Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1904, p. 5

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X. Bl eel Forgetful May days are ha a his Suit, ap ects a suit I. OT and hurry this selection now; i d Worsteds, in -ut, shaped ang 38 8 makers ay or sfaction, pay Dats 50, $13.50, $15. Hats , in the newest Ww Shirts 3 Y C0, Oak Hall. A. Slater Jetting where you 0 buy your Shoes efore deciding call 'are showing. Our ds have arrived and west designs in the raking. They are est anadian and facturers. r Shoe Store z & Dunn MAN future Ss are $3.00 $2.50 nishes TON, d Stand). riends, topped out on ye crowd cheered and Irs. Roosevelt howed ments, The presid bt a few A de and looked aut the ning approached the dwindled, and before resembled the desert a circus. All around gs. and shells, Junch apers, vivid if not pes; re of the days sport. For Chamberlain's Remedy. 1900, I had a severe hoarse that T~could - a~whisper." says Al estone. N.Y. "I tried but got. no relief un: erlain's Cough Rem: of which cured me. ct a good word, for For sale by all drug m---- : its "knit," Gibsond tore, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any oth- oF company offers. Examine them at wu in's Insurance Emporium; Marks et uare. UaKY TU LUAN IN LARUE A » swiall sum low "rates of a rons ? Re on oy. 1a proves. n atiew of Apply w 8. C. Society. Office hag {Setset Omen. ---------------------------------------- LIVEII'UUL, LONDON AND GLOBB Fire 1 vaiable re Insurance sseots, $61,187,815. la addition to woh the policy holders have for of suunily ali the stockholders. Farm pre; wmsured at lowest possible aes. lore renewing eld or giving ssw business rates STRANGE & STHANGE. Agents. TO-LET, a = WARM, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS to let. Apply at 282 Johnston otreet. DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES, wie. in any part of the City or Coun- try; McCann's Rea. kstate Agency. 51 Brock street. BY THE FIRST OF MAY, THAT Brick Dwelling, 181 Division street, near Princess street, containing twelve rooms, with hot water heat- ing, bath, etc. An ply to E.R. Welch & Son, or to 179 Division St. ON APRIL FIRST, 1904, THAT DE- sirable Store, at Rotem! occupied by Taylor & Hamil as Tinsmiths and Plumbers, on Wollington street. with large workshop in the re Apply to Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot at ARCHITECTS. A mi for needlework: ers, practical in every y detail carefully edited and al to-date, Tt eit i keep Fou ) "on the Ties ideas for embrof fiery am jacefor ions us well as for ail Kinds of | fancy Hondioe gravings, h Api, July gud October, he egin_ your subscri with the January 1904 nu: i 4 ptioa Collar and our Fall inter Fashion Eooklet lady who sends one subseription to Core Home Needlework before the end of SPECIAL OFFE whole years of 1904 and 1905, we will send you by rm wall the Oct. Jus nun hor free. Do If you will send us a dollar bill for the CELLI SILK COMPANY. I1d., P.O. Box 341, St.Johus, P.Q. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT etc. Anchor = Building, Market Square. 'Phone 345. GPOWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chants' Bank Building, corner iron} and Wellington strewvts. "Phone 9 ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITEUT, OF- fice sits of New Drill Hall) cor- mer of Queen and Montreal treats. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT; OF: fide, second floor over Mahood's drus store, corner . Princess and Bagot Streets. Entrance on Bagot street Telabhona &0R Don't Fail to See MY FOLL RANGE OF SPRING SUITINGS In Scotch Tweeds & Fancy Worsteds In the latest designs, imparted di- rect from the leading houses in' Eur- oT Esmmotisecten 1 also carry a large range of the newest #nd up-to-date patterns in SCOTCH TWEEDS and FANCY WORSTED TROUSERINGS, a full-line of FANCY VESTINGS. I would be pleased to have you call snd inspect my stock before buying and. see what T am doing: in prices this spring My Workmanship and line of Trim- mings goes without saying. A. C. Waggoner ¢ Just Opened ~~ Our Spring Selection of ~ WOOLLENS Taspection invited. Crawford & Walsh, g 0000000 g Leading Tailors, Piincess and Bagot #ts. 0-0-000008 Come and see our EASTER NOVELTIES Chocolate E £gs, Chicks, etc. "Largest. assortment iv the city at A. J. REES', Princess St. Have You Hood 9a d Coal to Burn 4 two 'most veonominnl tot vette we know of Hard, Coal! Hard Wood ! 