oe msn" me helpful r 1s but one nothing\ is 10 are just 1anhood as\ Compound. dia E. Pinkam's ly medicine I ever t menstrual period, e my studies wit 1 at headaches, ¢ and lower limbs, tried, we were ad npound, and I a: wonderful chang: | perfect health. | ime. -I"ani indeed ham's Vegetable Yours very truly, is Lydia E. Pink oung system for 108t reliable cure kham invites all advice. Address, » lieve all young gir them. I did dregé.- been for Jain E. 1 could*have stood on 'he system. Oh, ould feel as though 1g still made me so gine. I never conid alar, and had such < up with pain, and Lydia E. ° edicine has such 'sts everywhere. thing about her it eived such wide- is cordially in- ham's address is lefters and signatures of ness, ed. Ceo., Lynn, Mass. aithful but iit a rest. ago it took r a Spring more cour- our Winter how many st dressed re wearing S i'd be sur- 50. $13 50, 6.50 prices on 1d remem- arantee of ~ Ve shall be y day, for Th, most economical and strongest Blueing., on market, --Never streaks or spots ! - AE---- New Idea Paper Patterns 3417 Ladies Bathing Sait. | Sizes 32, 46. 40 inches bust measure.y a Sizes 4, 6,8 10 2 years, Sizes 52 84, 36, 28, 0, 2 inches bust measure. 10 Cents Each Having fullness at centre t. 18 --Ladies' Waist. Drop yoke Sizes 12.34, 96.28 40 inches bust measure. 39--Qirls' Dress. Sizes 4,6,3,10, 12 years « Blouse and box pleated skirt. Sizes 6, 8, 10.12 14 years, Kew Paper Patterns and Woman's Magazine for May just received. CRUMLEY BROS., AGENTS. BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS They are strong and serviceable, at $1, $1.25, $1.50'and $1.75. : We have others, finer and more serviceable, but these are the ones we want to tell you about. They are medium priced boots that will stand with satisfaction the hard knccks that school wear demands. - McDermott's Shoe Store, BUY BRAIN ON BREAKS. For the time being we look fora trader's market. Buy on" breaks and take moderate profits. Good authorities say this is only a tem- porary halt in the advaace and are talking $1.25 for * wheat. We have direct private wires 10 two of the largest firms on the Chicago Board of Trade and can give unexcelled service in wheat, outs or corn. McMillan & Maguire, S-E. Cor. King & Yonge Sts. Phones Main 5613-9614. BRANCHES Hunter 8t., PETERBORO ; Brock St , KINGSTON. WHERE IT PINCHES. cantile the Qt Marine loses $2,000.00; and non-participation of Russia in the Louis expgsition saves SHo.000 How Russia Sustains Cost of War With Japan. St. Petersburg, April S.--The reduc tion of the regular credits Ly S67,000, war (1) whi h will go to swell the r fun lls the heaviest on the rail roa artment, -which loses alto- A Good Word For Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "In December, 1990.°T had a severe ccld and was so hoarse that 1 could | not speak above a whisper." says Al gether X36000,000, ° including $25. | Irn Davis. of Freestone, N.Y. "I tried 000,000 for new roads. The church | or remedies but Jot ne relief-un- loses at least: $117,000, including $7. | Vl I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem- {edy. one bottle of which cured me. 1 | will alwavs speak a good word for that medicine." For sale by all drug- 750 for the orthodox church 4t Seoul, Korea. The education department is a loser hy 3,553, and the foreign of wy fice' department loses 257 : of | BIsts which $216,717 was for the purchase : of an embassy building at Washing Killed In A Collision. ton. The liquor monopoly effects an Chicago, . April 7.