bes al I -- WAS TRE /NE'S NE sthma, ynchitis. derful and valudble ONSUMPTION, BRON: specific in CHOLE YSTERIA, PALPITA- 'ISM, GOUT, .CAN- npounds or imitations t stamp of en 5d. roach. UGCess~ ry best & ds. d in the joints 1th the Oxford st leaks. esigned as to heme of decor- ler we have in discoveries of unction, cover- ted exclusively Water Boilers ne of our book- stem of Heat- DRY . CO., : 502 Vancouver nm 7 BABBIT ude métal made. ym St, Toronto. THE 'DAILY. WHIG. THURSDAY. MARCH 10. MONEY AND BUSINESS. | Makes Men Vigorous. v ble Pres b, el n SAFE SURE "RELUBLE En Nn Th en Rene is an ne porated 1623, Paid, $1,000.00. | 2h es at] Home Sent Free to All | ite io British American ASAI Co. | WiLL MAKE A MAN 'OF vou. Classes of Fue Insurance Written, For the return of that southiul feeling GODWIN INSURANCE ERPORIUM | c/, manhood n prominent Dedroit physic. Tewpnotic $94 Market Sqr { : avant is in possession. of a ri nw whi h he has himsell din his aw xtensive pr te practice ot WNEY 10 LOAN IN LARGE QR | awn e ive vate pra with the swall sums, =st-low rates of interest eon city and farm property. any granted on city and counly deben- turea. Apply to ©, C. McGILL vestment Society. Ufice the Post Office. Cm Ly ER PFUOL, opposite et em nt LONDON AND GLORE Fire Insurance Cowpany. Available assets, $41,187,215 In addition to which the policy holders have for secunily the uUniimited liability of all the stockhelders Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates Before Jeneving old or giving how business ates from NTRANC & STRANGE Agente ¢ ARCHITECTS. mr mmm me mr AENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT etc, Aachor Building. Market Sqsare, 'Phone 345. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chants' Bank Building, corner Hrock and Wellington streets. . 'Phone 213 ee -------------------------- ARTIUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice site of New Drill Hall, mear Soe. ner of Queen and Montreal Stree most staring success 'Though the yeurs have passed its equal has never been found and with it thousands of weak men huve brought about the cures they so much longed Jor 'The doctor _ owt of Queen ahd Mention! Streets WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fce. second floor over Mahood's drug tore. -corner Princess and Bagot wilungly sends the formula entirely iree Bagot street | lo any man who writes hun for it, and Streets. Entrence on Taletthone aNR they will tind It a giv oi lasung vaiue. eT EEC--TTET--------TT-- it is goud jor sexual weakness, lost manhood, nervousness, weak back, emis sions, varicocele, lack of jorce, prostatic trounsle, nignt sweats, inability and the many + embara conditions thut | befall sexually lmperiect man | creates an y social reel iy Bitter Oranges at 15¢. per dozen. warmth and good n re, forces active | blood to the muscular tissue, tones the | nervous system and arouses bodily yn- Bitter Oranges at 20c. per dozen. | fidence. It makes the man of Ye » 3 good as at 35, and the young mar again eager for society and fit for | and parenthood Satisfactory | are produced in a day's use marriage results and w pers Bitter Oranges at 30c. per dozen. a Bitter Oranges at 40c. per dozen. | fect cure in a few wecks regardless of { age, or the cause oi your condition eA 1f you need such a remedy send your < | name and addre ay to. the Dr ' | Anapp Med. Co., Hull Bldg., De- A J RERS trot, Mich., and in .on unmarked en- . . , Priacess St. | velope the doctor will at once send you ------ | det Decaipt, as ised, explaining in tail what ing is to e dh KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE | ET tr an e cure himsel 1s ¢ yme KINGSTON. | without. boing under oi ons Ro ey costs © § not and TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE | 305, Sou "Siiie the sooner Sou will be TORONTO. | cured Unequalled facilities for sceuring posi- | tions Largest Syme equipment in Canada v treet, Kingston SEND FOR CATALOGUE "NEEDLE WORK | | Confederation Life Building, Toronto Church and House Fixtures | Furnished promptly by | BRECK & HALLI-| DAY, Electrical Con-| tractors. Supplies al- ways on hand. Order now before the spring | Lo pF | i © Wom WOOD AND A magazine for needleworkers, practical in The central Wood and Coal | every detail, carefully edited and alwa to-date. It will keep you posted on the latest | ideas for ermbre yard is located at 236 Earl Street. All kinds of good Hard Wood, eut | uly and 9 , 2 aq spli & Dn Kindling, al | the copy. Begin r subscription and sp! bg Swit, ST N a tr whol with Riad 1904 number, ¥ ways