesday at the home pagents. as the first lay tor five w the thermometer regis res. Rain commenced to lock at night, and con od part of Monday tood that the request mbor of guards of the entiary to have the pa em during «illness, re n refused by the justice a comsequence, great exists at the prison ere very bad on San v. The thaw and then ed nothing less than and many people did ke anv steps to drain alks." The snow banks lerably reduced. mn Root Compound, Ladies® Fa he only sate, 'relable on which woman .] pend "in the hour 1d time of need." in two of rength. No. 1 No. 2. No. 1.--For ordinary cases by far the best dollar edicine known. pecial cases--10 degrees ollars per box. ur druggist for Cook's smpound. Take no other tures and imitations are 1 and No. 2 are sold and all druggists in the Do- a. oiled to any eddrest e jour 2-cent tage Cook Company, ' 'Windsor, Ont 2 are sold in Kingston .. Risch Piano. 1 Princess St, Agents h ght ) p Editions rt. y. nheim. felville. ry Savage. ison. en. ton. sh. delar. ISBET, er Book Store. SF Fogks ore. -- { At the Unique Grocery 'his Week 'unes, .. 89) ++ ot ae or ROB, as sv vii vs ve Currants, . on 3 012 0» RU pabhbd 2 Oo a CKERING.» JT. "PHONE 630 WORLD'S FAIR, SI, Loss, Ma. : April 30th-Dec. 'Ist, 1904. Flaborate Exhibition Palaces New and Novel Entertaining Features. REDUCED FARES From March 1 to April 30, 1904. From Kingston to $38.30 San Francisco, Los Angeles Proportionately low rates to points. For further particulars apply to J. P. Hf EY City Passenger Agent. -- KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. World's Fair ST. {LOUIS April 30th to December 1st, 1904 Special one-way Second Class Colonist Excursion Tickets, on sale daily during March and April from Kingston to Van- couver, Victoria, New Westminster, B.C., Seattle, Tacoma, Washington and Port land, Ore. $46.30. Kingston to Nelson, Robson, Trail, Rossland. Greenwood, idway, B.C. and Spokane, Wash. $43.80. Special Settlers' Trains To Canadian Norih-West Will leave Kingston every Tuesday during March and April at 8:10 a.m Di- rect connections Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR.» Gen. Pass. Agt Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local pointy Train feaves City Hall De- pot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent, B.Q. Ry. Kingston. .. BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR FAMED BERMUDAS, with cable communication and equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beau- tiful scenery and 100 miles of good roads, headquarters of the British North American Squadron, is unrivalled in its attractiveness, reached by the first-class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eight hours irom New York. Sailing every THURSDAY. 'The tropicai islands, including SANTA CRUZI, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE eh LUCIA, BARBADOES AND DEMER: ARA, also afford beautiful and inter- esting tours, all reached by steamship of the Quebet Steamship Company, sailing from New York about every 10 days. For descriptive pamphlets and date of sailing apply to A. EMILUS OUTER- BRIDGE & CO., Agents, 39 Broadway, New York: J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, KINGSTON, Ont, ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. ANTHUE AE e ALLAN LINE » Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. Joba. From Halifax. Laurentian, Feb. 18th; Feb. 15th. lonian, Feb. 22nd. Sicilian, Feb. 27th: Feb. 29th. Mar. 7th. Bavarian, Mar. + Reduced Winter Rates of Passage First Cabin--Bavarian and Ionian, $60 and upwards ; Laurentian and Sicilian, $50 and upwards. Second Cabin--Liverpool and London- derry and Ionian, $40: Laurentisn and Sicilian, $37.50 ;: London, $2.50 extra. Third Class--$25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. Through tickets to South Africa. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW ET Beets prompt attention. . Shiloh's Consumption Cure Tus when the first sign of a cough or cold appears. It will cure you asily. and quickly then--later it Shs harder to 7h 4 . Pricss, 28c,, 30c., and $1.00. 