Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Mar 1904, p. 5

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ing Blue. DOUGE IT | oafs ul man has hig lays, or wants v Raincoats that ailored, like aj] hey have the and perfect fit ristic of well- Riving a far t than the or. that has neith. SBOE. em -in all new 0, 13.50, 15 awrenson's. p-------- ere! y to the Sale ck ! ing, Caps, etc. invited. TON. d Stand) ING FINE at car of VEL nges them at : , Princess St - 0 - Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vice- Templar, Independent Order Gobd Templars, of "Silver Lake, Mass, tells of her cure by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. Hi {DEAR Mrs. PrxxmAM : -- Four years ago I was nearly dead with inflamma- tion and ulceration, I endured daily uatold agony, and life was a burden to me. used medicines and washes internally and externally until I made up my mind that, there was no relief for me. Calling at the home of a friend, I 60 a bottle of Lydia E., Pink yogetable m= pound. My friend endorsed it highly, and I decided to give it a trial to see if it would help me. It took patience and perseverence for I was in con- dition;-and- I-used Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound for nearly five months before I was cured, but what a change, from despair to happiness, from misery to the delight- ful exhilarating feeling health always brings. I would not change back for 2 thousand dollars, and your Vegetable Compound is a grand medicine. "I wish every sick woman would try it and be convinced." -- Mrs. IDA HaASgxLL, Silver Lake, Mass. Worthy Vice Templar, Independent Order of Good Templars. -- 38000 forfeit If origina of dbiay letter proving geauinenssa cannot be sre mem Se LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. What Worries Thém. "Kingston, March 23.--(To the 'Fdi- tor): It is known 'that certain stu dints boarding on Queen street jaake a practice of arresting the attention of pedestrians when passing by tappin r on the windows from the nsil: and then ecncealing themselves behind the curtains. 'They could be better cm ployed. --~ANNOYED PEDESTRIAN. Delighted With Mr. Crummy. Kepler, March 21.--Those who at- tended service last Sunday were more than delighted with the educational sermon, delivered by Rev. E. B. Crummy. This week our neighborhood is being bereft of two of our much beloved families, whom we are sorry 10 lose, Mr. Laidlaw and family, also Mrs. GG. Caverly and family, the farm- er taking up their abode at Westport, and the later in the city. Andrew Aykroyd is in a very precarious con dition, suffering from cancer. The home of S. 8. Abbott has been brightened by the arrival of little Stanley, who is much pleased with the surroundings, and has decided to re main there. A. J. Sharpe and R. Wartman spent a few 'days in the city last week. Mrs. W. Patterson was at home Friday evening; toa numberof her friends. An enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. E. M. Townsend is spend ing a few days 'with her friend, Mrs. 1. G Sydenham, A. Richie, visiting her sister,- Mrs. J. Jdhnston of this place. Miss F. Nuttal spent Sunday at J. Dowsley's. Miss Velna Lawson has returned after visitine friends in Sydenham. H. A. Townsend visiting his cousin, Miss Alberta Law Juess, son, Elginburg. Patterson, Inver- rary, at his uncles, W.. Patterson's. Mixs Martin at her grandfather's, S Leeman's ---------- One Released On Bail. David Sears, one of the four impli cated in the theft of fowl from Messrs, Day and Doyle, has been relsased on bail, twee sureties of $200 and himseli of ¥200, ebvdy sh KEG seu Elk Vga Bromo Quine COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL MARKETS, March Open 114% 22nd ' Closed Canada Pacific Ry. 114 Toledo Ry Montreal St. Ry, New Montteal St. Ry. Toronto St. Ry Halifax St. Ry St. John Electrid Ry. Twin City Transit . Commercial Cable Montreal Telegraph . Bell Telephone Co Montreal' Cotton Co Tlominion Cotton Co. .. .. R. & 0. Nav. Co Bank of Montreal . Merchants' Bank Dominion Steel, Prof Dominion Steel Dominion Coal, Dominion Coal Detroit United Montreal Power Ss Pref Nova Scotia St. Ry... 80 : Mr rcalonial Coal 100 TH 4 Dlivie Milling Co. 120 115 T'Mon Rank 134, 000 Ottawa Bank 211 8000 J NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. March 22nd A i Union Pacific 7 St. Paul 144 Manhattan 1 13 B. R. Transit 43 Sugar 126 Veonle's Gas 97 1. 8. Steel Fit 1. 