; and F D TROUSERINGS, a full] NOY. VESTINGS. © arouid to have Save you ou call = bafare buyin aida what Brien th and line 'of Trim- goes without saying. C. Waggoner This preparation has effect- ed a greater percentage of cures than any other. It will stop your cough, cure TRY IT. It Never Fails! . L. MATHIEU C0., Props., Sherbrooke, Que. Big 25cent bottle. Pleasant to the taste. ABSOLUTE 'SECURITY. Carier's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of + CURE 810K HEADACHE. Just Opened Our Is a great boon to our customers by the many bar- gains we are offering. Handsome Bedroom Set, com- "plate; only $10. - : | Spring and Mattrasses; only 50. 5 Piece Parlor Suites, in Ma- "hogany, . ; 9 Fancy Parlor Tables, in Oak and Mahogany; only $1.75. Jardiniere Stands, only 25e. . These are a few of the many bargains we are closing out. JAMES REID, & UNDERTAKERS, ETC "For Ambulance "Phone 147. 4. WIATT TRENDELL, MUSIO' TEACHER SINGING, PIANO, VIOLIN | #0 Wellington Street « Kingston hay 8 RM Sale| Spring Selection Of + WOOLLENS 1} Inspection invited. Crawford & Walsh, EXECUTORS SALE Of Boot' and Shoe Business in City of Kingston. THE EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE bf A. Abernethy déconsed will sell Ly tender at a rato on the dollar the stock of boot¥ and shoes and trunks and vae- lises and also all fixtures and ap- purtancnoes of this old and long estab- lished business, and is looked wpon as the best store business between Toronto and; Montreal, -- Tenders for all stock to be addressed to Chas. R. Webster, 81 Princess street Kingston, Ont. and marked * Tender for Abernethy Estate.' Tenders to be il in Kingston on or before the 25th March, 1904 The highest or shy tender not neces- sarily accepted. Stock consists of about. ten thousand dollars Not including any book debis and very small fixtures Dated at Kingston this 20th February 1904, CHAS. 1. WEBSTER, Solicitor for Exeeutors, B81 Princess street, Kingston, Ont, KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON, TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unequalied facilities for securing posi- tons. Largest and best equipment in Canadas, 831 Quess street, Kingstom. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Cenfederstion Life . Toroate, "BUSINESS BROKER 1 CAN QUICKLY SELL, FOR CASH, without publicity, your Dusiness, Real Estate or Partnership; no matter Where located. Send me Il particulars, pric- en, etc... Address, 'Chas. 1. Powell, 19 W. Moliowk Sti, Buffalo, N.Y. STAMPS AND MARKERS, RubBER STAMPS OF A Solf-Inkers Linen RE i rod Sta En Repairs Shain, Joba Ofiord: Whix Dicer prompt. -------------------------- SALARIES OF TEACHERS, The Brantford Doard of Education thinks it has solved the question of increasing the teachers" salaries. The proposition of a prominent member is that the pay of the teachers be ac cording to merit and alility. The certificated standing of the staff will be first considered, dnd then the ex- peti nce and success of each one. This invclves very mice the part of the school management committee, which must be guarded by the expert evidence of the inspector. Worth and ability are undoubtedly the points which should influence: an employer in making his rewards. But thefe is a difficulty in marking them correctly, The test is only reached through a series of relationships, nny one of whith misread or misunder stood would imperil the whole and work injustice. Mence it is that whool boards, like labor unions, have found it convenient to establish cortain classes, and with them asso- ciate certnin wages or salaries. The Brantford men have framed a scheme on the salary question which will be found defective. It will be abandoned when an attempt is made to apply it. A TARDY VINDICARON. The statements in connection with the Dreyfus' caso--that of the official reporter, and to the effect that the record is' not what it was represented to be, and that of the attorney-gen- eral, declaring that there is an utter absence of convicting not surprise some people" Very much. There was a traitor in the French war office, probably in the Intelligence depArtment, and he was giving out information to the Germans, He was, however, apparently in the inner cir- cle, and was quick sion from himself. Dreyfus was inno- cent of the crime, but he was dislik- ed, on account of racial connections more than anything else, and he was made the vietim of a vile conspiracy, The man who, while ment of the government, country is worthy of the severest pun ishment, But Dreyfus endured inex pressible torture while free from actu- al taint or sin. His experiences on Devil's Island have been described, but they cannot be understood. Time and cirolinstances have brought ab- out their strange revealations, and the man. on whom the malice of 'bad men thrust so much indignity is having his vindication. 