Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1904, p. 1

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the NEW ving amply r Ready-to- member, no elcome. rials bof Weel 3 - JRE to be ) gentlemen AAARARNAARAR hoes shape,. con- swell shoes alk Easy ideas. ssachusetts, Lace Boots. 08s ur stock of er. eather and | new lasts er trade and ore buying i KINGSTON, © \TARIO. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1904. [a] INITIAL (ae oie] New Spring Suits Have Arrived. Fit - Reform & Ready Tailored Clothes, Membnding the latest ideas [2 ® of the leading New York experts. Stripes in X Worsted and Tweeds, Perfect Fitting. JENKINS % = (x) SYDENHAM WARD. 4 PROPERTY held A MEETING OF Sydenham THE Owners in Ward will he in the Mayor's Office, City Buildings, To = Night For the discussion of the taking over of .the Electric and. Gas Plant and for organization for the voting on Monday March 21st. R. J. McCLELLAND, Secretary of Committee AUCTION SALES 6 Booked yd John H. Mills The Leading Auactioneer. A GOOD LARG Brock Street, eee eee ete A GOOD" COOK. MUST HAVE REF- oe. - Apply to 7 4b King street. niall es dm------------------------------------ SIX BOYS, FROM 14 TO 16 YEARS old. Steady work. Apply to J. A. Gould & Co., King St., near Queen. pre peteermeeeee A GOOD MAN TO WORK AT DAIRY business Good wages. Apply at 252 University Avenue, between 8 and 10 a.m eee teed STEAM LAUNCH, BETWEEN 65 AND 80 feet long: wood burner ferred No fine finish desired. = Address Box 5 #Whig, Kingston rm------------------------------------------------------ TEN TO FIFTEEN DOLLARS PER week easily earned by taking orders for clothing--Salary and commission Apply im [writing to Tailor, Whig Office ee ee ee -------------------- TIVE--Cién vou spare part of tine for profitable detective No experience necded. Write Detective. Association, In- Ind APPLY 51 DE your work ? American dfanapolis, SAL MEN Ns spray "--hes NTED FOR " AUTO- compressed air hand sprayer mid splendid seller; liberal terms; write for particulars and sam- ple machine. . CAVERS BROS, Galt, Ont. COVERING GROEND 'oronto and Montreal, to TRAVELI between handle on commission, side line used bv confectioners and majority of druggists Address, Agent, 20 St Peter reet, Montreal MEN N WANTED CANADA AND UNITED STATES. SALARY OR © COMMISSION--$840 a year and Expenses, yable weekl; vod reliable tmen representing us in Uelr } Siren ae ous goods, Siutributing large and Toar, only Soren ries at Shee Tor instrocticas, SALUS ML SCT ©V., London, On TO-LET. mm BY THE FIRST Brick Dwelling, near Princess twelve rooms, ing, bath, etc. Welch & Son, MAY, THAT 181 Division street, street, containing with hot water heat- Apply to E 179 Division St BY THE 1ST OF MAY, THAT Brick Dwelling, 86 Lower Union St. East, occupied by Mrs. Edward Low, with Modern Improvements, Gas, Hol Water and Bath, etc. Address 430 Vaughan Terrace. eer eee ett eee DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES ete., in any part of the City or Coun- try: McCann's Real Estate Agency 31 Rrock street OF or to A Sar AL LF BROOCH : (BIRD on Friday Finder will be suitahly rewarded on returning to Whig Office A SKY Tverirn RITCH. AN swering to name of Topsy please, return to R. Walker Bagot street OWN YOUR HOME, TERRACE. ON WEST SIDE division, being Nos. 40 te 56. a chance for friends to club together and secure one, two, or more houses ih 'this terrace Within easy reach of the foundries For particulars ap- ply to Géo. Clifi, Real Estate Agent 95 Clarence street. * ¢ THE STRAYED OR STOLEN ST BERNARD PUP--SUNDAY MORN- DAILY MEMORANDA. Some second! minutes later. thoughts occur several New dress 'materials are proclaime Waldron's advt ! Many a man 'who dow sn't take water his to be bailed out Sutherland's d in bir "shoe advt. is well worth reading to-day Meetine of Svdenham ward electors City buildin~s., 8 p.m. Plaving the fool is said versal accomplishment. Lockett to-day, advertises a varied ar- ray of gentlemen's boots. The longer you keep whiskey the better it is--and the better you are. Watch to-morrow for Lemon, & Lawrenson's big, free