--_-------------- argy of hibernation monest evidences of Now, Sir, if you POSITIVELY KNEW where you could Clothing your money could buy without paying 1 into 'the house and re are lots of people selling clothing. but some one is selling the BEST Clothing. only be doing voursell justice by ir common retreat mart, handsome suite is A ins i this season are pe ne the merits of ¢ Fit-Reform " Ard you Will wear At. % JENKIN buying elsewhere, gop York Dress Reform, i ------ FURNITURE Wednesday, April 6 Cabinet Grand Cabinet, Mahogany Sofa, Gold Chairs, Mahogany Centre Tables, Marble Clock, Fine Eider Down Cushions, Wicker and-Roed Chairs, Plush and -other Sofas, Oak, Rockers, Rennaissance Lace Fine Wilton Rugs, R Rack. Ladies' Oak and Walunt Se Shaving Cabinet and other Curtains, = ase, lair Mattresses, Springs, Engravings, Hand Colored Photographs,, nsion Table, Chairs, and China Cut Phated es, Forks, Spoons, etc., Ta- Pillows, ~ Mirrors, Divans, moges, Bread and kets, Very Fine Water: Col- ncyelopedia goods too numerous to mention. Piano will be sold at 1 o'clock I have received instructions from Mrs Williams, to sell at the residence, No pril 6th, APPLY TO and yoint, owing to the VIERAL SERVANT. A GOOD GENERAESSERVANT and Sydenham Sts SE Rei- Mrs eee ee A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT , TO DO GENERAL in the evening to Portsmouth separate school board this evening. x n 9 am. The sun rises Tuesday at 533 am. and sets at 6:31 pam. % ; The policeman may not belong to & club, but one belongs to him: x { We all show a partiality for the rich when we eat mince pie and fruit cake, The washerwoman tells us she is go- ing to hang up her stockings--as usual. "A little girl waite for the time to get married as much as for the. tune to wear {her hair up, son's, King street. her husband treasure an old pipe as if | ever wore. 1704; Great fire in Shangha at $1.65. Come and see them. Whatsoever Fashion Demands In jewellery for men and women, is made a part of our stock as soon as manufactured. Our line of Pearl Pendants, Pearl and Dia- ! mond Stick Pins, also our stock of Rings, with any gem you care to ask for, is worth a special visit to our store to ses, even il you "do not intend to buy. At ordinary: prices they. are good value, at our figures they, ame genvine gains. P. B. CREWS, JEWELLER, Corner Princess & Wellington Sts. 4 'Phone 336. In Fruit-Bowls the store at =" 200) OFF \ Jewelers and Opticians, 350 King Street. + Division court meets Tuesday, at} Allowed by Japan 10 go to First Congregational church "At Home," Tuesday, at Mrs. Dr. Richard- It makes a woman furious to have weré the first pair of shoes the baby 4th in history : Oliver Gold- 3 A died, 1774; First newspaper in United States (Boston Nous ad 804. Did you ever think you could get a pice Chamber Set, in nearly avy color, of the best English quality, and latest shave, for I - ICUDKIC:0000VVO000-0-00008 $1.35. BY JOHN H. MILLS AUCTION SALE These Sets contain 8 pieces. We have them also in 10 pieces, the same make, ..ROBERTSON BROS.. & 8 TPS IRRIEIRee 73% CUT GLASS! Rockwood We find ourselves with an overstock. and are prepared to sell any Bowl in Marked Prices for the Month of April. SMITH BROS. A References required, av AN 8 furnace bath and closet, gas or el DETECTIVE--Can experience needed. Write Detective Association, In- ee £15 PER WEEK SEWINGAT materials free, no canvassing : ple sent free on receipt republic. Majestic Lace | Major Brainard, of the United States commissary. service, himscli an Arctic r of noteé, has written to Capt. Bernier congratulating him upon his | approaching trip to the Arctic ocean. Institutes] -The commission which has been sit- fing in Logon for some weeks bac k adjust . Canadian sealing claims inst Russia has reached its award wo far as one class of claim is concern- ed, and is now working on the others, The finding must be approved at St. of addressed envelope. AT one Pleasant and profit- * AUTO- hand ade; splendid seller: liberal write for particulars and sam- BROS. Galt, ON WOLFE ISLAND medium sized house in par- ron- Swen CC. MEN WANTED THROUGHOUT CANADA AND UNITED STATES. SALARY OR COMMISSION. 0 goed Telia Baqeie trict: Introducing our goods, distrib Write at ence fof Instroctions, W. CO... London, FOR SALE OR TO-LET: GARDENING "Fresh Mackin toshes Red Cross drug store. FROM 14 TO 16 YEARS Apply to J. A. