Least One Travy. g Man, on think. of stariip y mileage books 9 out on a tip without rt's Dyspepsia Tabloty id a travelling 3%. Louis hardw ar, Because 1 Have to ut »f hotels and hoard » eat good, had a tall hours of the day | don't believe any vill stand that sort of otest, anyway I know as to have something and Stuart's Dyspep- te crutch "1 fall back tig 5 and ten "josh" me about an easy mark for pa- kers, that advertised mbugs, ete, but [ pg. re nearly always com. aches and pains ang hile I ean stand most fare and feel good ang wk when it needs ne we my good digestion \ to the daily, regulyy Dyspepsia Tablets, rout, and all (h, world will never cop contrary. e heartburn abou day and a headache our times a week gad F this for four or five » look around for a | it when my doctor , investment [could » a fifty cent box of sia. Tablets, and | bout fifty cents 4 ever since and 'whey that that is what | for cigars, T feel like ith myself for [ cap and digestion in first fty cents a month. | any better life insup- lls me they are the all stomach medicines ave maintained their success because they . They bring results, what count in a pa- s much as in selling | MEN AND WOMEN. 3 unnatural nd mado xy EEE rant, Cleansing for a TENDER Shin ap for ANY Skin t Soap Co., Mfrs. NTREAL. other just as good. terns, 1904. Beautiful De- c. per roll uf- , patterns from all reduced 1n SBET, r Book Store. Fe , Groceries. 10 best that-can be tom prices go-to GROCERY )R TRIS WEEK Je. Coftee, for 35¢. CKERING, 530 _gara "Jocation. The factory would empby fifty hands at once. A special com THE OLDEST MAN IN AMERICA oe ------------ Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Mapy Winters ALLL LTR il 2 = MR. ISAAC BROCK, BORN IN BUNCOMBE GO., N. C., MARCH |, i788. by Using Pe-ru-na. His age 1s 115 years, vouched for by authentic record. Ho says: +I attribute my extreme old age to the use of Peruna." ! Born before the Ugited States Yo { w 22 Presidents elected. | Poeru-na has protected him from ofl sudden changes. Veteran of four wars. Shod a horse when 99 years old. Always conquered the grip with | Peruna. a of uct ia arial Sull at the age} | Believes Peruana the greatest remedy of the age for catarrbal | diseases. | SAAC BROCE, a citizen of McLen-| nan county, Texas, has lived for 115 | years, For many years he resided at Bosque Falls, eighteen miles west of 'Waco, but now lives with his son-in-law at Valley Mills, Texas. A short time ago, by request, Uncle 1saac eame to Waco and sat for his pie- ture. In his hand he held a stick cut 1 When home {is bright and warm and comforta- ble, thank Crawford's coal, If your home isn't as cheerful, as well regulat- ed, neat and cosy as it should be, try Crawiord's coal. 5 Our copl is a specific remedy for cold Jn. the house. And it's a sure cure for the disorders and dirt that always "arises from dusty fuel We screen our coal thoroughly. We make it clean to handle. We keep all the dirt We sell the clear coal. And hundreds of our customers declare it's the best coal they ever used. R CRAWFORD. h Ww eo heiry men who spend their lives hunt ing bear. of Yezzu, ivhabitants of the northern- most islafid of' the empire just across tion of the The animal furnishes them sustenance and clothing. Once a year they hold a great bear festival at which' there is much drinking and rejoicing panying the torturing of a death. ilized Japanese to the may be an inheritance irom the Ainus, | who are the aborigines of the islands, | now included .in the empire of Japan. en" toward the north by the Japanese strong and wear long beards, their rather comely, but for from the grave of General Andrew Jackson, which has been carried by him ever since. Mr. Lrock is a dignified old gentleman, showing few signs of de- crepitude. Ilis family Liblo is still pre- served, and it shows that the date of his birth was written 113 years ago. Burely a few words from this remarka- ble old gentleman, who has had 113 years of experience to draw from, would bo interesting as well as profitable. - A lengthy biographical sketch is given of this remarkable old man in the Waco Times-ITerald, Decomber 4, 1808. A still more protentious biography of this, the oldest living man, illustrated with a double column portralt, was given {he readers of the Dallas Morning News, dated December 11, 1808, and also the Chicago-Times Herald jof same date. This centenarian is an'ardent friend of Peruns, having used it many years. In speaking of his good health and extremo old age, Mr, Brock says: HAIRY AINUS OF YEZZO. Famous Bear Hunters Who May Fight. London, March 15.