to be a uni- Claxton ers should read McCann's advt "Spence: & Co's advt. to-day talks to Tadies about '* Suits that sell.' McKelvey & Birch. are making a spec- jalty of seli-wringing mops to-day. If you would learn about trusses read Dr. A. P..Chown's advt. on page 4 T. H. Ferguson's pastries and cakes are well advertised in to-day's paper The double ash &ifter, advertised by Corbett's hardware, will interest many. hurricane and great earthguakes at Nero died, AD Samoan 1889; 1812; Did you ever think you nice Chamber Set, in nearly of the best English quality, oe, These Sets contain 6 pieces. We have them also in 10 pieces, the same make, $1.65. Come and see them. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. » Whatsoever | could get a color, latest any and Fashion Demands In jewellery for men and women, is made a part of our stock as scon as manufactured. Our line of Pearl Pendants, Pearl and Dia- mond Stick Pins, also our stock of Rings, with any gem you care to ask for, is worth a special visit to our store to see, even if you do not intend to buy. At ordinary prices they are good value, at our figures they are genuine bar- gains. P. B. CREWS, JEWELLER, Corner Princess & Wellington Sts. 'Phone 336. Ll aa A aa eo ecef in PRERNERW OVNI IRRR CG PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. the Canada cotton mill, at caused a loss of £20,000 ire In Cornwall, Over 1,000 Russians' who fled the country to cscape army servi'e arriv ed at New York. It is reported that the Southam corporation is negotiating for the purchase of a Winnipeg daily. i reported that Pre chéll has threatéyed to re soft coal miners dycide to strike Lewis Vernon Harcourt, eldest o Fir William Vernon Harcourt, elected by acclamation for the sendale di i-ion of Lancashire The Ontario legislature passed second reading of the 2bill to extend the Temiskaming railway. The attor nev-generel introduced an important bill amenciag the local corporations' act The debate on the House of Commons, opposition speakers, Mr. Bourassa be ing the only liberal speaker. Mr. Ben nett charged that a member had re ceived £000 in connection with the ¥Midland dock to the govern Mit if the lent son was Ros address in sale of ment, > A serious accident has oemurred at the Grand Trunk diamond crossing at Lennoxville, Que., by which three men had been killed outright and an other injured. It appeared that a 3 «ton and Maine freight train and a "P.R. west-bound' freight train, came into eclli-ion through the *Roston and Maine over-running the signa trein PREMIER ROSS Wants His Temperance Suggestion ng. 'The temper nqt discussed, but the onportunity to mor cus ve dav ance. question was Premier Rots took offer Present or prospective real estate own- b the! the Retail Association meets his eveni 3 fice, re Light, Heat and Power by-law. ' 'Tho ideal horse trade is the one url which each side gets the better of bargain; and every one does that, He hear him teil it | March 16th in history: Duches of | Kent, motlicr of Queen Victoria, died | marine | {od by a lar 1S DANGEROUS The Toronto 'Varsity Graft is Serious WILL BE REGRE] THAT THERE WERE MEN -WHO DRIFTED. John "Bertrdm Acted In a Fair Minded 'Way In Convention--A Lesson . For Kingstonians-- Talk and Spat Too Much For Good Work. . Toronto, March 15.--In yesterday, Toronto nda, so cordi liy abinet mir ister gratified by fur the Uriversity thgnke not long eo, W eflect of its work. the leader of the . opposition is its LPader alto. A few years since he was a comparatively iadifferent spec tator of the demands of the provia cial ecll ge; suddenly all was change and last session a speech of decided opposition 'to the recognition of was accomparisd by the re until the needs of Toronto University were satisfied other insti tutions of a similar order should not be pullidly aided. This was practical ostracism, since - the needs aforesaid house, propa by a Queen's mark that will be ever-present and be growing under the Toronto spiit of graft while a dollar is left ia-sight, espe cially if .there be any danger of Queen's being recognized. Throughout