mister at the Nard, Sommercial for Toronto CEE \ * * engineering is to be taught at the Wisconsin A o itural whool, an ap- of 5.000 haviag been voi tg by the legislature. 3 he instructed how to rum mowers, steam and gasoline Jota and plow ©" DYNAMITE USED. To Remove Ottawa Snow Banks--' ; * On His Trail. ~ | Ottawa, April 4.>Workmen attempt- a! to-day to move the mountain of SWEEPER ed with snow shovels, Commissioner Cherwood, of the Do- minion police, is hot on the trail of the escaped convict, Filtreault, who took unceremonious leave of St. Vin- gent De Paul penitentiary. His pal, Fmune, was caught, at Plattsburg, N. Y. The men but a few months of a sentence to serve for stealing sacred vessels from a Roman Catholic church. Addressed Labor Unions. On Saturday night J. A. Flett, of Hamilton, president of the Trades g of. Canada, addressed a meet- ing of the Kingston trades unions. He spoke of the conditions of the differ- ent trades as he had found them throughout the country during his rad on the legislation that had 'been wed in favor of working- men during the past few years. Through the policy of the union movement much had been done to- wards not only benefiting the organiz- ed, but also the unorganized. Touch- ing on the question of immigration he said the union movement 'was not opposed to bringing farm help into the country, but they were opposed to the misrepresentations made to mechanics and laborers in Great Bri- tain and elsewhere regarding the con- ditions of labo# in Canada and bring- ing them here only to find themselves getting less than in the positions they were holding in the Old Country. ---------- wold (~*~ Cold Police Court Room. &1 The police court room this morning _ [was so cold that the magistrate had to ask a policeman to bring in his overcoat. Any of those present through whose veins blue blood did not naturally run, were soon charged with thmt color of fluid. When J. B. Walkem entered the court, to take a hand in the Barrack street squabbls on behalf of Mrs, Seeley, he enquired of the istrate if he expected the necessary heat to be generated by the legal men. "Never mind the heat now," said Mr. McIntyre. "You may Fo quite enough at some further ime." Which Shall We Celebrate. It has not yet been definitely decid- ed as to whether or not a celebration will be held here on May 24th nest. Many citizens favour continuing the demonstration that has been so popu- lar and so well attended in past years, while others favor an observ ance of Dominion day in a style more fitting than the past has shown. The matter will be discussed at a meeting of citizens in the council chamber on Wednesday night. Outer Station Church, At the Methodist church at the low- er station last evening, there was a large gathering. A. Shaw Prensied a very interesting sermon, taking for his text I Corinthians xv, 20. The little church looked very pretty, as the flor- al display was very tastily arranged A TT by the kindness of Mrs. Scott, ------------ Mise Lillie Clark. left today for Tozonto, where she joins her brother and together they go to Clifton 3) sa Springs, N.Y.. to attend the gradua- tion of Miss Clark as a nurse. Two popular two-steps, "The Gon dolier" (new), and "Tickled to Death" big hits, 10e. McDermott' TOK, _%bose Smart (pe; | Wheite and Faney Vests - Are Always Smart dressers are making an early selection. They ghten fip a man's appearance and break the 'his usual attire. Beautiful Assortment "arrived from New York, in Marcelles, Pique en,4n white and patterns that are exceedingly We have styles and grades to suit any d they are not expensive. Prices $1.50, $1.75, $3 Single and double breasted. ton. & Bro, Brock Si. BR bel 1 a his a trois: Parliament Hill grounds to- vt 4 broom, be- oid ith dynamite, but only suc- these, Labor Saving ceeded in "tearing a hole in the | ber of the bur- | yuound. The heap will now be attack: A TEMPERANCE DELEGATION * WAIT ONMR. ROSS. a ara? -- The Methodists And Baptists Urge _ Their Claims--Agsessment In- vestigation Concluded--Will He Return ? Toronto, March 4.