0, 10, 12, 'S $3.00 $2.50 ishes TON, Stand). a ---- etm msr------ amp to pay postage,' nickel plated pocke Gold Seal and foods. NN, 1 ------------ A n B. & M..Co. imited & h, Canada. in town it's | eo ae > D. WATSON, Clovis, I'resno County, Cal, writes: «Tow well you look? I tell good gs free from ay, change hasn't affected me pain as I ever cured me, and I tell them. "God bless ycu for what" done for me, The rhemmaticm' has all disappeared, and to-day all exclaim, aad I owe it all to Dr. Hartman for his advice to me, To-day finds me season has set in here, to. I am very thankful that I have found out that you can and will help Schwandt. | the suffering oncs that will follow your advice. Several have asked me what the medicine then. We keep Peruca AT HOM mn ---------------- Are, Never, Without Perunalin:the House "for Catarrhal Diseases. imey = : e hor ell in City hall Mrs. Ash you" have Ja Alla Schwandt, Banborn, Minn, | | 4 «aid Mosier's story was false ia : > every detail. wl have been troubled with rbeuma- | After Mosier had told of visiting tlie yos, | tism andicatarrh for twenty-five years. | ii, South Iwelith street house seve Could not slecp day night. After | s and that he knew Mrs. Ash having wsed Petuns fan Skeep Sod ead. he was asked to ll has he was. Bothers me now, m1 || ow about the kil ing of infants. The with kind of sickness | ity _. a number of children thrown but the as it used My con was cured use. the They got casts come also. ee Perana will be the medicine I shall of catarrh of larynx by Peruna."'--Mrs. Alla Vhy Old People are Especially Lizbie to Systemic Catarrh. i Fahen old age comes on, catarrhal dis- | Systemic catarrh is IN A FURNACE INFANTICIDE = WAS WIDELY PRACTISED. . Horrible Tams About Philadel phia Methods--Many An In- fants' - Cries Were Stifled By Murderous Women. Philadelphia, "pil 6.--Stais of babies taken from unconscious moth ers and thrown ito a "furnace were told before Coroner Dugan at the in quest into the deaths of Sarah Hughes and Mary B. Shemp, who are alleged to have disd after operations. In reality the hearing was a low at an clleged syndicate engaged in illegul practices, and the crematory whichis ve stifled many an infant's" cries was told cf hy "br. Davil T. Mosier, alleged head of 'the made a full con Felse death the syndicate, who has fassion to the coroner. | certificates also played a part in story. As! a result of the Matthew McVickers, Ashmead, and her son, Howland Arh mead, were committed to prison, Grace Ashmead, daughter of the wo man, was held as a witness. Although "Dr." Mosier t« 1d the story of the furhace on the stand, the prisoners were held out for the deaths I of the infants. but for the kitling of \ the mothers testimony, Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Mrs. Ash furnace," he said into th = Point Road Pointers. vy After The Assessments. Caintown, 5~Mrs. Wi April a iaf Hunt, who has been visiting friends for the past' few weeks, will return on Wedn to her home in Al goma. Miss Rirdsell and Miss Atchi- son, Athefs, were guests of Miss Min fie Ferguson on Monday last. Miss C port. Point Road, April 5 The recent fine I weather is making the farmers think spring is soon coming Messrs. Gough and Smith have com: weed the brick work on J. Barrett's Bouse, and R. Smith has started the foundation for J. Quinn's barn. | F. Beggs and J. Stanton have accepted the agency of the. Marvel Bluding company, Foron to, and are doiilg a Tand office' busi ness. They have already sold several packages The township council have purchased a stone crusher. for the pur pose of crushing stone~for the road, for which they paid the handsome sum of 81,400. D. Mclean has the con- tract for drawing milk to the cheese | t factory, and made his figst trip on Monday very successiully. " n Many Portland Visitors. I Portland, April 4 the order of the day ong dollar per gallon and John Barker, of Trinity College, Syrup sells at John Lyons, | I ji. Une or mead had them in her apr , elildren were crying as she toss | | ed