of - on been be nat tional resources on cannot, within practica., ble modate vessels of the size weesssary to accomplish national crafis are being over- A pair of ehild's whitc wool gloves police owner. The flow with a poor memory takes when be deviates irom fairly well filled house on Harris & Woods: appreciative portion of the audi J. Teving White, who played the ince, title 1 role, made a very clever etciitive and oy y ved himsell an adept in the art She Inst of this winter or the --. The other leading parts nest) were fairly well taken the scting of Limestone Lodge, No. 91. AO.UW., | pein Seluie ho took the part of d t meets Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. the of y ho ory} ol, about seven miles out of Gananoque, Charl>s Robinson, the comecian, was bauled ih preparation for the season. good at times, but at some stages ty wad almost too beisterons to be ap ice station awaiting an |preciated. The eompany carries ° large quantity of very good scenery a stage help had to be en gaged hy the theatre management to hand]: it expecitiously. In the third FEE 3F 1 payment inst Uni in ng pon 5 id | } fl si E i Welland Canal Enlargement. The Dominion Marine Association 0 recommends the for the erlargement of the Welland canal to of greatest import ion at large, in connection with marine 5, Is the improvement of the Bao -~ a aol Shas ne i t , not on commerce cf omni but alio raphical and other nontinue to fron: New York i Bot wd a advantage of our position ord at present of the the water route, via lies in the wonderful cheap- ich grain can be canid western lake ports to Buffalo, in large vessels of 6,000 tons and hy navigate the lakes, with the Erie canal enlargéd from, ; ty of 260 ton barges 1 tons the ad with New York, as com- Ip Sanadion full the upper the ph, Pe of the extend their voyage length of. water at or of Lake Ontmio, ith its increased re. "then be open vessbls, w fooders to the Canadian route to the other. tive facilities will then : By ew York route--A steam- of 6,000 tons for $00 miles to Buf: falo, and barge of 1,000 tons for 450 ty HE EF i §cF fl Fi fz ie H £ 1 31 F 100 miles to east end of Leke On tario, and barge of 2,000 tons for 170 miles to Montreal; and this difier- ents places the advantage decidedly with thy Canadian route. "It is afirmed that a shorter route than thi: present one can be obtained for a ww Welland canal from the locks of large dimensions will ber of smaller ones now in use. harbor at the Lake Erie end the construction of the enlarged can- al, permit transhipment from the large upper lake vessels into smaller ones carrying the grain from Port went of the canal itseli because: (1) fails to secure the | longer haul for larger vessels, which will change hy" veh position of rivals into that of feeders 'of the Canadian route; (2) The vessels suitable for the | vo, from Port Albom to. Mout. "real ving to traverse Ontario, pve necessarily be heavier, 'more ex- : [lofi and of less capacity than es destined for use on the river rom the en. end of On- ! to Montreal; (3) If a steam harge is used to tow lake barges iro: Port Colborne 16 the tast ond of Lake river tug from there to Montreal must be incurred, as the insurance regula. tions do no} permit a steam barge to ilo a tow on the river; and (4) 3: east ond of Lake Ontario is © a advan poiat for tran- < ; grain, as the of Prescott in hall the time. t _becowe that of vif = i iF J ! ¢ i | Bef £ i of ala cause them to | iles to Now York. By the Canadian' ra. steamer of §000 tous for 1. | Lake Eo level, west of the present | canal, end that only seven or eight! modern be necessary instead of the large num. | "The immediate improvement of Port | Colborne i of the Welland cangl, would, during! Colborne to Montreal, but, for the! Las a a 'wick with one of these attacks and in permanent substitute for the ealarge- | Ontario, the additional expense of a! 'to move it from Port Cal. | They Are Saying And Doing > andyed in the city at noon to 2 > t o-day as was | pany. is in the city on buriness. , Pa., on a visit to friends. tal. Niw Floy enter the general hospital as a nurse- in-traiving. Miss A in K te live. local branch of the Dominion Express company, will be married in a to Miss Reid. of Aurora. Rov. Father Keohoo, who left last woek on a trip to the old country, a pair of geld cull links hy his com- Faden his leaving for Gananoque. Miss Isabel Best, B.A, Poterboro, a Queen's graduate, been appointed tomiporarily to the position in the Collegiate Inetitute, vacant by the re sigoation of Miss Kate Beaton, B.A. The marriage of Rev. H. H. Bed ford-Jones, rector