Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Mar 1904, p. 5

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Serge Bass Berge Buits are in form, and we lly keep our lines in sizes and ve the new Dun. a cut, the single '& lebreasted © horoughly well and stylish in © No _ gentleman's 18° complete 4 \ Blue Serge © | no tailor who & ou $20 or $25 Qo ge Buit can fit ¢ neater, or give o lue Berge Buit © better in any 2 2 the Buits we ® ® s ) S15 le ? : IE) yy'3 » % @ s usual, lead at styles can y Prices. VER L s Shoes es, so far as ice goes, you han make a inn WALK. better made All wearers [OES will tell Store the Chest, ey, and lungs." There is throat, aad the Sale ars, sold for $4.50. collars, sold . $5.50. | for $5 and .$3.50. ds, sold for rrr er PB. ns in every ON. and). . T And judge a dry good store by its linen stock judgment. reliable makes from ably close quotations: © - Hall Bleached Table Linens, 35¢c., 80c., 83¢.. 40c., 48c., 30c., 60c. a yard. Bleached Table Linens, Lincn, 83c., 45¢c.. 50¢., nion and all 60c., 75¢c., 8bc., $1, $1.25 #1 30 vard | Shirt Cloths and Plain and 'Twilled Sheetings, the greater part manufaciur- Table Nupklus 1 size, .50¢., | ed by the old reilable firm of Horrockses TSc., 81, $1.25, $1. 5 Ad $4 dozen. in early days a very familiar family i me, Roller, Crash and Huck Towelings, ckses' White Cottons, 10c., 1lc 5¢., 6c, Yc, Bc, 10c, 12§c.. ¥5c., 18e., | 3 er 1060 1 17c., 20c.. 25¢. a yard 20¢c. a yard. . hp Linen Finish Cambrics, 8c Towels--Fine Linen, also in Cotton, en s, Grey and Sheetings ite, 3%¢:» 15, 0c. 38c., 80c., Bc, doe. |= 8-4, 0-4, 10.4. 25¢. to 45c, a yard » 75¢.. $1, pair. . [[o Brox Cottons. Flan snd Twilled. Be. Bath Towels; 10c., 12§c., 15c., 20c., | 6e., 7c., 8c, 9c., 10c., 12jc., yard 25¢.. 38¢., each. White. Counterpance, 75¢c., $1, $1.13 Drawn Work Linen, Grass Linen, | $1.25 $1.50, $2.50, $8.30 each Butcher's Linen and Fromting Linen, in many grades. B--4--The We received direct Jarge : shipment of Cottons, Pillow Cottons. Bleached Night . 10c.. 124c.. a yard. Every Shy hy likes te own ene or two nice Table Cloths, etc Come -and select from CRUMLEY BROS. Jump from England, We welcome this Kind of We have carefully studied the linen business and we have carefully studied the linen inarkets at home and abroad. Ireland, Scotland and Germany, At present we show many all marked at remark a White WIRE DOOR MATS ! The best kind of a Mat to keep slush and 'mud They are not expensive and dirt outside the house. eh er .-- 12 x 20; 60c, 14x 24, 18 x 31, $1 25. 16 x 28, 91c. 75¢. x 335, $1 .50 McKELVEY & BIRCH, 689 and 71 Brock Street. DIABETIC advantage, ing to the and take moderate. profits. porary halt in the advance and are We have direct private wires to or corm. two of stan's Hill, NOTHING TO PAY. BUY BRAIN ON BREAK For the time bein we look fora trader's market. Good authorities say this is only a tem- . Buy still talking $1.25 -- a HE 1S WORRIED. At Navajo, RM., anc the largest firms on Chicago Board of Trade and can give unexcelled service in wheat, oats Patients will hear of something to their by writ- Diabetic Institute, St. Dun- London, on breaks for wheat. the McMillan & Maguire, 5-E- Cor. King & Yonge Sts. BRANCHES ~Hugter St, PETERBORO ; Brock St, KINGSTON. EO RR | hocatee of a lack of competent cooks 1 Carlisle, Pa:, Cooks Are Badly Wanted By |selaris of 3600 a year arc offered. Un an Three of the schools ._ offer $510: six Washington Ke 5 YA 18. --The | offer, 8300; five offer, £150, and three American housewife i: uot the only offer, $400. one who has difficulty in obtaining :a good . cook. Uncle Sam is wonied over the same 'protlem. A number of cooks are needed in the Indian ser vice and the government js offering The requirements cants must be twenty years of age certification of cooks, nty, physical more and in the age will count for twe condition, properly brcil beefsteak and turn ont twenty, an are d ability that appli or sixty points i p| secure competent