He Was Highly Esteemed in Napa- nee. SUITS For Young Men, ) We are doing an im- : mense business in Young Men's Clothes, Btyle ¥ does it acd style is what _-all young men want and . will have. sixteenth birthday a boy is mo : He i 3 2 longer a boy to us--he is : he o E a youpg man, snd we 1 5 know then that bis clothing wants must be catered to aa carefally as those of avy man. Clothes must be se-.' Jected especially for him, styles must be just right, must have all the latest kinks of fashion. The new Spring Buits ate ready acd there's many & new idea in the cut and ttyle of our suits. Napanee, Ont., April 11.--=The funer- al of the late John H. Pollard, edi- tor of the Express, occurred today, 1 at 2 p.m. Services were held in St. Mary Magdalene"s church, pod the re- mains were then removed to the East- ern cemetery vault. A widow and. three children survive, Miss Mattie, Belle and Ernest, all ats home, who ' have the heartfelt sym- pathy of a very large circle of friends in their sad uffliction. ok Mr: Pollaré. had been in poor health for a couple of years, but was able to attend to his business. The cause of his trouble he attributed to over-lift- | ® ing during the time he last removed | & His printing plant to the present pre mises. His physician warned him that the least ores $Hertion - busy wight . . . THe bring upon him his trouble and he was Igrs of the great city ont uf business, the town awoke thi¢ morning, it dis- a and it is thought that | he did not content himuelf with | covered that the ice on the Sti Law-1 the excitement of a 'fire and the few Toapgnaitle lking about it. He went to work. 5 Es ona ehoul Ve, placed os He drafted a bill and sent itto the | -- all: "tor e se- q copy lor insertion, All sdvertites |state legislature. : 3 bs; - . It was boasted that this bill, radi- 0 ; In ease o arrors omissions in tors) ) or doos not April {1.--The water rose nearly three feet since last Sat- urday in the St. Lawrence river, and is still rising. The Richelieu river is com ly of ice. The: ice on the St. Lawrence has moved down nearly 200 feet during the night and blocked again. No has been done to anv of the boats wintering in the port Sof Sorel, - _in-the-case. of --o- small dredge, which was crushed and sunk by the ice during the night. Three Rivers, Que., April 11.--When Sorel, Que., @® 6. \ ® Ladies ® our @® @® 1 ®) ® combi x o KID 2 s OXF BOO We cal in its character and revolutionary fr Lin ite effects, would not pass. The gamblers had confidence in the in- fluence that money buys. The lobby M@l against the micasure was a powerful the | one. But Jerome was undaunted. He went to Albany. He had the facts, he had the case, and he had the capacity to present it. His address before the Leb senate committee was a master-piecs. EE ---------- ! WwW H us there, in the place where law THE : DAILY HIG. in fed ad justice advocated, a " Opifer per Orbem Dicor." tribune of the people. And he had the STUDY 18 NOW WANTED. tion of seeing his WY yameed e Wald . juy the assembly." He went bac to Js. Boise lays Joa volt) kent New York with the power to cleanse t times to the lac it of its impurity. Bible is not read in the schools. "We Canada has men who are preaching hn thd te lo Bs vu" an lenin or pale purity The oa! at ar R ~ J do not nd it. They can never suc- 10, "and if this erow of perjurers and | od until they change their tactics, ballot stuffers are the result of such |g. Jerome is worth a hundred men hy Mueation is God's jMme et us whose forte. is word-painting and ve 1 eo in the ools." | wopd-painting only. When was the book debarred from the emer public schools ? When was the reading EDITORIAL NOTES. '| of it forbidden? The law provides | City council to-night. The session that is be read "without note and | will be an interesting one. comment." The defect in that it is not ---- d I studied, for reading can be sc per The Mormon chuerh as made an of- functorily done as to be of no Value ficial proclamation Ss aut oF aes] whatever. * What is wanted is the in- marriages. Will that settle the diffi- telligmt consideration which is given culty ? Law to other books