A SUGGESTION Proven Of Interest 6 To Thousands, = ene would sng, 3 o become fleshy nd + result from the food digest and thy (" {buninouy or od od, like 8 cereals: in be a, Deaf er Sood that jones Pah oe ich form the bills of fare, © Part uble is that while generally 'too much > y ti m abuse and oven roperly _ digest and as. which is the re remain thin and unde digestivé organs do, not ligest the food forming | eggs and similar whale housands of such wh ed dyspeptics, although 'e no particular pais or from their stomachs rons would lay (hi I 3 kip ide and make a regulgy taking, after each neg| | Stuart's Dyspepsig ' would be A a gested, because these tal. he natural peptones and h every weak stomagh supplying this want the oon enabled to reach ity and vigor. spepsia.. Tablets digest fiesh forming food, meat nd potatoes, and this & hey so0..quickly build up, nd invigorate thin, dys. omen, and children. | children, even the most then with marked bene. ntain no strong, irritat. cathartic nor any harm dys spepsia Tablets are the fal and most widely y remedy for stomach se it is the most reaion. entific of modern medi. spepsia_ Tablets are sold ist in the United States as well as if Great Bri. or complete treatment her Is required to. cure trouble or to make thin, pepti people, strong, g, rtistic, bright h cheerful its hygienic cleanliness cheerfulness & few dol allpaper often proves an We believe our beauti- Ss just the kind of medi- any homes. er for Health's Sake. per for Beauty's Sake ice for Economv's Sake Kingston and Napanee. 10 beét that can be tom prices go to Grocery JR THIS WEEK Je. Coffee, for 35¢. CKERING, .- PHONE 530. We eat J ------------ AGRICULTURE AND DAIRY ING NOTES OF INTEREST : -------- To Prevent Mould On Butter--The Earthworm a Beneficial Insect -- Canadian Egg Trade -- Women in Agriculture. Statistics show that in a single vear the eggs produced in the United States have been worth more than $250,000,000. Hens do not go'on strikes. They consume little, and de mand lite of the community, except the right to scratch in. the least valu- able plots of ground. No class of lab- orers can exeel them in conscientipus and skilful production. question of wide ve. narrow tires on vehicles intended for hauling heavy loads was discussed at the good roads convention at Ottawa on March 17th and 18th, . L One of the most beneficial insects is the earthworm. Earthworms (or fish- worms, as the small boys call them) are the friends of the agriculturist; they are found everywhere, and the earth is honey-eombed with their burrows. They bring tons upon tons of eatth periodically to the sur- face and expose it to the action of frost, carbonic acid and humus acid (from decaying leaves and plants). They pass tons upon tons of earth annually - through their bodies, disin- tegrate many particles of mineral" mat- ter, making them suitable to be ab- sorbed by roots of plants. They draw down leaves into the soil, tear them into fine shreds, digest or partly di- gest them and mix them with the earth, thereby forming the rich, hum us soil. Some one has said : "Destroy the earthworms and before long the greater part of pur earth would be reduced to the cogdition of a desert." Charles Darwin says: "It may be doubted whether there are any crea- tures which have played so important a part in the history of the world as have these lowly organized crea- tures." EE EE EE TE Et SURGEONS RESORT : TO THE KNIFE. ---- When "a Simple Home Remedy Cures. Why do physicians. always advise an operation fer the. eure of hemorrhoids or piles ¥ Are they unconsciously in- fluenced by the dicta of operating sur- geons, who stoutly assert and main- tain that all other treatments are werely liative and that the knife affords the only means of cure? There gould be mo greater fallacy, as the worst . possible cases of piles ary petmanently cured by the use of Pyramid Pile Cure, which is in suppo- sitory form, is applied directly to the source of the complaint, and removes the cause, which an operation does » not "l have been a sufferer" from piles for over forty years, and after trying everything . I could hear or read of, without benefit or relief, I came to the conclusion to give Pyramid Pile Cure a trial, and I can truly say it has given me entire satisfaction; it is a wonderful remedy. The bleeding has entirely 'ceased, the protruding has stopped, there is no