Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1904, p. 9

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No. 8.) Pt Beef, scalded milk mon ers &% is batter d onion and roing. tenia ok ' inutes in boilivg to fat; then add cn uF Si Beef, butter and moisten. ove t crackers on top, lary Wrinkles" ( jay, dress on receipt of Beel ur's ct. S Best Beef ug and grocery trad, 0044 lint | + a dollar purchase EE a quart can of public may become ence of this splen. ngstonians use this READY t and Scrub Brush. Vorything you want enson, King Street. Established 1851 MES REID, The Leading Undertaker x and night. Personal services, hone 147 for ambulance, SALE Couches, only $6.50. in Pretty wo lour Sets, a Velours, h Bands; only $20. Cloth Parlor Set, § ghtly used, at $18. cks, Screens, Easels; all | prices. ES REID. RANGES ranges at 15c. per dozen. ranges at 20c. per dozen. ranges at 30c. per dozen. ranges at 40c. per dozen. --aTe EBS', Princess St. Wood 9 and Coal to Burn i the two most economical snte we kmow of : al! Hard Wood! 's Wood or Coal we: deliver, careful teamsters, who kno¥ 8 too well to do it' in 8&8 No extra charge for the But it's worth something ¥ TH & CO. 33. Foo: of West St. an Stock Exchange Under the Laws of Massachusetts AL $100.00 WLLY PAID. STON BRANCH Shambrs, Glarance S'. te British American Hotel. J. MCKENNA, © Manager. , Grais and Provisions bought of ah, ee ON AND ORATORY. v. TELGMANN, DE. the Na locution, Physical 2 Art; Graduate of Phila of Elocution and Oratory. or of lege of Oratory. . address or call sere, 3 5 THE DAILY WHIS, SATURDA CHURCH WORK. EMPEROR WILLIAM SENT FIF- TY GUINEAS. Decline In Candidates For Ordi- nation--Calls Given and Resig- nations Accepted--The King's Order. * A joint missionary convention will be held in San Francisco Romy April 28th to May lst. The Hamilton presbytery sustain the call of 'Rev, from Grimsby to Mimico The best preparation for trials in 4 life of faith and & constant course ¢ seli-denidl. -- Richard Baxter Rev. William Major has been engag- ed to succeed Rev. W. L. Armitage, as refused to John Muir, rector of All Saints' "church, Peter- boro. The resignation of Rev. Ralph Trot ter as pastor of Adelaide street" Bap: tist church, London, Ont., has been accepted. The Hamilton presbytery will sup port Dr. William Faleoner, oi Pictou, N.S., for the office. of moderator of the general assembly, Y.M.C.A. work has begun in Ha vana, Cuba. The members of the New York branch hav? -vontributed $1,000 3 Se wupport of the work - - {A HEALTHY OLD AGE } ® y : | $ ® * 3 The Goal of Every $ 3 ! ¢ Man's Ambition ' " b b humap beings are $ : suffering under the burden ofa : of direned Kidnayn. Then $ * & once diseased give out to all parts of A $ 4 thebodyadeadly slow-acting poison. * 4 ¢ Theface loses ita color, the eye its * & luster, the brain its ambition, and 3 3 the muscles their energy, snd ® ee $ . 5, ¢ a 2 p 5 onresall forms of kidney ® 3 gy Jeti ims of idnay : Tp re Te L ovil. Bisa ¢ tor p $ ore form of Kidaey alimbet. Tb > curen rheumatism by p $ the cause of rheumatism, kidney : & ° 4 : : ® 3 : ® p 3 s 3 * 3 ® ° & b a b 4 p <4 1 4 $ » 4 price, p - | * 4 b 50 cents per box. {NEW YORR, N. V..AND ¢ WINDSOR, ONY. 3 Everything FASHION'S FORM. New and Up-to-Date How To Utilize a Decollete In Tailor-Made Skirts. Representative Miss R. McNamee, 97 Wellington Street, has a Latest Spring Materials. Every Skirt Positively Guaranteed. THE SKIRT SPECIALTY CO Designers and Tailors, Toronto' EXECUTORS' SALE Of Boot and Shoe Business in City of Kingston. THE EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE A. Abernethy deceased will sell by tender at a rate on the dollar the stock 0! boots and shoes and trunks and va- lisgs and also all fixtures and ap- pyrtancuces of this old and long estab- lished business, and is looked upoh as the best store business between "Toronto and Montreal. Tenders for all stock to be addressed to Chas. R. Webster, 81 Princess street, Kingston, Ont., and marked * Tender for Abernethy Estate.' Tenders to be received in Kingston on or before the 25th March, 1904 The highest or any tender not neces- marily accepted Stock consists 8f about #n thousand dollars. 