--When the Rus sn Bear tackles the Japanese' Porcu ine the first resistance he will ¢n- ounter will come from a race of little 'They gre the Hairy Ainus he Vladivostok. Killing bear is the naticnal occupa Ainus. They live by it. accom- bear to Naturally the Ainu is an expert bear ¢layer. His daring in hunting the ani- mal-is as great as his skill is marvel ous. The Cossack may find that all bears look alike to him. "After a man has lived in the world a8 Jong as I have, he onght to have found out a great many things by ex- perience, I think I have done so. «One ot the things | have found out to my entire satisfaction is the proper thing for aliments that are due directly to the effects at the climate. For IS years | have withstood the changeable climate of the United States. "1 have always been a very healthy man, but of course subject to the little affections which are due to sudden changes In the climate and temperature. During my long life 1 have known a great many remedies for coughs, colds and diarrhoes, "As for Dr. Hartman's remedy Peruna, 1 have found it to be the best, if not the only, reliable rem- edy for these affections. It has been my standby for many years, and 1 attribute my good health and extreme old age to this remedy. "It exactly meets all my require- ments. It protects me from the evil effects of sudden changes; it keeps me in good appetite; it gives me strength; it keeps my blood in good circulation. I have come to rely upon it almost en tirely for the many little things for which 1 need medicine. "When epidemics of la grippo first began to make their appearance in this country I was a sufferer from this dis- ease, «I had several long sieges with the grip. At first 1 did not kaow that Peruna was a remedy for this disease. When | heard that Ia grippe was epidemic catarrh, I tried Peruna for la grippe and found it to be just the thing." In a later letter dated January 31, 1908, Mr. Drock writes: "I am well and feeling as well as I have for years, The only thing that bothers me is my sight. If I could see better I could walk all over the farm be without Peruna." Yours truly, For a free book on catarrh, address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O, If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from the use of Perunas, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis, Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sshitarium, Columbus, Ohio. THE GOTHENBURG SYSTEM. Under Company And Not Govern- ment Control. The opinion is prevawnt that the Gothenburg ur Swedish license system issunder government. It 18 a company system-which-does' not-auect "the wssua of licenses. A number ol men, gener ally persons desiring to see the liquor tratic restricted, organize a joint sto¢k company, which secures as many licenses to sell spirits as possible. In some cases 'the company has beea avle to obtain licenses in a town. the company decides how many of these licenses are to be operated. the re- mainder lie idle. The company opens houses for the sale of liquor, putting the management under stringent regu- lations, but permitting the sale of liquor -to be drunk on the premises. Euorts are made to furnish counter | attractions to liquor drinking. 'lea | and coliee are supplied, meals are fur Probably the. antipathy ofthe civ- | nished:» Amusements provided. Rusiian bear The Ainus were conquered ani driv- nd from a once powerful race thy ave dwindled to 16,000 persons. 