longer any itch- ing, and [I feel no swelling of the parts; in fact - I feel like a mew man: "I had to wear a truss for several vears to keep the bowel" up, but I have now discarded it, after using six boxes of Pyramid Pile Cure. 1 think after forty years of suffering, the six boxes was a small amount to make such an agreeable change, as I was unable Jo do any work that required stooping in the<last eight years. I recommend Pyramid Pile Cure to. ev ery one with whom I come in contact as I consider it beyond price." Geo. W. Ivey, Confederate Soldiers' Home, Richmond, Va. 3 We vouch for the truth and accur- acy of the above testimonial and urge all sufferers to purchase a fifty cent package of this famous remedy at the nearest drug stere, and give it a trial to-night. Accept no substitutes, and remeniber there is no. remedy "just as good." The Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., publish a ° little book on the canses and cure of piles, and will gladly send it free 16 any address. You can depend on our . coal every hour in the day--every day in the year. It makes a fire that IS a fire--hot, but easily regu- lated Our coal the cook--suits whole household. And not only in cook- ing does Crawford's coal excel It keeps the home comfortable . ; And it's economical It's reliable and satisiy- ing, because it's JL COAL. It is {ree from slate and is screened free of dirt. We guarantee it. Try a ton todav--any day It's the best, al Ways. * R. CRAWFORD. suits the W000 AND COAL The central Wood and Coal yard is located at 236 Earl _ Street. All kinds of good Hard Wood, cut and split to suit, 'Dry Kindling, al ways. unider cover. Prompt delivery. Prices right. | None but the pure Scrap ton Goal-no mixtures. «« B. BARNEY *» FOR FARMERS| | selling "as high as and the responsibility for her future is -- otherly . Every mother possesses information of vital value to her young daughter. That 1 largely in the hands of the mother. The the thoughtless girl into the thoughtful woman should find the mother on the watch day and cares for the physical well-being of her daughter, so will the woman be, and her children also. When a young girl's thoughts become sluggish, when she experiences headaches, exhibits an abnormal disposition to sleep, pains in the back and lower limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude, and 8 - dislike for the society of other girls, when she is a mystery to herself and friends, then the mother should goto her aid promptly. At sucha time aid nature a little and prepare the young system for the coming change by using ' i : & vi dizziness, daughter is a precious legacy, nyste: ous change that develops night. As she faintness, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. he, heifers of dairy breeding in Michigan is said, by the Detroit Tribune to be better this spring than for manv years. The Holstein breeders of. Liv ingston county, Mich., state that mare purebred Holsteins have been sold this winter to, go qut of county than ever before in the his tory of the industry in that part of the state. In. parts of Genesee county, N.Y. the recent advance to dollar wheat found some farmers with two or three vears' crop on hand. A cabbage grower near Le Rov, N. Y., has sold the last of bis cabbag turning him 8925. Potatoes in parts of New Hampshire are in active demand' at $1 per bush el, with a good prospect of higher prices later in the season County Gentleman, of New York, reports a six-nonths" er production contest in "Australia, in which Ameri 'can Rose "Comb Brown. Leghorns wan with a record . of 1184 eggs per hen Some Ameridan Wyandottes averaged 105. All the hens sent from the. Unit od States averaged 107, while the av- erage of the Australian hens in the competition was 78. If this means the beginning of an improvement 'in Aus tralian egy production, ('anada may find strong competition from that part of the empire, in eggs as well as butter. In Montreal, the Trade Bulletin says plucked turkeys are 13ic. - to 13c.: scalded, 12}c. to 13c.; chickens, lle, to I2e.; fowls, Re. to 9¢.; ducks, 13¢ to Ide, and geese, Oc. to 10c. The Canadian agricultural agent in Great Britain says the Canadian egg trade i¢ in a. good way, hest brands French or Danish oges. They are well packed. Russia is becoming a formidable competitor, sending shipuients regularly on sever ounted to £1.860,42, and from Den mark