6 it's Wood or Coal we deliver, we 'careful teamsters, who know bi wo weil to do it in an untidy way. No extra charge for the cleaniinege-- Hut it's worth something to you, = BOOTH & CO. "Phony 123. Foo: of West St. Cures COUGHS, COLDS, Pie HOARSENESS and all "THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence E. Mailman, New Germany, N.8., writes: -- I bad a cold which left me with a ver; I was afraid I was Soin into consumption. 1 was advised DR./WOOD'S NORWAY PINE I had little faith in it, but before I had and after the second My cough Las completely, disap PRICE ss CENTS. ABSOLUTE "SECURITY. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Hoe Fro "See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. | THE COMPLEXION CURE SICK HEADACHE. FOR Sare #1 F. BOND, 'Real Estate and Insurance, #3 Clarence Street, CINCE 10 BUY CHEAP HOME. 40 will be divided" to suit purchasers large rooms, cellar, easv. reach of the foundaries. POLICE COURT. THE SELBY-L.EWIS CASE CON- TINUED. ---- Mrs. Hogle Gave Evidence Against Lewis -- Another Adjournment Made--Warned For Carting Ma- nure Uncovered. At the police court this morning. the adjourned = Se loy-Lewis assault case was before the magistrate. Lewis testified that he did not assault Mes. Seeley and that the latter caused' all the, trouble when her grandda hier rifused to order the witness out of the house, He declared that Mes. Secley had a tussle with her granddau hter and that. was how she was hurt. Then she picked up mw, chair and flung it at him. He dodged, and the chair went through the window, Dr. 'Hanl'y was sent ior, and gave evidence to the effect that he had at: tended Mrs, See ley on the Tuesday fol- lowing. He advised the parties to avoid going into court. Some talk of settlement occurred. Lewis seemed will ing, but said he didn't think it pos- sible, as the matter was in Mr. Mec- Intyre"s hands. A new wilness wes 'brought by the complainant, in the person of rs. Hogle, who lives opposite. Mrs. Hogla said that she and Mrs. Seeley had not been on intimate terms recently, but after she wus acquitted nine days ago of theft Mri. Seeley had invited her over to get warmed and to have dinner. Last Monday, she told Mrs. Sceley that she had seen the window broken. The witness testified that she ran to her door on hearing some one in. Mrs. Seeley's house call "murder!" She saw a man come out with a chair and break a wmdow. Thea he went away. She was quite sure it was Lewis As Edith Hunter (or Mrs. McCabe) haw not yet been found, the case was further adjourned. Policeman Digmond informed the magistrate that when he and Policeman Bateson were in the house, Edith Hunter. the missing wit- wwe, had told the same story as wowis, and in presence of Mrs. Secley She blamed her grandmother for breaking the window. An interesting incident occurred dur- ing Mrs. Hogle's evidence. The latter did not remember the days very well and Mr. McIntyre was confusing her But 'she had a good prompter in Mrs, Seoley, who sat oppctite, facing her. Mr. Mcintyre's back was turned. and he didn't see the promptings. When Mrsc Hogle was not sure of a day or event, Mrs. Seeley would nod her head in the affirmative or negative, and the witness was not slow to uti li.e the information. Finally, the de- fendunt Lewis "caught on' and warn ed his. counsel. William Kennedy, a recent inmate of the House of Industry, was charged with vagrancy. and was sent to jail for a month. Wellington Bush was charged with carting manure through the streets without cevering it. and allowing it to drop on the road. The magistrate warned him not to repeat the offence e---- EAST HASTINGS LIBERALS. Association Organized--Nomina- * ,4- tion Deferred. I'weed, Marck 31.