taducore nix i ti Ti ar advil} a variety of .hash that will stand in e J . Eights c i 8 LE will hold an ex. | vestization will count seryice; Sommissic out of a possible 100, amination to-morrow, and as an in ducement to 'applicants it says "In virw of the dificultis which the commission has expeiimced in secur ing eligibles for the position of cook, it is desired that all persons who are qualifed will apply for this position No educational 'test will be given and it will not be necessary for applicants to appear at any place for examina tiy 'rd are nineteen: Indian s hools where dyspepsia is pineapples, oranges ock. nor seid to run rot, | ge All Well Regulated Families lots of fruit. We bananas, All of the Eat very ee ---- 5 biz rolls toilet paper, 25c. «son's Red Cross Drug Store Sendall, Sir Walter J of British Guiana, vénty-two years, have grapes, sweet, seedless best, J. His Gib- former gover is dead, aged eso00c000 . Guaranteed 25¢ ALL DRUGGISTS, 000000000 000000000000000000003003550300000008" 3000006» The Herald Remedy Co-, eséencocsscescessee 000000000000000000000000000000000 It Speaks for Itself ! te CURES HEADACHE within 30 minutes, to cure ed r money refun OR MAILED = 2 ¥ ®3000000000000000200000 TWO LETTERS. SEVERAL CITIZENS INDITE EPISTLES, Burnette Objects To Some State- "--~-gments Made By " Property Owner "--McCann Hopes To See City Own Gas And Elec- tricity. Kingston, March 18,-~(To«the Edi- tor) : In your issue of the 17th imst., appeared an article re the by-law, ete. signed "Property Owner," which, to say the least, is a breezy and reada ble effusion.' The only regret that I can express is that the writer did not sign his name, in which case I might have something to say, which will not appear in this rejoinder, The writ er remarks: "It might suit very well in New York state, where he is said at one time, at least, to have been 4 member of the bar there. Whether he is so still or not, or in good stand- ing there as such, is unknown to the writer." If "Property Owner," will drop a letter to the "County Clerk of {he county of Munroe, Rochester, N. * he will soon find out whether I am a member of the bar of New York, and will find niy oath recorded in that office as admitted to the full degrees, | attorney and counsellor, of that state, at thd October 'general term of the supreme court, A.D., 1874, and so | have been a member of that bar for nedrly as many years as my friend who wrote his article is old (if 1 have the right party in mind). And he can . also find out at the same place whether 1 am in good standing for if I am not, the order disbarring me will be found in 'the same place where my oath as attorney and coun sellor is filed. 1 will say this further, | that 1 would not be .a member in | good standing had 1 ever presumed upon anv occasion to anticipate a de cision of the appellate court of my state, in advance of its being render ed in due and proper form bv said court. And I will say further that no court in the world will permit sucha practice, and the surest way in the world for a lawyer to pet | out of his good standing | is to attempt to trade upon decisions | that have never been made. Amd I} will say further, that there has been | no decision of the privy council in | this case, and will not be until Ap til, and it may be not then. There are several ¥llusions to myself in sa id article, to which 1 can make no re ply, because the writer saw fit to screen himself very judicious! , as | thik, under the immature of "Pro perty Owner." From certait legal phrases, as "deponent saveth not," ete. in the arti 1+, it is evidently the | work of a member ] ef the legal pro fession. But as newspaper ethics for bid to even make a gupss as to the identity «f pith who write under ficti ious titles, I can pursue that phase no further. To conclude, 1 have this advice to give to P. 0. and that is when next he gets ready to name any of _ his | fellow citizens ir the publi: prints with the vi:w of saying unpleasant things, that he buy a gold-painted, and if need be, a diamond pen, so that he may emblazon his fall naw | at the end of his epistle in letters of living lizht the better to serve as a shining target for the well-pointed arrows that may lie concealed in the quiver of tis antagonist, and fur ther, "deponent sayeth not.""