8S. Steel, Pref b Tenn. Coal and Irom ¥ 1 Miss, PoE. i.» fh Southern Phe 7 453 Ont. & Western 21 NX. " 116 Atchison, Pref. 89; Younis 4, Nash' 105 ' Rock Island 211 1 Pennsylvania RR 1164 1171 Texas & Pacific 24 Bs Atchison 882 Toi Pac. Mal Lixo ' a ni LA meric o he a3 = maa Copper - 18% 454 CESSFUL OPERATION, - Wonders of Dr. Lorenz Rivalled-- Philadelphia Doctor Thé Hero, Paralytic Child The Patient Splice Dead With Live Nerve. Philadelphia, March 22.-A new thiumgh of surgery has been recom mended here which rivals in wonder the operations of Dr. Lorenz in biovd case of infantile palsy of the loot. Mamie Weiss, the four-vear-old ughter of Mrs. Rose Weiss, was the subjeét of the experiment. It was performed several months ago and has proved conclusively that the grating of nerves is no longer a theory. Dr. Young conceived the idea that if splicing telegraph wire causes broken currcn¥to resume its course or splic ing grafting a partly dead nerve with a live one should send the power from the nerve centre to the extremity af fected. : A preliminary examination of the child indicated that the palsy was caused by a dead branch of the ante rior tibial nerve, which forks below the knee and controls - the muscle move ments of the foot. Dr. Young cut out a picce of dead rerve and spliced the ends of the good nerves. After sever al weeks the little girl was able t move her.foot and to-day she is most completely. recovered. ) a! POPULATING RAPIDLY. Ex-Chief Justice McGuire On a Visit. $ Ex-Chief Justice McGuire, Prince Al- bert, N.W.T., is in the city on a visit to friends. Asked by a Whig men what the business outlook was. in his part of the country, he remarked : "The population is going 'into the North-West Territories . so rapidly, that within a comparatively few years, there will © be fifty thousand people within a radius of fifty miles. Talk ing. of the Hudson Bay route, 'the judge said, that although no official 'report had 'been' given out, it was an open secret that the' Mackenzie and Mann enginvers had found a compara route in the preliminary Hud tively easy survey from Prince Albert to son's Bay, with, few, if any, en ing difficulties. In the past almost all the influences "have been against the realization of this project, but it was only the question of navigating the bay a certain length of time, and he declared that the impreséion prevailed that preconceived opinions were more or Prince Albert, he added, with its two thousand people, and rapidly increasing, expects to hear the steam whistle o f the Canadian Northern some time this fgll, | al though the main line will pass some fftv miles to the south. Then the G. less erroneous. T. P. will probably have a branch line also, but their main line, will come, perhaps, . within. a. hundred the chief radway has been the one from Regina, 250 miles, but they also expect that the Mani- toba and Northwestern will be rushed to Prince Albert, at an carly date. giving three, if not four, systems run ning into the district." miles. So far Steamboat Changes. The Richelien and tion, company intend steamers Bohemian which 'connect at Ontario Navige placing th and Columbian Prescott with the steamers Toronto and kingston, and run the rapids to Montreal in charg of the present pilots; who will he -aptains, in order to reduce expenses These boats have been in charge of 'apts. Dunlop and Hinckley, of Kin: ston. The latter retiring fron steamboating, after. a lone andg dis tinguished career: Capt. DunlopMwill likely: be transferred to/ the Hamilton Montreal line Dragged For A Block. Two 'young men returning from the concert at Rockwood late last might had a lively experience near the King street breakwater. The sleigh im which they were driving ran up a steep part of the road and was overturned. The horse started to. ga'lop off, and - the young men, after being dragged a block, let go, allowing the animal to proceed in King street to the British American hotel, where it was caught Thé occupants received a few light bruises, and lost a few pieces of their hide. pe! i e-------- Arranging For A Concert. Rabbi Shapo with the assistance of local talent, .