Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1904, p. 6

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WISS, all Sigen and 'they meet , Tr olute: n " teed. We know thousands of ELLEDA PERLEY « 0, C, y AT. CM, ist, of St, Andrew's ocal Teacher of the On- , Will give instruc «Concert engage : y between the hours of hav except ho ht NEW. YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, : 3 : March Tih. From St. Pierre Miquelon, e fax, Overdue. Halifax, reli T-1he French steam loft St. Fiore, il, oh Bop ral, or ~ Miquelon, for five days ago, Bas. not been reported since. She should have made the run in two days : and it is thought she has been caught in the ice. The steamer was badly jam med in the ice og her last trip, and wont to sen on this occasion with on ly temporary repairs. CC, Cupninoham, Carman, abe, WH. : San: who las been spending a fow ave with his father here, returned the world were {and the United States. nickel, - famous - Clearing and turning colder, Tuesday. ee -------- COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in The Business World--The Markets. A Ulicago Baonrd of Trade member- ship, which sold on Friday, nets the sel- lor $3,750. The three mica producing countries of British India, Canada resident Cassatt, of Pennsylvania, it ix said, will soon @wue orders for $8. 000,000 hmprovements in Pittsburg It is reported that St. Paul will spend 000,000 this year for motive power, including 126 large engines, forty of which wifi he delivered prior to November 1st] 1904, and the rest prior to April 1st, 1905. Phe total output of mines in Canada for the year was as follows Copper, $5,728,301; gold, $1,884,490; iron ore {exparts), $922,571: pig iron from Can adian 707,888; lead, $762,660; silber, $1.700,77 zine, $48,600; total, $83.507.403. ---------------- Two Notable Witnesses. Messrs, Walkem and Walkem have fn their possession part of a title desd of the Martin property on Bar rack street, dated in 1837. The wit nesser to the deed are John A, Mae donald and Oliver Mowat, Jr, the two men who were destined to plat such important roles in Canadian his tory. The property in auestion has now been purchased by Kent Bros, who will erect on it a mica factory. Died In Merrickville. The death ocourred in Merrickville, on Thursday morning last, of Viclotte Richardson, wife of Francis McRitchie, t the age of forty-three years, She bien a patient sufferer for quite a Joti time being afflicted with a can do%. She was a daughter of Robert. Richardéon, Kingston, formerly of Montague. She leaves besides 'her hushand one daughter, five years old. % In Atlantic City. "In Atlantic City." will be the at- traction tonight at the Grand. It re calls to us the bright, sunny davs spent at the seashore only a few months ago. The scenery used is a remarkable representation of the ever boardwalk at Atlantic. City, the HE © costumes worn throuchout pla have been carefully selected. hans, Are Proud Of Him. A. M. Chisholm, the veteran mining speculator, who is said to he long past the three score and ten mark, put to shame many citizens this morning. He was at work with a pick- ax¢ deaining off the British-American Hotel sidewalk. The 14th' Club are proud of their chaplain, At The YW.C.A, Mise Little, B.A, head of the stud ent Y.W.C.A. in Toronto, addressed a inceting composed principally of col lege girls at the ussocistion's rooms on Sunday, at 4 pan. Her address, a most interesting one, was lofied on various verses of the 19th Pslam. Born In Kingstea.. Cn February 20th a lap year ho haby was born inte the home of Tho mas Randells, Millet's Lane, off Mon treal street. A silver mug is given hy the Toronto World to all babies Lorn on that day. So far sixty-dght have been the retwins from the province, Mrs. AN. ford 'and daughter, of Dowmanville, were compelled to jump from an upper window of their burn ing dwelling at two o'clock in the morning to save their lives, Several good voices have been added to the choir of St. John's church, Portsmouth, and Precentor Waltkem in tends his command to shine when the west to-day. > x Easter music is produced. 