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. & Co., King St., near Queen. | ,oUBLE PARLORS, WITH PRIVATE 1 3 Appl at * front entra: EN ER- more 7 William i THEY GOT AHEAD. The United States Has Named | Some Of The Territory. Ostawa, April 4. --The question An named some of the fefritory. explo 1 ay Petersburg before it takes. efiect, OR | Sr -------- ath 2 het son's d | i A Strike In Brantford. «trike. They demand an increase from thirty-five cent { ---------- BITCH, ! he verdict in the Regina double 305 Alfred Street. | gy js that the Nortis brothers me | died from natiral causes, one of pneu; | Gibson's | monia, the other of inflammation | thie bowels, 1 tn, a Front. 5 FIERCE FIGHT BETWEEN ARMIES EXPECTED NEAR WILJU. Japanese Cavalry Inferior to Rus- sian, But Artillery And In- fantry Greatly Abead----Twenty- Eight Batteries At Harbin-- New Chwang Strengthened. London, * April 4.--A fierce land en: gagement_is imminent in northern Ko | rea. Two thousand = Russian troops, including Cossacks and - infantrymen, are entrenched about the gate. ow the south side of Wiju, while the town is filled with the ezar's soldiers, ready and eager for battle. Strong Russian outposts are also entrenched at other points along the Yalu, determined to drive" back the Japanese, should the latter ttempt to cross the river. The Japanese army is advancing north. ward from Ping Yang and Chong Ju, and probably is within a few wiles of the Russian lines. That the Japanese armies have been piaced in the positions onilined by the military council at Tokio, is evidenced by the fact that the government has allowed the mewspapers correspondent to leave the capital for the front. The Shanghai correspondent of the Siandard says that persons wha have arrived from Manchuria report that the Russian forces are still inadequate to defend the country between Kirin and Port Arthur, upon which the Ja- panese are-slowly advancing in three' columns. The Russians are said to be badly fed, and to be totally lacking in' the fighting spirit. The Japanese cavalry is admitted to be inferior to the Russian, but their infantry aod artillery are greatly superior. The Ja- panese officials are in daily expecta- tion of a serious engagement in South- ern Manchria. but no decisive attempt made to capture Port Arthur will until the railway is effectively disabl- ed. With regard to the naval position, the Times correspondent says that the participators in the last attack. on Port Arthur think that the harbor ix blocked. Admiral Togo expresses | e does not remarking that doubt on this point. ships A despa information comes from the ying at the rate of over 2, are detra 000. daily, with horses. In the last twer three w have re From these six n tv guns have arrived at Yin Kow, making a total of . nearly 100 Fons there. New Chwang Is Strengthened. New Chwang. April 4.--The Russian position here, is being strengthened every dav. A fortnight ago the Japa nese could have landed with compara tive ease, but now a landing could be at difficulty. The railway from Harbin to Ha Cheng is lined with eamps and -it, is impossible anese to carry the war in Manchuria with any hope of effected only with ¢ now for the Ja sucess The most that is possible for them to do, is to isolate Port Arthur and possibly Vladivostok. Even that is daily becoming more difficult. i he Seoul correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, in a despatch dated Apeil * Aven | the assertion of Canada's sovereignty part, of | over the lands in the Arctic oc detective | hlicated by the fact that United States explorers have visited and There is. for example, "*Grantland," which bears | the name of a former president of the | | f - | Dogs As Messengers. | , + Frozen To Death On The Lake. Chatlians, Ont., April 4:--Jack Tur rill, a welt known young men of Cedaripagt as message bearers. Springs, was frozen to death while ["00° -- out duck shooting on Lake Erie on Satugday. He evidently had upset the boat and had hung on to it wait semen, JAE JOU assistance. Turrill was the in theif | oily son oi a widow, who was mar ail | ed for the second time on the day of | yrantford, April 4.--The masons and Croft, {prick layers of 'the city are out hall uiles from 3 Possession | Ordnance | wages, to forty { cents per hour. It: is likely that the | eee | increase will be graoted. { of | Ist, says th 400 Russians Killed Chong Ju, March. asserted in Seoul that gq killed 'and wounded an { { w Rr were captured. The Japanese i 1 | | | are arriving at Chinampho. ke News from Russian ~ and Japancse | sources were that the ment in Corea js energ Seoul, April 4.