to £1.648,367. Tt is up to Cana dians to do better. ¥ Canadian mild-cured bacon and hams Ayers P | Sarsaparilla Just ask your doctor all about it. He will tell you, "It is the best blood: medicine you can possibly buy] Lari: Bargains ! Bargains ! A Second Hand Weber & Co., Square -Piafio, in good condi- tion, $75. Good Second Hand Organs, fora $25 up. i Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Au- toharps, Band Instruments, Accordians, Concertinas, all kinds of Strings AT COST, AT McDOWALL'S MUSIC STORE, 471 Princess Street. LET ME HAVF YOUR SALE And 1 will guarantee ypu satisfae- We don't brag, but per- forms the work. Nothing sacrificed, nut your best interest. studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. En an women AE Eire tory results. Sold hy sont in plata 100, RISE pant hs Segue ' al davs of week, During 1903. the Un ited Kingdom imported £6.617,619 worth of eegs, Canada's share of this la¥ge trade amoupsed to only £218, 571. The imports ° from Russia am have done for me. time. I had such a bad color that my mother was very munch e, pains all over, Menstruation was very i who suffer as I did to mington, Del." upon the one you know is best. their | | by the lat end (same as | | economical than milk when pure, es for 841 a tan, his three acres re | | covered with I was in a terrible condition, could other medicine the world hasever produced. asks you to buy something which he says is "just as good." That is impossible, as no other medicine has such a record of curés as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; 80 do not experiment with untried medicines; but insist Case of a Young Girl, of Interest to Every Mother and Daughter in the Land. "DRAB Mrs, Prvxmam:--I feel it my duty to write you these few lines thanking you 1 not eat or Slogp: had no strength, felt tired all the " ifier, and now I ama A medicine that has restored so many women to health | SPECIAL ADVICE TO YOUNG WOMEN FREE. and can produce proof of the fact must be regarded with respect. This is the record of Lydia E. Pinkhans | extending over 20 years, Mrs. Pinkham has gained Vegetable Compound, which cannot be-equalled by any.| a knowledge which is of unteld value to every ails ing young woman. Her advice never falls to help. It is well to remember these facts when some druggist | If you need such help write her at Lynn, Mass, * From a vast experience in treating female ills, rove its absolnte A 'Medicine four Lynn, Mass, A RE SAT La anos forthuith . nal letter signe 000 eBRRs ai dans uineness, Lydia EB. The demand for pure-bred cows and | are becoming very popular in Great Britain, and are preferred to those imported from the United States, as thy are leaner writer Canadian Agent Gridley. Our packing houses should, make a close study of the vari ons British markets and supply them with the ents which are in demand consumer. Better packing cases needed. These are often of Knotty badly nailed and no battens United States pack ers use), which give double nail bear ings. Binders should be used at of the case No other are lumber, ends food is more healthful and and nene is more dangerous to health when carelessly handled Whitewashing the stable at least once 5 vear will aid greatly in keeping it in a sanitary condition A yard sloping. from the barn and gravel or cinders is an important' factor in the production of clean milk. Cooling milk to fifty degrees F..or below, as sooit as it is drawn from the udder, checks the action. of bae teria, thus adding to its keeping quality. To find the dress weight of pigs : Three feet of girth will dress 100 pounds, and every additional inch gives ten pounds. They vary a little according to condition, but you will always be within the ton pounds Unleached are the hest ferti lizer for the grape Vines It is better ashes away the to cut dead wood from an orchard tree, even if the tree is disfigured, than to allow it to remain - Do not deem it a waste of labor to give the orchard attention before it comes into years of béaring, for dur ing its early years of growth the care is most needed Sk Women In Agriculture The Agricultural Society of Easin gold, "England, has--for its president 4 woman, Mrs. J. H. Love, und it was largely attributed to her that the last annual such..a success Women in Russia are to be given the chance of taking up agriculture as a regular profession. The government is