of St, Peter's church of Brockville, to Miss Britton, of Gan anoque, will take place on June Tth. They wi will spend taelr honeymoon in E i iss Eleanor Lvnn, Belleville, an- other recent graduate from St. Luke's for Nurses, Utica, N. -» has been asked to go to St. Paul, and take charge of the surgical room rye hospital there, a Rev. from Tweed, and will remain here in connection with St. Mary's cathedral wlaff. Rev. Father Twomey has re turned to Tweed greatly benefited in health by his recent trip. . iss Ftta Adams, princijsl of Vie totia school kindergarten, will leave ot Saturday "for New Yok to in t kindergartens there, gud pather latest irformation in ryard to her work. She will be absent' a week. The relatives of Robert Rosevear. fagaton, who was taken weriously ill at Canrifton, on Sunday, did not know of it until the announcement ap- in the papers hore. Thev were endeavoring today to secure further information. C, W. Dickson, of Kingston, who is pursuing his scientific studies - at Delpt, Holland, took a trip through ern Europe during the Easter va- cation. In the catacombs in Reme he | met "Jock" Harty, and Maior and | Mrs. Panet, who went on the Medi: | terranean trip. DON'T SMATTER. Go To The Roots At Once. Il you have ails go to the root of the trouble, .it my be coffee, as with {| an lowe lady who had an experience of which she says: "We all know 'The root of all evil is money' but a well known saying in a few years will be: The root of all sto mach troubles is coffee': at any rate that's what I think from my own ex- perience and that of my friends. For three years I have been a sufferer from terrible stomach trouble scarcely able to do home duties at times hav- ing 80 severe attacks I would be bed ridden for a week at a time. "Last September | was taken very such distress as my stomach was too weak to take it, the physician was compelled to inject medicine into mv |. arm. A friend came to see me and told | me she had just such attacks antil i she coased drinking coffee and drank Postuam, > "When 1 became able to sit wp 1 re solved to abandon coffee. and began the use 6f Postem and would vou he Heve it that was my last sick anell. for I am now entirely well and strong with all mv ails gone and bounding good health in their place. My little nursing baby has derived as much benéfit from it too as she has lost her pevishness, "Postwm is nourishing and palata- ble and when properle wade it is cer | a " tainly delicious for it has the sweet | all imported for order work. You are taste of pure grains and res ed » nd lea ne | Fit and workmanship guaranteed; a trial order will convince you. bitterness in the month." Name oiven by Postum Co., Rattle Creek. Mich. How many people in the neichbor- hoad are just the same * They "don't a cargo at holiave" Nod an obtain the grain from | heleve ©" it comes from coffee Neither did this ladv until she gave up coffee and tried Postum. There's a reason. Look in each package for the fam. Prue, aE | The ion as of Fat 238 | roe Yttle book, "The Road to. Well. ille. the conditions ef existing Cunningham and the RE erry «hop , primate of Can- Robertson completes his duties houke-surgeon at the General neXt week. 'At Home" at Mrs. Ellis', street, occurs on April 20th. published. Dr. J. W. Campbell intends leaving for the south for the benefit of his health which has failed lately. D. J. McFeggan, Smith's Falls, in- spector for the Dominion Express com- Cleary Hanlev and sister, Miss Lor. ota, are spending this week in Pitts: Daniel Eby, who has been studying medicine at Queen's has been appoint- od an attendant at Rockwood Hospi: Spooner, "The Kima," Glmburxi, has gone to Toronte to M, McCrea, who has been ington for several vears, has re- moved to Watertown, N.Y., where her . Gordon Marks, messenger in the day night. be millionaires in a short time. tant. out of date. as for "high kieking. not yet arrived, day we may be able to give the (nite information asked for. = islands. of plaster of paris figures. few | Rev. Father Mea is acting rector of | St, Mary's Cathedral in the absence of Frank Newman was presented with vin the tailor cstablishment of | A. C. Waggoner, on the occasion of tion to fefray expenses. The manual meeting of the Fronte- nac cheese board will be held in the court house to.morrow afternoon. El ection of officers will take place and the board will also decide where they will hold their meetings for the com- ing season. ' When coming out of the main en- trance to St. Mary's Cathedral on Sunday, Mre. Patrick Lyons, Ordnance street, tripped on the steps and fel heavily to the