<-The liberals of Fast Hastings met this afternoon at Tweed to select officers and a candi date for the coming election. Ex Warden James Clare, acted as chair- man. The old association is now a watter of the past, and a new one had to be formed: Wiliam Cross, B. A.. of Madoc, was elected president, and N. Vermilyea, Thurlow, was made secretary, and the new association was named the East Hastings Reform Association, 4, constitution and by laws were adopted. The selection of vice presidents was decided on by the election of James Clare of Hunger- ford, D. Hanley, of Tyendinaga, and J.C. Dale of Madoc. N. Vermilyea was elected treasurer. A proposal for the selection of a candidate was discussed by B. 0. Lott, T. Hart, P.. Murphy, J. Clare, F. E. O'Flynn and many others, and the decision was that 'the sclection of a candidate should be left over until a later date. George 1D. Grant, M.P_,- of North Ontario, was called on, and in a forceful speech. advised one and all to put a shoulder to the wheel and push the matter to a finish with the pur- pose of electing the dnan selected. S. Russell, MPP. spoke at con siderable length | and paid a glowing tribute to Hon, George: W, Ross and to the Ontario "legislature. The way the members stood by their leader was described as loyal and self-sap rificing. B. 0. Lott. candidate, West Hast ings spoke, and promised to give Mr. Porter, the present member, a hard run at the next election. there was a good .attendance considering the bad roads. JLadies Ard Cigarettes. Grimshy Independent I think that ii the ladies of the W CT.U. were to pik out a committee ofc themselves to test the much abused: cigarette and actualy. see if it is death decling or not, it would he a benefit to an overantius pub A test could be -condue soe thing like this Let the ladies choose Wood AND COAL The central Wood and Coal yard Is located at 236 Earl Street. All kinds of good Hard Wood, cut and split to suit, Dry Kindhng, al ways under cover. Prompt delivery. Prices right. None hut the pure Scran- ton Coal--no mixtures. *« B. BARNEY > LET ME HAVF YOUR SALE|¥ And I will guarantee you satisiac-. tory results. We don't brag, but per- form the work. Nothing sacrificed, but best interest studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer WEN AND ii) BETTER THAN N, EVER Meade 'Mince Meat, Tin Tomernaiors story of Music INSTRUCTION IN Orthestra and Band Instruments, Sing' Musical me and Arosestes two of their most healthy, robust and handsome members. [ct them be taught 'to smoke «ijarettes. Let them be given free . access to the cigarette package. Let. them. smoke, #i's, ten, twenty or ffuy a day. if they like, hut notidess nan en. At the end of «ix mon Tet them be exam ined andethe! state «f their health given out to' the public in = official bull=ting, = In xix months let them be examined agein and a bull't n issiled, and so on for o¥ time unt l the ladies are dead or have a the «cigarettes ia sight smoked up. The Czor's Emissary. Berlin, April 4.--The Breslan Zei tung =ayx that the czar will send his confidant, Prince Ukhtofpski, editor of the. Viedomosti, to the United States shortly to visit St. Louis, exposition, proproganda and copvert 'the Ameri can press, | the United States show a total vote but. really to conduct pro-Russian GAMING-TABLE TRAGEDY. Judge Who Cheated Ends Career - By Suicide, Lyons, April 5M. Weyer, a judge of the court of appeal at Lyons, com mitted suicide bY shooting himwelf through the left eve. The tr v has brought (5 light a remarkal Scandal. in whith M, Weyer was central figure. He was a confirmed gambler, und was a mem ber of one of the best hd in Mont pelier. Last January he was observed on several vecasions while acting in a friendly way as croupicr to convert some of the money on the takle to his own use. The plaver who obser ved this communicated the matter to the committee, and aliiough it was thought that the accuser must have made a tistake, a watch was set on the judge, with the resuly that he was detected da the act of taking money from the tobic nd putting it | into his own pocket. em oer-- AN AFRIDI'S ATTACK. Extraordinary JEscape Of a British © Officer, Fanaticism is supposed to have been the motive for the outrage Peshawar, April 5. At the reilway station here a Bassi Khel Alri made an attempt on the life of Col. Finns. R.E., .citector-general. f niitary works, and chief engineer of he bun Jjuub command. The man was captured hy Nr. Phil lips, the station master. who 'mocked off his puggaree, and bound fi, with it, Mr. Philips kept the would-be murderer in custody until he was ul timately taken away by the police The Afridi placed a loaded rove lver against the back of the officer's neck, but the weapon missed fire. A further attempt on the part of the assailant was frustrated by iat Colo