Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Apr 1904, p. 3

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ww " "+ Canada, hosphodine $ ruggists. B_ Sy wm L PAPER bargain table filled us h genuine \RGAINS ck of American Papers Very decorative." rget Weese. We do alt ouse decorating. Weese & Co. for Photos, tationery, Bargains in d organs. "SE & CO. L PAPER 1904 r in various colourings test patterns in attraos beyond anything we fered. 1 see us soon; we be in satisfy your wants, ll find that the prices ers are as attractive es. 4 NISBET, rer Book Store. tate nd Insurance. "BOND. larence Street. § : PEPE etELbbetotrtere B ©. Se ries. en 5 ~ e °~ LEANING TIME _ . You can get everything Vv Ip 'you clean house at QUE GROCERY lk of April we sell a value, , 20c. and ipse and Surprise Soap. i > . Washing Powders uced prices, for this ICKERING, ST. PHORE $3. = Qpen From April 30th to Dec 1st | 7 he' and most costly Exposi- tion over, - "I he space for exhibits is the greatest ever VR Exposition roofs, but the very key note of Exposition, processes, rather than production, will be a distinct developient im expositions, compa with ot tions. The World's Far of 1904 contains 1.240 acres, in coiaparison with Chicago in 1893, which embraced 6388 acres; Paris Exposition in 1900 with 886 acres, and Pan Au.erican at Buffalo, occupied 800 acres. J'opulsr and fast train service to and from the World's Fair City via. the @rand Truak Reilway system. : J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Ad City Passenger Dgpot. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN | ° PACIFIC RAILWAYS. "World's Fair . . . ST. LOUIS 'April 80th to December 1st, 1904 Hpeclal dne-way Mecond Class Colomist Excursion Tickets, on sale daily during March and April from Kingston to Van- conver, Victoria, New Westminster, B.C, Seattle, Tacoma, Washington and Port- land, Ore. $46.30. Kingston to Nelson, Robson, Trail, Rosshiind, Greenwood, Midway, 'B.C, 'and Spokane, Wash. $43.80. Spegal Settlers' Trains '0 Canadian Norh-West Wil leave Kingston every Tuesday * @uring March and April at 8:10 a.m. Di rest connections. 2 Full particulars at K. & P. and C.F.R Ticket Office, Ontari o St. ' + KF. QONWAY, F.A.FOLGER, JR., Wen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Bupt. ~ THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW « * SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napanee, Deseromto, sad all Jocal points. Train leaves City Hall De pot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent, 8. Q. Ry. Kiagstoa. ee meee Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Frem St. John. From Halifax. Parisian, .... as a Tunisian, March, 206 lonian, April 3nd, .. Bavarian, April 9th, . RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin--$55 and upwatds, accord- Ing to steamer, to April lst, After April 1st, '$75 and upwards, (summer rates). Second Oabin=Liverpool and London- derry--PARISIAN. $87:50. ("ther steaw- re, $40. London, $2:50 extra. Third Clas: 2 to Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. Through tickets to South Africa. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW! 11 am Corinthian, Thurs, March 17th, » mi. . Thars. March 31st, 11 TR ag Second Cabin, $33. Third class, $26. \ EY, A G.TR. City ALL pent, Oi "RL "Clarence street. >a v a i al >a Hot, reliable coal is & time saver--makes prompt meals and domestic har- mony. Our coal is hot and dependable because its free from slate and dirt Siate and dirt haven't a particle of heat in then. And moreover they clog the grate--make a weak, fickle and altogether worthless fire * Clean coal is hot coal. . upor coal is pure, petri- fed vegetation--burnable and satisfying We guarantee it It cannot fail to suit you And our wood is good Send us that fuel order to-day. 4 R. CRAWFORD. W. G. FROST 'CARRIAGE PAINTER Has amplé accommodation for Stor- Ing Steighs and Vehicles of all kinds. No insurance nesded as the building is . Are-proof--has iron roof, and built of stone. Zo liates very reasonable. "QUEEN STREET, thi no Vectary) Telephone ETE E---------- <W00D AND COAL The central Wood and Coal yard Is focated at 236 Earl Stroot. All 'kinds of good : and split to suit, Dry Kindling, al wavs under cover. Prompt delivery. Prices right. None but the pure Scran- ton Coal--no mixlares. v« B. BARNEY >» emai treet LET ME HAVF YOUR SALE And T will guarantee you -satisfac- tory results. We don't brag, but ver form the work. Nothing sacrificed, out your best intorest. studied. W. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. Hard Wood, cut i INSURES PURE FOOD. EW.GILLETT 0a TORONTO, ONT. Sutherland Sisters + Hair Grower "TTY 'ON [juomyise) 188 2108 Centre Ave., Pittsburg, Pa, When the scalp throws off either dandruff o 4 gummy substance, it is an evidence of scalp disease, no time should be lost in correcting it. You certain) would aot hesitate to take treatment were you to at this matter through & magnifying glass, bighly magnified it resembles a working mass of insects, These creatures absorb the nutriment or life-sap of the scalp causing the scalp to become dry and feverish, re. sulting in the loss of bairand finally baldness, Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower a Sale Cleaner works wonders in all such cases. It thoroughly eradi- cates all trace of scalp bacteria and makes the hair grow unusually long, strong and beautiful. One socent bottle is enough to show you that it will do all this and even more, NOW at all druggists, two sizes, $1.00 per bottle. SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS BOLE PROPRIETORS Canadian Office, 268 Yonge 8t., Toronto J H. Bailey, Forelgn Manager 4 Recommended by George W.Mahood, corner Yrincess and Bagot streets, Kingston. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Pain or Tightness la the Chest, Ete. Tt stops that tickling in the throat, is i glasat to take and soothing and heal- "ing to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand, the well-known Galt gardener, writes: -- I Kad a very severe attack of sore throat and tightness in the chest. Some times when I wanted to cough aud could not I would almost choke to death. My wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my sur- prise I found Speedy relief. I would uot be without it §" it cost $1.00 a bot- tle, and I ean recommend it to qveryons bothered with a cough or cold. Price 25 Centa. VIOLIN SALE es $10, $15 $20, $40; Selle now at - $3, $5. $8, $10, $20. AUTOHARPS $8. $4.30, $10; Selling now at £2, $3. $s. GUITARS #5, $7. $10; Selling now at $2.50, $3 50. $5. AT McDOWALL'S MUSIC STORE, 471 Princess Stree KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE KINGSTON. TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. Unequalled facilities for securieg post tions. Largest and best equipment in Canada. 821 Queen stroct, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Confederatian Life Building, Toronto. GEO. CLIFF, Real Estate, Insurance | and Mining Broken, 95 CLARENCE STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. CHANCE TO BUY CHEAP HOME. THE TERRACE ON WEST SIDE Pivision Street, being Nos. 40 to 56, wili be divided to suit purchasers. Each fouse contains six large rooms, cellar. snk, and city water in kitchen, yard and shed, with lane in rear Within casv reach of the foundaries. For terms @c., apply to Geo. Clif, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence Strect. | Jetgers of inquiry which I have re eotbed * umns, I think it | Whig readers what a glorious country ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Kingston Conservatory of Music COME OUT AND GET WARD FOR LA- BOUR SAYS ENTHUSIAST. Country More Than Has Been Ever Claimed For It--Agricul- tural Possibilities Unlimited-- Climate Best In World. Vancouver, B.C., April 5.-(To the Editor) : Judging from the numerous from largely diversified points, since 1 have been writiag in your col- quite safe 10 infer that a very large number of your readers are becoming interested in this western country. In writing: these let- ters for publication in your paper, have been prompted only by a desire to make known to the thousands of Jies west of the Rockies. I know that many of the people who will be reach ed by these letters know very little about British Columbia and its won- derful possibilities, and seeing that they already have expressed a desire to know more about the country and the chances of piling up wealth, T will say that the country is all, if not very much more, than has ever been claimed for it. We westérn people have that one fault, if it may be called a fault; we are not windy enough to tell of the good things 'which we, as a people, possess. Yes, this province af fords possibilities, manv of which are as vet lying undeveloped, and of which the world has never dreamed, the magnitude of which, it is hard to comprehend. 