31 Heart Palpitated. FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS. Feur Weax ano Nervous. COULD SCARCELY EAT. MILBURN'S HEART and NERVE PILLS Oured Mrs. Edmond Brows, lnwesd, Oat. whea she had almest giv hope of ever getting well & ---- She writes: "I was so run down that 1 was not able to do my work, was short of breath, had a sour stomach every night and could scarcely eat. My heart palpi tated, I bad faint and dizzy spells and felt weak and nervous all the time. My husband got me a box of Milburn's. Heart and Nerve Pills but I told him it was no use, that I had given up hope of ever being cured. = He however persuaded me to take them and before I had used hall the box I began to feel better, Two boxes made a new woman of me and | have beet well and have been able to do my worl ever since." Milburn's Heart .and Nerve Pills an 80 cts. box, or 3 for $1.25, all dealers or THE T. MILBURN CO, Lim ited, TORONTO, ONY. A magazine for needleworkers, practical In every detail, carefully edited and always up- to-date. It will keep you posted on the latest ideas for embroidery rnd lace for di »ss décora- tion, as well as fo) 1 kinds of fanc wedle- work. Illustrated with handsome lored ites and "engravings. Issued quarterly, in nnuary, April, July and October. Pric ie a year, 15¢ the copy. Begin your subscription with the January 1904 number. A Pretty Collar and our Fall and Winter Fashion Booklet F R E E to any lady who sends one subscription to Core ticelll Home Netdlework -before-the--end-of April, 1904. « SPECIAL OFFE If you will send us "IK a dollar bill for the whole years of 1904 and 185, we will send you 'by return mail the Oct. 1903 number free. Do not delay. Send once. Address QCORTICELLI SILK IMPANY, Ltd, P.O. Box 8il, Bt. Johns, ¥. Q. Numidian, Thursday, March 8rd, 1 a.m. Corinthian, Thursday, Mar. 17th, 11 a.m. 1st Cabin, $45; 2nd Cabin, $30; 8rd Class, $26. ' J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R: City Passenger Depot. bh GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence street TO-LET. WARM, WELL-FURNISHAED ROOMS to let. Apply at 283 Johnston street. ee ---------------------------------------- FROM FEBRUARY 15TH, THAT DE- sirable residence, No. 189. Earl St. containing 10 rooms, with all modern improvements. Apply to Dawson, 144 Barrie street eee een ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT sirable Store, at present occupied by Taylor & Hamilton, as Tinsmiths and Plumbers, on Wellington street, with large ~ workshop in the rear + Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Ragot St , Is the time, "and this is the place--to fill up your coal bin Fill your bin to the bfim with our hot, clean, clinkerless cou! Our coal will please yours cook ite heat is easily regulated it will please your family--it il keep them warm in the coldest weather And it'll please YOU because it's the CHEAPEST it's CLEAR COAL And the way we fll your order will please you equally well. Wo deliver coal or wood Wwith- out dirt or disturbance. You need some good, heat-giv- ing fuel NOW. hi and do it TO- Order it of us, DAY. R. CRAWFORD Dealer in good fuel, Kingston Foot of Queen Street. "Phone 9. ATC, ORANGES Bitter Oranges at 15¢. per dozen. Bitter Oranges at 20c. per dozen. Bitter Oranges at 30c. per dozen. Bitter Oranges at 40c. per dozen. { --AT A. J. REES', Princess St. Metropolitan Stock Exchange Incorporated Under the Laws of Massachusetts CAPITAL $100,000 FULLY PAID. KINGSTON BRANCH Clarence Chambers, Clarence St. Opposite British American Hotel. e 409 J. J. MCKENNA, Manager. Bonds, Stocks, Grain and Provisions boaght on margin or for cash. ELOCUTION AND ORATORY. ALIDA V. TELGMANN, B.E. teacher of Elocution, Physical Culture and Dramatic Art; Graduate of the Na tional School of Elocution and Oratory, and the Neil Cgllege of Oratory, Phila- delphia. For terms address or call at 222 Jebnston street. CHASERS If you are selling out, beware of the chasers. Your goods will be sacrificed. Employ the leading auctioneer, JOHN H. MILLS PRESSING AND REPAIRING. A SPECIALTY. YOUR OWN CLOTE made into up-to-date suits. THOMAS GALLOWAY, 181 Brock Bt, next Bib "Fhon SPORT REVIEW. BEZGHGROVES ONCE MORE | For The Final -0.H.A. -Jumior Match--Degeneracy of Hockey in The East--Montreal Wan- derers Are Going to Pittsburg, Pa. The Beechgroves for the third time are prepared for the O.H.A. junior final match. They would have played better® ten days age, for it is now two weeks and a half 'since they have had a mateh, and the danger of staleness exists. However, they will | be prepared to meet Listowel in To | ronto to-morrow night in fairly good | form. They had a practice on Satur day right, all being out except Van horn. This evening they will have al { fteen minute skate to limber up. Lis | towel should be able to get to Toren to to-day. They have already kept the Kingston team waiting a week, | and storm. or no storm, the junior t championship match will be decided to-morrow night. 