0000 the s nary ina It's have $8.10 $18, . C, Livingston & Bro. >t OOOO * Maybe a Cravenette Raincoat Has entered your mind since ky fell through. "It's an ideal combination for SPRING WEAR Of propér weight for ordi- overcoat use, as full of style as the smartest Overcoat, and yet when you're caught out I Pct Waterproof If you like the freedom of | getting around in wet weather without an umbrella try a CRA- VENETTE RAINCOAT. We them in all shades at from Street. ---- DEATH OF JOHN McKAY. He Was a Popular Citizen and & Public Spirited. John McKay, -disd at 9:30 o'clock on Monday moruitg at his residence on Sydenham street. He was in poor heglth for years, but last week "was stricken down. with ki; final illness. The deceased was the only son of the late John McKay, hide merchant, and was born in Seotland sixty years When a youth, he TORY TACTICS] ABUSE OF WHIG TO BE EX- PECTLD TL .' But a Petty Thing To Charge Against The Member for King- ston--The Remark Not The Paper's, But That Of a Con- a ago. servative. to Canada" with kis parents, w A 'huge scheme to diwredit the Whig | made Siogston their bome. Many and boom another paper which dows | soars ago he succeeded i: father in not thrive on its merle was prescnis [ihe bide business, 'of which be wade ed at the political meeting of Friday | a great success, Latterly, Nr. McKay evening, and was sustained by free dis- | practically placed the business in the tribution of papers on Saturday night, | hands of lis two eldest sons. the only means by which it could claim Mr. McKay married Flin Tossell, for oven one day, "the largest circula- | daughter of the 'late Ritherd Tossell. tion." A grand stand play was made | She survives, with three sons and one upon an. item appearing in the Whig | dnughter--John, Jr., and Charles, in on February 12th, reflecting upon Mr. | Kingston; George, ia Brockvile; and Whitney's leadership, and ii was well | re Lionel Smith, Montreal. The within the range of criticiam. M Was | cpased is clio survived by seven sis temark of a conservative to a liberal | (Jeyveland. swe reporter and a conservative listenior, The late Mr. MeKay was a Proshy and was correctly reproduted, but | ui iv religion, "hed ig connected neithsr the gossip nor the expression [with Ch Iners church. In pclities he must have known that it was a local item, in the last edition, at the hur | | present Board of Education. ried period of the day. and conld pot The Late Mrs. Newlands. reccive editorial supervigion, and he In 1850, she married George Newlands 'who survives as also four sons and two daughters, viz., Ih i in Seattle; upon. with utter contempt, There was added, however, {hi plain charge that the item was an inven I : George, tion, and the Whig was challenged to | produce the name of the indienant 'and Mre. Graham and: Mrs, Hooper i conservative, The name has heen civ Kinoston, Mrs. Newl nds wad : "t en to Donald McIntyre, one of the |ectimable Jady, beloved by all whe speakers of the evenine, and. it ix one | knew her and she will } , tiv that the Macdonald Club will he slow | missed. particularly by Ber iat ih to repudiate. We mav also add that [whose faithful helpmeet. she was y when Mr. 'Pense returned home and | more than half a century he ar saw the paragraph, he condemned it to his staff, and stonped its anmear- ance in other editions, No one, how- ever in or out of Kinoston complain ed of it to him or to his staff in the member of Chalmers church. LIVE STOCK BREEDERS. A Canadian Herd-Book Will Be office, and it would have ordinar sh : arilv E i nassed notice, hut for the necessities 0 gtabli hed, | of editors' and sneakers. ttawa, March 7.-One hundred stockmen, representing breeders from the Atlantic to the Pacific, were pres ent this morning, at the opening ses sion of the first annual meeting of the INJUNCTION STANDS. Fralick, jurior county court judge. E. Gus Porter, M.P., appeared on behalf of the Bellevi le Club and W. B. North- up, M.P., on hehali of the O.HA. Mr Porter asked for things to establish a Canadian herd gistering in the United States. Hen head of the department and the offi- | op I and « { erying on baard, but nobody had seer + A Disastrous Fire. over 100.900, ed iy additim t » builiiag in the general offices, on extraordinarily heavy durine two months. There is a slichtly Several ad acgut bul dings were dam- | Head Of Mexican Bandits. aged. The origin of the fire is un knows. The destruction of the de Langtry. Tex, March 7.