the session Mr. Whitney has been pressing the government for larger votes on every new point, Con vocation hall, School of Forestry and Physical Science Buil ing, invel ig easily heli a million of capital. The honors of the propagar are clearly with Whitney, have bee ted, though the n lasting, though friends of the college here. Upon this question of aid petior- education there i¢ a strange indifference among members of the lagi lature. They simply drift, and allow Toronto's 1ousy of other in stitutions f the greatest uscfulness to have full swing. The effect will be such an era "of extravagance around the coll circle that parliaments of the future wll re that they had certein predecessors. Queen's will have a noble convocation hall costing government unapprecia to" su ret £35,000 at most. Toronto had| £50, 000 at hand and v not satisfied, asked a loan of 850,000 more from *h said, they were too pa: liament, wh ave the $50,000 out modest, and g right. One Fair Man Arose. The Toronto spiiit received a jolt at the forestry---econvention; last week. Principal Loudon, down for a paper on education in forestry, was attend ae body of proiessors and uciversity supporters. It arranged demonstration, be crowned by passage of was a well and was a resolu to tion favoring a forestry department, in the provincial university. lt was igne to John Bertram. with whom yronto first is an arti'l> of frith. Rut he is elo fair-minded; he tee the work of Queen's, in | lsctures, especigg ly in this line and knew that the first fruits: of credit were hers. 'Therefore he de lined - to move a' one-sided motion, spoke a ener already exerted and lis 4 solition for schoals of forestry wa carried. Erion s Blindness. Mr. Bertram was the ~orly out-ider to recognize Queens meilis. haiog ston is practically isc lated. | he (i ios of Eastern Untoilo are jealous of her; the "towns are fii ndly, but [not powerfil. The legislators from this section wre largely conservail.e, and, therdiore, not fiiencly to a diy whi-h (lects pergls. 'the Limestone City fifds the Jordan of public re nition for i great, hustling col l:ge a hard road to. travel. but . do jis, citizens, each for himeell, -concern themsdlves and retaliate with another propaganda, ask the friondsiip and support of the eastern secilon Not f0,--their public rept staves fight a lone battl:, and it 14 a marvel that they succeed. 'The Toronto spirit begets the place the title of Hogtown. Approbrious | though it be, if it fitted Kingston | for a while it would be a blessing in Endorsed. 53 foronto, March 16.--The Globe, to . « the liberal members of the Ontar Ie lature again met in cau was continued by | | the { met in~ 'fawn colored, with black snout 3 answers to name. of Max Anyone | urge upon his fo Nowers the advikalil harboring animal after this notice |... 4 .ndorsiny -the swerestion made 1 cuted unless the animal | fo Je TTOSECULES : ) | to : i Lot to 11 'Ellice street at { bv Him at the last 'meeting of caucus, onee : * i thas a hill should be introduced, ah -- eee | bichinge hotel licenses, afd placing wi @ FOR SALE. . | der government control the retail sale $5000. OF DEBENTURES OF THE | of liquor in packages. Railway subei- Township of Wolfe Island, bearing 4} 0 snd other matters occupied the | per cent. interest / donnell & Farrell. Apply to Mac +f attention of the eaucus, | disguise. hingstonians are born with energies for they are succeeding all | .over the continent by reason of this virtue, coupled with a fine strain of probity. Why can they fot be equally broad-minded, forcetul and enterpris ing at howe? Why is sv much time | of public bodies, and so much person al energy in business and social life, taken up with petty quarrels in the endeavor to show that one man has greater fighting powers than another, or that he can inflict a wound in re turn for an injury recived a séore of vears since, and nursed into an open sore ? Nowe men are not happy.uniess they create a discussion at e.ery meeting, their debating J they are dis sipating the force of the community by a wearing-out process. If citizens will candidly