to they by ten to one, ded | the office. W asked § .oting called the by-law to more than ten ia answer wad, Yes, and the answer was so aml 50 | unanimous that it has been heard all | fire and Ii Hover the country. Seventeen years Kingston took: over its first pul | , when the Whig )@ | ventured to say + the by-law would prefer a club or a chair for the exoeu- | tion, he chose & huge pcncil: + approached, knew the real feeling of thy property owners icted a still he wager of the citizen | five to one was not reckless, as t : ion comes to abou . " one. 'The fact is that ® | seven voters represent probably not , 8% a youd por- duplicates ond trip- the vote was virtually Mn » . 2 Volos Cit Agains inst 'It-- Kingston Takes ly played. The Ga ough with flat- 3; iron crown again attract "atten . Another Step up the Ladder of Municipal » Ownership--The Written Decision 'of [/ "12+ PrivgCouncil is Eagerly Awaited, EE AAR wa» 1,807. the city own the plan saan meandetings of the brim. Py os light, Seat and power What Is Now Awaited. Black, and black and white hats, What will the t committee. utiity, the water works. Now it peny's last appeal," was the rerly. | Chita st od wit i over the lighting plant. At ts. akPen. proceed no fur | lovers, Ee totmngic] with follare and ten years hence will wee it | ther. If that judgmint does not 'ar- del for spring wear the street railway. rive before April 1st, then the city will to "clean out" if he would As the ing for pa ter vie. | Considering that who by twenty t thirty-eight these thirty- Ti to say. I caiinot tell A reward is pro] cond. ahd is posed rocedure riow be 7 was asked of Chairman Toye, of the "We will have to await the writin decision of the privy council on the not be able to acquire the three mouths later, viz: July 1st." ---- B. W. Folger's Views. B. W. Folger when asked this morn- opinion: said: didn't think there would have been so many votes cast against the by-law, the company didn't offer any opposition. You can say that every stockholder of the Light, Heat apd Power company voted in favor of the city mcquiring the plant. street railway compeny was alse fav- orable to the passing of the by-law. here is really little more that I have when the citv expects to take over the plant, but I understand it will be about July lst," Sis BOT ts sv Tg pence & Co's. ty store its best foday on the ocsuon of the annul sprig coming Fsboate r= | ent, .the showing of styles Yet very large and eof ive; and keen ladics which visited the display must have been gratifying to the ile some very smart small shapes are shown, the tendency in dress hats seeins to be towards the other ex- treme, very large creations being dis- _ June roses will be the popular trim- ming for all hats. In ribbons, whites, , greys, and blues, are also very Malines promise to be a £3 profusion than ever. Some of the original touch in their trimmigg and oo a ee vr t ' ack lily of the valley hat, in which the little ees , discovery of person curled stems portant ty for"... \. ww 1; 4 against. the law, in, Qutatie ward | par, =m Gig m---- i in, ¥ia Jrarc. "St |. <In the fancy hats. ihe. ihree-cornered ' us taken another step np fais been a single and nota warring [tendency is very pronounced. The municipal Srl as ils Faturie wks Koiwin. at shape is haut to give as meh Yariety ¥ he--compl , as possible, t the three-corner uncertain sound oh a garter to six o'clock. idea can be treed through all .the:|a litt which are" always considered good stvle, are shown in large numbers. There is an "equal display of light- weight straw hats. A sailor shape, el- ongated from side to side, made of Among the dress hats was a perfect beauty in "Shepherdess" shape, faced with reseda green and trimmed with dark green ribbon, foliage and red berries. On another of the same tvpe with higher crown--all the hats have 1 ecrowns--two plumes were arranged closely around the crown and fell slightly over the back: Concurrently with the millinery op- ening a very instructive disolay of fashionable spring desirables-auto- etc.,-- was going on on the second floor, and this department had many happy visitors throughout the day. KINGSTON'S MEMBER. Hope That He Will Not Leave e . 