Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Mar 1904, p. 8

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'the WISS, all sizes and : will meet We of where our WISS SHEARS have 'constant use for fifty, yes, fil: A better recommend is Let ws show them auctioneer, ' JOHN H. MILLS. STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, ETH, m Markers, Dates, i. and Ticket prompt. 458 March 10th . Closed - 1101 110} a1 St Ry. nial Coad |. ng Co... pacumonia. nary and made so mainly by the Some snow, Friday. | COMMERCIAL MATTERS. iT -- . What is"Going on in The Business , World--The Markets. : Toronto railway earnings last Were BIT 844, an increase of. $1,033 Wall street has a rumor that Pennsyl- Fania will issue $20,000,000 car trust week nds. A Winnipeg despatch' says that the British Columbia dealers will reduce the price of lumber and the C.P.R. the freight rates, During 1903 the United States pro- duced $284.500,000 worth of electrical apparatus and machines used in connec tion with electric plants and workings, In 1900, according to the census, there wore 877 gas plants in the United States and the number was not growing They an income of $75,000. y. Statistics of fire loss for the wioath af Pel ry, show that the totgl for the Unit States 'and Canada, was $90. 051,000. These figures are extraordi- con~ flagration at Raltimore, though the Rochestor fire swelled them considerably The month of January, also, had €on- siderable fire losses, $21,799,200, or larger than those of either January or February for the past three years, ex- cepling Febryary of this year, The Late John McKay. : The funeral of the late John McKay took place on Wednesday afternoon from hix late residence on Sydenham Latewit, 14 was attended by a very large gathering of the deceased's friends, including the prominent busi ness men of the city, with whom Mr. McKay had been associated for so many years, The pall-bearers were : John, Charles and George McKay; W. J. Driver, Kithard Chown and Lionel Swiith (Montreal). Rev, Dr, Maegil livray, of Chalmers church, conducted the burial service. -- - Had A Fleasant Time. There was a fair tournout of mem- bers of local courts, 1LOF., last even- ing, when addresses were delivered hy J. C, Morgan, supreme organist, G. N. Brown, - organizer, and Thomas Lambert. Mr. Morgan gave some clev- or readings and solos. showing him- self to be an entertainer of merit Sergt.-Maj. Gimblett occunied the chair, The addresses were stirring gnd full of interest to members and in tending members of this growing or ganization. J. B. McLeod Appointed. James B. McLeod, has been appoint ed sol citor of the Ontario treasury. e ig a son of William Mcleod, post mpst®, Georgetown, at one time the chief liberal worker in Halton. He is the nephew of Mrs, J. O. Hutton, of this city. "For ten years he practised law in Georgetown, but gave it up owing to ill health, "and has recently been connected with a. mercantile agency in Toronto. Invited Prof. McFadyen. The session of Chalmers church has invited Rev. Prof. MeFayden, of Knox College, Toronto, to preach the an niversary sermons next month. Prof. McFayden is the man who was de nounced by Cooke's church, Voronto, as being heretical, but by Kiagston Presbyterians he is regarded ag very orthodox. The sudden death is announced at Cleveland, Ohio, of Miss Jessie Cor bin. She had only been ill a few days. 'he deceased resided in Gananoque a fo vears ago. The death of 'Charles Barber, occur. red at his late home in Verpennes, Vi. after a fow dave illness of pneu: monia. He wad hh brother of Mrs. Ri chard Boyd or Kngston. rama * » 3 LR ng - Prices One Of Them" : Here's one of our i, New Top Coats FOR SPRING. an A suappy, stylish garment, ® isn'tit? It's short, we know, but {that's the Topeoat fashion. Prices from $6 50 to $o. i: We have longer coats for cus- tomers who prefer their regular \ Overcoat lengths, in rich styles, in \ Dark and Light Tweed Mixtures from $5 to $10. We also have a large assort . «ment of Cravenette Raincoats, a ~ stylish spring and fall rain Pr Ba all overcoat and "%$8to $18. ~ C. Livingston & Bro. bined. Prices from -| 2. A clause to be inserted as to the Y [THREE POINTS] ¢: A---------- + ON WHICT AGREEMENT IS SUGGESTED. » * w Parties Are - Now Seeking To & Come To An Understanding-- If They Can't Committee will