-°1t is reported here that two thousand Russian troops, in ducing Cossacks and i fantrymen, are entrenc | statements ma utilizing | sans as Chinese Hinder Russians. | {t-London, Apil 4.-- The " Hartin cor | respondent cables the Chronicle a de | «patch, dated Saturday, which peints every day lt by the Ja an adyantage to the % the presence of manding a large Chi nese foree clwe to the China Man chia fromtir, where he can menace the rear of the Russian army, binders the latter's attempts. It appesrs cor tain that oa ndersian ing exists be rhe] tween Gen en and- the Japanese. Wiju. ews Culled From 8t. Charles shéps, mas herr, the ac peck on the Intercol- wrecked and fifty tis a speech insulting "in cme Ganan and the building pre fing steamers have 8, which number 5 to 300, tech to the Morning Post from Yin Kow saves that trustworthy interior, fect that, at Harbin, troops Fire took place in the Rideau Hall, at Ottawa. The Countes of Minto, who is laid wp from her re it, wad carried down stair and several of the household escaped A inspight nitire. The damage was 810 ght batteries a, by ' renounced all claim £1.000,000 left by in Kilkenny, Ireland, giv Oil Found In Alberta. Swift Current distriet, a few nriles to south of Cardston, pust Boring operation have been coffind on to idents there, who treat t the Japanese fleet is { still intact and it is watching Port : Lister of © foreign al atrived at between France Egyptian affairs. He « that Britain cannot without wocure formal foreign re cognition of Britain = preponderence in Arthur. 'Only a narrow passage into ch " ) | 'harbor there is now left n and stopped. the flow London, April 1.--A despatch to the Daily Telograph from Seoul, says that in the course of the engagement at th, there was much fighting in the town itself. It is 00 Russians and that a finest machine oil in th Hawaii Facing Big Deficit with the call recently isgyued by -Gon Hawaiian legislator given as thirty. The Russi for a special session at Kasan on March 26th, NDAY, APRIL 4, 1904 A FATAL FALL A Young Woman Had Skull Ld Crushed. DOWN THE WELL THE FALL WAS ABOUT ONE EUNDRED FEET. Mary McDonald Tried To Leave Elevator Before It Stopped-- Noon Hour Fatality On St. « Paul Street. Rochester, MY. April 4.-Marjory McDonald, a Canadian girl, «ighiteen years of age, wholived with her brother, Alexander McDonald, at 133 North street, was. instantly killed on ww by falliag inte the devator I in the Levi building, 58 St. Paul street, Miss McDonald was employed on the sixth floor in the trousers shop of J. Chiist, and came to - Rochester from w about three weeks ago, mwiliarity with the devator obably . accounts for her trying to step from the cliva Her unfe tor when it was in motion. When the noon whiils had sound the git] went to the vievator door and when the car came up, entered it to. go to the seventh ~toor? lias Still, the clovator boy, in tell ing of the ac ciden tar passed upward toward the tran som over the door. of the sixth floor, Vis McDonald thought that the car had reached the seventh floor. With reachéd down and opened the door. time, he claimed, and as the door opened, one leg remained on the , which caused vator for a u body to swing _outward and as the car passed further up, the gul drop fell a distance ¢f more than a hun dred fo Other } the ci and office is almost i was crushed and 'that Jife was ex tinct, Young women Ww her to be refir Brought Body Home. the body of the young woman, reach Gananog twenty one was to to-day for interment. as large family. Last summer she Syracuse 10 Roches phe bef 1 her. KHEDIVE PROTESTS. Against Britain With France. learns that the | settlement | gland an his consent Fevpt. : mela Another Type Of Ghouls. ser 10 consider fram. the graves in the Jatel a light. which is even mors v are estimated at 500. A great body of |"! which ic unable to meet the war Japanese troops have gone north front Chinampho and other places Troops and stores in huge quantities that prompt measures are nce Tapanese move + and 'rapid. Dean De Saunhac Dead. in the Hotel Dien here, d about the gate on the | south side" of Wiju. According to » Ly Koreans, the Rus 1 to was ordained in Ottn Carnegie Accedes. cquest from the public Carnegie states that he | been made at lditional 8500 to he spent on | A Magnificent Assortment. t the Prevost's, Brock street, has just re- A despatch from Tokio says the | ceived his spring imnortation = En~ Japanese troops appear io hate reached Chelsan, thirty mils sofith of | Serges and Cheviots. The range this the most beautiful | patterns and of the very finest quali Tarine moth proof bagh, for furs. | tv. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. | Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Inspection invited, stealing it and the fact is recognizod | ued as decorations for hats and the v ter | ike. At first these thefts were not sa to canse notice, but late | lw they have become of such frequent | oecurdenced that the cenetery authori | ties wern forced to take the ribbons frequent as flowers and keep them | the ribbon of thefts { Made $66,000,000 In One Deal. boston, Mass, April 4. Thomas W Lawson ina statement to the press, in referring to his. recent testimony | said "Om the witness stand. 1 spoke of n_ deal whereby $16,000,000 profits | hed been made. Much comment has of the coricern. 1 will say. if I had put | it, at 366.000.000, I would have been | and two small 'chitdren. ' to | well inside the truth." . put up an additional 8500 a year for i ! 3 the tremendousnoss nb | Typhoid Epidemic Costly. Watertown, N.Y. April 4.-The now four cases | hoard of health has made the firet | eity, statement of the eost of fight ng the typhoid epidemic, which up to Scotch Tweeds, Worsteds, | date is #8 296, of which a little more | than 32.000 has been paid. The bal- ance And future expenses of the board | are to be met from the new #25,000 | hon iwsue recently . authorized. The daily cost of the board's work is $156, i public ir OUTPOSTS IN TOUCH. Cohditions Improving For The Japanese Forces. Wei Hod Wei t April -4.=The Japaness and Russian outposts in touch along the line «f tha Choug- but as a ruls they not come into seriqus oon one or two sharp afieirs ave report: ed, i1 which the honotg have been more or lws eq ont. Fine and myider. mild. P "MILLINERY To Circumvent the Cossacks. The country, in whi 1 with, a view to rew operations of the Ces: » though ell the laes of your o h severe voll as was luouye's army in h to seize 1ipgyang. ET DRESS GOODS will Have Hard Struggle. According to a Te here this morning, not to leave Wyn, This says the re splendor of Nature's opining set son--is to be found in our lovely dress Fabrics. You have all heard the welcome fashion news of this season's surpassingly splendid ideas in dress material, both as to color and texture. But you must see the fine and complete dis- play in this store before you fully realize how Madame Fashion has eclipsed her former artistic efforts in order to add to tie brightness and gladness of spring. without a struggle. port, is apparently the Japanese are now but five miles To Incite Chinese. Arthur, April 4.--~The newspa- per, Novi Krai, to-day, native newspape 2 Shanghai, for the p the Chinese against The paper will be circu among the immense population of China. » ---- COUNT AND COUNTESS. -- said that as the out asking him to stop the var, she In Jail Charged With Robbery, "| Gloves, from our incomparable stock--We desire to call attention He could not stop the clevator in from Nome, Alaska, says: brought to" this city, and has been placed in jail, and the coun ped back into the elevator shaft and | tess in a hospital charged with robbery nployees of the shop heard + of the glass breaking in the doot of 'the sizth floor, looking down saw the-body onthe cement floor of the elovator shaft, A hurry eall was sent to the Homéopathie hospitel, and Dr. 8S. L. Elsner, whose nsidence wily acroms the ounted Police officer. a Mounted Poli KID GLO a ty at due to troubles arising "re ' published manuscript, entitled, "The Widow," Galpin avers he i» the countess vigor ously asserts that the" manuscript is treet, was summoned He examibed hers. At the Holy Cross the body and found that the skull shoot Galpin, but missed." on ------------ JOCKEY CL STAKES. Coroner Kl @ wivhet was sazmoned d had. the body removed to the more, chile iw of, the Christ avhils e - a |. oe PE Trether. ho worked with her «oid that she was not only a hand come gil, but her manners shgwed Detroit Mich., April 4.