'It has consumination, plete, to divert suspi- in the employ- betrays his been slow but it will in its be com ------ SOME DOLLARS AND CENTS. The electors who will vote upon the by-law, confirming the purchase of the electric light and gas plants, and authorizing the loan of money for the payment of them, are generally satisfied that the enterprise will be a paying one. This accounts for the readinéss with which they support ef- forts of the council tc acquire posses sion of the property and to manage and direct it as a municipal venture. It is over three years since the ar Litration wamhad respecting the valug of the plants and the business. At that time Mr. Cross, of Toronto, expert accountant, an went. through the books of the company and prepared a statement from which some figures. The the period from years inclusive, are extracted statement. covered 1897 to 1900, The gas made in that measured 58,431,900 cubic feet, and it was charged at £09,723.99. But there were bad debts will occur or arise in connection with any busi- time they amounting $907 - ness---and deducting these, to $994.37, the 720.62, In the four years there was a gradual increase in the consumption of gas to the value of £3,216.73. The expenses of the gas department in the four years totalled $13,878.32; average of $11,469.58, and an increase in the period named of only $600.14. The total gain in the four years --the surplus of revenue over working ex penses-- was' $52,851.10, an average of $13,212.78. The experience in the elictric de partment is even more inspiring. The balance is an earnings from 1897 to 1900, both years inclusive, were 8110,252.2% These figures embraced a contribution from the Royal Military College, (now cut off), of $7,934.04, Deducting this, and an item of 81,526.86, for bad debts, and there is a balance of 8101, 691,38, The expenses, for wages, coal, The: earnings increased by $7,177.46, and the working expenses by $748.70. Deducting the working ex- penses from the earnings and there is a bulance of 844,331.68. But the difference between carnines and working expenses does not repre- sent profit. The business charges have to be taken into account, the charges in connection with ithe management of the electric plant, and the #as plant, the office salaries, the insurance and discrimination on | evidence--dogs_ both oil, carbons, and lamps, amounted tn '| 857,300.70. i the interest, These averared $9,458.98 a year, or a total of $37,535.90. Summed up the income in the four years for gas'output, = electric out- | put and rental has been as follows : 1897 . oe $AR380.12 1898 899 ... .. ' Total $212,924.04 And the outlay has beens as follows, for gas production, for electric pro- duction, for gas expenses, trie expenses, and lense rental : $11,150.98 "" 870. 77 for elee- 900... aie Total $190, 093. 40 " Net revenue apart rom bad debts : BOT oa £3,509.14 . 5,108.58 wv S94 6,065.42 1900 7,757.50 Total .. .. $22,830.64 Taking the figures of 1900 only the revenue over expenditure was $19,- 258.95. Deducting the $10,520 for in- terest and sinking fund, for which the city must' provide the next thirty years, the surplus would be $8,738.95. And 'the revenue must have increased by about a fourth since 1900. 'DITORIAL NOTES. Has the pulpit deteriorated, as some allege 7 Are its occupants less scholarly and eloquent? Some ' men have left it, it is true, but it has not suffered on their account. The electric light and gas questions cannot wisely be made the subjects of political discussion. The people may want light, but they will not get it at meetings of the Macdonald club. Mr. Balfour's repudiation of the doc- trine of protection has astonished his friends. He has evidently realized that the people of 'England are not ready for a change of fiscal policy gnd is trimming. s---- The demand of Torenta University for larger financial aid is about what might be expécted from recent legisla- tive experiences, The house has prac- tically said, Ask what you will and it shall be granted unto you? Beet root sugar cannot be made to pay in Canada, and yet $7,000,000 of beet root sugar is imported annually from Germany and refined in Can- How is that? Is labour in-Ger Is the soil more pro- ada. many cheaper ? ductive ? The Ottawa and Montreal hockey teams had a free fight with sticks at their last meeting. The wounded in cluded pretty. nearly every man who "engaged in the fray. The fight was a draw. Those engaged in it may have to play or fight again. -- The home and far-away experts are directing the war in. the east as they, not so long since, directed the war in South Africa. One of them now. de clares that the Russians will not eva- cuate Port