ell of them into the furnac 1 i that hite she Dr. Matthew McVicker testifi he had attended Mary S|lgan v Ashmead house, and in the case of Wadsworth, was in the also ca'ld coroner's ia the house. ter has two hes %. and as. 1 Sauaty and go 13 | Flposk universal in old people. Hog ian rd ied that both women school, and they take the mediciac| 1hJs.explains why Peruna has become Nid of blood poisoning every day. + Ydikpensable to old people. Pcruna Vis Sloan and Miss Hughes did "My wife was troubled With a pain |is their safeguard. Deruna isthe only '|,ct March, but their deaths were in her side for years. Now sheis taking | romedy yct dovised that meets these | kent sepret through the issulag © your medicine and is real smart. 1 will | cases exactly. felie bwial corti jeates. These gave 5 doall I can for you and for those who| Such cases cannot be treated locally; | the cause of death in ach case. 08 . nothing but an effective systemic rem- typheil prenmorita i+ nogd your advice." $ . Jno. O. Atkinson, Mo., Box 272, writes: ' 4 "Your remedies do all fhat you claim | Pr fog therii; and even more. Catarrh can- not exist where Pcruna is taken accord- n Independence, { edy could cure them. This is exactly | what Peruna is. 1f you. do not receive prompt and gat- "Sangster Sketchings. Sangster, April 5.--~The roads here bad | isfactory results from the use of Perfina. | write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he i'l i are in stage trips last a very was unable to make its regular y ing having re week. ing to directions. Peruna completely HE iting tae § a x . " 1: | ceived a large Ee «3 y wife and 1 of catarrhal troubles be pleased to give you his valuable ad SGI this winter than heretofore, will "Annie Cassidy = of Watertown, ix 1} ty-five years standing. In my {vice gratis. bo obliged to un night and day. He | guest of Mrs. J. Preston i ands as a tfaveling mai Tam a walk-| Address Dr. Hartman, President of bas. already begun sawing Mr. Upto | ---- 1 as A 2 4 ing advertisement of Peruna." |The Hsriman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. grove, one of his men was absent fcr Get Rid Of Peddlegs. a -. m---- fay days, returning last Saturday. Narrows-on the-1i lean i s = -- m---------- a few days, 3b {oy , April 4 a Mr. Rush, employed ith Thomas | The roads are hreaking. up; as there = 4 S _ Mr. Good: | is niither sleighig or ~~ Barrett, left last Monday r. Lr { wer sleighig or wheeling, it : Br KOHR'S RESTORINE TL heart, jis home from Clyde Forks, | makes it hard to get around. How 3 Hm ehpre-he mn shantying all win: | ever, spuing is here, with 1 its § : iL a1 the where-he-has been..s yg . t s all its joy Nw Century,~ the most wonderful Medicine gver diz ter. James Murphy has rented John [Tal birds. Hay iw wore -pledrifal than covered. It is astounding the medical world. 10, irennan's farm, and is moving there | it was thought to he, and selling at cases cured in one month in Paris. . The National | [ £9 Sod 5 £ Medical Board has recommended this Remed for use | this week. Dan Judge went from here; $9 per. ton. The ice is good vet to in the Iuwsane Astlyms where, & wai DOT. last week, to visit his brother Ed- | Westport, and many are making use majority of the male inmates arc ms of lost Vitali ward. Mount Pleasant, Mich. The me | of it to good advantage. J. Me * Dr. KOMR MEDICINE CO §\ For the time vein; and take moderate rorary halt in the We have direct priva Chicago Board of Tr or corn. McMillan and Miss B. Robb, Kingston, at Wil- MeL x " - me ---- ] liam Judge's: Miss M. A. Barrett, cLean Mutterings. . a hi or ei] from the K. B. C., Kingston, spend- McLean April 5.-8u, making is THE GAME FISH. and after watching him for some He aor vatation, with her nL the oro 2 BE or-naki ® : 5 ¥ ene kpc.t ¥ aldrosnid Jim huss Buy, ister, Mrs. Barrett. Miss Katie and Pat kenburgh is preparing his ara or e 4d Bay Boy Writes Irom Mts Rec BT Fradd Murphy, visiting friends. at Kingston | future use. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and g «Rochester. Ce Go toll. | ard, Railton. Nes, Welch at Mrs. Bren. | fam ly, Wagaruille, spent Fuster Sun "Old Bay Boy,' from Rochester be if nue ae fishin' rik fish. that nan's; Joseph mes. Railton, at |day at G. Fill Mrs. WM. L. Pehon writes. to the Napanee Beaver con ih I 4 dl 1. off ast James Murphy Miss Jennie Egan, | is spending Easter holidays at her sp la 7 mi pond was. drained oll a uest of hers, sister: "Mrs. J. Murphy. | home, Wolfe Isl: d. Miss E sil stringent regula: fa ®y 54 there is nothin' in it" It is | 8 » Mrs. J. Murphy. | home. land. Miss Emily £ills s depart: | Silos to say 'that my friend quit in has gone to Enterprise. Misses Alice When 1 was a cor boy than 1 am now, any } during July or siding along the bay or river could | Erte biiaps. enjoy a short vacation. 1]ery. By-law abolishing labor passed. and Mrs. Wilson Wagar were iat J. drop author on the nearest bar of al (hat the new game laws will be Moved. Smith-Helferty, = that each Hunter's on unday last. Rufus rainy day, or an evening, apd with © i 5eily enforced. There may be a ps councillor lay out in his respective Wagar Trafford is. at Robert Vanvol pole cut from bush and can of | GepiC-Th restocking our waters and road division the amount of commu- kenburgh's quite frequently, Mary 'avorms for bait" catch a goodly mess | pS toring the only charm lack tation money due his division. Cor Sills and Francs Roster are shead in of bass or pickerel. Then cane the | oo for the tourist or resident along ried. Moved, Ruttan-Kilduff, that C. honor marks for thie orm, Miles Sills net fishermen, and they literally clear" 200 break of the always beautiful A. Kincaid be appointed collector of spent Faster with his uncle at Na ed these excellent fish from our bays i pov of Quinte : takes for the current year. Carried. panee. Frederick Shultz is again un- and rivers, reducing the size of mesh " ¥ Accounts passed : R. E. Draper, re- der. the parental roof. William Flynn ' and Arthur Trice, Mountain Grove in nets until they could hardly fish with a fine-tooth comb, and ship ping them to the city m even the dealers refused to buy their{ "In December, 1908. 1 had a severe | work, %6.25: T. Turner, work, $7.53; | © : y stock on account of size. {coll and was so hoarse that I could | GG. Doyle. work. 81; George Muller, | 40 at Wagar file, on Wednesday lax't Fishing in the Bay of Quinte of re i pot speak above a whisper." cays Al | work, £2; W. Toner, work, $2.50: Van- Miss Mabel Sills in recovering: Mr. 'cent vears, with ordinary bait and | len Davis, of Freestone, N.Y.: "T tried | alstine & Connell, work, $4; H. Doyle, and Mrs. E. Vanvolkenburgh, Wagar eninds fue of the sxperionce | several remedies but got ne relief une | work, $9.50; 8. W. Smith, work, ~&3: | Ville. spent Sunday at Robert Van oe revelling friend. of hive, who 111 1 used Chamberlain's Cough Rem: | J. V. Moran, work, $5; George Mo volkenburgh's. Mrs. William Shultz was also an enthusiastic angler; and edy. one bottle of which. cured 'me., I'l Cormack, work, £7; Jantes Vanalstine. has returned after spending some time always - carried his fishing vod in his "will alwave speak a good word for |g); John Anderson, work, $1; Albert with her brother at Long Lake. John " £1.90 Vanvolkenhurgh was in Tamworth , grip. His tran being by an 'accident, he espind near by and soon had. h ~witer of a likely Joc A country boy sport. BRANCHES Hunter 8t., PETERBORO ; Broc! snip the recent 1 t jadopted by. the fishe ¥ § in regard to the o¥ fish in our. waters He 'says, siderably delayed an h came in its most terrible form. Iu Euro) endarsed by all governments and is Specific in the great stknding griiies o aud Germany. oos losses in from so that they never return. after a few day's treatment. The skin be GEOR NSEC | LL, Duy Seer. darn | Van Fr, Bais Corny niory, the mind becouies right and active. A Food farmers here last week, Mrs, Davis |W - in the ne i zhborhood : this week i= ii oo a Re ae oat mame and ch idren, returned to her home at with his circular