1 The bakeries ? and then give up the "Headache" cu with Miller's Headache Powders, 10c. and 's line will not be opén: in the country, as well as telegraph poles, are becoming visible. On a case of causing a disturbance josture, aud are weed in greater Lowton was remanded until Thursday. hats have a decidedly | 'Ere long the. glad suburbanite And when he tries to stand upright, the Wilkinson store was sold to' local hotels. x from Chickering's. McAuley's boo Kingston." day and judge. for teachers will open in the Maecdon- ald Institute after Easter vacation. * Will you," * Have a hot soda or a nice lemonade 2° The young wan blushed a rody red-- "Harry" Gildersleeve was once may- or of Kingston. Not so, but he should have been had he stayed with us. of a handsome pair of horses, one 4 buyer who has days in the city. backache, by wearing one 1 Weed and Belladonna Backache Plast- coats, tailored costumes, silk waists, ers. chell's store on Brock street caupht fire shortly before eight o'clock morning, likely into the place. a pail of water. CH 4 : A j DAYS EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS .. IN GENERAL. Occuirences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. : Abernethy's shoes wear the best. Well, what next will the citizens buy? Ch, Burnette !" Try one more guess, host ! red five minutes 25¢., at Wade's. i It is said that the, street railway for three wocks It is said that the top of the ba-us King: street east house, Gunner Will hoe and rake and plant Discover that he can't. The police are informed. that the whiskey stolen some time agé from Henry Cunningham, piano tuner Orders received 'at 4 store. Princess street "Peggy from Paris' is aid to be fo smarter than "Kittie from See "Peggy" on Wednes- A special course in manual training at Guelph immediately asked the leap year maid, * J--er--prefer a pop." he said. The Toronto World hes it that eames McParland yesterday disposed ne saddle animal, to been a Manitob; spending a few lame back, rheumatiem, will find relief of Carter's Smart All cases of weak or Price 25c. Try them. The entrance leading into Mrs. Mit- <his from a cigar ihrown The firemen wero eall- d out and extinguished the, hlaze with : expetienced ler. Experiment and Sovereign were 5 i. Ee TO JOIN FREE PRESS. | EF rr -- E. C. Dean To Be Managing News ©! Tv Editor, \ wa Free Press. Von ba; Edward C. Dean, who occupies one of the editorial. chairs of the Kingston Whig, will join the stall of the Ottawa Free Press as menaging news éditor. The new member of the staff is an journalist. He started where most of the best men in news- paper work 'begin their initiation, as an apprentice to the printing trade, some twenty-one years ago. Commenc- ing in his native city of Kingston he has had an international experience in newspaper work, at one time entering the field as proprietor and editor. From this high estate Fat: Dean' per- ceived that the joys of the proprietor must be preceded by many years' ser-/| vice in the craft and he laid down the burden to become city editor of the Kingston Whig ten years ago. Capt. Dean was cne of the first to volunteer for service .in the Norih-| West rebellion in 1885, end side by side with a young French-Canadian comrade, he took part in the suppres tion of that outbreak, entering Fort Henry with the 14th Regiment. Capt. Dean still takes an active part in matters military, and is attached to the Anay Service Corps at Kingston. Since he took over the management of the details of election matters in Kingston as secretary of the Kingston Reform Association, the liberals have won both federal and provincial seats in the Limestone City. OLD TIME BOATS. Whose Names Are Recalled By Capt. R. H. McKay. Capt. R. H. McKay (the ancient mar- iner), who was born in Kingston eigh- ty-two years ago, writes from Fulton, NY.: "It was with pleasure I read in the Whig the names of boats that ran long "years ago, but I noticed some that were not mentioned, therefore I am send'nz a complete list, which is as follows : Dalhousie, 1828; Queenstowu, Great Britain,. Brockville, Kingston, Sir Robert Peel (burnt in The Narrows by old Billy