Arthur though that ap pears to be what is contemplated. Sir Charles Tupper, before hicing himsell off to England for the summer, probably announced that he had confidence in the liberal government of Canada. Which is to be regretted. But so long as the people of Canada are satisfied the liberal government will remain in office. no OBSERVATIONS. There's Nothing Like Slang. Toronto Globe 'A simultaneous abandonment of proceedings" is , the attorney-general's euphemism for the slang term 'saw off." It is not nearly so expressive. Been Indoors. Toronto Sta Chicago has found out that ninety per cent. of the policemen spend their working hours indoors. Well, this has heen a terrible winter, and it's warmer inside. --- His Nibs' Last "Act. Montreal Herald The kaiser feels that he has dropped out of the public eye so much since the war in the: east started that he has about decided to astonish the world by using piano polish on hi¢ roast beef instead of Worcester sauce. The New Enactment. Exchange Toronto's anti-spitting by- law, which as drawn prohibited spitting anyw here on the street @or in public halis or street cars, has been changed to pro hibit spitting on the sidewalks and in public halls and street cars, exclpt in proper rece ptacles, Complaints To "Whitney. ¢ Hamilton Specta Mr. Whitney veu-my-dear- Alphonse Pear Sir: This after; style of tactics in fighting the Ross government -does not appeal to the: "insensate parti- sans" who pile up the good old tory vote on the sidelines and back cessions of this fair province. Fight while you fight on the floor of the house and confine personal courtesies to the corridors, con- For A Disordered Stomach. "I have been troubled for some time with indigestion and sour stomach," says Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass, "and have taking Chamber- lain's Stomach afd Liver Tablets which have helped me very much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." Hf vou have anv trouble with vour stomach why not take these Tablets and get well ? For sale by all durpgists. Tar soap only Je. cake. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. - DAY, MARCH 7. 'THE PORT MINED AND PLACED THERE BY JAP- 'ANESE. Concentration of Chinese Forces 4 West of Mukden Arouses Sus- picion Among Russians. Paris, March 5.~--Telegraphing from Harbin, a correspondent of the Matin says a special "staff of officers has started for Lake Baikal to meet Gen- érgl Kouropatkin. The central tele graph office here, the. correspondent continues, will henceforth be closed to the public. The concentration of Chinese, forces west of Mukden arouses suspicion; in spite of the repeated declaration of (China's neutrality. Cossacks are ad- vancing from Korea, where the atti- tude of the natives toward them is verv varighle. Col. Tatsujire and five other" Japa- nése officers who were arrested in Ko- rea have been taken to Liaoyang. 'the people here believe that Port Arthur was mined a' long time ago by the Japanese, who are now trying to send there a few men who know the place well to blow it up. The Russian ¢rnisers Bavan and Di- ana received only slight injuries dur- ing the recent engagement with the Japanese, Quoting from a correspondent, who wrote him from Port Arthur, under the date of February 17th, the Har bin correspondent of the Matin goes on to sav that General Stoessel, the commander at Port Arthur has issued a general order blamine officers who wasted their precious time in useless criticizing of their superiors, amd threatening © those who did so with severe punishment, A letter from Port Dalnv. dated Februhry 18th, brings the statement that the population there had been re duced from 1,500 to 1,000. Seven hun- dred men were sick in hospitals, and would chortly' be removed to the north. All the bavs in the vicinity of Dalny were still ice-bound. Camp Breaking Up. O'Neil's Corners, March 4.--The last severe snow storm destroyed the good roads. The tracks ell along the line are blocked and people missed their newsy paper, the. .Wkig. James Irvin passed through here Saturday, taking orders for Daly Bros' teas, Napanee. We are sorry to hear of W. Tomp- kin's illness, Miss M. (lair has re turned after an extended visit with friends in Enterprise. James Kenny narrowly escaped serious injury whils duiving logs to Enterprise. The load upset and he only saved himself by jumping. The attendance at school, though good considering the weathe er, is rap idly. growing. Miss M. Camp- bell is visiting her sister, at Enter- prise. Camp has broken up at Flow er Station, and we are busy welcom- ing our local sports. M. Kenny is training his pacer, 'Young Wexford,' for the coming races he ere iss IB. McGrath, Hungerford, siting Mrs. A. Kidd, of this TR. 