Dickie, R.E., who was immedi utely behind Col. Finnis. t------ MILLIONAIRE BY ACCIDENT. Found Himself Almost Rich In a Night. Vienna, April 4. Baron Ladislaus Sclzmosy, a millionaire 'member of the Hungarian House of Magnates, who has just died, owed his fortune to a remarkable accident. He began life as a farmer, says the London Daily Ex press eprrespondent, and took a ten ears' lease of an estate belonging to 1 Esterhazy; near tae shallow Neusiedler Lake, close to the Austrian frontier. In the frst yéar of the lease the lake dfied:wn. and Herr Falk, as he then was. fovad that he could cul: tivate the imme, we_lake bed, which was formed of gq richest alluvial soil The lake f"&: '¥ . during the whole of t 1d Herr Falk made ¥ Soon after a of to fill again, and bon 9 ance. Ee §- old appear trie wo 23 J3 SOMBRE, PERG Pu So Lord Artvar Hill Dons Some- thing That Is Gay. London, Ami 4.<Dyrd Arthur Hill is anxious to relieve the ordinary som- breness of the mdsculine garb. He ab- peared at a public function the othér day wearing light check fHrousers and a cutaway black coat of original style, In the waisteont bright erimson_ was the predominating hue, while gross its wide expanse he wore a large watch chain. A black ahd white tie of ample proportions was 'adored by « turquoise and diamond pin. On two fingers of each hand were wide gold rings, and a bracelet of gold encircled lis wrist, STRONG FOR PARKER. A New York Presidency Caucus Leaves Hearst Far Behind New York, April 4.-To ascertain the present sentiment among the. de mocrats of the entire eountry with a view of forecasting the result of the national convention at St. Louis, canvas of every state and territory in of 816 for Parker and 106 for Hearst, with seventy-eight votes in the dowht ful column. The total vote of the con vention being 1,000, Parker has, a the doubtful vot. DUKE OF SUTHERLAND, Visits Quebec Rifle Factory--Tour- ing Through Canada. Montreal, April 4.--The Duke . of Suthérland, who is at present «isit ing the Ross arms factory at Quebec, will return to this city to morrow, and in company with Jeadibg CC. P.R officisls will inspect the New Angus railway shops in mie east eng. He af terwards leave for Ottawa on his way to the Pacific const. Walks 18 Miles In Sleep. London, April 4.--An extraordinary case of sleep walking is reporrved of a young servant g rl. She" went to hed the other right in. her employer's housé at Roughion, Sussex. When she woke up she found -herself, on Moin hold Heath, Norwich, cighteen' 1iiles away. On a former decasion © another night walk jn her sleop "ak ig up to lind bereelf fully dressed in Cromer, several wiles from svhere she had gone to sleep Mack & Co. Suspend. New York, April 45~The suspension of W. B. Mack & Co., was announced The firm states that the suspension will be only temporary. Announce ment also was made on the cofiee ex change of the inak lity of Twlor & Leviing, of Balumore to meet obli gations. Mack &' Co. had a rating of from $125,000 to $200,000. Cornwall Boy Drowned, Cornwall, Ont. April 4.--~A youn lad named George Eafortune, ps six years, was drowned in Fly Creek Sunday - afternoon. He was playing with some other children on a bridge when he overbalanced and fell in. a------ Proclamations are being issued in Russian centres urging the people to rise and maswacre the Jews, apd ro calling the terribly slaughter at EIGHTEEN LOST L near Dakar, Atrica, on March 6th, next July, the World has made u | cording to the canvas, 149 votes over | the wmecessary two-thirds, exclusive of | into an arylum at New Year's he would on the stock exchange this morming.' BY THE SINKING OF :A NOVA' SCOTIA SCHOONER. Went Down OF The Coast Of Africa -- Many Rescued By Lighthouse IX eeper And Sol- diers. Paris, April 4.- Details of the wreek on the Nova . Scotia schooner, Her ald of Morning, which: went down have reached here. The schooner, which carried a crew of cighteen and thirty six passengers, struck 'a rock close to Almadia's Jighthouse, and quickly settled, Many "of those aboard the vessel jumped into the water, The lighthouse keeper and a com: | pany of infantry from Omokaur res cued many, but cighteen persons were drowned. 