0 Not including any hook debts and very mall fixtures Dated at Kingston this 20th February, 1004 CHAS. R. WEBSTER,.. Solicitor for Executors. 81 Princess street, Kingston, Ont EVERY WOMAN §s interested and should know about the wonderful "Whirlpool , Spray." The new vaginal Syringe. Injection and awction. Best, safest, most convenient. 1t cleanses instantly. lIn- valuable for cleansing and remow ing all se- cretions from the re- motest parts. hi Syringe is = one tirely of Rube ber. metal parts ° corrode. ence strictly confidential i$ mailed to you Fy er upon receipt o . our rated Catalogue--ite free. French, English and American Rubber Specialties of all kinds. Sanitary Rubber Co. '9 132 VICTORIA ST., TORONTO, cam, ------------------ Wood Burning Outfit We have them from $1 up. Also An Artistically Framed Pieture ? Our Frames are MADE IN KING- STON and are guaranteed by the xnakers. ART KIRKPATRICK' $"¥ose. MOTHER HENDY'S OINTMENT ALL HEALING PRICE, 25 CENTS. WILL CURE Burms, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Broken Breasts Children's Sore Heads, Boils, Blood Poison and Bealing Fingers. SOLD BY HOUCCISTS. nae PRESSING AND REPAIRING. A SPECIALTY. YOUR OWN CLOTL made into up-to-date suita. THOMAS GALLOWAY, 181 Broek St. pext Bib bv's Nvery. a mn Gown, It has been quite a fad this winter for the smartly dressed woman to wear her decollete gown to the thea tre, hiding her neck and arms under the most fetching of little lace bole ros, and at some times long jackets. The designs are endless with which to fashion these little Jace coats. The above illustration shows a good de sign to follow in making a lace bole ro. The sleeves™ 'ehdsiyat the elbow with a deep point, where it is met hy the long glove. 'A great many of these jackets are collarless, and if one is fortunate enough to have a pearl col larette, it finishes beautifully. The lace used must be selected with the idea in mind of the gown to be worn with it. A Novel Railroad. A railroad whose trgine never stop journey is projected Belgian scientist proposed a new lhe plan is and aims to throughout their in the plans of a who - has recently transportation scheme, decidedly revolutionary, save the time consumed, in the of ordinary railroads, in letting ol and taking on passengers at stations. Ihe new trains, as planned, wil con sist of cars propelled by separate mo- case tors, and will work, says a writer in Harpers Weekly, in the following wanner "When a station is ap proached the passengers and bapcage for. that station are moved into the rear car,- which is cut off just before the point is reached. The passengers desirous to hoard the train; take their places in a car on a 5 ling at the sta proceeds to the main full speed and catches the to which it is coupled, tion, which track at. passing train, and the passengers and baggage trans ferred. "Those for the next station are then received, and in turn the car 1s duly dropped. The scheme is most fantastic, and at present impractica ble, vet it must be ,. admitted that many of. the. clenimis ageessary, such wotors (which can be as the separate individually, controlled together or are already developed Sen our all steel filled corset, at 502. worth 75¢. New York Dress Reform. Abernethy's for bargains in foot wear. Hildesheita- (Hanover) town council has decided to preserve the ancient appearance of its strees hv ordering that all new private buildings must be in the seventeenth-century German style. rt ing to the others are Elderly To those well along in, years there comes, accord- system, thelr measure of fils and suffering. Some are young at 0, Ww use Dr. Leonhardi's Ant AT LIFE'S EVENING. else will shake off, espeel- ally backache, constips- tion, bladder trouble, fail-- ing appetite, and indiges- tion. If AxTi-ProL is used upon taking cold, the aches old 840. %" and pains that usually fol- - low will be avoided.