-is arranging for a cons cert on April 22nd, which he hopes will be one of real merit and worthy the generous patronage of the public Mr. Shapo comes to Kingston - with the best -of references. He is a gradu- ate of a Finnish conservatory and has a tenor voice of much beauty. For a long time he was ¢hicf {enof with the Abbey Opera company of London, England. Will There Be Politics ? We wonder if polities will creep in the lighting management. It mav if past experiences ate repeated. Al remember the. conservative caucus over an engineer for the water works, the declaration of the. alderman in the council that he supported. the man, not because of his efficiency. but because he (the alderman) agreed to abide by ! the caucus ! and Secured A Position. On March 21st Miss Sabra Hunter, Picton, was appointed second assisi ant superintendent of the Metropolitan training school, connected. with the Metropolitan hospital, New York City. This is the second largest hospital in (he United States end during March had a census of over 1,500. -------- To Marry In June. The engagement is announced of Miss Pansv Rathbun, daughter of the late Fdward W." Rathbun, of Desercnto, to H. V. F. Jdnes, of the Canadian Jank of Commerce, London, Eng. The will take place : early in marriage June. rc ------ Jess surgery. The remarkable overs tion, performed. successfully, by Dr. James K. Young, professor of --thet University of Pennsylvania, is the splicing or grafting of rierves in a paralytic child's leg, which cured a { treal, to Wayne M MGR. ELDER'S Cincinnati, 0., March Archbish op William Henry Elder, the second oldest Roman Catholic prelate in the world, celebrated. the cighty-fifth an niversary of his birth today. In all the Catholic churches of the archdio cese prayers were said for him, while the venerable prelate himself celebrat- ed "pontifical at the cathedral this morning. He spent the remainder | of the day quietly in his study in the parish house, where he received num 22 1 mass erous visitors who called to offer their congratulations, 1 Next = week * Archbishop * Elder will celebrate the fifty-cighth anniversary of his ordination ~ to the priesthood. He was born in Baltimore in 1819, and came of an old Catholic family that has furnished many members to religious - institutions in America. In 1831. at the age of twelve, Archbish op Elder entered Mount St. Mary's College at Emmitsburg, Md.. where he studied theology. At the time Arch bishop Purcell was the presidejit | and Cardinal McCloskey one of the pre fects. After somupleting his studies at Emmitshurg, where he was. ordained deacon, he, in 1543, 'entered the Pro paganda. at Rome, where he complet ed his theological studies and was or dained .a priest in 1540, by the car dinal prefect of the propaganda. Re turning fo the United States, he was ENJOYABLE CONCERT: There Was a Fine Audience Present. The 'concert held at" Rockwood, last the Beechgrove champions indebted night, for the purpose of helping plucky 'voung iquidate the past season's | Natchez, then administered by. the Most Reverend hbishop Blanc. | Bishop Elder thé 'fame year took ANNIVERSARY. appointed to the chair of 'theology of his alma mater, and afterwards, as director of Mourft St. Mary's College, he rendered valuable services, Dr. Elder remained at Emmitsburg until consecrated bishop in 1857, ig which year he was nominated by Pope Pits IX. to the vacant see of charge of the diocese. At that time he was the youngest bishop of any den omination of Christians in the United States, being but thirty-eight years of age. In 1879 he was tendered the ap pointment of co-adjutor to the Most Reverend Archbishop Allemany. of San Francisco, the oldest Catholie see in America, with the title of Bish- op of Avara, but he declined it, giv ing as his reason that he could not leave his diocese," while his people were suffering from yellow fever. He was ordered by tho pope, in 1880 to proceed as co-adjutor archbishop to Cincinnati. He presided over the fourth provincial council of Cinein nati, held in 1882, and on the death of Archbishop Purcell, the same year, became Archbishop of Cincinnati, to which position he has ever since con tinued to devote his energivs, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Local Notes, and Also Things in General. Russet applesg dbo, pk. Crawford. Witch Hazel Cream eures rough skin Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store club and most enjéyable evening held a was Reilly's hall was |, crowded, to the doors, and Beechgroves colors were prominently worn by those who had the afiair in charge; of the club. The programme consisted of several very [line orchestral selec tions, the musicians being under the direction of Thoinas Carey, bandmas 14th Regimental band. They made a decided hit and ter help them over their finapcial strait Epgagements And Weddings. The engagements are announced of Miss Robing Bryson, daughter of Hon Ottawa, to John Slattery, secend son of Alderman B. Slattery; at St. Ca tharines, of Miss Lillian Paterson, third daughter of the late Rev. Charles Paterson, to Rev. C., A. Seager, rec tor of St. Cyprian's chuech, Toronto. The marriage of Miss Fthel Stewart, daughter of William Stewart, Men French, of New April 16th, York, 'will take place on in Montreal. The marriage took placé quictly'last week, at