Johnston, at Clayton, during the rebellion'of "37 and '38), Canada, Highland, Toronto, Sir James Kempt, Prince of Wales, Ad miral, John Counter, Princess Royal. William 1V., Dream Wave (burnt op- posite Cobourg), Commodore Barry, Cobourg, Cornet (blew up at Oswego), Chief Justice Robertson, Gildersleeve, New Era, Creases, Telegraph; Travel- t tt Parliament. , What Mr. McIntyre Says. United Canada, Ottawa 3 Cily Solicitor Melutyre was asked Hon. William Harty, ization at the Joie wan Complete in . nin areal of the privy coun- | Kingston, formerly respect. ly two-thi of the 's ent would delay the ing | provincial cabinet, [ uber of freehold votes were polled, | over of the plant. He replied that he p dnl cabin i viz: 1434 out of 2,149. This is ac: had to discuss that question with the coutitable to a great extent to tho city council, and could not give at fact that many owmsrs were so sure j | the by-law wbuld have scarcely any | opposition, that they would not put | themselves about; while many who had | tica of them licates. lous. The voting was carried on ve quietly. There is very little to pi about it, except that the civic organ- M.P,, arrived on Monday for es a TE ment might arrive before the first of April, and in that case all would bo well. Naturally, the city wanted to Gas end electricity will not likely be cheapened for at least a year. The aldermen worked more general ly, yesterday, than in any polling event in. recent years. Will it be run by a commission ? We hope so. And incorporate the wa- have been possible. Comparison Of Notes. The total number of frechold votes in Kingston and the total number poll: ed are as follows : . * pu repeated now, that the member Kingston It is known that the government o 30 . take Gye Sho Plant in the next eau. a" 38 'ten days will give the city officials end toa, = Frain fs Sos 343 | Jdermen a oe of work to do. a wa neh of the wards the vote polled | "34, Tikdly that the city council will wal bl %¢ to two-thirds of the total have to hold a special session to dis cuss the question as it now stands. There is quite a bunch of young fellows about the lighting plants. who are wondering if they will be kept on. lets. All druggists refund the nature is on each box. If you are nervous or dyspeptic Carter's Little Nerve Pills: makes you % A ---- J How The Vote Stood. The standing for and against in cach ward was : We have heard many names proposed makes you dyspeptic; either one rend- | Kingston. Jada Yon Against. | og Con E. the oncil oll you miserable, and these little | The late Mrs. James Mackie, of ORANG, en 84 i should act wisely, and select an elec. | PHIS cure both. Montreal, was buried at Windsor Mills, St. Lawrence, 4 2 | trical expert, a business man and a | TEEEEE-------------------- | Que., on Tuesday. Death was due to a Shtaragul, Jos 1S legal authority. DOCTOR DID IT. pneumonia, Mrs. Q. M. Douglas. King- | n--- - Rideau, ,. 374 10 group of aldermen in the city en -------- ston, is at the family howe in Mont: | Brightest Thing in Stove Polish Is Victorit, v vi oo o .. J 23 1 gineer's office this morning were mak Put On 36 Lbs. By Food. real. -- ~ |ing og as to the citizen, who op Victoria ward gave the highest " foe 1 bylaw in Vitoria ward. Dy D- e portionate wajority, with Ontario se evera) Bang Were SugFOsted. reason Grape-Nuts food is ® re x 0 8 n Well Again. commended. dy PCY The many friends of John Blownt | of ame Ayers and he gains can use daily will be pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism, Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon, Ind.) had failed to give relief, © The prompt relief from in says : Died At Rochester, N.Y. Miss Georgina Gordon Finkle, fifth danghter of the late Capt. Gordon | TY Finkle, of Kingston, Ont., died of pacumonia, Wednesday, March 2nd, at the resid of her brother-in-law, A, W. Moore, 158 Plymouth avenue, Ro- chester, N.Y. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. A, W. Moore, and ons brother, William Finkle, of this city. Funeral services were held at the v home of deceased, and the remains are | it to come to Kingston for burial. - We always put the best in it; Ti EOD ARS tho Best ou it. The kin - my best Grape-Nuts tors order. teaspoonfuls leaving city. sent time, and % Nelson, Detached Brick, 8 "- rooms, modern improvements. 