founding an agricultural high school for women, whose students will ad minister the crown domains on' equal terms with men Through the efforts of the woman's auxiliafy of the Boston branch of the American Park _and Outdoor Art As sociation last vear eight school gar dens and the court vard of the public library were planted under the direc tion of Miss Anne Withington, gradu ate of 'Briarcliffe in school gardening. . Nearly all agridultural departments of western universities, and a number of eastern institutions, now admit wo men on equal terms with men. Special branches of "farming, such as market gardenin, small fruit growing and show was dairying, have been profitably taken up by women all over the country Experiments in growing varietie of nut trees is the latest field in. this line to which women have turned their at tention. Mould On Butter. As 5 preventive of mould on butter, the following practise i mendable by the dairy division wi. Soak the parchment paper linings immediately i highly recon Ottp before using, in a satur ated brine to which has been added one ounce of pure formalin to three gal long of brine. Place the paper in the boxes without drying. Keep the brine in a special, covered vessel. Boil the brine every week, and add fresh for mabin in the same proportion as at first. This treatment bas been found eficctive in the government cregmeries in the North-West Térritories, where there was 5 great deal of trouble with mould, at ome time, and has given good satisfaction wherever it hans heen properly carried out. Parchment paper and empty packages should il ways be kept in a thoroughiy dry, clean place. Only the very fest vege table parchment paper | should he used. . i ---- A Lowa XV enuff box wax #old ia London at the reford price of 26.500 Fighteen Minneapolis flour "mills shut down indefinitely, owing 10 the bad conflition «ol trade, Abernethy 's shoes are of the highest quality, i z En es Could Not Lie On H a. WAS TROUBLED wil PAIN IN HER HEART FOR SIX YEARS. ---- Expected Her Friends Would Find Her Dead. irs. C.-Bondreau, Campbellton, N.B., was completely cured by MILBURN'S Heart and Nerve Pills. -- Shae tells 5f her experience in the follow- ng letter: "I was troubled with a pain' in my heart and weakness for six years. Most of the time I could not lie on my left side. I consulted a doctor but got no re- ief and was completely discouraged. 1 {id not think I wouid live long and expect- *d my friends would find me dead. A friend brought me a box 'of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and I took them to please her, pot thinking they would do me any good. had not wu half the box when I commenced to feel myself getting better and by the time I aken two boxes I was completely cured and can re- commend them to all sufferers from heart trouble." Price 50 cts. per box or 3 for $1.15, all dealers, or : THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, TORONTO, ONT. A magazine for needleworkers, practical in every detail, carefully edited and always ope to-date. It will kedp you on the latest ideas for embroidery and dress d ol tion, se well us jor all kinds of fancy work. Iimetroted with bandsome lates and ensovings Issded quarter), in anuary, April, July and October. Price es year, 15c t v. Begin your subscription number, with the January 1904 A Pretty Collar snd our Fall on Booklet FREE ids one subsert ption to Core lework before the cud of and Winter F for what you ' ti ey bout me. J sutiered with heads y rregular scanty, an 8 beari joins. I have taken both the Vegetable Compound and Blood Pur f cannot be grateful enough for what Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies have doue for me. 1 would advise all write to you for advice. -- Miss Kariz C. Coxvom, 102 S. Franklin 8t., Wik t well girl, AGREED TO DISAGREE, And The Couple Have Gone Own Ways. 5 ? S-- Washington, March 25.