1h | men are small of stature, exceeding entire body is i'hi hair. The thickly covered the habit of === | tattooing their lips. MAY GOTO FALLS. Kingston Industry Asking For In- ducements A despatch to the from Niagara Fall; "Ont, says: W Beil'y & Co., broom manufacturers, whose factory was recently burped at Kingston, have communicated with | 8 this city through theiragents, 8 Poehm, of Toronto, asking what ducements the city would: offer to the fac ~ to locate there, It 1s under spol fe company looks upon Nis: lls 'as the most advantageous Toronto- Star in mittee of the council is now preparing an outline of the - concessions 1 would offer. ' 9 3 glasses of jam 25¢., pure maple syrup 2c. qt. Crawford The Indian banyan tree has at times sheltered as many as 7,000 men sq it is said. CURES All Drugeists or mailed. oes 4000000000000000008080 000000028C 0000000000000) saned grrow he will wait until the en- raged animal rises on his haunches for brought to the city arrived Saturdav lirect on the road. Try them. 00000000000000000008000030 02 EeC0000000000000060 00000 It Speaks for Itself! AR srentesd to Cure within 30 Minutes, - The Hersld Remedy Co., Moatreal $0008080000000000000000000 Civilized bear hunters "consider a shot at 100 vards gy daring exploit: The Ainu hunter will walk fearlessly up tol a bear pit and smoke bruin out | or poke him out 'with "a fong pole hen efter wourding him with a poi \ i spring forward, dart into lis em J brace and sink kis knife into the in mals heart. ers escape without a reminder of the | conflict Not often do the hunt Just In Time For The 17th. | The finest car-load of oranges ever | from California, only Personal injury suits amounting to | HEADACHE ow money sented 3 | ¢ while ! women would be | Of fermented | spent a few | The company is bound by its chart- er to pay to its shareholders no more than a' certain dividend, generally five | per' cent., on the capital invested. In | some cases they are paid for civic im | provements such as the construction of roads, art galleries, parks, ete. A proportion of extra profits goes to benefit hospitals, schools, temperance societies, and the like. In some towns where companies operate they do not control "all the licenses. In any case they have not a monopaly of the sale liquors. The plan has materially reducing the number of places in which liquor is old, and it was accompanied by .a material falling off in the convictions for drunkenness, After a few years. however, the reduction cessed, ani drunkenness showed an increase succeeded in Supplied 85 Cords Of Wood, Junetown, March 15.--Jacob Hunt ley has moved to Quabbin. Edward Nolan has rented the Pirch farm at Ballycanoe. Mrs. S, Ferguson has heen quite ill Mre. Samu] = | Harton, Lansdowne, was vii ing her vider here. W. J. Buck hus removed" Fit househcli effects to Mavwell Eli Tennant is preparing to Lvill a con crete wall for a barn. Severe! fiom here were well enterteined at Miss Mellory's recitel in Ceintown. Mr £38,666,052 against the city of Chi- | Quinn, Lansdown#, was there on bnej cago, are now pending, mo#tly for da. | ness vhages arising from accidents caused 1i« order for «izhty-fve cords of wood vy poor sidewalks. | Edwiy Summers has fifled for Rosckfield ehesse factory. Mia N. Kincaid has returned from ii iag fiends at Temperance Laks. Rockport Ripples. Rockport, March 14.--W. P. Dailey Prockvilts, spent Sunday the guest of Cha Cornwell Vi Theresa Murphy spent Sunday with her aunt, Mre. H. Senectl. Allan Purteh i seriously ill with poeumoria Xie Annalel Root, Alexandria, Bay, spent Sunday with ber mother, Nrs. W Root. Rev. Mr. Nelion flled the pul "| pit in the Methodist church Sunday morritg. Miss Mary Sullivan sit ing this week with fiends at Grena- Cir' Island. Mrs: Zeam Baubeah days ~ith her parents, Mr. and Mre.P. Smith, Fseott. Hul bert Root has moved to Star Island, {HE DAILY WHIG, Cae WEDNESDA ~ - -------- 4S AGGRESSIVE. iin, PREMIER ROSS IS IG OROUS "ON SuBJeCE-- -- The Trouble a Railway Mat- ter--The on Will Run Into Ma; tional Exchanges. Toronto, Mi 15. ~The third read. ings have set in \That regarding as: sessment of James GFaham, Beleville, passed to-day, as well as that of Bar rie to to ocoblirm its agreement with the Grand Trunk reilway and that to incorporate the Hamilton and Beams ille electric road. 