--Three Nebraska economy of $6,500,000, mostly by can- | Indians were killed outright and twen- celling the indemnity to liquor deal | ty-three injured in a collision on the Chicago & North Western railway this morning. ers, Agriculture and mining loses £1, 500,000. The new Department of Mer 0000000000000 00000000 It Speaks for Itself! Guaranteed to cure within 30 minutes, * , of money refunded eo ° ° ° o ® @ * eo eo * ° eo ° ° . ° ® ® © eo eo -* o ° * eo ° . . "© ° ® ° ° ° . . ° ® eo . % ® ° . . ° . The Herald Remedy Co., Montreal IS THE MASK OFF? OPENS TRADE WITH JAPAN-WAR WILL GIVE NEW CHANNELS General. - " "What the nations are about te witness is 8 grand turning 'move ment on the part of Russia against its old, dogged opjoncut, Britains As an incident of hig operation Japan must be crushes. Chey must be cleared off Russia's flank, other- wise the advance of the Crar's forces cannot be continued across China, Japan stands between Russia and the aim of which she has neves lost sight--to turn the Hritish off their position in India and to shatter the British wall that blocks the Russian path in the Persian Gulf and the Bosphorus. = Lord Lausdowne, the Dritish Foreign Minister, not long ago boldly announced in the House of Lords that Britain: would fight any power that might presume to share the advantages of the Per- sian Guif, "All T have to say is that Prominent Dressmaker Arrested For Smugyling--Cokae-Blacke- ly Case Resumed--Secret Ser- vice Agency" Makes Offers To Canadians For Service With Japan. Montreal, Aprif Sit js stated here that a secret service agency is making offers to Canadians on behali of the Japanese army, now operating against Russia. The men who took part in the Canadian corps in South Africa re- eriving the preference. The Canadian < Amateur Athlotie l nm, 1s, today, sending out letters containing blank affidavit, to the members of the Toronto lacrosse lub The banks "are for the making of declarations by the players, that they did not play for' money during the | that is & question of strategy and past season. I they ard not returned strength rather than a question of by the 23rd of April, with the desired official pronetnciamentos.'* statements, | those failing will he pres | Thus spoke a Russian general the fessionalized. . | other day, according to a St. Peters- Alexander Maclean: Ottawa, Cane despatch, which, however, strangely resembles a despatch which might be composed in the seclusion of some New: York newspaper office, { burg adian tr to Japan, | Japan , ned temporary quarters in the board of trade, to day. for the | commissioner purponse of conferring with those who | Jy is not like "'& well known Rus- desire to secure a footing in the Jap- | sian general' to throw, aside the anese markets. Mr. Maclean thinks the mask unless something is to be present war will result in the opening of channdls of wade for' Canadian manufacturers and produce gained, and it is difficult to under stand how | Russia secures any ad L vantage by taking the world inte Upon the artival of the. Central Ver- her confidence, and avowing inten mont express, rom 'New York, -at the | tions which she has hitherto dis Grand Trunk station, last hight. the claimed. Of course, everyone knows Canadian customs officials caused the how Russia yearns to establish a arrest of a lady. whose name has been foothold in Indid™ how she longs to withheld, but is stated to be one 'of destroy British prestige. in. Persia, the m dressmakers of the city, and caters to' the mast fash- ionable people in the metropolis, officials state that smuggle "a large quantity of expensive laces These were found wrapped about her person, in the lining of her dress. in hi pockets; and also in trunk, She was allowed to but is under surveillance There is no truth in the statement that the operators in the Great North-Western Le bagraph company's office; here, have on: strike, t prominent and how, she pants to spread her in- 3 fluence south, through China and s. The | Thibet, to Afghanistan. But we do Was ining to | not know any of these things be- cause Russia told us of them, The British have always differenti- ated between Russia and the Rus- her sian people, and it is Russia that go home, they mistrust. For the Russians, the common people, who are little better' than slaves, according to Anglo-Saxon ideas of liberty, Eng- lishmen have always Lad sympathy, 1 mingled with pity. But the Russia she gone out nor is tl any probahlity that they © that has, made ~ Siberia notorious, will go out. Telgraphic matters with that conquered Finland and Poland, the G. N. W, in this dy are pragress. that spreads her police spies over all ing ia the