48 and 50 Elm, Double Frame, 5 rooms each; stable and good Elm, Single Frame, 5 -rooms, dwelling. Pine, Detached Brick, 7 rooms; ~ Stable Drive of health. this food is simply wonderful. The Evils Of Consumption Are Well known and the next best thing in to know a reliable cure. Mrs, W. ns A 'and Eddies, of Stony Mountain, Man. poonfuls of Grape-Nuts and vet 'does : says. "Dr. Hamilton's Pills are just his very hard work up to lunch time a the thing. They go right to work at and enjoys the best of health and Fur- once. use only Pr Hamilton's | treagth. conve ACO, Pills." Price, 25¢. per box. I could name. great many cases ER s A Jike this and 1 still Prescribe Grape ' Nuts in my practice every day." Name as 20. thse. abd Minute Guns Were Fired. piven by Postum Co., Battle Creek, The flags on the city buildi were half-masted today, out of IoApeet. to the memory of the late Dike of Cam- bridge, whose burial took place-in Fg lend. From Point rick, from eleven o'clock till noon, minute guns Ree | by a detachment of the .C.F.A Mich. Loud Voice: FEET are perfect, treated that anyone can digest all'y. Shown strength and brain energy. "There's a reason." No better blood purifier made than sulphur, cream tarter * and molasses. They Will Go At $1.50 An ' Gibson's 'Red Cross Drug Store. Right. The * Ontario "Electric railway pro- 1. Jennings, King St. are to have a, meeting in Belle- moters ! ville this week, ville for minister in the who is the most popular and most modest member Cn- tario sends to the House of Commons 1 the session present a decided answer. The jude. Just in time to hear Premier Laurier's speech on the address. Mr. Harty oc cupies a unique position in Canadian politics. Unlike Sir Wilfrid Laurier and for. want of conspicuous men, and the intimation given out last session and' for would positively disappear after this parliament has been learned with regret on both sides of politics. is V, % Wards. Panes | terworks with the same. ; decidedly opposed to Mr. Harty's re- 128 The property owners quite success: | givement. On ate. 25 fully gave the third reading to the ------------ '| Ca 209 lighting purchase by-law. To Cure A Cold In One Day. 20! Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove'y sig- 25e. Feed a physician back to health an experience that he to benefit others. For this re- to patients by hundreds physicians who have cured them selves of 'stomach trouble. One doctor "Although a physician and trying to aid and assist my fellow beings to en Joy good health it must be admitted I and began to think 1 had about seen days. One day about three years ago 1 had an opportunity to food for my break- fast. 1 liked it so well that I ate three . "Not only has Grape Nuts made this wonderful change in me but through I have helped my friends, relatives and patients. The sustaining power of "I have one patient who is a section hand on the C. & 0. R. R. who eats nothing in the morning but four tables. Ask any. physician about the scienti- fic principles on which Grave-Nuts food is made. He'll tell you the principles Then a ten days' trial proves that the, principles are carried out in the lc ("all the good of the grains s 3 on n Thursday evening next. 'More Than a | Established 1800. in renewed physical | Queen' it will be remembered, is the | last production made by Julia Arthur | Look in each package for the fam- ous little book, "The Road to Well. PERSONAL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. for Winnipeg. George Laturney, carter, street, is quite seriously ill. Mrs. Grout has two week's visit 4 ene ward wore | operty j . wv] yn. content to cast their ballots just in me beriy Just as soon "that it Tans {heen Me. Hutye sue and Last night, Queen's German Club } na, Ww) he Te hy number of {nae would be well to proceed with repairs than helps to him, but for all, he has nh at Mrs. Hewton's, King street | lage enough, however, and the ay eames ions. before the summer ried in vain for years togetout off "3s 5 Hardy, Napanee, is } jority is far ter than was ever .x- ' cabints - and out of politics. King- spending a while with her sister, Miss i pected, So ro were the peo Notes. ston bu Riven: Ontario and Canada Corbett, Clergy street. ? Ap o on the advantages of diy soli it in Many itustrious sons---Macdonald, Mo-! "Nig Grothe is home again, after the water | The dty soli.itor will now expect' a ls Dyuithell, Kirkpatrick and oth- |: weeks pleasantly spent in New , and vo 'wood the sti il be de Pit the J of Canada would York and Lowell, Mass. it was st Streot railway ma! a | accept Harty in preference to any of Miss Mary McLean, Point Road, i that an adverss vote | Municipal property r them. Parliament is poor at present |: . : 18 care of the Sisters of the Hotel Dicu. Born this day : painter, 1822; were in town for a few days, went back to Amherst Island on Monday. Dr. Leonard W. Jones has decided to practice his profession in Athens, ril Ist. Dr. Bell, James Daley 'and Daniel gates from this city Friends' convention. Dr. George Newlands, Seattle, try | Wash., is here on a visit to his fath. Dyspepsia nervous, and 'nervousness er, George Newlands, Princess street. To-day the C.0.C.F the grand lodge. were J. Daly; D. Staley, Dr. Bell, A. Moore, J. Gowan, D. iI. Garbutt, Joseph Wilson and A. Wright. ---- A Guardnteed Cure For Piles, Itching, blind, bleeding' and protrud- ing piles. No cure, no pay. All drug- gists are authorized by the manufac- turers of Pazo Ointment to refund the i erly did joy t i 3 5 which this Nniment affords Je i ad Sat enjoy She Be] money where it fails to cure any case Sarsa arilla worth many times its. cost, Sold by [only weighed 119 Bi de of piles, Bo matter of how long stand. P all druggists. tins 1 was Biving in the Ohio Yatiey ing. Cures ordinary cases in six days the worst cases in fourteen days. One application gives ease and rest. Re lieves itching instantly. This is a new discovery and it is the only pile remedy sold on. a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay. [Price 50c. three times a day and | | : aR have regularly used it up to the pre- f your druggist hasn't it in stock n I now weigh 155, gain of 36 pounds and enjoy the best send 50c. (Canadian stamps accepted) 8 {to the Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine, the celebrated cold cure. ee ets How The Girls Kiss. The Picton girl bows her stately head, And fixes her pretty lips In a hard, firm way--and lets 'em go, And sips and sips and sips The Napanee girl has a way of her own In a soulful, clinging wav, She takes a kiss that's just as vip As a wagon load or hay. And carefully takes off her hat, Then grabs the man in a frenzied way, Like a terrier shaking a-rat. The Kingston girl never says a word, She's so gentle, timid and tame; the neck, And gets there just the same. ee --_---- '" Mone' Than Queen." It is likely that there gagement of "More Than a Queen" Movements of The People--What H. V. Lyon and wife left on Monday Barrack returned after a in Brockville and improving wonderfully under the good Van Dyke, painter, 1599;° William I., 1797; Rosa Bonheur, Bourdillon, poet, 1852, Rev. R. S. and- Mrs. Wilkinson, who and will hang out his shingle on Ap- Staley have gone td Toronto as dele- to the Chosen It is many years since he has been in > delegates left | for Toronto to attend the meeting of Among the number { baby at once and it soon cured The Belleville girl gets a grip on herself, That she grabs the jay by the back of will be a lively demand for seats for the . en- gun boats in the rebellion of "37 and '38; Cherokee, navy gun boat; Cata- ract, Ontario, Oneida, United States, Niagara were United States boats that called at Kingston." Off To The West. Twenty familes from this district left via the K. & P. railway Tuesday morning for the North-West. They are some e best of residents, and have left good farms to better their condition by settling in the growing west. Their going, is a distinct loss to the community, but it is satisfactory to note that their exodus is not to the United States. Canada still retains them. The List Incomplete. Some one is responsible for am in- complete voters' list in yesterday's election. 