~The out spateher's office ca a suspension laws whe kidnanned Dan Cushine the of 1 traffic on the Rome and Warr. | vounr railroad man, a few dave pro town ¢i iim, ewig to the . liily of sending out trein orders | him. when closely pursued bv state rangers, are believed to have kidnap Hn gn are in. good condi about £350,000 the big tusks The skeleton is worth Two Years And $10,000 Fine. Ay, MARCH 7. used gre usual to the Whig _ {was a liserell- He was a member of | Mr. Downey laid the item to the | the Masori: order and of ° An- | personal charge of the member for drew's Socirty, He was an alderman Kingston in the usual wild manner [in 188-7, and was alio a Ligh school and extravarance of his platform ap- | trustee for a number of years and pearances. As a newspaper man he | was a party to the formation of the ' Isaac in Buffalo, | N.Y.: John in Dawson Citv: William; object of the convention. Among other | hook, Canadian breeders hdretofore re- John Dryden also spoke along similar | 7.~-The report that the past | to hold him for a ransom, releasing sissies WORLD TIDING OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED : IN BRIEF FORM. Despatches and Cullings Telling -of Events Transpiring in Al Parts of tls Earth. ] Lord "Alexander Byms Shand, create od a baron in 15302, ju dead. He was Lorn in 1828, - Dr. Birk, a Yokohama phy:i ian, says Japan will deeept volunteers from foreign countries. Manitoba's full court gave judgmont on Saturday dismissing the appeal taken against Winnipeg's early (losing by-law. hn 1. Lithgow, comptroller of the Yuken, has been appointed member of the Yukon council, vice Henry William Newlands, resigned. The Palkan situaticn is not ccn.id ! ered cheerful gt Vienng: War -with Tur ho worse than utterances of conser {qers--Mrs. Thomas Driver and (Mrs. { key may come soon. Albaniens are vative journals and speakers habitual !yul., Kingstor; Mrs. Wher, $inta | under arms. ly in their denunciation and hatred of Rosa, Cel; Mrs. Benjamin and Mrs. | At the Canadian Temperance League liberals, but it was not the clear quill | Boner Hunnaman, Portland, wn: | meeting, F. T, Proctor gdvocated gov for all that. It was, it is true, the | Mes. Williams and Miss Lizzie M Kay, ernment ownership of the liquor traf fic as a forward step. Hon. George E. Foster, dress at the university on "Some Con ations of Empire," advocated protective policy for Britain Demand farm hands in west is | great, Manitoba calling for thousands of men, Wages run from $15 to ¥20 a month, with hoard and washing. | Allan D. McDonald, "one of the pio | neer contractors on C.P.R. construc { tion in what is known now as New | died at Rat Portage, aged cighty-five, in his ad a Ontario, On Sundav _ morgine, Mrs. George kpew that Mr. Pense was not usually | Newiands, i rar. a at in It is rumored that Port Simpson in Kingston on that day, but at {to rest. For a long while, she had will not be the Pheific terminus of the Toronto, and that he could not havé heen jn feeble health, but t week | GTP. and real estate men who have had Jersonal kuowledore of the para: | fell amd fractured her thich. The shock { corralled all available lots 'near fuph. This he Ristenron gent fmen from this accident was the ultimate | thers nea nahi kv, . ) $ © Tcapse of her. death. The late Mrs. tobert Turnbull, who has just been great honor of a trumped un charge NB nds was 'born in ee | Appointed to the position of mechani against g public man for political and | County Antrim, Ireland, her siden | cal and clectrical engineer of the sordid purposes. The member arninst' name being-Ellen Goldie, Her parents | Northern Oho Traction & light com whom nothing can be brousht than a | came to Canada in 1845, first settling | PNY» of Akron, Ohio, is an old Galt Siiilastiuted save has, however, Soine in Quebec afterwards at North Gore, | "Pe k. Beamish mbar of 5 i { t whi n | thirty miles from Ottawa, and finally | rank Beamish, a member of th in a contentious profession is looked | in Kingston. brain exchange, Winnipeg, and a na- tive of Port Hope, is dead, aged fifty one, He was a bachelor, and owned t two thousand acres in the Melita dis trict, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY.¢ Reporters On Their Rounds. Call at Abernethy's jf you want foot weégr cheap. Miss Winifred Cotton, Gananoque, visiting at Capt. Thomas Don nelly's, Univers ty avenue. The the towel match are to be announced the Iroquois hotel to-morrow right. hall were at to the an Jeechgrove-Lis at scores of The flags on the city half-mast todav out of respect | memory of the late John McKas | ex-alderman. | Almost giving goods away at Aber E Paragraphs Picked up by The Case Will Be Heard On| atid pethy's big thirty day shoe sale March 28th National Associaticn of Canadian 3 mg y day s i an th. Stock Breeders, F. W. Hodson, domin- Mrs tichard Boyd, Colborne street, Bellevil'e, Ont., March 7.-The case {ion live stock commissicner presided left this afternoon for Watertown, N, of McMillan vs. the O.H.A. executive, | and delivered gn address, divulging the | Y., having been called there hy the came up, this morning, befoin Ju {illness of a relative. Samples of the are to be tested dwing these thaws. The King ston supply this winter has been ex i water | ceodingly good, and has caused no Aer aslod Jor an alla gevent of | lines, and several others also spoke. trouble whatever, '} Whoo 3 , ground that some | This afternoon. the governor-gincral fH imppriant qutttion: Where Wi members of the executive had not {was present, and was presented with I go to get the best v Jue in stoves, been properly notified. Mr. Northup | 4n address. The Eastern Ontario Live | A78tWare and tinware:? Why Taxlor opposed the motion" on the ground | Stock show opened at Lansdowne Park | & Hamilton, 183 Wellinoton street. that the hockey seagon was too near- | to-day. There i= a big showing in all The most noticeable macazine fea ly finished. The jmdge, after stating | lines, particularly cattle and 'poultry | ture recently announced is Harold that his duties on circuit would keep | -- --i | Bolee's discussion, in March Pook- him busy for the next two weeks, ad A WOMAN'S SUICIDE. | lovers' Maoazine, of America's Opnor journed the case till March 28th, tlie - : { tunity in the East. The article, the injunction being continued in the | Jumped Overboard From. Quebec { first of a series dealin with the out meantime. | r » i look in the Orient. is characterized ------ Fy erry oat. bv breadth of view, keen observa UNDER NEW HEAD. | Quebec, March 7.--There was 'a _sui-| tion, and a treatment 'sane and pic | cide about 8:30 o'clock this morning, | turesque. The admirable illustrations Will Be The Import and Exkort | 0 board the 8S. 8. Tilot, a ferry boat Inful comparisons. of routes Business. | A woman was un floating on? the | § noes. areas. and nanulations are Montréal, March 7~The import and | found that of eain-of, the steamer sfemented be mane fn-foll color. export Ly af the C.PR. is being | which he had on board hn hy Rr o UR OWN CIR : reorganized and is to be under the di | Levis, there were only' two left Purser { OUR R CIRCUIT. } rection of John Corbett. He will be | remembers to have noticed a Woman | Wows of the District on Both cals under him will be Cook, | her jumping overboard, Searche hor | Sides of the Line. export™ freight agent, and W. T Mar- | been ordered by the anthorit 8Y€ 1 Jason Trickey, a prosperous farmer low, import freight agent. KE. NN. Todd 08, of .Escott, has decided to go west will he assistant export and import | Miss Ma ull wighter of Th arte 2 GILLANM IN CUSTODY. James Hullo Bull died ig Mla Detroit Detectives Give Him To Thumday, after thse wevke' ilines Confesses To A Murder. Wind 8 with typhoid fever. Deceased was fifty Charlton. 8. t - Masel 7-to Mai aka ez Autharities. : : yess of age ; : : 1902, a murder of a Sah was dis | dotes Ton by ge h Detreit | eter Reid has been presented with a dltsed at Havenois, NTE bes Be Lor dy Tone I Bl ok I aed Tie Can wij hy Count of Charleston. The victim was the wife | od him ps, Whar "Winds Snel thon Pho Jai Jelagds, Sion Fr of a section master named Jones. {tics who say he is we wo hoe sy 3 -- Muly = ead I'hree negroes were suspected he y : htted; at 1 Hixon 2 A Dresen ation crime. 