usuel wav and nothir the world, and that menaces India, whatever "has occurred to interfere is quite another Russia, indeed with the prompt dispatch of business fhis is the Russia that is at war Several operators = who went to Tdaronto to relieve the situa tion caused by part of the staff there ging out, retucn od services not béding farther The Cooke Blackley sumed in the court of King's bene) this moriing, and Mr. Cooke, the com plainant, was on the stand all for noon. He was examined. by *Mr. Mc Master, counsel for the defence, re garding a number. of payments whic! has been made him, which the witnes claimed were in the way of regular counsel fees. One particular chegiio for 8500 was being discussed when the experienced with Japan, the Russia that Britain "is always watching. One reason why this feeling should exist more in Kngland than in any.other European sountry is to be found in the fact that London has always been a city of refuge for she persecuted. All sorts eof agitators, Finns, Poles, and Jews, congregate there; escaped Nihilists make it their headquarters, In such numbers do they come that their influences is bound to be felt in London. Thee agitators or.patriots (whichever thev are) are always cry- ing out against Russia. Many of them are able! men, cultured men, have thea howe, required Bie! vise was 1 1 conrt rose at noon. ' and Englishmet who come in con- A------------ tact with them are prone to accept THE CLOSING their interpreta ion of the word Russia. For fifty vedars or more this Of The Fé¢-mal Proceedings At" unti-Russian mowment has been wathering strength. \'n itself it might | hever. be serious, bu: added to._real | krievances it has had a powerful of- | lect on the mind of the averpge Bri Residence Those who were unable t¢ join the throng at the tea in aid of tae Nurses' Residence on Tj ursday aNernoon, tern Nurses' ton, on in the # hing. snd nieve sh Had it not: beed for this senti- fica. progr k ' > ment, Great Britain could never of the beautiful new home, where.-ont | nurses are to be quartered, The music was under the direction. of Mr have 'been dragged into hér first and last open clash with Russia in the This war, which did Sparks and Mrs. Fred. Chown, nf | Crimea, RL » really concern Great Britain in the congisted of Disha Solos by Miss irst place, was chiefly of France's gleton and Migs Kitie Gordon, a making. But the British Minister at by Mrs. Nelson, Miss Hazel Massie and Mabel Bailey, and violin numbers | UONStantineple. Lard Stratford, hud R by Miss Amy Campbell reshment & personal grievance against the were in <ha) of Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. | U%ar (who hud refused to regeive G. Y. Chown and Mrs. Oliver, assist} | Pim at. St Petersburg), and 'his by the nurses and several givls, wh, 'fivate animosity prompted him to were pressed ito the service. Flowers | take an anti-Russian attitude I'he anc sweets were also lL, and th~ | Fag: grow = out of ph. pelay religious stork sold out, fortunately, the pro Squabhle between France and Russia ceeds for the day totalling $180. regerding the custody. of some holy In addition to the gifts already pro. | places in Jerusalem. It resulted in ey be Russia demanding that the Sultan sented, mentioned a Ri . cheque from Mrs. Calvin, beautiful | of Turkey recognize Russia as the pictures from Ir. and Mrs Kilborn A Protector of the Greek Church in and Mrs. Mowat, counterpaies, hy | Turkey. All the powers agreed to James Minnes, and sets 'of the dainti this, but Turkey, encouraged ly est dishes imaginable, which wee viv. | Jord Stratford, refused Suddenly en by Mre. Linton, and .were on view | the Pbrte ordered all Russians out in the well-appointed little * kitchen, | 9% his dominion, and followed this Rooms are to be furnished by the war vdict up by attacking soe Riauian den of the county of Frontenac, .J. | Tops R Sethalinted by: de Stoness, and hy the Misses Robertson | 5ttoying the urkish fleet at Everyone -tonnected with the new in | Sinope. This engagement, which had stitution is more than pleased with | Swe of the features of a