1 cannot undertake to enumerate them, for it would take too much of- vour valuable space. I wil just> mention a few of our never-fails | ing sources of - wealth! Our wold | mines, of which so much has been | written. and vet one-half has not et | been told: our rich beds of coal, which | seem to have no end. Our lumbering industries, which are yet in their in- fancy, and from which, young thourh | they are, the world. is today being | supplied. Our canneries of world-wide repute, for who has not tasted of the celehrated Fraser River salmon ? Here in itseli is a wealth of which we may justly feel proud--and it i» unlimited. Nature promises to keep up the sup ply. and the demend is constantly in- creasing. It is a sight well worth sees ing. to see those steamers discharging their cargo of fish at the canneries. me who has not seen it, cannot form any idea of what fishing means on the Pacific waters. Then our agricultural possibilities are unlimited, .and our climate, the best in the world. To properly 'develop all these stores of wealth which the Great Creator hath so bountifully spread throughotit our land, as well as in the sea, we in- vite people with energy to come with us. We do not wish to be understood as saying that everyone who comes oat here in pursuit of wealth is go ing to acquire it. This is not the usu. al order of things under the sun. We do say, however, that a man who can make money in any of the ordinary callings of life in any other part of ths world, can make.it here--all things being equal. We want capital in proportion to the labor that comes into the coun: ary, and. there is absolutely no limit 10, the amount of either that can be tdequately remunerated, if properly" ttistributed in right proportion. Just at the present time it would seem to me that we need capital in the larg: est proportion. We want to expand, and to do this we must create a de- mand for certain = commoditisrs nearer home, and to do. this we must develop the country through the agricultural channel as well as otherwise. We want the very sturdy farmer to enter into the joys and delights of this beautiful, as it is fertale, province. Let him come and take a te'p around amongst the farmers alreidy here, and it will not take him long to make up his mind that there is wvalth in farming here. Before pdssing from this sybject, however, let mo lay aside iny modes- ty long enough to say that we have no encouragement to offer drons out here, If you have been looking fer the easy road to fortune all your lift, and have not found it, I can assur: you dear reader, it would not be likely to stretch out before you here, but' the man who comes out here prepared to take hold and do his part, in whatev: er line he may be most needed, ii the man who is going to come to the front. He will work his way up wo the position of his choice, and get it away irom the man who has heen standing aside watching for it every time. A proper application of thrift, energy and determination is, bound to count for all it is worth out here. The man who has these qualities, and can com- bine reliability with them, cannot be held back, but the man who does not possgas such a combination, needs no brakke, te hold him back. It pleases us immensely to see such an inflix into the North-West. These people help to.jacrease the demand for our product. Long' may they con- tinue to come. Our city is having a very rapid growth. I hope it may be healthy Builders are now working, time and a quarter throughout the city, and vet cannot build houses fast enough to supply the demand. The visitor of two years ago would not recognize the city to-day, it has grown so large. An I it writing | have a letter laid befors me from a resident of Snow Road, Ont. The writ or states that he is leaving with , his family on the 12th inst, for this ety. Another from Perth, N.B., states that he a Jeaving with his family on. the inst. And so it" goes.--E. H. yers Hair Vigor INSTRUCTION IN PIANO, VIOLIN, Orchestra and Bahd Isstruments, Sing. ing, Theory including Harmony. Coun- terpoint, Composition, Instrumentatio Musica) History and. Acoustics 7 Address 0. F. Telgmann, 222 Johnston £t. Gray hair adds 20 years to the age. kecp young. Make your hair grow long and heavy. LSiES Restore the color; | © e---- Pure Blood Is The Bed Rock Of Our bodies and minds are refreshed and st by blood, and upon ite purity our health depends. A thousand disorders can be trac od either directly or indirectly . to an nhealthy condition of the blood. Booch the most common are Rbhen- matism, Ni ia. Nervovspess, ma, huniors and female irregularities. When disease has entered the system through the , of course the only" certain cure is a thorough purification of the blood. This is best accomplish: ed by Ferrozone, which 'attacks pois- ons of every description and makes the blood pure and rich, . No cases are known where Ferrozone ever failed to disturb debilitated peo- ple, It contains abundance of nourish- ment 'and strengthening elements that have lifted many physica] wrecks from beds of sickness and made them well. Speaking of restorative properties of Ferrozone, Me, Cvrus R. Sargeson of Svdney savs: *'I Was<in a dreadful eom- dition with pod blood and palpita- tion of the heart for two vears vears. 