'the Tumiscaming, niore often salied Tamiscamang, railway extension de- bate was continued by Messrs, Mur: by, 'Hislop, Hendrie, Pettypiece and legislature: will: be sit: in all signs fail in fair weather. The County Option. Frontenac will be interested in the county council act of the government changing the unnecestary and dis turbing act of last session. 'Lhe new conditions wili be : In case the coun cils of a majority "of the townships and villages within 'a county by re solution to be hled with the county olerk by October lst, preceding a year in which a general election i councillors takes places, shall so re.' quire, the county council shall ;. sh: mit to the electors of such county a by-law declaring that the covmeil of such county shall be composed of the reeves of townships and villages ine stead of represehitatives of the coun: ty council divisions as now prevails, The poll shall be held at the general municipal election a year before the two years term of present councillors ne. increase of cost upon esti- mates was the en of opposition | expires. speeches, while the government mem- bers claimed a8 ical and ful The crown lands report shots these ol tion as any road could present. The bill passed its second reading without amendment or division before six lock. - . A'hf¥iberals and conservatives were both in caucus to-day over the tem- perance situation and both adjomn:d without reaching an opinion or pro- voking a division of feeling. The pre- mier is understood to be firmly ggres- sive on the subject. Household Trouble. In the. railway committee to-day a lively ial arose between James Con: nee, 'and D. F. Burk, of Port Arthur, the Siamese twins who have been exploiting and glorifying Now..Cntario by way of literature, Llobbying, speeches and banjuets, Burk and it would do me good. I would net | A. have Pook 8 04 the Kidneys {had an old love, the St. Joe railway, | which years ago gave way [avo her project, for reasons unexplain- h to revive the St. Joe char | ter came up to-day endorsed with Mr. | seems ° far-fetched an { Conmee's name as its parent. The re before ed. A bi vival was attended by no proposed bren h from Port Arthur to Lake Nipegon, very like a main line. It in terfered with the Nipegon company end its patent-combtination road, ani this stirred up a number of protests, amcng thém Mr. Conmec's. After 'his rapid fire exchenge with Mr. Burke, the committee decided on postponing considera 'ion for a few days as a neat cooling. process for warm feeling: Public Utility Wins. The Trenton Electric ond Water com- pany of Irentou, appeaced before rhe | private bills committee 10 oppose the | apy lication of {the city of Belleville for | ratification of the bylaw to purchase the Belleville gas plant at 850,000. While the company's works are ia Trem on, they transmit to Belleville, where they do commercial ligh ig and have a ountract for street lighting which expires in two years. IL hey claimed that the city would be enter- ing into unlawful competi'ion with the | electric company, and claimed the pro- {tection of the Conmee act. Attorney- General, Gibson declared that Belleville was merely the contract customer of the Trenton company, and therefore the act did not compel Belleville to also purchase the electric company. S, Masson, of Belleville, who répresented ratepliyers who opposed the purchase of the gas wo.ks, pointed out that the by-law had only passed by a vote of 350 to 335, and that there were filty bad votes. He had moved to quash the by-law on the ground that it had been illegally passed. Mayor Chown, City Clerk W. C. Mikel, and ex-Alder- man Pope supported the bill and it was passed. It is in order to remark that since March 1st, theréi has been a motion on the orders from the member for Frontenac, for papers relating to the proposal to build a bridge across Sy- denham lake, and for another be- tween Howe Island and the mainland. The delay is not parplyzing, however, to home political Inquatrion. -- A Long Session. The mammoth assessment act has re-appeared, with the many changes made in committee, incorporated in cold type. This bill will be labour en- ough for the latter part of a session, independent of the temperance. mea- sure, the "Soo" restoration bill, the railway