massacre, the satisfactory nature of the proce | 80 aroused Dritish public _ Opinion ngs, and is desirous of expressing that the Ministry was forced into all contributors" and supporters most | 'he @rena, and Britain became the | ally of France In 1856, the very year when Peace was restored, the Shah of Persia, | thinking Britain was stWiciently on gaged in the Crim€a, seixed the City | of Herat, on Russia's advice, thus committing an overt act™of war. The | expedition of Sir James Outram quickly cured Persia of her love of | lighting. Then for a few years no | offensive move was made by Russia. | But in 1870 instigated by Bismarck, up | she abrogated the . treaty by which From Collins Bay.: | te: Denis Wan bap been mottled, Collins Bay, April 7.--~The warm days | and Began fortuiying the Black Sea. are much appreciated after the recon Britain protested, but was not will Feold winter. G. Saundercock, having | ing to go to war, especially as Ger- grateful thanks | A sum' of money was found vesterday inthe building, and awaits an owner Better To See Them. The "swell American gentlemen at the Locketd are very nice and are selling well. |¢ is safe to say there ney was such a splendid selection of gents' fine foot- wear shown in Kingston. shoes for shoe store purchased the Rankin farm. took no. many supported Russia, and France session on Tuesday. Mr. Mier and lay prostrated at the feet of. her wife, Dickenson's Landing; have", conquerors. So nothing came. of the turned home from visiting at William protest, and Russia carried ler Tulloch's, Miss B. Fairfield 'j «pend | point, ing a few weeks visiting friends in To Nct long after this, Russian in- ronto. J. Waller, went to Deseronto trigusy at Cabiul brought on the war on Tuesday with a load of .moval! x | with Afghanistan, in which Lord for A. Woodcock. D. McDonald, Sy. enham. is renewing old acquaintanc x in this village. Wiss Fmma Rankin is visiting friends at Hartington n Clement and daughter, Bertha, Decor Roberts so distinguished himself. The Czar's policy was to establish himself in this "buffer State!' and Use it as a base by which he might penvirate India, and gain an' outlet onto, spent a few days at A. Cle | to the sca, In the years which:have in proportion to size dwarf trees are ment's this week elapsed this policy hag not changed. | more fruitful than standards, that A S---- | Russia, the great land country, they come intp"earing. sooner and A Superior Stock. needs, above cvarything, southern | o. 1herstore wt special value for use Our beautiful dis; lay of new spring | Ports, and south-eastern ports. Bri- n ted jinclosures or fruit gard- hats stands unprecedented and unpar. | ¥4i0°s policy has been to keep Rus- ens. J alleled in this part of Ontario while | #18 isolatéd, to seal up the Bear in Not What She Meant. his cavern. This, too, is the prin- ciple for which her stout little ally Japan has gone to war. -- Men's Fine Hats, "The up-to-date styles are here. Spe- cial values for 81, $1.50, $2, $2.50, #3, at Campbell Bros,, Kingston's po vular hat store. 2 You'll find our prices a special induce ment for-you to buy your new hat at Campbell Bros, Kingston's best hat store / ---- 18c. Fresh Eggs. Fresh/Butter 18ec. Fresh eggs, 18¢.; fresh butter, 180; new maple syrup, £1 gal. Crawford. Moth camphor balls for furs. Gib. . o Ld * : -~ . tg ; Bc -- ALL DRUGOISTS, OR MAILED -- 28 - o . - $990994040408404925050080488044894908043049004 son's Red An Alleged Speech By a Russian crowd as she was being driven along the mall to St called -out in broken Fnglish: 'Good people; why you ahuse us? We come for all your o swered a man in the crowd, {aad for . - PERAEAN WORKS 3 | They Are Owned By Mr Barnett Veritable 'Encyclopaudia. - Stratford, up 'famous man named MacBeth pearen feature of Stratford is library, of My J.D, to News: Mr "Barnett was. formerly master shops in that city were young, Shakespeare in his grip. the beginning. Mr. Darnett's present Shakespearian library | rung (Wo rooms, one of as high as the ceiling. the available texts of Shakespeare's tant comentarios" on the