Method y. ke a Hindoo or shrivel the ow discolor- rstand. It is; © Be Careful of Your Cold | CONSUMPTION DOES NOT DEVELOP IN ~~ ADAYNORYETISIT HEREDITARY. The idea that Consumption is hereditary has long since been ex- ploded; it usually begins simnly with a coll: The cold is neglected, then Catarrh develops, then probably the patient takes stomach medicine or cough mixture; little relief -is found and the cough « grows worse. ' Unless the cough is checked quietly (this can only be done by breathing Catarrhozone) and all the germs eradicated from the system, Consumption is sure to manifest itself. CATARRHOZONE This germ-killing, healing medicine is inhaled at the mouth and passes over every air cell'mn! air passage of the head, throat. and lungs, creating a healthy condition of thes¢ organs. It not only revents Consumption, but cures quickly every disease of the throat, liligs and nasal passages. ' _ No remedy has gained such universal repu- | tation as Catarrhozone. If you are troubled with Coughs, Colds, Asthma or Bronchitis use CATARKNOZONE and you will be quickly cul ; CATARRHOZONE Little drops of healing carried by air to disease places in the throat, lungs and nasal passages. Price 25¢. and $1, at all druggists, or by mail from N. C. Pol- son & Co., Kingston, Ont., or Hartford, Conn. REITER TO-LET. rr--e------------ WARM, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS |B ! to-let. Apply at 232 Johnston St. | 3% 2 AT 41 GEORGE STREET, TWO FUR- nished rooms, convenient to Queen's, and the General Hospital. - THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, ON Union Street, known as Calder- wood." Possession about the first of May. Apply Walkem & Walkem. 2 If you feel the. clutch of "la "FURNISHED RESIDENCE, COR. | § grippe," DON'T DELAY ! Earl and Clergy streets, 18 rooms, 3 two bath 'rooms, Suitable for sum- mer boarders, or two families. .Ap- ply at McCann's Real Estate Agency, "ST Brock street. BY THE FIRST OF MAY, Brick ling. 181 Division street, containing ing, bath, etc. pply to FE. . Welch & Son, or to 178 Division St. ' ON APRIL FIRST, sirable Store, at present occupied by : Taylor & Hamilton, as Tinsmiths apd Plum on Wellington street, ? ith large workshop in the rear. Apply to Felix Shaw; 115 Bagot St. 1904, THAT DE- MONEY AND BUSINESS. ey OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings atd- contents than any oth- er company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- et Square. . ee ere eee MONBY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums; at low rates of interest on City and farm property. Loans granted on city and county deben- cares. Apply to 8. C. McGill, man- ager of Frontenac Loan and Invest- ment Society, Office Post Office opposite the ee ------------------------------------------ LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. i assets $01,187,213. whith the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city property ihvureg ag lowest possible rates. Before. renewing old or giving néw business get rates (rom Strange & Stiranee. Agents. 7 WOOD. AND COAL The central Wood and Coal Sons, located at 236 Ear! All kinds of good Hard Wood, cut end split to suit, Dry Kindling, al under cover. Prompt delivery. Scran- wi ¥ ight. None but the pure ton op mixtures, Take a dose or two of Ma- thieu's Syrup and you will soon again be in perfect health. 2 If you have had "la grippe" and have not recovered from its effects (a sure sign that you had not used Mathieu's Syrup) take HEL STR It will not only heal lungs, bronches and bowels, hut by its wonderful tonic gualities will restore your appetite--diges- tion--and sleep, and bring you J back to perfect health. The wonderful cures effected hy § 3 Mathieu's Syrup "have brought up scores of imitators. g Don't rest satisfied unless you get the GENUINE. § 35 cents a large bottle--sold § everywhere. your. ap 2J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., { Sherbrooke, Que. FORESTRY PLANTATION. College Will Set Out 30,000 Seed- Guelph, April 16.