ground. breaking her shoulder blade and receiving other se- vere injuries. In the Ladder of Progress published monthly by the lodge a Kings. ton lodge, No. 20, of the gouncil of h riends oocupiss the top rung with a membership of 453. This is a very good showing out of a total of 467 ) in Canadd. « The Master Mechanip's Pare Tar soap heals _and sol! the skin while Rats ato, Inne) Srseas., oll ther Kingsley hoa returned farmers, aw at tachanicn, ctipt of Ze. for postage, Albert Toilet Chosen Soap Co., Mfrs, Mon A Bishop Pinkham, Calgary, is in the city. He reports that | his diocese is doing splendidly, and ht has now ten sell.supporting churches, He looks with great pleasure upon the propos- ed union of three great Canadian bod- ies, Methodists, Presby'erians and Congregationalists, Many of the engineering students of Queen's are complainiog of the papers being set by one of their professors Ata recent examination five gentlemen who are * regarded as good students claim that they were unable to ob tain a singls mark on the paper set as the work had not been covered hy' lectures during the term. -- The Worst Kind. After piles have existed for a lone time and passed through different stages, the suffering is intense--pain, aching, throblting, tumors form, filled to bursting with black blood Symptoms indicating other trou: les may appear to a thoroughly" pile- tick person. This is when Hem-Roid. the only in ternal, the only absolute pile cure, brings the results that has made its fame. Is will cure the most stdbborn cose in existence and a bonded guarantee to that effect goes with each package. It is to be had at the drug store of W. H. Medley. Line Again All Right. _ The Kingston and Pembroke railway is again in operation, the small dam age by flood on the northern division having been repaired. The train from Renfrew came © through on Tuesday and was only a few minutes late in ar riving. Both passenger and freight Laine are running on schedule time to- day. ---- The 14th Regiment. The 14th Regiment is flling up ex | ceptionally well this spring, and the j officers expect that in a month it will be up to fill strength, 360. The fact cf there being continuous spring drill early summer inspection, and a trip about July lst, creates a greater in- | terest in the regiment. Clothing Made To Order. Prevost, Brock street, has this sea- son, the finest range of Scotch and English tweeds, , worsteds, Che viots and Vicunas. These goods are invited to inspect the above goods. ------------ Refuse To Return Them. Mrs. Hogle, King street east, whose children were taken charge of by the Children's Aid Society, is seeking to recover them. The authorities, how- ever, refuse to return them until they are convinced that the little ones will be in healthful surroundings, Have you secured seats for the great 3 act the ring of detectives rescued the Chicago orchestra, Opera House, Fri heroine from an airship, in which the held ber captive, by giving chase in a balloon. This 1 formance is well managed for puch a difficult undertaking. MH people could only find money as easily as they find fault we would all Lover's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is, better than other wders, as it is both soap and disin- One thing that puzzles the dress- makers is to get up new ideas | that will make the styles oi last yea? clear On Friday evening Kingstonians will have an opportunity to show their love for the beautiful in art as well The steamer Chicora, in the govern- ment dry dock all winter, will not be ready to proceed to Toronto until May 15th. Her two new cylinders have A St. Lawrence war! resident wants to know if it is true that some alder wen have not paid their taxes. Some de- The wind diring last night blew the harbor ice over to .the island shores and down the river. The steam: er Pierropont had great difficulty this morning in making lancings at the At The Grand, Thursday. Indianapolis = Sentinel has the following of "Under Southern Skies." which comes to the Grund on Thurs. day : "Theatre-goers who enjoy plays touching on the melodramatic can find lots of enjoyment in the production of "Under Southern Skies." The play is good and the company is good The audience was liberal in appluase. The play is far from being all serious. There are comedy ones.too, and the actors get the most out-of them. The act in which old-time Hallowe'en games are rehear- sed is specially good. The company is exceptional for such a Crofton, the mother, was Sara Lewis, as Lelia Crofton, the daughter. and Burr Caruth, as Maj. Croftdy, the father." "The Sergeant's Twins" are