'The Herald of Morning was bound from Brava to New Bedior |, Mass. According to first reports, ll on hoard were saved. SUNDAY STUDIES. npr Peter Confesses His Faith In The Christ. The International Sunday School lesson "for April 10th, is found in Mark viii, 27-38. The golden text is "Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God."--Matthew xvi, 16, The object of the lesson is to impress the fact that as Peter confessed the Christ so must, all "who believe in Him con fess Him to the world, before all men. But how shall we confess Him ? Continually ;: "By the way," v. 27. Conversationally : "They answered". ON Conseientiously: "Whom say ve," vi 2, . Confidently : "Thou art," v. 20, Comprehensively; "All the facts, v, 3 Courvageously: "Not cowardly, like Peter' ( 'onsecratingly "Deny himself," v. 34. Consistently : "Take up His Cross and follow," v, 3.- Chiyalvausly : "His life for me," v 35 Crsiderately : "What shall it pro fit," ts. 36-38 I'he lesson embodies a talk between Christ and His disciples. The time was in the summer of AD. 32, the company talking as they journeyed unto the towns of Caesarea Philippi The purposs of the talk on the part of the Master was to fix and fasten vital truths. The practical thoughts of the lesson are--l. Life for Christ will depend on thought "of Christ. 2, Christ must be individual, personal | and peculiar, daily, voluntarily, for Christ's sake, immediate complete, 1. The Messinh ship of - Jesus ix the vital essence of the gospel and the key to human dex tiny. 4. A selfish life ix infinitely fool ish and wretched; a life for Christ is infinitely wise and blessed. 5. Confess ing Chist gives spiritual tone, equip. ment and strength to the believer, 8 The heart that longs for hetter know ledge, as Caleb longed for Hebron he cause it was a promised heritage, 'is the one that is ready to accept what Christ sends. When one's heart ie in that condition jit ix not melted at the thought of fighting soul foes selfish ness, impurity, envy, and carelissness ax to truth." TORE. OPEN THE WOUND, The Prescott Murderer Completes His Self-Desgruction. 1 Original, Ont... April 4.--Joseph Menard, Russell county, who on March Gth, murdered his wife and then tried to commit suicide, died here last even- ing... He had been at the Brook on a ik bed closely guarded since the tra- gedy, and was only fit to be removed to. the county jail here on Thursday faxt. After being lodged in jail he man- aged in his frenzy to remove the band- age from his head and reopen with his fingers the wound he had inflicted with an exe, expasing the brain, This, with the exposure to cold, brought on paralysis, and although Drs. Patte onl, Smith wore' -in attendance, no- thing could he done for him and he/ passed quietly away at 9 pm. Sun: day. He said. since he committed the dreadful deed. that it he had been put not have done the deed. Oppose Circuit Division, Cushendall, April 4. ~The inclemency of the evening prevented 'representa tives. from this appointment attending the quarterly board, which was te he held at A. Breckenridge's, Woodburn Fvery one in connection with Zion Methodist church is strongly in lavor of the Pittsburg cireuit still wing supplied by two ministers, and hold ing service in the sevéral churchek ax previously, Rev, Mr. Wood and his as sistant are both very popular, and while we expect to have Mr.. Wood with us another vear, would be equal ly pleased to have Mr. Riley with us again, too, ax he has endeared him wolf to all. J, Gordon, the energetic weretary of the wchool board for ed ia the school. The bell has also been repaired; it is almost as good a time picce ax a town clock, 'Miss Ethel Young, teacher, is spending Easter week at home in the city. Miss Sadie Cairnes hax returned to Sunbury after a week's visit with friends. Miss Ger tie Greatrix, a recent visitor at her brother's, has also left us. Miss Sa dic Martin is visiting friendd in King ston. J. Martin has - recovers from ness, Beechum Trotter, Brandon, re newed acquanitance here last week, The cheene factory has had some slight repmtrs made and is now ready for the season's operations, Success to our promiving cheesemakers, H Greatrix, and N. Frizzell eo Echo Of Cashel Case Calgary, NWT, April 4.