--The 0.A.C. is branching out in every department of agriculturgl education. C. A, Zavitz has been appointed to look after a iy of land which has heen set apart or forestry near the Macdonald Insti tute building. . Some thirty thousand seedlings will be planted principally Norway spruce, white pine, white ash, basswood and sugar waple. These young trees will be ready for distri bution among the farmers in the spring of 1905 ghd 1906. : Mr. Zavitz will also attend to the distribution. » B. BARNEY > 3 # ? ss: "Nh Consists of a superb Red Wine (noted in -Eutope fonsity great tonic virtues) skilfully combi with harm- less wonderful TET -- For Convalescents There is no tonic to equal Red - Heart Wine "It is the safest and surest tonic "in the world to-day." J. M. DOUGLAS & C0., (Established 18587) 'egetable Exfracis of stimulating properties. Does not con- tain. Cocaine, Morphine or Opiates ol any kind. NOTES ON PLAYS,' PLAYERS Margaret Anglin To Play " Cam- ille Next Week--Beerbohm pe Tree's Dramatic School In' Mrs. Fiske will make Maeeterlink's "Moana Vanna" the important fea } tute OF het next ig , ™ ! ar; t Anglin will in "Camille." at the in vil apfenc io New York, beginning Monday, April Sth. De Wolf Hopper's revival of Wang made a hit at Philadelphia last week. Della Fox's place is - taken by Madge sie. It is said that Julia Marlowe and E. H. Sothern will appear in London in MRS. ELIZABETH ASHMEAD, The alleged head of the * infanticide trust," the revelations concerning the operations of which continue ' to shock Philadelphia June in "Ingomar" and "Romeo and Juliet," at the Duke of York's theatre. Forbes: Robertson is to offer "Othello" mext season to American audiences, in a way to excel any pro- duction of that tragedy seen in re- cent years. Pinero's latest play, Letty, has closed its limited run at ' the Duke of York's theatre, in London, and the latest reports from there are to the effect that it was not much of a sue- cess. Ida Conquest, formerly leading wo- man with Richard Mansfield. and with N. C. Goodwin, in *'A Midsummer Night's Dream," is to star next sea- son in Shakespeare plays--'Romeo and Juliet," "Twelfth Night," and "As You Like It." Beerbohm Tree has issued a pros- pectus of an academy of dramatic art in England. Provisions are made for matriculation and periodical examin- ations, and the best professional stu- dents are to be drafted into. Mr. Tree's touring company. The 'aca- demy opens on April 15th, W. A. Brady is having' some diffi- culty in getting a well-known actor to Play Uncle Tom - in his "revival ' of nele Tom's Cabin. The part was of- fered to Otis Skinner. "Two bands (white and colored); two Evas, two Marks, two donkeys and Otis Skin- ner, wili be the billing, 1 presume," ran Mr. Skinner's note of refusal. Last week Wright Lorimer, the hitherto unknown star so far as New York was conoavrned, opened in his scriptural drama, "The Shepherd King." The play tells the story of David and has oen written by the star in collaboration with Arnold Reeves. According to the criticisms on the first performance, it is not likely to be a success. It is said to be altogether too talky, the action halts for the purpose of allowing the characters to make lon speeches sbout nothing at all germane to the play. As a spectacle it is mugnificent. William Winter, speaking of Lorimer, says that he is an elocu tionist, not an actor. pre ------ In The Attic. Woman's Life Up in the attic, where mother goes, Is a trunk in a shadowed nook-- A trunk--and its lid she will oft unclose, As if 'twere a precious book She kneels at its side on the attic boards, And tenderly. soft, and slow, She counts all the treasures she fondly hoards-- The things of the long ago A yellowing dress, once the sheercst white, That shiminered in joyous pride She looks at it now with the girl's de- light That was hers when she stood a bride There is a ribbon of faded blue She keeps with the satin gown: Buckles and lace--and a little shoe: Sadly she lays that down a in the attic where mother goes {Is a trunk in a shadowed place-- A trunk--with the scent of a withered rose On the satin and shoe and lace None of us touches its battered lid, But safe in its niche it stays, Sacred to all that her heart hds hid-- Gold of the other days. e---------- To Russia's Credit. One hundred and fifty years ago, let- ters were carried 1,500 miles in Siberian for only nine cents, and four thousand miles--from Moscow to Nertchinsk--for twenty cents; while in England the charge for short distances waa twenty- cight cents. and in France twenty-five cents, for 600 miles. Even as late as 1846, ten cents was charged in the United States for carrying letters dis- tances over three hundred miles. In 1731, a fortnightly mail was establishe ed between®Tobolsk and Moscow, 1,200 miles: while, at about the same time. mails were carried between New York and Boston, 250 miles, only once in two weeks. In 1784, the mail carriers of Fngland travelled three miles and a hall an hour, while in Siberia it was from eight to ten miles an hour, two hundred miles a day being vo uncom- mon speed. . Clothing Made To Order. Prevost, Brock street, has this sea- son, the finest range of