ref ct upon number of local enterprises which with indefensible opposition at promotion, then at the number un generously treated after being founded and lastly at o number discouraged to elgborate forgetting that Powe unto loss and death, they would be ashanted and repentant. The local disposition is often asenib cs, as a result of the close . of parties and the ptatibn tem each prominent head as it ap pears "ahove th surface for fear it will ir some strength. Bat politics can bé blamed for a share only. Home Aeclin® is chaotje, and political friend and foe alike are involved in the op- positions which incapac itate public life and actions, keep the pockets = of tro rich closed, warn of stal * and enterprise, and so ancho Kingston for a whole decade that can, in an age of progress, boast of gain of only three houses. and five families per vear on an av A last thought: No one vet in public ing others. the friendly | life and esteem by deprecia The successful men are helpful ones A FINE ENGINEER. Named To Agt On The Panama Commission. WILLIAM DARCLAY PARSONS Washington, March 16. William Rar clay Parsons, who has been appointed a member of the Panama commission, is considered the foremost American engineer He was in charge of the im- portant railroad work in "China pre moted by the late Senator Brice, but the greatest monument to his fame is 'the great New York subway, now new ing completion, of which ho drew the designs and superintended the con struction BRANTFORD IN DARKNESS. Muskrats Burrow, And Embank- ment Caves In. ~ , Brantford, Ont, March 16.--This cily was in darkness last night. Musk rats, it gppears, burrowed through the embankment skirting ake Mohawk, whence the electric plant obtains it8 power, and the earth gradually giving way, the embankment finally caved in. tearing a breach two feet wide and fifteen feet deep. All the surrounding property was swamped. The electric company has set up an auxiliary plant of arc lights, but pending the. comple tion of repairs to the embankment. lo- eal factor running by electrical en ergy, have been forced to close down It is estimated that the pranks of the muskrats will cost the enh com pany some 2500, DANGEROUS ATTACK. Duke of Cambridge a Very Sick Man. London, March 16. Duke of Cambridge, cousin of late Queer Viglotia, is in a eritical condition Recent bulletins regarding the duke's health have been of a reassuring na ture, but this morning his royal high ness, who has been ill a Jong time; was seized with a refurrence of hem LL1S STILL So Far as War Concerned. CATCH FLEET SHOULD IT HAVE LEFT PORT ARTHUR. News Is An Unconfirmed Story'Of An En- gagement on Sunday--Russia Said To Be Swarming With Japanese Spies. March 16, London, There is no news of fresh operations of impor tance in the far east. The rumor of Port Arthur's fall has followed that of the Japanese occupation of South: ern Manchwia into oblivion, and it ia predicted hero that the latest story of Admiral Makaroli's dash out of Port, Arthur wil 'prove equally fale. I however, it turns out thaf the Rus sians have chosen this desperate move in preference to the apparently in evitalle loss of their vessils at Port Arthur, it is assumed that Admiral Togo can ed@isily catch them: long be fore they it more can reach Vladivosfok,which than a thousand miles away It is regarded. as incredi' ls that the Russians could have slipped out with out the Japanese knowing it, al though it is suggested that they would he allowed to steam outside the protection of their ghore batter ies before they were attacked. Against the report that the Russians got out on Friday, there-is a report of an engagement on Sunday, in which the cruiser Lina was damaged This report is not confirmed, and no details are given, there i: absclate silence concerning the land movements, whi'h, however, the correspondents reiterate, are daily being carisd out with rapidity. Ihe St. Petersburg correspondent cf the Express says that Japan has or- ganized a wonderfully complote systepy of spins throughout Russia. They are stationed at St, Petersburg, Masson, and Odessa, and