--M, 8. BURNETTE. Gas And Electric Light Plant: | Kingston, March 18.--(To the Fdit or): As the time is drawing near when the frecholders will be asked to pronounce on the purchase of the gas and electric light plant, it seems | scarcely necessary to take up ore of your valuall: space in discussing this question, but as a member of the Property © Owners' Association, 1 would like to have an-opportunity of expressing my humble opinion as ol the great advantage derived by every citizen, whether he by a con | sumer or not, by the acquisition hy the ¢i.y of this valuable utility. It] is a source oi satisfaction to know { that, with but exception, the pul li: discuseion of this question on fo platform and through the press, has been favorabl:, and that one per son has not a dollar's worth' of pro perty in the city and is not tven a naturalized citizen. T am led to be | lisve though, that. members of the to be one company are trying to make smell property owners, who are not con sumers, believe that it will not be to their advantage to support this mea sure. 1 have this to say, that I'am so convinced of the henefit that wil accrue to the citizens generally, that L intend casting five votes in its fa vor. although in two of the wards in have property, the occupants using the service. li firther necessary. to prove that this was a good thing for the citi zens, I have. only to point out the fact, that 'Brockville, which has recent lv acquired the light and heating plant, have already signified their in tention of reducing the cost of gas by one-third in July next, and the cities of Montreal and Toronto are taking steps to control these utilities Let every property © owner, therefore, whether he. be a consumer or not, turn out on Monday and aot which | are not evidence was only vote for the by-law, but assist in bringing others to the polls.-- Your truly, J. SR. M'CANN All Swell Americans AN our swell American shoes for men are now here, three of the best makes in the United States. The Loc kett shoe store will be away in the lead in young men's fine shoes. . -- 20¢. Butter, And Apples, 15¢. butter, 20c., russets Prints or rolls, Crawford. or red apples. Jas John Meagher, an Irishman, but liv ing in' Smith's Falls, for thirty years and a moulder in the Malleable worka for twenty-three vears, is dead * after a week's illness. He was an gotive member of the CM. B.A. He leaves .a widow, one son and four daughters. + Mrs. Compo, for twenty vears a re- sident of Carleton Place, died in Da- kota from injuries received in falling through a tran door. She was eighty- six vears Russets and red apples, 15c. peck Crawford's. . { testify to the | vears, but | had not been troubl®p with them since, until last Septenffict when 1 gave birth to a baby gid and after that I had a very severe | case whom I could never see or know | recommend "Pyramids," where lover I know ¢f anyone suffering as | did. Tt gives me great pleasure to he able to say | am entirely cured, which my doctor save, is true. I say God tl:ss Pyramid Pils Cure." From a former great sufferer, Mrs. F. 8. An} cott, 1206 Urity - street, Frankford, | 1} findeIphia, Pa i This remedy, which is sold by drug. | #8 to be. ordunized, THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 1s is in Montreal. We., Rusiots 15¢c. Crawford. Blakely, Madoc, 1s a city visi Hs W H. Hicks, Tweed, was in the city to-day. Alderman Mowat is in Toronto on business. Forty little liver pills for 10e. Gib- son's Red Crost Drug Store. Abernethy's shoes ers in fit and quality James Redden and/Dr, in Ottawa on Thursday, Diphup corsets arth $1 for Glo. New Yark Dress Reform. See Livingston's ad ii vou want to save 