'or ()'Neil paid a flying visit to Tamworth one day last week. Greatest Bargain In The City. . Prevost of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, has decided for the .next thirty days to sell all goods at first cost, consisting of ready-made clothing. gents' furnishings and cloth- ing made to order, to make room for his spring importations. His $15 suits and $3.50 pants made to order have no equal. ---- Fresh Huyler's candies at Gibson' 8 Red Cross Drug Store. London beer makers send among the people of the poorer disigicts can- vassers who sell" on the instalment plan, Well Balanced Nerves Your Success In Life De- pends Upon Them, If Lacking in Nerve Force, Build Up Your System With Ferro- zone--It Has Helped Others-- Let It Help You Too: Happy is the man who can work un- ceasingly without fear of an "attack of the nerves." He gets along, pros pers, rises to position of power and importance, 'The strong man is push ed over the heads of his weaker bro thers by virtue of ww capable to do and get when nece y calls, The weak, nervo nan is distanced before the race starts. But he should n't give up without trying what Fer rozone can do for him. This strength ening tonic has great power for build ing up people who are run down, tired and exhausted. " Ferrozone starts right at the 'root of the trouble and drives alPfpuri- ties out of the blood. Then it gives the blood an additional supply of iron and' other strengthening elements which enables it to nourish the nerves back to normal condition. Once the nerves gre toned up, indigestion and stomach trouble disappear. Then vour system is in good order, and capable of heing rebuilt in the pro- per way. Nerve tissue is formed, flab- by muscles begin to harden, weak or- gans regain strength, and befpre long the half' wrecked man glories in « the new-found vigor that Ferrozone 'has brought him. You may have tried a hundred re- medies; they may all have failed. But this mustn't influence vou against Fer- rozone, which is so -different from other preparations. Ferrozene actually makes blood, and makes the kind of blood that is valuable in "maintaining health. Then Ferrozone has a wonder- ful action on food, converting it into nutriment, is going to be useful to your body. Ferrozone is unexcelled as a rebuild ing tonic for children, women and men, ihe young and old, in fact everybody can derive, benefit from Ferrozone, which is specially recommended for chlorosis, anaemia, lassitude, weakness and all disorders aiising from im- paired nerves or blood. Try Ferrozone yourself. Price 50c, per. box or six boxes for $2.30. Sold by druggists and by mail from N. C. Polson & Co., Ringston, Ont, and Hartford, Conn. U.S.A. Swell Fellows For the man who 8 is young, or the man fj who feels young, or the man who wants to feel young, the short Covert Coat is "It? Top Coat elegance and smartness is here. Coverts and Unfinished Wors- teds, tailored 'with snap and exclusive- ness--and such coats as you never saw be- fore, $7.50, 9, 10, 12, 12.50. Nope . Grosvenor English Raincoats Overcoat and Raincoat combined. '*'good "rain or shine," $10, 12, 1250, 13.50, 15 and 16, and every coat will be a prize for the man who wears it. Don't Miss Seeing Our New Dundonald Suits Perfect beauties, elegantly tailored, $10, 12, 12,50, 14, 15 and 16,50. THE H. D. BIBBY C0. ; Cash and One Price Clothing House Oak Hall. : $ 3 $ 3 ; ] ; 23 $ 3 : so that everything vou eat' The Purest and Most Agreeable Beverage on the Market. a2 Not Carbonated--Made from the bést ad of Malt and Hops. JAS. McPARLAND, Agent. Men's Shoes If you want a reliable boot Try a pair of The Geo. A. Slater Invictus Shoes With Wet-Proof Soles. GREAT Reduction Sale Special Drives For Next Week MEN'S COLORED STIFF HATS. Regular $1.50 and $1 75. , ; Your Choice 750. MEN'S COLORED HARD HATS, Former price $2 and $2.50. | Your Choice $1.25. At Clearing Out Sale Dunlop Stock. Jas. Johnston. rem "(Grand Union,Co's. Old Stand), 100 75 ° CY a # Colds 3 Cough Ren ens the cou secretions, ¢ teracts any monia. It children lik Look You cannc colds dur take the j properly ¢ 'and BOO] most ecor in good he and you'll McKEL STOCKS We execute orde and upwards upon for buying or selli teenth commission 85 per hundred bal treal. Co and Mon : McMillan & N PETERBORO : 184-136 H TEE POLICE C( End Of The Lewis vs. Case. The Lewis-Burtch dog § was again © before the trate this morning. One fied that in a conv Burtch over his trouble bor's dog he had "advised take the law in his own he had threatened what Burtch' entered the bos behalfNand swore that h ing abont the noisoning dog, nor did he know poisoned, He didn't p didn't threaten to do it The magistrate said th evidence was not sufficier vet strong suspicion 1 Burteh. "I believe . vou were box," the magistrate sai