subsidies, supplementary es- timates, und municipal amendments. The house has been in 'wession for two months and only half a dozen bills have gone through, out of over one hundred. The man who predicted a short session, and a return home of the political prodicals for Easter, was as misguided as the weather prophets, who proclaimed that the old-fashioned winter had disappearsd for ever. The A NAS C0. TLL ME WHU Noes Help Just a Postal. That is All, No money ix wantedeirom you nor from bau. 1 ask uly & posal Chad, and 1 ask jb dy an act Of Bewesity. dows send hbo Tuy LOOK. L will ar- FRUAC wilh a druPKiSL Bear by (hat he Luy Laas Bix LOLs br, Shoop's we SOfuLve 1i8 Liny Luse It a woulh at iy rask. AD at SUCCSOUS Lhe... Cost 55.00. At aus, 4 wilt pay the drug- TNL lu) sel. And the sick ones uere woud chau dec.de it "ould 1 meet you--for even ten min Ules--i Wowd forever CORVilice You that What (hese SK gues ned, inore han that, (hey wust have it, jor WUst Of thes cen Dover Kel well wiliout t Hut-1-cen niect LY dow, 80 1 take this weans 10 conse you. 4 Jet you Rie it a munith 0 Prove what it can do, and jou can pay, OF § will pay, Just. as vou decide i 1 have found the cured ones fair. In the past 13 years | have furnished my hestorative to hundreds of thousands on these terms, and oY out of each 40 have pa d--aud pad gladly --betause they were cured I will pay Just as willingly if you say I have failed My Hestorative is the result of my lifetime's work in learning how to strengthen. the inside nerves. 1 don't doctor the organs but I bring back the nerve power which alone oper- ates every vital organ. I organ power to do it's duty, would give a weak engine My way never fails. save when a cause ~lfke cancer--makes a cure Impossible No case is too difficult. for 1 have wateh- ed the remedy ed in the most dep- perate cases that physicians 'ever meet You know so «itk one who would be well with ww Pp. Won't vou jet me furnish the" Write now--to-day. Dr. 40. Racine, Wis Mild cases, not chronie, are often cur- od with one or Lwo bottles. At drugmists Dr. 8hoop's Restorative "gok 1 on Nyenspels Hook Ton this Heart as you more steam Shoop, Box Book 4 for Women Brak ® for Mop (sealed) Son nm At the Doctor's Risk no hunter shall wear clothi brown, by the Wolfe Island neer of the new ferry steamer, a ary of 8500 5 ve the weak | local te of free grant agents : A. W. Wood, Plevna, 8100; John Wha- lem and James Stewart, Renfrew, each $300. Thomas Muonev, Kingston, wood ranger, received, $886, For east- ern reserve, A. W. Wood, reteived $250, besidés 850 for expenses; F. H. Wensley received $176 for services. A. W. Wood located thirteen pereons 'on 1,400 acres in Frontenac. Whalen lo cated eighty four in Renfrew. To Protect Hunters. The game law amendment act, Tay- lor, Middlesex, provides that svury per ug in son # in hunting or shoot! this provi shal wear a hat and coat of scarlet color, less than two inches in width of svar. [either the Wanderers of Montreal or let. color around his hat or cap and a similar inches in width on each arm not morv or a band not band not less than four shoulder ; of luwn, color. This ludicious to than six inches from the green or gre some, but it is a provision that would save human life. Some membes of the legislature have, while hunting, worn a band of red across tha breast and back as a precaution, and ther are still amo! the majority t! been dying from natural couses, The legislature igf being cultivate hy Toronto Universitf, whereas once looked uponfns a machiny feu overnment use ¥ voting support. (mn onday evening a lecture wis given | to the members on radium iw 1'vol. McLennan, under auspices of he Alumni Association. Educational Exchanges. Two sessions since a bill was passed' | in effect commuting the amount county pupils shall pay for tuition at city collegiate institutes. Two liberal members( for Kingston and Ottawa) alone protested, and the rural mem: bers used their strength and the act went, with some government support. Now Mr. Gross,, meaning the government aforesaid, has inte duced another bill which provides this amendment, as a tit-for-tat, or show of justice, though