2 + Degeneracy Of Eastern. Hockey. The Ottawa Journal, of which P. D. Ross, trustee of the Stanley cup, is editor, says editorially' "Unless a radical change occurs at once in the conduct cf hockey matches, the noble | winter sport of Canada must, in at least this part ¢f Canada, sink in the public estimation to the level of pugilism. This has been seid a good deal of late, but so far there has been no improvement in the conduct of the 'cams in Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec go on the ice from an hour to two hours late, they tolerate delays which usually aggregate doubly the playing time. They make a feature of rough house play which destroys patronage of inatebes, so far as many men and most women are concerned, and it is a matter of course for a foul player to be ruled | off time and again, but with no more ious penalty than twp to five min utes' retirement. The finest. game in the world, to watch is hockey, as our leading Canadian teams can show. It is being made a by-word and a dis grace by the manner in whith the matches are couducted and foul play tolerated. Athletic sport is worthless if it does not include manliness and fair play. Both are alien to the foul, slashing and tripping, which are fea tures of most 'matches. This can be stopped by the- men at the heads of the hockey lragues. They have sim ply to instruct the referees to stop it at all costs by ruling off an offender for a match instead of two or five minutes, even by ruling a player pff | for the whole season subject to appeal | to the league executive." game 1 sent Hockey. | Brandon -plays in Ottawa to-mor- | row night for the Stanley cup. | Brockville seniors closed the season { by defeating juvenile Arnprior at Brockville by only 6 to 5. Now that the hockev season is over, Belleville wraps and proceeds to sleep till next win ter. Three Rivers won the Intermediate championship of the C.A.H.L. on Sa turday night, defeating Montreal by 5 to 4 If Listowel does not get to Toronto by Tuesday night, they must aban don their right to play in the O.H.A. jugior final. Arrangements have been made with the "Brandon team 'to play the Stan ley cup games on Wednesday and Fri- day next at the Aberdeen pavilion, Ottawa. . The Belleville suit against the O.H. A. has fallen flat Sleeptown papers Have the movers fallen asleep forgotten their -wrongs ? In the Ottawa Wanderers Wontreal last week, the referee discuss it. and now match at sent for hacking, slashing," tripping and other samples. of what has become by long usage a regular part of "hockey as played in the east. maritime provinces ever had, but that isn't saying much, The challenge can- not Ye accepted at this late date. The ostensible reason for their flunking that the Ottawas refused to play off the {is Wednesday night, that the match should be declared "no game," The Children's Medicine. A Cure for Coughs, Colds, Cramp, Bronchitis and Whooping Cough, Which Children Delight to Take. selecting the children's medicine. Many cough mixtures contain pow erful drugs and opiates w hich should never be allowed to enter a child's stomach. Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linsecd Turpentine was especially prepared for the children by one of the most skill ever practised medicine, Experience taught Dr. Chase some of the simple products of the vegetable kingdom possessed most ex traordinary curative properties, gnd he succeeded in 80 combining these in Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur pentine as to make a medicine that is at once pleasant to the taste and wonderfully effective. Croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, severe chest colds an painful coughs yield to this great medicine when ordinary treatments have no of fect. You can learn of the splendid re cults of this treatment in nearly every home: Dr. Chas Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, a bottle, family size (three times as much) 0c. at all deal ers, or Fdmanson, Bates & Co, To ronto To protect you against imitations the portrait and kignature of Dr. = A. W. Chase, the famous reteipt Look au bys livery. thor, are on every bottle, derers the | York Amateur: Hockey League, which is {| championskip of od | ing the trip, and the CAA | the itself in a blanket, | | Neither of the | plavers to the board thirty-six times | The Ramblers, of Amherst, cham pions of the Nova Scotia Hockey | league, have challenged for the Stan ley cup. It is the strongest team the | Moptreal Wanderers give as the | It is impossible 'to be too. careful in | and | ful. and conscientious doctors that has | that | | Mark Twain, after glancing. through and th at, should be played over in Montreal, watt to. F! onder Ottawa didn't. Of the tis, when two of were not with them. their The "York Wanderers Hockey y Club 'defeated * the Cros ! ARE READY | Club, twice champions. Sout Aifutie ! by a score of 3 to. 1. This victory gave rin Wan championship of the New also morally regarded as the the United States. This is the team on which Clarke and { Carruthers, of Kingston, play. The Montreal Wanderers have secur- from the C.AAU. to take in 8 ip to Pittsburg, Pa, where a series of matches have lwen arranged with the outlaws. The Mon- trealers 'are decidedly unwise in tak h % U. foclish in giving - permission. So long us