--A deputation of about - twenty-five Méthodists and Baptists waited on Premier Ross this morning, arguing that temperance measures should be brought in this session, abolishing bars, treating and t for ter ision he woul wasting and hand 1 out within forty-eight hburs, to Rev. J. Rankin, president of the Toronto Methodist conference, who introduced the deputation. Rev. Rowerby and Dr. Mackenzie spoke for the Metho- dists, and Prof. Goodspeed, of McMas- ter University, and Rev. Dr. Sower- by, for the ists, The Baptists said that they had been liberals all their lives and re- fused to be dominated by a small minority of the party, when the great majority wanted to step forward in the temperance cause. Dr. Sowerby said the temperance liberals of Lon- don, Ont., where he was at the time of the last election, were unable to vote consistently for the liberal stand- ard bearer Col. F. B. Leys, and vot- ed for the third candidate. The.trial of George Maguire and W. T. London, election officials, is to come up before Judge Wirchester in the general session, and ccasiderable eubionity has been arov.ed as to whether McGuire, who nv lives in ufialo, will come to stard trial. . C. Robinette. McGuire's counsel, says his client will not be sn hand and that an application will be made to have the case put at the foot of the list or adjourned to theMay ses- sions. The argument in the assessment in- vestigation concluded before Judge Moran to-day, and his honor intimat- 'ed that hé would report "to the city council as soon as possible. He refus- ed to allow Commissioner Fleming's counsel to reply to W. Riddell, K.C., 'the city prosecuting counsel. BEWARE THE CORSET. Cancer Is Traceable To Its Use, Declares London Physician. London, April 3.- Viriting to the Lancet, Dr. R.. C. Lucas adds 'a new count to the indictment against the corset--namely, 'that under certain cir- cumstances it may be responsible for cancer. Three cases have come under the doctor's notice in which cancer in women started at a point at which the edge of the corset crosses at the edge of the big muscle of the chest. In describibg two of them, he sayy: "It occurred on the right side in each case, and in women whose ocen- pations led them to-undue use of the right arm, and in consequence of the excessive friction of the upper edge of the corset. The friction of the corset at this spot is, therefore, the cause of a cancerous procesk developing in this situation, and to express this fact 1 have given it the name of cor- set cancer." T_T _. THE ROAD"S EARNINGS. C. N. Railway's Good Showing-- To Furnish Light. Toronto, April 4.--The gross earn. ings of the Canadian Northern rail way for the week ending March 31st were $60,400, an increase of £7,600 over the corresponding period in, 1903. Since July lst, the earnings are $2, 316,800, an increase of $715.450. Joseph Barrett, laid a proposition before the finance committee of the York township council this morning to furnish electric light to be develop- ed from the Credit River. He says he has agreements with the townships of Etobicoke, of York county, and To- ronto, of Peel county. He wants an agreement for ninety-nine years. -------- To Capture Smugglers. Windsor, April 4.--The customs of- ficers of Windsor are agitating for a small launch for; use on the Detroit river to aid them in the apprehension of smugglers, who cross from Detroit in small boats. At present the offi- cers are not supplied with any kind of craft, and it is utterly impossible for them to attempt to capture smug- glors as the latter have land spies when they are running a cargo, and it is an easy matter for them to land their cargoes many miles down the river, ---- To Appoint A Rector. Brockville, Ont., April 4.--The com- mittee appointed by the congregation of Lansdowne Rear, has submitted the following names to his Lordship Bis- hop Mills: Rev. R. B. Patterson. B. A., St. Papl's church, Toronto; . Rev. W. R. Wilkinson, Amherst Island: Rev. M. Fitagerald, Grenville. One of the three will be selected hy bis lordship to fill the vacancy occurring b the death of Rev. Rural Dean Wright. 4 Smuggling Canadian Whiskey. Port Huron, = Mich., April Cus toms officers have discovered evidence of extensive whiskey smuggling opera tions carried on across the border at this point. The Canadian whiskey ix brought across the river in small boats during the night, and landed at secluded spots. © Half a dozen. dealers ace said to be implicated in having purchased the smuggled goods. ---- Newfoundland Archbishop. St. John's, Nfid., April 4. A papal bull received here creates Newfound land an ecelesiastizal provinee., and clovates Mgr. MF. Howl the pre sent hshon of St. John's, to the archbishopric. Mgr. Howley is the first native of Newfoundland to attain this dignity. aa", J / " ( Big Catch Of Seals. 2oSt. John's, Nfid, April 1-<The steamer Grand Lake, which has re turned from the fields, that the sealing steamers tured 250.000 seals, which ably be increased the present month. Es erp - Mise May Chown went to Toronto today. - reports have cap will proh- to 300,000 during | | drinking in clubs, The premier sapped 1... | | : All Over World. 