the circumstances are almost - always the other wy : When the trustees of any high sohou! in a municipality contiguous to a sity shall give notice that such school is open to city pupils on the same 'terms. as to resident pupils; the city counci! shall pay to the sum equal to eighty per cent. of 'hk average annual cost of maintendnce. A lobby is boing conducted for a grant of 325,000 to Muskoka Sanitar ium for Consumptives. It is a pod thing to shove along, but the suspic ion arises that the money is made for the sister home being built near To ronto, which is a project of another color. The Muskoka home has dune good work since it has received these among its patients : From Kingston, eight pay; from Frontenac, four pay, one free; Leeds, nine pay, one fre Lennox and Addington, six pay, three free; Prince Edward, three pay; Ren frew, two free. NOT MUCH CONSOLATION. Electric Lines Do Not Pay om Long Reaches. Promoters and investors interested in electric lines will not find consola- tion in the last report of the railroad commissioners of Massachusetts. Out of 105° companies in that state no lees than sixty-five, new end old, declare! and paid no dividends, A gentleman of very large experience interested in electric - lines operations in Massachn- setts recently stated that electric linis do not pay except when operated with in densely populated city districts or within a very short" radius thervaf- like Boston and its immediate suburbs. Judged by this standard electric lines in Ontario outside of those operated within 'cities, will not be able to earn dividends at least for many years (6 come when. the - population "of thet prdvince becomes more dense than Massachusetts where so many electric lines are not profitable. At presint there is in Massachusetts a population of 349 per square mile against approxi mately ten per square mile in Ontario, or roughly thirty-four to one, Adds from this indication as to Ontario be ing an unfavorable field for electric line operation, it is interesting to note that Ontario now enjoys three times as large steam railway mileage as Massachisetts to cach one thousand of population. Wolfe Island Wishes. David I. Leslie has been appoint.d council as eng! Edward Briceland and Dr. MeCurthy will 'go to Toronto this wank to ux the Ontario government to aid the Wolie islanders in runcipg their new forry sicainer is due Wolfe Island in lieu of the road grants given to other townships, for a bonus This baba Received A Bad Fall. James Weir, Alfred street, a team- ster, on the staff of Kingston peniten- jary, bs conin io hix room as a 'result of a fall received at the peniten- tiary digtance himscll severely. It three ribs were broken. "Hix condition is said to he. critical. Wouday afternoon. He fell es of about' ten feet, injuring is- thought that Wash greasy dishes. pots or puna with lgver's Dre Soap a pewder. It will remove the grease with the great- est epse,! Fresh garden | Cross drug store. May, or THE ICE YACHTSMEN HAD A bor fod five A » igh school board a ronnterptta ~v « mania. Tt aleave euros and ie vlogs t a sal MERRY TIME. Came Home At The Rate of Sixty Miles An Hour--Elliott And Daley Seon Leave For Con cord, N.H.~Play Baseball. Thirteen members of the Kingston Teo Yacht Club enj the hospital ity of J, B, Carruthers, at his sum- wor cottage on Baker's Point yester- day | afternoon. 'Lhe yachts of Mr. Carruthers, Sandford Calvin, W. C. Kent, H. 8. Folger, Frank Strange and Major Hewitt, '(cotamodore of the club), had a race the har uous din- ner was served, and the yfahtamn started early for home. hey came down at a terrific speed, less than five minutes required to cover. the distance. That is at the rate of sixty miles 'an hour. No greater speed has been attained here than that in many years. The yachts "'aip-. ped" over a crack, Where open water was, so fast hardly noticed. : Hockey. Toronto Marlboros play in Strat i to-morrow. night. Prescott and Belleville rinks are the worst in eastern Ontario. . . Toronto St. Georges will quit about $150 lovers on the season, while the champion Marlboros will struggle alone with a deficit. An effort is being made to