35 on a spring suit Hon. Mr. Tarte paid the Whig a friendly call this morning. Miss Mabel Millan is in Ottawa, the guest of Mr. and Mrs J. Foley. Dr. Coutlee, Sharbot Lake, was in the city to-day on a business trip. Chocolate eclairs. and Charlotte russe, fresh to-morrow, at Ferguson's. James O'Neill was in charge of a large Cape Vincent party that visited the city to-day. ? Butter 20c., Russets 15¢. Crawford. -Ald. King, secretary of the Domin ion Marine Association was in Otta wa on Thursday. A 25c. dyspepsia tablet for 10c., on the runupage eoliiiter at Gibson's Red ross Drug Store There was a dinner in the mess at Tete de night for the long course officers, Do vou require a nice black suit at £5 less than regular price. See Living ston's ad. {tee on " and The civic comn light was to have mct this afternoon at four o'clock. The officers of the 37th Regiment held an informal cianer on Wednesday night ia honor of Col. Buchan, C.M G.. ADC Russets and Crawford's. Harvey Milne, secretary of the Y.M, C.A., is endeavoring to form a bas ket ball . leagne with Kingston and Belleville teams. The department cf publi: works. Toronto, has ordered four "of Chief Flmer's patent cut off machines, for use in the legislative building and on the grounds. Russets and Crawford's The Ontario C hurchman, since the Whig adopted it in November, has grown in circulation from 1,200 te 2500. It is being adopted for rer hizing by parishes in Ottawa dio It is a church newspaper, not a doctrinal or controversial journal. Rubber sponges, ask to see them, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Major W. J. Wright elected grand master of the Orange Uider in East ern Ontario, is to be congratulated on his elevation, after a, hard contest with Lieut.-Col. Halliwell. Major Wright is a Brockville lawyer and a genial man. He has been interested in | municipal and military matters for | vears and has always ably sustained himseli as an Orange advocate. He is known to manv Kingstonians, who re Joice over his advange in the order to which he is so warmly attached. PHYSICIANS EVERYWHERE Know The Value Of Pyramid Pile Cure. alone are always lead: Kilborn were officers' Pont barracks last red apples, 15¢. peck. red apples, 15c. peck. cose. "Gratiiude prompts me to efficiency of <P'vramid File Cure. Last March I bought a dollar *~ package at the drug. store, which cured me of bleecing piles, and I'was a sufierer from them for eight of protruding pil, which @ trained nurse said was the worst case she ever saw. and my doctor 1d me to get Pyramid Pile Cure again, shich | I did and was completely cured ir thgee days. 1 have not had piles of anv kind since, and it is all owing to this wonderful remedy. My nurse took a box, whith I was glad to bx able to give her, for I know she will be able to help lots of suffering peopl 'his own hands, in ffty cent and dol in a suppository for. tly to the parts afiect itn work auistly and value is evidenced by gists genera lar packages is applied dir ed wand performs pair Lisly. 1 the testimony given above, and ©» urge all sufierers to buy a packeg now and give a trial tonight. Ac cept no substitutes and rémembe that there i: 'no remedy "just a good." A little book on the Can and Cure of Liles is published by the Pyramid Drug Co: Marshall, Mich., and will be sent free to any address ee et , And Apples, 15¢ Is, 'butter, c., russets I Jas. Crawford. | 20c. Butter Prints sor 1 or red apples For Marmalade. Get those fine bitter oranges Ferguson sells. only Me. a dozen that six little ones of Louis The wile and o | Pucatt, Johnston's Corners, all =can- | {ily clothed, were Tound by James Ir. vine, Cloyne. standing "helpless in th stinw, watching 'their little Jog hous burn down, the father being absint in the lumber camn Mrs. Atkins. horn in Thurlow, 'eigh tvdour vears ago, is dead in Belle ville. after a week's illness from pneu monia. She was for fifty years a de vont Methodist. Three sons and three daughters survive, . The Smith's