under cover. Prowjpt delivery jces- rig yut the pure Scran- | Prices-right, None fit the "| A Pretty Collar and our Fail FE RE *B ton Coal-no mixtures. and Winter Fashion Booklet tion toon, Needlework befors tho to any lady Who sends one suk ticelll Home 2 April, 1904 | SPECIAL OFFER XS whole years of 1904 and 1%5, we by return mall the Oct. 193 n not delay. Bend at once. Ac CORTICEL] Li 4 SILK COMPANY, Tad. 0: Box 341, St. Johns, I. Q. SUFFERED FOR THREE YEARS. - HEADACHES AND RUSHING OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD. a APPETITE WAS GONE, ho) wh BARNEY > Selling Off Stock A Bradbury Shoemaker's Pateh { Machine, new, at cost. Cash Registers, {from $20 up. A Caligraph Typewriter, perfect condition, $30. good as A Yost Typewriter, new, $40. AT McDOWALL'S MUSIC STORE, 471 Princess Street. Bessette neens > tee { CANNEL COAL ee FOR 4 YOUR GRATE. 1 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ft ¢ o ARY DIFFERENT & " Burnock mw I lasts all night." Try it -P. WALSH - PARRACK STREET. TTVVVRVTTTTTVW Geiassssssssssassaans® ERS. WALTER MANTHORNE, BROOKLYN, N.S. Have You Wood y and Coal to Burn. § Here are the two - Dost 'economical fuel investments we know of : Hard Coal! Hard Wood! She says : blood to my head. . became very thin and weak. [tried many | woo selling them to the public. The Whether ive Wood or Cool ot Tg different remedies and consulted doctors, | South African war and general neue too well ta do it in an putallia vain until I started to use Bur- | scarcity of money precipitated = the for the collapse, which came fn Dece mber untidy way. No extra ciarge cleanliness--But it's worth sowething to you. BOOTH & CO. "Phebe 133. "Foot of West | st. New William' S as can be, for which [ owe my thanks to ulfering as I did." it to all those © Sewing Machines: 5. rep THAN EVER HOME Pork Sausages, Ten- MYERS' LEBRATEB Mads Mince tL, erioin, Brawn, or Head Cheese. A ele of Cooked Meats, Hams All LL 570, Underwood and Empire Typewriters All makes cleaned and repaired. J. R. C. DOBBS & ©0., .m wellington Street. SINCING, PIANO, VIOLIN | 60 wellington Street - for dress decora= is of Muncy necdle- end of | u will send us | Boon BitTERs 11 suffered for three years with terrible headaches and rushiog of 1 lost my appetite and dock Blood Bitters, I had not takea more than two bottles when 1 began to feel better, my appetite improved wonderfully and increased rapidly in weight. I took altogether four bottles and am now as well Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 can recommend Bacon and to be found at 60 Brock Cl i se co------ d J. WYATT TRENDELL, MUSIC; TEACHER, | Kingston. += IRISE AND FALL ee THE LATE WHITAKER | WRIGHT OF LONDON | a Meteoric Career--In- Of His His Was teresting Methods. | Meteoric in his rise, and meteoric { fn his fall. One day marshaling mil- lions, and dazzling the world of i- | ndnce. Another day not long after tumbling from his dizzy height, and expiring alinost as the court de- clares him criminal. Such was the' career of Whitaker Wright, the pro- moter of the modern South Sea bubble. By birth an Details Englishman, Wright was an American by naturalization and training. He came of the school of United States finfinciers who have exploited the public with so much success by means of the trusts As a broker in Philadelphia' he had ob- served their methods His first achievement was in ew York floating Australian mines, but was a trifling affair. His great and crown- ing venture was launc hed about ten years ago for the purpose of handi- ing and speculating in Australien mining securities. In 1894 the West Australian Financial Corporation was formed with a modest capital of one million dollars. In this com- pany Wright reserved to himself 5.- 000 founders' shares, representing at par $250,000. In the following year the London and Globe Corporation was floated by Wright, with a nomi- nal capital of a million dollars, of which he held founders' stock to the value of about $25,000 Thus far the financial operations had been of a preparatory nature By 1897 Wright had wormed him self into the confidence of manv men of high standing in Great Britain He was regarded as a wealthy, a suctessful, and withal a safe opera- tor in mining Securities. A princely pajace in Park Lane was his donii- cile. Luxury and outward evidences of affluence abounded. Thus equipped Whitaker Wright essayed to float the London and Globe Financial Cor- poration, to take over the emine ntly successful business of the two other concerns, and to engage in larger and more profitable ventures. 