have that its crossing was the Ottawas, holders of the Stonlev eun to play in Pittsburg with the Victorias. * Brockville Recorder i, A Prescott pa: ner is alarmed over the threat/nnl change in the O.H.A. rilea by which clubs plaving on rinks under a cer: tain size will be barred. It is about time that Prescott hockevists quit usine that two bv four ciear box, whizh they call their covered rink. Baseball. Pittsburg will not play any exhibi- tion games this spuing, Galt hopes to omganize a league with berin, Sataloo, Guelph and i'reston. At Chester, Pa, forty-two miles from WLaltimore, 'l ovonto will open the championship season on Apri sth, Manager Irwin will arvange home-aad- howe practice matches with the Wash. ington clyb of the American } . Elliott, Daley, Dorgan and H s formerly of the Pony baseball team, will shortly leave for Comcord, N.H., to begin spring training. 'the state ment about Elliott Hickev being released it incorrect, 'Chaucer's' posi tion behind the bat is awaiting him, and never was inado vacant. He has offers from other clubs, too, but Cone cord will likely secure his services. President Ban Johnson declares (hat unless the schedules of the New York National club is changed to conform with the dates announced at the moetine of the joint committees, the American League will rovisa its. sche. dule 80 there will be conf in all wonk National Lease cities. This will be done with a view of par alvzing the National clubs in St, Louis, Boston and [hiladelphin. General Sport. Hamilton Yacht Club re-olected George I". Crawford commodore, The Montreal Shymrock Lacrosse Club has a surplus of 83,764 from leat season. Winnipeg will give 830,000 in two weeks' racing at the Dominion exhibi- tion this vear. : The Ottawa Golf Club is importine a nrofessional from Fneland. He ia John (Oke, of Richmond, who is one of Enoland's best known profession- al oy hy Frank Manuire, the noted lacrosse nlaver of the Montreal Shamrocks han been eneaced as coach to the Te hirh Universite lacrosse team. This ie the second Canadian to take surh a rosition en the other side of the bor der this vear. Colds Are Dangerous. flow often vou hear it remarked "It's only a cold," and a few day» later learn that the man is on his hack with pnstimonia. This is of such coimon occurrence that a cold, how- ever alicht, should not he disrernrd od. Chamberlain's Couch Remed: tendence townrd neu. ant to take. Far sale he all druopiete The Hardest Pain To Endure. ls the pain of a tender corn, but ex- perience proves that corns are cured quickest by Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, which acts in twenty-four hours. Putnam's pever burns or caus ea sorey. The only painless cure is Put nam's. Use no other. The Master MecBonic"s Pure Tar voap beals and woliens the «kin whil promptly cleansing it of grease. oil rust, ete. Invaluable for farmers, sportsmen. Free sample on re velit of 2¢. Tor postage. Albert Toile foap Co, Mirs., Montreal. > mech mics Kumor whispers that a prominent Princess street merchant, who has long etjoved the freedom of bachelorhoo I, in about to take up the remainder of he journey through life in double har- nes. Beautiful large soft hamois. Gib fon's Red Cross Drug store, Heory Crumley has purchased = the fine , brick dwelling on the south side of Union street west, adjoining Queen's College grounds, and in Kingston skating rink. rear of tle yers Sarsaparilla Over 60 years old! Think of it! Honesty, merit, power ioeds at Gibson's Red | (0 CUrE, these are the reasons. | Ask your doctor, LdtEs: 5 Velo Couches, in he Ea) 1 Hair Cloth Parlor Set, & pieces, slightly used, at $18. Hall Racks, Screens, Easels; all at reduced prices. JAMES REID. | Swift's § Scranton $ Coal 3 & Largs Poa Sip JANES SWIFT & C0. $ Tie a, Opened COCO WOOLLENS In-pection invited. Crawford . & Walsh, Loading Tailors, Pilnoses and Bagot Ste. BOOONOONDHO0D000DOCOO8 CANNEL YOUR GRATE. I lasts all nicht. Try it .P. WALSH - 8557 BARRACK STREET. W000 AND COAL Z.The bentrul Weods yards focatod at Rett SS EE EN All Kinds of food Hard Wood, eu ton C a » B BARN or our Daily Market Letter. F. RICE, MANAGER AT( THiNDELL, MUSIO 1EACHER