1 hi w Te a gn a ie burg, Jot inp $09 Jrom Wes ! es Samuel - Towps ¥, born at Pen- holt rei Toy » THe 1 dex 4 roo 4 of that place, by mis | field. N.Y. in IS, died at the home : § to tr and | representation, Gillam claims that he | of hi sister, Mrs. Byron Burnett their bodies riddled with bullets. The | gave Mrs. Arnott a note for the | Webster, N.Y., on February 2nd. He husband of the murdered woman died | money and that the paper has not | was stor of St J hl - h recently in Colleton county. The phy: | vet fallen due He says he intends | Cane Vincent for ov ora il - iw sician who attended him savs that on | to repay the money , | William 1 rquhart one of Brooks He" his deathbed Jones confessed that he ---- oldest and most "respe ted residents had himself murdered his wife. The LARGE QUANTITIES. died on Saturday. aged: rights A h sician savs that Jones told him he ! er---- paralytic stroke being the immediate could not die until he had made a | Manitoba Wheat Not Being Ship- | cause of death. He was a native. of confession, . | ped To Asia. | Rosshire," Scotland, learning stone-sut - Winnipes. - > | ting there, and coming to Canada in 1854, when the G.T.R. was under cor Oxwope. N.Y. Marth. TTh large quantiti of Manitoba flour | struction. From 1860 to 1553 he | 1 swego, ' arch 7 Ve genera . a shiBbe: . of : t r Or i S3 he lives office. bil iag of the Naw York te hav been hipped west to Asin, lis | in Kingston, ipd while here reread: en | groundless. Both bie milline comy a Blur } trel roil oatl was entirely destroved e Yorort ies or trad th the} an I uzy while stone-eutting. whi-h hy fire vest c) ivr 4 1a Bh, nerrasinge ade with the | gradually 'deprived him of sicht H. aw. fire yesterday, invel ig al ss of | Orient, hut shisments have not been d was a Pet) EE igh I Why He Became A Cannibal. the ticket oflice, baggage room, the as x ; i 3 Min Ear try lor | Trased demand {rom wana since the | gr. Poul, Yim, March 7.-G. H four reteil stores and the Lake Shore |g . opened; but, only. for low grade scaulie anived here with a report of hotel, which was recently vaeated. | | cam ali am among . the Beis Forks ! Chippewa Inciwns in Northern Minne | | sota. "According to the report of an { Indian preacher," he said, "an In , | ian killed his wife and daughter and | ate them for want of other food. The { winter has been a hard for 'the { Indians, éven at Wlite Farth, and | they are much bétter off than those { farther north." one Found Mastodon In Yukon. Fd Auton Billings, a cattle man of Seattle, Wash, March 7.-The com | this place. Billinys mvsteriouslv dis merit -- plote form of a mastodon has = been {appeared Jast nicht, The outlaws are An Ex-Convict In Trouble. discovered at - Hillside, on Quarter known to have heen in this neighbor. | Sarnia Canadian Creek. near Dawscn, Y.T.. imbedded hood yesterday. James Dorsev, a Chicaro crook. thirty-eight feet in the carth. The hair | Youny Cushine savs that the ban who has. recently bern released from and the skin of the heast are in a'per | dits were led by an Anierican. who Kingston, after serving seven years fect state of preservation, although | "2% addressed by the other members | for & St. Thomas burelarv. paid a the flesh is somewhat decomposed, jof the pany as "Cap Bob." brief visit to Sarnia last week. He -------- -- was picked up bv the police and He claimed he j cuarged with vaeranev to mmke his war Chi was tryin to as there gre but one or two of them in | Washington, March 7.--Justice Prit- | } : x existence in good eondition - i chard sentenced Samuel A. Groff, one = oth J fof Jarvis ae instructed to or pm Lo he reenily comietod dendents tn | he monty ar oranda Sheri omens, A county, {the post office trial, to two years in who learned X.. offers 8100 for the capture of Jer- | thy Maundsville penitentiary, and to that 3 Borsev had stolen an overcoat fine Dorsady, shatged ith muri ng {ray a Gne of $10,000. Groff furnished | oy Ha h mas, and Jefe it an the esmond Snyder, near Lypas, N.Y. wd for bendi rain, where' it was found by the s bie for 000 pending an appeal. brakesman. ; eal Brand (In 1 Ib. and 2 