saw. Some of our and address plainly "eriitten and a § days treatment Kingsten, yesterday, after spending a | ™ ighbors were called to Brockville of Restorine wi'l be sent FREE in plain sealed pack- | fo onths with her -mother, Mrs this Week on a lawsuit of much inter win Po vot heeiaie a moment, JIE vil treat you | 1) onan. The death of an aged, and | este Thomas Carty is on the sick list . much respected neighbor, aeeurted of The dog poisons is at Mork here Merch 10th, in the person of Mrs. asper Speagle, contractor, Westport, «P.O. DRAWER L 2941, MONTREAL. Patrick Murphy, who re been 'avery | 18 building a fancy verandah to 5 J patient sufferer from asthma for Grennon's residence he Potatoes are scarce in this section. The fest TERA RR BUY BRAIN ON BREAKS. g we look fora trader's market. Buy om catching of farmer re get a arkets until | Cough Remedy. that medicine." gists. mur a will pond line in the ng spot ale You might as well aim :r sng Hong ng as you are thooting. the remely now used as a seven to ter Gays Drains entirely cease js is.only a tem- nexcelled service in wheat, oats seems to be about disgust, and this " +4 the dxperience of the aver ounge ) 4 y hb. nan in our beautiful bay August, when us poor |A Good Word For Chamberlain's For sale by all drug- -------------- dicine company exhibition held Fermoy, last week, hy our young people. lost a valuable cow. both Frince comes clean. vears, up family, rick Murphy, pre deceased her several Wednesday © evening: This class of years ago. The remains of Joseph, dealers should be put out ~f the Breaks on of Patrick Judge. Canoe Lake, SOunty, They pick up the small who died at the Hotel Dieu, King change very often with a very cheap Pittsburg Township Council. April 4.--All tions read from the chinery company, re present. Good Roads ge fisher , at least yennett & - Son, spikes, company, lumber. §5.80; J. me 5: Jackson, royalty on stone, powered to borrow. on the credit er n Guasantopd to Cure within ~2090002030098 CURES HEADACHE sececese ied seceoO® 30 Micutes, cf mo3eY reforded The Hernid Remedy Co., Montreel esveseseoss noe wase| Misses Ivey have Sarah | lage, and condition. The | is confined to his bed with la grippe number of logs at his at | Quaid has br was well attended Mrs. Barrett Thomas Assel- She loaves to mourn, 'a grown her husband, the late Pat "oi 3 sFities say th Fishes Good authofitics $125 for wheat. «ton, on March 30th, passed 'through Re wires to two of the largest: firms. on the here on Saturday for interment in the ade and can give U Sicred Heart Cemeter His sister, | © oy " s Wis Maggie Judge, | ston, accom- | °F 2 year, and' then compete with this & Maguire, SE. Cor. King & Yonge Sts. panied his remadns. yrs: Thomas class "of gentry, who continue to pa -*Ppones Main 1s 3 i F Ascclstine, Salem, with nis daughter, trol the country to the annoyance of k 8t., KINGSTON. Mrs. John Hamilton, John Corcoran the farming community. ! Communica- Ma- prices of- machin- fund of commutation tax, 50c.: I. W 77¢.; Rathbun Cockburn. | Moved. Ruttan Helferty, that the reeve and treasurer be and 'arg hereby em- of Toronto, are spending their Easter | © holidays. with their. parents. William Pimkerton has purchased the store and residence from his brother John, and -is-deing a rushing business. The moved to our vil intend starting a grocery. Edward Myers "spent Sunday with friends in Delta. Miss Lillie Howe is on' the sick list. Armand-Murphy re turned home, after spending a week with friends at Whitby. Miss Nellie Morris spent a few days at Chantry. Mrs. A. Gallagher ix visiting ire in Toronta._W.