Canadian teams go to Pittsburg, they. simply entourage prc fessionalism down there. General Sport. The National Baseball League sea son will open on April 14th, Many specials for Canadian will be given at the Buffel) dogs bench | show. The Providence Baseball Club is ex pected to be one of the strongest in the Eastern league this season. A fine of £330 wa: imposed on the Tottenham Hotspurs Football Club for failure to keep the field clear of spectators in an English cup match. It has not yet been decided where Toronto Baseball (lub players wiil train this spring. From the pre sent outlook there is not much chance of working out in town. Queen's ethall club officers were elected, on Saturday evening as fol lows : Honorary president, L. L. Bol ton, M.A.; president, J. W. Warren vice-president, J. A. Aiken; secretary, A M. Bothwell; captain, H. Dunlop, Although the Baltimore baseball park is not reported as destroyed by the great fire, there can be but little chance for ghe games this season, and one of the best tities on the Eastern League circuit as well as one of the most famous centres of the diamond sport, is off the map for "at least, one year. There wil be two weeks of contin: uous trotting in Greater f at the Empire. track, beginning Monday, August Sth, and the second at the Coney Island course, beginning one week later; For each meeting six stake races, worth £21,000 are to be' opened next week, entries closing on April 4th. Chatham is { summer in earnest, For sons passed they have had team in Chatham, playing junior C. some L.A. This season, however, they are aiming bigher and will play interme diate lacrosse, if not senior. To sub- stantiate their claim to fast company { the Chatham management are already | out after players of the hires fo repre kind, that Brantford sent it in lacrosse. "THINGS THEATRICAL.. ---- Notes About Plays, Players And Playhouses. Le Moyne is Mrs. poem, Pippa Ppsses, in the spring, a | a Broadway theatre. | Mr, and Mrs. Kendal have begun a provinges in a Hope," "The Elder Miss Blossom," and *Sull | tour of the English | repertoire inchading "Dick Waters Run Deep." In earlier days the complaint wa | that there were few actors who cou | speak blank verse. It may | correctly anything at all. Martin Harvey began his sprin tour st the Camden (Eng.) theatre o His repertoire during th will be "The Only Way | the 15th. entire tour and Miss | Julia Marlowe began New York next summer, with the first meeting on going int@ lacrosse this sea a kind of mercenary to produce a dramatization of Browning's beautiful 1d | the population is, now he | said that there are few who can speak "A Cigarette Maker's Romance." her New Haven, Ct., Mon ANSWER GIVEN ON ONTARIO ELECTRIC RAIL: - WAY PROBI EM. « Investigator's " Statements Re- garding Electric Lines Not Paying Answered--Juggling of Figures Charged, Kingston, March 5.-(To the Edi tor): In your issuc of February 26th, you published a letter headed "What a Report Declares," as signed by "In vestigator." 'This letter was ovidently inspired by some one who for some unexplained reason is more than anx- jous not to see the Ontario Electrie railway a success. He riers in his letter to the rep of the railroad commissioners in Massachusetts, and states "that out of one hundred and five companies no less than sixty-five new and old declared and paid divid- ends," He further states that "a gentleman of yery large experience in terested in electric lines operating in Mssachusetts stated that electric lines do mot pay except when operated within densely, populated city dis- triets or within 4 very short radius thereof like Boston and its immediate suburbs." Now, "Investigator only investi gates enough for his own benefit and some times only part of the truth con- ys a very wrong impression. i vedtigator" had cared to do so he might have reqd in tho report in ques: tion 'that the Massachusetts roads as a whole earned after paying all charges, an average. of 5 23-100 per cent on their entire capital stock of $60,006,328, which is a good average showing especially so when the fact js taken into consideration that of the sixty-five remaining roads not payin dividends, twenty'tive or one-third A the total having a combined capital of $3,643,700, were either under construction or had not been in oper ation a full year. That there were seventeen leased on consolidated lines, that one road is a very small affair and only operated two months in the summer, that another has Jess than two mile of track and that still an other is principally situpted in Rhode Island and its principal earnings are made there. Of the roads paying dividends, only seven are strictly city roads, six of which pay dividends and ome does not. Of the local roads running independ ently twenty-two paid dividends, twen