Speedily Do So. : Toronto, March 10. --The bills committee of the legislature, to- day, recommended the perties in the Kingston street railway difficulty. to agree on three points: 1. The agreement to remain as it is regarding sleighs in winter. private specific performances of the agree ment execpt as to an outlying line [like Williamsville, 8. The chief justice of Ontario to be requested to name a competent engi- neer to designate which switches, ote. are necessary in case of disagreement. The parties met this consider these points, Hon. R. Harcourt said in case they failed to agree committee would set- tle the matter quickly. The Whig's Special. Toronto, March 10.--Kingston's bill for powers to impose penaltis for breach of street railway came before plinost 4 full committee alternoon to agreement, this morning. Alderman Mowat but with questions tried to address was constantly in- and confarence. the comm tiee terrupted pro- posals to refer for How-" ever the city representatives pressed to be heard Alderman Mowat finished, followed in short speeches by Alderman and Solicitor Meln® tyre. They were heard with reluctance as the attorney-general and Mr. Cars- callen, Hamilton, proposed an appeal to court for specific performance in stead of a direct money penalty, B. W. Folger and W. Nicklas heard and the latter made a evident impression, especially as fel ageinst the city's and lehan were very ing generally ran The presented in railway - company was the light of slighted corporation. The parties were sent back till to claim. a much morrow, with a strong expresssion in favor of the substitution proposed by the attorney-general, They are now conferring and report the com- promise Li'l to-morrow. Robert Car son, Robert F. Elliott and Alderman Knapp were also present. will To Grant Relief. R. J. Carson wires to the Whig that "the lepi lature has promiged the city discussion of till to-mor; a penalty dause. The other requests continues row.' To Open Up At Once. "Cap." Geoghegan from Hugh C. ordering him This afternoon received a tel:gram Nicklas, superintendent, to prepare to open up the street rail way line at onck. Po-morrow, likely, the company will put men to work re moving the snow and ice from the rai s. John . McIntyre, K.C., found much that was éncouraging in the despatch this garding the afternoon from Toronto,~ re- street railway question. He ix of opinion that the concessions asked for by the city will be obtain od. Interview In T8ronto Star. Ben. Folger, president of the Kings- ton street railway: '"lhe Kingston street railway fight may be a bitter one, hut we will win before the com- mittee of the house." THE CORPSE AROSE. Nun Who Was Dead Sat Up In Coffin. Rome, March 10.--While the nuns of the convent of the Sisters of Saint Anne, at Aversa, near Napls; were engaged in reci y the prayers for the dead over the coffined body of -an aged sister named Josephine, the sup- posed dead sat up in her coftin, which was encircl'd with lights and flowers, The nuns fled, terrified, but the sister was finally carried to her cell and put to bed." She dird during the night. The superstitious peasants declare that Sister Josepliine's resurrection was a token of the nun's sanctity. COL, MARCHAND. Fashoda on Count Von Waldersee. Paris, March 10.--Col. Marchand, the hero of Fashoda, in the course of an interview published in thy Matin, is quoted as saying that: the late Field Marshal Von Waldersee, whils in com mand of the allied forces at Pekin, had the purpose of making the pro vince of Chi-Li part of the Hinterland of ths German Shan Tung, and was prevented only thropgh repeated representations of Russia to | Germany. Hero of possessions in More Ancient Boats. R.. Boyes, Napanee, writes to the Whig that' among old boats already mentiond&d he had failed to seo avnear the names of the Dalhousie, William IV., built at Gananoaue: and the Sir. Francis Kemp, built near Bath. The writer was on the two last nam- ed when they were launched. Manning's Good Work. Rerbira, , Somaliland, March 10. | Gen. Marning suceseding in surprising | the Mad Muilah's adherents, on Feb. ! ruary 20th, killing 150 of them end capturing 3,000 eamsls, Artists' models ig Berlin have form od themselves into yn trade to protect 4 fight the demands of the PARLIAMENT OPENED. i ------------ Tt' May Be Quite Lively § " Session. Ottawa, Mareh 10. Parliament op- ens this afternoon with the usual cere monies. The Session promizes to be an interesting one, as it is generally lieved it will be the last before general election. : The government will press for the adoption of madifications in the con tract with the Grand Trunk Pacifie, for the construction of the transconti- nentul lines. The Grand Trunk people have decided that they cannot under- the take the construction of the road without some modification of the terms agréed upon last session. The to vigorously railroad and the outcome remains to be seen. Bevond these proposed modifications in the Grand Trunk contract and the estimates, the government has noth- opnosition is preparing * Ruri INTHE BURGOMASTER® MISS LOUISE BRACKETT. ing of importance to present to parli- ament. Consequently, so far as the government's programme is concerned the session should be a short one. But whether such will be the case is a question for doubt. 'The opposition may find it expedient, for the educa tion of the electorate, to force a gen- eral and exhaustive discussion of the entire fiscal policy of the administra- tion--which might pr lone the . sion for many weeks. It is regarded as a possibility also that reciprocity and inter-imperial trade mav come up in connection with the tariff. The pre mier"s suggestion, towards the close of last session, that Canada should be greanted the treatv-making power, mav alto very possibly be discussed. The question of inducing Newfound land to enter confederation has been a good deal before the country of late, and has attracted much attention am- ong the people. Proposgls for annexa- tion must come from Canada, and not from Newfoundland; ang it igre garded as possible that the question may be taken up at the present secs- sion and that something definite may result. The acquistion of Greenland, and St. Pierre and Miquelon, mav also come before parliament for discussion, as well ag 'other minor matters that have been engacing public attention during the last half vear. Any one of these auestions would involve a con- siderable addition to the length of the session, and in addition there is a possibiity=6f svstematic obstruction. If the opposition should decide to car rv the over to midsummer, there is little or nothing to prevent it. In view of these considerations it is believed by many that the session begun to-day will last several months instead of weeks, and that the gener al elections will not be held before the fall. session INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Miss Gussie Dempster, Gananoque, is visiting relatives in i few weeks, Mis L. Quinn, of millinery department, from New York, Large numbers tages are being Kingston for a Bros. returned Crumley has of ready made cot- hipped | to the Ama zon from New York. Fred. Bennett, Kingston, Ont. is the guest of hs sister, Mrs. Walter Jackson, Limerick, 'N.Y, _ People were glad to see the Rev. Dr, Smith, Dean of Ontario, down town today. He has been laid wp with la grippe. 5 Mr. and Mrs. P. McCoy, Napanee, are guests. of - John Wright, King street west Miss Wright. Arthur Houston, Toronto, a former Kingstonian, 1s in the city vi-iting friends. He i+ now connected with th Queen City Oil company and is doing well, Ka x George 8 Mrs. McCoy was formerly 1 : ! ell, aged seventy vears died in Watertown, N.Y., on Wednes day. He was horn in Canada and had lived at Cape Vincent, N.Y.. and Wat ertown, NY A butcher in the employment of W H. Reid, while loading pies vester- day. "he ne of them turn on hin viciously and inflicted a painful' wound with its teeth in the man's leg. The property committee of i thre Board of Education met last nicht and after going" over the proposed re pairs and needs af the schools, decid- od that 1000 or £1,200 would be re- quired. h 'Sweet Sixteen" hy ths Wills' Musical Comedy company gt the Grand Opera House last night. To night the company eloses its four days' encagement, producing "Happy Hooligan." 