- To people who once | prove this, send to Wiis. sox-Frie Co, Niagars condition of the Pill find that ft has marvel | Falls, Ont. for a free sam- cus power to relieve them | ple. Axrr-Priiis sold by of the troublesthat nothibg | druggists at 50 cents a bos ANTI-PILL. « Sold in Kingston by W. H. Madley." The convention of the International C.E. will be held next vear in Balti- more, as originally arranged, with 50,000 expected delegates, Rev. Dr. Wilkie, who was for over twenty years a missionary of the Can: ada Presbyterian church in Indore, In dia, will go back to India. The German emperor, who is' an annual subscriber to the B. and F. Bible Society, has forwarded = fifty guineas to the centenary fund The present Empress of Korea, for merly Miss Emily Baker, is the daughter of one of the first American missionaries who settled in Korea. Rev. Charles Martin Niles, DD. roe- tor of St. Paul's church, Ossining-on Hudson, has accepted to the rectorship af Trinity Col umbia, South Carolina. J. Hudson Taylor, founders and for hall a century the loader of the China "Inland Mission has tendered his ignation. By Fe Hoste succeeds Mr. Taylor. There is every sign of progress in the arrangements towards the union of the three English Methodist bodies the United Methodist Free church, the Bible «Christians, and the Metho- dist New Connection. After being over two years without a rector, St. David's Reformed Episco- pal church, New Edingurgh, has ex- tended---a--eall to Rev. Mg, Russell, as- a call parish at ons of the sistant to Rev. Mr. Hubly, of Christ church, Montreal. He has accepted. The presbytery, of Hamilton, has sustained the call to Ancaster and Al- berton, given to Rev. J. J. Man thorne, of the Owen Sound presbytery, as well as that of Rev. D. M. Buchan an, of the Lanark and Perth Preshy tery to Jarvis and Walpole. It is officially announced that the king has been pleased to revive the ancient office of chaplain to the Edinburgh garrison, and to appoint thereto the Rev. Theodore Marshall, pf Dr. Marshall is son of Lord Cur- riehill, the Scots judge. He was form- erly minister of Caperth, Rev. T. 8. Chapman, Episcopal wlergyvman of Marhleton Quebec, is a veteran who has lived in four reigns those of George 1V William 1V, Vie toria. and' the present momarch.. As a bov he joined in the prayers of the church for King William: He is eighty years of age and has been a resident in Canada since 15849, During the last year the Church. of England raised from the veluntary offerings of its members close upon £7.000,000, but of this enormous sum only some £150,000 was devoted to the endowment of the '"'starvings' whith ost benefices have become. Yet a million and a half was spent on church fabrics and fittings: The completed list of ordination: in the Church of England shows that there is a still further decline in the number of candidates offering them selves for ordination, the deacons, for example, who numbered in 1894 as 567. In England and Wales there are 1,492 livings, with an average income oi £65, and 1,7 of an average value of L156. tev. J. T. Darragh, burg, who is a strong Chinese labor, is an advanced High churchman, with strong social sym pathies. He went out to South Af ica over twenty years ago as a very voung man, and has worked hard vince amongst ell classes of the pop lation. Dwing the war he was for some time at. the front with troops He is a" man of much keenness and ' cf Johannes advocate of intelligeefe. Atready a movement is on foot for an adequgte commemoration of athe fourth centenary of "the "birth "of John Knox. Strange to say, Edin burgh, the capital of Scotland, with its innumerable associations of 'the does not bad in the watter. It heen forestalled by alert Aber United Free Preshyiery overture 'to the general assembly in May, that providon be made for the cel bration of thi anniversary 'in a worthy and profitable manner." William' Tallack," a prominent her of the Society of Friends in Eng land, has observed with regret the extinagion of various meetings of the gocisty and the continuing diminu- tion «if many others. Within hix own 1 yev six or seten meetings his native county of Cornwall have be come extinet and the same number in Devon, leaving only four meetibgs in each of the two counties. And even in New England and Pennsylvania the gradually disappearing. {as existing in exercise on the influence, "but man, has deen, to submit an whose are mem society is riod "pastors" a), he believes, whole. an nadesicabl he suggests the appe intent of paid "distrirt helpers" for some of the larger meetings and for groups of the smaller ones. ' They should clearly understand that they are not appoint od as preachers or with authority over the church. They should them: woiven-be placed under 'the care of a committee appointed . by the local meeting. | ; aco a fisherman 500 Yob- is reck- Twenty-five vears of the Maine coast could take sters a day: now seventy li oned as a good catch. many as 721, having now shrunk to! asking | STATE OF SIEGE. A Wild Cat Stood Outside. The Door. | Altoona, Pa., March 12.