Seotch and English tweeds, serges, wotsteds, Che- viots and Vicunas. These goods are all imported for order work. You are invited to inspect the _ahove goods. Fit and wo! teed; a trial order will convince vou. ON THE STAGE. three inthes of perfectly © healthy skin female St. Paul Woman. Will Pay $100 : An Inch For It, ! Dr. A. J. Fulton, of, Brooklyn, ad: isos that will 'pay $300 for of a brunette female, and declares that absolute secrecy in the transactions will be teed. , PoRion hos a patient who neods the three inches of skin and who wants it right away. She. is a St. Paul wo: man who has been under Dr. Fuiton's treatment for some time. The skin is to be used in a very untsual operation. It is not to cover a burned spot, but to heal and hide a great uleer caused by lupus, a skin disease, somewhat resembling cancer, but without cancerous malignity and the tissue destroying effect of can cers, In case of Dr. Fulton's pa: tient the lupus has been of long stand- ing. It began in the form of numerous nadules, that finally broke down and formed one large ulcerous sore. This has heen treated but ineflectually so far as healing is concerned. The granulated surface of the ulcer has been brought to a healthy condi- tion by Jrope treatment, but the sise ul was such that it unlikely that skin would grow over it for years, if at all. The patient js a woman of -social ition and it has been a great af- fliction in more than a physical wav, is on the throat and wn- Jur She Sh ke Because it is on an ex 4 wants it covered with skin to mateh her own brunette com: plexion, Dr. Fulton says this is im: inasmuch as skin of lighter would show up like a white on the darker skin. who parts with skin for an inch must be in perfect health. Bt 4 000 be gt iubtel Bp icant, with skin to sell, will be examined for hlood taint, as it worse to graft 2 tient with impure blood. The woman who sells her skin will not be incon- venienced to -any large extent, Dr. Fulton says. The skin is removed so carefully" that there is no resultant inflammation, the wounds healing in 'a Ir ies IN THE SPRING. Nature Teaches a Lesson That Tired, Exhausted Men And Women Should Follow. The spring is the season when na- ture for summer. All the troes and ts are filled with new sap to ild and brace them up to withstand the coming hot season. Without new sap in the spring a plant would with- er and die beneath the midsummer sun. It is the same with men and wo- men. All physicians are agreed that everyone needs a fresh supply of new blood in the spring. Without the new blood you would be as helpless in the summer as a tree without new sap. What you need at this scason is a tonic to give you new blood, and the very hest tonic medical science has discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every pill makes new, rich, red blood, braces the nerves and overcomes all weakness, headaches, backaches, indi- gestion loss of appetite, skin erup- tions and other troubles so common in spring. This is an established fact, proved by thousands in every part of the world. Miss A. M. Tuckey, Oxdrift, Ont, says: "I do not know what would have become ¢f me had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My blood seemed to havy: "urned 40 water and I was troubled vith dizziness, headaches and nervous pisstration. I got so weak that J coull hardly go about, and notwithstanditg that I was cc stantly doctoring I sot no relief until, I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They completely cured me and have given me back all my old-time health and strength. What these pills have done for Mies Tuckey and thousands of others, they will do for you. They will make you bright, vigorous and strong. Don't take a substitute nor any of the "just as good as" medicines which some dealers push because of a larger pro- fit, See. that the fall name "Dr. Willi amy' 1 Pink" Pills_for Pale People" is found on_the wrapper around every box. If in doubt send direct to the Dr. Willian' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50. rbe---------- When The Doctors Kiss. New York Medical Journal. . Fere looks upon Yissing as manifestation of sentiment, as well as a means of eliciting and exalting it. - For our own part we are dispos- ed to adhere to our older form of be- lief, that the evolution of specially senditivé nerve endings in the mucocu- taneous labial margin has largely con tributed to the widespread popularity of osculation. When a woman cleans a room she kocks the dust off the door on to the furniture. A girl hasn't much use for a young man who. attempts to kiss her and then quits. RHEUMATISM CURED. 