and their contents. | my, temperance men have a provin- The Bible characters should be con bo) rally on the 21st. They are going nipioted nd the fsoes 94 history, to consider what they can do to secure jo scriptures analyzed ns Ler Jing desired legislation. ature. In addition the discoveries of ® recent years should be used in giving | Some of the fire insurance com- autheticity to the Bible, and to | panies are withdrawing from Ottawa, the divine nature of its revelation. | considering it an unsafe place in which The politicians, by the way, have not | to do business under present condi- all gone wrong in recent yoars. Some] tions. of thrar have been bad enough all | ins : : alonis, before and after the period re- Louis Drolet, Of Shore, aid %o forid to by Mr. Blake, They may have Ee) dom. Sue Sekt ol Injuevn have been Bible students when they am in 8 oning gr A ; et were young, and they may not. They the slugging is ro Sn N a oF et have been tainted by contact with Erie. The ote jazette shoul books that have not been sacred and make a note of this. Souchiogs that have not been sublime. The jurymen at the Toronto session Ls " s Was 8 very active politi- agitated for more pay in consequence cian himself until a couple of years of 'the "inc od cost of living Young Men, Come and See! Suits at $7.50, $8, $8 50, $10; $12. $12.50, $13.50. ER Gon en $8000008E 00 2 oC 5 on The New Hats Are Here! We back our $2 Barrington English Hat against any $3 Yankee Hat. { THE H. D. BIBBY C0. ash all. those who suffer from "bronches or lungs. Al s keep at hand a bottle of STRIP When you come home wet and tired take a dose--and another 4 j before going to bed, and the season will cease to have terrors for you. ; "All that glitters is not * and the many prepara: made to look like Ma: J J y A few on regular and Shirt Odd Piec terials, am Basket Clo orings, also ; on white gro Reimmoescessmeacescsesesssssnszess ses POOP TOI "SUCCESS" Where is it? Just beyond, and The Canada'Metal | Co. are butting in with the word "RELIABILITY" as CAPTAIN KAS HINAVABARA. lits ram. 31 William St., Toronto Canada. hurried steps he took, caused his sud Captain Kashinavabara is one of the Mikado"s most trusted | == naval officers, and is in command of one of the war vessels in the r ALE THERE'S 4 DELIGHT den death. | Deceased was a public spirited man | unassuming in his -demeanor, of a bright and cheerful disposition. He was an active . politician, a bright donversdtionalist, well read upon cur- | rent topics and a man of much in Scotch Ch: plain and wi Pongee a: Linens, plain The g: Tuesday T 'rence river, opposite Three Rivers, had moved out during the night, and to-day canoes are crossing with pas sengers. and. mails from the Grand Trunk, at Doucet's Landing, as the ferry steamers are still in winter quarters in the St. Maurice river. The lower part of the town is partially flooded, but no damage done. ==in knowing that our new styles are correct--that, point for point, they're a little better than ever be- fore--that the exclusive shapes will please the old customer and attract the new. . . . . . { particular in your selections--if you want foot-cov- assistant for the past ering that's as honorable and excelient as years of heen his able ten years. Cab Team Ran Away. and On Saturday afternoon, there was a © GURE 8ICK HEADAOME. W. ¥. DEVER & 00. BROKERS 5 ny stn, hints: Market ve rem from ® [no procedure "by ago, and he did not get his inspira- tion {rom the Bible. ---- SOME LEGISLATIVE BY-PLAY. Dr, Nesbitt succeeded in making a stir when he moved that the Sturgeon Falls' people be heard at the bar of the house. The doctor was whipped in- to doing something. He had, when the bill was introduced dato the house, promised that something would be | heard about it, and that something was understood- to be in opposition to the measure. He allowed it, however, to pass through the committee and the house, and then, when the press of Toronto assailed him, he wanted to be heard. \ Mr. Harcourt, the chairman of the private bills committee, commented up- on the fget. The Sturgeon Falls bill was before the house for eight