~Charles Smith, a rancher of Spring Bank, has heen committed for trial charged with assisting Froest Cashel. the murderer of Refuse Belt, to escape. Cashel 'was at Smith's house when the police call ed on December 13th, but Smith told the officers that the murderer was not there Phillips have retarned from Oshawa, Kishineff, last year, which is ryferred to as 'a glotious time." after spending a few days with the saeseeesiteroreces see many years, has had more seats plac. W, Cunningham and Master Willard | ¥! i a ri anion For rice for Men's me quality goads, it's Recogmizing, that this i is the most pr "ine Shoes we have' most attractive shoes ever sold in pe $3 50." If the "other stores" ch 'Men your fa RT yo you P 0009000 06 There'll be Merry D | Among the Carpets and Curtains spring weathér comes the demand for housecleaning, © which calls for Now Carpets and Curtains. We have completed the remodelling' of oly tore 'anid have added quite a little Carpet, Curtain and Floor Glleloth departaneht. Every yard and every roll in stock is and marked in plain figures at . LOWEST CASH QUOTATIONS Tapestry body and Stair Carpets, be. to 750. a yard. Velvet Carpets, with Border to | match; a fow only in exquisite color ings, 81.35 un vard. Wool and Union Wool Carpets, 40¢. to 81.00 a yard. Stripod nnd Flower design Het 48 Carpet, and Stair, 10. to 25¢. a yar Japanese aud Chinese Floor Mat ting, 16c. to 4be. a yard. Canadian Stair and Floor 0il Cloth, 124e. to 33c. a yard, Scoteh Linoleum, 2 yids. wide in oar pet patterns, 508. and 600. a yard Inlaid Cork Floor Covering, 2 yds. wide; wear a life time, 81.00 a yard. $5 H SUTHERLAND. &. n during the woxt few weeksl ne" this spring's purchase and re = a ne, t Sreoma and Bp a 5 [ 500. a yard. Tapestzy and Chenielle Curtains, 8. 50 to 810.00 wet. at at, Beltre Poor Panels, 50. ow Je} aa Curtain Enda. worth from : . to 81.50, for We. go Blinds so Art Blinds '8 and on to 81 4 ace trim When on the hunt our "SUCCESS" ... Where is it? Just beyond, and The Canada Metal Co. are butting in with the its ram, 31 William St. Toronto, Canada; "= word "RELIABILITY" ss: QUITE AN EVEN T. Street Railway Fifty Years Old Ea --A Small Capital, Philadelphia, Pa. April 4.- The fif- ticth anniversary of the advent of the first 'street railway . in Philadelphia, and practically the first line of any extent established in the country; was volebrated to-day It was on April 1th, 1554, that the Philadelphia and Delaware River yailroad was chayter ed Iie. road began with a very smal capital, It wax equipped with ten dununy engines and a few horses and mules. About three miles of track were operated and less than 100 men were employed. The number of passengers carried was very small The extent and business of the road developed rapidly, however, and its present-day successor, the Philadel phia Rapid Transit company, repres- ents more than $100,000,000 of capi tal. It operates more than 2,000 cars, which run over 500 miles of track. It employe nearly 6,000 men and cardi about 375,000,000 - paésengers every vear. Moreover, the group of capital: iste who own the company control fully one-third of the mileage and eap- ital of every wtecet railway in the Un ited States, Lm In Suiciding, Nearly Murdered. Persarcle, Fla, April 4.--Lient. Commander Edgar Townsend Warbur ton, chief engiswer of the hat thes hy Maint now in harbor, éommitted sui cide "by shooting. The bullst, after passing through Vie. head, went through the door and just missed the executive officer, who was passing. Her, Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. Orders received McAuloy's "hook store, Princess # Mayor EB. C. Knight, Buffalo, governor of New York state. Ayersion Hair Vigor Losin your hair? Did not now how easily you will likely be the republican candidate for wo : SHAKE OFF srr Yamir nad "LA GRIPPE" I" you foel the clutch of "la gtippe," DON'T DELAY! °° Take a dose or two of Ma thieu's Syrup and you will soon. §¥ again be in potest health, If yon hive had "Ia . ® and have not recovered } offects (a sure sign that yow had not used Mathias Syrup), 4 : | It will not only heal your § lungs, bronches and bowels, but by its wonderful tonic qualities will restore your appeti tion--afid "sleep, and j you back to perfott health. 7° The wonderful ni ot Mathieu' " Syrup I ou wp #eores of : Don't Yoht § got the GEN 35 eonts a begs, bot everywhere, * <- -| latter's brother,- J, Phillips, Lould keep it? And > gray hair, also? _ dies,

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