'The new corporation aspired to a capital of $10,000,000. Lord Dufferin was its chairman For the founders' shares held by Wright in the two other concerns he was allowed in the new company $3,050,000, which was exactly three millions more than the face value of the shares translerred His salary was fixed at $20,000 a vear, and a commission upon "the dividends earned The public wos cager to buy the new securities Wright was the whole concern, and the Board of Directors was a noncn- tity. Meanwhile other companies were formed to assist the "projects | Wright..One of these side-shows was | the British-American Company, with a capital of $7,500,000. Next, the Standard Exploration , Company another Wright venture, was cap - talized at the same figure. = Thess concerns, which Wright controlled. bought and sold stock to each oth- er at, apparently, handsome profits to the shareholders. As a: matter of fact, Wright was simply buying and selling to himself, while the gullibls public looked on sometimes envious- ly at the splendid profits that wera being made. The scheme was not un- like & game of football. Stocks were passed from hand to hand continu- ously. When the time came to strike the annual balance sheet, one comi- pany would unload on'the others, would, in fact, appear to make a | 'goal, and in dué time the process would be reversed. In the first year of its existence the London and Globe Financial Corporation was by this means en- abled to gratify the investing pub- lic by declaring a dividend ,of 10 per cent This of course was done to stimulate sales of stock. In 180% of | the same process was repeated. It is | in respect of the balance sheet of | 1899 that the charge of fraud was | made against Whitaker Wright. The | 'balance sheet represented a profit of | $2,445,000, and showed that 'the | company had $2,672,275 in the bands of its' bankers All the figur- ing was done by Wright, the confid- ing directors simply cepting his statements. They declared the usual dividend of 10 per cent. and added that they would have been justified in declaring a dividend of 25 per' cent., but that it was thought bhet- ter to pursue 'a sound and conserv- ative course.' 'The financial state- ment, however, was entirely false The actual bank balance on Sept 7. 1899, was $163,000, about (wo millions and a hall less than it was represented to be a few weeks later. | The money had, in the meantime, 'been obtained by manipulations with the other companies. At the t » the profits were represented at (Wo and a half, millions they had not ex- | ceeded $283,000, This process ol | falsification has been described o8 "window dressing.' |" In the following year aflairs Were in a worse state. The corporation | had experienced a loss of £8,000 - 000. but the balance sheet acain | showed a profit of about $2 .8300 000. Wright had valued shares in the balance sheot at double the price he 1900 At that time the company's balance sheet showed a sysplus of $13,783,000 _ over air Ibilities Wright had unloaded nearly all 'his founders' stock. The £20,000.000 iu- vested in the corporation was a tot- al loss. The failures of the auxiliary Satpanics add greatly to that tig- | ur | Wright fled to France, and after. wards took refuge in New York un- dor the name of M. Andreoni. There he was caught and extradited. [iis prosecution and conviction to seven vears' imprisonment was under the It | Larceny Act, which makes it a ¢crim- inal offence for a director of anv company to prepare and issue finan- cial statements calculated to deceive and Hefraud. From the jurisdiction of earthly courts death almost in- Ee stantly released the ruired and dis A FAMOUS HOAX. The Trick Theedoere Hesk Played enn Woman Ne Disliked. Theodore Hook,. the w lence of the early uincteenth cen tury, is a name that still brings a kind of genial glow to the mind as at the remembrance of good and happy days. We suspect, however, that very few peopl to-day could give a definite account of why Theo- dore Hook was and w hat he did. An article in The Cornhill by Viscount St. Eyres sets the wit and his circle pretty clearly before the mind. This famous hoax, for example, played off on Mrs, Tottenham, an old ladv of Berners street, who had offended | him, may be new to many readers and is at least worth repeating: "I'll make that old woman the | talk of London," he said, and ac- | cordingly wrote to every sort and | kind of person--it is said 4.000 in | all--asking them to call at her house y in Derners street on a ce rain dav. 