weeks, There was no haste in dealing with it, It received a most careful and attentive hearing, and it was not the fault of the legislature that some particular interest was not represented. The com- mittee was unanimous in dealing with it. Public 'rights and private rights wero guarded by the privilege being given to se to oppose the bill when it was ap. Why did not Dr, Neskitt protest when the Wl was kiven its second and third readings ? For a third of & century there had not boen a similar request and there was which the hill could be restored to the order paper. The mover should give notice of a vee solution to be discussed some day next week. Mr. Whitney 'did not want to hear any more about it. "Haven't we had it up every day for a week? Let's settle it now. I am ready." Mr. Nesbitt was willing the question should be disposed of by a simple declaration of b | the chair, "Lost an division," but the yeas and nays were called and they were recorded. There were fourteen in favour of an appeal to the house for its bar, and fity-two against, and there Wore thirty-one absent or paired, | Mr. Nesbitt seems to have led in several crises of his party, and then much against the will of Mr. Whitney. gneral expenses.' bagher prices do not improve the in dividual very much. The police of Toronto werd called Higher pay and upon to inquire into the circumstances of the last municipal election, and they have a record of eight hundred errors, This is evidence at once of their industry and usefulness. Hon. John Haggart,® the former min- wler of railways in the conservative government, is not in favour of pub- lie: swnership. Will he vote for the Boden amendment to the Grand Trunk Pacific railway bill, then? Watch and see, Dr. Nesbitt was the. great friend of Mr. Gamey in-his extremity and when the leader of the party was disposed to cut the men from Manitoulin. Yet Mr. Gamey had to desert the elector in his Falls' There is a of ingratitude in this, Sturgeon performance. species OBSERVATIONS. Answer At Hand. Brantford Expositor. , A writer in dhe New York Times says that the majority of men are col- logebred. The question "Do college men think "can now be answered in the negative. A Strong Plea. Toronto World. e really hope that domestic science will not be abolished in Hamilton or any other town. If the hired girl can ve us worse -breakfasts than, have n, what is our finish ? Hotness Out West. Hawilton Herald Mr. MoClelland, in his Jetter which we print to-day, makes the 'astonish- ing assertion that the majority of wople living in the Niagara district plieve in the flat-carth theory. I this is really so, it is clear that 'the gar- den' of Canada" needs culture, Died In The Prime Of Life. There passed away on Saturday last, at her home at 200 Montreal street. an estimable lady ert Jamieson. She in the person of Honriotta Convery, beloved wife of Rob- | runaway cab performance on Ontario stroet. The carriage was owned by Mr. Mcllqubam, Coming from the K. & P. railway station, the wheels hit the street car track, whish at that point, is several inches above the roadbed. The driver, a son of Mr. Mcilquhan was thrown off, and the horses, fincing the lines free, took to the galiop out Ontario street. "An other . young man named Lemmon, who was on the seat, jnmped ofi at the Iroquois hotel, lighting agninst a pole, and saving his iace from ia jury by putting out his hands. The runaway horses dashed ahead, and nearly collided with G. Y. Chown and Prof. Goodwin at the corn of Wil liam and Ontario 'streets. They were stopped before West streat was reach ed. Neither horses nor cab sustained injury. ---------- Lipton's Teas. Among the manv interesting exhibits at the World's Fair at St. Louis, Mo., will be the display of Lipton's teas, which will itclude a very fine collec tion of photographs of the different estates owned by the Lipton company in sunny Ceylon. The various process es through which the tea passes after it is picked until it is ready for the table will be inclided in this photo graphic display, = so that the" thous ands of visitors to the Fair mal soe for themselves the scientific