the lat- est art acquisition to the police sta- tion. Sergt. Spodden, with a view to encourage the study of art among the peelers, this morning purchased a pair Mrs. Savage, provincial secretary Or- der of The King's Daughters and Sons, will address a public meeting in Sydenham street church hall to-mor- row afternoon at four o'clock. Colleo- Funeral Of Late W. K. Dickson. The remains of the late W. K. Dick- son: who died in Toronto, on Monday, were brought here yesterday, and in- terred at Cataraqui cemetery. The de- ceased was fifty-four years of age and was the son of the late Dr. John Rob- one time medical superintendent of Rockwood Hospital. deceased was taken suddenly on Sunday and becoming immediat:ly unconscious was removed to the Fm- ergency Hospital, 0 without regaining consciousness. The i is known as uraemic coma. whee he expired The Dog Came Back. Fireman F. Reid, of No. 1 sted.on, has a dog nearly as intelligent .es the pride of Swift's wharf office. Hj sent where it was use]. It had been used to travelling on trains, and get ing a bit homesick, it boarded incoming K. & P. train, unknosn to place, and came back to Kingston. Reasonable In All Things. "Clark's Pork and all others, even home- made, is the superiority used and the care taken in the prepar- ation. Try it for economy. Wm. Clark, Address By Dr. Sullivan. There was a large Frontenac council of Knights of Col- i their club rooms on Earl street, last night. gave an interesting address on "'Chris- topher Columbus," after whom the or- To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Qanine Tab lets. All druggists refund the if it fails to cure. E nature is on each box. 25c. SEVEN FROM ONE. It has been shown that one bottle of Scott's Emulsien is capable of building seven times its weight of solid, healthy flesh. How is this possible? Because Scott's Emulsion is one of the richest and most digestible of foods. Because Scott's Emulsion makes all good food do good. Nothing of value to the body is allowed to go to waste. Because Scott's Emulsion makes the stomach strong, the appetite keen and the digestion perfect. Because Scott's Emulsion adds new flesh to the body, puts new blood in the veins and feeds the fires of life called vitality. We'll send you 2 samisle free upon request, The farmers whose land is 'situated in and around Marble Rock dam, have again risen in their might, and at a meeting held recently threatened to take the law in their own hands if some precaution were not taken to save their lands from being flood: ed. With the advance of each spring lake, which supplies the power to the several Gananoque factorids, and which is dammed at Marble Rock to give it sufficient current, over the dam, and consequently inundates the property and causes much loss tn the farmers of that neighborhood. Recently the farmers of that neirh- borhood organized themselves into tive Society, for the purpose of pro- tecting their property and "fighting the case, which has been a contenti ous matter in the courts at Toronto for some months past. A crisis in the trouble has appar ently been reached. W. B. Carroll, of Gananoque; solicitor for the Water Power company, arrived in town Mon- day nnd before J McDonald made application on beball of the company to restrain the Farmers' Protective Society from injuring or destroying the Marble Rock dam. As stated above, the lands in the 'dmstrict are now flooded to a considerable extent, and the farmers are consequently very wrathy, and a few days ago notified the Water Power company that the: would hold a meeting at Sand Bay Corners to deal with the matter and, if necessary, take the law in their own havds. Deputy Sheriff Traill left for Marble Rock to serve the defendants with the writ and injunction and the matter will come up again at Toronto in a few days. . Messrs.John W. Bradley aud Richard Williams are the prime movers in the Farmers' Protective Society, the forn - er being president. A MISSION NIGHT. A Great Meeting Thursday Even- . ing. To-morrow evering a meoting will be held in connection with the session of the General Anglican Mission Board. 