'A Victoria ward property owner, who has voted up therey for twenty-five years, on entering the poll found that his nanie was not on the list. Some time an omission of this kind may cause trouble. . Was Sadly Prostrated. The Winnipeg Free Press says: Mrs S. J. McLeod desires to thank the many friends who have been so kind to her daring her recent bereavement Her friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. McLeod has partially recovered from the almost complete prostration | caused by her sad loss. May Have To Tie Up. Some Kingstcn sailors have received notice from western boat owners that owing fo the hinted great increase in wages -and poor prospects of ire business, they will probably he com pelled to tie their craft up for the seq- fon. Seamless hot-water bottles. Wade's. |r --------------re-- { READ IT THROUGH. | be SS 4 | 'Twould Spoil This Story To Tell It In The Headlines. | To use an eighteenth century phrase, | this is an "o'er true tale." Havi | happened in a small Virginia town in | the winter of 1902, it is a story very | much of the present. Up to a short | time ago Mrs. John FE. Harmon, of | Melia Station, Va., had no personal knowledge of the rare curative pro. perties of Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy. 'Last January," she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feared she would have pneu monia, but one of my neighbors "told | me how this reraedy had cured her lit- | tle boy and I began giving it to hd I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for plac- | ing so great a cure within my reach. | 1 cannot recommend it foo highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all | who read this will try it and be con-, | vinced as I was." For sale by all i druggists. | Have You Wood n and Coal to Burn § | Here are ths two most ecenomical | tual investments we know ef : | Hard Coal! Hard Wood! Whether it's Wood or Coal we deliver, we employ careful teamsters, who know their b too well to do it in an | untidy way. No extra charge for the | ut it's worth something to 'BOOTH & CO. | "Phone 133. Fool of West St. at the Grand, which PP before she became Mrs. Cheney retired froin theatrical life. It is stirring story of the life of the "Lit tle Corsican" and his love affairs. and a | 915 W, W. F. DEVER & GO. Stock and Bond Brokers, "ellington = Write for our Daily Market Letter. SURGEONS RESORT TO THE xy BE a FE, When a Simple Home Remedy Cures. Why do physicians always allvisg operation for the eure of heniorrligi, or piles? Are tl unconsciously jy. fluenced bv the of Operating sy,. geons, Who stoutly assert and me, tain that all other treatments as merely palliative and that the . affords the only means of cure? There could be no greatér fala, as the worst possible cases of piles ars permanently cured by the use of Pyramid Pile Cure, which is in Suppo- sitory form, is applied directly t, the source of the complaint, and removes the cause, which an operation dogg t. "I have been a sufferer from piles for over forty years, and after trying everything I could hear or read of. without benefit or relief, | came to the conclusion to give Pyramid File Cure a trial, and I can truly sav i has given me entire satisfaction: ig a wonderful rémedy. The bleeding hag entirely ceased, the. protruding hay stopped, there is no longer any itehe ing, and I feel no swelling of the parts; in fact I feel like a new may "I had to wear a truss for several vears to keep the bowel up, but | have now discarded it, after using six boxes of Pyramid Pile Cure, think &fter forty: years of suffering, the gjy boxes was a small amount to make such an agreeable change, as. I Was unable to do any work that re aired stooping in the last eight years, I recommend Pyramid Pile Cure to ev. ery one with whom I come in contact as 1 consider it beyond price." Geo W. Ivey, Confederate Soldiers' Hote, Richmond, Va. . Wg vouch for the truth and aceur. acy 'of the above testimonial and urge all sufferers to' purchase ofitv cent package of this famous remedy at the nearest drug store, and give it a trial to-night. Accept no substitutes, and remember there is no remedy "just a good." The Pyramid Drug Co. Marshyl] Mich., publish a little book on the causes and cure. of piles, and will gladly send it free to any address. THE KIND Is daintv, artistic, = bright, wallpaper. In its hygienic clean] and inspiriting cheerfulness a few I lars' worth of wallpaper often provis an excellent tonic. We believe our beauti- ful stock includes just the kind of medi cine needed in many homes Clean Wallpaper for Health's Sake Pretty Wallpaper. for Beauty's Sake Reasonable Price for Economy's Saks WEESE & C0., Kingston and Napanee. Eagter Cards New Designs for 1904. F. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. AUCTION SALES 6 Booked by Jolm H. Mills The Leading Auctioneer. J. WYATT TRENDELL, MUSIC TEACHIR SINCING, PIAND, VIOLIN, 60 Wellington Street «= Kingston: ch Scranton Good enough for those who want the best. JAMES. SWIFT & C0. Tetephone 135. : PPP 400006600 G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, $00 0090069600400900 GOL PPP O0IONGeY BROKER. s Kingston |. tare eet. "Whesn B98, ~. K. F. RICE, MANAGER, Evening address,' 88 Syfiealisns BS' 4 LIFE asd FIRE INSURAXCE knify - ¢ WORLD'S FAIR, St. Lou £ April 30th-Dec. Ist, Jubilee presents of late Queer yalued at millions of dollars, tion. EASTE Holiday Far Round trip tickets will be i tween stations in Canada; an troit and Port Huron, also t Fort Covington, N.Y., to Springs, N.Y, at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS Going March Bist to April clusive.. Return limit, April 5t J. P. HANLEY City Passeng KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & G PACIFIC RAILWAYS EASTE Holiday Fares Round Trip Tickets willabe | Single First-Class Going March 31st to April clusive Return limit. April & Special rates for Students ar ers. Special Settlers' T To Cauadian Nonh-We: Will leave Kingston every during March and April at 8:10 rect connections. Full particulars at K. & P. an Ticket Offic, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F.A.FOLGER,, Gen. Pass. Agt. Ge THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, local points. Train leaves City pot at 4 pm. PF. CONWAY B. Q. Ry. Kingston. .. BERMUD THE NOW FAR FAMED BER 'with cable communication and winter temperature of 65 degre: tiful scenery and 100 miles roads, headquarters of the Briti Atlantic Squadrom, is uarivall attractiveness, reached by the iron steamers TRINIDAD or PR in forty-eight hours from Ne Sailing every five days The sslands, including SANTA CRU KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. BARBADOES AND DEMERAT afford beautiful and ir tours, all reached by stean the Quebec Steamship Compan) from New York about every J For descriptive pamphlets and sailing apply to A. - EMILUS BRIDGE & CO. Agus, 39 B New York: J. P. ANLEY © GILDERSLEEVE, KINGSTON ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary ALLAN LI Liverpool and Londond ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. John. From / Parisian, ...... coo sen Ma Tunisian, March, 26th, .. .. Ma Jonian. April 2nd, .. .. .. «eo 8 Bavarian, April 9th, . A) RATES OF PASSAGE First Cabin--$55 and upwatds ing to steamer, to April 1st, Al 1st, $75 and upwards, (summer Second Cabin--Liverpool and derry--PARISIAN, $37:50. Oth ers, $40. London, $2:50 extra Third Class--$26, to 1 Derry. Beliast, Glasgow, Londo Through tickets to South Afr NEW YORK TO GLA BG: Corinthian, Thurs. March 171 ' Laurentian; 'Thurs. March 31st. Cabin--$45, Second Ce First : re s. $26. Thr HANLEY, Agent. G.1 Passenger Depot J Py 4 SLEEVE, Clarence street. You cdn depend on our coal every hour in the day--every day in the year. It'makes a fire that IS a fire--bot, but easily regu- lated. Our coal cook--suits the household. And not only in cook ing does Crawford's coa y excel 1t keeps' the hon comfortable Cl And it's economical It's reliable -and satis y ing, because it's AL : It is free frou and is screened fre of dirt. it We guarantee § ; Try a ton to daly--an day. It's the bost, a wavs R. CRAWFORD. suits the whois Metropotan Stack * E Ticorporated Under the Laws of Mass CAPITALS100 . FULLY PAI KINGSTON BRA! Glarenca Chambers, Clare . Opposite British American Ho "Pron: soi TT ENI id: Mex Ma Bonde, Stocks, Oran snd Provision margin or for cash. 3