1 WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY IF IT PAILS TO OURE. Ses one all steel filled corset. at 80s, worth 75¢, New York Dress Reform, forts SERA EEE 2 aa lo 81 mind fed, upon the realitios of the life nent conti bap sen a TOLSTOL, THE OUT -- The Motive That Moulded His Life, ¥ Still vigorous at the of of seventy- vo years Count Leo Tolstol nea day either takes a ride on favorite horse, goes for a walk under the linden trees with his daughter. Alexandra, or in company with his t wolf hound, tramps over the hroad acres of the [amous estate of Ysuaya Polyana. Tolstol has long been an ardent out-of-doors' man; -fn early life a hurdle rider of no mean accom: plishments, a hunter and an. athlete, in later years a pedestrian to whom twelve miles a day was an av walk and to whom» day in the saddle was as nothing. . y Of the thousands who read the great novelist's virile, blood-stirring pictures of the romance and tragedy the people of that vast empire of extreme contrasts, only his injfimates . know that the one determ influence in moulding the great 'sn lite was more then any other sin- gle motive, a passionate desire 10: re gain his impaired health and escape the dr disease consumption which carried off two of his brothers. | Much gush has been written about Tolstoi's simple habits and plebeian vocations. That a Russian nobleman of high estate and vest wealth should eschew tht associates and amusements of people \ hisown class, and devise to follow the plow and share the manual toil of his serfs, was in itself a romance. Closer study of Tolstoi's life. however, reveals the very real and not entirely unsclfish motive which Jed him to turn to the soil. That his heart expanded and his sympathy en: larged in environment of Ysnaya Po 8, it is true; but the change came ver him after he settled down to an out door life, Tolstoi's younger days. as the well-read know, were not. de voted to the propagation of a great mission. He was the leader of o wild set, and it was not until a phyrical breakdown forced him to an abstemions life in pastoral surroundings that the peasant prophet period of his career began. t was the beginning. of the new Tolstoi. The luxury-loving youth was metamorphised into a peasant whose of the people among whom he cast his Jot, In the quiet of Ysnaya Polana, Tolstoi, working side by vide with the mujiks, became =» I y and expounder of Biblical teachings and an exponent of the creed that every man should carn his bresd hy the sweat of his hrow, Gold Of The Transvaal. London Financial Times. In the course of a recent article om | the new position in which the Trans: vaal gold mines are placed by reason of the British government acoepting the proposal to employ Chinese labor. M. Ed { Thery, the editor of the Economist Europeen, makes the fol lowing interesting remarks : "I do not think it is an exaggeration to estimate the total gross value of the l de posits in the Transvaal at £1.60, 000,000. What will it cost to extract and convert this gold into bars? Ae cording to Sic Percy Fitzpatrick, the cost price to « the Rend Mines com- panies was fourteen france seventy-five centimes per pound sterling in 1899, If this cost price--only the labor ques tion settled--would hold good as an average for all the Rand mines, the net profite which would be left for the sharcholders may be estimated at £680,000,000," "™ The Public The Sufferers. Ac few yéurs ago the Tribune start wl publication in Blenheim, Ont, where the News has been in existence for thirty years. The proprietors have united their newspapers and the mer chants of the town have entered into an agreement not 10 patronize an: other newspaper for ten years if ona shoold be started, They got tired pay- ing for double advertising to cover the same territory as one was pre- viously covering and which the amal- gamated papers will now cover. -------- One faded rose is better than a dor .but they do dure _Have now the Use a little ad OOOO UVOOO0000000 Our Medical Treatise Free, - fresh thorns. } y" __--packed ia 4 dainty aluhioum box-- not a bit like "medicine." Take it out anywhere -- nothing offensive--very different from bottles and cardboard boxes. : The Tablets -- tiny, chocolate coated, 'pleasant--as inviting as the box. Very gentle, Indigestion and toniclaxative that benefits the stomach, Try a boule of 3 Stars "Gonzalez" it is a delicious tonic. It forifies the system. Ask for GONZALEZ at your Gros At your Liquor Dealer, or at : Remember, our Belt is pois and it will cure you. Write confidence of the trade in this country. Water is bad. Brandy with Seltzer.