~<Mr., and Mes. James G. Blaine. Jr, have ag: reed to disagree, Mrs. Blaine having returned to the home --of her pareits in Washington, while her hasband con- tinues to reside in New York, Mes, Blaine is the daughter of = Admiral Hichbotn and before her marriage was one of the famous belles of Wash: ington society, Pork Got Washed. Stractheona, March 23. A thunder storm passé "over this seftion, on Tuesday morning. As it was. hog shipping day in Napemee, many farm ors were on their way to town with hogs, the porkers received a good washing for once. The sugar social in aid of the public library, which was postponed, will come off Friday even ing," 25th, Mrs, Davy, widew of the late Hough Davy, has sold Ker farm to William Sutton, Newburgh, Mrs, Sum merville has been quite ill with grippe Mrs. Clancy is confined to ber bed by a. severe illness. Miss Lizzie Finley is able to be up after a long and tedious Thomas Norris, who left 1wckness here withr a full outfit machinery was delayed at Tweed by the blocked railroad: He was hound for Manitoba. William Cooper has se of stock and cured a position in Mr. Madden's store, Harry Morton, Kalaedar Sta tion, who was emploved last summer by R. L. Lott, has returned for this wr's work, It .speaks well for a tian that he can go back to a Joseph Lusher spent rob 'Rose, Miss to Marlbank., Her or. He wan + coment mill mill i rin eat pre R. Richards, tendhmit of the Canadian Port cement ecoinpany, spent Susday family here. Buvers have been through here purchasing vearling eattle; the price offered being some what lo they did not secure many. Wood Hauling Bee. Allen, Wolfe Island, March 23.-The roads eh this section are in a very April, = If you win 1 os SPECIAL OFFER 1g wii sn 02 whole years of 194 and 1906, we will send you by return mall the Oct, 1 number free. Do not delay. Bend at once. Address | CORTICELLI SILK COMPANY, 14d., | P.O. Box 841, Bt. Joins, ¥. Q. Have You Wood and Coal to Burn 4 | | Here ares the two most ecenomical fuel investments We of : Hard Coal! Hard Wood! we employ rs, who know their business too well to do it in 'an untidy way. No extra charge for the | cleaniiness--But it's worth something to | BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Foot of West St, bad condition. Rev. Fr. Unstion pass ed through this vicinity on Friday on his way to James O'Brien, St. Law rence, where he held » station for the peopls in that pert of his mission Annie MeDonald has returned home from Bedford. Mrs. P. Quigley, who has been serionsly ill, is improving. Louis MeDonald is visiting friends in Watertown, N.Y. A. Henderson had a bes last week hanliog wood for his cheese factory. (. Doeteur, Cape Yin io visiting his" brother Alexander Mics K. Keenan, Glenbaenis,: at 1. Mahohy's. Cases Maryville, is spendifig a i g Greenwood Whether it's Wood or Coal we deliver, | fv days at I. Hogan's. : tiem -- 4 Little Rote Liver Pills, regular Pe box, for 10v.. on the. rummage eopnt or Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stores Ladies 'before buying elsewhere, soe our values in corsets, ordered or ready-made. New York Dress Reform. | fit age six to twelve yeas, from 23.09 10 $7.50 suit. Ste ad EE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Such a display of Hats, Bonnatal Flowak Feathers, Laces, and Women's Furnishings was never before séen in this Reaction of the LC . Paris, New York, London and Berlin have each 'its choicest styles All have been marshalled together by our millinery artists into .& harntonious whole of unrivalled elegance. ¥ now over, order your Faster Hat av'carlg as possible, so that every care abd tention necessary. for a complito 1? stylish Hat way be possible. Women'y Black Silk Petticoats, Sade tn New York, $7, $7.80, $10, $i cach. Women's Novi-Modi Costume Suiis op Separate Skirts. i Girls' Wool Costume Suits, Jacket, and Skirt, adirecf¥itbm - Germany, Girls' two-piece Wask Suits, 80. tg 81.95 suit. Girls' Navy Serge Suit, Blouse Skirt, for age w to ten years, only $2.80 complete, ' . Women's Linen. and Muslin Novi Madi Costumes, 85 to 89, a Women's White Muslin and Cotton Underwear, every kind and"in many prices, Women's Flannelette Undérwesr, nbw 'clearing 'at Veilings, Veilings, the newest novelties mow in stock. We desire to call special attention to our display of 'Mourning Hats sad Bonnets. Ladies who desire to purchase Black, will find an assortment se cond to none in this section of our country. f : CRUMLEY BRO: WIRE DOOR MA The best kind of 2 Mat to keep slush -a { mud and dirt outside the house. They are not expensive either \-- 12 x 20, 60c. 16 x 28, 9oc. 14 X 24, 75¢. 18 x 31, $1.25. 20 x 35, $1.50. McKELVEY & BIRCH, . 689 and 7! Brock Street : SE ---------------------------- ai ASK- FOR LABATTS ALE The Purest and Most : : Agreeable Beverage on the Market. © 744 Malt and Hops. y JAS. McPARLAND, --- ------ [DIABETICESE NOTHING TO P