commentaries, He has also some of .the controver sies on the lattey, with the nfarginal hobbies in dogs, arses, and FEgypt- lan relics, Mr, Barnett had but one indestructible hobby--hooks, The result is that his Stratford library is perhaps the most remarkable pris vate library in Canada, if uot in America, and his collection of Shakesp ian is a veritable en cyelopaedia, from the most antiquit- ed dust-covered tome, ponderous and erudite, to the latest cartoon or squibs of catholicity of the great thus another monument, Washing Irving would have added un- other chapter to his Sketch Dook if he could have seen this library. Mp, Barnett's stupendous aggregation of The bard hax ton books, ancient, mediaeval and mod- orn, is one more proof that even a aster mechanic, in an age of wheels, may indulge a lifelong pas- Sion Lona Bide Dr. Hatten on Canadian Character. "Canadian National Character' was the subject chosen by Dr. Maur ite Hutton, Hrincipal of University College, in a récent addrgss at the Empire Club at Toronto. Plate, iw discussing where there could be found the combination of the strong und the gentle, which made up the best type of character, could only find in the watch-dog the true ileal blend. But to-day §'lato @uld be told that in the Canadians yould be found a wore ideal combination of the various blends which make up Hi best form of evaratier, In Ca nadia were to be found all the an< cient blends brought across from the Motherland There were the people hom the North of Ireland, where the Saxon met the Celt and produced a type stronger than either There Were the descendants: of the Hugues nots, a combination of the Saxon and the orman, and better than cither Then the English, Saxons and Normans and Danes and Britons were here, and ther Was another type the Motherland did not have. We are sharing this country with the French People, nearer: than nny other to the ancient Greeks and whose more subtle and delicate in- telligenee corrects the sterner quali- ties of the Anglo-Saxon In addition to these blends we have the same reliance resource fulness 'and energy which mark the Americans, but with a better eli- fate to develop these characteristics and without the mis chicf-making, and dew agogism which have been the eurse of American di- plomacy from the dave of Washing- quarrelsons ton to the Alaskan and Panama ~ \ astanceS of Sharp practices Cann- dians lived simply, there was an absence of the wealth. and luxury and ease. which hinder advance, and the Was an inspiring pride and die in our broad acres and great irces. Therefore Plato might be it he did not think that the Canadian people combined alt -- the points of character which he wanted for his ideal state Dr. Hutton®urged more close inters conrse hetween this English-speaking and, French elements, and asked why we should not add to the Union Juck ax a Canadian flag the Bour- hon lilies, which have now no other home v : The Selfish Rich, Mr. Chamberlain might with ad- vantage the fact that while the 'much-abuséd" multi-million aires of America have given of their own free will fully £60,000,000 for technical schools and colleges, as well as libraries, the wealthy classes of this country have only Riven: £2 - rolleet on 500.000. In our case the vast for- tunes made from trade appear to have gone to building up titled families --London Daily Chronicle, Dwarf Tr. or Small Gardens. The modifications that plants un- dergo are sufficient 1o convinces one of the great possibilities which await those who choose to make use of them tg secure 4 large return from o Ludited Wren: It is well known that One of the German women who accompanied George I. to England was hissed and hooted at by the dames' Palace, Put- ting her head out of the coach, she goods! *Yes,'t ape 'ross drug store. -- Fees, Ie. Latter, /18¢, Crawford, i 2 hie Bomcodine. pe ROY TRE FINE LIBRARY)| A COLLECTION OF SHAKES of Stratford, and Cemprise a Ww the GTR, is for being the place whero Shakespearo lies buried--by proxy, The wards are pamed from Nhake- Speare, ang some of the schools also. There is a Romeo School, but, But