- Graham is spending his' Easter holidays with friends in Montreal. Miss Kathleen "Harrison, of Smith's Falls, is the guest of her aunt, Mra. T. K. Scovil. J. Lapainte oy , and Edgar of Smith's, Falls, © are visiting their | Wesley Canon, Brockville, rs Mr. and Mrs. T | oken up his lumber camp down the dean. He was foreman for Bert Ceennon. He is now engaged to work. or E. Mooney on his farm Wiliam / Prodd, » pack peddler of the season arrived on grade of goods their trinkets, at high vrices; on while our village mer chants are asked to wait nine months Vanvolkenburgh and Emily Sills, and kenburgh * made a flying Vanvolkenburgh's store, Saturday 'evening. Mr. John .Vanvo! trip to E. Wagarville, were at G. Sills' on Saturday. Fred Vanvolkenburgh and Wiss Grace Fos ter attended the wedding of their cou yesterday. J. Amey, Dead at William Amey terprise, was at Ur Henry Card, En Sills' recently. Al high as # : : the municipality. in anticipation of the {bert Sills spent Easter Sunddy at D. taxes of 1904, the sum of 81.000. and | Kirk s. Miss Grace Foster was. the that this resolution: be autifenticated | RUoSt of Miss firace Rawley on .Kun a bylaw confirming. the same and be | day: Mrs. A Good i spending a signed bv. the reeve. Suniel. By'law week with her sister at Fish ( reck. authorizing the purchasing of road tn making EACH, Sle, x passed, Will Leave The Country. Moved, Ruttan-Helferty, that the Buffalo, April 6 Mrs. Alice Hull at 10 am May 30th. 1 ottawa has entered action ee -- Government Enters Action. April court of revision be held on May 30th Carried. Adjourned till 6. ~The government against the Bank Burdick, wife of Fdwin L. Burdick: whose mysterious murder, still un- solved, caused a sensation throughout the nation, will soon leave Buffalo and go to Europe 10 live. She will edu- cate her daughters there. * . emigpma---- McGuiness, Ridoan street WAS THE Yume | in Bd spending hee hal Times--She Used To Lie Where ays a ero. Mr, Guild, ChE i Moor town: the assessar. is this > Swilt's Whar! Now Is. ; week making his calls, Mrs. Willie Kingston, April 5.--(To the Editor): |* Hall is spendin, Faster week; with 1 noticed a letter m last Thursday's his mother at Kingston. Thomas Wes- Whig from 8. Winter, Yarker, in re- ton, and family, have moved into the | jerence to an old steamer, the Comet, house owned by 2. H. Poole. Harley as he called her, antl was re-named Ferguson and, Chris. Connolly ave the Mayflower. Me also states she spending this week at their home here. sprang aleak and sank on a trial Mis. Nancy Buell has spent a few trip. Allow me to say he is mistaken weeks visiting her daughter at Rock- | 1% the yme. She was called the - Comet. When a new boat, her boiler blow up in Osw eral people were Something happened ' her under that name, 1 can't remember what it was, However, afterwards, she had all new upper works put on her main deck, a splendid cabin and sta something new on a steamer in those |. days. This work was all done in the winter while she lay at the east side of what is now Swift's whaif. She was again renamed and called the Maple Leal She was to run opposition to the old Royal Mail line. She left early in head of the lake and got into a col livion with a sailing one mile or so above Nine Mile Point Sugar making is | passed "the spot afterwards where she sark and saw part of raised. She was a v Nearly One Marriage Out .Of Four reveals some curious facts of a social character. in Japan in Coes, i) NLUCKY BOAT TOLD STEAMER COMET. apt. Joseph Dix Tells Of Her Accidents--Re-Named Several o harbor and sev- illed. She was after- ards fitted out with new ones and "think re-named the Mayflower, from the ywoms. Her saloon was nlsly fly ished, including "a piano, which was he season on her first trip for the schooner about ighthouse. 1 remember her well and her topmast She was never unlucky steam- PH DIX. § srojecfing above wate r. Yours truly, JO DIVORCE IN JAPAN. Turns Out Unfortunately. A recent issue of a Japanese statis- tical pamphlet in Japanese and French According to this report there were in the year 1839, 207 428 mar riages.. The age of marriage seems to" be nearer that commonly prevailing in Europe dnd America than most per BONS Suppose Of men only five manied under the age of thirteen, and only 108 under age of sixteen, Nearly 5,400 married between the ages of sixteen and eigh- The number of marriages in- creased rapidly up to the age of twen- ty-four, when