540 * Priocess Edward, of SexeWamar, who wes Lady Augusta Gordon-Len- nok; is dead. A: : Dr. Stephen Truex dronoed dead in. a Brooklyn hospital, whil: attending . Jatt: oficial ppechinhi Despite denials, a sion exists in Europe as-to the health of the German em G 2 The triennial eonvention of the Lord's Day Alliagee of Canada meets in Ottawa on Th ¥. ; oo Frederick Ginling; a Parisian art edi- tor, was sen to ten years for the murder of a singing girl. =hgura- -- aged twenty-five. was dragged a quarter of ux mile in a runaway at Boston, and was killed. St. Petersburg papers comment on Biitish advance in Thibet, charac- teridng it as a bold move against Russia. * The press hoat Fawan, placed under arrest yesterday at New Chwang, was rele to-day by order of Gen. Kuropatkin, Toronto men have' organ- ized a press club; electing S. 8. B. Arinstrong, president, and Charles L. Snider, secre A The a of Dr. Peter H. Bryce as medical inspector of the de- partment of interior and of Indian af- feirs is gavetted. . ' A legal slip in the sentencing of the Chicago car bandits has resulted in the issuance of writs of habeas corpas in the pr soners' behalf. : Sir Robert: Hart, director of cus- toms, has devised a financial plan for the re-organization of = the Chinese army, navy and civil service. The Canadian Pork Packing com- pany, of London, have reduced their working foree one-hali on account of Danish competition in the British mar- kets. A movement is on foot in Toronto to appoint a third public school io- spector. Principal A. McMillan, of the Givens street school, is spoken of for the position. " A. C, Senkler, gold commissioner of the Yukon Territory, has been ap- pointed temporary = public administra- tor of the estates of deceased persons in the Yukon. Capt. Scott, of the British Antarctic expedition, says the: compass turned exactly the wrong way when his party the first to do 'so, crossed the cizhtieth degree, The United- States house of repre- sentatives has passed a resolution asking for a convention between Great Britain and 'the United States for the protection of the Alaskan fur seals. Donald Cuthbert, a Glengarry coun- ty pioneer, died a few days ago at the ripe age of ninety-six. He lived all his life on the lot on which he died, and his parents were natives of Glengarry, Scotland. The Intercolonial taitway is prosper- ing to such an extent that Hon. H. R. Emmerson is considering an in- crease in the passenger train service. Newfoundland traffic over the road is rapidly growing. The German emperor proposes to have a castle at Posen to "'conciliate the Poles." Tt will be his fifty-fifth castle. In addition, he owns ninety- three landed estates, but they bring him little money, whereas the castles are costly. The London Standard, referring to the fight in Thibet, says there can be nothing but sorrow at the slaughter inflicted upon. the fanatical hillsmen, but if the Indian troops had given way the storv of the disaster at Isan- dula would likely have been repeated. President Meyer, of the Free churches of Britain, denounced the Thibet battle at the Easer services at hich church in London, '"We erect a monument to Boadicea," he said, '"'and then shoot-down men for doing what she did against the Roman invaders of her country." ' CLAIMS ADJUSTED. Russian Commissioners Withdraw From Position. Ottawa, April 4.--Advices to the government state that the Russian commissioners have withdrawn from their untenable position on the Beh- ring Sea sealing question. The only question which the commission had to determine was. the question of com- pensation due to British Columbia sealers who suffered unlawful seizure at the hands of the Russians over ten years ago. It is learned that some of the claims have been adjusted. They will have to be confirmed by ths ezar's government" and for the present, therefore, the am- ounts are withheld. Hair Turned Snow White. Pottsville, . Pa., April 4.--Through the fall of rock in the Lytlé colliery, Jacob Koblinski was entombed. For seven hours he faced slow death while his comrades tried to tear dewn the barrier that held him in." When he was rescued his jet black hair had turned white, Koblinski = and a companion were working together in a new breast and while the latter went into a gangway the rock crashed down. The King's Kindness. + Copenhagen, April 4.--Princess Dem- idoff, wife of the secretary of the Rus- sian legation, is suffering from appen- dicitis. King Edward has sent for Sir Francis Henry Laking, physician- in-ordinary to the king, who operated ~upon his majesty {wo years ago, to attend the princess. 200 Men Laid Off. Stratford, Ont., April 4.--Two hund- red 'men have been laid off at the G. T. R. shops here. It required $8,000 to pay them off. A C.P.R. répresenta- tive will be here to-morrow to hire some of them. Seeking A Divorce. Ottawa, April 4.