2 The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas Mills took place this morning from her late residence, 'University avenue, and war largely gttended, Service was eon ducted at the house by Revs, Dr.' Philp, Eber Crummy and TT. Brown their interests, ' HURSDAY. MARCH 10. AIS J00. This 1s an increase. of SEN "over last year, or one-quarter' WORLD TIDINGS OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED © IN BRIEF FORM, x -- Despatches and Cullings Telling of Events Transpiring in All Parts of the Earth. J The liberals of Fast Hastings will hold a convention on March ist, at Tweed. The Bhutan envoy has been confer ring with Thibetan generals,. urging them to come to terms with England. Steps are being taken to raise two independent companies to be known as the Glengarry Highlanders at Alex andria, Lord Augustus Loftus, formerly British ambassador at Berlin and St. Petersburg, is dead, aged eighty-seven years, ¥ Joseph Deschallon, © North Nation Mills, Que., tried for murdering his son, in 1902, is acquitted on ground of insanity. The frame work of the Russian pavi- lion at St. Louis exposition has been torn down on receipt of cable from | St. Petersburg. By a resolution of the Stratford public school board it has heen made compulsory for pupils to attend the manual training and domestic scicnte classes, G. R. Roberts has resigned sitions with the Baptist Book Room. Rev. Dr. W. J, McKay Stratford, and R. 'B. Warren, Georgetown, have been offered the divided work. The London, But: board of educa- tid h&s adopted estimates for the vrfixing the total sum required at "about his po- of a mill on the general rate. Thomas Cole, born in Denburv. De von, England, diel at the family re sidence Maple Town, Westhoro. He had been associated in the lumber business with the Gilmours and with J. McLaren, and J. C. Edwards, WAR WITH ENGLAND Is Inevitable--Russia May Attack England. Berlin, March 10.--The Tageblatt to-day asserts the conviction prevails in government circles in Russia, that war with England will be the inevita ble outcome of athe war with Japan. Active preparations, says the paper, are proceeding on an elaborate scale, including measures for the defence of the Baltic coast. The minister of ma- rine is' reported to have ordered the n Kabila of the island of Kotlin, in the Gull of Finland, to leave their homes,' which will be razed, the government requires the entire island for fortification purposes. Prince Uchtomsku, the czar's confid ent, is quoted as stating that a Rus sian attack on India is imminent. Mallorytown Memorandum. Mallorytown, March 9 Hawes, who sold his farm in burgh to Timothy Guild and C. White, is moving into the village, where. ho will occupy Dr. Beeman's house, Mrs. Israel Mallory, quite ill for some time, is gradually recovering, Miss Claude Wilson, Lyn, was the guest ol her mo- ther here on Saturday last. R. H. Field, of Addison, spent u few days in the village recently. He is an old Mal lorytown boy, who has been doing good work as reretary of the Brock ville Fair Association and a speaker at Farmers' Institute meetings. Ben jamin Thompson, of Missouri, after a visit with Mrs. Nathan Kelly, has returned to his home in the wes An old landmark, of this dis David Andress his sister, trict, has p away, in the person of James Dier, who resided on the river front, about four miles from the village. He was known throughout the township as a sturdy, hard-work ing farmer, a man open and honest in all his dealings, and one who never an. enemy. The late Mr. Dier and his sons gmassed considerable property and were the owners of several fine farms, the homestead on the St. Lawrence being especially fine ly located. : mada -_" Saved On The Hired Girl. Chicago Chronicle Senator Quay seldom tells a story, but when he does it is usually a good one. His latest is a yarn told in the senate cloak room to illustrate the high standard of morality in the Key stone state. An old Pennsylvania Putchman, a 'thrifty but not wealthy farmer, was elected to the legislature. Several "'mieaty" railroad and other corporation measures came un for con- sideration, aud after the session had closed the old farmer surprised every body by buying and paving cash for roperty worth £30,000. Some one asked if a fortune had been left him. 