methods that are employed. Not the least in teresting part of the exhibit will be the collection of gold medals award ed to Lipton's "finest teas' .at ex positions in different parts of the world during the past twenty years. As medals are awarded for great est merit the collection proves that the phrase applied to Lipton's teas "finest .the world produces' is no mis nomer. J. Rud Perrv and J. M. Bogart started, Saturday, for the west with | nine carloads of stock. { A. J. Burrows left en Saturday for Calgary. Garnet Cox left yesterday for Regina, N.W.T. Saturday was 'a day of continual rain, net a say of sunshine, through- | out the whole day. INVICTUS THE SAWYER SHOE STORE experience can make it--try a pair of- . . . SHOES . . . Geo. A, Slater Make-~ Save a Few Dollars At Our Expense Buy your Children's Shoes from us. - The shoes we keep are the | kind that wear well. ol H. Jennings, King St A Lively Time Expected. Much interest is being taken in the proposal to allow J. M. Campbell to supply electricity from his power-house at Kingston Mills to several industries here. "A large number of citizens will attend the city council meeting to- night to see how the aldermen stand on the matter, and a real, lively time is anticipated. A threat is made thgt if the fire and light committee's report is carried. proceedings will be taken to disqualify several aldermen. who. it council, Name ! Name! Grimsby Independent i % know 'men who are railing agoinst is claimed, have no right to sit in the | + 3.0 North % NLT) Ip STIS CLT RATE ! WISDOM. The ups and downs of "the market" | | do net affect your Life Insurance Policy, | | assuming that you have one. Your | beneficiaries and voursell cam always bet on a_good endowment | - 10 12 [BETTER THAN EVER H. MILNE, FEL While They Last R If Your Size is Here Men's Light Spring Overcoats. Former price 36 50°to $9. Your Choice $3.75. Boys' Light Spring Overcoats. Sizes 30 to 34. Former price $6.50. Your Choice $2.98. These Are Bargains ! JAS. JOHNSTON, (Grand Union Clothing Co's. Old Stand). Made ) | derlo s Prawn, or at 60 Brock Hams. All to be fo | 88, 'Phone 870. Only Electric Clean- ™ George F. Baker, Dentist, ing and Feather 33.50,84 telligence. The . business. will be carri- | | od on by his son," Ernest, who has | ==if It's this kind of shoemaking you wish--If you are CR : For and tak { porary We have Chicago or corm . ' McMill GAVE B Swears To H Four New York, A charge of per] duct as a "pi Herman Froeli story to Re His recital im geants who ha Fifth street st: That he bh 4,000 1 elrly : ty 3 a | was Fr he took the st The property | a he had no [#8 Chul Afice sworn he was Froelich said for each perso _ one of these he | > S0000000000000000000000000000000000000000007 00000000 He ted to act in connection "with was agel twenty- k \ i 3 . the Eturgeon Falls 'case, but he took three years and two months. The de- | the introduction of the Mormons into | 1i}F cannot. SL AORTh AuERIOAN aa L | 1714 Wellington St., 3 doors from * . pr ceased was an' attendant at Syden- | Canada who themselves are steeped to | investment, ! Renovatin Plant in Mérchants' Bank great care not 10 enter into jt merits | ham street Methodist church. Besides | the eyes in immortality--pretty good | Assets Dee 31st, 1903 $5,625,800.78 | Eg i : and not to say anything which could [her husband and little child, she | judges they. of Mormonism, 3 er Oak : KERS reveal his convictions or opinion, | loaves a mother, four sisters and two i. S---- Net Surplus - - - 550,236.76 | Kingston. { STAMPS AND MAR. DS What he gained by the perf a brothers, to mourn hor untimely | Genuine hemp bath mits. Cihson's;| For' a sample contract ofthe 5 ver | j EUBBER STAMSS OF AlL Kates: Rat ha : NOE, OF | death. The funeral will take plsce to- | Red Cross drug store. _ | cent. Gold Dabenture Bond, writs or call | 2% w good 5 accomplished, is not'| morrow to Sand Hill cemetery, where P. McEwen, representing the Toron- | pe Lt » i Phone 542. 272 Bagot Street. ! apparent to any owe, ____ |the remaive will be lnid to rest. to Globe, is in the city, W. J. Fair, PH ingeion, out. | | : E : . " Spry e000