--Edward "A. Mur- phy, commercial = traveller, of Mont- real. gives notice of application to Parliament next session for a divorce from his wife, Susan Margaret. - -------- The bunch of sports from Kingston, who were performing in the neighbor- hood of Woodstock recently, have all returned safely, the "Dutchman" be- ing the only one of the party showing any ill effects. J. D. McLennan, B.Sec., of the Geo- logical Survey departmeént, Ottawa, is in the city for a few days, [BRITISH LOSS.| NATIVES BROKE THROUGH A . BRITISH SQUARE. Many Soldiers Killed And Wound- ed By Natives in Nigeria--A Punitive Expedition. London, April 4.--News has reached London of heavy fighting in Nigeria, West Africa in which a British' squad- ron was broken, and many soldiers were killed and wounded. The Nigerian force was a Biitish punitive expedition organized by Sir Frederick' Lugard against the murderers of Capt. Orior- dan and Capt. Amyatt Burney. who vere ambushed by Okpotos in 1903. Reuter's Telegram company report- ing the fight, says the enemy worked their way into the hollow square] formed by the punitive force and kill- ed many of the native troops. Nigeria is on the north coast of the Gulf of Guinea. RIDEAU HALL FIRE. Damage Of $40,000 Done--New Wing Destroyed. Ottawa, Aprif 4.--A fire which broke out in the new wing of Rideau Hall, at 5.30 o'clock Sunday morning, did about $40,000 damage. It is supposed to have caught from electrical wiring in the room of Arthur Guise, comp- troller of the household. His room was gutted and the fire traveled the whole length of the roof of the wing. The members of the household made an effort to quench the fire with buckets of water, but it soon became evident that such efforts would prove futile and the Ottawa brigade was su moned. The brigade managed to restrict the blaze to the new wing, but not without heavy damage. A great deal of valuable antique furni- ture and paintings were got out but a considerable quantity of stuff was practically ruined by the deluge of water. : Those who were sleeping. in the rooms at the time were the children of their éxcellencits. Besides these were Mr. Guise, Capt. Bell, A.D.C.; Graham, A.D.C:; Hon. Mr. Howard, Madame De Joffa, a governess, and Miss Seymour. Their excellencies occu- pied rooms in the old wing adjoining that destroyed, Her excellency, who was helpless, suffering from a com- pound fracture of the right leg, re- ceived recently while skating, was brought. downstairs <ud an ambulance was in waiting' to take her away should the fire have pot _bevond con- trol. Fortunately this was not neces-, sary and her excellency is reported to have not suffered in any Way as a re- sult of the early morning experience. "The government architect places the loss at not less than $40,000, and as it is government. property the loss is a total one, Capt. The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army's "seli-denizl" work was inaugurated in 188%, when the sum of £12,000 was realized. This year two weeks of "self-denial" were observed, when the amount received from all sources reached £56,000. Gen- eral Booth writes in the War Cry : "Never before has there been more noble courage, more generous willing- ness, more unquestioning confidence, nor more unflogging 'toil. Comrades and friends, I am' prouder of vou'than ever." The success of the Salvation Army movement is one of the most remarkable phenomena of modern re- ligious developments. The amount of philanthropic work carried on by the organization in London, is incalcula- ble--quite as much, I do not hesitate to say, as the combined efforts of the churches. And the value of that work has been freely acknowledged and generously recognized by the hightest ecclesiastical authorities. ---- What Married Women Forget. Do you think that when you are married you may rest your efforts to please, encourage and sympathize. Re- member, in this world, if we would be happy, we must give as well as take; but for the moment the policy of woman seems to be to take all that she can get and give nothing, says The Gentlewoman. Women should realize more what a wonderful power "for good they have. The harmony of the home rests with them. They may encourage it or destroy it, as they will. The two ways in which women's power is most commonly brought to | bear are by sympathy and scorn. Sympathize with the aims and aspir- ations of those around you. Women who can, in that way, call forth the energies of others are endowed with the greatest power that is given to anyone on earth. On the other hand the power that. scorn holds may punish--it may drive, bat it cannot win or lead. : : -- . Stella Statements. . Stella, April 4.