BS 8a 165 157 7. Te 10; 10 RE TT 178 170 110 108 AH 33 aas0 000 154 000 a . , MOTHER ~~ a halt Iuillion capi velop fruit Barorn Texas. in uc d Hieo! company. capitalized-at a quarter NS imdsor {Total "directors Hirata: h tg the on cont. H it FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. ---------- 3 The Election Of Offcsks With Re- sults. The annual meeting of the Fronte- pac Cheese Board was held in the Caurt House, about thirty members of the board being present, After the re- tration of the members for the com- year. Moved by Mr. Gallagher and L. W. M y that the following he the ofiicers for the ensuing year : President, John Davis; first vice prosi- dent, Joseph Creamer; second vice ident, J. McGrath; secretary-irea- surer, William Pillar; marke, A. Rit- chie; dirctors: Wolle Islend, R. J. Spoor; . Howe Jiland, R. J. Foley; on, W. J. Blacklock; Portland, Ww. ll; Loughboro, James Kee ley; Pittsburg, J. Wilmot; Storring- ton, C. Langwith; Oso, M. Avery, M. P Hinchinbrook, George Killin. Au ditors, L. L. Gallagher, W. I. Black. © The motion carried. A committee composed of H. Rey- nolds and William Fawcett wer. ap. to locate a place for the 10 moet ene i Samy, Coles 3 , 30; Sun color. od, 35, Pine Hill, white, 30; Farmer's 9 , white, 40; Corn wr, color- wd, 40; Gira ite Hill, white, 30; Odessa, \ Bight certs was bid, but nonw ssa. The buyers present were Robert Thémpaon, A. Alexander, John Gib son, 1. W. Murphy, D. J. MeKinnon, The board adjourned to meet in two weeks at the same place, DEATH OF E. J. NORTHMORE. '| Caused By Chill, Developing Into Fneumonia. The sad intelligence of the death of E. J. Nofawore, V.5., Swith's Falls, was & t shock to his many friends and relatives. Ha had been attending @ case oh Thur dw morning, and that afternoon was taken with a chill, Jresmonis rapidly developing. His , Dr. Northmore was summon ed, by attending physician, and at once left for Smith's Falls, remain ing until Saturday evening, leaving hia brother i the hands of two nurs o8 and a physician, apparently in no immediate danger, intending to re turn on Monday. He grew violently delivious on Sunday, ho telephone connection could be had, and on Mon day morning, the sad news of his death' was received. funeral was private from the residence of hiv brother-in-law, J, J, Simpson, and the beautiful servis was rend in Christ church, by Canon Cooke and Rev. Joseph Elliott. William Walsh was upset out of his Jonmoe in the Grand river at Brant. Lol and carried over the dam. H -- rescued . by the firomen's lifeboat, Good strong toilet combs. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stove, fa Tf Wo have everything you want your boy to wear "this Spring. you're undecided lot. us talk it over Every Suit is new and in good taste | Br it would not be here. Tastily Trimmed Tailor Suits, Rus tian Suits andl Vest Suite for the smallest of the boys, in designs ey clusive with us. : Norfolk Suits are destined to be ex- tremely popular Season; many new thi styles in our ee showing. Boys of the two and three piece Quit age will see how weli we understan | their wants. z i i Come and let us help you solve tke growing hoy problem, for we know it +. 1% a hard proposition, at best reason: able prices. on note 3. | Job bail |. The | paign spec- | choose which ddfendant he will Fu Choose Between Defendants. Toronto, Apiil 14.--Philip. H. Me- 'Guire, ly agent, here, of the Reserve 1ife Insurance com- was, , committed for tial t » two charges of 1 , Une is on a for $114, by Rehab Tandy, and other on a note of $167, by J. K. ohnston. The magistrate refused to t makter in-chambers, to-day. gave on a motion in the sk i t hy J. M. McEvoy. 4 t RB. R. Gamey, M.P.P. and A. W. Wright. The pleintifi claim- od es for statements made by the ts as to his dealings with the cel ted leaves of the Crossin Piano company's cash-book, which were missing at the time of the Gamey-Sténtton investigation. The statements were made at different dates, during the byeclection cam- in Muskoka, by, Gamey on Oc- tober 14th, and by Wright, on October 24th. On behali 'of Gamey, a motion was made to compel the plaififi to pro- Paris, A HM. ~The £t. Petegsburg corr "of the Frho De Paris telegraphs the following under yester- day's date ; "At one o'clock to-day, the emper: or telegraphed to Viceroy Alexiell or- dering him to go to Port Arthur im- mediately, and assume command of the squadron ing - the appoint- ment of Viee- 1 Makarofi's suc- cessor. The viceroy leaves to-night. The rumors that Hear Admiral Prince Oukotmsky was against eighteen Ja- panese vessels, © this afternoon, gre still unconfirmed. Grand Duke Cyril telegraphs he is suffering from burns on the neck, and eomtusions on the knees. It is certain that only two min- utes elapsed between the explosions and the sinking of the battleship." More Disasters. St. Petersburg, April 14.