--Fifty chil- dren of the Bear Rocks school, in Sean township stood a siege: of nind hours while a catamount, full "EFoWn | and vicious, rewained on guard if the boughs of a maple tree' near the school-house door. 3 The school held its first session in several months Yesterday, the thaw having opened the mountain roads. The last lad 'who arrived discovered when, a short distance from the doot that he was being trailed' by a cata: niount. He rushed. into the building, bolted the door and told the news. Benjamin McCartney, the teacher, smiled, but when he looked out of the window and saw the beast crouched in the boughs of the tree his amusement changed to alarin. The progranune: ar- ranged for the opening was followed, but by eleven o'clock, the programme had been carried out, but' the cata: mount was still awaiting its prey. Shouts for help from cautiously open od windows merely served to enrage the . Noon passed and the catamount still held its strategic position. When the sun began dropping in the west the scholars fell into panic. . Finally their reached Andrew Russell, a teamster, who was retum ing from this city, With a revolver he ran to the building and saw the beast. His first shot wounded it, as it leaped from the tree. A second shot reached a vital spot, as the animal tore the coat from his back. Russell escaped injury, but had to be almost entirely supplied with clothing before he was able to cross the mountain. Cigarettes. = Chicago Record-Herald. "Sad to say, the use of cigarettes by women appears to he ever on the increase," remarked a Chicago den list, "Among my patients is a society woman who once had very pretty teeth, I found that she was spoiling the beauty of her teeth by the éxces- sive use of cigarettes, 1 told her that she would have to stop smoking or sacrifice the charm of one of her most attractive features, "She said smoking was not uncom: mon among women who played bridge whist, while many of the younger set dallied ~ with the cigarette habit, though they had not yet become what might be termed cigarette fiends, | think that women often regard the cigarette as becoming; they imagine it gives a smart touch that is fascinat ing. But when shown that it is a ion--of a pleasant habjt versus beauty, it is generally beauty o| wins, Surprising Poker Hands. There is a story of interest to card: players sufficient to cause their eyes to bulge out of their sockets told by the head of a Toronto household, accord ing to the Star, which occasionally indulges in the festive game of poker simply for amusement. The other night while innocently playing for buttons the following hands were held by five of the eight players: A straight, four nines, a club flush, ace high, a royal | flush, and a spade flush, ace high. The news of this phenomenal _run of the cards in a poker game is exciting mingled emotions among those who play the alluring game of "draw" for money. They are wondering what would have happened to four of the holders of those hands if they had not been playing for "buttons." Ladies--Special bargaind in corsets. Have a Jook at our stock, New York Dress Reform. 