the residencd of ¥- GG. Cooke, Montreal, of his ®ldesi daughter, Miss Hattie Pearl Cook, to G. "Ei Foster Keith, Moncton, N.B. A Student Caught Cribbing. Quite a sensation was caused at 4 Queen's gnedical examination in Con voration hall this morning, whea 4 prominent doctor announced to the students Writing that he had detect. one of them "cribbing." The name of the offender was announced,and that was all." Most Penetrating. The quickest goother of pain, and the most penetrating liniment on the mar- ket to-day is Smith's. White Linimwnt. A positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and lumbage. Big bottles, 25c., at Wade's. y Appetizing. Russet apples, 15¢. pk. Crawford. Forty vegetable little liver pil Russet apples, 15¢c. pk. Crawford. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store.' » ness, was a pronounced oN Over 600 tickets were disposed of by the energetis young lady friends of the | and friends | Were warmly n- | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store cored. The genial "Billy™ Shea was | aA¢ Sydent Tint.. on March: 17th greeted enthusiastically. His topical | curred th marriage of Miss Lottie song was excellerit. "Pilly has devel- | yoGowan George Sigsworth, of oped a very long "reach" ng doubt | Qudenhan = ° due to his faste for decorating. Mis Benjamin ¢Tousey, a wealthy - Syra Suight, rendered tee very fine num | cuse Capit Jist, haa donated $100,000 ors and as encor ot , % > and "was encored heartily. The | tard 4 new site and building . for programme concluded with. a © very [ {ha Syracuse Y.M.C.A funny farce entitled, * "Poor Fill hy Fe] iw coddy," in which five of the R The advocates of the Ontarie Fle . OE * : SOCK- 1 tric rai ay tha® their opponents wood stafl took part in gn excellent | (in ot fight them: in daylight; thes manner. The stage effect. for this | 40 i in roundabout way. piece was very pleasing. Beechgroves | Hamilton Herald: They. say that should feel highly honored that they | «pill Maclean has he ro, id have such warm friends at home tq aces 8 such a horror © George and Mrs. - Bryson, of Fort Coulonge, to Dr. William , Alexander Cameron, of Ainprior; Miss Katie Rioux, daughter of John B. Rioux, | . Are vou thinking of building this sea=on ? Huyler's milk chocolate in cakes, 1 | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Wheels were put on the 'fire appara | tus at the fire halls to-day. Mariners think it will be the middle of April before navigation will begin here ; | Wash greasy dishes, pots or "pans with lever's Dey Soap a powder. It will remove the grease with the groat- est ease. \ Houschold ammonia, 10c. a bottle corporations of all kinds that he has gone in for the severest kind of physi cal culture Government Hull Inspector Davis will move into the front portion of the officer -formerly occupied by the late J. B. Mchver. The place 48 being refitted for his use. On Saturday evening the pioneer lodge of the Machinists Union gave a panquet in the LOF. hall, Stratford, in aid of the machinist strikers at London and Kingston. ) Miss Emeline * Pougnet, for many years a resident. of Cape Vincent, N. Y., died a w' York city, aged seven teen. The fu ral was held at St. Vincent de Paul's church, Cape Vin cent, > The Cape Vincent, N.Y., elections i were held Tuesday and the foHowing officers were scted : President, R Kilborn: trustee, W, Cas trea surer, HH. S. Spafiord; collectdr, Frank A. Bloom Henry M. Ball, for many years one the largest shippers of dairy products in that part of New York state The Canadian use of Commons estimates contai the following Dredging Prescott, $2,000; Corn wall canal. enlargement, $26,000. Gg at Want Cheap Houses. , Thire are lot of people house hunt get. Buying is better than renting. Abernethy's shoes are always lead: ere in fit and quality. feould not but wonder what prompted these young mens' motives, and how: | dislike and distrust, are still our own of the leading business men of Water: | head of cattle, 75 calves, 9 sbeep, and town, N.Y. died suddenly on Satur- | 5 «spring lambs were offered for sale day. He engaged for forty years | at the East End Abattoir to-day. in the handling of butter, cheese and | There was some . very choice cattle farm produce generally, and one of among the oferings, and Aaron Sanft, lope canal. enlargement, $204,300 | from $c. to 5ic. per Ih; pretty good North channelforming channel ' and | cattle at 3c. to 7}c., and the com- daw, R150.000; Galop Rapids, to | mon stock at from 2}e. to de. per complete channel, $40,000. 