ty'two did not and the remaining twelve earned dividends but for var ous reasons did not declare them, To sum up : Out of one hundred and five roads, after deducting the roads not running 4 full year and mot reporting fully and roads mot operating indepen. dently, we have sixty-three remaining, forty of which earned dividends, and of the roads operating independently between cities and towns after deduct. ing roads not in operation one vear, thirty-four out of fifty earned divid- ends. This disproves the statement of the "gentleman of large experience." The "gentleman of large experience' further knows that the roads during the year in quéstion made the poorest showing with one exception for a period of many years. And ho knows further that it was owing to the eli. t | matic conditions existing at that time, "Investigator's" "statements show: ing the relative statement of popula: tion of Ontario as compared with Massachusetts may be true, but if he will compare the square mileage of Ontario with that of Massachusetts « | and note in what part of the province the reader will see at a glance that in this as in the case of the report of tha Massachusetts railroad commissioners, he is not giv g | ing the whole. truth and is juggling n | bgures, Would it not be better if "Investi- gator" would take the propdsed tariff of the Ontario Electric railway, and discuss the saving to the public over the present tariff as charged by the e | spring tour in : a ih | Febuary 20th. She will present | steam roads 7--FATR DEALING. | two plays while en tour, "When Knighthood was in Flower" and "In FASHION'S FORM. | gomar." s------ | ® Tomaso Saliini's American tour has | Quite An Attractively Tucked yeeri postponed for a year, and this, Blouse. k | despite the fact that he is seventy fiv years old. The theatrical depressio in the United States is given | cause. Saltini is still a vigorous | man. - The Biblical story of David and | Jonathan has been | the friendship existing | will be presented. for New York aj | proval on April 4th. | . Theatrical salaries are to be cut i {a startling manner, Next season wi | find the men and .women now receiv ing weekly compensation far in ex | cess of that paid judges of the su preme court, gladly accepting amount smaller by forty to sixty per cent. The Danish castle of Kronberg--the threatened Elsinore of 'Hamlet --ig | with destruction' in consequence of ur the high | dermining by as the dramatized, or rather a play has been written around between the shepherd boy "and Saul's son, and it tides of the ) n I 4 N | Katl:igat. It was built, as it now stands, by Fredeiisk II in 1574. In a | vault beneath the easements sleeps Hclgar Danske, the national hero. This blouse is remarkable for its "Twelfth Night' is being enacted in | rood style and, the novel way in | New York, as Shakespeare intended, | which it "is tucked. The voke, which is Ben. Greet, who mounted "Every-| 4 ainburst effect, i« made of small man" in England and conducted its | oraduating tucks. The same idea ix tour of this count mance in charge. I same compan | play the lading parts. | stage is built a section of an béthtown theatre, with its rude plat form, primitive Pit and stalls of cither side : | the theatrical advertisements in | New York dei'v, and noting the al | sence of anything "serious," or tragi | has delivered his f vican peopl: as fol lows : "From th Jook of this lightsome feast, 1 con 2 has the perfor Upon the Eliza inion to the Ame carried out around the edee of the Y | sleeves, having sufficient trimming that nothing else need be bourht for the blouse. Thix is a good model for a flannel blouse. Silk or anv wash fa 0 | brie alko look wdl from this model. a The Germs Of Catarrh. ww] Not only attack the passages of the c | head and' throat but faally reach the Jungs and cause consumption. Nothing eo | destroys eatarth so quickly as frag rant healing Catarthozome, which re | elude that what you need is a tonic. | lieves the cough, stops the discharge, | You are ining to' make yourselves | takes all sorences from the throat. | believe that life is a comedy, that its | "1 consider Catarrhozone has so sols busidess is fun; that thers ic equal, ns a Aire for catarrh 'and lung | nothipg serious in it. You are igvor trouble," writes James E. Wetheroll, {ing the skeleton in your, closet. | are neglecting' a Vi uable side of you i 1fe; prosently it You are cating too much ease of the intellect. You need | tonic." A { Fotind himseli mistaken. The man who passed Tavlor & Hamilton's, 153 Wellinoton street without leaving his | order for that job of plumbing or tin | smithing. Telephone 418, You will be atrophied ] mental | gugar: vou will bring on Bright's dis "It enred me after many failed to even relieve my con't fail to months' of Brighton. r | good doctors trouble." Catarrhozone cure--it's guaranteed. Two treatment, 81; trial size, 20e. test Lover's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other pow- ders, as it is both soap and disinfect: ant. You ean increase your weight by . | taking Blaud's iron pills, 100 for We. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. a G. F. PEPPER, The World's Great The Works cf Bdgar yable in moathly payments cooks are given happen in this great conflict. mouth, another admirable special special numbers 40 pages ench the important curreat i i Dr WOOD'S [NORWAY PINE Cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITES LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence Mailman, New G: , N.8., writes: -- I had a cold which left me with very bad cough. 1 was afraid I was going into -, 1 advised to DR. W NORW. hy I had little th in it, but before I had en one to feel better, and after folt as well as ever. My completely, PRICE ss CENTA There is one Lager which combines all the good points of the light beers of Germany with - the wholesomeness born of good Canadian bar ley malt--that's | ' EXPORT LAGER. cr. Have You Wood 9 p and Coal to Burn § are the two most economical ore tuel investments wa know of : Whether it's Wood or Coal we delive their business too well to do it in an untidy way. No extra charge for the cleaniiness--But it's worth h to you. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Fool of West St. OUTSIDE THE CITY i We furnish estimates | #9 Electrical Work everywhefe Church and Residence Work reasonably done, GET OUR PRICES. Breck & Halliday, PRINCESS STREET. FOR SALE. - DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES, etc. in any part of the City or Coun try; McCann's Ileal Fstate Agency. B81 Brock street. we employ careful teamsters, who know | General Agent for COLL willbeatthe = Windsor. Hotel. Kingston froma March 5th to 15th, he will present to each subscriber mt once, Absolutely Free, ay ons cor : selected from the list given below. 'Whese books are boand in elegant style and are worth $5.00 to $6 00 each set. THESE BOOKS ARE GIVEN REE TO COLLIER'S SUBSCRIBERS : ts, (Illustated). .. lan Poe, (Illustrate Emerson"s Hist. of 19th Century, Cyclopedia and Dictionary .........coooeven Conan Doyle's Best Books, : Stories of Sherlock Holmes, The World's Great Events, (2506 pages) B.C. 4004 to AD, 1908. Esch important event is described i or by a reergnized authority ou the subject treated. A great histor © ical compilation This work and Conan Doyle's Best Books are the newest preminas given with Collier's. | This is the Greatest Value Bver Offered. ¥ rts hhh A AA LAR - OLLIER'S WEEKLY | i FTE TET TW UT en errr PRICE 10 CENTS. to the collector. Premium Free. Maila card am ho will be pleased to call and show you the books sod Collier*s. COLLIER'S WEEKLY hw mde extraordinary n Arran the Russo-Japanese War. Five ¢ spondents and five photographers for COU@r*S are so distributed in the Far East as to cover every evenl of im) In avery vase of an important battle or occurence of especial mews intersst, the: correspondents will Cable their Reports and the readers will 8. accounts of this great war, with splendid photographs of the navies, commanders, battle scenes, eto, Household Numbers isuel the last week of each * number is now published the mids dle of each month called The Fiction Number, will bo very attracsive, high-class journals of 82 to Every issue of Collier's Weekly events of the world, splendid editorials, stories by famous authors, speoisi autitles; Josey, humour, at beautiful illustrations. The double page drawings by Gibson, Rem ington, Frost, Bmedley, and others, aro certainly gems of art. Ontario © set of books at. vols, 8 3 " By 2 (Mlustrated'.... 3 = by a famous historisn, te to report pecial war portance that may accurate In addition §» the popular ¥ ® These rt ES ------ A Splendid Investment. Montreal, February 24th, 1904, W. J. Fair, Esa. - District Manager, North American Life Assurance Co., 8 Kingston, Ont. AR ie. Permit to thanks rmit me express my pro-. policy. ' licy is on the 20 year ment 15 vears Tonting, and . jor by ink i oat usually cnarged by he treat Inte. getting fn return by Jhcluding oe antes of 41000 id prop, rr ing I mirvive a period five years longer. 4 If 1 had accepted Option No. 1.. 1 would have received 15 on my life for $1,000 and a han amount In oxcess of what 1 paid the Company durfog the last 15 years. The results are, in toy opinion, very satisfacto indead, an 1 Hard Coal! Hard Wood! | | | | recommend the North 0d hn "Ten intending insurers. , *, Thanking you for vour prompt snd courteous treatment, I remain, o Very truly yours, (Signed) DR. A. DUVAL, 483 "A" St. Denis St. CANNEL C ' YOUR GRATE. It lasts all night. Try it. mnie,