'Oh, no," was the replv. "I have just been saving money while in Har rishurg at the legislature." "Why, Hans," said his friend, "vou could not save 830,000 in three months when vour salary was only 83 a dav.' "Ah, but vou forget," explained the old man as he stroked his beard com placently, "mv wife didn't keep a hir ed girl all that time." ------ Japanese Facts. Japan has about the same Montana. Japan raises sufficient agricultural products to feed her own people. Japan has 4,562 postofiices, mal to one postoflice for each 9,700 people area as Japan boucht' of the United States last year 811,000,000 worth of goods , Javan hae a commercial marime of 734.413 tons against Russia's 638 809 tons, Javan. with 47,000,000 population, has 4.302.623 pupils in her. elementary schools Japan had a:foreien commerce in 1896 of SH5.000,000, while in 1903 it was £213,000, 000, Seli-Righteousness. Dr. Charl: H ing about the Parkhurst "They are a strange 8 he said "Whenever IT think of them I am re minded of a man who did ia Leipz when 1 was study there some thi-ty years ago. This man was so abominably self righteous that. they say he murmured as he lag dying: owe Interment Will be made in Cataraqui cemetery. "And if | any man abything, the banks of i A I freely forgive him the debt." AVY (In 1 1b. and 2 Ib. cans). ; FRAGRANT IN ITS STRENGTH Chase & Sanborn BORDER LINE OF SPRING Dame Fashion has pronounced upen what is "CORRECT for spring and summer SO DO NOT DELAY. It is not too early to begin buy- ing. All our depastments are now in the full flush of freshness and newness. Everybody Welcome and Nobody Urged to Buy! Dress Goods Plain Colored Voile Paris. : French Voiles. Nup Voiles. New Ladies' Cloth. Fancy Knot Tweeds. Broadcloths. Silk Finished Repps. Mohairs, plain and fancy. : Lustres, black, cream, navy, brown, cardinal. Panama Cloths. Canvas Cloths. NEW TAILOR-MADE SUITS -A very attractive showing at prices sure to interest. i Another Lot Cs Rubber Boots : i Toman Ladies' and Childfen --AT THE-- - Lockett Shoe Store. £ = -, 3 Have Arrived. Fit - Refor X Ready Tailored CI ® embading the latest 2 of the leading New experts. Strip i Worsted and Tweed 1910, $12, 3 Perfect Fitting WANTED. AN ASSISTANT CHF €. Haag. head chei, can Hotel. ---------------------------- Brit HOTEL TO RENT, SUITA farm trade preferred. Ap) this office. eee tere A GOOD GENERAL SERVA washing or ironing. Api Smythe, 59 West Street. ------------ ee AN EXPERIENCED co houscmaid. Apply Mr Ogilvie, 149 Earl street. MAN TO TAKE . Must have reife 45 Kn A YOUNG a horse. ply to Miss Hora, FROM 14 TO old. Steady work. Appl Gould & Co., King St., SIX BOYS AT ONCE, A GOOD. DRES! Must be good cutter and good references. Jno hose, Eganville. Box 59 eee WE WISH TO CONTRACT w responsible parties to pu us in Canada, Elm, H Oak Timber. Hatfield & State Street, Brockport, CAN MAKE $2 A resenting -us in your § Work will not interfere prescpt position. Free O R. H. Co., 207 St. Jame treal. A You SALESMEN WANTED FOI spray '"--best ' compressed sprayer made; splendid se terms; write for particulal pe machine. CAVERS I Ont. . eee tee THROUGHOUT CANADA AND UNITE! SALARY OR COMMISSION--$840 a y 3 reliable men repre et: Tc od! goods, distributin Avertising . No ex ce, onl $rite at once for instructions, BALUI €0., London, Ont. TO-LET. FIRST OF M 181 Diy street, with hot BY THE Brick Dwelling, near Princess twelve rooms, ing, bath, etc. Apply Welch & Son, or to 179 * THE 1ST OF NM =y Brick Dwelling, 86 Lowe East, occupied by Mrs. | with Modern Improveme! Watér and Bath, etc. Vaughan Terrace. DWELLINGS, - etc. in any part of the try: McCann's Real Ei 1 Rrock stres FOR SALE. a TWO HOUSES, Earl street, provements. street. NOS 4 with all Enquire IRISH SONGS, 15¢ or Popular Recitation latest Popular Songs, 1 have any two of these] paid The Aw 127 Bay Stree 150 post Agency, ~ ROOMS WANT UR GOOD ROOMS AX room, furnished or ¥O within five minutes wal Office Possession requ or May Address, wit A.B., P. 0. Box 10, Ci FOR SALE OR T T MODERN DWELL THAT on street, near City veniences all first cla! May Ist. Apply at 250 King St. LOST. A PAIR OF PERSIAN L lets. Reward for th this office ICE BOAT FOR A WELL-EQUIPPED M Boat--cheap. Apply Co. NATIONAL LC Subscriptions Close- scribed Twenty Tokio, March 11.--T} to the national loan elc The loan was greatly twenty times, it is stat the foreign residents su new taxes are expected atively light, as mun will be reduced by the of public 'works. It is a the increase in the n will amount to 50,00 000,000). A cotton picker mh jnventrd which, it is cla one-third of the crop of twenty-eight men Ten-clevenths of the pre north of the Equat

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