1 had scarcely any appetite, and suf fered from rheumatism in the left shoulder, I noticed after the first box of Ferrozone, when eight boxes were used I was a | FIRST THAT WERE SEEN IN ENGLISH Recalling Lord Palmerston As Aa Neil" McNeil!" of to append the following : "A Veteran's" . day's Herald. I am inclined, however, to think that he ing that the Caledonia was the "first steamboat seen in think he will find , also built on the oil ASS we plyi the Thames in y Awe or months before the Caledonia left the Clyde. cess to some documents ¢ ¥ : { the origin of steam navigation on the a slight change | Clyde, which may and | ypon the subject, when I may, ge with you furt | BOATS -- WATERS a .---- . r--His First Serious At_empts At Steam Naviga- tion In Europe. Ta continuation of the letters from E old steamers, we Glasgow, Sir,--~1 have read with much interest communication - in to: is mistaken in say. Eaglish waters." | Eagli the Marjory three in a few days to have ac: ox] t . connected with throw some light , communicate "» haps well man. |e show that the Clyde has the hon: Tt may be exhausted nerves, a weak |or, not only of sending the first steam. stomach or kidneys that drags | boat to English waters, but -also , to vou down. Re it one or all of them, | Irish waters, as well as to the contin Parrozone will enre, Jet Ferrozone as- |ent.--1 am, your obedient servant, n. sist vou in finding and maintaining | health. Price, 8c. ner box, or six box. Sir 1 read with much interest the | es for $2.50, at all drugrists, or by | account to-day in the: Herald of mail from The Kingston, Ont. Ferrogone assures health, . -- PITH OF THY Nrws Ferrozone company, The Very Latest Newe Culled Prov Al] Over The World Several travellers wore relieved of don on Saturday for incest. I'he greatest part of Lower Town, tants are suffefing much privation ia consequence, The directors of the Canada Wool len Mills Co., have decided to sell out after carrying on business at a loss fof thee ears. tl roquois (lub, Chicago, t hight the AmOer ate boom foe Judge ar or ti h. 8. ide il be inaugutated. pres yw Lord wne says the influen of King Edward and President Tou | bet contributed powerfully toward the | Anglo-French treaty. Mr. Whitney and Hon. J. M. Cibson spoke in the debate in the Ontario | ~The ravages of the in Chili are unprecedented. There are in 'many places over 100 deaths a day The authorities cannot stop lague. A rock slide occurred on the C. P. | reilroad at Revelstoke on Friday last. | and the enginwer,: William Davison, of | Ignace, 'was killed Julius Eekel, Jersey City, N.J., charged with the murder of his wile on February Oth last, is on trial Eckel has aldo been indicted for kill ing Mrs. Annie McDermott, wife of the | propriztor of the saloon 'where the | doukle tragedy occurred. | Miss Winni red Pagei, who is 10 be | marriod to Lord Ingestre, the: hir-of | the Earl of Shrewsbury and vophew of Lady Londonderry, on April 23rd, was a court debutantd of the corona tion season, when quite a number of { pretty gills made their first curtsey | i to Queen Alexandra. : To-day the Knights of Columbus | presonted the Catholie University of Washiagton with $50,000 to found a chcic of American history. Cardinal Cisbons, formally the. fund and made reply to presentation speech of Edward L. Hearn, of New Haven, the supreme head of the Knights of Columbus. Five years ago the Ancient Order of Hibernians raised 230,000 to found a chair of Gaclic language and literature. FIRE ALARMS. Electric Fuse Set Fire To Chalmers Church. The firemen had two «alls yesterday afternoon and evening, hpth resulting from a passerby observing smoke in the buildings. About hall past three o'clock, a «iiizen walking past Chal mers church, noticed smoke cowing from the door on Clergy street lead ing to the choir Lift and ladies' par lor. He didn't know what the trouble was but summoned help, and the fire stations were notified. It was found that the clectric fuse in, the entrance had burned ont, setting fire to the | ceiling over a small chandelior. The | fireinen put out the blaze with a Bab | cock extinguisher. Had the accident occurred "at right, the church would probably have been destroyed. This | iz the third time that oleetiic wires have set firo to the church, but hap pily 'discovery ia each case. was made in time, An In the evening. at a quarter past seven o'clock, someone pasting along ! Wellington street thought he saw | smoke in the store of A. C. Waggoner; and sent in an alarm of fire. The hiizade, however, found that nothing was wrong. With The Ohicago Orchestra. don Dally Chronicle. Lore" Joachim. he plays the most dificult as well ag the most expressive ges in a perfectly unruffied man: per. His tone is sweet and his execu tion is remarkable for neatness : brilliancy. Mr. Van