1b. There were no good foive) among > the offerings hers to-day 4nd prices ing. The demand "is for small hotises at cheap rates, but they are hard to WHICH SHALL IT BE, Heathen Japan, Or Nominally Christian Russia. Pictdn, March 19.~{To the Editor): Reading in ths press a few weeks ago that one hundred young men in King- ston were willing and anxious to join Japan in her war against, Russia, 1 them to be desitous of making such a move: It certainly was not thy same motive which prompted the six- ty four trained men-of-war's men to desert Admiral .Robley D. Evans' Asi atic fleet at Honolulu for the purpose of joining the Russians, because of the big bounty money offered for skilful unners; for the Japs have said plain: v enough that they intend to "fight their own battles. Whatever may be over much we may sympathize with Japan--and certain it is that popular sentiment here in Canada inclines to- ward the little nhticn--still we, being people of the 'Caucasian race, a Christians, should not forget that Jas pan is heathen, "Asiatic, and Mongo lian, and that she is waging war oh a- people, whom, however, 'much we may 4 race and religion ersonally, 1 have always admired 'the Japs for their courage and pro gressiveness. They are an ambitious people--but because of their ambition, cm» stops to wonder where this trait of character will lead them. One as pect of this great oriental struggle shotld not be overlooked, and that is the Asiatic nature of the Japanese people, and their strong desire to Ja panize China. So far, only vague hiots oriental character, cannot fail to re- cognize these hints as being founded on fact. Japan, given the impulse of a successful war, would, no doubt, lay hold on Ching, as 'England has taken hold of Egypt. The nations all recog oize the fact that the military genius of Japan is great, and that her sol: diers rank very chigh. Her diplomats and military officers understand Chi na: add to this their similarity af race, religion and ideals and one can see at a glance how readily the two peoples might be fused into a mighty nation, whose military power, if mobi lized, would represent--what ? "The Yellow Danger." What then. would become of Furope's prescnt desire to partition China? Or of any other plans Europe might for mulate ? The Orientals do not like us, We have, they think, forced our reli- gion on them, and backed it up with the sword. Naturally suspi.isus, they have long suspected and disliked us, snd our missionaries have been a thorn in their sides. When the allied powers forced - their. way into China, one "of China's statesmen ix reported to have said, "They are simply open: ing up China for the Chinese." In not this "utterance strikingly tre end significant ¥ With "Asia for the "Asia tics," and the inert hosts of China roused to ambition end energy, and generaled by Japanese military offi cors--yes, and the teeming millions of India, would they not throw of the European yoke? Which race weuld hold the supremacy ? One thing we must not forget, and that i: that Japan, as 4 nation, pos sesses bt' sher ideals than we do, and is traer to her ideals than we are. To sum. up then, on one side we have "The Yellow Danger," and high ideals on the other the supremacy of the Caucasian race, championed hy the Russisin bear, back of whom lies an aggressive policy in the east, and all the memorigs --of nihilistic outrages, Hebrew. massacres, wretched Poland and Finland, the tortures of Siberia, and the dense ignorance and oppres gion, to which hundreds and thou sands of people are subjected. In the face of all this, whizh side, it the op- portunity be given, should our young men take? And should they take either side? Should not the Anglo Saxon nations hold all their men in reserve '--MRS. PORTLAND BENSON. The G. T. P. At St. Louis. There has been "a great deal said about the American railway lines ex hibiting at the world's fair, St. Louis, this--summer, but very little is known of what we Canadien Finn a doing in this connection, 1 be Grand Trunk railway system, the pi oheer line of Canada, were the first to secure space at the world's fair at Louis to exploit Canadian dis tricts, and with their usual progres: siveness they are practically the only line in Canada which will be repre sented al the Louisiana Purchase Ex position. The «pace that has been se cured is in the fish and game build St ing, and not only will the fish and game districts be brought before the public, but all the summer resort dix tricts and the principal features of Canadian cities will be shown in this exhibit. The space = about a 'thou sand square fect, and a handsome pa vilion, without regard to cost, Ww be ing erected, and {rom advices from St. Louis it is nearly completed. In all (he exhibitions. at which the Grand: Trunk have had their exhibit they have been the first to have got their display in shape, and it has been a metter of comment with exhibition of ficials of all the large exhibitions held during the last few years, that the (Grand Trunk are up-to-date and "give the pace' to the other fransportation companies. . -------- Live Stock Market. Montreal, March 21.