--Rear-Ad- miral Outkomiky wires from Port Ar- thur, to-day, that the DBezstrashni, one of the Russian torpedo boat des- troyers, sent out during the night to yreconnoitre, , became separated from the rest of the fleet, owing to the bad weather prevailing, was surround: ed by Japanese torpedo Doat destroy- ers and was sunk 'In the fight. Five men were saved, RECORD FOR LATE OPENING OF NAVIGATION. Ice-Jam Still Holds--Hogue Will Be Tried For Murder--Margol- oire Matter Again--Lacrosse Atmosphere Clearing--Verge of Water Famine. a Montreal, April 14.--Magloire Hogue, the man accu of killing his wife, will have to stand his trial in the court of king's bench, on a charge of murder. The coromer's jury gave that decision, to-day, after investigating: the woman's death, which took place on. Tuesday night, in the home on Montcalm street, The low temperature of the past couple of days has had the effect of prolonging the ice-jammed condition of the St. Lawrence in the vicinity of thig city. The th of water has only fluctuated a few inches since the subsidence of Sunday's flood. The river is open some distance above and below Victoria bridge, but the jam at St. Helen's Island still holds. Present indications are that this spring will prove a record-breaker in the matter of lateness in the opening of naviga- tion. ; E. B. Busteed, K.C., who was the Admiral Outkomsky adds : "I have lawyer for Bachrack, Blakely & Levi, ture is found in her great double H---- ceed against in this action, there be- ing no proper cause for a joint ac- tion, The master has given McEvoy two weeks to choose. Another case of smallpox has de- veloped in the city, Robert Walker, a farmer of Swan river, Manitoba, died here this morn- ing somewhat sudaenly, o ferry company's steamer, Ada Alice, arrived this morning from Oak- ville and was the first vessel to enter the harbor this shason. The captaon, however, does not j¥t the harbor mas- ters hat, not Lining any cargo. Hugh Clark, Centre Bruce, press his bill to prevent election "saw-ofis'" before the legal committee of the leg- islature, 'today, but 'the bill was thrown out on a party vote of five to three. Mr. Clark agreed with the at- torney-general, who suggested 'bat a report be obtained from the judges but urged that the Lill be Joe. in the meantime, to be amended next 'ear if necessary. The bill provided for ivrfei- ture of the 81.000 deposit ynlest. the petition. was brought to trial. The at- torney-general pointed out that saw- off petitions went to trial and were dismissed for lack of evidence. Mr. Clark then suggested amending the bill to provide for the forefeiture unless the. trial was real, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The Westminster Gazette Pre- mier Bond, of Newfoundland, is entit- led to credit for his initial work in the settlement of the French shore ques. tion, The debate on the bill to aid the Algoma Central railway was continued in the Ontario legislature on Wednes day, by Messrs. Powell, C. N. Smith und Hanna The steamer says Priostfield lft Sydney for Glasgow. with 5,000 tons of iron fram the Dominion Iron Steel com- pany's works. She had been stuck in the ice nearly three months rs. Dunsmuir, mother of ex-Premier Dunsmuir, of British Columbia, has joined Edna Wallace Hopper in ap- pealing the famous will ero, and leave to appeal has been granted, Trees In The Northwest. A. I. Stevenson, Nelson, Man., be fore the committee on agriculture and colonization in Ottawa, gave an in teresting account of the tree planting experiments which on under the department of the inter ior for severat--yenrs. He reported an awakening of interest among the far mers upon this important subject avid general success when the instructions of the departmanct with regard to planting and cultivation of forest trees are followed. The government is sup plying every farmer who takes the trouble to properly prepare the ground, with 1,300 trees, sufficient to plant half an acre. Mr. Stevenson also related the results of many years experience in horticultural oper ations in Manitoba, where he has sue cessfully grown fruit of various kinds, including standard apples. Owing to climatic conditions he had not; he» said met with success in the cultiva tion of Ontario grown apple trees. ---------- Rev. C. G. Rollitt will continue as curate of St. Paul's. final arrange. ments having been effected to-day. Bishop Reeve Gf Saskatchewan, did not come to Kingston, as expected. have been carried dust nine bishops are here, ! 