'The first thing Witnessed,' says & potespaper of the time, 'was six stout men bearing an' organ, sur- rounded by Wine porters, barbers with wigs, mantaumakers with band boxes, opticians with the various in- struments of their trade. Wagons | laden with coal from the Paddington | wharfs, upholsterers' goods in cart loads, pianofortes, linen and jewiry of every. description filled the street. 'Besides. these, a coffin was brought to the house, made by order, agreg- able to letter, five feet six by six- teen inches, There were accoucheurs, tooth drawers, miniature painters and servants of ¢very wanting places. Certain revelations | to be made respecting a complicated system of fraud pursued at the Bank | of England brought the governor of | that establishment. The Lord Mayor | and his 'chaplain were allured by an invitation to receive the death-bed | confession of a peculating common | council man, while the Duke of Glou- | cester started off with Colonel Dal- ton to receive a communication from. a dying woman, formerly a confi dential attendant on His Royal | Highness' mother. His were the rov- | #1 liveries tonspicuous on the occa- | sion."' | There must certainly have heen a | zest to life in those days, though | the old lady of Berners street mav | not have enjoyed the joke as much as did Theodore Hook and the actor Lintot, who rented a chamber oppo- site the fated house and looked down | on the wilderness of wagons and carriers: that filled the ways for blocks around "IT do not fancy mysell to be & goed judge of the public taste. | § have never clearly discovered what it is that attracts the average read- | er. Many popular authors would suf- fer considerably, and at least one obscure writer 'would gain, if every- body took my view of their merits. 1 believe not the less in the vox populi. 'Books succeed, T hold, be- cause they ought to succeed. A critic Ras no business to assume that taste is bad because he does not share it. His business is to accept the fact antl try to discover thelGualities to view. Odd Facts AD ut Cancer, the deaths from cancer numbered ond out of 25.30 for the entire town, ont out of nine forthe eastern suburb, and in the western suburb there wos not a single case. The houses were similpr in size and arrangementsi The/soil of the main town and east: ern suburb was moist and lay low. That of the western suburb was, on the contrary, sandy, dry and elevat: ed. There was a large ditch which encircled the central town and the eastern suburb, mot touching the western suburb, and the cancer fol lowed closely the course of this ditch. The cases in the main town occurred chiefly + in those houses whose gar dens bordered on the ditch, and in the eastern suburb all the gardent were watered from the ditch. Ther were 127 houses in this quarter, -- fifty-six of these were cancer houses, forty-three with one case each, te® with two.cases, two with three cases and one with four cases. The ditch contained stagnant water, with which the people watered and washed theh vegetables, many of which were cates raw.-- London News. Whe Was Nerve. In the jays when an Charles G van ; was aang figure in Viete a ition dps the Me Loa Parliam mit iy hut not well informed oh Sher. The Chiet Secretary of the day was deprecat- ing the attitude of the leader of the Opposition, whose conduct was, declared, worse than Nero's. "Who was Nero?' interjected the knight of the cleaver, with equal scorn and sincerity. "Who was Nero?" replied the de- lighted Chief Secretary. orable gentleman ought to know. Nero was a celebrated Roman but- cher." A --------. > Dislike for Fish, The peasants and the poor of Ger- many in general express a great dis like of fish. This is due to the fact that fresh fish is so expensive thers that only the well-to-do can aSord to buy it. 3 cans pie peaches, 28¢. 3 cans blue berries, ' 25¢. 3 cans cherries, 25¢. 3 gems-jurs honey, 25e, Crawford's. Household ammonia, 10c. both. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store graced man. 5 description | wit par excels J ~ Gy b 1 Cow Gives Birth To Three Calves. venton Harbor, Mich., March 10 One a farm within three miles of this city was the recent birth oi three calves to a voung Jersey heifer that won't be three vears old until next month ul though she raised a calf last 'year. Sir Leslie Sten hen, in National Re- | Mr. H. G. Plimmer quotes the re | markable case of the town of Luckan, a_place with 5,000 inhabitants, 3,- (00 being housed in the central part, or town proper, and 1,000 in each of the two suburbs which fank it east and west, From 1870 to 1808 he | "The hon- | = aL MAA L ¢ matter how thick the grease Fish and ¢ as much as common soap. Lr TAL RA * You can make your kitchen clean and bright with Sunlight Soap. You can wash up dirty, greasy pans and kettles, boilers and pots. = No CHT SO will remove it and leave the pans, kettles or pots absolutely clean. abbage odors are easily removed by Sunlight Soap--it cleans thoroughly and without much labor. One bar of Sunlight Soap, when used according to directions, does twice Saves half the labor on wash day. BUY THE OCTAGON BAR. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA wi L \ PI \ 3 ¥ 3 A REMARKABLE THING. to of the most interesting events of This makes four calves for the moth: {arly creature in loss than three years of her life. The cow is owned by Otis Jones, The calves are perfectly sound. and none of them has any of the chara ter of a freak. The calf first horn ix a trifle the largest, the second only a little smaller, while the third onl rllent of the: hunch: Jones | @ had to put No. 3 in a bed made in | (@) the wood-box in the kitchen, and he is nursing it on a bottle. ® o which it is due. Sometimes, of course, an ephemeral success may be | The mother and the other two. little won by rubbish: the preacher may Hows are housed in the warmest ® please his audience, as Charles II. | place in the barn, wid they are given 4 shrewdly observed, because his mon- | as ini h attention as some mothers CO] sense suits their nonsense; but it is = of (he human family get. doctot ® idle to condemn lasting popularity. has been in attendance. Janes savs he - It is too late to set down Shake thinks he will , raise all three calves, speare as simply barbarousy though | and may be induced to send them » I.admit that it is tempting to try | down to the sto k show of the Lovisi to clear away some of the stupen- | ann IMircha Exposition dous rubbish-heaps of eulogy which iy voing ix somewhat remark . accumulate over the great men when | abl a tow to have twin calves admiration has become obligatory | 18! a common. oicurrence, hut on pain of literary renunciation." -- | thi {he first instance in which a wen known to have given What Is Mostly Required. When that "tired feeling" takes hold of you, it is the sign of a disor- ganiani system, your blood is thin and reeds replenishing, your nerves need toning up, and your aystem cleansed. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills will make vou feel like a new man. Try them. In boxes 25c. at Wade's. Money RUSSIAN" BUS We've been prepating for Jt aly Been visiting all the bigs factories; east and west, in'order to secure the Sight | kind ®). shoes for the SUTHERLAND STORE. Then, past three weeks, we've had @® Years. during the penters and painters bus to make this store a leader in every sense of the word. We think you will do you buy your Spring Shoes at the © SUTHERLAND SHOE STORE. Japs THIS SPRING. since New the car- n the interior. Bound he the right thing if back if not satisfactory. . J w are 14,000,000 people in Italy an neither read nor write Lingering Coughs, Severe Chest Colds, Cough, Yield Bronchitis, Whooping Croup And Asthma Promptly to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine Chase's Syrup of during 19033 larger -than we of Dr. and Turpentine forty per cent. wer in 1902 This means that nearly hall as mu h aguie was used. Can there he better f of the merit of this great family vine ? is undoubted the far reaching * of paration that makes it far 8 nd out that it is than a 1 « temporary relief and { t ean | solutely depended on n serious and sre cases of throat and lung tr Mrs, J rovost, Renfrew, Ont. states 'My fouteen year-old boy {had a very overs cold in the chest | last winter and 1 really thought he | was going to die. He coughed -near- | il the time and sometimes would Is al | We had about given of hix recovery when Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin Turpentine. After using on: re was a great change in bis and I can positively "ay smpletely cured by 1 not been troubled medicine take such sincerely recom spit up blood fup all hopes | he ard © of 1 soe] and a and he or aw t end can ha wd it 1 Dr. Chase's { Turpentine, ize (three | all dealers, | Toronto To protect { he W. Chase, 4 thor J are o Syrup 'of Linseed and 25 cents a bottle, fomily times as much) 60 cents. at or Edmanson, Bates & Co., vou against imitations portrait and signature of Dr. A. the famous receipt hook an ~ nu every bottle. ABERNETHY'S SHOES 'ARE THE BEST } Are always ays good Like the rock our IE Is of ty. in little E adwing Pr than fesse 8 will outwear it two or three times: over. 20% Off All