--~The residents of the island were shocked at the sudden death of Samuel Girvih, who died in Colorado. He had gone there last December to regain his health, where death overtook him. His body nriiv ed here on Saturday, and was placed in the vault at Glenwood. * Snow is geing' fast, . Farmers are getting ready for putting in their crops. The deicy meeting, held' last wook, was poorly attended, owing ~to the rain. | Fred Howard Emerald, intends put ting up a new house-and arn tii: summer. P. Grattin has i nproved his residence with a fresh coat of paint. 1E, Scott intends putting a cement floor in ki: barn. The Lay press is at work at T. Polley's. 8S. McDonald left for Buffalo, N.Y., last week. The club give a ball to-night in Victoria hall, the last of the season. Died At The Hospital. The death occurred at the General Hospital this morning, of George ©. Blachford, aged sixty-five years. The deceased has been in the hospital since early last fall, having been badly hurt in a reilroad accident at Deséronto at that time. His spine was soverely in- jured, and he gradually succumbed to injuries which were realized to be ia- tal. He was the fifth son of the late Col. 0. Blachford of H.M.S. 800 Desirable Emigrants. Ottawa, April 4.--Fight hundred im- migrants passed through here, to-day, for the. west. They were a fine lot, C at ma aL + (In 11b. and 2 Ib. cans). The King of Good Coffees ase & Sanborn « £2 F Laidlaw's We are "receiving many compliments for our display of LADIES' SUITS, SKIRTS AND WAISTS and for the excellent showing of the materials used in the make-up. A We want everybody to see our SPRING STOCK. Join the throng which is making these carly spring days full of pleasurable | activity. Buyers or not you are heartily welcome and will not be urged to buy. Colored Dress Goods We only mention a few of the many. Panama Cloths in all the Spring and Summer Shades. Flecked Voiles, new shades. Scotch Tweed Suitings, all the latest designs moderate cost. : Broadcloths, Etamines, and a large assort- nt of New Materials for Waists. Black Fabrics Just a brief mention of a few of the Approved Weaves in all Black and Black and White : Black Mohair Lustres, special makes for Shirt Waist Suits, 25¢, 35¢., 49¢, 50c., 65¢, 75¢., 9oc, " Plain Black Voiles, 75c¢,, 65¢., 49¢. Black Cord De Soie, 75¢c., 99c, $1.25. Black Canvas Cloths, 49c., 69c., 75c. Black Eoliennes, 75¢, 99¢., $1.25, $1.49. Black Basket Weaves, ogc. Silks Plain Colored Taffeta Silks, a full range of all the approved shades. Black Taffetas, 50c.. 69c., 75¢., goc., $1. Japan Silks, for Blouses and Shirt Waist Suits, Black or White, 35c., 39¢., 49c., three very spe- cial makes. semen] --= ad JoHNLAIDLAWES0N } ' many being English speaking. We have-all-the new shapes as well a standard every day comfort styles. ; THE LO Business Is. Coming Our Way. Our New Styles in Gentlemen's Boots Are irresistable. ~The Slater Boots Were never so nice. 3 LEADING AMERICAN MAKES The Burt and Packard, The Crosette, The Walk Ezy DON'T PASS s the old CKETT SHOE STORE ROBT. 222 Prin 2 Doors Above t] Ambulance Tele «*Alse see our "Hi 15. We have small ou can see what Pure Sanitary ma BY JOHN AUCTI FINE F Wednesd Newcombe & Piano, Mahoga Mahogany Sola, ! Centre Tables, M. Down Cushions, V Plush and 'other Book Case, Boo and other Curia Brussels Screen, Ladies' ( tarie8, Shaving Jed doom Set, O Oak Dressing C Bed, Chefonniere H Fine Chamber Si Etchings, Hand Carpets . Oak Extension Ti in Oak Bread Cabinet, Limoges, Glass, Decanters Ware, Knives, F ble Linen, 'Bedd Pillows, . Mirrors, chine; Divans, and other Lamps, ours, Refrigerato Thought Range, 1] Glassware, Crock Reel, ' Carpet ¢ Britannica, cost numerous to mem Piano will be 8 Terms Cash. ¢ I have received M. Williams, to = 48 Earl street, or without reserve. S---- WY + ems A BOY -- ONE horses. Appl) rere GENERAL SER fore 8 in € House. A FEW SMART es, steady Ww Hosiery Uo. neem A------ A GOOD GENE ply Mr 0 si. Ge t and Sydenhar a------ AT HOTEL RAD} female waitr Wages accord -------- A GOOD GENE! erences regu Macgitlivray, AT ONCE, A GI] housework. Mrs, B. W. F eee SIX BOYS, Fl old. Steady Gould & Co. ---------- A GIRL, OF 1 ally assist. must sleep Princess sures -- en BY AN EXPE] er, sewing by) and fitter. Apply to 08 ---- TO RENT, BY or 9 room bath and clo with fair si; Brock Street ------ DETECTIVE--C your time work ? No American De dianapolis, © eee LADIES--$15 P home: mater beautiful san of addressed Co', New Yo --een WRITERS. --TO home. Basil) Something n able. Partic Lima, Ohio, epee + SALESMEN W spray ~'--hes sprayer nad terms; write ple machine. Ont. eee COTTAGE, ON down the ri medium sizes . rent or pu " Write, stati ticulars, to tenac Street EN AND W( M rapid knitti homes, mak trade: wo e steady work distance Nn «Home Ind + Co.. Box 83 " QR THAT DESIR Union ® Stre wood," Po May. App! ett cree £ A SMALL 1 on the pr "Spring blot Gibson's Red