'It will be addressed by three eloquent and forceful members--Bis- hops Baldwin and Carnfichael and Hon. S. H. Blake. It will be most attractive for workers for the church, but members of other congregations will be cordially ' welcome, and made to feel that there are warm hearts for good-will to ell classes cf Christians, Where They Are Staying. The bishops, and clerical, and lay delegates to the meeting of the House of Bishops, and General Mission Board are billeted thus: Archbishop Bond and Bishop Carmichael, Montreal, Bishop Baldwin, London; Bishop Du- moulin, Hamilton; Dean Evans, Mont- real, are at "Bishopsecourt." Rishop Hamilton, Ottawa, at Arch- . deacon Carey's. Bishop Sweatman, at Archdeacon Worrell's. Pishop Pinkham, Saskatchewan and Calgary, with Mrs. Iva E. Martin. Dean Davis, London, E. J. B. Pense. Archdeacon Kerr, Montreal, Mrs. Bampfield. Archdeacon Clark, Hamilton, R. J. Carson. Canon Cody, Mrs. Roderick Mac- kenzie. Cancn Sweeney, Canon Macmorine. Rev, Dr. Desovres, Dr. Garrett. Rev. C. L. Ingles, Parkdale, Rev. Williaza Lewin. x Canon Forneret, Hamilton, Canon Cooke. 2 Rev. J. MN. Snowdon, Ottawa, Can on Grout, Rev. Norman Tucker, D.D., Toronto, Wilson, K.C., Chatham, Dr. R. V. Rogers. Rev. T. R. O'Meara, Toronto, Geo. Hague. Rev. Lawrence Skey, Toronto, Rev. J. 0. Crisp. S. H. Blake, K.C., Toronto, Joseph Walkem. Lansing Lewis, Montreal, Mrs. Wil- liam Kirkpatrick. Bishop Thornloe, Algoma, Miss 6iii- dersleeve. Charged With Theft. Mrs. Samuel Norris, an attractive nineteen-year-old girl, was before the police magistrate this morning on a charge of theft laid by Mrs. Davis. Main street. The theit is alleged to have taken place last fall, but Mrs. Norris was away, and was only ar rested last evening. Mrs. Davis' eleven- year-old daughter gave the chief testi- mony. Mrs. Norris had been in the house and afterwards a skirt and sev- eral other articles were missed. = Mrs. Norris denied emphatically that she took anything. The case was adjourn- ed till to-morrow. ---------- Moving Pictures. Kingston will see the first moving ji'tures of the bombardment oi Port dreds cf other subjects next Monday the London, England, Pioscope com pany, and Howard Clifton, the ran with 1,000 voices. Admission,: 25c. Benefit of St. George's Sunday school. ------------ ° Anglican Mission Board. To-morrow mniorning at ten o'clock |: the Anglican board? of Domestic and tinue its sessions in the afternoon and on Friday morning. At1:9:30 a.m, to- morrow. there is to be a communion celebration in St. George's cathedral. Mr. Levett, Picton, who has been | appointed secretéiry of the local branch A FARMERS AT MARBLE ROCK| Suis ction | ©. "MAKE A THREAT. ° 1° ET a oT BE or ein th of the gods being the most Meeting Of The the stream of water from Charleston | what they termed a Farmers' Protec] Before and' After. oul medio & April 30th hil ects of abuse or excesses ; use of um art Wood's Phosphodine Kingston Druggists. WALL PAPER Weeses' batgain table filled ua again with genuine BARGAINS § Our stock of American Papers are in--" Very decorative." Don't forget Weese. We do ali kinds of house decorating. Call on Weese & Co. for Photos, Frames, Stationery, second-hand organs. WEESE & CO. WALL PAPER Wall Paper in various colourings and very latest patterns in attrac tive effects beyond anything we have ever offered. Come and see us soon; lieve we can satisfy your wants, and you will find that the prices of our papers are as attractive F. NISBET, The Corner Book Store. Real Estate * and Insurance. i ey and Matthew A, F. B O N D. 63 Clarence Street. § : : : 063200000040 000000000000 i i Factories. JAMES SWIFT. 60. Arthur by the Japanese fleet and hun- @ and Tuesday at St. George's hall 'hy | @ Foot of Jahnston HOUSE-CLEANING TIME _ r again. _You can get everything ant to help 'you clean house at Foreign Missions meet. It will con- THE UNIQUE GROCERY For the month of April we sell 18¢c. » ¥ { Eclipse and Surprise Soap. 6 bars'for 25c. 5 Ibs. washing soda, 5c. ey > All kinds of Brushes, Washing Powders . 5 aS Ss, reduced ces, of the YMCA, is expected to arrive th ups, at prices in the ¢ity to-day. citizen picked up several letters SCOTT & BOWNE, Torcate, Outarie, mailed A CC: . on Brock street this morning | C.H nEPICKERING very not rather than p development colApar ison Ww embraced 1900 with Au.erican at Topular anc from the We @rand Trumk A KINGSTON & PAC! special dne- Excursion Tie March and Aj conver, Victor Seattle, Taco land, Ore. Kingston t Rosshind, © 'and Spokane, rest. conmectio Full particu Ticket Office, - Ry, THE BAY OF wre Tweed," ;Naj local points. pot at & p. B.Q. Ry. K ALL Liverpoo ROYAL NMAl Frem St. J Parisian, ..... Tunisian, Mar lonian, April Bavarian, Ap RATE Fite Cabin: Ing to steame 1st, '$78 and Second Oab , $40. 01 Third Derry, Bolfast Through ti NEW Y thian, T Corin "1 class, Thr n hal SLREVE. o A RSI SSS Ww. _GARRI Has ample Ing Stelg kinds. No insuran . fire-proof--ha stone. § Rates very ST ~QUBEN 3 wig and split tc ways under Prices right ton Coal % B. LET ME And T wi tory result fof the W your best | W.J. MU