7 ; RUSSIAN BATTLESHIP POBYEDA. : The Pobyeda is one of the most heavily armed vessels in the Russian fleet. A distinctive fea- broade¢ides of rapid-fire guns. o taken command 'provisionally of the fleet since the disaster to the Petro- pavlovsk. During some manouevering of the battleship squadron the Pobieda struck against a miné amidships on the starboard side. She was able to regain port by herseli. No one on! board of her was killed or wounded." i Kaiser To Czar. Rome, April 14.-Emperor William has telegraphee "to the czar saying: "Russian ma irning is Germany's mourning. The death of a man like Admiral Makaroff is a loss tg the na vies of the whole world." Condolences Over Accident. Paris, April 14. resident Loubet, this morning, telegraphed to Emperor Nicholas his profound condolences on the disaster to the Petropaviovsk and the death of Vice Admiral Makaroff. This dispatch together with those of Emperor William, and the King of Italy, sent yesterday, are regarded here ms signifying the acceptance of the - Eurdpean govermments that the sinking of the Petropaviovsk yes due to an accident/ and did not occur dur- ing 'a battle 'With the Japanise ships. The officials 'say condolences over the result of a batt!" sight iavolve gues- tions © of neutrmity, whereas condo- lences over' in aeeiflent do not. Warships For A Lady. not-a-royal per- ge, who has had a warship or- dered specially to bring her home is Miss Florence Nightingale. Her work in the Crimea; as chief of the nursing | staf, aroused such intense enthusiasm | in England that when she was to re- | turn a warship was ordered to con- vey her home, but she eluded it, and, France, landed unex and hurried the people | national re » only woman, erossing from pectedly and quietly, her coimtry home hefore found. oat arrival, A testimonial was got up for and sented to Ler, amounting to £50,000, which she gave to found an institu- tion for the training of nurses. to her How The Villan Escaped. | "Sh!" exclaimed the king of detee- tives, stealthily emerging from a hand atchel, "I have a clue. "Is the union label on it ¥"' queried Sherlock Holmes. "No," said the king of detectives, | "1 can't see it." "Very well." said Holmes, as he bar- ed his arm and negligently shot in inm, we can't af. | another quart « ford to touch jt.'* Wherent the villain, who himself car | ried a travelling card in the Interna- | tional Association Of Assassins, gave ay hoarse chuckle and escaped. 7 The wind drove the ice back to] wards the Kingston shore during the night. The river remains blocked, it being impossible for a steamer to get | thropgh. . 1 Mr. and Nrs. D. Sullivan, Ottawa, are here for a few days. They came to attend 'the funeral of the late Cap- tain Daniel Murphy. Sulphur, cream tartar and: molass- | es, should be taken at night going te | bed. Me. bottle. Gibson's Ret Cross | Drug Store : Hif%e you secured seats for the great | Chicago orchestra, Opera House, Fri. | day night. | Asorsets of every description at 25c., | and Dress ite. up. New York Reform Miss Best hogan her duties at the Collegiate lustitute this morning, | masses of {gr coming down the + Lawrence, that her brother, Maitland ('. Rees, | He lake ports will start The river barges will not likely be in comm is sion until May 1st. -- eas ~ in the case where they were charged with conspiracy with George Margo.i us to defraud the latter's creditors, was the most important witness -in the -Cooke-Blackely criminal libel case, this morning, in the court of king's bench. He made a statement to the tfiect that while the criminal pro- secution of Backrack, and the others was about to open, Backrack declared his determination not to settle the case, but to fight it out, and was willing to spend 8,000 in doing. so. Shortly afterwards, the money was put up to settle the case, and thg pro- secution was stopped. David Levi, and Lyon Cohen, gave some umimportant evidence as to the handling of some cheques, and J. A. Jacobs, who was one of the principal creditors of the Margolius estate was then called as a witness, and his examination was get ting under way when cour adiourred" at noon. The lacrosse atmosphere is beginning to clear. Both Montreal" and Sham- rock clubs had committee mestings, last night, and it is evident the pre sident of the N.A.L.U., will be the principle bone of contention. President O'Connell, of the Shamrocks, has given out an official statement to the effect that his club will support the Nationals for the presidency, because their record deserves it, and because the Shamrocks have 'always stood up for the right. The M ler zh ontrealers t say nothing beyond that they have in- structed their delegates to use their best judgment. y This ity was on the veree of a wa ter famine, last night, and as it was. the residents of "the higher portion