the most unmistakably Shakos- the Barnett, in Romeo Ward, says Kodak in'Toron- mechanic of the Grand Trunk As a youth he Cuiie to this country, when railways with cleven volumes of This was into thousands of volumes, and occupies them "wu large parior with a double cordon of books He hws all plays, most of the commentaries ex- and as many as possible of the alas! no Juliet. There ix a Hamlet [ond tucked, Bk., 68e., Ne. School, and by the irony of coin- | Lawn Caps, with embroidered fri] cidence, its- recent teacher was a | 90, 65 we. Me. Gc, trimmed" with Lawn. Hats Corset Covers, and insertion, 25¢, Chi n's Print shades 81 Blue and pink, 49; nd Children's Chambray embroidered voke, in She Ladies' Print Wrgppors, neatly made, from fo: up. Collar Points, special at 15c. up. Scasonable Articles Decorated Flue . that unsightly stove pipe hole, Satar 5 h Dresses, wit day Bde. ¢ Bannister Brushes, 10¢., and 13¢. Foot Scrapers for 1e Whitewash Brushes, 100, np Serab Brushes, all' kinds, Be np Household Ammonia, hig bottle, 10 nee Je. bars Pure White or Mot manuscript annotations of the in- | ted ( astile Soap, at 8 am, 15. genious disputants These, like his en Seay collection of miscollan- c For the Children cogs hooks, have been picked up by omplete set of Garden Tools, hoe Mr "Barnett during forty years of Fuke, shovel, wpecial at Je, pilgrimages among book-stalls in Rubber Balls, 3e., 10e "each. both the Old and the New World. | reat Big Balloons, 3o. cach. Where other men perpetuated their ® : ® ® most of the shoes for "Queen Quality" Shoe ? ® s S c@eees® = CJ eee ® Boots $3.75. e® Aud such a shoe for ) ; @ hin di ili in the Fi Silk Caps for Children, embroidered lace Dresses in pretty | Hand Mi blie and piak, best colors, Stoppers, (0 cover muddy weathor, IT SETS THE STYLE | What do we mean when we say that the Simply this. : | pearance, [hem as closely as' pa But "Queen Quality" "sed: the Style." SUTHERLAND'S SHOE 1 nch and i ek suing sen securely vend I pin : i , Stationery : 20 Ja pe WR Large 1%. g Pads, Tie. h School Slater ing Pach Hn H.B. Load Pencils, 3 for Se. § ed, were Be.; to clear at 10v, each. : h | 3 papers Best Pins for 8c. 5 Back Combe, tortoise shell, 15¢ , for Brushes, 10¢. ; Hair and Clothes 15¢c. up: 100 yards Wide Frithd Elastic, ie. ; fold everywhere at 10¢. amd 12e a vard, special Be. a yard. We h about 6 dozen bat loa of N ¢ hav € t : odd brands in' Bhos Polish. 186, or 2Be., to clear at one price, 10, Cutlery nt pon deren Extra Quality nives and Orks, very serv with vocoho! 1.50 and 31.73 ; 3 bottles of V, handle, wanal price is . | dozen, for a Saturday special each for only B5e, Great sale on Pocket Kuiyes, So. 10¢., 130. Be. 2 Candy Counter See our Candy Display for 100, - & Ib. on Saturday. . . ' Oranges in the city The best Sweet at 15¢. a dozen. i sgh Ee JIE AR ao Ee og Simply his The Queen § : uality" is, and always. ® been, . leader. It gets up ¢ ts owh original 1 patterns at Fro expense and has tablished a reputation the style and b ereation ) at he women originate tontent to Fast color eyelets, Do not wear br: brassy. € nal piedy forget Think of #61 Lit LE STOR Pr I $3.76! Vl Spo ~~ and advice. failed with other 1 reatments, and ET ---- WOOD AND COAL The central Wood and Coal yard Is located at 236 Ear! Street. All kinds of good Hard Wood, 'cut and split to suit, Dry Kindliog. al ways under cover. Prompt delivery, Prices right. None but the pure Scran- ton Coal-no mixtures, » B. BARNEY % % v ee ---------------------------------- CHANCE TO BUY CHEAP HOME. THE HRRACE ON WEST SIDE Pivision Street, being, Nos. 40 to -56, will be divided to suf purchasers. Each louse contains six snk and - ee ---- "SUCCESS" Where is it? Just beyond, and The Canada Metal Co. are butting in with tbe word "RELIABILITY" as its ram. 3r William St., Toronto Canada. 3 pr -- Have You Wood 's we om way. Sse KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Unequalied fatilition for securing posi tions, i 2 Largest and best. squipmont ia Canada. 831 Queen street, Kimgwton. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.