~The stakes Park Jockey club! a wonderful increase of nominations over covers two meetings at Highland Park and Fort Erie, Highland Park, five stakes are stated, The Frontier, of 2,000; Highland Park, $1,500; Michigan 'stake £1,500, and International stake, vale The Whig learned this morning that She was known Mary (Marjory) Macdonald, daugh ter of the late John Macdonald, min of Gananoque. Her mother, still there, She was one ol a very was dian Derby is the leading one with a money value of £3,000, The others are 3 Canadiar orts. in the employment of Mr. Ni holls, | nding: uj Howe lsdand, and in the fall went to work and later to r here the awiul eatastro DEATH FROM COLD. Owen Sound Girl her brother-in law's home. here on Sanday, return te Marine Hospital where she was being treated for nervous - trou Nothing was heard of her until yesterday, when her body, frozen stiff, Arrangement Made bY Pari April 4.-The Petit Parisien Khedive strongly ob jects to, and has strongly protested Lord Lansdowne, the British min a, ngainst the Thomas Beatty, a farmer of St. Vin WRECK ON THE L.C.R. BE Damage Amounting To $12,000, By Defective Car. Hamilton, April 4 Last vear the Parks Board had a Very serious mat the stealing of flowers cometery. But estimintes the total her matter has come to It is probably caused hy the un disgraceful than the other affair. This is the of ribbons from flowers left | the' open, these ribbons being later road was cleared last evening, the im- caped injury, were brought (into Arming The Petrel. Potrel ix being fitted out for the season at Walkerville and the gov: ernment has forwarded {wo new guns to be placed in position on the vessel deck, 1t in claimed of the cannon that they can wend a shell sufficiently to make up for any deficieny in vessel ppeed when whe in after poachers. tody The flowers are still the freshly made graves, but are unfastened and kept secure to provent this miserable series | the Grays and Sam Jumped To Her Death. | 4 Winnipeg, Man.. April 4.--Mre. Neis- | the Boston Gas Consolidation case, | aged thirty-four, committed sui- (ide yesterday morning by jumping from a window in the third story of the St. Boniventi hotel. She was suf fering from dementia as a result Incas --~ She leaves a hushand x ---- ; . April 4, (10 am. )-- Tuesday, - fine Taronto, LOVELY DISPLAY The glory of the springtide--the Every new costume can be matched with a new pair of Kid . to the variety of styles and col ors, and above all to the velia- bility of the makes wo sell. For quality we defy. competition at these prices : 15¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50. Inspection invited. Ann May Clapp, to W. Mubros, hath of Jlets ¥ ate MITCHELL~WILKINSON--At k on March 2¥th, Lorne i of Mutray to Marion May o roto » DIED, ' ¥ BLACHFORD=In this city, on the 4th "inst, George C. Hiachiord, fifth. son of the late Col. O. Blachiord, of HMMS eral private. THURSDAY, Apel tupendous $50,000 Production The Silver Slipper A Musical Co y, by the authors - * Florodors."' he sensational C pagne Dance; The Famous Beaut: Chorus and company of 100 people. Prices--~G round floor, 50, x ony, , 5c. Gallery, doe. Box = TUESDAY, Aprit 12th, ~~ The King of Detectives Cadbury's Chocolate Easter Eggs Lovers of good Chocolate all admit that there is nothing better than Cadbury's. Their Easter Rese iA no wseeption, and -~ ve ear imj a dozens for The Rr oa chil- dren. Five Sizes : 2 Eggs in a box. eh 4 Eggs in a box. 6 Eggs in a box. , 12 Eggs in a box. 24 Eggs in a box. i All the same price. 3b¢., the » = Jas Redden & Ce. They Were Convicted. ~~. Toronto, April 4.=The sessions was out forty minutes on thous Jue and: then found a verdict that Abram Cahoon and Thomas Kerr, D.R.O, and poll clark respectively of polling division No. 2 of ward 5, were of conspiracy, as charged in the ine dictment. They will be sentenced Judge Winchester next Saturday. so receive thee sentence. & et + | Mote Smallpox In Winnipeg. Windlipeg, Man., April 4. There are having developed amongst the quarantined immigrants, Weather being favorable. the ! in Southern Manitoba -expeet to start seeding operations within two weeks, | The Magnet Creamery Separator com- puny's factory at Guelpn was damag: Loss about $75,900, Of Taylor's Oatmeal soaps, are two entirely different things. an excellent soap; is very extan~ sively used and sells i - 8 Cakes for 10e. Try it: you will like it. The 1,3. Tar brug a.