elong the £iverian reiway in vais dignies. It ia stated that 2,500 educated Japanese volunteered for this dangerous service, fully aware that death was inevitable if they were discovered. A despatch to the Daily Telegraph, from Yia-Kow, says that a new bat. tery, composed of guns from the Rus cian warships Czarevitch and Revi. aon, now commands Pigeon Bay. Durie the bombardment of March 10th the Jevanese she'ls nearly reach ed the Rugian fleet, many of them falling in the basin. The Hevilzan was not much damaged by fire; the wruiter Pelida is stil in dock. Lheslion Tein correspondent ef the Standard says that the Chinese board f forcien alieits has recived a Chi" nese oflicial telegram reporting an unter between the Russians and Japanese at Feng-Wang-Cheng, last Phursday, resuliing in favor of the Japanese. The story is Citwredited by military experts, The New Chwang correspondent ened of orthage of the stomach and en offi- {0 1 spress says that contin wd welz cial bulletin just issued admits that | of neutral property at that pla grave gnxiety is falt 'wegarcing the lio (he Russians has caused the con outcome of the attack. Auls to protest in, thi strongest terns re to Admiral Alexieti, The buildi CAPT. BARKER. and merchandise: of American Trae ympany were commandered on Sa Won't Accompany Winnipeg Row- | day. 'Tho despatch odds that a' re ing Club To Henley. fnewed ou bre J of lawlessness on the Winnipeg, March 16.--The report [ort of | adits in Hon huria is au. from Toronto, that Capt. Barker, fin jan dxoly of in Af tants. soith ancial agent of the Argonauts, had [1% 8 stream of refugees moving soutll. heen engaged to a company the Win The Times and some other papers 2 Int : Jive prominence to a report that an nipeg Rowing Club crew to Henley, is |#! I 1 that declared by Provident G. F. Galt*to he | announcement, is oxprcted -Lhss EE amicable amrangement has been reach nie -- od by, France and Great Britain on Berlin's 100,000 Widows all outstanding questions bolween : : : be them, including that of the French derlin, March 16.--Official statistics short. show that th pe of Berlin Ihe Times to-day has, the following : included, on Jenuary lst, 1903, no fo, hoard the Times steamer Haimun. fewer then 99.058 widows, On ord a aap ST al normal state of affairs ix yw Hai'Wei: | am at sea en route to tly, to fact that many |Chinampo. The military develop more widowers than widows in Berlin I 0000 in Northern Korea, foreshadow marry again secondly, to © Lod. in. my previous telegrams, should practice of w from the provi be taking place very soon, as, accor moving into Berlin, where, evids ing to later information, the ice is dis they do not feel so lonely, appearing fast il fe A He 'A Times' Paris special- says : =~ Tele Propatria Is Safe. grams from St. Petersburg to the St. Pierre Miquelon, via Halifax, | Paris press represent the rumor of March 16.--Propatria arrived at nine | mediation which, i one i stance, in a.m., apparenfly without much dam called a "ieeler coming from Berlin," age Shevstriick heavy ige two hours |is finding no echo whate in Russia after \ here: on the 28th, being | Indeed, one correspondent says all completely stopped four houry later, [idea of for n diplomatic interven gz so until one o'clock lis Jtion is ax ¢ teful to Russia now morning, using wood-works for fue! |as it wou a be after the war Runsin, Passengers and ¢rew are' in gond |and Japan want to be allowed to health, not having suffered, provision make peace by themselves , just as they supply being sufficient. have been allowed to make war hy ree ts Urge Representation. | paper published in the themselves, To Raise A Loan. Cologne, March 16.--A despatch from St. Petersburg that a Briunsia), Rustign capita sterts that a group of international undertaken to obtain for financiers ha Russia 8200000000 for war expendi tures, conditional" on repayment after the v loan will take the form of wc } i cover mont e up Jann. only its ex resOure have been «3 hausted. ' : : « Building Torpedo Boats. St. Potersburg, March 168. ~Three tor g Montreal, March 16.