Ib. cans). Strong In Its Purity Chase & Sanbor 'Tailor Made Suits SPRING SUITS - Are first in the. thoughts of women just < now; and we are presenting to you a particu- larly fire collection. Many of the novelties shown cannot be duplicated, hence we advise an early selsction. : The showing must be seen to be appre- ciated. Prices range from $8.75, $9 50, $10.95, $12.50, $14.75, $15.75, $16.75, $17.50, $19 50, $22.50 and others. ~ Something New In Laces -- We have just received from Plaeun, in Saxony, a shipment of the very latest in Inser- tions and. Laces, suitable for trimmings. They are all in dainty and original patterns, and as this class of Laces is to be greatly in demand during this spring and summer you should look through this collection now when it is complete. 1 JoLADLAWESON) Rubbers! ur ubbers re ew ! Most of them only recently from the factory. They ought In------ For The | Traveller A large stock. 'A new stack. Suit Cases, $1.5) to $8. Trunks, $2 to $12. All kinds of Valises ang| 10 Wear well, i Travelling Bag, ~ 4 : rss" Try The Lockett Shoe Store. Lockett Shoe Store. : 71ST YEAR. NO. FEBRUARY FURNITURE SAL EVERYTH'NG REDUCED. A grand: opportunity to money; from 20 to 25 per saved on each purchase. SIDEBOARDS Choice } cut Oak, neatly ca set with British Plate Mirror Former price. Sale $70 Sideboards, now at $45 Sideboards, now at $25 Sideboards, now at COUCKHIES Velour Couches, Oak TF: Spring Edge. Former price. Sale $11 Couches, now at .. .. .. § $6.50 Couches, now at .. .. § _ Some good values at § $6.50, etc. TC USO ROBT. J. REI] 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House. Ambulance Telephone 577. OVAL BREAD TH We have a line of th | with "Centres" suitably in Satin or B which graved, nished Finish, fully. guarantee. SMITH BR. 350 KING STREET. BRING US YOUR OPTICAL Ri NOTICE TO CREDITRC ALL CREDITORS AND ( having claims against the IF: John Troy, late of the Tow Wolfe Island, .Yeoman, deceas dicd on the 5th day of Novembe are notified, pursuant to the Statutes 'of Ontario, to send with* full particulars to the un before 'the 21th day o 1904, 'after which date the adn -rix will proeced to distribute the having régard only to the cl which she shall then have no will not be liable for @ny part son whose clai Dated at Kingston, February, 1904 McDonald Mowat, Clarence licitor for the Administratrix 1. 0. F. MEETING MEMBERS OF ALL TI Opurts, with their friends, (lad: tlemen) requested to attend the Court Rooms, ¢ lie "on WEDNESDAY ». the 28rd : J. C. Morgan, Sul "Prince of Bntertad Orgenizer G. N. Brown, will by I attendance requested. ANE u JOHN H ERALD: hie! igh AY A COMPETENT C : ; Mrs. William J, Fair, 1 street. AX AL SERVANT Miss 'Ferguson, corner 1 Gore streets. S A GOOD GENERAL SRVAN washing or iroming Appl Smythe, 59 West Street CoO Mrs PERIEN on maid: ply 40 Earl street PERIENCED COO naid pply in the e Fred. Albree, Emily s! A SERVANT GIRL REF! required. Apply in the Mrs. Uglow, 142 Johnston SIX BOYS, FROM 14 TO 1 Steady work Appl 1 oi King St...» Gould & Co. DWELLING, | 2 chi tet FURNISHED yor, Sor 3 adults, servant. McCann's Agency. GOOD DRESS and | ne % A ONC Must good cutter good ferences. hose, Eganville a ---------------------------------- YOU CAN MAKE $3 A resenting us in vour &] Work will not interfere present position Free O) H. Co., 207 AT Box 59 07 St. James treal TO-LET. VAUGHN ' Apply at N May 1st. HOT from OF MA 181 Divi street, with hot ° t Anply or to 179) BY THE FIRST Brick Dwelling, Princess s ing, Weich & HE 1ST OF MA BY Bra Dwelling, 86 Lower Fast, occupied by Mrs. FE with Modern Improvemen' Water and Bath, etc. Vanghan Terrace. ROOMS WANTE FOUR GOOD ROOMS ANI furnished or room, minutes walk within five Office Possession requiy of May. Address, with AB,P.O Box 10, Civ LARGE COTTAGE T ST. LAWRENCE COTTAG SP King street, West, facing pairs made for suitable ply to Kirkpatrick, Rog Solicitors, Ontario stree FOR SALE. DWELLINGS, STORES, 1 etc., in any part of the | try: McCann's Reai Es $1 Drock street. FOR SALE OR TX TOAT MODERN DWELL Bagot strect, near F vonjences all first ¢ Apply at ha A wii man never Lim that she reminds friend

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