it was rather more than '0, After that age fewer and fewer + married and loss than' a thousand teen rind between the ages of forty- (ight and forty-nine, though a few mén married in extréme old age In the case of gira there were only fftycight marriages under the age of fourteen, and the age at which the greatest number of marriages was re- ported was between twenty and -twen- ty-one. Only about 900 women were reported as marrying between the ages of forty and 'forty-one, but perhaps Japanese women are prone, like their western sisters, to cease having bicth. days after they pass thirty. There were a few marriages of very old wo- men, up to and beyond the age cizhty, The civil state of thé women marry- ing is significant. More than 247,000 of the whole number are reported as maidens, and nearly 5.600 as widows, while nearly 33,500 were divorced wo- men. Astonishing are the divorcee statis tics of Japan. Tn this report it is shown that with fewer than 300.000 marriages reported in the year, there were more than 66,000. divorces, The proportion of divorces to marriages was about one to four, The fact that Japanese civiliza- tion is most conspicuously weak in the matter of the status of women, Ti vorce is easy In fact the seven causes laid down by Confucicus are allowed, One of these permits a man to divorce his wife for talking too much. * Among the lower classes . divorce is extremely frequent It is less wo among the upper classes, mainly be cause concubinage is common. The di- voreed wife patiently endures her lot. and leaves the house, of her lord with a blessing for him upon her lips. It i« a rare thing for a woman in Japan to seek divorce, though hus- hands frequently give sufficient cause, the fact Yhat the care of the children would full ipon the wife should she ob- tain a divorce is a sufficient deterrent to the mothers who are poor, and the condition of, extreme subjection suffer- ed by nearly all Japanese women pro- hably deters wealthy wives from seek. ing divorcee. The Dreamer. Samuel Minturn Peck 1 smile at stupid men who cry hat life is out of gear Who go about with frowns and sigh and faces full of fear r I've had sorrows of my own As dread as ever known Put when J. feel inclined to groan Why then 1 fly to Dreamland, Where happy visions throng Where souls are bright and hearts are light And lite is like a song. - 1 only strive to glean the sweet, Forgetiul of the cares--. Ax farmers harvest but the wheat, And thrust aside the tares., And dark or sunny he the day I store for memory something ay And when grief COmes Cross My Way-=: Why then I'm off to Dreamland, Where happy visions throng Where souls-are bright and hearts are light And life is like a SORK Sir Wilfrid Cautious. Ottawa, April 6.- Rev. J. 2 Shear It in usually the painstaking man who manages to avoid pain. : i. 9) 3 x Ry A PL wv, Ask, Bid. gr and Rev. T. A. Moore received an : answer from -Sir Wilfred Laurier and Ynion Pacific seis, wises. mus aa) 1h Hon, Charles Fitzpatrick this morning | Manhattan Le ee a3) 142 regarding the scope of the bill to be ]B. R. Transit wo... «ov wo 4 = introduced providing for Sabbath oh Pos Bag ten = servance. The government - ITOpPOsSes | y, 8, 8 Cr 11 11 to introduce a hill along the lines of | 8. Steel, Pref. 59 80: : ox that drafted hy the Lord's Day --Alli- Tua, Soul & Iron i io h January ide ner, But, before it receives the gov-lg uiner Pac. "ov = 503 SOR LA and | arnor's signature, the privy council {ont & Western... « oi 2 1a em FR Eo " » nw rhether it. w [NY C. . . wie ware 6 one oe will be asked {0 ay wheth 4 o NYC ne, of t any whe ks any. part ofiit, infringes on the ng to | Poin & Nash 1081 109 Heel X k before k of the province. This means that the | Rock Island April, x is r . bill may be hung up for a year or so.| Pennsylvania Br ; ax interested parties may appear : 10] Tetas & Pan the privy council, Am. lee Pac. Mail Col. 1. '&F Arrive From Boston Swell Line of Men's Good: year Welt Guaranteed Shoes at We are not boasting when we say this is ® e swellest line of Men's Shoes in town. ® Young men, we invite you to inspect this @ line before buying your Spring Shoes. ® © SUTHERLAND'S SHOE STORE. 