<Dr' Tait Me Kenzie, Thoms Well and E. 1 Brown, the committee in charge of Ca nadian sports at the world's fair, at St. Louis, have drafted a cireular re questing all ( an 'athletic associa. | tions to make arrangements for re presentation on rgesting method of entry for competition - rt T. F. Bartioon, "hn out west, vis ited the annical hitit = of American furniture manufacturers, end bought up a large stock of bargains for his customers, The Prantiobd public library }oard has sent an al to Andrew Car negie for 85, 0 more. in order to com plete the nw library bidding i Th: German ¢ ment has warn its people ggainst going {5 North West T ito f Candas, ovisg to he "scarcity of work, Henry Cunningham, pus tape | from Chickering Orders p vied at Mefulov's hook wt Abernethy's shoes est quality Talmon sweet, Priness are of we ih 1 th 15¢. peck. Cain) | {e | i i which will bave pelo boat destroyers: a speed of twenty t knots, are be ling Leilt at the N 7 works, -and a swift or y » Ht at Ka goul. Two hatthahivic will be shartl: ommenced at the Nikolief works \ Peauntiful And Good. Ferguson's sponge cakes, madeiras, {1 neh cakes dd goldin rods posse these qualities, Try them to-morrow and see for yourself, a. 'by | i 1 | i | i | HE WAS A SPY. And His Been Shot For His Du plicity. St. Petersburg, March 16. ~Capt. | Ivkoy of the Manchurian commissar- iat service, has been sunimbarily court-umrtialed and shot "for acting as - spy in the pay of the Japs. When arrested on suspi- cion of espionage, documents found in possession left no doubt "of the wath of the charges that he had long been revealing secrets to the Ja- pancse. 'the tragic story became pub- lie through a simple ahnouncement in the atmy organ, this morning, that Ivkoy s had been excluded from 'ser vice. igh A Heavy Expenditure. London, March 16.---The Tokio cor respondent of the Renter Telegram company wires that Japan's war ex- penditure from the outhreak of hos tilities till the end of December, 1904, is estimated at 536,000,000 3m ab- "out $268,000,000, Are Still Quiet. Port Arthur, March 16.--Fverything is quiet here. There is no rign of the enemy. Advicés frog Feng Huan Cheng, about fifteen mils west of Wiju, say the Russian troop are showing an admirable spirit, sur mounting the ditliculties and hard march over the frozen Manchuria. ships of the tracts of East MORE CRIMES AT THEIR DOOR The Confession of Marx The Ban- dit. €hicago, March 16.~Gustav Marx, one of the three car barn bandits now under sentence of death, declared in a confussion that he was one of three men who held up the Chicago & Northjgestern express train at Tower, W., near Dekalb, four years ago. The crime, which has passed into history as one of the most despergte ever com: mitted in or about Chicago, has never been fastened. upon any one of the many suspected arrested. Marx says both his confederates in the crime are dead and refuses to giva their names. One of them, he declares, 1 with his boots on. The railway authorities admitted a loss of $102,000 by the robbery. Marx says the robhers secured only 88.000, the rest of the money having been de stroyed by the explosion of dynamite used to crack the safe. In a sort of foot note to this start ling confession, Marx admits the kl ing of five men in his carcer of crime. To Become A Preacher. Chicago, March, 16.--Harvey Van Dine, one of the Sondemue car-barn bandits, will ® vachor in the county jeil and will al savor to con vert his co-defendants and others. Thy jail officials 'are of the opinion that the religious fervor. which has taken possession of Van Dine is genuine, AWFUL ATROCITIES, Committed By The bellious Blacks. Jerlin, March 16.--Letters from the survivors of the atrocities committed by the rebellions Hervoros, in Germ an Southern Afrion, arrived here to« dav, and give details of many un printable indignities and tortures per- petrated by the hjacks, Hundreds of whites were captured And tortured until death mercifully released them. Their limbs were chopped off, their eyes poked out, bodies cut open and the vital organs removed. Women were hanged from the head downwards and beaten to death, Parents were com pelled to watch the mutilation of their children, Men, women and children were in many eases flaved alive. APPEAL AGAINST REDUCTION, Re- Were» New Brunswick's Representation Comes In July. St. John, . N.B., March 10.