Oordt's rendering | of the "Pach Chaconne" was instinet with intelligence and elasci-al feeling. while he showed his command of sen timent in the Adagio from Max Bruch's second concerto. Corns Grow Betweefi The Toes. But can be cured without pain in | one day by Putnam's Corn and Wart | Extractor. This standard remedy | never burns the flesh, --it is entirely | vegetable in composition and does not | destroy the flesh. Use only Putnam's, | ie the best. | 1 Winter is dying hard | | "First Steamer Seen lors." It lof your readers to be told that Caledonia, the vessdl which ¢ "= much commotion at Spithead, was the pre i : v day, it 1 egislature on Tuesday on the bill to |time that it would puzzle some people did the Algoma Central tailway. | how such an bubonic plague | have remained as bad. ! clears the stomach and cures the foul breath and | soma may be interesting to ie the | thirteenth steamer built in C , and was launched from the ding yard of John Wood, Port w, in April, 1815. She was propel by a pair of engines of thirty-six fiorse pow- | pocketbooks at C.P.R. station at Winnipeg on Saturday o collectively. mamuiosturtd bk the A. F. Knight was sontonced to | She was, of co built of wood, and séven years' impiionment at Bran: | poliowi e hor dimensions : re | Eighty-six uy keel by filteen foet Que., is under water, and the inhabi- Jeadh < on the Clyde, an sent round to the T : | was sold, to ply on some fore | tion. | trast of those which are daily--1 had almost | wai hourly --trimmed out | building yards end enginé works on | the Clyde. At the time the Caledonia | left- the Clyde, t {steamer ghat had been built here.-- 8 of beam. She Ried for a was then hames, where slo ata It is interesting to note the con- ¢izo between this vessel and from thn she was the «Lord Palmerston An Engineer." Worcester, Dec. 10,1862 Sir,--When 1 took the liberty of sont! ing the letter you inserted on Satur: did not occur to me at the important fact could andivaiged up to the time, that Lord Palmerston | ent Fad made "the first serious attempt at the | steam navigation in Europe." 1 will therefore endeavor to ae Some light on thet point. aving on eh liberty of addressing his lordsh'p An engine was struck by the debris {on this subject, and stating that had made the boiler and castings for the Comet (the first steamer t ear ried niers for hire in ", the rominss owner, not , having th: means himself to carry ont the experiment, gave me his promis sory note for my shars of the undorr taking, which I have still, now fifty Foul Breath and _ Coated Tongue Are Excited By a Torpid Con- dition of The Liver--The Great Cause of Headache, Despond- ency and the Blues, With disease the moet important time is nt the beginning, because at the star. it can be controlled. A coat ed tongte, foul breath and general feeling ¢{ heaviness do not menace life like typhoid fever, but prepare 'the way fot this disease and others just Tt is the little ills that breed big ones. A costed tongue is a manilesta: tion of decomposition of food within | the, body, of the formation of poison ous substances that contaminate the blood and consequently the entire Avs: tem, Most people use pills--drastic purga- tive pills because the; imagine that activity is the test of efficiency. 1 hey forget. that nature's ingthod is the very reverse of this, Excessive irrita- tion it is true, increases the sctivity of the bowels, but seriously injures those organs and creates chromic dik: case You get shout as élose as possible to nature's own remedy by using Dr. Hamilton's Pills, .which are composed entirely of vegetable extracts and therefore perfectly 'harmless, These pills have a mild action on the 'bow: els, causing them to move regularly. By their stimulating action on the kidners and liver they free the system of all poisons sud impuritics. This complexion, sweetens coated tongue. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are made ae cording to the formula of this noted physician, and for promptitude and certainty of action no other pill com. pares 'with them. They are not harsh and drastic~--in fact their action is so even and mild that you suffer. no in: convenience or loss of time. Yet ther do the work expected in a most satis: factory way. No better pill for the strong than Dr. Hamilton's ever was 0 because they 'invariably do good, end can't nossibly injure. They are the only me dicine that the elderly, the very voung and those in delicate henlth should employ. They have the desired | fleet of a gentle laxative and don't shock the wvstem like the ordinary | pill wo largely vomposed of mercury | and other dengerous minerals. If vou suffer from headache, dizi ness, nervousness, poor color, econsti- pation or anv eomplaint of