5 A Sudden Stroke Only Results After Months or Years of Nervous Exhaustion --There are Always Symptoms to Give Timely Warning. It is -a great mistake to imagine that persons of robust health and good vitality, are suddenly seized with paralysis, { All nervous diseases are slow in coming on, and for this reason the victim often does pot realize his 'dan ger until overtaken by proétration or paralysis. | Loss of interest in life, sleeplestess, irritability, failure of memory, inabil- ity to concentrate the mind, muscular weakness, indigestion, headache, | twitching of the nerves, feelings of de pression and despondency are among the symptoms which tell of an ox hausted nervous system and the ap proach of paralysis, Dr. Chase's Newve Food stops the wasting process by which 'the nerve cells are being destroyed and by forming new, rich Bldod and creat ing new nerve force positively and | permant ntly restores the nervous sys | tem. There is no other way in this world | by which nervous exhaustion can be | ovescomne and prostration and paraly i 818 ¥ revented, Stimulants and narcotics merely has Jen collapse. Restgrative treatment is necessary. The process of reconstruction is ne eessarily gradual, but you can be ali solut certain that every dose of Dr. | Chase's Nerve Food is doing you last | ing "good | It 1s your duty to study your symp- | toms and prevent the dreadful results of neglected nervous diseases. Mrs. Thomas Hall, 3 Sixth strest, Kingston, Ont., and whose husband is employed in the locomotive works, states with dizziness. These spells came over me quite frequently, and 1 think the trouble arose from indigestion. After a course of trestment with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I have been entirely freed from this distressing symptom and | feel better and stronger than 1 have for vears. 1 can heartily recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, as it has un doubtedly been a great boom to me.' Dr. (haso's Nerve Food, 50 cents o box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Terontg. To protect you against imitations, the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. . ~ LN that of Paralysis I= have suffered a great deal which absolutely insures against The connections are 'made b radiator connection on the mar made on a heating system. T low cellars, and thus bringin Our entire plant at Toronto Oxford Hot Water and Stea Radiators. We would like to send about the Oxford System of they tell the whole story. The GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., LIMITED pe Radiator Foundry at Toronto Junction dtmosphere,land the convenience, cleanliness and safety in operating it _ The Oxford Radigtor is constructed of the very best grades exact moulds that there is absolutely no variation int! each assembled radiator is subjected to a test of one hundred and Oxford Radiat our exclusively controlled Oxford Push ipple-the only oA0 et. We can suppl screw nipple as on other radiators, strongly advise against it as its life depends on t et or washer which it necessitates. "the Oxford Hot Water and Steam Boilers aré cons without the assistance of a mechanic. of coal, and this slight waste is taken care easily operated as the shaking of the grate. acres of ground, is devoted entire! Jou some of our booklets ti ~ a tion, i$ ~ building with about as kitchen range. accidents. There is-no packing of any kil y the paper dr. makes it possi je he draw-out grate es it The construction of the: fire of by the ash sifter unction, covering many y to the manufacture of m Boilers and Oxford ng Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver 403 i ----------------" a" FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. Oso Operations. Oso Station, March 10.~ Rev. C, J, Young held" Lenten services in Christ church last week. '8. C. Bourk has purchased a carload of hay. Profes wor Fecto held a show in the "Prem tice Boy' hall on - the 4th, Mr. and Mr«. Wash Bishop and Mrs. Donnel fy have returned from visiting friends in Winchester. Joseph Chnmbers paid a flying visit to friends here. The far mers gre still cutting and hauling wood to the railroad. Albert Bourk hat! the misfortune to stake one of his trotting horses, Seeley's Bay Budget. Seeley's Bay, March 10.