--Attor- nov-Gieneral Pugsly announced in the house yesterday, that he had just re ceived a telegram from the minister of railways, stating that the appeal to the privy council, against a reduc: tion of "New Brunswick's representa- tion in the House of Commons, would be heard in July. Mr. Pugsley also made the more important statement, that while in Ottawa, he received from the leader of the Dominion gov ernment, the' strongest possible an surance that the, resolutions of the Ouebee conference in regard to addi tional subsidies for. the provinces, would be carried into effect A Fire At Belleville. Bellevile, Ont, March 16. Fire broke out, last 'might, "i the dry goo store, on' Front street, occupied by the Great Eastern Stock company, and did considerable damage to the building and contents Loss on build. ing 8800 and on Stock 84, 000; covered insurance. James Gordon owned the buildine, Hon. T. R. McInnis Dead. March 16.--~Hon. T. R. Melnnes, ex-lieutenant-governor of ritish Columbia, died last night, following a severe attack of heart silure, from which he had been wifior- ing for some time. He leaves a widow, two sons, T. 8. E. Mclnnes, barris- ter, this city, and W. W. B. Melnnes of Victoria, and a daughter, Mrs. James Wilson. Vancouver, War Correspondent Hurt. London, ich 15 News' has received her the Hest aecidont 8 WAT (Oreo osprndh nt mn the fur ost, | Mr. MeKoniv, | meppessntatis of Daily Mail in Coren. had bo: h lege Lyoken hy a fall from a po es t------------------ TO RENT. A LANGE WARM FRONT. BED ROOM und sitting room, attached. for married couple. 1d in locality, da iable Good hoard at po Ki Brock stréet. Toronto, ont, en 18, Northwesterly to orihetly. win +] d Sieraely va Moda and mn warm hursday. Sang wa fn | We are ready now. With" the newest and most ex clusive styles in LADIES' COSTUMES, toget We want you to see, only to see. 2 : Lhe cnoicest tings will go first, as a. 'matter 'of course ca Gailored Suits Cutaway or Eton Coats, 7- gored Skirts, and Bell 'Sleeves, Broadcloth and Cheviot Cloths. BGailored Coals Three-quarter Semi-Fitting, Bell Sleeve, Shoulder Cape, Stra and ; (very special). wo color; good style and well made. New Readipto Wear | ; TEDMANIn Three Mile Bay, rd, 1 ih » rch, ded, ES re me wi Worth Talking About. Too! je quality of our "Special Blend" Toa is so good that it has become a subj ect of general conversation. © price is 35 cents the pound pack 5 those desiring 'an Extra' Choice mend our Tea we recom "Queen Bee" This brand is packed im. Ceylon and. comes to us put up in two qualities. B0c. and 60c. per pound. Jas. Redden & Ci. OVAL BREAD TRAYS We have a line of these with "Centres" suitably en- graved, in Satin or Bur- nished Finish, which we fully guarantee. SMITH .BR.OS., 350 KING STREET, BRING US YOUR OPTICAL REPAIRS. CALL FOR VOLUNTEER VEHICLES THOSE VOLUNTEERING VEHICLES tor carrying voters to the Rolls 3 ta n= ure t iassage to the Lauht Lt and Power Bylaw ON. MONDAY. dh: March, instant, will be i, no! to leave their names with Richard Me Clelland, the Secretary of the Oftizéns' General Committee at the office of « the City Engineer, City Buildings, on or bes Tors FRIDAY, 18th Murch, instant. Kingston, 13th March, 1004. J. H. BEL. Mayor and Chairman = of | Citizens' Committee. 5 Lieut, Belton Foster, «Toronto, March 10.--Lieut. Belton Foster, of the British Royal Artillery, passed through Toronto, yes X on the way to the far east, to. watch the artillery of Jepan during coming land campaign A. 0. H. concert in Doses Howse, Thursday ro, 'March 17th: ; What Kind Have You 2] Dronchitis or a Bronchial Cough ~use Dr. Hickey's Cure. "- A tight hard cough, 'use Spruce Balsam, A Tickling Cough--use Balsam of Wild Cherry and Horehound. All 25¢. a bottle. Sold only by The H. B. Taylor Jug o, 194 Princess Street. i :

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