of » city, above Sherbrooke street, were without water for some hours. The trouble was caused hy great St and choking the turtines abd pumps at the wheel house, where the water is pumped into the reser Veiirs the side of Mount Royal As the pumps were stopped for twelve hours. the reservoirs were nearly emp ty before the flow of frazil ceased, and it. was hoped possible to resume pumping. The water department does not remember similar trouble at this time of. year from frazil. The unusual ly cold nights is helieved to have something to do with it. ---- Died In Aberdeen, Wash. On Monday morning, Mrs. William Bryant, Raglan Road, received word Aberdeen, Washington, and formerly of Kingston. had died "of - heart failure leaves a wife, one son and. one daughter besides five brothers and three sisters. Much 'sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. # ° To Start Next Week. _ The MT, company expects to start its tugs and barges to Oswego and Charlotte next: week for coal. On April 23rd the company's steamers at upper A team of horses. .attached to a farmer's wagprof became frightened at a street car on Princess street this afternoon. and made a wild dash for erty down the street, throwing the driver out of the rig They were stop. ped after travelling a couple of blocks. No damage being done as the driver lit on a soft spot in the road ¢ Borated Talcum powder perfumed, WILL BREAK| gm (In x 1b. an 2 Ib. cans). The King of Good Chase & S Cotes anborn Clever Styles "The clever new shapes and ideas in Walking Suits brought out for this season have created a de- mand for these -sensihle costumes. Everything fortells their great poptlarity. This is largely due to the fact that the New Walking Shapes, if neces- sary can be made to answer for the Dress Suit cn so many occasions, as they combine many of the style features-of the "latter. The skirts are made just to escape the ground and have given the de- signers the opportunity of imparting to these mo- dels all the grace and style ot the long skirts, at tte same time retaining every desirable feature of the short skirt. NEW SPRING SUITS fom $8 50 to $22.50. NEW SPRING SKIRTS from $2.50 to $9. FREE! To-Morrow, With every purchase of DRESS GOODS to the value of $2.50 or over a May Delineator ! This 'is the best of the New Spring Fashion Magazines and has just been published this week in NEW YORK. : ne " JOHVLABLAWESON Oo. --l THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE For Trunks and Valises.' Red Cross Drug Store. & ® we # ea a AT71ST YEA -- Knows best the v well. With her it is a part of her 'pi she places it with beauty and accompl appreciate the va things called detail ments perve some than that of mere though man is far sex in his valuation he fs gradually plac higher value and 'b alize that a gooc just as valuable business as it is to ciety. "Fit-Ref Embraces all the 1 tistic features that ser seeks for, and for its popularity. ways continued. i JENK A.E. K B.A, LD.S DENTAL 19 Montre: KINGS' Al'brariches of DEN ed according to the methods. Open for business 1904 ' AUCTIO! +o WM. COY, WI the ity has instructec auction on SATURDA Market Square, his h Mare, 16 hands high, true, single or. double vears old, without fi Cape Town Trap, (un McLaughlin, four passe new. A Doctors' Phat a complete rig, for an a Brass Mounted Colle le Harness, 'a Light S ness and other articles Sale at eleven o'cl cash WM. MURRAY AUCTION} ston, and part of Lo 2nd concession of Te , together with W Buggy, etc, etc., Par ers. Sale takes place 15th,, at one o'clock Jr Auctioneer. v---------------- AUCTION GN SATURDAY, A the Market Square, » Bav Mare; 14 hands | and double, 5 year Mikado rig and sett A complete up-to-da Terms cash. VM. MI tiomeer. AUCTIO! ¥ WILL SELL Market Square, On Saturday t. eleven o'clock, Al Waggon and Buggy. REO. ANCWM. MUR) EURNI Bed-room Sets, Si Chairs, Melodian, Pi. MILLS' A WANT Be ee A MALE COOK, AT through this office TWO SMART GIRLS ston Steam Launc ---- een A GOOD GENERAL erences required. Gillivray, 119 Ea AT ONCE, A GIRL, housework. Appl Mrs. B." W. Foiger eee SIX BOYS, FROM old Steady worl Gould & Co., Ki A YOUNG MAN; T work. " Apply | eight in the eveni Hospital. AT ONCE, GIRL experience in wh dren's clothes. A ell, 78 Brock St. eee TO RENT, BY A CI or 9 room dwell bath and closet, « with. fair size lo Brock Street. h------------ DETECTIVE--Can A Ameri diapapolis, Ind. ------------ LADIES---$15 PER home; materials beautiful sample of addressed envel Co., New York. meee WRITERS. --TO DC home. Easily les Something new. } able. Particulars Lima, Ohio, U.S eer WE HIAVE A POSI one good man in or travelling, at expenses, $2.50 7 show-cards and ¢ a new discovers necessary. Wril Salus Medicinal |