--About 1,000 Craig street, bought two carloads of cattle, some of 'them being very choice, for which he paid 5ic. per Ib. plus 825 on the lot. Prices of cattle were lower all round than they have been here lately, Prime beeves sold at ranged from. 81.50 to 85 each, Joseph Ricard bought three spring lambs foe. $11. Good lots of fat hogs sold - at about S}c. per. lb. i William® Howe, Munroe and Quinn, hog dealers, Glen Buell, died suddenly on Monday, aged Japan purity. Sold in the same form as the celebrated DA" Black Tea in"sealed lead packets on of Japan's secretly cherished dreams -------- n of Asiatic power have filtered through ; : k the diplomatic agencies, hut careful E 4 10TT BROS students of the trend of events, and of | @® LL. ) ' de duces, making undoubtedly. buyer for Messrs, Ceylon Natural but is far more heathful Green tea is of the same flavor a: ful in use becaiise of its absolute a Bath-Room Can now be had in every ome for very little money. "A Modern slid [8 home ey To those now building new rc fitting old ones, we an opportunity to submit Kk "Th oli o ing wor e a work we the ma- terial used and homes or contemplati an estimate on the pl oF charged all give satisfaction 97 Princess Street, Telephone, No. 35. : Residence, DEWAR'S WHISKIES Are the outcome of age and skilful blending of Whiskies chosen fom the best that Scotland pro- No. 88. "The Spirit of, and with' the Age." Don't Think Naughty Thoughts If the delivery man is an hour late or fails - to 'come, Get your bread from TOYIE, and the delivery man will be as regular in his arrival as the going down of coming up of the sun. ; Our Delivery of our materials and workmen, so can guarantes plumbing work of the capital kind wherever and wish to ask any questions or § you. A visit to our new: sample -yooms will pay you, KELVEY & BIRCH; 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. FOR HEAVY ENGINES # ; IMPERIAL cenunve BABBIT Contains NO Lead. Is absolutely the highest grade metal made. THE CANADA METAL CO., William St.. Toronto. -------- p------ ----------SS---- Mc be the Prowbyterian churches of Oakland and San Francisco, being for years associated with Dr, L M, DIED IN IOWA. W. P. Brewer Passed Away, Sun- day Week, dit, ih the Chinas sldora, © ferald church, in which wor w Ee PB. } er, who came to | interested. At the time ol his was n member and vice-president the Paul Elder eompany, one of leading art and book stores of Sen Francisco, Mr. Brewer. was very musis cal and had a 'host of friends who will sincerely mourn his loss, His ther, Geogge C. Brewer, resides at old family home ir Canada, In tion tu his sisters, Mrs, Carl 8.1 comer and Mrs, George CO. Eldora, Mr. Brewer leaves two. ors, T. Brewer, Toronto, . 0 and George Allen Brewer, 8 ploting wu theological course at Eldora early in Jamuary last, in a critical condition of health, passed away, Sunday morning, March 13th, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Carl 8. Newcomer. Funeral services were held at the Newcomer home on Tuesday morning, conducted bv Rev. C. C. Warner ol the Congregational church. The service was a very sium- ple one, only a few intimate friends of the family being present. The inter. ment was in the Eldora cemetery. Mr. Brower was born in Kingston, Ont., twenty-nine years of age. and bin he famil ved | ton ia unele, B. B. fhile quite young the family mov oni 4 , Dre. i to ( aliiornia; Dre has has since re- | ono o! the oldest residents of sided. Hu was actively connected with Francisco. eet -------- A ' "Money Back " means merit. No house wold offer to refund money, unless they were sure you would = not want to have it refunded, When. a house with a well-earned re- putation says, " your money back if you ate mot satisfied with our goods," you may be sure the goods aré right. 'We have such implicit confi aches and all other of Kidney Disease. That is why we make this em fer. It's worth soc to be relieved of agonizing pains--its worth §t of even pa. to be completely cured. And we pricé if they fail. You certain) 0 Te roagie oF direct fi THE BOLE DRUG CO., WiNNIPEa, i Russet apples, 13¢. pk, Crawford. fifty years. He was three times mar- # | 4 A Ae

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