the stom- ach or bowels Hamilton's Pills for vour remedy: they will sure Iv cure vou, and permanently make vou well. Price 2%. per box or five hoxes for 81, at all druggists, Ys, on! the in English Wat- t the Tout has bucovaniuly establishes navigation on the o , Which be will ind recorded in the Bite Books of the House of Commons, as well as in the hey tlopamis Britannica," and all similar publications; first steamers that estab communication between Belfast, Dublin and Holyhead, Dover and Calais, and several other plats, 1 trust that I will be ing out every morning of the postman, with the intelligence that a baronetcy, with £10,000 a year, was certain; having made up my mind to accept nothing less, ng similar favors showed on others who, in my opinion, had not done so mush to de serve them, Ww chagrin and disap: pointment can be more readily econ ceived than desoribed, when instead, 1 received the astonishing communica. tion Jha phe noble LL Iemiet. melt was disput my © a an sorting that the. ret hs idly ae pu Moy navigation in Europe was hy nsell, 1 immediately wrote his lordship that he had taken me all aback, never 'having heard of his attempt at navigation, and that 1 ould --_-- fore like to know something more about it, when replied t his "(first serious) attempt" was on old gunboat, he Tartar, which wes ened and made a steamer; to which 1 again replied that 1 had a ner- fect recollection of seeing the come to Sr hak to be y er Fe Ba therefore, could not allow mysell p. not to be deprived in that off-hand manner of that which 1 prized more highly than anything the government could hw stow, [ therefore took the liberty of sending the correspondence to Vr. Dalglish, one of the members of the city of Glasgow, for the purpose of He. ing brought before nt. InMer. Daiglnh attempt to do so, he was told by the speaker that the forms of the house precluded: it ning introduced unless hy, 3h Foreman men 1 trust that no suo rms exist in tht College of ry hoon amisebing Bis TE 20 pa ship from v ng f 10 hav ing mado. the first \ at steam navigation in the assembled col Lamy, ele, Jou truly, DAVID The Late Charles Cosby. Charles Sebastian , who died on Sunday mornk ast, was 'a son of Mary Harriet tian, who .wae the daughter of Don Sebastian, a wealthy Spanish tleman, of Cas. ttle, Spain, but who latterly resided in Maryland, U.S; he was also a roe - tor in the Episcopal church, and had the oversight of two parishes. The daughter, Mary Harriet, married Foun. tains Cosby, also of Maryland. Tho late Mr. Cosby was & shoemaker hy trade, and held the position of for: man in the shoe factory of the late George Offord for many years, After. w he was a conductor on the Lake Shore railroad, having a run from New York to the Pacific const. Mr. Cosby was the last member of the old Cosby family. His brother Richasd, ' who many years ago was class leader in t Sydenham street Methodist chiirch, and also a leader in the choir, having died last summer in Boston. Charles 'Cosby was one of the leading shoe merchants of Kingston in tha 40's, his place of business on Wellington street. Many of old residents of Kingston = will remember him os an honest and enterprising merchant | THE LETTER BINDS ROSS, So Says Christian Guardian Edi. torially, a Toronto, April 13.~The Christiso Guardian. -officis]l organ of the Metho dist church, ia ite issue editorially states its acceptance of Premier Ross' re; ly to the temperance deputdtion he an eddoxsement of the demands of representatives of the temperance ma: jority. The Guardian will add : "It not only Sougnite him to these demands in theory, but in practice. It cuts him off as 8 man from consenting to any compromise, to any tampering or tinkering with the matier, 16 anv proposal for legislation short of that which he has officially and publicly en dorsed. 1t means, we take it, that were the whole cabinet to conspire to temporize the premiex would 'absolute ily refuse to brieg forward any tem- porizing bill." Pig SR -- Large shipments of calves are heing 'N Albert 8t., 8 rooms, ' . A are aa it No. 168 Col | Ave., 7 rooms, made from here 10 Toronto und Won. treal markets. One dealer 'has | shipping one thousand calves & wees | for the past seven weeks. "FOR SALE, ame; a » Pretly home, . Nos, 106, 108 and 110 Bagot St, ir SP Nos. 484, 406. 468 Albert se. 1 he gn ae No. 31 Mack St. 7 rooms, large garden fron ting on Nos. 8 10, 13 Prutessc- St; 7 'roome in each, deep lot. } . The abo properties § chased on seny veers OF parmant a2 cla tl tmSne D. A. CAYS. H. MILN " Oaly Electric Clean- ing and Feather Renovating Plant in Kingston. Gowe twice as far a paste of liquid poliss--No drying wp--Lasts longer--AL- gis

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