Falls Fire company is out of business, having got into trou ble over increase in money grant with the council and a volunteer company Two citizens of Carleton Place, vet hale and hearty, are Mr. Willonohbv aged seventy-five: and Richard Holden just stepping gallantly into his nine tieth round. A Raturdav----snap--a dozen oranges for 10c. at Ferguson's. THE SPEAKER. MR. BELCOURT \ WAS BORN IN TORONTO. w-- What " PK." Tells The Toronto News AS To The French Cana- dian, Who Is The First Com- moner. It is a curious fact that the oaly member of the House of Commons who first saw the light in Toronto is a French-Canadian, writes R. Kk. in The Toronto News He is also the Speaker, or will be on March 10, if nothing untoward happens In 1860, when the peripatetic Par liament of old United Canada was putting ih its four-year termi in To- routo, a son arrived in the houschold of a civil servant named Delcourt, who, while a faithful and eflicient clerk, held no very important post The youngster was destined to be the future First Commoner of Cana- da, and he was to show, on his way to that eminence, an indomitable will, combined ~ with a savoir that some politicians lack. French Members Understand English, There is not in the House of Com- mons a single French-Canadian who does not understand English. Per- haps the last representative who was monolingual was one Lippe, a babit- ant from Joliette, He had no word of the language of the majority Time did not hang so heavily upon his hands, however, for he slept six- teen hours a day. Since the passing of Lippe, the Fronch-Canadians have had not a single representative who could not get along fairly well in English. Most of them speak it very well. Few of them have no accent. Lemieux, the debonair, good-humor- ed and capable Montyealer, who sits for Gaspe, has no French tang to his syllables. Neither has Belcourt, who passed a good part of his life amidst English-speaking Canadians, Belcourt in especial probably em- ploys English half-a-dozen' times to once when he uses French. In Otta- wa, where he has a thriving law practice, the language of businéss and professional life is English. In their homes the Frehch-Canadians use their mother tongue, but in the day's work the more widely under stood medium is employed. Belcourt's Fine Culture. Belcourt has a fine knowledge of both literatures, 'and his speeches in the House since, in 1896, he be came one of the members for Ofta- wa, have evinced his fine culture. But he has seldom been heard from. From the Parliament Buildings to the law office of Belcourt and Ritchie is but a couple of minutes' walk. A man with Belcourt"s practice canpot well get away from clients when the telephone hangs handy. Neither, it is to be feared, can he cscape {rom tho insistent office-hunter. It is to be doubted whether his elevation to the Speakership will exempt Mr Delcourt from the importunities of the latter class Mr. Speaker exer- cises a vast amount of patronage Here in Toronto the Provincial Gov- ernment retains for itself the ap- pointment of messengers, sessional clerks and other employe of the Togislature, but gin Ottawa the Speaker has all such patronage in and most of the in- cumbents of Jho@hrosition are very Jealous of their Lrivileges Mis High Ambition It is said by some that Delcourt's ambitiofh is to secure uw stat on the Supreme Court Bench Sir Elzear Taschereau isjan old man, and his retirement cannot be long delayed Delcourt would make an adequate successor. The fashion of appointing nobody but grandfathers to the high- est cpurt in the land seems to have become effete, mo that Kis youthful- ness could not beibrought up in judgment against the new Speaker. A Mest Likenble Man, Belcourt is one of the most like able of men. He numbers, probably, more personal friends among the English-speaking Protestant popula= tion of Ottawa than any other man of his blood. lle is an admirer of that division of our population, but his first love, as it is fitting, is his