9019000 G4SSEHV G0SOCOP OF STOR AND LAUGH HERE. Made Her Cry. Mrs. Crawford--This lovely Easter hat has cost me only $65. Don't you think I look pretty in it? Crawford--I'll bet that 98-cent lamp shade you bought the other day would be just as becoming to you. A Kick Coming. Heo (sfter a quarrel)--You know when 1 proposed to you I expected your father would kick me when I went to him. She (tartly)=1 wish he had. "Well, I'm going right over to his house and ask him to kick me now!" To arrest this disease, which Just a now is epidemic, no remedy is as | MATHEV'S STRUP Of Tar and Cod Liver Ol The severe winter which fs doubtless the cause of thid epi- o The system fat by | the long strain of our recent arc- Stic experiences falls an easy ° proy Rl to this microbe. Sherlock Onto His Job. The modern Sherlock was. trying to find out if' the missing girl had a suit- r Show me her gloves," he command- ed. The gloves were brought forwar i. "Ah," said Sherlock, "one glove was never worn at all, and that shows she had 'an engagement ring on her finger." The wonderful tonic properties of | Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Bl Liver Oil revives the morale, in- vigorates both body and nerves, | shakes off the weakness and' heals Bi the bowels, and very soon [perfect BE health is sbcured. . The Important Question. "Will you," thundered the stump or- ator, "strain at a guat and swallow a camel t" The thoughtful citizen on the front sent kat his brows anxiously. Vegi they both sterilized 7" he ask: od. - Syrup of Tar and Cod R will keep you fn perfect. health, § and allow you to scoff - alike af colds: and grippe. But note that: it ix MATHIEU'S Syrup of Ter and Cod Liver Ol, which has be com famed on account of ite. nuy merous extraordinary cures, No § | imitation hes achioved rengwn. . Seth Low, who is in Rome, narrated recently to an Amesican, a good in- stance of the vicissitudes of sea trav: el in rough winter weather. "When you cross 'the ocean Decem ber or January," said Mr. Low, "you are apt to be sb akened in the middle of the night by the plaintive voice of a child in the next state room crying. "Mamuna, my dinner won't stay swallowed. Here And There. The foundation of a Winnipeg house was raised five foot after the house had been completed. Had the landlord been n Kingston man he would have raised the rent instead and-let it-go at that. €0., Props. " x . Que. ; J. L. MATHIEU Sherbrooke, An Eastern Rupture. Vienna,. April 6.-The Sofia | cor respondent of the Tageblatt, "wires that diplomatic relations between Tur key and Bulgaria are liable to be broken off to-day. mm te It is a great deal easier to be good critic than to able performer. : We give no man credit for being level- headed if he isn't above our level. A man who can't talk and will talk should be muzzled. 8 n be even a pass. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL MARKETS. April 6th. . osed. Canadion Pac. Ry Momtreal St Montreal St, Toronto Nt "Twin City Tr Detroit Un Halifax St. Hy. . Toledo St. Ry St. John Flectric Ry. . R. & O. Nav, Co. Montreal Power iw ome Dominion Steel . pominion Steel, Pref. . Nova Scotia St. Ry. . Pominion Coal .. .. « ntercolonial Coal Montreal Telegraph .... Bell Telephons Co. Ogilvie Miltmg Co. . Montreal Cotton Co. Dominion Cotton Co Canada Colored Cotton Montreal Merchants' Union Bank . Bank of Commerce .... i: 000 ~ -- NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. April 6th, s ) Migs--Alice oe | of Montreal to recover $70,000. the Mig ; : @ | amount of * defaleation by A. Martin-" confined to the Hotel Dieu for five ® | eau, of the militia department, now works, suffering from a severe attack : in Kingston penitentiary. lof la grippe ahd bronchitis, was able * - to be removed to her home to dav : Beware of the tireleas worker who 10. Ih. new male sugar. Craw is always trying to work you. ord. » ' 4