--Tha thaw has rendered the roads nearly impass able and has blocked ~ the mail ser vice. There has heen no mail received here from Kingston tince Tuesday, and from Newboro since Monday last. The stages expect to resume their re gular trips Thursday.: It 1s reported that the ld reliable stage driver, Fred Stafford, has secured the coil tract to carry the mails front Kingston to Westport, commen cing April Ist, HF. Gilhert ig moving into his new home this week. Qamuel Stevenson, having - disposed of his farng is taking up residence in the village, having smoved into the houge owned by T. Moore, on Bay street, Thomas Berney and sister, Mise Aghes Berney, Boasevein, Man., former residents of this. place, are visting friends and renewing old ac queintances here and vicipity. Mrs, Ww J. Chapman, Perth, is visiting fiends here. The patrons of Gilt Edge choose and butter factory will hol their annual » oyster supper in the Masoniz hall on Friday evening, March 11th. Hracken Brady, Winui peg, is visiting fiends here and vicinity. Programme By Young Men. March 10.--On Tuesday an, entyFtainment was given in the Sunday school rooms of the Metho dist church by the young men of the Epworth League. Solos were given by Messrs. A. Gilmour, Gibson and Hens: ley. and music on all kinds of instru ments by other members. No one of t the female sex was allowed to take in the programwme. The refresh included taffy, made by Mr, "R. 8. Valleau is visit ing friends in Belleville. Miss Jessie Lane, Napanee, spent Sunday with Mrs. William Lec. Mrs. 8. Wales, Na panee, is visiting her mother, Mrs, irown. On account of the rain storm last Thursday the carnival at : thy skating rink had to be postpaged un hn mig, As 'the atte Wis most beautiful evening, the attend. ance was large. The Citizen's Band furnished music. Mrs. (Capt.) McMas- ter. Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Misa Laura Moore, attending the millinery opening in Toronto, re turned home Saturday. Mise Eileen Slaven left on Sunday to visit. her uncle, Mr. McKenty, Winnipeg. Mes. Stewart is slowly recovering from her serious illness, The girls' guild of St Mack's church intend giving a concert after Easter. ¥ Desergnto, . part ments Stafiérd. Mrs. 4 if KEEP YOURSELF WELL AND DAILY USE THE ORIGINAL 00C0A FOR with Oxford Hot Water and Steam not have to be insta ani Top tnd sherri Cf hickness. Each individual A water pressure, twenty ors Ni PPS'S paratus. heating a perfect Besse, Tc min pa does ae: It may be Toe oRg of fue isnot the ony practical : advan! yer the use of this system Ee health comamble nds used in the every demand that may dge]s And -udge a dry good 'store by Judgement. studied the linen reliable from ably close quotations markets makes Ireland, Half Bleached Table Linens, 28¢., 80c/, oc., 4c, asc. 4 , 00c. a yard. Niesched Table Linens, Unfon and all Linen, fc. 48c., 80c., 60c., The, 85c., $1, $125, $1.50 yard. Table Napkins, § and 1 size, 50¢, The. $1, 81.25, $1.50 to $4 dozen. Roller, Crash and Huck Towelings, Be. Bc. 7c. Be, 10¢, 134e., 10¢., 186. 20. a yard, Towels--Fine Linen, also in Chtiom, 10e., 16¢., 20c.,.220c., B0e,, "Bbc. Ae. Boc., 70c., $1, pair. Bath Towels, 10e., 134c., 15¢, @0c., 25e., Abe, BOc. each. ite linen stock. Wo have carefully studied the linen bus at home and abread. Scotland and Germany, T. W. BOYD & SON, 1683 Notre Dame St., M Judge JH Housewife by the Joineng in Her Ho We welcome this ki iness and we have i At present we show 1 all marked crim ---- We received direct from jarge shipment of Cottons, Pillow Col Night Shirt Cloths and Sheetingh, ed by the old in early days a » . 124e.. 16e.. 17c., 20c. 20, Finish' Cambries, + Boil in put into an old little inconvenience as a i iron but be ble for you to make repairs tc the EE 3 the base of the boiler, which is as The low height of the Oxford Boiler makes it suitable for' the water sections closer to the fire, econo- mizes fuel and keeps the buil of at an even high temperature. "% B_4~The Jump oars. frm of very nockses" White Cottons, = 2 Cut the ad. : s i Sendo mich Bord aden eyides in ed, M00 4 Lyi BICYCLE: ot In «xi wine it thers w hiy ess Office and if fond . WS FPPrase bis © 1904 0 -- a ~ Agence ir bilanee shea §ag. Ee rT Ra Tot Abit IETELE They si Highest Grade , n " "ee oie with best Hicycle Clubs ; the leading wheal with ete 1 riders, on § ints, Reese hanger, bubs and beatings, highsss grade supipient, Fined with Fives. Heights of TiamesMen's 20, A 94 in Ladies' 20 svat 22 ine ansim OPFPER splendid chance to 8 goo: 14 enen town, Send for esniogue ak Digounts, cals slightly used, thw tv [L000 Secure Agency ai 0BGe, at, dni

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