own people. When he was a vounger man, the féeling between claws in Ottawa" was not as cordial as it now is, and Delcourt, though he is a broad-minded man cannot forget sundry hard things that were said bv too enthusiastic Protestants. His temper Is placid, but it is not mud- dily stagnant Not many vears ago he flow into roval rage he cause a fat-brained English-Canadi an thought to pay him & compli ment by remarking that he was "a pretty decent fellow for a - French man.' Beleourt"s mildness vanished and he made a few animated re- marks to that complimentary gentle- mat A Self-Confessed Chump. It was quit? characteristic of the man' that ten minutes lator, - Bele court said to an PEuglish-speaking friend of his, "Well, I'm a chump myself fof getting hot at a fool.' Bug the friend didn't think so. And few men would . Coveted. of Quebec, hav. Net a Post to Mr. A. G. Doughty ing "refused the post. of Dominion Archivist, on account of the insuffi of the salary--81 900--it will be necossary fof the Government to find some other literary man, and one who is willing to overlook in- remuneration and do the for the love of it, This wan the case with Dr. Douglas Brym- ner, the first archivist, who during vears labored conscientiously and well, with many obstacles to encounter in the shape of Parlia- mentary and public indifference, and A meagre grant of money for ex- penses. As the ordinary political of- fice-socker cannot fill the office of ar- chivist, which must go to sfie one possessing qualifications there seems to be some hesitation about making it a post to be coveted. diency adequate work partly many New Dorothy Dodd Shoes, "The new spring stock of this most popular of all ladies' fine shoes in'now at the Lockett shoe store. Over fifteen hundred dollars worth. ---- T. G, Marquis, M.A., is in the city on a business trip, He is sssociated with Morang & Co., Toronto, ' Hemstitched Collars and Cuffs, white, | suitable for mourning, price per set, 15¢. Trimmed dnd Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets, in very pretty tints, for 5c. set ' Very latest styles in Japanese Col lar and Cufi Sets. beautiful patterns, only 50c. a set. The above are embroidered on Duck, Lawn and Crash. Linens, Silk and Chiffon Tops for Fancy Collars, embroiderogh ab col ors, 300 vac Very Pretty Silk Embroidered Collar Tops (on bands), on silk, chiffon and linen, 3c, We, We 4 Chine Specials A timely snap by our buyer for the China ounter 72 only, Fancy Gold Tinted Plates, valye 2¢. each 63 only, Fancy Pattern Cake Platés | 36 Fancy Colored Pink Tinted Toa Pots 23 Cream and Sugar Sets, neatly de corated; Your choice of above for less than : Big- shipment iret on York, the very newest. ! A Long List of ay Four- Stang Carpet . Brovus, 15e.. Scrub. Brushes, Ls "hr Regular '0c. Hammers. for oer oy them in Rg Tack FH "oad. two Dates Tacks = the evar BR Hea iy Mowe Oe: ery. Son Lots of Walon or the childem 16, Symes, 2., Je. 1 pound of Note Paper 19¢. half their value, viz, 12. ledge of the Men's Fine - kinds will be only . $3. "Think of this, young ® st American Shoes. Seese @8 ASK FOR TR The Purest and Most Agreea.ble | Beverage ; on the Market. J Not carbonated-- made from the best of JAS. McPARLAND, When we tell you the swells gr the swellest goods 1 ® being shown elsewhere at $s, and Bee them at . : SUTHERLAND'S SHOE. SE at ble to offer thi Sh a a me, $3.30 fo th wl 3 ---- ®00e Malt and Hops. 99¢. a Pair For. Boys Satin Calf Boo at, medium weight, i won't get anywhete less than $1.25. Sizes, 1,2, 5 4S Our Price 9%. 3 France To Quit. March 18.--The Paris Fig- |. aro says it is believed that France will" resign" her privileges - in' New foundland .in consideration of the pay- ment of an indemnity and the guar- anteeing of fishing rights in return, and will obtain certain territories; the possession of which will ensure com- London, serviceable goods you munication between her West African colonies.

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